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April 27, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-27

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* A Friday Nighi Effort


Alumae Now And Forever
WE HAVE THE extremely wasteful habit of
reading almost everything that falls into
our hands without regard to merit or legibility.
That ought to explain how we were caught
reading a girls' school alumnae magazine which
an errant sister occasionally receives. We must
confess that in this case we were amply
The news section is made up of information
culled from the letters of thousands of loyal
alumnae, and is arranged according to the year
of graduation of the correspondent. Beginning
with Amy Field Barnes, '82, who writes, "Kemper
is ever a dear memory," you are very quickly
acquainted with the tenor of things. And Fran-
ces Wilson McIntyre, ex-'82, enthuses (to put it
mildly) with this expression of gratitude, "Kem-
per Hall constituted my education, and I kis
the ground, in Memory Lane, today, that those
men trod who put the buildings up." A little
confused, maybe, but the feeling is there.
You now have sufficient background to under-
stand how the final entry from Joyce Fairlie, ex-
'46, seems somehow out of line. She reports simp-
ly that she is taking a one year course in Mother-
There's another noteworthy section in this
clever newspaper. It's a prominent box displayed
without comment which begins, "I give and be-
queath to Kemper Hall .. .
* * * *
Products of Environment
we have a spy in Bus Ad School.
In today's' report he includes the following in-
1) The Bus Ad ball team call themselves the
Chase Nationals.
2) In Dean Stevenson's office is a large sign
which reads,
"As a Last Resort
Use Common Sense,"
3) There is a movement afoot to recognize
"Money Is The Root of All Evil" as an official
theme song.
* * * *
Open Air Lab
SPRING IS HERE and the building program is
going full blast. Any good professor of ab-
normal psych can be found doing case work with
SSWA (Steam Shovel Watchers' Association).
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
An Allegory
ONCE UPON A TIME in the Kingdom of Id
everybody was very happy. The land was
fertile, the rains plentiful and the red-heads
crawled on all fours.
But one day a wise man devised a very wonder-
ful invention-a machine that could do almost
everything. For instance, by pushing a button in
one's back yard, a whole flock of gladiolas could
be had in less than a minute; if one didn't like
gladiolas one could push another button right in
the dining room and a bowl of tasty onion soup
would come steaming forth.
The wise man, who was a good- soul because
he gave pennies to the lepers on the church
steps, decided that this was the greatest inven-
tion that had ever been thought of. Well, if
this was such a wonderful invention, the wise
man reasoned, then he must be a pretty won-
derful man. In fact, so wonderful that only he
would be capable of handling his creation. And
so he decided that since children inherit their
parent's good traits, his family must consist of
the second-most-wonderful people in the king-
dom. Therefore, he would share the machine
with them, although everyone should reap its
NOW from what I have told you about this
wonderful invention you might think that it
made the Kingdom of Id even more happy than
before. But a very strange thing happened. Sud-
denly, no one knew just how, the red-headed
people in the kingdom, who had always walked

on their hands and knees, got up and moved
about about like all the other people in the land.
This made the people of Id very uncomfortable
because now that the red-heads could stand up,
they could see that the Ids had very marvelous
things like stripe-topped surreys and cabbage
patches. And they feared that the red-heads
would seek some of their bounty.
So they shouted, "Send the red-heads away!
Send the red-heads away!"
But the red-heads went to the children of the
wise man, who was now dead, and asked for a
share in the creations of the invention.
Now this was an especially bad time for such
a thing to happen because many people of Id
had grown lazy since the invention had done
such wonderful things for them. Some of
them, whose fortunes had been increased the
most by it, had even ceased to work at all, de-
pending entirely upon the great things the ma-
chine could do. And the Ids feared there would
not be enough for all.
So they went to the family of the wise man and
asked if the children wouldn't distribute more
surreys and cabbage patches. But the children,
who grown accustomed to fame and wealth as
controllers of the machine, did not want to let
anyone else have a share in their good fortune.
so they said no.

