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May 01, 1946 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-05-01

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U1. S. Firmbllers

GENERAL EISENHOWER asks us not to fum-
ble the postwar problem but the peace is
getting to be a little old; it is almost a year since
the end of fighting in Europe. If we are not
good now, when are we going to be good? One
wonders what reply, any of us could make if
awakened suddenly at three o'clock in the morn-
ing and asked to state in a few words what
America's contribution to'the postwar world has
been. What, in our contribution, has been
characteristically American, good, bold, imagin-
ative, western, Yankee, unique?
What great stroke have we played, what
mighty bolt have we hurled? What can we,
who are unique among nations, point to as a
unique action? This is a legubrious train of
thought, for no one likes a story of a chance
for greatness missed, and we still think some-
how of the postwar as the future, though six
months ago was postwar, eleven months ago
was postwar, in Europe.
Yet we, who could be great (and who not so
long ago, though with mixed motives, babbled
about an American century) have curiously
little to show. Our occupation of Germany has
been one of the faintest political manifestations
on record: we have neither instituted democracy
nor have we obliterated reaction; we have left a
meager impress on our zone, which is perhaps
the least affected and changed of any of the
occupation areas.
ON the larger scale of world affairs one also
misses that characteristic, sizzling stroke of
action or policy, of which men might have said,
how like the Yanks! We have been sucked in,
instead, into a general, kind of British, balance-
of-power conception. The strongest element in
it has been the "hard line against Russia;" but
the hard line against Russia has meant a soft
line against Franco, a soft line against Peron,
soft has balanced hard, and one gets mixtures
that way, not structures.
We might have pressed hard for the affirm-
ative upbuilding of democracy in Spain, for
the kind of Spain with which a kind of country
like ours could have splendid relations; but we
have been content with a negation, and the
result takes form, not as the American century,
but as the anti-Russian century. The differ-
ence is as wide as the difference between yes
and no.
And we must think of these matters, not in
petty terms of mistakes made, but against the
greater reference scale of opportunities missed,
of potentialities unrealized, as the postwar world
heads toward its first anniversary, to be' cele-
brated with a fatless candle on a wheatless cake.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
ro _

