GET OUT AND VOTE Lw .~i~~ 743:ttllt PARTLY CLOUDY- MILD VOL. LIV, No. 128 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 196 PRICE FIVE CENTS LAST BALLOT AT 5:15 P. M.: Early Results Not Seen in Student Congress Election Voting in the campus Student Congress election will end at 5:15 p.m. today, but Men's Judiciary Council announced last night that the results may not be available for several days. Difficulty in tabulating the ballot scores under the Hare proportional representation system of voting may delay the final results until the latter part of the week, the Judiciary Council reported. end 100,000 Jews to Palestine' * * * * * * * * * * World Still Fears Reich Reason for Continued Control Is Explained WASHINGTON, April 30 - (/P) - Four paralyzing fears that Germany would again become a great war mak- ing power were blamed by American officials today for retarding the re- turn of real peace to Europe. They were given as among the basic, inside reasons why Secretary of State Byrnes proposed his 25 year, Big Four agreement for the control of Germanyrat the Paris foreign min- isters conference yesterday. Worked On In State Department The treaty was worked out at the State Department over a period of more than a year beginning before the European war ended. Because a separate agreement for securing peace in Germany appeared to con- flict with the United Nations security system, persons familiar with the de- velopment of the German treaty were asked to explain why it was consid- ered necessary. Their replies, based on conversa- tion with European diplomatic and political leaders, indicate a belief that much of ther difficulty o writing a workable peace is due to fears, sus- picions and uncertainties which par- alyze the ability of peoples to take constructive action. Fears Listed The four fears, according to the analysis of Byrnes' advisors, are these: 1. Fear oGi the part of most Euro- pean countries that the United States will again withdraw from Europe, leaving the enforcement of peace terms on Germany up to the Euro- peans themselves. 2. Fear by the Russians that the British would try to build up a pow- erful new German nation against the Soviet Union. 3. Fear by the British that the Russians would gain control of Ger- many, or much of it, through com- munization or otherwise, and use it to spread Soviet influence and wreck British influence in western Europe. 4. Fear by France of any sort of German power revival. PROF. SUNDERLAND: Picture Placed In Daily Office Prof. Emeritus Edson R. Sunder- land, the distinguished American jur- ist who for 25 years helped shape the growth of The Daily, has been accord- ed a new tribute by the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Board has placed Prof. Sun- derland's picture in th upstairs of- fice of The Daily in recognition of his quarter-century of effort which largely made possible the present modern Student Publications Building. His work as business manager and secretary of the Board in Control was recalled this week by its present secretary, Prof. Merwin H. Water- man. "As a result of his interest and activity, Prof. Sunderland left stu- dent publications at the University one of the finest plants in the country," Prof. Waterman said. Prof. Sunderland served on the Board from 1917 to 1942, retiring with a testimonial banquet given by editors of student publications. At his retirement Prof. Sunderland was one of the nation's authorities on legal procedure. Since 1901 he was a teacher at the University in vari- ous branches of legal procedure, court organization, judicial adminis- tration and pleas and processes. Willow Run Airport Turnover Discussed n Council members who policed the polls during yesterday's voting said the election was going smoothly with a large campus vote apparent. But they warned of too much local cam- paigning. Political activity within 50 feet of the polls is prohibited, they emphasized, and may lead to the dis- qualification of the candidate. Must Number Choices Voters were reminded that they must indicate choices by number and not by check mark under the Hare system and that at least 10 can- didates must be selected on the ballot in numerical order. It is not necessary to vote a straight ticket in the case of the three slates on the ballot. The polls will be open today from 8:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. except for Water- man Gymnasium and the Engineering Arch which will stay open until 5:15 p.m. to accomodate students with late classes. Ident cards are required of all voters. Polling Places Listed The polling places arc located in front of Alumni Memorial Hall, in the Angell Hall lobby and basement, center of the diagonal, in front of the Economics Building, at the Engineer- ing Arch, Waterman Gymnasium, in the Medical School and at Hutchins Hall of