PAGE FOUR THlE MICIGAN PlATIN .A 11 A Ae {. , ,; AAA [ 131. I' (y . j~4 . oi4r Sid4igan ailg Fifty-Sixth Year I TSO H1APPENS.. 9 Mind At The End Of Its Tether ... V v cI? he M!mm Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Stafff Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . City Editor Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Clark Baker . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Des Howarth . . . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Stafff Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman.. . . . . Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is eaclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Alember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR-PAUL HARSHA Editorials published in The Michigan Daily kre written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Nomination For Oblivion oUR ROOMMATE has a remarkably revealing bracelet. It's a silver identification job with his name "Mickey" carefully engraved thereon. On the reverse side appears the affectionate in- scription, "From Mickey, With Love." It's real silver too; the other day he scratched it with his pocket mirror. Whatever You're Used To THAT STARTLING FEATURE STORY that's causing so much comment and deliberation around this part of the state omitted a couple of good angles. Our reference book informs us that "show- ing the finger-tips is considered immodest in Central Asia; women in some parts of Alaska are ashamed to be seen without plugs carried in their lips; and in Tahiti and Tonga, cloth- ing is unnecessary provided the individual is tatooed." * * * * Ubiquitous Circulation Man WE HAVE SEVERAL interesting billets-doux on handout but only one has the true ring of sincerity. Addressed to Dear Former Subscriber it informs us that ."Last year we had to say 'No Can Do' to hundreds of persons each month," and adds that "You happen to be one of the executives who are really in a preferred category." The upshot of all this being that we are now to be permitted to subscribe to Luggage and Lea- ther Goods, an offer made in good faith under trying conditions, but which involves five bucks we don't intend to part with-not even to become an executive. *'i* * * Social Significance EORGE GALLUP has discovered-along with a lot of other things-that about a quarter of the adult population of this country would like to learn to fly. The GI Bill is now inter- preted to pay for flying lessons, the small plane business is booming, tens of thousands returned from the services have already accumulated large totals of flying hours. And the other day somebody asked us what had happened to the Air Age. We suppose the best answer would have been to point to a Navy trainer franticaly wiggling its wings over a sorority house. Just T(ked It Over AN OLD GENTLEMAN dropped into the office yesterday just to talk about "a serious Ameri- can problem"-- the housing and building short- age. "Just dropped in to talk about the situation," the desert and Las Vegas, Nev., where a super- modern hotel is being erected directly across the street from one of that city's larger gambling establishments. In a small Dakota town, one new dwelling is being constructed, and in Chicago, very little building other than commercial, is in process. He arrived in Ann Arbor iollowing a week's visit to the nation's capital where he had dis- cussed the crisis with senators, representatives and Washington informants. They're in a muddle about what he called "our alarming dilemma." "Just dropped in to talk about the situation," he said, as he left. Hope you didn't mind." Mind, thought we, a pleasant non-axegrinder in this pressure era can work as many wonders as a good five cent cigar. All items appearing in this column are written by members of The Daily staff and edited by the Editorial Director. I'I)RATHER BE RIGHT: Food Planning By SAMUEL GRAFTON Mr. Truman is now reduced to telling us pite- ously that we Americans eat too much. Well, you dropped rationing, Mr. President; and if that was not an official invitation from the head of our domestic establishment for all of us to eat hearty, one does not know what it was. To end rationing in November, and now in April to preach heavily to us that we ought voluntar- ily to go on a famine diet two days each week is to leave us uncertain as to whether to believe the Truman who seeks to reassure us or the Truman who seeks to frighten us. Mr. Truman's original mistake was to drop rationing; and his subsequent mistakes all flow from that one. Once he dropped ration- ing, it was inevitable that he should team up with Mr. Herbert Hoover as his famine expert; for Mr. Hoover is also opposed to rationing. Mr. Hoover at once issued