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April 21, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-21

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Fifty-Sixth Year

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications;
Editorial Stafff
Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor
Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director
Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . City Editor
Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
Clark Baker .............Sports Editor
Des Howarth . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . Women's Editor
Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Stafff
Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . Business Manager
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Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann, Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

£lelj lo Ie 6 lor
Knights of the Future
To the Editor:
AM NOT one of those who get a thrill out of
seeing my name in print. Occasionally, how-
ever, the urge becomes irresistible.
In your issue of this morning (Friday), I
was impressed by the column written by your
steady contributor, Mr. Ginger. Speaking of
the much discussed Free Press story about
Michigan girls, he says, "This recent event is
an object lesson to Ann Arbor that news-
papers are completely unreliable, and that
their account of any event is to be accepted
as merely an amusing piece of fiction. When
the Free Press lies about the University of
Michigan, we can discern the lie. But when
it lies about*:*Congress, we are seldom cau-
tious enough to question its accuracy."
ON the same editorial page, only three columns
removed, you publish an editorial by Mal
Roemer regarding the action of the lower house
of Congress regarding O.P.A. The first sentence
of the second paragraph reads, "Our represen-
tatives have decided that price control should
be no more." In an adjoining column another
editorial by Anita Franz, while not quite so
specific, makes essentially the same factual as-
Now anyone who has paid any attention
to what the lower house voted must know
that both Mr. Roemer and Miss Franz have
simply misstated facts. There are no words
wha tever in house bill ending price con-
trol. What the louse did was to require that
O.P.A. should take certain relevant facts
into account in fixing prices.
Lest some one think that I aii one of those who
advocate the abolition of O.P.A., may I say simply
that I think the time has not yet come for throw-
ing off all controls.
One may wonder whether the Daily, as a
laboratory for the training of journalists of the
future, is not turning out future McCormicks
and Knights whose journalistic ethics so dis-
tressed Mr. Ginger.
Ralph W. Aigler-



Indian Freedom e. Somehow

Four sense of humor carried over to power
politics we might have a good chuckle over
Britain's present predicament in India. We can
see the stately Englishman trying to decide who,
after a century of domination, should be handed
the reins of Indian rule. The Congress Party?
The Moslem League? The princes, the princes
whose sovereignty have been declared inviolate?
Britain has three alternatives. She can, but
we doubt if she dares, continue her shallow
policy of trying to please all, do nothing to
break up the deadlock between the Congress and
the League. That has been her policy since
she first promised India home rule. It's about
like trying to bring together the two magnetic
poles. The League wants Pakistan and .the
Congress wants unity. Such treatment of the
problem can lead to nothing but miltancy on
the part of both the Indian factions.
Another move Britain might make would
be to call Jinnah's bluff. The adamant
leader of the Moslems has stated he will
enter no peace talks with Congress and will
revolt if Britain refuses Pakistan. But Jin-
nah has threatened revolt before.. His first
militant mutternings came in 1942 at the
time of the Cripps mission and what more
logical time to take armed stand against
the mother country than when she is at
war? Nothing happened. And there is a
good chance that nothing would happen
today if Britain were to say, there shall be
self-rule in India, and it is up to the party
leaders to solve the problem of its form.
warhal Nehru, Congress party leader, is
probably the most desirable from the Indian
point of view, though it implies a kind of slap in
the face of British paternalist pride. Britain
could very well leave the problem to the Indians;
abdicate her mediation rights and turn the talk-
ing over, not to the party leaders, but to duly
elected representatives of the individual prov-
inces. In this way, the manner of Indian home
rule would be left to the people of India in the
broadest sense.
The grossest misconception of Indian parties
is the idea that they fall into strictly religious
lines. The Congress party is not a religious fac-
tion. It is made up of Hindus, Moslems and
members of other religious groups that comprise
the conglomeration of Indian faiths. There
is a Hindu counterpart to the League, but in the
august controversy it has no figuring. The Con-
gress party boasts a membership of 250 million,
the League 80 million. In terms of relative
American party strength the scales of represen-
tation are tipped heavily in favor of the Congress
Pakistan, a virtual "Balkanization" of
India, would require the displacement of
several millions of people; a movement to
set up separate Moslem states that is desired
by not even a majority of Moslems.
Eight of the eleven British-governed provinces
are predominantly Congress affiliated; the other
three are about evenly divided.
Participation in a constitution-planning as-
sembly would be on a voluntary basis, and a
Moslem province could refrain from entrance if
it wished. Procedure would follow in the interest
of active participants, with the guarantee that
any province so desiring could gain admittance
at any future date.
J7HE QUESTION of the 570 odd provinces ruled
by native princes is one of those problems