the Law School. Counting of the ballots will begin tonight by a special committee of ex- ecutive groups from the Union, League and Men's Judiciary. Dr. Clark' F. Norton of the political science de- partment will stand by at the count- ing in an advisory capacity. Turkish Trends SCussed by Student Group The economic, cultural, political, and future trends of modern Turkey were discussed by four Turkish grad- uate students of the University in the Rackham Amphitheatre last night. The program, "Modern Turkey," I was the first in a series of area stud-' ies given by the International Stu- dent Exchange Committee. Faut Zadil, speaking on Turkish economy, said that the $500 million loan that Turkey is trying to nego- tiate from the United States is nec- essary for its economic development. The relative democratic tendencies of modern Turkey were discussed by Altemir Tanriovir. Emphasizing the aspirations of the Turks under a democratic rule, Turan Mushkara spoke on Turkey's future. Rostislav Gaguzevski told of the educational and cultural developments. The purpose of the area study ser- ies is to promote greater understand- ing of the problems which face the people of other countries. A C To Sponsor Open Fortum Today The public is invited to the forum on the Murray-Wagner-Dingell Na- tional Health Bill sponsored by the campus American Veterans Commit- tee chapter, at 7:30 p.m. today in Ann Arbor high school. Dr. Otto Engelke of the county health department will speak against the bill, and Dr. Sydney Norwick of the school of public health will de- fend it. Moderator of the discussion is Prof. William Haber of the ecdn- eo-omics department. Coal Strike Notice Is Served by Union Leadei Crisis May Call 75,000 from Jobs By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, April 30-Dis isfied with Secretary of La Schwellenbach's handling of the coal strike, a federal conciliator tl up his job today, while John L. L flung new demands at the oper and served notice of a strike of 7 anthracite miners. The day's rapid developments duced a new crisis in the coal c troversy which has rendered 40( bituminous miners idle since Api Fuller Resigns This is what happened: 1. Paul W. Fuller, special con ator assigned by Schwellenbac the rubber industry and "borro' for the bituminous negotiations, signed, effective tonight. Schwel bach and Conciliation Chief E L. Warren urged him to reconside 2. Lewis filed with the Wage bilization Board notice of a dis in the anthracite industry which lead to a strike of his 75,000 TUn Mine Workers in the PennsylvE hard coal fields 30 days hence. T demands-to be presented to the o ators May 10 are about the sam those resulting in the bitumi coal strike April 1. New Issue Raised 3. The bituminous negotiations sumed yesterday after 19 days Schwellenbach's request and b given artificial respiration by Spi Conciliators Edward F. McGrady Fuller, threatened-to founder ag This time they ran up againm wholly new issue raised by Le Adjustment of holiday pay for major holidays since war's end- bor Day, Thanksgiving, Christ and New Year's Day. 4. Rep. Howard Smith (D-Va) troduced in Congress a bill to vent what he called "extortior tribute or royalties" by labor ur as a condition to the production o sential articles. He said it would ply to the current coal strike. Medcal Schoo Announces Ne'i Study Pro grai The University Medical School terday confirmed reports of a ne centralized program of grad medical study, to become effe July 1. Dean Albert C. Furstenberg that the new plan is designed to vide more and better trained spe ists and to give continuing me education to practicing physi throughout the state. The pr will be the first of its kind to be tended on a state-wide basis, Medical education and clinica agnostic facilities will be set u hospitals throughout the state w qualify for the program, the< said, Doctors will alternate bet' the hospitals and Medical Sc during the period of study Funds for the program were vided by the W. K. Kellogg Foul tion, which has allotted the me school $105,000 for a three-year riod. Strike LEWIS POSES WITH MCGIRADY-Y-John L. Lewis (left), head of the United Mine Workers, poses with Edward F. McGrady, former assistant secretary of labor and now a vice president of The Radio Corporation of America, who has been named a special mediator in the bituminous coal strike May Festival Will Begin Tonorrow- Jussi Bjoerling, Tenor, To Appear as First Soloist Conciliator Resigns British, U.S. Report Urges Hundreds of music lovers will ar- rive in Ann Arbor tomorrow for the opening day of the May Festival, an- nual four days concert series which climaxes the University musical sea- son. In addition to the eleven prolni- nent soloists who wilt be featured at the Festival, the University Choral Union will be heard in two concerts and the Festival