the characteristic thesis that the world's food crisis was a short- term crisis, which would end with the next harvest, in four months, and that since it would take four months to set rationing up, it wasn't worth the trouble. Having made this pro- nouncement, which was promptly and grate- fully picked up by the President, Mr. Hoover set forth upon his travels to see if he was right. . h 1 : . y" r _ 7 /7' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETINI To the Ediitor: Having had oui' morbid curiosity ully aroused, we puhaed a copy of we Piy touled 'by the editors), allegd humor magazine Gargoyle, but the satisfact=on of said curiosity was no iumous~ - it was tragical. The proverbial adae abut curios- ity killing the cat almost killed us t oo. but cur curiosity was satisfied to ll extent that t.he editors ef this so- ('ai_ldhmrmaaiecannot, or at any ratedonotly, distiuish between humoradm After making such an arbitrary atat t we know that xx e slll be denounced as old-fash- i;(ed and pi udi h. and there will be hose \Vho shll say alt we read is imprsesiin into the copy. or that we have an overdoae of good tastes and hilh principles. If we possess he latter, we might comment that od tates and high principles are irtainly fine pr'erquisites to have in writing, for they are true treasures. We all enjov good, sparkling hu- tror; but some of the "humor" in Garg was repulsive, instead of amus- ig, to us, and if space permitted we could give exatples. Of course it is not difficult to offer destructive criticism; any- body can do that. To say that all of the copy should be scrubbed with strong soap would do a gross iniustice to some fine original hu- mor. Among the articles that we lirticularlt enjioyed was "And a Little Rat Shall Lead Them." We have been told through the medium of some very cheap advertis- ing in The Michigan Daily (cheap, or reasonable, to Gargs coffers too, no doubt) that the editors lack good contributors. The answers to why the potential contributors do not respond and to why Garg sells so slowly may lie in the sketchy reasons we have outlined here: it may be (and we are inclined to believe that it is) that the student body and faculty want good humor, not sensational smut. If they had enjoyed April Gargoyle, which we doubt, it would indeed have been a sad commentary of their reading tastes. For those with the big question of why we don't contribute, we reply- maybe we will. --Robert L. Warren (EDITOR'S NOTE: The April Gargoyle did not sell slowly. It broke its previous sales record with the saturation total of 3600 copies.) Research and Opinion __ ---- Lea Bill Hits'F eatherbedding' v4 THE first definite action against "featherbed" employment' practices was taken recently when President Truman signed the Lea Bill obviously designed to limit the powers of one James C. Petrillo, president of the American Federation of Musicians. The Lea Bill provides penalties up to a year's imprisonment and a $1000 fine for compelling or attempting to compel broadcasters to hire more employes than they actually need, pay mon- ey for services not performed, pay unions for using phonograph records, pay again for rebroad- casting a transcript of a previous program, or haltprograms originating in foreign lands or any type of non-commercial or educational program. This legislation was originally introduced by Senator Vandenberg who took exception to Pe- trillo's action in forbidding the broadcast of a student music festival at Interlochen on the grounds that it deprived professional musicians of jobs. The passage of this legislation, however, climaxes a long series of Petrillo-inspired con- troversies. According to the Department of Justice, Pe- trillo's power in the union of 138,000 members is "absolute and subject to no control." He can call strikes, levy $5000 fines on individual mem- bers, and change the constitution of the AFM himself. Backed by these enormous powers, Pe-- trillo has up to now successfully banned Army talent shows, foreign broadcasts, and concerts by the Boston Symphony Orchestra. But the ban on recordings was the major test of his power. During the "Battle of the Records" which raged unabated for three years in the press, in federal conrts, in Congress, in the War Labor Board, and even in the White House, Petrillo consistently ignored official re- quests and orders from Washington. Not only did the business of the holdout recording com- panies suffer severely while the ban was in ef- fect, but hundreds of small radio stations were almost forced to shut down because of lack of recorded music and transcriptions. Yet "Lit- tle Caesar" came out on top. "STAND-BY PAY" has long been a definite policy of the AFM and it is a principle