vo THE M I C HIGA D A I LY SATURDAY, APRIL 2O, 1946 ,900 German War Captives Orsoned in U.S. Prison Camp Arsenic Discovered in Prisoners' Bread; Nuremberg Officials Report All Seriously II1 By The Associated Press EANKFURT, Germany, April 19- roaches and thus have gotten on the teen hundred German prisoners bread. var were poisoned by arsenic in The bread for captured soldiers was r bread early this week in an obtained from a local Germany bak- rican camp and all are "seriously ery by contract "in accordance with U.S. Headquarters announced to- normal procedures," the announce-, t. ment said. Police stood guard at the he mss oisningstrck ownbakery to prevent German civilians le mass poisoning struck down from buying any bread there. Coun-l prisoners in Stalag 13 near Nur- ter-intelligence agents searched the erg, but no deaths were reported. area to determine whether any Ger- Al. S. T. Williams, of Denton, Tex., man civilians had been stricken. 4 gimental commander, said the. The first German soldier becamel on was found on the crust. He ill Monday shortly after the weekly the arsenic might have been bread was delivered from the bakery nkled on shelves against cock- and distributed to the men, Col. Wil- Filipino Vet Plan Endorsed By Students Proposal Would Give Privileges of GI Bill A petition asking the Congress of the United States to approve the new plan granting to the Filipino veteran full benefits under the GI bill of rights is now being circulated by the members of the Philippine-Michigan Club and signed by the Filipino stu- dents and their American friends on campus, These students are endorsing and Churches Plan i r r auto Production LtWains Highest 3ost-War Level DETROIT, April 19-(IP)-The au- mobile plants of the United States id Canada turned out 57,565 pas- nger cars and trucks this week, ispite curtailed production by one ading maker and continued suspen- on by two smaller manufacturers. The figures, compiled by Ward's itomotive report brought vehicle ;semblies above the 50,000 unit level r the first time since Feb. 10, 1942, Lien all civilian output was suspend- 1 for the duration of the war. In announcing the jump over last eek's 49,425 output, Ward's said con- nued limitation on steel supplies id other essential materials was olding production at approximately alf the industry's present capacity. added that continuance of the coal rike threatened to pare down next .onth's production. So far this month the factories ave rolled out 154,725 units; the ag- 'egate for April may touch the 250,- 0 mark, but, due to the effects of le coal strike, output next month, stead of an originally projected )0,000 units probably will not go rer 250,000. But for the one day's curtailment production by Ford and continued ispension of assembly operations by udson and Studebaker, this week's ;semblies would have gone over the ,000 level. Authoritative industry sources as- rted tonight that even a quick set- ement of the coal strike would not move the potential impact upon au- mobile output. The plans probably ill go along at current levels or ightly higher, until the middle of .ay. Then a sharp drop is certain, 'en with a resumption of coal ship- ents to the steel mills, these sources aid. Vaterman To Speak Leroy Waterman will discuss the ew Standard Revised Edition of e Bible during the Lane Hall Sat- 'day Luncheon at 12:10 p.m. today Lane Hall. liams said. Late Monday the number of men taken ill increased as the for-' mer soldiers began eating their ra- tion. The number soared until Wednes- day, when the cause was determined and the prisoners were told riot toI eat their remaining bread, Wiliams said. Williams said the Army would per- mit the bakery, now under supervi- sion, to deliver its weekly ration against next Monday, pending con- clusion of an inquiry started by the counter-intelligence corps and agents of the theater provost marshal. Odd Animals Lead Easter Line of March Over and under-sized pandas, lambs, Dumbos, cats, dogs and dolls are challenging the position of the stuffed rabbits which have tradition- 'ally led the Easter parade. Designed to stir the imaginations of children on Easter morning, stuffed menageries have in the past few years become the campus rage. Though on continual demand, it is at Eastertide that they assume out- landish proportions and sizes. The manager of a local artificial pet shop insisted that the large rab- bits, giraffes and pigtailed dolls, each selling for more than a week's room and board, are acquired mainly for display purposes; but, he admitted, "we never yet had one left.' It is hard to picture a child strug- gling to play with one of those life- sized giraffes made of some anony- mous fur or to drag his favorite