Itten6 to 1/ie Ccdor
Double Discrimination 1the expected increase in student enrollment will
cut down on the dollar gate next fall.
To The Editor: May I offer a suggestion? Why not shift all the
rp0 SAVE THE EDITORIAL MAILBAG, I would students to the poorest sections-between the
forty yard lines, such as is done at Western
like to answer two letters at once. First, I schools (Southern Cal., etc.,) and then raise the
would like to ask Mr. Wehmeyer whether these prices for the favored seats which the students
letters are the proper place for discussion of have been compelled to abandon?
world issues. It seems to me that would foster Since this is of vital importance to the one
the half-cocked thinking a university tries to third of one per cent of the student body which
enjoys Mr. Crisler's high priced attentions, I hope
eliminate. If Mr. Wehmeyer can give both sides, thtas'to a ewokdotimdaey
that a solution can be worked out immediately
or even one side, of the situation in Iran, Spain, O
Of course I am aware of the argument that
etc., intelligently and completely in "450 words football "supports" the rest of the athletic pro-
or less," I suggest he get in touch with the State gram. The only trouble with this simply splendid
Department. They need men like him. idea is that it is not carried to its logical con-
Second, lest Mr. Wehmeyer consider me frivo- elusion. Why not make the Lit School self-sup-
lous, I would like to comment on Mr. Tumin's porting by having some of the girls put on a
letter. He does have a point. Those who make a burlesque show now and then?
practice of treating Negroes as a group in any -Paul Kircher
way different from others fail to realize that * *
Negroes are people rather than Members of a
Race. But I fear Mr. Tumin is bitten by this very For Civil Liberty
bug. Calling a person a Negro in an advertise- To The Editor:
ment of or article on a public event in this way
is done for purposes of identification, not dis- IN COLUMBIA, TENNESSEE, thirty-one Ameri-
crimination. Knowledge of an artist will be vital can citizens are accused of crimes running
as long as artists strive for individual interpre- from rioting to attempted murder. The penalties
tation. I may be dubious because incomplete, but
it is no more "nefarious" than labeling Words- for these charges are from five to twenty years
worth a Romantic poet. Audiences will always of imprisonment. To an impartial observer it
want to know whether an artist is English, South seems that these people are guilty of only one
American or Tennessee Mountaineer. Why, then, crime, that of being a Negro.
ban the word "Negro?" That would indeed be dis- Thursday and Friday of this week there is to
crimination! be a campus wide campaign to collect funds for
-Shirley Hastings the defense of these people if permission of the
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Under the recently annonced University is granted. Two University organiza-
policy on Letters To The Editor, worthwhile letters tions, the Inter-Racial Association and Michigan
inay be printed at any length at the discrimination of Youth for Democratic Action are cooperating
the Editorial Director.)o
in this drive for voluntary contributions. Since
some people may not know of the Columbia In-
Crisler's Logic cident a pamphlet giving a factual account will
be distributed at several points.
To The Editor:
U OBTAIN JUSTICE before the courts of
SOME TIME AGO you printed a letter from a TenOBTAis tEbeforeg l outtlo
Tennessee is going to be a hard legal battle
student complaining about the position of the and only the very naive could hope for it unless
seats assigned to the students at football games, good lawyers who truly believe in democracy,
The powers that be replied that "knowing" ob- lawyers who have time to prepare briefs, gather
servers of the game prefer to sit in the end zone, evidence and interview witnesses are provided.
where they could watch plays develop.
Now TheDailypnts rtofthfootball Good lawyers and the large staff this case will
Now the Daily prints a repor ofthe fotball necessitate cost money. The unfortunate accused
execs to the regents worrymng over the fact that have little. From all over the nation, however,
believers in equality and fair play have responded
generously, Vi\asked. The members of this Uni-
versity will be given an opportunity on Thursday
and Friday to show that they, too, believe in
APPARENTLY 85% of the University stu- practicing democracy.
dents are determined to kill the new stu- -Matt Chernotsky, President
dent Congress without giving it a chance to of MYDA; Sheldon Seles-
show what it can accomplish. Yesterday in the nick. President of IRA
first day of balloting for representatives for * * * *
the new campus governing body, less than
2,000 students voted. Student Government Supports Driving Rn
won't have even a fighting chance during its To The Editor:
present reincarnation, unless it has the whole-
hearted support of students.s HOPE that the Dean of Students will not pay
The students who alibi their failure to vote too much attention to the editorial in today's
by saying that "student government can't do Daily which calls for relaxation of the rules con-
anything," are not giving the Congress an cerning the use of cars by students in Ann Arbor.
even break. The extension of the Christmas The traffic congestion around the campus is bad
vacation is proof that concerted student now, but a few thousand more cars around the
opinion can influence University policy. campus area would make every day look like a
The Student Congress can be effective in football Saturday.
obtaining the needed reforms, only if it has the The reasons for adopting the automobile ban
united support of the student body. Indicate are even more valid today than they were before
your support by voting today. the war and any general relaxation would pro-
-Stuart Finlayson bably produce serious consequences.
-Donald Mela
Student .Defends Homelanrld

