PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY IPIAY, Fifty-Sixth Year I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Misguided Famine Relief Effort C ~trovere al ( e torter DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board Inr Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Editor Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Clark Baker . . . . . . . .. Sports Editor Des Howarth . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz............Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Stafff Dorothy Flint. . . . . .. t.Business Manager Joy Altman .. .....Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 ,EPRE9ENTEO FOR NATIONn6 AUV EFT13ING iOf National Mdvertising Service, inc. Colleg Publishers Representative 420 MADISO4 AVE. NEW YORr.. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: MAL ROEMER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Press Freedom At first glance, the solution to the question of government versus private dissemination of news to other countries from the United States seems to be obvious in view of our often expressed ideals of freedom of the press. a In a recent editorial it was pointed out that while American correspondents now are able more or less freely to provide news from foreign countries to the United States, the domestic press in most of these countries is operating under conditions for from actual freedom. But what can our country do about this? And can it do anything without incurring the charge that it is violating the very ideals of freedom of the press which it is striving to uphold? The State Department, and before it the Office of War Information and the Office of Inter- American Affairs, have engaged in an extensive program of overseas news broadcasting. Howev- er, the Associated Press and the United Press have now withdrawn from the State Department the news which formerly they provided and which was broadcast by the Department all over the world. The AP board of directors took this action because they believed that foreign listeners would read "Propaganda!" between the lines of any news sponsored by the American govern- ment. The AP wanted no part in this. However, it is hard to believe that this would be so. It would seem that the American govern- ment could buy the news from the press asso- ciations and broadcast it to other countries, stressing that it was news gathered by an inde- pendent, objective agency, without the charge of propaganda. There would be much less danger of incurring this charge than if the government procured and processed the news itself, as the vital necessity for telling the rest of the world about the United States will force it to do if the press associations continue their stand. The only alternative of government broad- casts of spot news to foreign countries is for the agencies to perform that function them- selves. They are not ready to do that. They cannot afford it, for there is no profit to 'be gained in such an undertaking'now. This is the short view of the situation. The press associations should provide the government with news to broadcast to other nations; they can do this without fear of the invidious charge of propaganda. But in the long run, the United States government should not get into the news business. As the press associations are able to undertake it, and the governments of the foreign countries will permit the dissemination of un- biased written news, the government should step out. Wilbur Forrest, vice-president of the Ameri- can Society of Newspaper Editors, said in a University of Chicago Round Table broadcast: "The moment a barren area (barren in regard to freedom of the press) is opened up-for in- stance, as soon as the totalitarian government in Yugoslavia gets a change of heart and per- mits correspondents from any country to go in and work and write freely about what is going on there-as soon as the press agencies can go into a country to report the news and to bring in the news, then I would say the government By SAMUEL GRAFTON OUR SIGHTS on the world famine are set des- perately low. Mr. Hoover gave us a glimpse of how low they are set when he admitted in his Cairo radio speech that we are using the "grim and dangerous" base of 1500 calories per day per person in making up our food shipment esti- mates for Europe. But 1500 calories is a starva- tion diet; it is a diet on which, as Mr. Hoover admitted, children become ill and old people die. Next, we are shooting for only a four-months' program at this starvation level. Mr. Hoover has said (and almost everybody has repeated it af- ter him, like a rubric) that our chief problem is to carry the world to the next harvest. But nobody knows if the next harvest will be nor- mal, if the weather will be kind, if the starving people of Europe are physically able to plant and work a fair crop, or if they have livestock and gasoline enough to help them. They are already eating seed wheat in Poland. No mat- ter; limiting the problem to four months re- lieves us of the need of rationing ourselves. And so the magic word "harvest" is set up in neons alongside the equally magic word "pro- gram;" and the synthetic glow emanating from both hides the realities of death and hunger. rTHIRD, OUR MAIN DRIVE is directed toward shipping cereals; to read current reports on MERR