When Indian leaders and people, strug-
gling so desperately for their own freedom,
make protest against British imprisonment
of followers of the late Chandra Bose, Indian
fascist and collaborator with the Japanese,
then there can be no doubt that the situation
is closely straining the bounds of rationality.
If Atlee was sincere when he said thati
the Indians ha.'e a "right" to freedom, he
would do well to demonstrate his sincerity
before this irrationality leads to open revolt.
Britain's long-time policy of imperialism and
exploitation in India is responsible for her pres-
ent embarrassing situation. Let us hope that
the current British government will see that
Indian disunity is no excuse for inaction, that the
Indians can't possibly do worse than the British.
-Anita Franz.
T SEEMS ONLY FAIP, in the light of what
follows, to begin this column by admitting
that I disliked "Bunk" Johnson almost before I
had ever heard him. Actually, the two events
took place on the same evening, so that my
initial animus toward the man may not have had
too great an effect, but it was there.
The entire unpleasantness started at a
party in New York one night, when someone
shouted to me over some very good Louis
Armstrong: "If you like this stuff, you ought
to hear 'Bunk' Johnson; he's the guy that
taught Louis everything he knows." I have
heard Johnson several times since then, the
most recent +being yesterday when I heard
his new album, and it has all served to
strengthen the belief that my friend's "he"
referred, in both cases, to Johnson himself.
The album mentioned is a Victor release, con-
taining eight numbers in the old New Orleans
manner, and a four-page illustrated biography
of Johnson. It was evidently fashioned to meet
the demands of the overwhelming number of
people who have become aware of him again
through hearing him in his recent New York
resurrection or by reading the rave notices he
has evoked. The music itself is in an interesting
tradition, the surfaces are good and the en-
semble and solo styles are unquestionably au-
The difficulty lies in the album's attempt to
portray Johnson as a musician whose work is
still valid today, for other than historical rea-
sons, and this is definitely not so. His approach
is limited and repetitious, with almost no sus-
tained quality about it. Up against men like
Muggsy Spanier and Armstrong, both of whom
are well versed in the idiom Johnson uses, he
appears naive, a trifle dull, and strongly rem-
iniscent of something you've heard many times
-Lex Walker.