L o t doe i
Mr. George L. Randall
College Projects
Duel Motive Division,
Hollywood, Calif.
My Dear Mr. Randall:
TOUR LETTER, describing condi-
tions in Hollywood came two
mornings ago, and was printed in our
"It So Happens" column. There was
a grim note of questioning in the
whole thing, Randall-a sort of
"What does this all mean" air to it-
which str'uck home. We wonder too,
d'ye see, but that it should be the
same with you out in Hollywood, well,
sir, it gave us pause.
It's not hard to visualize you and
your squad of 27, working and im-
provising till dawn, then sending
The Word out to goodness knows
what fate. And the salaries! Even
as a chief tub thumper, Randall,
you can't be drawing more than
several grand a week, barely a liv-
ing wage. We know, for we were
out there. Only last month, we
noted, those cerise gabardine and
suede lounge jackets, with the solid
nacre buttons-practically de rig-
euer on the Coast-were going for
110 per. Talk about inflation.
follow are our attempt to help
you out; just our way of trying to help
you find whether it has all been In
Vain. Nothing fancy about our poll,
you understand, no nationwide,
house-to-house canvassing, but the
results are yours for whatever com-
fort they may bring. Out of 100 people
we asked, we found:
67 could recite consistently the
middle names and current averages
of the American League's ten top
while 74 had heard of David O.
Copperfield, and 52 of David O.
Garrick, only 4 knew the name of
David 0. Selrnick;
all were over 12 years of age;
the first 4 guys we asked had the
name "Duel in the Sun" confused
with "A Walk in the Sun," "The
Sun Also Rises" or "A Bell for
81 expressed comments about
Hollywood which were in no wise
flattering, to say the least;
and only 6 admitted they gave a
rap for the private lives of Our Fa-
vorite Movie Stars.
WyELL, there you are, Randall,
W straight from the shoulder; not
much to be deduced from that, eh?
Incidentally, some of us here won-
der wherever you thought up all
those nifty synonyms for dollar-
you didn't use the same word twice.
If you think up any more prunes, send
them along (all we can think of is
Don't be discouraged, Randall;
paths of glory lead to the grave, you
know. Thanks, and a votre sante to
-Lex Walker
(Lex Waler serves as guest columnist
for Ray Ginge who is ill)
Byrnes Not


(Continued from Page 2)
are ready for use. Employees of the
University who sent written requests
for space to Mr. Roszel can learn the
numbers of their plots by calling
him at the Storehouse.
It has been found necessary to ask
each gardener (even those who did
so last year), to contribue one dollar
toward the expense of preparing the
land, and it is hoped that these con-
tributions will be nade promply and
without further notice.
A restriction on watering must be
made because of lack of facilities for
providing unlimited water to all gar-
dens. Gardeners are reminded that
water may be carried from the fau-
cets in cans and pails, but the use
of hose is prohibited.
Willow Village Program:
Tuesday, April 30: Lecture Series.
Wednesday, May 1: Bridge. 2-4
p.m. and 8-10 p.m., Conference Room,
West Lodge.
Thursday, May 2: Home Planning.
"What's New in Nutrition." Last of
series of lectures and movies present-
ed by Miss Adelia M. Beeuwkes, In-
structor in Public Health Nutrition.
1-4 p.m., Conference Room, West.
Friday, May 3: Leadership. Dr.
Fred G. Stevenson, Extension Staff
"How To Get Depocratic Group Ac-
tion, and Parliamentary Procedures."
8-10 p.m., Conference Room, West
Friday, May 3: Dancing Class. Be-
ginners, couples, 7 p'm.; advanced
couples, 8 p.m.; Dancing for all, 9
p.m., Audit yiumn, West Lodge.
Saturday, May 4: Record Dance.
8 p.m., Club Room, West Lodge.
Sunday, May 5: Classical Music
(records). 3-5 p~m., Office, West
Sunday, May 5: Movies and Lec-
ture. "Life in the Antarctic", present-
ed by Professor Allen F. Sherzer, 7:30
p.m., Auditorium, West Lodge.
Tau Sigma Delta Lecture:
Mr. David S. Geer, of the office of
Saarinen & Swanson, Architets, will
give an illustrated lecture on his
award-winning "Chicago Plan"'
Architecture Building Auditorium;
4:00 p.m., Friday, May 3. Students
and the public are invited.
Academic Notices
English 2, Sec. 11, Mon., Wed., and
Fri. at 9:00, will meet hereafter in
104 Economics Bldg. instead of in
Lane Hall Basement.
J. McClennen
Analytic Functions Seminar today
at 3:00 p.m., 3201 Angel Hall. Mr.
Pitts:will continue the discussion on
Analytic Functions of Quaternions.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building on Friday, May 3, at 4:00
p.m. "Nucleic Acids as Components of
Cytoplasm and Nucleus." Al inter-
ested are invited.
The Botanical Seminar will meet
today at 4:00 p.m. in Room 1139,
Natural Science Bldg. C. D. LaRue
will give a paper entitled "New Addi-
tions to the Ancient Technique of
Grafting." All interested are invited.
A Preliminary course will be given
tonight at 7:30 at the Intramural
Pool for all applicants for the Ameri-
can Red Cross Instructor's Course in
Water Safety. To be eligible you
must be 19 years of age and hold a
certificate for senior life saving is-
sued within three years.
May Festival Concerts. The sched-
ule of MayFestival concerts is as fol-

