PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY APT-, 2 , i946 Tii-L A Is_ , - rAGE TWO TIIL'RSDAY. ARIL 2~. 1946 Malmros Views U.S. System Of Education Teaching Impresses Swedish Physician "We want to discover how medical students in the United States can be taught in four or five years the same material that students in Sweden learn in seven or eight years," Dr. Haqvin Malmros, in Ann Arbor this week as part of a six-man Swedish commission to investigate American medical instruction techniques, de- clared yesterday. "I am very much impressed with the teaching methods here," he said. He attributed the quicker American education to more teachers with few- er students per class. The American system, he observed, is rather in- formal and students are encouraged to ask questions of the instructor, while in Sweden classes may number 50 or 60 students with lectures very formal. Harvard Included in Tour The commission, completing the second month of its three-month tour of the United States, has already vis- ited Harvard, the University of Chi-. cago, and universities in the New York area. The University of Michi- gan is included in the itinerary, Dr. Malmros said, because of its fine rep- utation and because they wanted to observe how a state university func- tions. Doctor of internal medicine and physician-in-chief of the Central Hospital of Orebro, Sweden, Dr Malmros has made one previous visit to the United States, spending a year here in 1928 on a Rockefeller fel- lowship. Likes Ann Arbor Weather He has done much work in the fields of diabetes and tuberculosis. Especially interested in tuberculosi among students, he helped organize the Health Service at the University of Lund, where yearly check-ups foil the disease are made-on the students He likes the open air of the Michi- gan campus. "It's much better for students," he said, "to live in a smal open place, rather than in the close confinement of a big city." Here al- most a week, he refuses to believe that it rains in Ann Arbor.- Altshuler Cites %. Use of Music In Psychiatry Music has become the chief tool in psychiatric treatment of mental pa- tients who cannot be reached by the spoken word, Dr. Ira Altshuler, psy- chiatrist at the Wayne County Gen- eral Hospital, said in a talk last night before the Psychology Club.. Dr. Altshuler pointed out that psy- chiatrists should work in close coop- eration with musicians. He envisioned special training of musicians in so- ciology, psychology and psychiatry to enable them to synthesize new "me- dicinals" using music in the treat- ment of mental patients. He main- tained that further research is es- sential. The problem at present, Dr. Alt- shuler said, is when to administer music, what kind to use and how much to give. Knowledge of the na- ture and symptoms of the illness are required, he said. Music has been utilized as a thera- peutic agent for treating individual patients and groups of patients at the Wayne County Hospital for the past eight years. Hold Your Bonds SATURDAY NIGHT MIDNIGHT SHOW MAKE YOUR PLANS NOW! ATTENTION, NATURE LOVERS: Poison Ivy Lurks in Wooded Suburbs DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN By PERRY LOGAN There'll be no fun in kissing this year.' We learned recently of the multi- tude of germs encountered with every osculatory embrace. Now Health Service serves warning that a mis- placed hand or an uncovered ankle nay lead an amorous one to the rigors of poison ivy. It's dishearten- ing. Dr. Warren Forsythe, director of the Health Service, has emphasized that the little three-leafed plant is mighty thick in the suburban woods around Ann Arbor. Poison ivy, he points out, has a nasty habit of sneak- ing up on a guy or gal just when he least suspects it, or has little concern for Arboretum flora. Danger Greatest After Dark Springtime hikes and afternoon walks in the woods have brought this irritation to light again. "There is an especially great danger of ivy pois- ming after dark in and around the shrubbery," Dr. Forsythe maintained. We didn't know quite what he meant.1 Socks, slacks, and bluejeans cover- ing the lower limbs aren't always sure protection against poison ivy, 1e declared, since if the poison gets Materials... (Continued from Page 1) )roximately 400 veterans and 400 ion-veterans receiving payments now rom the Ann Arbor office, which ninisters to all Washtenaw County xcept the four eastern counties round Ypsilanti. Many persons over the age limits isually imposed by industries have lualifled for unemployment insur- ance, "swelling the total, amberg aid. There are 13,000 persons em- >loyed in this area, with a probable 'xpansion to 16,000, he estimated. Beginning in May, Kaiser-Frazer corp., will hire 1,000 men a month intil they have 15,000. This will ab- orb all labor available here and nore, Hamberg said. Ann Arbor's ?usinesses and services will necessar- ily haye to expand to serve this in- rease, he stated. The housing need vill be intensified. Wage levels in the city's services and trades have shown the great- est expansion recently. "The eco- nomic effect of student work is nil," he said, since their part-time