ITSO HAPPENS See Page 4 Y ilitrt Eiat CLOUDY WITH SHOWERS VOL. LVI, NO. 129 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS a Britain- Requests American Help in Palestine Byrnes Asks Reduction of Occupation Forces Evacuatiou Of Austria, Italy Urged Proposals 1#e At Paris Parley By The Associated Press PARIS, May 1 - U. S. Secretary of State James F. Byrnes urged the foreign ministers conference today to reduce Allied occupation forces in Austria immediately and to plan si- multaneous Allied evacuation o both Italy and Austria, a qualified con- ference source reported. Byrnes asked that occupation gar- risons be limited to 15,000 troops in each Austrian zone, and that their complete evacuation later coincide with the withdrawal of troops from Italy, this source said. Discuss Italian Peace The proposals were made during a discussion of the Italian peace treaty. Byrnes said that so long as American troops remained in Aus- tria, they would have to be main- tained in Italy to protect supply lines. Soviet Foreign Minister Vyache- slav M. Molotov, presiding, ruled that the matter of Austrian occupation could not be discussed in connection with the Italian treaty. Informants reported Molotov said the question should be raised if and when they examine the Austrian settlement. Thus far Russia has opposed United States proposals to add Austrian problems to the conference agenda. Molotov Disagrees Byrnes and Molotov- disagreed when Byrnes proposed a general over-all political-military commis- sion with subcommittees to supervise imposition of the Italian peace trea- ty terms. The inistrs were reported to have rejected Austria's bid for the return of the South Tyro, ceded to Italy after the first World War. This was adjudged a major fron- tier rectification, inform nts said, and the council of foreign ministers last September had decided against any but minor adjustments in the Austrian frontier. Ending their first week of work on treaties with Italy, the Balkans and Finland, the foreign ministers were reported ready to take up to- morrow remaining points of differ- ence with regard to the Italian set- tlement. Students To Discuss Food Saving Plans Delegates from student residences and organizatios will meet at 4:30 p.m. today in Lane Hall to discuss proposals for saving food and for helping with European relief. All dormitories, League houses, so- rorities, fraternities and interested organizations have been asked by Joyce Siegan, president of the Stu- dent Religious Association, to decide upon instructions for their represen- tatives. Delegates will discuss and coordinate suggestions at the meet- ing. Plans already submitted include conservation policies such as the elimination of bread from lunch and dinner menus and active backing of existing relief agencies such as the one which sends cattle to European families. The Student Religious Association will sponsor the movement, Miss Sie- gan said, until the next student gov- ernment -is sufficiently organized to do so. Transfer of Airport Still Pending-Briggs The Associated Press quoted Uni- versity vice-president Robert P. Briggs in Washington yesterday as saying that "nothing has crystal- lized" in the University negotiations for acquisition of Willow Run Inquiry Committee's Report Arouses Protest of Jews, Arabs Anglo-American Policy Asks Immigration Into Palestine, Disbanding of Illegal Armies By The Associated Press LONDON, May 1-Britain bid today for United States military and fi- test over the British-American inquiry committee report threatened to erupt in violence. Jews and Arabs alike assailed the report, and Jerusalem dispatches said Arabs in Palestine proclaimed a symbolic general strike for Friday in pro- test, urging neighboring Arab states to join them. The Arab higher committee sent cables to Washington and London re- pudiating the report and reiterating demands for an independent Palestine, a dispatch said. Britain Questions U. S. BIG FOUR REPRESENTATIVES MEET IN PARIS-Representatives of the United States, Great Britain, Russia and France sit at round table in Salon Vicor Rugo in Luxembourg Palace, Paris, at opening session of foreign mninisters' conference. Left, at table (profile) Gladwyn Jess, Great Britain; and clockwise:. Russian Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov; V. N. Pvlov, Russian interpreter; Fydor Gusev, USSR; James New Students To Pay 'Acceptance Fee 'inFall Deposit To Be Deducted fmorn Tuition Sum; Will Enable 'U' 'To Eslimate Enrollment C, Dunn, U.S.; Sen. Tom Connally, U.S.; U.S. Secretary of State James F. Byrnes; Charles