THE BULWARK by 'Theodore Dreiser. Double-
day, New York, 1946. 337 pages.
WARK, is a repetition and extension of his
previous work. In the conflict between the severe
Quaker, Solon Barnes, and his modern minded
children, Dreiser puts again the conflict between
American materialisin and religion. His earlier
novels show the presence of a malignant fate,
revealing itself in tragic coincidence. THE BUL-
WARK retains this Hardy-like quality, in that
the central tragedy arises from an unfortunate
quirk of fate. This quality is tempered, however,
by the influence of character in bringing about
the occasion of the tragedy. The necessity of
"love toward all created things" and the idea
that "good intent is of itself a universal lang-
uage" are Dreiser's answers to the problem of
unavoidable evil in the world. He makes Solon
Barnes undergo a tremendous spiritual exper-
ience in order to shw that here is the only
The first movement of the book sketches the
serious character of the boy Solon, as he grows
up in a strict Quaker family. His action during
the rest of the story is made understandable
here. In the second book, his sincere belief in
the Inner Light, as directing his behavior, his
unrelieved sobriety, his calmness and extreme
reliability in dealings with his associates, make
him the bulwark of his community. The second
movement shows, too, the beginnings of conflict
between the Quaker principles Solon abides by,
and the pleasure-seeking materialism of his
growing children. 'I he third period contains the
tra3Hedy, forshradowed ui earlier events. Stewart
Barn t:, ;training "i at th lh'l h' of his father's
discipline, beeic; 10 steal pleasure and money,
and bcuomes involved in the death of a budding
prostitute. He kills himself when he realizes
the extent of his crime. The last movement
resolves the conflict, with its effect on Solon and
his children, and states the faith hammered out
of the experience of the book.
So is not u'ly the bulwark of his com-
munity, and of American religious ideals;
his piety is the bulwark against the crudity
of materialism, the special problem of our
age. That so good a man should be shaken
to a deepr conception of human love makes
a poweriul argument for his conclusion. .
The book is competent work of art because
it has harmony between character and problem:
no better person could have been chosen to show
such a conflict than this sober Quaker. The
structure of the novel increases the interest
through the last page, with skilful invention of
symbolic incident, and careful foreshadowing.
Dreiser's rather complex style is subdued to a
rhythm which suits the Quaker mind. The blend-
ing of these elements of craftsmanship with the
blossoming of a deep faith makes THE BUL-
WARK Dreiser's most mature work, and a book
well worth your reading.
-Martha Bradshaw
General Library List
Adams, J. Donald
The Treasure Chest. New York, Dutton, 1946.
Cook, Fannie
Mrs. Palmer Honey.Garden City.
Doubleday, 1946.
White, William Allen
Autobiography. New York, Macmillan, 1946.
Wilder, Robert
Written on the Wind. New York, Putnam, 1946.
open Revolt
W HAT HAPPENED in the House of Represen-
tatives last week far transcends the matter
of price control. It was a revolution. The revolt
of the right, long .nurtured in an incubator kept
warm by the steam heat of Taftian and Rankin-
ian oratory, has matured at last. Price control
was not really the issue; price control merely
happened to be the point at which the redoubt
was stormed, the angle at which the walls were
The government of the United States is
now divided, and is being operated from two
hostile centers, one in the House of Repre-
sentatives, and- the other in the Executive
That the opposition is well aware of the im-

portance of last week's events is shown in an
ecstatic report to the ultra-conservative New
York Sun, by Mr. Phelps Adams, who writes that
"the last vestige of administration control over
Congress" is being wiped out, and that the tri-
umph of the conservative bloc now assumes "the
full proportions of a revolution." Though the
means used were legal, the intent and the effect
of last week's proceedings are indeed revolution-
ary, and the vote on price control represents
a decisive historical turn in the thirteen-year-
old struggle for power which has been going
on since Mr. Roosevelt brought the liberal idea
to Washington.
THE RIGHT has seized power, if not over the
whole government, at least over one im-
portant bastion. And one cannot shame or
shake the Republicans and the dissident South-
ern Democrats by warning them that the house-
wife is now going to have to pay more for pins
and beef, because their eyes are focused on
another question entirely; the question of who
is to have power, who is to run the government of
the United States.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

Publication in the Daily Official Bu-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-j
SUNDAY, April 21, 19146
VOL. LVI, No. 120
School of Education Faculty: The
April meeting of the faculty will be
held on Monday, April 29, in the Uni-
versity Elementary School Library,
The meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m.
Assembly of the School of Forestry
and Conservation at 11:00 a.m., Mon-
day, April 22; in the Amphitheater of
the Rackham Building. Mr. John B.
Taylor, Personnel Officer of the U.S.
Forest Service, Milwaukee, Wiscon
sin, will speak on Forest Service em-
ployment policies and opportunities,
and various other matters relating to
employment of foresters will be dis-
All students in the School of For-
estry and Conservation, except those
having conflicts in non-forestry
courses, are expected to attend and
any others interested are cordially
Michigan Bell Telephone Company
will interview men and women for
business and , service positions on
Tuesday, April 23, in our office. Call
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall, ext. 371, for an appoint-
Physical Education for Women Stu-
There are a few openings in both
Elementary and Intermediate Riding
Classes for women students. If in-
terested, register immediately in Of-
fice 15, Barbour Gymnasium.
Seniors: College of L.S.&A., and
Schools of Education, Music, and
Public Health: Tentative lists of
seniors for June graduation have been
posted on the bulletin board in Room
4 University Hall. If your name is
misspelled or the degree expected is
incorrect, please notify the Counter
Men's Residence Halls: Reappli-
cations for the SUMMER SESSION
for men now living in the Residence
Halls are ready for distribution.
Blanks may be secured from the Of-
fice of the Dean f Students. All ap-
plications for reassignment must be
in the hands of the Dean of Students
Due to the critical housing situa-
tion and to the fact that a number of
the buildings of the West Quadrangle
will be closed during the summer for
decorating and repairs, it may not
be possible to accept all students who
apply for reassignment.
Reapplications for the Fall Term
will be available at a later date,
which will be announced as soon as
Graduating Seniors in Aeronauti-
cal, Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical
Engineering: Representatives of the
Boeing Aircraft Company, Seattle,
Washington, will interview seniors
graduating in June and at the end
of the Summer Session for positions
in engineering. Twenty-minute in-
terviews will be held in Room 3205
East Engineering Building, all day
Tuesday, April 23. Interested seniors
will please sign the interview sched-