Youth Chorus, cormposed of children from the public schools will partiipate in one of the programs. The opening concert at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium, will feature Jussi Bjoerling, Swedish tenor as soloist. Bjoerling 'will sing arias from five operas. The Philadelphia Orchestra, participating in all of the concerts, will play Sibelius' Fifth Symphony as the opening number of the Festival. Nathan Milstein, violinist, will be the soloist at the second concert Friday vight. Milstein will play the "Concerto for Violin in D Ma- jor" by Tschaikovsky. Prof. Hardin Van Deursen of the School of Mu- sic will conduct the Choral Union in a performance of Mozart's "Requiem Mass," featuring Ruth Diehl, soprano, Jean Watson, con- Anno tncement Prices Listed Comm-e-wnceiment Notices Available Until May 3 Prices for commencement an- nouncemen tls have been placed at $.50 for the tea twhr bound editions, $.30 for cardboard bound copies and $.10 for the folder announcements. Seniors and graduates placing or- ders this week, must accompany their orders with the price of the an- nouncements. Orders will be taken 10 asi. to noon and 1 to 3 pn., today through May 3, outside Rm. 4 University Hall. This is the only opportunity to order the announcemcitL, Both the leather and cardboard bound copies include names of com- mittees, officers and all those re- ceiving degrees in all schools except the medical. tralto, William Hain, tenor, and Micalo Moscona, bass, as soloists. The concerts Saturday will be highlighted by soloist Anne Brown, as well as the Festival Youth Chorus, in the afternoon and Bidu Sayo, Met- ropolitan Opera Company soprano, ih the evening. Miss Brown will sing MacArthur Assassintationt Plot Exposed Nation-Wide Hunt on For Jap Plot Leader TOKYO, April * - (A) - Allied headquarters unmasked today a plot to assinate General MacArthur at tomorrow's May Day celebration. One conspirator was seized and a nation- wide hunt launched for a die-hard Japanese militarist named as the archplotter. The accused and the hunted plot leader was Hideo Tokayama, former member of the dread Kempeitai or Thought Police. In the dying days of the war he became a suicide pilot in the KamikazP Fl ing Cor'. 'r excerpts from Gershwin's opera "Porgy and Bess," and the children of the Youth chorus will present a group of American folk songs. The Philadelphia Orchestra, directed by Eugene Ormandy, will open the eve- ning concert with Mozart's Sym- phony No. 40 in G Minor and will also play compositions by two modern composers, Bernard Rogers and Res- pighi. An all-Brahms program will be presented Sunday afternoon, with William Kapell, prominent young pianist, as soloist. Kapell will play the Concerto No. 1, and the orches- tra will be heard in the Fouth Sym- phony. The Festival will be brought to a close Sunday night with the Choral Union presentation of the cantata "Alexander Nevsky" by the contem- porary Russian composer Sergei Pro- kofieff. Rosalind Nadell, contralto, and Salvatore Baccaloni, bass, will be soloists at the final concert. Stalin Asserts S .1*01* T Soviet Policy Is Pace, Security Quick Actionl Oppose Creation Of Any Homeland By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, April 30 - An of- ficial British-United States Commit- tee of Inquiry on Palestine recom- mended today that the gates of the Holy Land be thrown open immed- iately to 100,000 European Jews - homeless victims of Axis persecution. In a 30,000 word report on its four- month investigation, the Committee went firmly on record against making Palestine either a Jewish or an Arab state, and said that the government ultimately established there "under international guarantees" must pro- tect Christian, Jew and Moslem. Continue Mandate It called for continuance of Pales- tine under a mandate - held by Britain since 1922 - "pending the execution of a trusteeship agreement under the United Nations." This, if accepted, would nullify Britain's plan to terminate the mandate by estab- ishment of an independent Pales- tine state. Simultaneously the Committee said that if its report is accepted, "It should be made clear beyond all doubt to both Jews and Arabs that any at- tempt from either side, by threats of violence, by terrorism, or by organi- zation of use of illegal armies to pre- vent its execution, will be resolutely suppressed." No Obligation Assumed Although the Committee was ap- pointed by the two governments, there was nothing in its instructions to make acceptance of the recommenda- tion obligatory upon either Britain or the United States. In diplomatic circles here, however, it was regarded as certain that they will carry heavy weight in determining Anglo-Ameri- can policy toward Palestine. Immed- iate reaction varied. President Truman expressed his pleasure. But House Majority Leader Mc- Cormack (Dem.