E. Bohlen, U.S.; U.S. Sen. Arthur Vandenberg; Rene Massigli, France; Rene Couve de Murville, France; Georges Bidault (top of head showing) France; Gen. Georges Catroux, France; Herve Alph- and, France; Alfred Duff Cooper, Great Britain; Oliver C. Harvey, Great Britain; and British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin. University Delegates Praise Foreign Student Conference ( } The University look its first step toward meeting enrollment demands for the fall semester yesterday as Herbert G. Watkins, secretary of the Board of Regents, announced that a $25 "acceptance deposit" will be required of all new students. The deposit will enable the Uni- versity to estimate its new-student enrollment with greater, accuracy, Watkins said. A University spokesman said that enrollment estimates have been "way off" in the past, The Medical School and the School of Dentistry are the only units of the University that have required anl acceptance deposit in previouis yea rs. The $25 will be credited toward the semester fee when the new student registers, Watkins said, except thatI refunds will be made to veteransI whose fees are paid by the govern - ment and to persons holding scholar- ships which cover semester fees. The acceptance deposit will not be required of students now en- rolled because of the amount of "red tape" which would result in refunding the deposits to thousands of veterans, The Daily learned. Under terms of the Regents' new ruling, payment of the acceptance deposit will be required within three weeks after the date on which a student is notified of his eligibilty to enter the University. The $25 "down payment" on the semester fee must be paid before per- mission to enroll becomes final. Watkins said that failure of a new student to register at the time stipulated in the admission papers will result in forfeiture of the de- posit unless illness, draft call or other adequate reason is presented to University officials. Applications from new students for admission in the fall must be pre- sented on or before Aug. 1, and on or before Dec. 1 for the spring semester. Exceptions will be made for veterans discharged after these dates provided their applications are filled within a reasonable time after discharge, Watkins said. Meanwhile, no information was forthcoming from University officials on the estimated total enrollment or other admission policies for the fall semester, UN Committee Meets in Secret Separate Documents On Franco Examined NEW YORK, May 1 - (m) -- The United Nations Security Council sub- committee investigating Franco Spain plunged into a mass of separ- ate documents on the Spanish ques- tion today at its first secret meeting. A communique said most commui- irations urged recognition of the Spanish Republican government "while some advocate that a new re- gime should be established in Spain on the basis of a free democratic Only two telegrams and three let- ters were indirectly favorable to Franco. They objected to any inter- ference in the internal affairs of Spain. Four of the University's delegates to the Conference on Foreign Stu- dent Problems and Policies returned to Ann Arbor last night with the re- port that the three-day session in Chicago had been "wholly satisfac- tory." Dr. Esson M. Gale, counselor of foreign students and director of the International Center, remained in Chicago until today; but Assistant Dean Walter Emmons of the engin- eering college, Assistant Dean Peter Okkleberg of the Graduate School, Prof. Raymond Wilder, and Robert. Klinger, assistant counselor to for- eign students, left immediately after the conference closed with consider- ation of the foreign student adviser yesterday afternoon. Kerr To Visit Returning with the delegates wa1 Prof. Donald Kerr, counselor to for- eign students at Cornell University, who will visit the University's Inter- national Center today. Highlight of the final day of the conference was a summary of the proceedings and the report of the resolutions committee. Among resolutions adopted by the Bloom and Fullbright bills, and au- Mine~ Wokr H-iedi'ia' Called- WASHINOTON. May (--With railroads cuirtailing service to con- serve scarce coat and bituminous strike negotiations in a snarl, John L. Lewis today unexpectedly calledl the 250-man policy committee of the United Mine Workers to a session here next Tuesday. Whether this portended some change of strategy by the mine union leader was not disclosed. He care- fully refrained from public explana- tion of the move. The Association of American Rail- reads reported that most of the