Lesson For Our Time
EMBERS of the University Senate at the turn
of the century are to be congratulated for
their foresight.
We read recently in the University's Encyclo-
pedic Survey that "as bicycles became more and
more popular they created such a problem that
they were considered a menace to the campus."
Some thing was most certainly done about it,
too, for "regulations were adopted requiring that
they travel at no greater speed than seven miles
an hour and that they be equipped wih bells and
We take our bicycle problems for granted these
days, but that there was a similar problem at
the turn of the century is little short of amazing.
Coeds of that era wore button shoes and skirts
that covered their ankleg. And a few die-hards,
we don't doubt, were still wearing their bustles.
Men students (except engineers) wore celluloid
(All items appearing in this column are written by
members of The Daily staff and edited by Editorial
Same Old Story
JjISTORY is quietly repeating itself. The end
of World War I, followed by the removal of
Woodrow Wilson and the Democratic Party from
political limelight, brought marked reaction in
the Progressive Movement. The succession of
Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover administrations
adequately reflected the absence of the reform
zeal and the presence of a philosophy of rugged
individualism, a death blow to Progressive Gov-
ernment controls. Not until Franklin Roosevelt
appeared in the role of Prince Charming to re-
awaken the dormant domestic reform movement
did the public remember the existence of such
measures as the Sherman and Clayton anti-
trust acts.
Once again, a world war has ended, a presi-
dential election is in the offing, and recent
news items show indications of a trend back to
reaction, back to the relaxation of government
controls, back to the same old rut.
$57,00 to continue for nine months its fight on
cartels has been cut by the Audit and Control
Committee to $18,000, whtich is but a drop in
the bucket when one considers the huge mass of
German documents yet to be investigated. In
fact, the committee faces a fight on the floor of
Congress for survival at all. The Kilgore Commit-
tee is to be remembered for establishing the
OWM, the OWMR, giving impetus for executive
action on cartel investigations, revealing Ger-
man economic warfare here and in South Ameri-
ca, and for supplying priceless information to
the Anti-Trust Division. When a committee
backed by such a record faces a possible death
sentence, it is a signal for the wise to take
Furthermore, the House Appropriations
Committee has cut $200,000 from the budget
request of the Anti-Trust Division. It is omi-
nous that Congress should start pinching pen-
nies during the period of reconversion, a time
when vigorous enforcement of the anti-trust
laws is most important.
FACING PASSAGE in the Interstate Commerce
Committee is the Bulwinkle Bill, designed to
exempt transportation industries from anti-
trust laws. Plugged by a millon dollar railroad
lobby, this bill is another indication of the move
toward postwar reaction being led by pressure
groups who seek to crush government controls.
Robert R. McCormick, publisher of the Chica-
go Tribune, has also thrown his hat into the
reaction ring. The "colonel's" latest campaign
is concerned with passing a resolution to exempt
the Associated Press and other news services from
Federal Anti-Trust Laws. At an official meeting
the AP refused to pass his resolution, insisting
that such action would destroy the impartialiti
of the press. Not content with the decision of
the majority of the AP meeting, McCormick,
acting on self-made initiative, called a caucus.
And what did this select group of the coun-
tries influential newspaper men do with the
resolution? It passed, 114-30.
Lest there be a repetition of the twelve year
interim between the Wilson and Roosevelt ad-
ministrations, those who champion the cause of

competition, individual initiative, and fair busi-
ness practices, had best plan to remain awake
during congressional sessions. If the anti-trust
laws are allowed to relax, the Progressives will
have no alternative but to begin a search for
another Prince Charming. The Government of
the United States will be in dire need of one.
Betty Leavitt
Paper-Crazy People
THESE Germans were so police-harried and
document-conscious that they continued to
be uneasy unless we looked at their personal
papers. I have never seen a people so paper-
crazy. They hugged to their bosoms birth cer-
tificates, military records, military passes, travel
passes, discharge papers, baptism records, Aryan
records, marriage records, pension recoi'ds. etc.
It was amusing to observe this addition to pa-
per, especially signed and stamped officially, until
one realized that this was the behavior of slaves
who worshiped bureaucrats. Harper's

