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April 25, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-25

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*These (onipfietaiottl IHave Set 1,11
Can Junior Take A Jke? ingwith the dishes, polishing her shoes, and
assisting in the purchase of groceries.
THE DAILY often has reason to moan when We've liked every veteran's wife we've met,
an enterprising United Press reporter turns but Mrs. Veteran is on our list as a wife of an-
up a hot feature while the local AP man is mak- other choler.
ing speeches about freedom of the press. In or- *
der to keep our readers posted, there's at least Bumptio B n
one story we'll pass along here and now.
Out in Wessington, S.D., a $30,000 estate hangs BUSINESS is getting so presumptuous that
in the balance. After living a semi-retirement something ought to be done in a hurry. Whe-
for 20 years, Clarence Richardson decided that ther it's sheer exuberance over the manner in
Webster didn't know the meaning of the word which Congress respects its wishes or just an-
joke, and left the entire $30,000 to the man who other reflection of post-war self-aggrandizement
could, in the judgment of his executors, do better. we don't know.
Perhaps number one guesser will be the victim We do know that they've gone too far this
of a pretty raw joke himself. His name is Clar- time. Says Business Week, an unusually accurate
ence C. Richardson, Jr, spokesman for the commercial viewpoint, "We
ought to have a fixed date for Easter, on the
second Sunday of April, year in and year out."
Purple Cow Outmoded The reasoning is what hurts us. We're ac-
customed to the arbitrary choices of Mother's
WE DON'T know whether to stand up and and Father's Day; they fill in the slack seasons
cheer or get downright disturbed. for florists, confectioners, and haberdashers.
A lot of people maintain that this modern But holding no special brief for the church's
era is still under control, but we're inclined present selections of Easter, we dislike highly
to think that Man is just a slave to the machine the motivation which produces the following
or at least its products.
Our latest communique from the publicity publicity hand-out justification:
"Christ probably was crucified on April 7, A.D.
agenit who is fast becoming overwhelmed by 30; why not settle for Easter on the second Sun-
ais 1'unton runs along these lines: dyo pi?
"If contentment improves bossy's output, So they can sell more ties and bonnets?
dairy prospects should be bright. Now to pre-
vent hoof rot, the well-dressed cow is turned
out in rubber galoshes, complete with zippers." Latin Has Its Uses
Few cows were available for comment, butdd.l
the last cow we talked to would rather have wE w d nt ko eerythis on
hoof rot. while we don't know whether this one is
true, it sounded good to us.
One of our friends who works on the county
Take That Woman Away weekly was having lunch with an old college
HERE'S one type of news story which turns cohort when a young lady walked into the
up day after day to our intense regret. Our turreognizing one of the two above gentlemen
own women's page is not by any means the prime she stopped to say hello, announcing that she
offender, but their crime is close at hand. too, was a brother-in-arms. She worked for
They speak therein of the typical campus vet- the other Local Paper, she exclaimed.
erans' wife. It develops that said wife has been "Oh, the local paper," our friend mused. "De
married for two years, lives in a three-room mortuus nihil nisi bonum," he stated. (This is
apartment, and wears a size seven shoe. (We a phonetic approximation.)
suspect what a Freudian analyst of free asso- "Thank you, thank you very much," smiled
ciation would have to say about the writers' mind, the innocent as she carried the compliment off
but there's another textbook.) to her sure-to-be-pleased boss.
"Mrs. Veteran" is also regimented into brown * * * *
hair, 23 years, 117 pounds, bridge, reading "Blon- We Recognize A Trend
die" and "Terry and the Pirates," and liking blue.b
She further regiments her husband into help- BEFORE the subject gets away from us-and
subjects do that with astounding regularity-
we want to have a word or two about this tenden-
cy of our friends to flock to law schools. We were
-- having our usual learned discussion the other
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily night, and musing about the whereabouts of cer-
are written by members of The Daily staff tain names oft taken in vain around the table.
and represent the views of the writers only. When the tabulation was complete we had New
Haven, Cambridge, Morningside Heights, and
the neo-Gothic on S. State St. on the list in over-
Bertrand Russell once wrote that fundamen- whelming quantity.I
There's no one splendid solution to the natural
tal criteria of the educated man is his degreq eto f w y u w 'e w re u o e
of sensitivity to human suffering outside his question of why, but we've worked out some
personal experience. Europe's starving mil- tentative hypothesis. Heading the list of ad-
lions constitute, among other things, a test of vantages are 1) a place to live, 2) government
oisntitasecagterhpe gsopleessupport in a majority of cases, and 3) the satis-
our Integrity as educated people. faction of suing local cleaning establishments
At this moment, we are not subject to a high- for that pair of pants they lost before they knew
pressure, door-to-door "charity campaign."The the difference between equities and torts.
advertising men have not yet begun to squaw. A friend of ours now attending one of these
Any aid we give Europe today is given in a rela- august institutions has a more convincing theory.
tively individual manner. Russell's educated Anybody can go to lit school these days, he points
man has simply to write a check to Emergency out. It takes a law education to make penny-
Food Collection and send it to George H. Gab- pitchers out of pipe-smokers.
ler at 1210 Brooklyn St., Ann Arbor.p
--Milt Freudenheim (All items appearing in this column are written by
members of The Daily staff and edited by Editorial
Relax Driving Regulations