Y-G-ROUND): Ihtiireall's Letter lRy DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-It didn't get into the papers, but President Truman sat down the other day with Secretary of the Treasury Fred Vin- son and Democratic National Committee vice- chairman Dick Nacy to discuss the Southern rebellion against Bob Hannegan. Nacy told Truman that the Southerners were up in arms over the last erroneous letter sent out of National Committee Headquarters and signed by Bob Hannegan, urging Democratic leaders to pick good candidates this time. The letter was interpreted by Southerners as indicating a purge of all Democrats; so Nacy told Truman that Dixie Democrats now wanted a new letter from Hannegan endorsing all Dem- ocratic members of Congress for reelection. Truman replied that he would agree to no such thing. He said if the Democratic National Com- mittee endorsed all Democratic members of Con- gress, it would put Democrats who entered the primaries at a disadvantage. The President was thinking particularly of certain districts where Democrats may be booted out in the primaries by other Democrats who very much agree with the Truman program. Finally the President said: "There will be no new letter. The National Committee has admitted its error. I am fully satisfied that Bob Hannegan knows how to run his own affairs. I am going to continue to let him run them, too." Blyrnes' Opponents No man in the U.S. government needs more support today than Jimmy Byrnes, now strug- gling to straighten out the tangled skeins of peace. Yet, while he is in Paris, certain die-hards on Capitol Hill have been busy as bird dogs cut- ting his appropriations throat. One of Byrnes's strongest peace weapons is the goodwill of the Russian people. If they are friend- ly to the U.S., his hand is strengthened 100 per cent with their bosses in the Kremlin. Proof of this is the way the government-controlled Mos- cow Radio has been blasting away at the Rus- sian people about decadent U.S. capitalism. One small start towards counteracting this is an illustrated magazine, "Amerika," published by the State Department and circulated in Russia to the tune of 10,000 copies. This is all the Krem- lin will let inside Russia, though negotiations are now underway to increase the circulation to 50,000. In the middle of these negotiations, however, niggardly Representative Louis Rabaut, Michigan Democrat, neatly ran his knife through the State Department's appropriation for "Amerika." Ap- parently disapproving of the idea of penetrating the Soviet "iron curtain," he and a majority of his appropriations sub-committee decided in effect to tell Byrnes what he should or should not do in Russia. Behind 1 TeCurtain Meanwhile, here is a confidential report from an official in the American embassy in Moscow on the job "Amerika" already has done on the Russian people: "In the past month a hospital director re- quested 50 copies of each issue for patients, say- ing it was excellent reading matter; a radio re- pair man said he would give priority on radio repair work to any customer who got him a copy; in a theatre the other night I sat in front of two women who were reading the third issue of 'Amerika.' They didn't go out between the acts. "Soon a large group gathered around them. The women read the headlines aloud. Everyone com- mented on the interest of the articles, the quality of the paper, and color work. Several weeks ago, before the fourth issue arrived, a young office worker from a certain commissariat made her fourth visit to the embassy in a single month, pleading for a copy. The girl said that a doctor refused to treat her unless she could produce a new copy of 'Amerika.' (Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) our famine activities is almost to come to believe that there is only one useful food in the world, and that is grain. But there are other foods; meat, for example: and there are experts who testify that the consumption of meat in unrationed America has climbed as much as forty pounds per person per year in the last few years. If we could ship more meat, we could reduce the de- mand on grain; and meat means fat, which is so scarce in some areas of Europe that a singl4 pound is sometimes doled out, by medicine drop- per, to 300 persons; drop, drop, on the out- stretched tongue. No one knows how much fat we could save by rationing, by a real collection program, and by limiting the use of edible oils in non-edible prod- ucts, like soap and paint; but it would certainly be a lot in any medicine dropper. Our refusal to ration in these fields again shows how low our sights are set; we are think- ing in terms of too few foods, in too small quan- tity, for too few peoile, for too short a time. But the word "program" covers it all up, like a bit of wrapping-paper, and makes it look like a package. All that we are failing to do could be excused if we were' rationing ourselves; but our unique unrationedness in a rationed world studs our efforts with hundreds of little question marks. Mr. Hoover's sympathy for the hungry is ob- viously genuine, but he is bitterly opposed to rationing, and because he is opposed to ration- ing one senses notes of conflict in his presenta- tion. The more feeling he pours into his picture of the world's hunger, the more glaring be- comes lie fact that we eat from 3200 to 3400 calories a day; his tales of sorow undermine his own anti-raitoning position, but he clings to it; he is stuck with both sides of the peculiar equation. ND SO BITS of our unfinished domestic poli- tical argument about the power of govern- ment slop over into our famine program; Mr. Hoover is fighting a domestic political battle while trying to feed the hungry; he cannot dis- entangle the two, and the one hangs like a ma- laise over the other. And so once again an un- finished domestic squabble cripples us and rend- ers us curiously helpless, and more inept than we are. As on other questions, in other fields, the world waits, while we eye each other, and wonder how far we can safely go with each other, in saving ourselves and humankind. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) cL/deri o tIe 6dilo GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP need not be synonomous with govern- ment control. During the war the Federal government, both directly and through the medium of the Re- construction Finance Corporation, set up many new industries in this vast country, and greatly expanded the facilities of many others. The govern- ment was unwilling during the war to allow Alcoa to remain the sole source of aluminum in our entirea country, so the Reynolds Metals Com- pany was deliberately set up as a com- petitor, financed almost completely by government funds. The Board of Directors of Reynolds had complete control over all policies of the com- pany, and there was not one Govern- ment representative on the Board. It is a similar arrangement which should be suggested in the newspa- per field. If a monopoly in the pro- duction of aluminum is dangerous, a monopoly in the distribution of news is more dangerous. If a separ- ation of government ownership and private control is possible in the aluminum field, it might also be possible in the newspaper field. There is a monopoly in the dis- tribution of news. The only two met- ropolitan newspapers establish ed in this country in the last ten years have both been set up by that millionaire store-keeper Marshall Field.There are no new competitors. The existing sheets are all primarily business en- terprises, and their main goal is to make a profit. Mr. Robert Lasch sug- gested in a Chicago Sun column a few days ago that perhaps the profit mo- tive was not adequate to secure a fair distribution of news. I would agree Ont Pears on, To The Editor: THE EDITORS of The Daily deserve credit for their rare ability to recognize true genius wherever it is to be found. However at times I fear they fail to give the devil his full due. For example Drew Pearson, that great foun- tain-head of the "inside information" from the "unimpeachable source," sometimes fails to get the appreciation he so richly deserves. Mr. Pearson, who seems to know more about the inner workings and hidden mechanisms of . the State Department, the F.B.I., the Kremlin, and Lady Astor's boudoir, than most of us know about our own families, can be a rich source of fascinating and ever scientifically valuable in- formation. In a recent column Pearson produced a true gem of purest ray serene. He stated "startling facts and figures on Japan-there are 14,000 chil- dren in Japan born of GI fathers.. This statement should be looked at, not twice, but three times. Trhe U.S. Army of Occupation has been in Japan less than eight months. For all recorded history the human animal has carried its young nine months. But the source is unim- peachable. We must therefore conclude that ei- ther (a) The United States has not only atomic bombs but atomic soldiers or (b) Drew Pearson is positively the last word as a source of "inside" information. -Cornelius J. Loeser Local Traffic To The Editor: HAVE NOTICED the letter which appears in The Daily of April 18 regarding the traffic situation. I should like to add my comment. I have never seen any place (with the excep- tion of important inter-city highways) where it is so difficult to cross a street. I have noticed this on State St., Forest St. and in particular, in front of the Museum (known around campus as sui- cide corner.) In the city from which I come no such situation exists because (1) there is a strict- ly enforced twenty-five mile speed limit within the city limits, (2) there is a law giving a pedes- trian the right-of-way at an intersection, (3) there are traffic lights at busy street corners with pedestrian lights included where pedestrian traf+- fic is especially heavy or important (as in the neighborhood of a school). This seems to me a job for the Ann Arbor pol- ice department. However, if no action is taken in the near future, the University should take steps to alleviate the situation. Let us hope the situation will be corrected before a serious, maybe even fatal, accident takes place. -Gladys F. Rivkind with Mr. Lasch. The unanimity of Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- opinion among the major newspapers ence, and the Arts: Midsemester ie- on any big issue was startingly re- ports are due not later than Monday, vealed recently, when only three big April 29. papers in the country supported the Report cards are being distributed workers during the General Motors to all departmental offices. Green strike. The reason is not obscure- cards are being provided for fresh- the newspapers themselves are Big men and sophomores and