Stone Eulogized
'ASHINGTON-If I were to choose a leading
American of 1946 as an inspiration to my
son, I think I would pick the man who died in
harness this week as Chief Justice of the United
States. I would choose him not only because of
his great attainments, not only because he rose
so high from such humble beginnings; but be-
cause he never lost his youth. Even up until that
last day and that last faltering opinion, Harlan
Fiske Stone kept his zest for living.
Despite sedate years on the nation's highest
court, there was- a lovable, boyish quality about
Chief Justice Stone. In his home, for instance,
was the fullfillment of every small boy's dream-
a secret button which caused a bookcase to swing
aside, revealing a hidden door. This hidden door
led to a secret passageway from the chief justice's
study to his dining room.
All too soon, most of us lose our boyhood. But
Harlan Stone made his boyhood dreams of hidden
doors and secret passageways come true.
Some parents, of course, might not agree that
the pixie in Stone's heart set a proper example
for their sons. They might even be schocked to
learn that, while at Amherst, the chief justice
led a raid on a Boston express office and stole
the statue of Sabrina, goddess of Amherst men,
spirited it away from Amherst alumni, and hid
it in a Chesterfield, N.H., barn. Some years la-
ter, Stone married the daughter of the man who
owned that barn.
In fact there were a lot of things about young
Harlan Stone that meticulous parents might not
approve. Some of his neighbors even thought his
name should have been Harlequin, for he led so
many of the youthful night-shirt and ducking
parties that eventually he was expelled from an
agricultural college.
I would pick Harlan Stone as a model for my
boy, despite all this, because shortly thereafter
he managed to harness his exuberance and
worked his way though Amherst by peddling
typewriters, selling insurance and tutoring other
students. He paid his college expenses every cent
of the way.
And he proved-as Douglas MacArthur also
demonstrated by standing first in his class at
West Point-that a boy's start in college sets the
pace for what comes after. Stone served for
three years as President of his class, attained
Phi Beta Kappa in his junior year, managed the
Amherst Student, played a star game of foot-
ball, and was voted by his classmates "the mem-
ber who would become most famous."
One of Stone's proteges was William O. Doug-
les, a penniless law student at Columbia when
Stone was Dean of the Law School. Most busy
college executives would have given Douglas a
five or ten-minute pep talk; but Dean Stone
devoted two hours to telling Douglas of his own
problems in getting through college and in ad-
vising him what to do.
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

False Witness?
To the Editor:
I N REFERENCE to a letter signed
by Laura Palmer in criticism of a
supposed blasphemy of God by an
anthropology professor, we should
like to add some pertinent facts which
were omitted:
1. The Dean of Students' Office re-
ports that there is no Laura Palmer
registered in the University; there-
fore, the letter was written by some-
one who is not in the University or by
someone who did not have the courage
to sign her own name.
2. The Passion of Our Lord was
not even read or referred to in any
way. The passages quoted were
from Leviticus 14:8-19 and 8:13-28,
third book of the Old Testament.
The purpose of the reading was
to compare religious purification
ritual of the Hebrews to a similar
religious purification ritual prac-
tised by the Hottentot, the primi-
tive group which was being studied
at the time.
3. Since Miss Palmer's statements
are completely false, she had deliber-.
ately and with malicious intent, at-
tempted to slander and discredit the
professor in question.
4. Miss Palmer decries the blas-
phemy against God, but at the same
time breaks one of the Ten Com-
mandments which states: "Thou
shalt not bear false witness against
thy neighbor."
5. She goes on to state that con-
tinually throughout the course re-
ligion has been steadily discounted
and scoffed at. Any mention of the
religion in the course has been to
compare religious rituals and cere-
monies, not to discount ora discredit
a belief in God.
-Mary Walfred
Alma Fassett
Jane Hawkins
No Derrogatiron
To The Editor:
AURA PALMER evidently became
angered early in her Anthropol-
ogy lecture on Good Friday and so
failed to understand it owing to her
planning of a "letter to the Editor."
As a matter of fact, the professor's
only mention of the New Testament
was to point out the similarity of the
Christian Sacrament of the Eucharist
to the ceremonies of some primitive
peoples in which they eat their god.
This mystical experience is a com-
mon characteristic of many religions
which, are very different otherwise.
The professor did not, in any way,
ridicule the passion of Jesus.
If scholar Palmer and the other
students who were described as be-
ing "seriously offended" cannot bear
to see their religion compared to
others, they obviously have not the
kind of mind which the University
can help develop. The professor was
making no derogatory statements
about Christianity but was merely
showing how similarities exist be-
tween widely scattered and different
religious beliefs. Those who became
"offended" missed the point that the
lecture was designed to demonstrate,
namely that man is essentially the
same animal the world over, and so
some of his beliefs may be f9und in
both "civilization" and in Central
-Charles S. Wesley
1 A:
Homo Sapiens
To The Editor:
THIS is to George R. Crossmen, et
al., and their view of faith letter.

