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April 25, 1946 - Image 1

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Lit Students Need 'C'


Dollar Fee Is
New Judiciary
Council Rule
Qualifications Due
Saturday at Noon
Men's Judiciary Council imposed a
last-minute eligibility requirement on
Student Congress candidates last
night with the all-campus election
only one week away.
Names of students who fail to meet
the University's eligibility standards
will not appear on the election bal-
lot, Men's Judiciary ruled. Eligibility
cards must be secured from the Dean
of Student's office, Rm. 4 University
Hall and be signed by a member of
Men's Judiciary before noon, Satur-
day, according to the new decision.
The Council also will require that
petitioners pay a dollar at the time
eligibility cards are signed ih order
to defray expenses of a special elec-
tion bulletin to be printed this week
which will carry the names and
platforms of all eligible candidates.
Members of Men's Judiciary will be
at the Union student officers from 3
to 5 p.m. until Saturday for the pur-
pose of signing the certificates are
Harry Jackson, Charles Helmick,
Robrt Goldman, Fred Matthaei,
Richard Roeder and George Spald-
When they present the certificate
for signing, candidates will be
asked to tell whether or not they
will speak at the pre-election rally
at 7:30 p.m. Monday at Waterman
Gymnasium. Each candidate will
be allowed two minutes at the rally
to present his political platformn
according to present plans.
Eight Student Congress candidates,
meanwhile, will air their platforms
over radio station WPAG at7:30 a.m.
tomorrow as a part of their campaign
for seats in the Congress-Cabinet
student government.
The series of 15-minute radio pro-
grams will continue through next
Tuesday, April 30, the first day of the
two-day all-campus election,
Quota of 300
Set for NIROTC
In Peacetime
A tentative quota of 300 has been
set for the University's peacetime
NROTC Unit, Capt. Woodson H.
Michaux, commandant of the Unit,
revealed yesterday.
In filling this quota first priority
will be given to students currently en-
rolled in the V-12 or NROTC pro-
gram at the University. Second prior-
ity will be for those who are ripw en-
rolled in the same units at other col-
leges and universities.
Regardless of the number of stu-
dents who will be eligible under thisj
plan, 100 freshmen will be permitted
to enroll. Their selection will be made
upon a competitive basis, plans for
which will be published soon, Capt.
Michaux said, $
Additional Applications
If the total for the unit, including
these three categories, is still less than

300, additional applications will be
considered from students in advanced
standing who can qualify on previous
military or Naval training, which
will be considered equivalent to cer-
tain Naval Science subjects.
Students with less than a year in
college and no previous 'military
training will also be considered, pro-
viding they are willing to meet all
the standards of NROTC curriculum
before graduation.
In all these cases, of course, Capt.
Michaux explained, applicants must
be accepted by the University before
they can be considered for enrollment
in the NROTC here.
NROTC Membership Desirable
In addition to the normal reasons
of patriotism, self-preparedness in
the event of war, and the acquisition
ra un ,..ai-. ommic fl n ~t'~l~,Ii.}, N!4_









ndidates ust Be Eigible
/us _________

To Register
Veterans Exempt
From Regulation
Effective at End of Semester; Only
'Extenuating' Facts Rate Exemption
Non-veteran literary college students whose total records are below a C
average at the end of the present semester will not be permitted to register
again, under a sweeping new regulation announced yesterday by Associate
Dean Erich A. Walter.
The regulation, adopted last Friday by the college's Administrative
Board, provides that students who "can prove extenuating circumstances"
will be permitted to re-register.
The regulation further provides "i

