V I WOMEN'S. JUDICIARY See Page 2 Y Aoll A& m4tr togan 4:3 a Ar ,tt4u MOSTLY CLOUDY SHOWERS VOL. LVI, No. 121 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, '' 1L4AY, APRIL 2', 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS r. Revisions Discussed By Governing Group Student Affairs Committee Calls For Reorganization Suggestions The Student Affairs Committee called a special meeting to be held May 6 to discuss complete reorganization of the Committee and invited all students and campus organizations to present their views on the Commit- tee's composition and functions.' Action was taken yesterday afternoon following discussion of the Stu- dent Religious Association's petition for a student representative in addition to the five students now serving on the Committee. The petition, which had been sent to the Committee for recommenda- tion by President Alexander G. Ruthven, was tabled. Deatlh Takes Ghief .Justice Stone; 63 eitio n for Conress Pos ts AFL Launches Membership Drive in. South Jurisdictional Dispute With CIO Foreseen By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, April 22 - The American Federation of Labor launched an all out battle, with the Congress of Industrial Organizations today to organize workers in the south. A goal of 1,000,000 new members in Dixie within a year was announced by William Green, AFL president. The CIO headed by Philip Murray, previously had disclosed plans for a $1,000,000 southern organizing cam- paign. Conference at Asheville Green said a southern labor con- ference would be held at Asheville, N.C., May 11-12, with delegates in- vited from 8,600 local AFL unions already established in southern states. The AFL currently claims 1,800,000 southern members among its total enrollment which it declares is more than 7,000,000. A greater voice for the AFL in the political affairs of the south was among the topics listed for discussion at the Asheville meeting. Green's statement said that besides complet- ing plans for the organizing drive the conference will take up these matters: Four Points Listed 1. "Coordination of national and state legislative and political activi- ties in the south." 2. "Hastening of reconversion and expansion of industrial activity in the south through union-manage- ment cooperation." 3. "Marshalling of labor forces to resist inroads of Communism and subversive elements." 4. "Mobilization of labor support for the advancement of the econ- omic and social welfare of southern agriculture through cooperation with farmers' organizations." AFL's executive council meets in Washington May 15, immediately after the southern conference, and Green's statement said the council "presumably will consider ways and means of supporting the southern drive with asistance from the nation- al organization as well as affiliated unions." Materials for Only.100 Houses Available in City Rock lathe, shingles and soil pipe are so scarce in Ann Arbor that there is enough for only 100 new houses, R. D. Osgood, chairman of the Materials Sub-committee of the Veterans and Citizens Housing Committee said yes- terday. George Walterhouse, local contrac- tor, commented pessimistically, "If you get 100 you'll be lucky." Citing the city's need for 3,000 new houses, Walterhouse pointed out that the previous high for houses built in a year is 290; the average is approxi- mately 250. Bathtubs Scarce Bathtubs, linoleum, flooring, nails, two-by-fours, drain tile, and column brick are other scarce materials, ac- cording to contractor H. D. Libolt. He said it takes 3,000 individual items to build a house. Contractors are using substitutes in some instances; shipments of some materials are ex- pected in late May and June, he said. There are only one third the num- ber of trained building mechanics needed available, Libolt said, and it takes four years to train a man in the skilled trades such as masonry and .nasrtrv The Committee decided that rec- ommending that one additional or- ganization be given representation would do nothing to eliminate present dissatisfaction with student repre- sentation on the Committee. Recommendations to the President will be made only after a complete discussion of the size of the Com- mittee, the ratio of faculty to stu- dent members, the method of select- ing student members, and the func- tions of the Committee. Deadline May 1 Rcommendations and suggestions on the subjects to be discussed must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Dean of Students by May 1. They will be mimeographed and sent to members of the Committee, who will request students representing various viewpoints presented to ap- pear before the Committee to further discuss their recommendations. Decisions made by the Committee will go to President Ruthven in the form of recommendations. Membership of the Committee is established by Board of Regents' by- laws, and