white cards Business. for reporting juniors and seniors. Re- T IS IN THIS situation that the ports of freshmen and sopohomores IS I THS stuaton hat should be sent to 108 Mason Hall; government ownership of newspa- those of juniors and seniors to 1220 pers is suggested-meekly, almost Angell Hall. timidly. The control of the newspa- Midsemester reports should name pers would be left completely in the those students, freshmen and upper- hands of those legitimate interest classmen, whose standing at midse- groups in this country who are denied mester is "D" or "E", not merely adequate- coverage of news in the those' who receive "D" or "E" in so- existing press. called midsemester examinations. For instance, there are many pa- Students electing our courses, but pers in the country which represent registered in other schools or colleges the interests and the viewpoint of of the University should be reported the Packing Trust and the big can- to the school or college in which they ning companies, but there is no ma- are registered. jor paper which honestly represents Additional cards may be had at the working farmers. The farm pa- 108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell pers which do exist are small and Hall. circulate only among farmers. They E. A. Walter never touch on the farmers inter- ests in the United Nations. In short, Attention June Graduates: they fail to present the farmer to Graduation announcements and the world, and they fail to present leather booklets can be ordered the world to the farmer. ..April 30 through May 3-at no other If the farmers groups in Illinois tine. You can place your orders were granted control of a govern- from 10:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00 at a ment-owned paper in Chicago which booth outside of Room 4, University could run 300,000 copies daily, they Hall. All orders must be accompan- could do a better job of running it ied by payment in full. Prices will be than certain other publishers, whose announced in The Daily at a later names we all know.-date Publication in the Daily Official Bui- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angel haill, by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 am. Sat- urdays). lICTI)AY, APRIL 26, 1916 VO L. LVI, No. 124 Notices honors Convocation: The 23rd An- nual Honors Convocation on Friday April 26, at 11:00 a.m., in Hill Audi- torium, will be addressed by John P Dawson, Professor of Law, and re- cently Acting Regional Economic Counselor, U. S. Department of State There will be no academic procession Faculty members will assemble in th dressing rooms in the rear of th Auditorium and proceed to seats on the stage. Academic costume will b worn. Reserved seats on the main floor will be provided for studen. receiving honors for academ ic To permit attendance at the Convo cation, classes with the exception o clinics, will be dismissed a:; 10:45 a.m Doors of the Auditorium will be oper at 10:30 a.m. The public is invited. Notice to Faculty Members regard, ing Termination of Veterans' Bool and Supply Order for the Sprint Term, 1946: Faculty members must specify al books and supplies required in thei courses not later than May 10 in or der that the University may meet th, deadline for filing invoices with th Veterans Administration by the en of the term. I S r t t 1 Willow Village Program for veter- ans and their vives. Friday, April 26: "l~cselde rtilip How to get democratic group action and Parliamentary Procedures."Dr. Fred G. Stevenson, Extension Staif. 8-10 p.m., Office, West Lodge, Friday, April 26: Dancing Class. Beginners, couples, 7 p.m. Auditori- um, West Lodge; Advanced, eouples, 8 p.m. Auditorium, West Lodge. Mem- bers of Monday night lass for single men are iivited t att-esd with guests. Saturday, April 27: and Round Dance, 8 p.m., Audit:riuni, West Lodge. Sunday, April 28: Classical Music, Lodge. Sunday, April 28: Ve:perk': Rev. James Van Pernis, Protaiuit Direc- tors Association, 4-5 pm., Coife'rence Room, West Lodge. Sunday, April 28: Fout ball Movie, University of Michiga n vs. lzi di, commentary by. membher of Athleticy Staff, 7:30 p.m. Auditoriia, Wtl, Lodge. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for June: A list of candidates has been posted on the bulletin board of the School of Education. Room 1431 University Elementary School. Any prospective candidate whose name does not appear on this list should call at the olfice o(,tluhe"- Corder of tht, Sc hoUof1'E&IucatIi 1437 U.ES cal, Clivil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering: A representati., of the McDonnell Aircraft Company, St. Lotis. Missouri, will interview seniors . graGuating in June and at tihe end of the Summer Session for positions :11 design and development. Inervitws will be held in Room 3205 East ln- , gineering Bldg. all day today and un- e til noon tomorrow. Interested seniors e will please sign the interview sced- ule posted on the Aeronautical Engi- e neering bulletin board near Room n B-47 East Engineering Bldg. Lectures University Lecture. Dr. Alice Ham- ilton, Assistant Professor Emeritus of Industrial Medicine in the Harvard Medical School, will lecture on the subject, "The History of Control of the Dangerous Trades in the United States," at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, April 30, in the Rackham Amphitheater, under