ule posted on the Aeronautical En-
gineering Bulletin Board, near Room
B-47 East Engineering Building. Ap-
plication blanks may be obtained in
the Aeronautical Engineering Office;
these should be properly filled out
prior to the interview time.
Women students interested in
meeting tihe Dean of the Radcliffe
Graduate School are asked to get in
to wlith the Office of the Dean
of Women, Monday, April 22.
Willow Village Program for veter-
ans and their wives.
Sunday, April 21: Classical Music
i on Records, 3-5:00 p.m., Office, West
Sunday, April 21: Vespers: Rev.
H. L. Pickerill, Protestant Directors
Association, 4:00-5:00 p.m. Confer-
ence Room, West Lodge.
Sunday, April 21. Football movie,
"University of Michigan vs. Great
Lakes," commentary by Mr. Robert
Morgan of the Alumni Association.
7:30 p.m.
Monday, April 22: "Child Care
Class", Mrs. Agnes Stahley, Instructor
in Public Health Nursing; 2 p.m. and
8 p.m., West Court Community House
(Please note Child Care classes have
been transferred to West Court).
Tuesday, April 23: Lecture Series:
Professor Claude Eggertsen, School
of Education, will lead a discussion
4on pressure groups in the United
States; 2-4 p.m., Office, West Lodge.
Wednesday, April 24: Bridge, 2-4
p.m. Club Room, West Lodge; 8-10
p.m. Conference Room, West Lodge.
Thursday, April 25: "Home Plan-
ning", Adelia M. Beeuwkes, Instructor
in Public Health Nutrition, will dis-
cuss "What's New in Nutrition," the
second of a series of three lectures.
2-4 p.m. Office, West Lodge.
Friday, April 26: "Leadership:
How to get democratic group action
and Parliamentary Procedures." Dr
Fred G. Stevenson, Extension Staff.
2-4 p.m., Office; 8-10 p.m., Office,
West Lodge.
Friday, April 26: Dancing Class,
Beginners, couples, 7 p.m. Auditor-
ium, West Lodge; Advanced, couples,
8 p.m. Auditorium, West Lodge. Mem-
bers of Monday night classes for
single men are invited to attend
with guests.
Saturday, April 27: Square and
Round Dance, 8 p.m., Auditorium,
West Lodge.
Sunday, April 28: Classical Music,
records, 3-5 p.m. Office, West Lodge.
Sunday, April 28: Vespers: Rev.
James Van Pernis, Protestant Direc-
tors Association, 4-5 p.m., Conference
Room, West Lodge.
Sunday, April 28: Football Movie,
University of Michigan vs. Indiana,
commentary by member of Athletic
Staff, 7:30 p.m. Auditorium, West
University Lecture: Monday, April
22, 8:30 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall.
Olin Downes, music critic of the New
York Times, will speak on "The Func-
tion of Criticism." Lecture is spon-
sored jointly by the national honor
society in music, Pi Kappa Lambda,
and the School of Music. Open to
the public.
University Lecture: Dr. Douglas
Whitaker, Professor of Zoology,
Stanford University, willlecture on
"Bubble Formation in Animals at
High Altitudes: a Problem in Avia-
tion Physiology" at 4:15 p.m. Monday,
April 22, in Rackham Amphitheater
under the auspices of the Department
of Zoology. All interested are cordially
University Lecture: Dr. Solon J.
Buck, Archivist of the United States,
will lecture on "The National Ar-
chives," at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday,