posi- tions would not be filled by other labor. , Considerably more persons are em- ployed in the city now than before the war, more than during the late twenties, Hamberg pointed out. Em- ployment is slightly lower than dur- ing the war, but gaining. The ex- pansion has come primarily in exist- ing industries and in services and trades ministering to the University. Hamberg said that he preferred the national set-up to state autonomy in the USES, since nation-wide coordi- nation is more effective. States with less stringent civil service require- ments than Michigan have had their employment services undermined by political patronage in the past. How- evr, the lines of authority under state control are to be preferred, he said. Sorority . .." (Continued from Page 1) against policy to accept Negro mem- bers, said: "At the present time, there is a great deal of agitation of two kinds. In the first place, there are the fair employment practices in the commer- cial field. They there are certain agi- tators who are trying to carry them over to other fields. I believe people are trying to use this story for that Spurpose." In answer to the question of whether or not there is a ruling against admitting Negroes to the so- rority, Lois Patsloff, president of the Michigan chapter, first declared that in both the national and local sorori- ties a vote against Negroes had been registered. Later, she denied the truth of this statement, asserting that she had misunderstood the question. Students Appear As Movie Extras Students working at Camp Davis, University Geology and Surveying Camp in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, last summer served as extras in the pro- duction of "Bad Bascomb," moving picture, which was filmed near the camp and is soon to have its premiere benefit performance at a local thea- tre. on the shoes or clothing, it can be tranferred to the body by handling when the clothes are removed. Reactions to the poison are varied. Some persons puff out all over, taking up to three weeks to get rid of the affliction. In most- instances, it's just a case of a lot of annoying blisters on the affected areas. Washing with strong soap immediately after exposure will usually help to get rid of the poison. "Watch where you step" was the general warning. Premature Sunbathing The unwary student doesn't have to leave the city proper to get blis- ters, however. Health Service also warns against premature sunwor- shipping. Not that gradual exposure isn't fine for Vitamin D and that sort of thing, it's just that the Health Service wories about eager students who wake up in the night with hot and cold spasms, uncomfortable itch- ng, and general burning sensations, as a result of sunburn, an unhappy state. In time, of course, the sunburn will go away, but there is nothing gay about the moans of the sufferer. Treatment runs anywhere from soda paste to tannic acid preparations, to relieve the discomfort of burning. Blisters and Blood Poisoning Blisters from walking and renewed athletics cause their share of spring- time malady, too. Dr. Forsythe warns that, in case you don't relieve the pressure soon enough to avoid a blis- ter, do not by any means break the1 blister-not even with a supposedly- sterile pin. In case the blister is brok-. en at all, make sure that the top skin is torn all the way off. The dangerG of blood poisoning from blisters is relatively high, and it can be de- tected by red streaks in the skin near the blister. Best advice is to leave it alone-itll go away of its own accord. There's no great danger of perm- anent bodily damage from any of these spring health hazards--mostly they're just annoying and have a high nuisance value. Health Service would be just as happy if students would take a little care to avoid them. If, however, you do have any trouble, they suggest that you make a quick dash over to the Health Service and get it taken care of. They expect their first case any day now. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED RATES $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional five words.) Non-Contract $1.00 per 15-word insertion for three or more days. (In- crease of 25c for each additional five words.) Contract Rates on Request LOST AND FOUND LOST-A green spiral notebook con- taining Physical Chemistry data; Monday, between 10 and 12. Call Mr. Auger, 258347. LOST-White glass beaded evening purse Saturday night. " Initials V.J.M. on gold cormpact in purse. Reward. Call Vivian Miller. 