If you can spare the time from ex-
periencing that "vibrant meaning to
life" that Christianity gives you, if
your prayers are answered, and if you
are in touch with God ask him why
with his power, knowledge, and good-
ness he murdered a large number of
our fellow human beings in the Burl-
ington train wreck today. That is on-
ly his latest activity. I have many
more questions I would like God to
answer. I am unable to find him, and,
as you people have, I am asking you
to do this favor for me. (I will send
my list of questions if you are agree-
able.) If God does exist and is direct-
ing the world, he stands convicted
of being a murderer, a torturer, and
a blunderer. It is kinder to believe he
does not exist.
This is to Laura Palmer.
If your Anthropology professor did
"blaspheme" your all-powerful god,
may I suggest that God is capable of
taking care of the matter without any
help from you. Be brave, Laura, the
professor did not mean to take away
your religious candy. He probably
thinksgthatithe second word of home
sapiens should mean something, and
that one should not necessarily gc
through life prattling the fairy tales
his parent taught him before he was
old enough to defend himself.
-John R. Staton


Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin Is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVI, No. 125
School of Education Faculty: The
April meeting of the faculty will be
held Monday in the University Ele-
mentary School Library, at 4:15.
The Administrative Board of the
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts at its meeting April 19 took
the following actions:
Students whose total records are
below a "C" average at the end of the
Spring Term, 1946, will be asked not
to register again, unless in the opin-
ion of the Administrative Board they
can prove extenuating circumstances.
Students who are asked not to regis-
ter may petition for the privilege at
a later time.
This regulation does not apply to
The special regulation passed by
the Administrative Board January
29 concerning veterans will stand.
That regulation reads: "Veterans,
even though they may have earned
an unsatisfactory record in their first
term of residence, will not be asked
to withdraw. They will, however, be
asked to withdraw at the end of their
second term of residence unless they
can earn at least a "C" average for
their elections of that term."
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re-
ports are due not later than Monday,
April 29.
Report cards are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for fresh-
men and sophomores and white cards
for reporting juniors and'seniors. Re-
ports of freshmen and sophomores
should be sent to 108 Mason Hall;
those of juniors and seniors to 1220
Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should name
those students, freshmen and upper-
classmen, whose standing at 'midse-
mester is "D" or "E", not merely
those who receive "D" or "E" in so-
called midsemester examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or colleges
of the University should be reported
to the school or college in which they
are registered.
Additional cards may be had at
108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell
E. A. Walter
Attention June Graduates:
Graduation announcements and
leather booklets can be ordered
April 30 through May 3-at no other
time. You can place your orders
from 10:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00 at a
booth outside of Room 4, University
Hall: All orders must be accompan-
ied by payment in full. Prices will be
announced in The Daily at a later
Graduate Students Receiving Degrees
in June:
A special graduation announce-
ment willbe made up for graduate
students if the total orders placed by
graduate students warrant the addi-
tional expenditures involved. You
can place your orders April 30
through May 3 from 10:00-12:00
and 1:00-3:00 at a booth outside of
Room 4, University Hall. All orders
must be accompanied by payment in
full. Prices will be announced in
The Daily at a later date. All pay-
ments will be refunded promptly if
the special announcement is not
Chairmen of Graduation Announce-

ments Committee in All Colleges:
If you plan to sell graduation an-
nouncements of the June graduation
exercises, get in touch with Deahi
Rea in Room 2, University Hall, on
Monday, April 29. You can obtain
all information concerning the sale
and also get the supplies necessary
for the sale on that day.
Administrative Offices which have
printed information regarding Wil-
low Run Village which was published
in February 1946 should destroy this
material at once, since it is now ob-
solete. The Office of the Dean of