Dramatics about the world food shortage are now point-I


Every newspaper reader on this campus knows what famine
victims look like, knows further that there are potentially mil-
lions of such victims.
But while organizations throughout America have worked
and planned to alleviate threatened famine, the University of
Michigan has until this week taken no effective action.
With yesterday's announcement that University Residence
Halls and the League are reducing the use of wheat flour in ac-
cordance with the national program, this campus takes its first
cooperative step.
It is now time to consider what the total contribution of
this campus should be. Certainly the initial steps taken by Uni-
versity officials are not sufficient.
There are three broad programs in which University stu-
dents can participate directly. Both need sponsorship from
responsible student organizations; both need vigorous coopera-
tion by the University community.
1) The official University program for conservation of
flour and waste should be voluntarily extended to all houses
which serve meals. New methods for further saving should be
studied and effectively applied.
2) Dirert person-to-person shipment of food parcels should
be encouraged by a campus agency which can furnish addresses
abroad. The American Society of Friends has already made
such contacts and would be glad to assist a local group in the
preparation of mailing lists.
3) Collection of funds and food on a group basis should
be undertaken immediately. A campus organization similar to
Ann Arbor's Emergency Food Collection group should work
with the city agency in an intensive and continuous drive to
maximize, local contrbutions.
Only when all possible action has been taken can this Uni-
versity community reassume its position of educated leadership.
Such leadership is the privilege of those who respect its respon-
-Mal Roemer
Hale Champion
LaGuardia ays Food Supply
Still Insufficient for Famine

League, Dormitories To Adopt
Wheat Conservation Program
Dieticians Will Use Less Flour for Pastry;
'Eat What You Take' Signs Will Be Posted

Although University supplies of
flour have not yet been affected by
the order cutting consumption by 25
per cent, the residence halls and
League have undertaken programs to
cut their uses of wheat.
Residence Halls Business Manager
Francis Shiel revealed yesterday that
it was decided at a meeting of Uni-
versity dieticians Tuesday to cut uses
of wheat for pasteries and other des-
serts by 25 per cent. This cut will
be accompanied by a poster campaign
in all dormitories urging stuodents to
"eat what you take."
Dormitory Bread Cut Expected
It is expected that bread deliveries
to dormitories will be decreased when
the bakers who.supply residence halls
have their flour supplies cut, Mr.
Shiel said. Rolls and buns made by
dormitory bakers will be increasingly
made with corn and oatmeal flour.
These steps, he said, should put the
dormitories in a position where they
will be able to serve sufficient
amounts of bread and rolls and also
conform to the flour cut order.
League Uses Less Flour
The League has cut the size of its
breakfast rolls by one-half and has
started making open-face and me-
ringue-topped pies in order to cut its
OP A Boosts
Retail Cigaret
Price Ceiig
WASHINGTON -(/U')- OPA boost-
ed retail price ceilings for cigarets.
The increase does not apply on
sales of single packs except in vend-
ing machines.
The increases, granted because of
a jump in manufacturing costs, are:
1-A half cent a pack on sales of
two packs, four, six and so on.
2-One cent a pack on vending ma-
chine sales.
3-Five cents on a carton of 10
The half-cent multile pack in-
crease applies wherever cut-rate pric-
es for these sales are in effect. For
example, stores now selling popular
brand for 15 cents a pack, two for
28 cents, are being allowed to increase
the price of two packs to 29 cents
The price for a single pack remains
Ceilings are based on March, 1942,
prices and vary from store to store,
Popular brands covered by this ac-
tion include Camels, Chesterfields,
Lucky Strikes, Philip Morris, Old
Golds and Raleighs.
Roxas Leads
In Plippines
MANILA, Thursday, April 25-(I)
-President Sergio Osmena Was fight-
ing for his political life today as
overnight official tabulations from
742 more election precincts gave him
a 7,328-vote boost but left challenger
Manuel Roxas 43,778 in the lead. Re-
turns still were indecisive, however.
The official count, with 2,526 of
the commonwealth's 14,238 precincts
tallied in the presidential race gave:
Roxas 248,344; Osmena 204,566.

uses of wheat flour. Carl Buss, sup-
plies manager for the League cafe-
terias, said that future changes in
baking will deperd on deliveries of
wheat flour to the Hospital, from
which the League requisitions its sup-
723 Students
to Be Honored
At Convocation
Dawson To Discuss
U.S. Foreign Affairs