The Philadelphia Orchestra will
participate in all performances.
THURSDAY, May 2, 8:30-Soloist:
Jussi Bjoerling, tenor; Eugene Or-
mandy, conductor.
FRIDAY, May 3, 8:30-Mozart's
"Requiem" with Ruth Diehl, soprano;
Jean Watson, contralto; William
Hain, tenor; Nicola Moscona, bass;
University Choral Union, and Hardin
Van Deursen, conductor. Second
part: Nathan Milstein, violinist;
Alexander Hilsberg, conductor.

Anne Brown. soprano: Alexander
Hilsberg conductor.
SATURDAY, May 4, 8:30--Bidu
Sayao, soprano; Eugene Ormandy,
SUNDAY, MAY 5, 2:30 - All-
Brahms program, with William Ka-
pell, pianist; Alexander Hilsberg,
SUNDAY, MAY 5. 8:30 -Salvatore
Baccaloni, basso buffo; Rosalind Na-
dell, contralto soloist in Prokofieff's
"Alexander Nevsky" with Choral Un-
ion; Eugene Ormiand. conductor.
Michigan Hiistorical Collections.
160 Rackham Building. Exhibit on
the "Public Schools in Michigan."
Hours: 8:00 to 12:00, 1:30 to 4:30
Monday through Friday; 8:00 to
12:00 Saturday.
Events Today
Radio Program: The University
Broadcasting service and the School
of Music present today from 2:00 to
2:30 over Station WKAR (870 kc) its
weekly program "EPOCHS INMU-
SIC" under the direction and super-
vision of Prof. Hanns Pick. This will
be the second of five Radio-recitals
devoted to the work of LUDWIG VAN
BEETHOVEN. The program contains
three Lieder, sung by Arthur Hackett
'accompanied by Joseph Brinkman),
and thiee move ints from the Tio
Op. d No. 1 for Piano (Helen Titus),
Violin (Milton Weber) and Cello
(Hanns Pick). Commentations by
Theodore Heger.
The Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ences will meet in the Union at 7:30
tonight. Ray Schneyer will speak on
"Civil Service in NACA." Discussion
and business meeting will follow.
Plans for the IAS dinner in Detroit
and trip to Wright Field will be de-
cided upon.
Flying Club: There will be an im-
portant business meeting tonight in
Room 1042 East Engineering Build-
ing at 8:00. All students and mem-
bers of the faculty are invited to at-
The Annual French Play: Le Cer-
cle Francais will present "Les
Femmes Savantes," a comedy in five
acts and in verse by Moliere, today at
8:30 p.m., at the Lydia Mendellssohn
theater. All seats are reserved. Tick-
ets on sale at the box office today
from 2:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Call 6300
for reservations. Members of Le Cer-
A1e Francais will pay the federal tax
The Women's Research Club and
the Women of the University Faculty
are honoring Dr. Alice Hamilton,
University Lecturer and Assistant
Professor Emeritus of Industrial Med-
icine in the Harvard Medical School,
with a dinner in the Henderson Room
of the Michigan League tonight at
6:45 p.m.
The Social Committee of the Hillel
Foundation will hold an important
meeting at 7:00 tonight at the Foun-
dation. All members are requested
to attend.
Coming Events
Phi Beta Kappa: The Annual Ini-
tiation Banquet of the Alpha Chap-
ter of Michigan will be held in the
Michigan League Ballroom, Thurs-
day, May 16, at 6:30 p.m. Professor
William T. Hastings, Chairman of the
Department of English, Brown Uni-
versity, will be the speaker. All mem-
oers of Phi Beta Kappa, whether
members of this chapter or not, are
cordially invited. Reservations should
be made at the office of the Secre-
tary, Hazel M. Losh, Observatory, by
Monday, May 6.