2-2868. Desperate! LOST-Silver lighter with "Blossom" engraved. Great sentimental value. Call 25184 Please! LOST - Purse with identification cards by Chen, Ching Fu, 422 Winchell House, W. Quad. Finder will be rewarded 2 beautiful Chi- nese hand paintings and $5.00. LOST: Small red leather purse con- taining glasses, Parker pen. Be- tween Stockwell, Angell Hall. Re- ward. 2033 Stockwell. LOST: Nurse's Bulova wrist watch with owner's name engraved on back. Reward. Call University Hos- pital-Extension 342. BLUE WALLET containing $25, iden- tification. Finder call Betty Rhode 2-4561. Rm. 405. Reward. LOST: Brown overnight bag Monday evening corner N. State and Uni- versity or on Willow Run bus. Rich- ard Spencer. Phone 9390 after 5 or leave at Business Office University Hall. Liberal reward. FOR SALE SAVE 25% ON TENNIS RACQUETS, strings, repairs. Just arrived, H. C. Lee frames. MClusky and Dare, 417 8th street. Ph. 2-7360. FOR SALE-Two adjacent tickets for Sunday afternoon May Festival concert. Phone 2-2181 after 6:00. FOR SALE : K and E Log Log Deci Trig Slide Rule and Drawing Set. Call 23815. H ELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Fountain help, top pay, hours to your convenience, Apply in person to Mr. Lombard or Mr. Benden. Witham's Drug Store, corner of S. University and Forest. WANTED-Experienced waitress for part time work. Apply Mr. L. W. Anderson, Willow Run Bowling Al- leys. 1065 Midway, Willow Run Village. Phone Ypsi. 1852. WANTED: Part time stenographer for work mornings Monday through Friday inclusive; if necessary re- adjustment of hours can be ar- ranged. Apply B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation. Hill and Haven or phone Miss Goldberg 26585. WANTED: 2 dishwashers for board at fraternity house near Rackham. Call noon or evening 4379. CUNNINGHAM'S Need waitresses for soda fountain work. Have full time jobs open or part-time week-ends. Meals and uniforms furnished. Good salary. Liberal discounts on purchases. Work in an air-conditioned store this summer. Apply in person at 226 S. Main. Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all men- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell hall, by 3:30) p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 am. Sat- urda s). THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 123 Notices Honors Convocation: The 23rd An- nual honors Convocation on Friday, April 26, at 11:00 a.m., in Hill Audi- toriun, will be addressed by John P. Dawson. Professor of Law, and re- cently Acting Regional Economi Counselor, U. S. Department of State There will be no academic procession. Faculty members will assemble in the dressing rooms in the rear of the Auditorium and proceed to seats on the stage. Academic costume will be worn. Reserved seats on the mai floor will be provided for students receiving honors for academic achievement, and for their parents To permit attendance at the Convo- cation, classes with the exception of clinics, will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. Doors of the Auditorium will be open at 10:30 a.m. The public is invited. School of Education Faculty: The April meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, April 29, in the Uni- versity Elementary School Library. The meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due not later than Monday, April 29. Report cards are being distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for fresh- men and sophomores and white cards for reporting juniors and seniors. Re- ports of freshmen and sophomores should be sent to 108 MasonHall; those of juniors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshmen and upper- classmen, whose standing at midse- mester is "D" or "E", not merely those who receive "D" or "E" in so-called midsemester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or colleges of the University should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall. E. A. Walter Men's Residence Halls Michigan residents, not now living in the resi- dence halls, who wish to live there during lie Summer Session snould apply at once at the Office of the Dean of Students, Room 2, Univer- sity Hal. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for June: A list of candidates has been posted on the bulletin board of the School of Education, Room 1431 University Elementary School. Any prospective candidate whose name does not appear on this list should call at the office of the Re- corder of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. Attention June Graduates: Graduation announcements and leather booklets can be ordered April 30th through May 3rd-at no other time. You may place your orders from 10:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00 at a booth outside of Room 4, University Hall. All orders must be accompan- ied by payment in full. Prices will be announced in The Daily at a later date. Graduate Students Receiving Degrees in June: A special graduation announce- ment will be made up for graduate students if the total orders placed by graduate students warrant the addi- tional expenditures involved. You may place your orders April 30th through May 3.