By The Associated Dress
WASHINGTON, April 24 - The
combined Food Board today provided
thicker bread slices for famine-
threatened countries fed by UNRRA,
but Director General Fiorello H. La-
Guardia said the allowance still was
far short of "desperate needs."
The board, made up of members
from the United States, Great Bri-
tain and Canada, increased UNRRA's
April share of the world's pool of
wheat and other cereals from 363,000
to 460,000 ton 3
LaGuardia, who had estimated the
lowest needs of the hungry peoples
fed by his agency at 700,000 tons,
expressed disappointment at the
Board's decision, but said he was
reconciled to the fact that supplies
are not great enough to permit grant-
ing a larger share.
The weather bureau reports said
Hospitald Price
Ilaise Proposed
A new schedule of rates for the
University Hospital will be placed
before the Board of Regents for ap-
proval at Friday's meeting, accord-
ing to Dr. A. C. Kerlikowske, director
of the Hospital.
Although the new schedule would
create a substantial increase in room
costs, Dr. Kerlikowske said yesterday,
the effect it would have on Hospital
clientele would be no more than that
felt by "a person who goes to the
drug store to buy a five cent phos-
phate and finds the price has been
raised to seven cents,"
The price boost, which has been
in the offing for four months, is es-
sential because of the "increase in
cost of commodities and labor," Ker-
likowske explained.
HELSINKI, April 24-)I--A joint
Finnish-Mu sian ommunique re-
leased late tonight said the Soviet
Union "has considered it possible to
free Finland from further restitution

that western Kansas, one of the rich-
est wheat producing areas, needs rain
badly and that conditions were simi-
lar in parts of Nebraska. More rain
also will be needed soon in western
Oklahoma, western Texas and New
Mexico or the crop will deteriorate,
the reports said.
Red Tape Stalls
Occupation of
Willow Airport
University officials were silent yes-
terday on the acquisition of Willow
Run Airport, but The Detroit News
quoted Vice-President Robert P.
Briggs as saying that the War Assets
Administration's announcement re-
ferring to "immediate occupancy"
was premature.
Briggs, according to The News,
made this statement Tuesday after
conferring with representatives of the
airlines serving Detroit. Negotiations
for landing rights were adjourned "to
permit University officials to cut
through red tape which is holding up
acquisition of the field."
The airlines were reported to be
split on the issue of abandoning De-
troit City Airport.
Two companies-American and
TWA-announced that they would
continue to operate through City Air-
port if any others attempted a dual

...Honors Lecturer
* * *
A total of 723 students will be rec-
ognized for outstanding scholastic
achievement in the 23rd annual Hon-
ors Convocation to be held at 11 a.m.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
The convocation address will be de-
livered by Prof. John P. Dawson of
the Law School, who will discuss
America's responsibility in foreign af-
fairs. During the war Dr. Dawson
served with the OPA in Washington,
went to Egypt as director of the Near
East division of the Foreign Econom-
ics Administration and worked for
the State Department as acting re-
gional economics counselor for the
Middle East.
Honors will be conferred upon sen-
iors with at least a "B" average who
rank in the upper 10 per cent of their
class, underclassmen who have a 3.5
average, graduate students selected
for outstanding achievement in spe-
cial fields and recipients of awards
for merit.
Visiting educators from throughout
the state convening here for the an-
nual meeting of the Michigan School-
masters Club will attend the Convo-
DAR Allows Negro
Choir To 'Perform
WASHINGTON, April 24 - (P) -
The Daughters of the American Rev-
olution today let down the bars which
had kept Negro artists from appear-
ing in its Constitution Hall here in
the past and announced that the
Tuskegee Institute Choir would sing
there June 3.
The use of the hall was granted
without charge for the concert. The
proceeds will go to the United Negro
College Fund.

that "students who are asked not
to register may petition for the
privilege at a later time."
In announcing the new regulation,
Dean Walter said the Administrative
Board was of the opinion that "stu-
dents who cannot perform satisfac-
torily ought not to be registered in the
He added: "The parents of every
student who is now below a C average
will be notified of this new require-
ment by the college's administrative
Veterans are exempted from the
requirements of the new regula-
tion but will continue to be govern-
ed by the Administrative Board
regulation of Jan. 29, which states:
"Veterans, even though they have
earned an unsatisfactory record in
their first term of residence, will not
be asked to withdraw. They will, how-
ever, be asked to withdraw at the end
of their second term of residence un-
less they can earn at least a C average
for their elections at that term."
The College of Engineering and
the College of Architecture and De-
sign indicated yesterday that regu-
lations similar to the literary col-
lege's are being "considered."
Plans of other schools and colleges
of the University are not known.
The text of the new regulation
passed by the Administrative Board
Students whose total records are
below a C average at the end of the
spring term, 1946, will be asked not
to register again, unless in the
opinion of the Administrative
Board they can prove exenuating
Students who are asked not to reg-
ister may petition for the privilege at
a later time.
This regulation does not apply to
veterans. The special regulation,
passed by the Administrative Bard
Jan. 29, concerning veterans will
Local Sorority
Refuses To Take
Stand on Ban
The local chapter of Alpha Xi
Delta last night refused to take a
stand on the national sorority's re-
cent order banning rushing and
pledging for a year at the University
of Vermont after that chapter had
pledged Crystal Malone, Negro stu-
dent from Washington, D. C.
Reason offered for the ban was
that the Vermont chapter had failed
to answer letters, according to Asso-
ciated Press reports. Sorority sisters
of Miss Malone declined comment
on the subject of unanswered letters,
but the chapter's president, Patricia
Pringle of Utica, N. Y. said of Miss
Malone's membership:
"The 18 members have no inten-
tion of revoking the original pledge.
The girls are proud to be sorority sis-
ters of Miss Malone."
David Embury of New York City,
counsel for the national sorority,
when asked why the organization
does not openly state that it is
See SORORITY, Page 2