par- ticularly vulnerable to criticism. "Stand-by pay" refers to the union practice of requiring a radio station or theater to pay the salaries of several union musicians who literally stand by while records are being played or while non-union men are playing. The Lea Bill outlaws "stand-by pay" 'in radio broadcasting. But "Little Caesar", apparently undismayed by Congress has now shifted his attack to Hollywood. He has demanded that eight major studios which up to now have kept 235 musicians regularly employed hire 720 at a guaranteed minimum wage of $200 per 10-hour week, or twice the present scale. Obviously it is necessary that the present legislation be enlarged to eliminate "stand-by pay" in theaters and in the motion picture industry. Viewed objectively the Lea Bill, despite wild shouts of "anti-labor" from union stooges, is a step which should prove beneficial to labor unions. Successful achievement by labor un- ions is dependent to a great extent upon pub- lic opinion, and public opinion will not, or nin, not .ng: tolerate the "coercion and have attracted most attention, the AFM "stand- by pay" policy is only one example of widespread "featherbed" employment practices in industry today. Congressmen have repeatedly received letters of protest concerning union interference with truck shipments of perishable farm products to market. Union blockaders, the letters state, us- ually demand payment of enough money to pay the theoretical union driver whom the union says should be driving the truck. Sometimes they, demand that the non-union drivers join their union. A HEALTHY constructive relationship between labor unions and industry demands an end to this type of union activity. Senator Aiken of Vermont, long recognized as a friend of or- ganized labor, has realized the necessity for some definite action to restrict ,these union policies and has succeeded in amending the Case Bill to impose fines up to $2000 and imprison- ment up to one year for just such offenses. The restrictions which the Case Bill would impose upon labor unions, however, are be- lieved by many to be a serious threat to the security of organized labor. These same observers believe, on the other hand, that the Lea Bill may serve as a "precedent and model for a realistic attack on the evil of excessive employment and paid idleness anywhere in industry." -John Campbell 1 (Continued from Page 2) Association, 4:00-5:00 p.m. Confer- ence Room, West Lodge. Sunday, April 21, Football movie, "University of Michigan vs. Great Lakes," commentary by Mr. Robert Morgan of the Alumni Association, 7:30 p.m. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Solon J. Buck, Archivist of the United States, will lecture on "The National Ar- chives," at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, April 24, in the Rackham Amphi- theater under the auspices of the De- partment of Library Science and the Division of the Social Sciences. The public is cordially invited. The Henry Russel Lecture. Dr. Elizabeth C. Crosby, Professor of Anatomy, will deliver the Henry Rus- sel Lecture for 1945-46, "The Neuro- anatomical Patterns Involved in Cer- tain Eye Movements," at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, May 9, in the Rackham Amphitheater. Announcement of the Henry Russel Award for this year will also be made at this time. University Lecture: Dr. Douglas Whitaker, Professor of Zoology, Stanford University, will lecture on "Bubble Formation in Animals at High Altitudes: a Problem in Avia- tion Physiology" at 4:15 p.m. Monday, April 22, in Rackham Amphitheater under the auspices of the Department of Zoology. All interested are cordially invited. Academic Notices Final Examination Schedule fort Women's Health Lecture Section I-Mon. Apr. 22, 4:15 p.m.-Rackham Auditorium. Section II-Tues. Apr. 23, 4:15 p.m.-Rackham Auditorium. Section III--Wed. Apr. 24, 4:15 p.m.-Natural Science Auditorium. Please appear for examination in the section in which you are enr llen Notice to Sophomore and Senior Stu- dents taking the Profile Examina- tions: You will be excused from classesl where there is a conflict with the ex- aminations. Present oyour instrue- tor my communication regarding th test as proof of your eligibility. IHayward Keniston, De n i Students, College of Engineerin: The fin a day for DROPPING COURSES WITHOU'T RECORD) will be Saturday, April 27. A course may be dropped only with the permissionG of the classifier after conference with the instructor. W. J. Emmons, Secretary gram will incluet compositions by Ravel, Bethoven Medtner, Grana- dos, Albeniz, and Chopin. Mrs. Owen is a student of iano under Joseph Brinkman. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions College of Architecture and De- sign: Water colors and oils by Mr. Karl Kasten, Instructor in Drawing and Painting in this College. Ground floor corridor. Oxen daily except Sunday, 9 to 5. through April 20. The public is invited. Michigan . hiistorical Collections: "Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackham. Open daily 8-12, 1:30-4:30, Saturdays, 8-12. Events Today The English Language Institute weekly program will be held at the Assembly Hall, third floor Rackham Building tonight at 8:00. The Art Cinema League presents Josiane in "MARIE LOUISE," a fine Swiss film. Dialogue in French and Swiss-German; English titles. Today, 8:30 p.m. Reservations phone 6300. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Box of- fice opens 2:00 p.m. daily. Wesleyan Guild will go canoeing this afternoon, leaving the church at 1:30. There will be a picnic supper in back of the church after canoeing. Conin g1? vents CINEMA At the Lydia Mendelssohn ART CINEMA LEAGUE presents "Marie-Lou- ise," a French-Swiss film starring Josiane, a 12-year-old French girl. The picture now at the Lydia Mendelssohn is pleasant. While it is doubt- ful that it lives up to the advertisement's arty "IMPORTANT", "Marie-Louise is entertaining. The story is simple. Josiane does a nice job as a young French girl who is taken from Rouen, in 1940, to spend three months in Swit- zerland. Since Josiane is young, French and went through this experience, she has an easy task. In Switzerland she lives at the home of a benevo- lent factory owner who, inevitably, is charmed by her unsmiling winsomeness. "Marie-Louise" (it's Josiane's name, obviously) is successful because of rather than in spite of its patent simplicity. The story of a little girl who is transplanted from bombed Rouen to peaceful Switzerland is' not world-shaking. But, under- emphasis, as is often the case, makes the war the more real and terrifying. There were occasional bits of noteworthy photography. The supporting cast were poor actors but nice people, which didn't bother me at all. -Milt Freudenheim MEANWHILE the situation has worsened rap- idly; we have been unable, without controls, to ship our full quotas; and suddenly Mr. Ches- ter A. Davis, chairman of the President's Famine Emergency Committee (who can hardly be ac- cused of opposing Mr. Hoover for doctrinaire leftist reasons) announces that the next crop will not save the world, but that the crisis wil continue for a year. The short crisis has become a long one, in spite of Mr. Hoover's ingenious bit of dialectics; and Mr. Truman is left facing a dilemma. To get us to save food, he must tell us truly terrible things about the world's hunger, he must shake us, he must scare us. But the more dreadful the tales he tells us, the more preposterous it becomes that he doesn't ration; until finally every argu- ment for the voluntary program becomes an ar- gument against it, and the President is left in the position of a man quarreling with himself at the top of his voice. And now the great disorder begins to have domestic manifestations. The effort to remove enough wheat from the market to prevent a world disaster will, if successful, produce a bread shortage here. This disappearance of cer- eals will also start a heavy march of meat ani- mals to market, for if they can't be fed, they must be slaughtered, and so, along with our bread shortage, we will have a meat glut. Thin will be only temporary, for overslaughter now will produce a meat shortage in the fall. AND that is the kind of gala future a nation sets up for itself when it refuses to do a bit of planning; and in the end, (as Mi. Davis hint- ed) we may have to return to rationing just to keep our own people from suffering want be- cause of the imbalances produced by the aban- donment of rationing. We could have used ration- ing to feed the hungry world; we rejected that, and now we may have to turn to it anyway, just to sweep up the mess. We may end where we started, but with the work undone, and with giant America present a bewildered picture to the world, as of one who can't quite remember where he left his other shoe, and who can't search because he has misplaced his eyeglasses, too. (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) Service, will present a demonstration and talk on "Visual Aids in Univer- sity Instruction." Membeis may bring guests. Join Union Cafeteria line at 6:15 and take trays to lunchroom of Faculty Club. The Psychology Club wil Pr'escnt Dr. Ira AlrLt1hu icr, psychiatriist at Eloise Hospital, on Wednesday, April 24 at 8:00 p.m. le will speak on "Mu- sic Therapy." Dr. Altshuler has re- cently appeared on "We The People" at which time he presented one of his patieiis in a coixe t . Everyone is wehllm. IPli