final action on the Com- mittee's composition must be taken by the Regents. Committee Composition At present, the Committee consists of the Dean of Women, the Dean of Students, six faculty members and five students: the chairman of Men's Judiciary Council, the president of the Union, the president of the League, the chairman of the judiciary council of the League, and the man- aging editor of The Daily. The Committee has full control over all student activities other than athletics and publications. No ac- tivity falling under the jurisdiction of the Committee can be organized or carried out without the Commit- tee's approval. Saari Petitions For Candidacy To Congress With four hundred signatures on petitions late yesterday, Wayne Saa- ri, literary college senior, needed 200 names to be a candidate for nomina- tion as Democratic choice for Con- gressional Representative from this district. The petitions, which have been cir- culated mainly by students, must be completed by noon today. Saari is 24 years old and has lived in Ann Ar- bor for five years. He will be 25 in time to fulfill the age requirement. Saari was Democratic campaign manager for the four counties around Ann Arbor in the presidential and congressional elections of two years ago. He will graduate from the Uni- sity in June as a political science major. "I wish to thank all those persons who have helped circulate petitions," Saari said yesterday, adding, how- ever, that he still needed help. "Those interested in circulating petitions to- day can reach me at 21642, or at the Public Affairs office in Lane Hall," he said. AVC Requests Franco Inquiry In telegrams sent Sunday to Presi- dent Truman and Secretary of State Byrnes, the Ann Arbor Chapter of the American Veterans committee demanded that theUnited Nations conduct a complete investigation of Polish charges against Spain. The text of the telegrams follows: "We consider Fascist Spain a threat to world peace, and demand full in- vestigation by the United Nations of charges against the Franco regime." A spokesman for the local AVC chapter declared, "We are certain that the Franco government is op- posed by the majority of the Span- ish people, having been founded only GARSON SAVED BY FISHERMAN-Actress Greer Garson smiles gratefully at Vincent Sollecito, skipper of a sardine boat who saved her from drowning at nearby Carmel, Calif. Sollecito, on hand as technical advisor to a movie-making crew, plunged into the surf and rescued the actress when she was accidentally swept into the sea during filming of a seacoast scene. She's hospitalized, in Monterey, Calif., suffering shock and abrasions. Coai1i0 ove Results in Fall fSecoPnd-Japanese Cabinet Campus-Wide Elections Slated For Next Week Students Will Choose 18 R1-epresentatives Sixty-three students have petition- ed for posts on the Student Congress, new campus governing body, the Men's Judiciary Council announced last night. In a campus-wide election Tues- day, April 30, and Wednesday, May 1, the student body will choose 18 representatives from these candi- dates. Although the majority are inde- pendent candidates, two groups of students will campaign on separate platforms. One group running on the same platform consist of Ted Morris, Elsa Goodman, Judy Chayes, Terry Whitsitt, Bob Taylor, and Charlotte Bobrecker. On Action Slate Campaigning on an "Action Slate" will be Henry K. Kassis, Rona Eskin, Anasooya Bharatiya, Manny Rose, and Edythe Eleanor Levin. The independant candidates are as follows: John W. Schockley, Richard Courtright, Homer E. Underwood, Mary Alice Dunivan, Warren Palmer, Doris G. Krueger, Albert M. Warner, Henry Kaminski, Harry H. Jackson, Lorelei Nierman, Marion Riegel, Joan Catherine Sanders, Louis Lawrence Orlin, Lynne Ford, Charles Lewis, Gilda Kruger. Candidates Listed Barbara Irene Stuaffer, Bette Ham- ilton, Marilyn E. Hendricks, Harriet Risk, Eugenia McCallum, Carla Mul- lendore, Marshall Wallace, John T. Hayes, Kate Hearst, Donald McGre- gor Fyfe, Margery Harrington, Ruth McMorris, Max Benedon Kogen, Ar- thur Rebel DerDerian, Virginia Coun- cell, Ray Davis, Sidney Zilber, Robert Randal Pollock, Dulcie Beth Kras- nick. Melvin B. Raskin, Wilton Jaffee, Tom Walsh, George Nicolau, Gellert A. Seel, dharles E. Fisk, Steve Scour- les, Seymour M. Chase, George A. Leonard, Nancy L. Schlademan, Grace Lorraine Foster, Flo Kingsbury, Ev- erett B. Ellin, Alice Doumanian, Mary Lloyd Benson, Charles G. Helmick, and Haskell Caplin. Cab Owners Meet Council On Ordinance Meeting with the Common Council Ordinance Committee and the City Police Commission, a five-man Taxi- cab Owners Committee yesterday dis- cussed proposed changes in the local cab ordinance revision. No action was taken by the Ordi- nance Committee, a regular commit- tee of the Council which replaced the Special Taxicab Committee in considering the revision. The