The Graduate Education Club will
hold its next meeting Tuesday, May
7, at 7:30 p.m. in the West Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Building.
Officers of various teachers' associa-
tions will present a discussion of the
purpose of such organizations as the
N.E.A. and the A.F.T. which they rep-
resent. Refreshments will be served.
Tea at the International Center:
The weekly informal teas at the In-
ternational Center on Thursdays,
from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. are open to

War On Black
Market Profits

THE Justice Department's "vigorous crack-
down" on war-time income tax evaders should
bring to trial a lot of the black market racketeers
who have so far eluded punishment.
Attorney General Tom Clark has served
specific warning that he's going after profiteers
afraid to report their correct income "because
they knew they would be prosecuted for black
market activities."
An income tax investigation often enables the
Justice Department to track down criminals they
otherwise couldn't bring to trial. Just as income
tax delinquency furnished the final excuse for
jailing Al Capone ten years ago, it may provide
the legal means for punishing the country's
black-market money-makers.
-Paul Harsha
Probe Praised
SUBCOMMITTEE of the House Military Af-
fairs Committee has recently investigated
the Army's court martial procedure and system
of justice and has aired its findings in a 25,000
word document sharply criticizing what it calls
"the injustices, the extreme severity of sentences
and the partiality resulting from the present
In addition, the subcommittee, headed by Rep.
Carl Durham (Dem., N.C.), has recommended an
overhauling of procedures and revisions of the
Articles of War to democratize the system into
one more in keeping with the principles of justice
and fair play.
Far-reaching as the subcommittee's investi-
gation has been, it is regrettable that there is
one type of injustice ,which has not been
brought to light. This is the case in which at-
tempts have been made to bring high-ranking
or Regular Army officers to trial for incom-
petence only to result in a quashing of the
charges and promotion "upstairs" for the of-
ON ONE OCCASION a subordinate officer, dis-
gusted with the ineptitude and drunkenness
of hi§ commanding officer, jeopardized biis
position to bring charges of "conduct unbecom-
ing an officer and gentleman and dereliction of
duty" against his commander. After weeks of
delay the charges were finally forwarded to a
higher command where they were effectively
pigeonholed. The officer preferring the charges
was transferred, while his commanding officer
was eventually relieved of command .and sent
back to the United States for a rest. He was then
reassigned to a position entailing even more re-

To The Editor:
(In writing the enclosed article, I share the feelings
of many Chinese students on the campus. But, of
course, I am personally responsible for the viewpoints
expressed therein.
Since the "Comment on China" has appeared in The
Daily, it seems only fair that we be allowed a chance
to explain the distortion of facts concerning our
ON April 10th, under the title of "Comment
gn China," the Daily quoted the last para-
graph of C. Lester Walker's article in Harper's
Magazine. The words thus quoted were a con-
clusion reached by Mr. Walker after a misrep-
resentation.of China. As a Chinese student, I
feel it to be my duty to point out to readers the
misleading concepts contained in that article.
At the beginning of his article, Mr. Walker
admitted two things: that he had been in China
for only five months; and that he ran into the
pessimistic feeling about China's future even be-
fore he got to China. We can only regret that
his short sojourn in China had not allowed him
enough time to study the country from all cor-
ners instead of just picking out the one corner
of her weakness.
While China is just an illusion to her five-
month acquaintance Mr. Walker, her promising
future has engaged the attention of scholastic
researchers who have studied China for long
years and who are not politically colored. To
cite an example here, Mr. Dickson H. Leavens,
an "old China hand," in his report to the Cowles
Commission for Research in Economics, has this
to say:
"China, after a long period of civil wars which
followed the revolution of 1911, had, by 1930,
achieved a substantial unity and was gradually