Feckless LHotisI

_ _ __ _

1/ s


IF the House of Representatives wakes up some
morning with its head clear and nothing bet-
ter to do, it might ask itself whither it is drifting.
For the House is sort of in trouble. In pursuit
of its strategy of mashing the inoffensive Mr.
Truman (and the watered-down New Deal for
which he stands) into a bleeding pulp, the House
is perhaps abdicating its function as a full, re-
sponsible, equal half of Congress.
It has developed a habit of writing muddled
bills, in a great angry flurry, bills which many
of its members know to be poorly written and
hastily conceived, and then of depositing these
furious creations, like shapeless bundles of
scrap paper, on the desk of the clerk of the
Senate. It leaves it to the upper House to go
in for the refinements of tinkering, straighten-
ing out, improving, and making sensible what
is, in essence, a formless expression of bitter
Nothing could have less shape to it, for ex-
ample, than the recent House bill on selective
service. This fuzzy proposal wipes out the draft
for the entire summer, and then puts it up to
the President to decide, two and one-half weeks
before Election Day (charming!) whether to re-
institute it or not. The thing is just not a law
at all; it merely runs from the problem, and
then, as if moved by an afterthought, fires a
potshot at the President as it runs.
Incidentally, the bill represents an incoherent
abandonment of the House's beloved argument
that we have too much one-man government in
this country, for it heaps upon the President,
who didn't ask for it, the awful power of deciding
whether to draft, or not to draft, free Americans
into the armed services. It seeks to make a dic-
tator out of him, the darn dictator, which is
going the long way around to prove that dictat-
ors are bad.
THESE legislative romps have been taking
place so often as to form a pattern. It is a
design for blockading and paralyzing the federal
government in its efforts to attain sensible social
objectives. We have reached a stage at which
numerous private business and conservative in-
terests which feel themselves threatened by
federal action, find that they can often obtain
from the House what the patent medicine ads
call quick relief.
The "New Republic" recently published a scary
little study of House action on certain bills not
very well known to the public which shows what
a mood the lower chamber has boggled into.
When the government wanted to bring fire
insurance companies under anti-trust regu-
lation recently, and planned a court test, the
House immediately whooshed through a bill
exempting the companies from the operations
of the law. When Governor Arnall of Georgia
went to the Supreme Court with an anti-trust
complaint against the railroads, a bill was
brought into the House to exempt the roads.
It went through, wheeeee!, like that. When the
Federal government tried to collect royalties
from oil companies extracting petroleum from
tidelands, the (Pauley) bill to exempt the
companies was introduced, and you have
guessed it. It passed. Here, too, the House
dropped another of its cherished theories,
which is that the Supreme Court is a lovely,
adorable, a delightful institution, and the
guardian of our liberties, for, in all three cases,
the House sought to head off Supreme Court
action by writing hasty and special bits of law.
This legislation has now piled up in the Senate,
along. with the selective service bill, and, of
course, the amazing House version of price
AND it is almost not worth while to study the
fantastic House price control bill on its
merits; for it is part of the other thing, of the
special function the House has lately assumed
as the beachhead of anti-reform. This is not
legislation; it is shell-fire; and in thinking of the
role of the House these days one thinks of words
like revolution, and civil strife. While these are
not quite appropriate, for the House acts legally,
the overtones are right; the House has left it to
the Senate to be the sober legislative body while
it (or its majority) conducts a kind of war, using
almost any weapon that lies to hand; and raising
the question of who has become the rubber stamp