bunny to bed with him when the bun- ny is larger than lie, or above all, consenting to wash his hands with a soap-carved duck known as "Sleepy- eyed Sammy." Nevertheless, many such animals have been purchased by indulgent parents. Michigan women have been suc- cessful in inducing their dates to ex-I change more than a little loose change for one of those creatures destined to make a zoo out of a dor- mitory room, according to reports. Just last week, the same manager declared, a sailor bought the largest panda in the shop and NOT for his younger sister. circulating this petition in behalf of the Filipino veterans who fought not only as Filipino soldiers, but as sol- diers of the United States Army. It is especially for the benefit of Filipino soldiers who fought on Bataan. Government Officials Endorse Plan According to the petition, the plan which is being endorsed by Michi- gan students has been proposed by the Secretary of War, the Adminis- trator of Veterans Affairs and the United States High Commissioner to the Philippines. The plan is to re- dress a new act which, as it stands now, discriminates against Filipino veterans, preventing them from en- joying the benefits which, according to the petition, should be accorded to any veteran who fought under the American flag. The new plan, endorsed by the members of the Philippine-Michigan Club, grants the Philippine Army personnel inducted into the service of the United States Army most of the benefits which American law pro- vides for its veterans. According to the petition, this plan would grant to the Filipino veteran full benefits un- der the GI bill of rights,; including "automatic gratuitous insurance against death in line of duty in ac- tive service between Oct. 9, 1940, and April .19, 1942, a period including the whole period of the First Battle of the Philippines." Other Provisions It also includes "a pension for non-service-connected disability in- curred during term of service; medi- cal and hospital treatment and domi- ciliary care of veterans suffering from injuries or diseases incurred or aggravated in line of duty, including funeral and burial expenses; voca- tional rehabilitatiort' for disabled vet- erans; civil service preference; the mustering-out payment law; the six- month death gratuity to dependents of personnel who died in line of duty or similar provision under the Miss- ing Persons Act." According to the petition, President Truman has approved H.R. 5158, the First Supplemental Surplus Appro- priation Rescission Act, but took ex- ception to a legislative rider at- tached to the transfer of a $200,000,- 000 item for the pay of the Army of the Philippines on the ground that a more satisfactory plan could be de- vised. DAR GOOD CITIZENSHIP AWARD-Mrs. Movoill LeRoy, chairman of the Committee on Good Citizenship of Sarah Caswell Angell Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, congratulates Mary Belle James of Ann Arbor High School, winner from the senior class of Ann Arbor High School. Miss James also received hon- orable mention for outstanding work in her school and was also given a citation for being outstanding among the 200 girls chosen throughout the state. * * * . -- _ - -_-- - ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~--~ ~ ~~~~ ~ DAR Gives Citizenship Award to Forest Service Six Outstanding SeniorHigh Girls Offers Students Elected by their classmates as the' outstanding good citizens in their senior class in a contest sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revo- lution, six girls from Washtenaw County have been presented pins by the Sarah Caswell Angell chapter of Ann Arbor. The contest is held annually in schools throughout the country. The winner this year from University High was Monica Geiger, while Mary Belle James took the honors at Ann Arbor High. Miss James also re- ceived honorable mention as out- standing among the 200 girls chosen throughout the state. A special program and luncheon in honor of the winners of these awards was held last week at the DAR statt conference in Grand Rapids. Under the direction of Dr. Clifford Woody, professor of education and director of the Bureau of Educational Reference and Research and Dr. Final Showing Today The final showing of "Marie-Lou- ise," a French-Swiss film, will be at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. The picture is presented by the Art Cinema League. James B. Edmondson, dean of the education school, a citizenship in- instruction study is being sponsored by the DAR of Michigan. Mr. Theral J. Herrick is now working on the project. UAW Racket Report Awaited Investigation Results Expected Next Week NEW YORK, April 19 -(P) - A spokesman for the United Automo- bile Workers of America (CIO) said today that the union probably would issue a statement next week regard- ing the investigation by its special committee appointed to examine re- cert charges of racketeering and coercion in certain locals. Frank Davis, president of the Lin- coln Local, No. 900, at Detroit, and chairman of the investigating com- mittee, said about 30 witnesses had been questioned here since the com- mittee began its work. He said he had nothing to report as yet but added that "definite prog- ress is being made." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE SAVE 25% ON TENNIS RACQUETS, Strings, repairs. Just arrived, H. C. Lee frames. McClusky and Dare, 417 8th street. Ph. 2-7360. FOR SALE: Suit, 2 pc., summer wt., 38 long, dark gray chalk stripe, single breasted, pre-war, $14.95, Elgin, Room 110, Dorm 2, Willow Run. PORTABLE, electric phonograph. In leatheratte luggage case. Tone and volume control. Call Clark Marlor 6741. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Fountain help, top pay, hours to your convenience, Apply in person to Mr. Lombard or Mr. Benden. Witham's Drug Store, corner of S. University and Forest. WANTED-Experienced waitress for part time work. Apply Mr. L. W. Anderson. Willow Run Bowling Al- leys. 1065 Midway, Willow Run Village. Phone Ypsi. 1852. WANTED: Part time stenographer for work mornings Monday through Friday inclusive; if ncessary re- adjustment of hours can be ar- ranged. Apply B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation. Hill and Haven or phone Miss Goldberg 26585. "PART TIME SALESMAN for "Alumaroll," the modern Alumin- um Awning. Wonderful oppo:'tun- ity for a neat appearing, ambitious young man. Overnight trav el un- necessary. Straight commission, large profits. Call at or write to Michigan Aluminum Awning Com- pany, 201 North Jackson St., Jack- son Michia" I WANTED: Binocular microscope. Will rent for 6 wks., or buy if neces- sary, phone evenings only 2-6813. WILL PAY cash for your high school diary. Delete names and submit for youth study. Phone University Ext. 354. MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib- erty. We have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your bike can be expertlyl repaired also. MISCELLANEOUS RENT A JUKE BOX for your party! $12.00 including records. Ph. 22878. TYPEWRITERS bought, sold, rented, repaired. Work guaranteed. Two days service. Office Equipment Co. 111 4th. St., Phone 2-1213. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Alpha Omicron Pi sorority pin. Engraved initials on back-R. J. M. Reward. Phone 2-2281. LOST: 1Mastic rim glasses in Brown case. Mary Jo Lett printed inside. Finder please call 2-1347. Reward. LOST: Gray gabardine topcoat with Hudson's label - last Saturday in Union. Please write to Batchelder, 1237 White St. if found. Reward. Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). SATURDAY, April 20, 1946 VOL. LV, No. 119 Notices School of Education Faculty: The April meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, April 29, in the Uni- versity Elementary School Library. The meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m. Assembly of the School of Forestry and Conservation at 11:00 a.m., Mon- day, April 22, in the Amphitheater of the Rackham Building. Mr. John B. Taylor, Personnel Officer of the U.S. Forest Service, Milwaukee, Wiscon- sin, will speak on Forest Service em- ployment policies and 'opportunities, and various other matters relating to employment of foresters wil be dis- cussed. All students in the School of For- estry and Conservation, except those having conflicts in non-forestry courses, are expected to attend and any others interested are cordially invited. Graduating Seniors in Aeronauti- cal, Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering: Representatives of the Boeing Aircraft Company, Seattle, Washington, will interview seniors graduating in June and at the end of the Summer Session for positions in engineering. Twenty-minute in- terviews will be held in Room 3205 East Engineering Building, all day Thursday, April 23. Interested seniors will please sign the interview sched- ule posted on the Aeronautical En- gineering Bulletin Board, near Room B-47 East Engineering Building. Ap- plication blanks may be obtained inl the Aeronautical Engineering Office; these should be properly filled out prior to the interview time. Red Cross Water Safety Instructor's Course: Any student who is interested in taking the Red Cross Water Safety Instructor's Course should sign up in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium. To be eligible, students should be 19 years of age and have their Senior Life Saving Certificate. The course will be given during the weeks of May 