building up a strong government, lar
posed of men who had had a modern
in China or abroad. Her progress wa
that it was only a question of years
would become strong enough to repel
No criticism seems to be more absur
one Mr. Walker made of the Chine
language which, according to him,
pletely incapable of expressing modern
We are entitled to ask: Just what m
cepts have been found by Mr. Walk
having been expressed by the Chinese
The only evidence cited by him to s
contention seems to be the fact t
temporary Chinese books frequentlyl
English." It is as clear as crystal
Chinese books sometimes break into E
because there is no way to express s
but because English is an internationa
and therefore it is more convenient f
to do research work if these words are
in their original language.
It is true that there was wartime
ation in China. There were specul
traitors in China as well as in m
countries. The eight years of war ha'
China of her resources, her industry
manpower. We Chinese are facing a
arduous task of postwar reconstructio
preciate any friendly help to the set
our national strife and we are anxiou
any advice or fair criticism from
China on which we might base ou:
ments. But it is also our duty to co
ideas by which our country is misrepr

gely com- By DREW PEARSONI
education WASHINGTON-It has just leaked
s so rapid out that Secretary of State Jimmy
when she Byrnes held an important and very
Japanese hush-hush meeting with the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee just
d than the before he took off for Paris.
dse whnte Byrnes was there to prepare the
se written Senators for the possibility that the
was com-° Paris Conference might be a dismal
3 concepts. failure. As a result, several Senators
odern con- got the impression that Jimmy was
cer as not going to Paris in a defeatist frame
language? of mind. The embarrassing questions
upport his they asked probably didn't make him
hat "con- feel any happier.
break into Byrnes emphasized the importance
that the of getting peace treaties signed as
nglish not soon as possible, using Italy and the
guch words dangerous Trieste impasse as an ex-
uc langudse ample to prove the urgency of early
. language settlement. The Russians, he added,
or students however, are holding back.
published He also told the Senators about
the Polish loan, justifying it as a
demoraliz- possible lever to help win a free elec-
lators and tion in Poland. Here Senators Ar-
Lany other thur Vandenberg, Michigan Republi-
ve stripped can, who represents one of the biggest
y, and her Polish blocs in the U.S.A., stepped in
great and with some needling questions.
n. We ap- Specifically, Vandenberg wanted
tlement of to know whether Byrnes believed a
s to accept free election would be at all possible
friends of under Russian domination in Pol-
and Byrnes replied-with no great
rrec pthose conviction inhis voice-that "anyef-
rrectthose fort toward a free- election is a step
esented. forward."
ven Chen (Copyright, 1946, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
By Crockett Johnson
Your role will be decisive, McSnoyd, in solving
this crime wave. After all, you can be heard and
not seen. Which makes you a perfect secret agent.J
innsamer--, rslma

i - - -


SATURDAY, May 4, 2:30-Youth all foreign students and their Ameri-
Chorus, Marguerite Hood, conductor. can friends.

+ _

Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Margaret Farmer

How fortunate ocr paths should cross,o
McSnoyd. I, er, have been retained to
clear up a little matter that's been
baf,;nn ih eln lcnstabularv.. .

Margaret Farmer ...
Hale Champion ...
Robert Goldman
Emily E. Knapp ...
Pat Cameron
Clark Baker
Des Howarth . . . . .
Ann Schutz
Dona Guimaraes

. . . . . . Managing Editor
. . . . . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . . . . . City Editor
. . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . . . . . . . Women's Editor
. . Associate \Women's Editor

Gosh. Doesn't McSnoyd, the
Invisible Leprechaun, want
to help you, Mr. O'Malley?


Business Staff

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