now, and for whom?
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Filibuster Backfire?
ATTEMPTS to legally halt lynching in the
Southern states have been held up by a strong
filibuster in the Senate, but in the opinion of a
Washington lawyer "the result of the fight has so
educated and aroused the people" that lynching
no longer is an "official" practice.
This view, aired before the annual institute of
human relations of the Chicago Round Table of
the Conference of Christians and Jews, seems too
optimistic a one for the American people to ac-
cept without reservation.
Disregarding the fact that lynching has never
been official, individual cases have been publi-
cized before with no apparent alleviation of the
condition. Obviously something more than the
mere words of a lawyer about a successful fili-
buster will be needed before lynchings in the
South will come to a definite end.
-Lynn Shapiro

Spring Term Exam Scheduie

View Of Faith
To The Editor:
N REPLY to the letter written by
Ebba Stoll and Vesta Furniss con-
cerning the question of religion we
would like to say a few words con-
cerning the charges of narrow atti-
tudes and supercilious arrogance
made against the religious organiza-
tions on campus.
On the basis of dogma and creed
we heartily agree that no one group
should ever claim to have a compet
and exclusive option on Truth. Reli-
gion is a deeply personal matter. But
it is this very personal nature that
makes our faith so very much a part
of our daily lives. Christianity, to us.
gives a deep and abiding meaning
to all the things that we think and do.
It is this meaning that makes the
faith that we have so real to us. It is
this meaning that is the basis for
the joy and beauty that life takes on
when viewed in the light of Christian-
God, to us, is as real as the things
you see and touch. To anyone who ex-
periences the thrill of answered prayer
the existence of God is a cetainty.
We cannot explain in rational terms
why Christianity gives such a vibrant
meaning to life. Nor can we explain
why prayer works, or why we receive
such a deep sense of awareness when-
ever a prayer is answered, all psychol-
ogy notwithstanding. We can only say
that our faith gives new life and new
vision to our daily tasks. We only
know that Christianity works for us.
It is only because we find sucha deep
joy in our faith that we would spread
it to others in hope that they might
find it too.
The need for a rational approach to
the controversy between believers and
non-believers is very great. We would
be the first to support any attempt
to dispel the unnecessary prejudice
that exists between the atheist and
the theistic philosophies.
Yours very truly,
George R. Crossman, Garrett
Graham, Grey Austin, Bar-
bara Miller, Harvey W. Ander-
son, Mary Anne Graham,
Marjorie Lamb, Genevieve
Expensive Union
To The Editor:
LOOKING around for somehing to
J do on Friday and Saturday nights,
I find that generally the only alterna-
ti-ves are either going to a movie or
attending the Union dances. As a vet-
eran trying to live on $65 a month,
I find that the $1.20 per couple as
charged at the Union is rather steep.
I wonder if this expense is justified.
I am a member of the Graduate
Council which is planning a mixer
early next month. The admission fee
will be 25c per person. At this price,
we can still make a small profit as
we have in the past, even providing
music, refreshments, and entertain-
ments, as well as dancing.
If a campus organization can pro-
vide a full evening's entertainment
for only 50c a couple, why is the cost
of the Union dances so much greater?
Since the Union dances are well at-
tended, they must show a substantial
profit. It would seem as though their
admission price could be reduced.
What is the Union's purpose? Is
it a non-profit organization run for
the benefit of the students? Where
does the money go? Perhaps Union
expenses are greater than I realize;
if so, is such information available
to students, and how can it best be
-Howard Levy

June 13 to June 19, 1946
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
College of Pharmacy
School of Business Administration
School of Education
School of Forestry and Conservation
School of Music
School of Public Health
NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of ex-
ercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having
quizzes only, the time of exercise is the time of the first quiz period. Cer-
tain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular
schedule. To avoid misunderstandings and errors, each student should re-
ceive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his examina-
tion. In the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, no date of examina-
tion may be changed without the consent of the Examination Committee.

Time of


Monday at 8 ......................
"9 .....................
"3 ", 10 ........... ...........
"! ", 11 ......................
Monday at 1 ......................
"3 "!. 2 ......................
" "Y 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tuesday at 8 ......................
9 .....................
10 ......................
'', "Y11.....................
Tuesday at 1 ......................
"5 "! 2 ......................
"Y "! 3 ......................