car- riers have reduced local freight runs from a daily to a thrice-weekly basis, Class 1 railroads, it was esti- ma-tcd, have on hand an average coalI supply for 26 or 27 days but some have much less. Five railroads, which the association did not name, report- ed today that they have only a 10-day supply. IIlioib Cuts Power To Conlserve Coal CHICAGO, May l--UP ---A drastic nrr-ir irt, imi 1 loin g dnixa ll a 1 et thorizing the appointment of a del- egate to convey this endorsement to the Congressional committees han- dling these bills. (The Bloom Bill would provide funds for a government sponsored cultural relations program; and the Fullbright Bill provides that surplus properties abroad which cannot be brought back to the U. S. be sold to the foreign governments, leaving the funds in those countries, prin- cipally to finance the study abroad of American students. Some of the money also would be used for trans- portation of foreign students to the United States.) Approve Program The conference also went on rec- ord as approving in principal the State Department's cultural relations program. A plea that these activi- ties be continued and extended to other countries will be sent to the Department and to President Tru- man. Recommendation that the sending of undergraduate, as well as gradu- ate, foreign students to the United States be encouraged was also ex- pressed strongly, along with the hope that adequalte facilities for intensive English language study would be set up as soon as possible, Permanent Organization The delegates further agreed up- on the need for a permanent or- ganization of foreign student ad- visers, and expressed the hope that colleges and universities would allot funds for counselling, and for sup- port of the foreign student move- ment. One of the most peppery of the remarks addressed to the conference in its final day is credited to Provost Monroe E. Deutsch, of the University of California, who expressed the hope that undergraduate veterans "will become aware of the many excellent smaller institutions in the United States and will not continue to crowd a few of the larger institutions." ' - - - - _______________________ - - In London, Prime Minister Attlee said Britain wanted to know "to what extent the United States gov- ernment would be prepared to share the resultant military and financial responsibilities" for administration of Palestine, which the British inherited as a League of Nations mandate. Britain wants to be satisfied, he told the House of Com- mons, "that it will not be called upon to implement a policy which would involve it single-handed" in "heavy, immediate and long-term commit- ments." He said the government would "get in touch with the govern- ment of the United States as soon as possible." Immigration Recommended The inquiry committee's report recommended the immediate immi- gration of 100,000 Jews into Palestine, and that Palestine should be neither a Jewish nor an Arab state. British policy as outlined in the 1939 white paper has been to permit entry of about 15,000 Jews annually. Attlee, expressing some misgivings over the immigration recommenda- tion, declared that such large num- bers of migrant Jews could not be ad- mitted before "illegal armies have been disbanded and surrender their arms." He asked Jews and Arabs both to disarm. Arabs Against Proposal In Cairo, however, Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha, secretary general of the Arab League, said his group would "take all measures" against the recommendations, which he said would "en-courage elements of terror- ism and continual disturbance" and "push the peace-loving Arabs to des- peration." Jewish spokesmen, while welcom- ing with reservations the 100,000 fig- ure, strongly criticized the report as inconsistent and insufficient. The streets of Palestine's cities, dispatches said, teemed with rein- forced troop and police details as Arab leaders predicted the commit- tee's recommendations would plunge the holy land into bloody strife. US. Opposes Aid to Palestine WASHINGTOa, May 1-(lP)-Brt- ain's suggestion that the United States give military and financial aid in preventing violence in Palestine drew quick opposition today on Capi- tol Hill, with a possibility it may hasten creation of a United Nations agency to govern international terri- tories. The move to involve this country directly in the affairs of the Holy Land cane as a swift aftermath of an official Anglo-American committee's recommendations on how to handle Palestine's problems, including a pro- posal for immediate immigration