-Mass.), chairman of the Political Action Committee for Palestine, Inc., while expressing "grat- ification" on the immigration pro- posal, said that he "chafed at the Committee for having bypassed the permanent solution of Palestine as a Jewish state." The committee said at the outset "that such information as we re- ceived about countries other than Palestine gave no hope of substantial assistance in finding homes for Jews wishing or impelled to leave Europe." Dean Bennett Announces .New Grade Ruling Students in the architecture school whose general average is below C at the end of this semester will be placed on probation and advised not to reg- ister again, Dean Wells I. Bennett of the school announced yesterday. Following the statements made within the last week by the literary and engineering colleges, the Col- lege of Architecture and Design re- cently formulated its admission policy to be effective this fall. Increased Enrollment Expected Dean Bennett issued the new regu- lations as a means to keep in line with the general rise in scholastic re- quirements of the University as a whole. The architecture school, he stated, expects to feel the same pres- sure of a greatly increased enroll- ment that the other schools here an- ticipate this fall. The text of the rest of he regula- tion is as follows: Students whose general average is 8 points below C will, except in unusual circumstances, be required to withdraw. These regu- lations do not affect veterans or freshmen who are in their first se- mester of residence. Veterans in their second semester or residence will be nI Ule~111K ne yin g ps o6 ganized to repel invasion. LONDON, April 30 - (P) -- Prime As Japanese police gave photo- Minister Stalin promised tonight graphs of Tokayama to the nation's that the Soviet Union would be true press to aid in the manhunt, Brig. to a policy of peace and security but Gen, Frayne Baker, Headquarters charged what he described as "inter- Public Relations Officer, warned that national reaction was hatching plans Tokayama was armed with grenades for the new war." and pistols. In an order of the day broadcast by The plotter now in custody tipped the Moscow radio the Russian leader off headquarters after Tokayamna,also declared that "the nations of fearing betrayal, tried to poison him,t dwisarepetn of Baker said. The Japanese in custody the calamities of war." He added: named five of the total of six men Vigilance Necessary he said were involved. "It is necessary to be constantly "Fortunately," Baker continued, vigilant, to protect as the apple of "the poison was not mmediately fatal, one's eye the armed forces and de- He was taken by Japanese police to fensive power of our country (Rus- an American hospital where through sia." experienced assistance he was re= Stalin called on Soviet workers to vived and gave details of parts of the reach-and exceed-the production plot." goals set up in the Soviet Union's With diabolical cleverness, the plot new Five-Year Plan. was tuned to explode in a burst of Addressing the Russian people, hand grenades and pistol fire "some Stalin said: time during Communistic demonstra- "We should not forget for a single tions" tomorrowdthe headquarters minute the intrigues of international announcement said. reaction, which is hatching plans of a new war." Military Growth Soviet armed forces would be suc- cessful in defending peace, Stalin said, only if there was a "further cg s IL ,,,4-lnw-, nf nm in-itn~r it ,ir A,-n r A.'ii i E I ,; t r UNIVERSITY PROBLEMS CONFERENCE: Open Doors to 50,000 Foreign Stud spedial th e Daily CHICAGO, April 30-Remarkable unanimity marked the second day of, conference on foreign student prob- lems which brings representatives of 150 of the nation's colleges and uni- versities to the Stevens Hotel at the request of the Department of State. must say awe will find some way to take 100 more." Russia and England, a University of North Carolina delegate pointed out, have cultural relations program greatly superior to our own. "We are but babes in the woods in this field," hP rarap Dr. Theodore Blegen of the Uni- versity of Minnesota told the dele- gates that foreign students on the American campus "are an invaluable educational adjunct for the American student which we should be loth to surrender." C al aI *.ta"henpi of ura1 for- Poland and of Russia also spoke. A cable from the French Ministry of Education advocating exchange of students between the two countries was read by French Cultural Attache Pierre Guedenet. The resolutions committee will re= nort on all reoinsntomorrow. tary' skill of the Red Armny, Navy and Air Force. His broadcast order, issued in con- nection with the Soviet Union's May Day celebration, was heard in Lon- don by the Soviet Monitor, official Soviet news distribution agency. OPA Allows Two-Cent