cab owners committee, which was pres- ent at the invitation of the ordinance group consists of Joseph Schiros, Kenneth Martin, Elmer Dicus, Carl Breining, Jr., and Jim Pugsley. Hu- bert Thompson represented the own- ers as attorney. Members of the Ordinance Com- mittee are Aldermen Harkins, (chair- man) Nichols, Kurtz, Pryer, Smith, Frederick, and Saunders. Police Commissioners Joseph Hoop- er and Herbert Frisinger, Chief of Police Sherman H. Mortenson, and Alderman A. D. Moore, who headed the committee which prepared the proposed revision, were also present. TOKYO, April 22 -(/P)--Japan's second postwar cabinet fell tonight under pressure of opposition parties for a coalition government. Aged Premier Kijuro Shidehara and his ministers resigned in a group after Shidehara told them the action was "necessary to stabilize the poli- tical situation" resulting from the re- cent election. The 73-year-old baron emerged from retirement: last October to form a government replacing the Negro Lynching To li Topic of MYDA Forum The attempted lynching of a Negro in Columbia, Tennessee and the ar- rest of one hundred others who fought to prevent the lynching will be dis- cussed at a MYDA meeting at 7:30 p.m. today at the Union, Victim of the would-be lynching, James C. Stephenson, 19 year old veteran, defended his mother against the abuse of a repairman, Will Flem- ing, who, she maintained, kicked her when she accused him of cheating. Police arrested Stephenson and his mother, but made no charges against Fleming, whose brother is the Demo- cratic Party nominee for county sher- Fifteen of the hundred Negroes, who were arrested and held incom- municado, were charged with attempt to commit murder. A meeting of the Inter-Racial As- sociation will be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow to discuss ways of obtain- ing financial contributions to aid Stephenson. _.. "surrender" cabinet of Prince Nar- uhiko Iligashi-Kuni. His regime had been generally ex- pected to be short-lived, and his fall appeared imminent last January when General MacArthur's political purge hit officials of cabinet rank. Shidehara saved the situation at that time with a drastic revamping of his cabinet, but again carne under heavy fire after the April 10 election, in which no party won a majority. Throughout most of its six- month existence the cabinet was widely criticized forfailure to solve the nation's urgent food problem and other difficulties. Organized political opposition finally forced tonight's group resignation despite Shidehara's repeated announce- ments that he intended to remain in office until the new Diet con- vened. All but one political party, all Tokyo newspapers, most trade unions, and other organizations backed the demand that he step down. The Progressive Party supplied the final push to the tottering cabinet. The Progressives refused to accept his as president until he resigned as premier. Shidehara took his resignation to the Imperial Palace shortly af- ter 7 p.m., Tokyo time (5 a.m. EST). Emperor Hirohito accepted it. General MacArthur had already been informed by foreign minister Shigeru Yoshida of the cabinet's de- cision to resign. The fall of the cabinet culminated a series of post-election political maneuvers so complex that the aver- age Japanese was bewildered and the makeup of the next government seemed anyone's guess. BACKS BRITISH LOAN - Michi- gan Senator Arthur Vandenberg yesterday placed his influence be- hind the British loan proposal in a major Senate speech on the eve of his departure for Paris with Sec- retary of State Byrnes Vandenberg Pushes Loan For England 'Economic War Will Result from Refusal' WASHINGTON, April 22-(P)-Sen. Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) today. placed his influence behind the $3,- 750,000,000 British loan proposal, without amendments. He expressed dislike of some details. But he found "a final balance in fa- vor of the bill in terms of intelli- gent American self-interest, which ought to be the determining factor." The influential Republican stated his position for the first time in a ma- jor Senate speech; delivered to a crowded chamber on the eve of his departure for the Paris foreign min- isters meeting with Secretary of State Byrnes. Predict Economic War Rejection of the credit, he warned, might lead to an "economic war." In that case, he continued, the world would be forced into bilateral bar- tering, and that, "in this new age, is linked with state regimentation, the direct antithesis of what we hold dear." America could more than hold its own in a foreign trade free-for-all, he conceded, if "we did what it takes," namely, resorted to regimentation. "The point is," Vandenberg went on, "there is a better way, and the pending bill points to the better way if it can be done." Reasons for Loan "1. I cannot ignore the fact that our experienced