Students will be glad to furnish up to
date information upon request.
Hitchhikers: The Office of the
Dean of Students has information
regarding an overcoat which was left
in a car last weekend by a student
who was given a ride.
La Sociedad hlispanica offers three
summer school scholarships, both to
the University of Mexico and the Uni-
versity of Havana this year.
Those interested should apply to
302 Romance Language Building as
soon as possible, and no later than
May 10.
City of Detroit Civil Service an-
nouncements have been received in
this office for:
Junior Accountant. Salary, $2625-
Semi-senior Accountant. Salary,
Senior Accountant. Salary, $4365-
Closing date, May 14.
Historical Museum Assistant. Sal-
ary, $2415-$2719.
Closing date, May 15.
State of Michigan Civil Service an-
nouncements have been received for:
Social Worker A2. Salary, $175-
No closing date.
School Accounting Examiner I.
Salary, $200-$240.
Closing date, May 15.
For further information, call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Willow Village Program for veter-
ans and their wives.
Saturday, April 27: Square and
Round Dance, 8 p.m., Auditorium,
West Lodge.
Sunday, April 28: Classical Music,
Sunday, April 28: Vespers: Rev.
James Van Pernis, Protestant Direc-
tors Association, 4-5 p.m., Conference
Room, West Lodge.
Sunday, April 28: Football Movie,
University of Michigan vs. Indiana,
commentary by member of Athletic
Staff, 7:30 p.m. Auditorium, West
University Lecture. Dr. Alice Ham-
ilton, Assistant Professor Emeritus of
Industrial Medicine in the Harvard
Medical School, will lecture on the
subject, "The History of Control of
the Dangerous Trades in the United
States," at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, April
30, in the Rackham Amphitheater,
under the auspices of the Office of
the Dean of Women. The public is
Academic Notices
Pol. Sci. 154: "old" students of 68
are requested (1) to hand in now the
titles and outlines of their term pa-
pers, and (2) to be present at the
panels beginning with "China Prop-
er" on Tuesday, April 30.
Frank Huntley
Bacteriology Seminar: Tuesday at
8:30 a.m., Room 1564 East Medical
Building. Subject: Antibiotics in the
Control of Fungi. All interested are
School of Business Administration
-Courses may not be dropped after
today without penalty.
School of Education Freshmen:
Courses dropped after today will be
recorded with the grade of E except
under extraordinary circumstances.
No course is considered dropped un-
less it has been reported in the office
of the Registrar, Room 4, University
Student Recital: Margaret Wardle,
harpist, will present a recital in par-

tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music,
at 8:30, Sunday evening, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater. A pupil of
Lynne Palmer, Miss Wardle has
planned a program to include com-
positions by Bach, Gluck, Debussy,
Prokofieff, Salzedo, and Ravel. The
public is invited.
Michigan Historical Collections.
"Public Schools in Michigan," special
exhibit for the Michigan Schoolmas-
I ( Continued on Page 6)


The Art Cinema League presents Harry Baur
in "The Life and Loves of Beehoven."
and Loves of Beethoven" is the subject of the
current Art Cinema League presentation. It is a
French film of 1938 vintage and has much to
recommend it.
The film is of an episodic nature, consisting
of a string of separate, individual scenes touch-
ing upon crises of Beethoven's later years: an
unhappy love affair, his deafness, his death.
Each in itself is a well-written, fully-developed
character playlet. The ensuing lack of contin-
uity is compensated for in a fine performance.
Harry Baur as Beethoven turns in an intrig-
uing portrayal. A piano scene early in the film
in which he executes the difficult acting trick
of only listening, the scene in which he dis-
covers his impending deafness, and the death
scene are all beautifully played. The death
scene provides an interesting example of cine-
ma technique, with the camera thrown in and
out of focus to suggest the dying man's waver-
ing vision.
In the performance, Baur is aided by a wan,
blonde young woman who goes unbilled, but who
is interesting in that she bears an amazing resem-
blance to Dietrich.
AS FOR THE MUSICAL portion of the film,
Beethoven devotees will most likely be dis-
appointed. While no one film could do justice to
Beethoven, the exhibit at hand doesn't even be-
gin to realize the potentialities, It plays the theme
from the Fifth with relentless regularity, using it
as background music in every conceivable situa-
tion. Other major works are touched upon only
briefly in excerpt form. The inferior European
recording also lessens the entertainment value
of the music.
On the basis of its acting, however, it is def-
initely to be recommended. Lacking technicolor
and Merle Oberon, we would still say the French
cinema did better by Beethoven than the Ameri-
can cinema did by Chopin.
-Barrie Waters

Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . . . . Managing editor
Hale Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Editor
Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
PatkCameron.... . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Clark Baker .................Sports Editor
Des Howarth . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes .. . . . . . . . Associate Women's Editor
P. ..444nr 91,14

You're sure, m'boy?
Mrs. Shultz and Jane
are at the movies

I ask because it's always safer for a private
investigator to investigate privately. Mmm.
Mr. Shultz's humidor. We'll soon learn if he

By Crockett Johnson
WHO'S THERE? Yes. The Refrigerator
Bandit again, officer.
It's Mr. Shultz! It must be he. Unless

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