Time of Examination
Thu., June 13, 2:00-4:00
Sat., June 15, 2:00-4:00
Fri., June 14, 10:30-12:30
Tues., June 18, 10:30-12:30
Wed., June 19, 8:00-10:00

Mon., June 17,
Thu., June 13,
Fri., June 14,
Thu., June 13,
Tues., June 18,
Mon., June 17,
Sat., June 15,
Wed., June 19,
Tues., June 18,


College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Political Science 1, 2, 52 ...........
Speech 31, 32 .................... .
French 1, 2, 12, 31, 32, 61, 62,
91, 93, 153 ....................
English 1, 2.....................
Economics 51, 52, 53, 54...........
Botany 1 ...........................
Zoology 1 ..........................
Sociology 51, 54 ....................
Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32 ..................
German 1, 2, 31, 32, 348 ............. .
School of Business Administration

10 :30-12:30
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00
2:00- 4:00

Sat., June 15,
Mon., June 17,
Mon., June 17,
Tues., June 18,
Tues., June 18,
Wed., June 19,
Wed., June 19,
Thu., June 13,
Fri., June 14,
Fri., June 14,

Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes
will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
School of Forestry and Conservation
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes
will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
School of Music: Individual Instruction in Applied Music
Individual examinations of appointment will be given for all applied
music courses (individual instruction) elected for credit in any unit of the
University. For time and place of examinations, see bulletin board at the
School of Music.
School of Public Health
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes
will be indicated on the School bulletin board.


(Continued from Page 2)
A cademic Notices
English 31, Section 4: The assign-
ment for Friday, April 26, will be to
continue with Sonnets where we
stopped on April 24.
A. L. Hawkins
History and Orientation Seminar
today at 3:00 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall.
Mr. Keeler will speak on Geometric
School of Business Administration
-Courses may not be dropped after
Saturday, April 27, without penalty.
School of Education Freshmen:
Courses dropped after Saturday, April
27, will be recorded with the grade
of E except under extraordinary cir-
cumstances. No course is considered
dropped unless it has been reported
in the office of the Registrar, Room
4, University Hall.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING
be Saturday, April 27. A course may
be dropped only with the permission
of the classifier after conference with
the instructor.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for REMOVAL OF
INCOMPLETES will be Saturday,
April 27.
W. J. Emmons, Secretary
Faculty Recital: Lynne Palmer,
Harpist, will be heard in a recital at
8:30 tonight in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater. Her program will in-
clude a group of three compositions
by Salzedo, Waltzes, Op. 39, by
Brahms, Prelude in C major by Pro-
kofieff, Deux Divertissements by Cap-
let, and will close with Mozart's Con-
certo for harp and flute. Mrs. Palmer
will be assisted in the Concerto by

Marie Mountain Clark, flutist, and
John Kollen, pianist, also members of
"he School of Music faculty. The pro-
;ram is open to the general public
without charge.
Michigan Historical Collections.
"Public Schools in Michigan," special
exhibit for the Michigan Schoolmas-
ters Club. Hours: 8:00 to 12:00, 1:30
to 4:30 Monday through Friday; 8:00
to 12:00 Saturdays.

"Early Ann
Open daily
days, 8-12.

Historical Collections:
Arbor." 160 Rackham.
8-12, 1:30-4:30; Satur-

N 1927, the Board of Regents passed a resolu-
tion prohibiting any student attending the
University from driving, except in "exceptional
and extraordinary cases in the discretion of the
Dean of Students." The clause "exceptional and
extraordinary cases" was interpreted to include
the operation of cars for family, commuting,
health, and business purposes. The University
also put an age limit for exemption at 26. En-
forcement of the ban was put in the hands of
the Dean of Students Office, upon recommenda-
tion of a student committee. The resolution of
1927 is still in effect.
There are a number of good reasons for
maintaining such a driving ban. Prior to the
ruling, about four or five students were killed
each year while operating automobiles. Since
the ban came into existence, two students have
been killed while driving, two students in 19
years. The ban has helped to establish a more
democratic atmosphere on campus. The student
who had a Packard convertible might have a
definite social advantage over the student who
walked. The ban has met with parental approv-
al, and has stopped much time wasting extra- .
BUT the rigidity of the ban has gone to ex-
tremes. There are several regulations which
should be relaxed.
First, although the theory of a driving ban is
good, it should recognize the relative maturity
of students on whom it falls. This is especially
prominent in the case of veterans. The age
exemption of 26 seems too high when one con-
siders the number of students on campus over
21 who have pci formed important tasks on a
mature level for the last few years. 21, the age
of legal maturity, would probably be a fairer,
age for exemption than 26, particularly in the