New Housing
Is Anticipated
Prospects for a 600-single-dwelling
housing development to help lick
Ann Arbor's small-house shortage-
are "very bright," an informed source
told The Daily yesterday.
The development, which would
house some of the 15,000 workers to
be employed at the Willow Run au-
tomobile plant, would be built by
Kaiser-Walsh Community Houses
Inc., a west-coast concern which now
has available labor and materials to
raise the houses "even under the sit-
uationdas it now stands," it was
Confident of Project
Expressing confidence that the
project will go through, The Daily's
source said that executives high in
Kaiser enterprises were "all for it."
The houses would be on a site capable
of eventually holding 1,200 small
Kaiser-Walsh built homes for
Kaiser's west-coast shipbuilding in-
terests. They are reported to Je ne-
gotiating to build another small-
house development in Williow Run,
under the supervision of the Willow
Run Planning Committee.
According to Lawrence Hamberg,
manager of the United States En
ployment Service office in Ann Ar-
bor, Kaiser-Frazer Corp. will hire
1,000 men a month, beginning in May,
until they have 15,000.
Need Set at 3,000
Mayor W. E. Brown Jr. has set
Ann Arbor's housing need at 3000
houses. Local contractors have re-
ported orders for approximately 350
new houses this year, but at a meet-
ing of the Veterans and Citizens
Housing Committee Saturday, a re-
port on materials revealed that local
sources can supply enough for only
100 new houses this year.
Hamberg told The Daily yesterday
that, in his opinion, labor for hous-
ing could be procured, if necessary,
from other karts of the country. "Ma-
terials are the criteria." he said.
Materials, Not
Labor, Is Crux
Of Shortage
Materials rather than labor are the
criteria in Ann Arbor's housing short-
age, Lawrence Hamberg, manager of
the local United States Employment
Service office, said yesterday.
Citing the 16 New York City
bricklayers now working on the
University building program, Ram-
berg termed construction workers
"proverbially migratory." Contrac-
tors get workers through AF of L
international building trades un-
ions, with the help of the Employ-
ment Service when necessary.
From 7,300 to 7,400 of the city's
10,000 servicemen have returned,
Hamberg said. Four hundred are
registered in the USES files here, and
some 15 a day come in seeking em-
ployment. Veterans generally want
better quality jobs than are avail-
able here, he said, but rather than
leave their homes, they take what
they can get in the city.
Two or three hundred veterans
have taken jobs while leaving their
names on file requesting a special
type of work. Sometimes openings
come after as long as six months,
Hamberg stated, The University's

Comnnittee s Power Delegated by Board of Regents

When plans for a two-night J-Hop
went awry last semester, the fact was
driven home to the campus that the
University has a Student Affairs
The committee-which voted Mon-
day to reorganize itself and ap-

Eligibility requirements for par-
ticipation in "public activities";
Change in location of fraternity
and sorority houses;
Financial affairs of fraternities,
sororities and other campus organi-
All social functions conducted by

Council, president of the Union, the
managing editor of The Daily, the
president of the League and the
chairman of the Judiciary Council of
the League.
All members of the committee
have equal voting power.
The Student Religious Association

membership because it believed
that giving representation to one
additional organization would not
eliminate present dissatisfaction
with student representation on the
The committee has invited stu-
dents and campus organizations to

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