-d.ft on 10:00-12:00I and 1:00-3:. a a booth outside of Room 4, Univciy Ihill. All orders zust be accompanii d by payment in full, Prices wviil be nounced in1 e D t t All pay- mflnt xuil be r funded promptly if thespeialannuncmen isnot printd All women students attending the LatinA Friday, April Graduatiug Seniors in Aeronautic- cal Ci I, Electrical and Mechanical Engering: A repre ->i of the McDonnell Aircraft Co)m v, St. Louis. Missouri, will inervw seniors gracuating in June and at Lle end of the Summer Session for positions in design and development. In:erviews will be held in Room 3205 East En- gmineering Bldg. all day today and un- til noon tomoirow. Interested seniors will please sign I he interview sched- ule posted on the Aeronautical Engi- neering Bulletin Board near Room B-47 East Engineering Bldg. 1946 Michiganensian: The Ensian is going to press this Friday. We are able to order 400 more Ensians. All those who failed to order their sub- scription by the April 15th deadline may get theirs this week at the Stu- dent Publications Bldg. 1945 Michiganensian: All those holding receipts for the 1945 Michi- ganensian are aked to pick up their copy at the Student Publications Bldg. as soon as possible. Willow Village Program for veter- ans and their wives. Thursday, April 25: Home Plan- ning. Adelia M. Beeuwkes, Instructor in Public Health Nutrition, will dis- cuss "What's New in Nutrition," the second of a series of three lectures. 2-4 p.m. Office, West Lodge. Friday, April 26: "Leadership: How to get democratic group action Continuous from 1 P.M. Starts Today BEJNUD RTHE SGENES OE -Also LATEST WORLD NEWS Coming Sunday "ABILENE TOWN" and Parliamentary Procedures."Dr. Fred G. Stevenson, Extension Staff. 8-10 p.m., Office. West Lodge. Friday, April 26: Dancing Class. Beginners, couples. 7 p.m. Auditori- um, West Lodge: Advanced, couples, 8 p.m. Auditorium. West Lodge. Mem- bers of Monday night classes for single men are invited to attend with guests. Saturday, April 27: . Square and Round Dance, 8 p.m., Auditorium, West Lodge. Sunday, April 28: Classical Music, Lodge. Sunday, April 28: Vespeis: Rev. James Van Pernis, Protestant Direc- tors Association, 4-5 p.m., Conference Room, West Lodge. Sunday, April 28: Football Movie, University of Michigan vs. Indiana, commentary by member of Athletic Staff, 7:30 p.m. Auditorium, West Lodge. . Lectures University Lecture. Dr. Alice Ham- ilton, Assistant Professor Emeritus of Industrial Medicine in the Harvard Medical School, will lecture on the subject, "The History of Control of the Dangerous Trades in the United States," at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday. April 30, in the Rackham Amphitheater, under the auspices of the Office of the Dean of Women. The public is cordially invited. The Henry Russel Lecture. Dr. Elizabeth C. Crosby, Professor of Anatomy, will deliver the Henry Rus- sel Lecture for 1945-46. "The Neuro- anatomical Patterns Involved in Cer- tain Eye Movements," at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, May 9, in the Rackham Amphitheater. Announcement of the Henry Russel Award for this year will also be made at this time. (Continued on Page 4) 0 v t0 'Dine in the Charming Early American Atmosphere Ealyof +^ J 'THE COLONIAL '1(OOM Specializing Steaks - Chicken - Sea Food Give your Student Parties , in our Private Dining Rooms Call 2,6544 Reservations not necessary 503 EAST HURON STREET --no.-y -y .y WANTED MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib- erty. We have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your bike can be expertly repaired also. ROOM AND BOARD WANTED: Service couple to live in house and board owner and son, April 28 to June 9. Call 8596 for details. WILL EXCHANGE Detroit 3 room unfurnished apartment. Available July 1 or earlier for 3 room or larg- er furnished or unfurnished house or apartment available July 1. Phone 5918 3-5 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS MICHILODEON CARNIVAL will be in town Sat. evening at Barbour Gym. Try your hand at games, dancing, refreshments. Everyone invited. TENNIS: Used racquets, bought and sold. Trade in your old racquet on a new one. McClusky & Dare, 417 8th Street, Ph. 2-7360. UNIVERSITY VETERAN'S wife with girl aged 21/2 offers day care for maximum of three children, ages 2-3; in own home by week or month. Licensed by state and city. Phone 23198. TYPEWRITERS bought, sold, rented, repaired. Work guaranteed. Two days service. Office Equipment Co. 111 4th St., phone 2-1213. SERVICING and REPAIRING COMPLETE service on your fur coat. Cold storage, insurance, cleaning, glazing. Re-styling, repairing. Gins- bury, 607 E. Liberty. PROTECT YOUR EYES This Summer! Your eyes ore more important than ever! Our fine sun-lenses will protect them against harmful rays of the sun. HAVE US FIT YOU IN PRESCRI PTIONED SUN GLASSES NOW. s Phone 6019 410 Wolverine Building LORD LAWLESS r 4 LAND! J+5 Ili I1CIIIGAN TODAY 11 III Knowing that you will want to add several of the May Festival program selections to your record library, we have for your consideration this week outstanding Columbia recordings which include Mozart's G Minor by the London Philharmonic with the inimitable Beechham conducting, Brahm's 4th with Ormandy and the Philadelphia as well as Ormandy and the Westmins- ter Choir doing the increasingly popular Prokofiev "Alexander Nev- sky" cantata. Milstein has recorded the Tschaikovsky Concerto in D Major for Violin and Orchestra with the Chicago Symphony. There is also the Brahm's Academic Overture with Barbirolli and the N. Y. Philharmonic and the Sibelius 5th by Rodzinski and the Cleveland Orchestra. THE ART CINEMA LEAGUE f mAND MU PHI EPSILON present 11 PRINT; TITLES 'IM LTANT NrVxTiMES . S -- III