of 100,000 European Jews. Prime Minister Clement Attlee told Commons that his government, un- willing to "implement a policy that would involve it single handed," wanted to see how far the United States will "be prepared to share the resultant military and financial re- sponsibilities." Taylor Is First To Be Elected In Student Poll Other Election Results To Be Disclosed Soon Robert Taylor, one of the framers of the Congress-Cabinet constitution, became the first member of Student Congress last night following a rec- ord-breaking 4,280 campus vote. Taylor was the only candidate to exceed the 205 vote quote necessary for election on the first count of bal- lots last night. The complete roster of the 18 students elected to Congress may not appear for several days due to the complicated method of vote- counting under the Hare system of proportional representation. 394 Ballots Out Fred Matthaei, election supervisor, revealed that 394 ballots were dis-. qualified after the election due to improper marking with checks in- stead of numbers, or to an insuff i- cient number of choices. The deduc- tion of these invalid votes left anly 3,886 to be counted toward electing candidates to Congress. The counting of votes will con- tinue by a special committee of stu- dents under Matthaet's direction un- til all 18 senators have been chosen. Ballots will be kept under lock and key when they are not being tabu- lated until the election is completed, he said. Dr. Clark F. Norton of the political science department is ad- vising the counters. Other Candidates Congressional candidates last night who appeared on the way to election were Ray Davis, 162; Terry Whitsitt, 152; Lonis Orlin, 131; Harry Jack- son, 116; Steve Scourles, 116; Mary L. Benson, 116 anc Henry Kassis, 106. No candidates were disqualified by Men's Judiciary Council for violation of campaign rules and Council po- licemen last night said they thought the election had been run off on a "fair and square" basis. Taylor Victory The election of Taylor was a vic- tory for backers of the "12 point program" which called for among other things the enactment of a rule empowering the new Congress to del- egate representatives to all joint stu- dent-faculty bodies. Whitsitt also was running on the 12-point slate. The "action slate" calling for On- mediate investigation of over-ceilihg charges on meals to students in its first plank is upheld by Kassis who was among the leading contestants for office last night. Student Sculpture On Display Today More than 20 sculptures, the work of 14 University students, are on dis- play today in the concourse of the League. In addition to the students' work, six studies by Prof. Avard Fairbanks of the Department of Fine Arts are on exhibition. The exhibition, the 17th annual display sponsored by the University Institute of Fine Arts, is open to the public. SWEDISH TENOR: Jussi BjoerliiigmTo Be Featured In First May Festival Concert A. V. C. SPONSORS FORUM: Doctors Say National Health Bliil Will Be Hard To Execute Jussi Boerling, ;wedish tenor, will be featured soloistin the opening concert of May Festival at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.. The Philadelphia Orchestra, con- ducted by Eugene Ormandy, will open the Festival with Sibelius' Fifth Sym- phony, and will play the "Daphnis and Chloe" Suite No. 2 by Ravel as the closing number in the first con- cert. of Rudolpho in Puccinai's "La Bo- heme." Toured Country In succeeding seasons he also ap- peared with the Chicago and San Francisco Opera companies and toured in recital from coast to coast, This is the first time he has been to the United States since the beginning of the war, M;,%,..o S or rnz.s Debating doctors at the AVC-spon- sored forum on the National Health Bill last night in Ann Arbor high school agreed that the bill's chief limitation is the difficulty of or- ganizing its administration. Dr. Otto Engeike, director of the Washtenaw County Health Depart- ministration should be centered more in the hands of the doctors. "If ev- eryone contributes to the insurance, everyone can afford it and everyone will benefit," he told the audience. Dr. Englelke, although he spoke against the bill, said American docts in ienpraI rein favor of To o Insists Japan Fought Righteously TOKYO, May 1-P)--Ex-Premier Hideki Tojo, indicted with other war leaders Monday for "crimes against peace and against humanity." insist- ed from his cell today that Japan had fought a "righteous" war for freedom and equality of nations, Tojo declared that if in 1941 Japan, "as an independentcountrv." nold i i