unavoidable. Taxis are not easy to get at all hours
in Ann Arbor, and the bus system is highly inade-
quate. Girls who wish to visit someone and don't
like to walk alone at night sometimes find
that they must use their car. It is carrying things
a bit too far to punish a girl because she drives
over to a league house to borrow a book or visit
a friend.
Finally, the driving ban as it stands now
shows a certain amount of incongruity that
becomes increasingly prominent in nice weath-
er.. In the summer term, it is legal for a stu-
dent to use the car for recreational purposes,
with certain modifications. But in the spring,
when the desire to play golf or go swimming is
just as strong, one can not use the car for those
WE DO NOT CONTEND that the driving ban
should be entirely lifted. Prohibiting stu-
dents from bringing cars to Ann Arbor has prov-
en to be a good idea for the students themselves.
But some flexibility should prevail in the ban for
students who live in town and find themselves
out in various residential sections with a per-
fectly good means of conveyance sitting in the
driveway and restrictions of every sort sitting
there with it. Some leniency should certainly pre-
vail for the veteran who resents being treated as
if he lacked a sense of responsibility. Some leni-
ency should be effected so that the student who
innocently drives over to Mosher to borrow a
book isn't put on probation.
-Eunice Mintz

To The Editor:
ON GOOD FRIDAY in one of the
courses in Anthropology, the Pas-
sion of Our Lord was read by the pro-
fessor, and then held up by him to
scorn and ridicule. Previously
throughout the course all religion
had been steadily discounted and
scoffed at; this particular core of our
Christian faith was picked out, pre-
sumably as an example. Many of the
students were seriously offended,
(needless to say the offense was not
to themselves), but dared not protest
for fear of endangering their aca-
demic standing in the course.
Now in this State University in
this democracy, our hereditary free-
dom of speech and of religion are held
dear. Any man may hold, unmolested,
any belief or no belief, and may talk
about it. Yet, lest these freedoms be
interfered with, no professor is free
to teach any particular religious
creed or indoctrinate students accord-
ing to his private standards. Is he
then, by the same token, free to teach
atheism or anti-religion? Is he free
to blaspheme God?

Events Today
"The Music and Dramatic Depart-
ments of the University High School
present "The Chocolate Soldier," an
operetta in three acts, to be given
in the high school auditorium at 8:30
p.m., tonight, Friday, and Saturday
evenings. Tickets are on sale in the
office of the University High School.
Tea at the International Center:
The weeidy informal teas at the In-
ternationil Center on Thursdays,
from 4:00 tc 5:30 p.m. are open to
ali foreign students and their Ameri-
can fr'ends.
A seminar on Student Christian
Movement will be held at Lane Hall
at 4:15 today. The discussion will be
led by Mr. Franklin H. Littel.
The Board of Cooperation of IN-
SIGHT will meet in the Council
Room at Lane Hall today at 4:30.
Assembly Speakers' Bureau will
hold a short meeting today at
5:00 in the Assembly Office of the
League. All those interested are urged
to attend. Please bring your eligibil-
ity cards. For further information,
contact Gretel Schinnerer at 23225.
(continued on Page 5)

Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

--Laura Palmer I


By Crockett Johnson
Horrors! He's in one of those brown

Margaret Farmez
Hale Champion
Robert Goldman
Emily E. Knapp
Pat Cameron
Clark Baker
Des Howarth
Ann Schutz
Dona Guimaraes

r .r

Editorial Director

. .

. . . . City
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate
. . . . . . . . . . . . Associate
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports
. . . . . . . . . . Associate Sports
.. . . . . . . . . . . . Women's
... ..Associate Women's


. . . . . . . . . . Managing


O'Malley. Please. You've been scraping on
that fiddle for an hour. How can I keep a


studies again ... I'm afraid that he


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