the auspices of tHe Office of the Dean of Women. The 1)1im is cordially invited. r s a Y e r NOR WOULD IT be possible for the government to control this news- paper, once the farm groups had been granted control. We need only imag- ine an Illinois politician telling a farm organization with 300,000 votes to change its editorial policy-that just doesn't happen in politics. In fact, the only censorship that the government could exercise over this paper would be based on the libel laws and the power of the courts. That would be a valid form of censor- ship-a form which is badly needed today. -Ray Ginger Suburbania IT IS, of course, economically a par- asite, sucking its life from the city, but giving back to the parent stock little more than a festoon of city- bought beauty. It costs something to live in the suburb, especially the typically well-set-up community, but its comfortable standards are main- tained by profitable industry in the city. From the standpoint of popula- tion, the suburb is almost wholly parasitical, securing its remarkable increase not from births but from the influx of families. It has been facetiously remarked that the commuter is fed and clothed for pen-pushing in the skyscraper, and that he is the only American whose heart and treasure are twenty miles apart. In short, the suburb flourishes numerically, aesthetically, and economically at the expense of the everyday American society which it endeavors to escape. -Carl von Rhode in Harpers Graduate Students Receiving Degrees in June: A special graduation announce- ment will be made up for graduate students if the total orders placed by graduate students warrant the addi- tional expenditures involved. You can place your orders April 30 through May 3 from 10:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00 at a booth outside of Room 4, University Hall. All orders must be accompanied by payment in full. Prices will be announced in The Daily at a later date. All pay- ments will be refunded promptly if the special announcement is not provided. The Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts at its meeting April 19 took the following actions: Students whose total records are below a "C" average at the end of the Spring Term, 1946, will be asked not to register again, unless in the opin- ion of the Administrative Board they can prove extenuating circumstances. Students who are asked not to regis- ter may petition for the privilege at a later time. This regulation does not apply to veterans. The special regulation passed by the Administrative Board January 29 concerning veterans will stand. That regulation reads: "Veterans, even though they may have earned an unsatisfactory record in their first term of residence, will not be asked to withdraw. They will, however, be asked to withdraw at the end of their second term of residence unless they can earn at least a "C" average for their elections of that term." Administrative Offices which have printed information regarding Wil- low Run Village which was published in February 1946 should destroy this material at once, since it is now ob- solete. The Office of the Dean of Students will be glad to furnish up to Mathematics Lecture: Captain H. H. Goldstine on leave from the De- partment of Mathematicswill talk on the Eniac (Electronic Numerical In- tegrator and Computer), built for the Army at the University of Pennsyl- vania, on Monday, April 29, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater. Academic Notices English 1, Sec. 17 (Dr. Bacon), will meet today and hereafter in Room 1018 Angell Hall. English 31, Section 4: The assign- ment for today, will be to continue with Sonnets where we stopped on April 24. A. L. Hawkins Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet in Room 319 West Medical Building today at 4 p.m. "Enzymes and the Intermediary Metalobism of the Fat Acids." All in- terested are invited. School of Business Administration -Courses may not be dropped after Saturday, April 27, without penalty. School of Education Freshmen: Courses-dropped after Saturday, April 27, will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordinary cir- lumstances. No course is considered cropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Registrar, Room I, University Hall. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for DROPPING COURSES WITHOUT RECORD will )e Saturday, April 27. A course may oe dropped only with the permission of the classifier after conference with the instructor. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for REMOVAL OF INCOMPLETES will be Saturday, April 27. W. J. Emmons, Secretary Concerts Student Recital: Margaret Wardle, harpist, will present a recital in par,- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music, at 8:30, Sunday evening, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. A pupil of Lynne Palmer, Miss Wardle has planned a program to include com- positions by Bach, Gluck, Debussy, Prokofieff, Salzedo, and Ravel. The public is invited. Exhbi--n BARNABY By Crockett Johnson y r ---, Mr. Shultz telephoned. To thank you for sending him the cigars. He was very oleased. John, that Il Does HE smoke cigars, Pop? 11 A timely bit of inte!igence, m'boy. Changing the entire complexion of the case. We know the Refrigerator Bandit I Come, Barnaby.. . Come, Gus. The game is afoot! II