Sigma, IhOinOiar'y bio log (l 50- ('icy, wviii Spo~sci' a hi k on "'Appli- t'.ions Of l!ollerithi f<1M) Punch Carid Machines to Quantitative Re- seai(' h,' by MIr. Kurt Benjin, Uni - versiTy Medical Statistician, at 8:00 p.m. Monday, April 22, in Room 3003 (third floor front) Administration Building, ,University Hospital. The talk, which will include demonstra- tion of the machines, is open to all interested persons. Michigan chapter 6:15 Tuesday, April Lemler, Director of Visual Education in A.AU.P. meets 23. Mr. F. L. the Bureau of the Extension The growing interest in public opin- ion polls is becoming more evident every day. The remarkable progress that has been made by the American Institute of Public Opinion, by the hard work of Georg7e Gallup, and by research institutes established and endowed at a number of universities throughout the country is exceedingly significant. The development of poll- ing technique has reached the stage where the division of votes in an election or a national referendum on any issue can be predicted with an amazing amount of accuracy, as few as 1,000 people actually being inter- viewed in a nation-wide poll. The potentialities of poling in jthe field of government are infinite. The technique of polling is still in its infancy. There is still much to be done in ascertaining correct methods for the construction of cross sections, the wording of questions, and the process of inter- viewing. At the present time, the lead in the development of public opinion research is being taken by universities and other educational institutions throughout the coun- try. Research institutes and clinics have been established at the Uni- versity of Denver and at Yale. It is conmonly' believed that college students, as a whole, are well adapted to this type of work. Be- cause they have an interest in the problems under investigation, and consider the program as a part of their own training, they take it seriously. Certainly a good research clinic is needed in the mid-west! What other university is better qualified for the establishment of such an institute than the University of Michigan? -Richard J. Deutsch '46 The ntic View To the Editor: I note with a c{nsiderable degree of interest, tinged with some amuse- ment, the curent controversy over whether or noi the University of Michigan is entitled to charge an out-of-State student more than twice as much as one of Michigan's own children. I stand amazed! Don't you know that Michigan money, Michigan made, should stay at home for Michi- gan trade? Then too you take all this business you hear in classrooms about ex- panding our vision, looking beyond our own provineial borders, etc., etc., ad nauseaum. Now surely you can realze th that stuff is fine for textbooks- but business is business- and what are you trying to do-be a Coinmunis -making such assertions as i hat a p-rson f rom another state Concerts Phi 6igna memoers arze requested Faculty Recital: Lynne Palmer, to attend a short business meeting in Instructor in Harp in the School of Room 3003, at 7:30 p.m. Music, will present a program of com-- - positions by Salzedo, Brahms, Prok o- I et a Kappa: Alun ul Meeting fieff, Caplet, and Mozart, at 8:30 wil he ld i Room 1035 AngelI Hail Thursay evening, April 25, in Lydia on Monday, April 22, at 4:10 p.m. Mendelssohn Theater. She vill be Members are urgel to atted. assisted by Marie Mountain Clark-,-- flutist, and John Kollen, pianist, in jnThe International Center: The In- riozart's Concerto for harp and flute. ternational Center announces a Buf- The public is cordially invited. fet Supper sponsored by the All Na- tions Club of the University of Michi- Student Recital: Marian Owen,' gan on Easter Sunday evenig, Apii 1 pianist, will present a recital in par- 21, at 6:30 in the Center. Tickets are tial fulfillment of the requirements available in the Center's office. En- for the degree of Master of Music at tertainment in the form of a Truth 8:30 Sunday evening, April 21, in or Consequences program, a Seaven- Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Her pro- ger Hunt, and Community Singing is - being offered in addition to the Sup- .e Foreign students. their guests, By CrockettJohnsonR and all interested American students 1; are cordially invited to attend. ', BARNABY So the Refrigerator Bandit came] back, huh? Well, that doesn't surprise us. They always do. t's the second time food has been stolen from our ice box.And whadn I -' - -- -' Sinvestigate again .. . T he motive, mboy. T hats what we have to probe. Why does this poor creature delight in stealing food? Elementary. He's possessed of a Garaantuan appetite. Memorial Christian Church Early Su is Service a. 515 a .m., Sund ay. I I !