Dominic Su s
"Prejudices, partialities md pa r-
tisanships cannot withstand the <in
tagonisms of great catholic convie-
tion," says McGee, in "Jesus the
World Teacher." He unfolded God as
the God of all men. Jesus declared
every man to be a social center from
whom all men had the right to claim
fresh and noble impulses. This is the
truth which the autnor of the Bti
Hymn of the Republic was expiessifr
when she sang:
"In the beauty of the lilies, Christ
was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that
transfigures you and me."
(Julia Ward Howe-1862)
Passover and Easter derive their
vitality from belief in the transcen-
dent value of virtue incarnated in
man. The skeptic may stand afar
and logically state his thesis Ihat
Moses leading an enslaved people out
of Egypt in the distant past, and the
symbol of blood on the door-post
have no direct relation to those faith-
ful worshippers in the Synagogue to-
day. In like skepticism he may get
agreement toathe assertion that the
suffering Savior on the lonely hill,
assuring the repentant thief that,
"This day shalt thou be with me in
paradise" meant no more than that
both would be on the way into am
Unknown, beyond the grave. But the
millions will go on in faith believing
that there "was a glory in His bosom,
which transfigures you and in,"
knowing that greater love itli no
man than this that he lay down hie,
life for his friends.
The question raised is %s to tlI
mystical elements in religion set over
against the ethical or rational ones
More important, can we ever have
those ethical or rational aspects oT
our common life unless and until
someone first has the mystical and
non-rational aspirations of the id at
ist? So long as acts originate as they
do, and impulses for the most pat
are intuitional reactions to situatins
there will be before us the debate be-
tween the emotional and the- intellec-
tual phases of life. At Easter for the
Christian and at Passover for the Jew
we get a supreme illustration of the
ideal or emotional aspect. Here is
humanity projecting what ought to
be, namely, the triumph of mind over
matter, of spirit over body, of good
over evil and of life over death into
a world drama.
Actually, it may matter more at our
present date in history that this c.-
bration shall take place in the life
of groups, families, nations and peo-
ples, than that the events shall be
historically accurate in all the de-
tails which good men accept in faith.
Social solidarity and concerted ac-
tion on the part of small groups o
vast nations comes about less because
of the outward structure we so care-
fully plan than because of an inner
confidence men create between them-
selves. It is Principal L. P. Jacks
who maintains that, "There could be
no fellowship nor human contract,
nor society itself were there not in
existence before man arrived at all,
a metaphysical orderly process into
which he could be born, and learn to
explore by faith." It is the function
of the church to keep this fact before
us. May her devotion, her skill, and
her success go from strength to
strength though one cross after an-
other is her enduring crown. The
task is accomplished not by argu-
ment, though fact, evidence, logic and
every method of verification are legit-
imate forms for the religious leaders
as for his contemporaries. Rather,
this metaphysical reality is kept alive
by ceremony - the symbolic setting
forth of man's highest wish and deep-
est longings through the use of art,
!affectionate fellowship, benevolence,

vicarious deeds, prayer and worship.
"Faith," says Kirsopp Lake, "is not
belief in spite of evidence-faith is
life in scorn of consequences."
Edward Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education
Cabinet Menu
WASHINGTON-Ladies of the Cab-
inetare really practicmng what
their husbands preach regarding the
saving of food for Europe. Ever since
President Truman urged that the
American people eat the equivalent of
a European ration two days a week,
Cabinet wives have been stdying
Mrs. Clinton Anderson, whose Sec-
retary-of-Agriculture husband is one
of the hardest-working of the food
conservers, has given permission to
publish one of her menus. It provides
1,540 calories-the equivalent of a
European ration-as compared th
the normal American diet of '3,600
Here it is, with the number of cal-
ories listed after each item of food:
Breakfast-Glass of orange juice
(75); bowl of cereal (100); milk for
cereal (85); half-a-pint of il(k or
cocoa (170)-total, 430.
Lunch-half-a-cup of thick soup or



0 20-

That policeman didn't look very
bright to me. If there is such
a person as the Refrigerator.

Why do you say that?
Because.. . He didn't ask a

By Crockett Johnson
Footprints, Barnaby. And tobacco ash. Their
importance in apprehending criminals cannot
be exaggerated. Holmes himself called it the

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