leaders in trade and commerce, with a few significant ex- ceptions, almost invariably recom- mend this loan. "2. Without this loan Bretton Woods is all but nullified. "3. We need not fear added imports to balance these new export accounts because the historical record dis,. closes that, except for war periods, and restrictionist thirties, a nation's imports (even of manufacturers) have increased on an absolute basis as its home industry grew. Filipinos Elect New President Three-Cornered Race Results Not Tabulated MANILA, Tuesday, April 23 -(P)-- Orderly voting was reported through- out the Philippine Islands this morn- ing as nearly 3,000,000 eligible voters began to cast their ballots for the men who will lead their new repub- lic. The leading Presidential candi- dates, incumbent Sergio Osmena and Manuel Roxas, voted before 10 a.m. Roxas conceded four provinces to Osmena but predicted confidently that he would win by 300,000 votes. Osmena said nothing. Transportation difficulties were ex- pected to limit the vote in country districts to 70 per cent of normal. Court Head Succtumbs to Hemorrhage Justice Black Gets Temporary Chair By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, April 22- Chief Justice Harlan F. Stone, 73, of the United States Supreme Court died tonight of a cerebral hemorr- hage a few hours after he had been stricken ill on the bench of the Su- preme Court. His illness had been originally diagnosed as a "small attack of in- digestion" and complete rest for a few days at home was ordered for him by a doctor. A few hours later his death was announced. Family at Bedside Mrs. Stone and their two sons, Marshall Stone of Cambridge, Mass., and Lauson Stone, of New York City, were at the bedside when death came. First word of the Chief Justice's passing came in a telephne call from his secretary, Miss Gertrude Jen- kins." The justice's illness dramatically interrupted the court session today It was the first time the court had convened after a three-week recess during which the opinions handed down today were prepared. Stone had worked hard during the recess, Elmore Cropley, clerk of the court, told a reporter, and probably had "over-taxed himself." He was born Oct. 11, 1872 on a farm near Chesterfield, N.H. Appointed by FDR President Franklin Delano Roose- velt appointed Stone, a Republican, Chief Justice after the jurist became widely known to judicial "circles as a "liberal." He had been an associate justice for 16 years, appointed by President Calvin Collidge in 1925. The death of Justice Stone left the Court with only seven of its nine jus- tices available. The work of presid- ing over the Court now devolves upon Justice Hugo F. Black, pending the appointment by President Truman of a new Chief Justice. Downes Says Music Criticism Is Undeveloped "Criticism of music is an highly undeveloped art with few good prac- titioners today," Olin Downes, music critic of the New York Times, said last night at a University lecture in the Rackham Lecture Hall before more than 500 people. Downes stated that the music de- partments of the universities fur- nish the best material for able crit- ics, since the requisites aside from a keen ear, natural taste and an open mind include the ability to read mu- sic and the knowledge of theories and techniques. With this background, the critic is not just a reporter but must interpret music interestingly with creative ideas in order to stimulate thought and contribute to the development of the arts. A good criticism, according to Downes, presents deductions and re- flections with the facts and may arouse controversies, but this too adds to our culture. The lecture, sponsored jointly by the School of Music and Pi Kappa Lambda, national music honor so- ciety, followed the initiation of Downes as an honorary member and twenty seniors and graduate students recently elected to membership in Pi Kappa Lambda. Gabler To Head City Food Drive In response to a request yesterday from Henry A. Wallace, George H. Gabler will chairman Ann Arbor's part in the nation-wide Emergency Food Collection drive. Canned food and money donations frnm vow rimm mifi iw 14oUT.n- FRENCH RESISTANCE LEADER: 'U'O Trained Librarian Liberated By MIRIAM LEVY Yvonne Oddon, incorporating methods of the American cataloging system learned while studying and working at the University General library, has resumed her work as. the most distinguished French woman librarian, Dr. William W. Bishop, lib- rarian emeritus at the University said. Dr. Bishop became acquainted with her while he was on a lecture tour, when Miss Oddon was a stu- dent in Paris Ni- woo srnt in en_ Seized by German soldiers in 1941, Miss Oddon was tried in the same year and circumstantial accounts of her execution appeared in New York newspapers. Through the Interna- tional Red Cross and other sources, it mn tq1a r8that Shp l vD ana