6 and 17. Further details as to time and place will be anounced later. Physical Education for Women Stu- dents: There are a few openings in both Elementary and Intermediate Riding Classes for women students. If in- terested, register immediately in Of- fice 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Michigan Bell Telephone Company "it interview men and women for business and service positions on Tuesday, April 23, in our office. Call the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, ext. 371, for an appoint- ment. The Merrill-Palmer School, Detroit, Michigan, has sent information re- garding their summer program for graduate credit at Merrill-Palmer Camp. Anyone interested may receive further information by calling at the Bureau of Appointments and Occupa- tional Information, 201 Mason Hall. The Board of Education, Newark, N. J., has sent notice that examina- tions for Elementary Art, Elementary Home Economics, Secondary Phy- sics, Secondary Chemistry, and Sec- ondary Social Studies will be held at the Central High School, April 24. Anyone interested may receive fur- ther information by calling at the' Bureau of Appointments and Occupa- tional Information, 201 Mason Hall. Willow Village Program for veter- ans and their wives. Saturday, April 20: Record Dance. 8:00 p.m., Club Room, West Lodge. Sunday, April 21: Classical Music on Records, 3-5:00 p.m., Office, West Lodge. Sunday, April 21: Vespers: Rev. H. L. Pickerill, Protestant Directors (Continued on Page 4) Summer Jobs The Forest Service parachute proj- ect is offering summer employment in the western national forests to stu- dents in the School of Forestry and Conservation and also, because of the unusual demand, to qualified stu- dents not in forestry. Previous experience in parachute jumping is not required for the posi- tions, but men with experience in fire suppression, woods or farm work will be given preference in the selection of the 150 smokejumpers. Candidates will be given a month of intensive training in jumping methods and techniques and fire suppression. The Forest Service has offered to send a parachute instructor to the campus to demonstrate smoke jum- per equipment and to discuss jump- ing and employment with potential candidates. The season of employment is cor- related with the termination and be- ginning of the school year. Candi- dates must report by June 17 at Missoula, Montana. Men between the ages of 18 and 30 interested in becoming smokejumpers may get in touch with Prof. W. F. Ramsdell, Rm. 3045, Natural Science Building. Hunger...s " (Continued from Page 1) jectives of increasing total relief ship- ments of grain and giving priority to areas abroad most urgently in need of special aid." Two Results The secretary said that the gov- ernment expected to accomplish two results with the wheat and corn bon- us payments-to make more grain available for food purposes immed- iately, and to encourage farmers in the surplus corn producing states to market more corn and stop feeding livestock to heavy weights. The price which the farmer will receive under the certificate plan will be that prevailing whenever the far- mer elects to collect for his wheat, 1 which may not be later than March 31, 1947. Bard Figures Hoover laid down the need for more food abroad in hard figures md set forth a six-point plan for meeting that need. He said that Brit- ain had a million tons of breadstuffs in "pipelines" and stocks-double pre-war standard-and proposed that she turn over half of it to feed hun- gry people. He recommended that Russia raise from 75,000 to 300,000 tons a month her contribution of wheat to the world's famine-stricken areas. He suggested that Latin American countries import 40 per cent less wheat and flour from the United States, Canada and Argentina. MICHIGAN NOW THE 'WOLVES HOWL- - - AND SHE HOWLS Dawn Services For Tomorrow Early Easter Worship Will Be Hed by Guilds Several Ann Arbor churches, in .ommemration of the early-morn- ing discovery of the empty tomb of Uhrist, are planning 'to hold tradi- ional sunrise services tomorrow: Westminster Guild will have a Sunrise Easter Service at 7 a.m. in the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The Guild will have a breakfast in the social hall of the church following the breakfast. Two Cell Groups of the CONGRE- GATIONAL-DISCIPLES GUILD will have a service in the Arboretum, leaving the Guild house at 5:15 a.m. The service will be followed by a breakfast in the League. A wcrship service will be held at 7:30 a.m. in the sanctuary of the MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH. The LUTHERAN STUDENT AS- SOCIATION will have an Easter Morning Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. in the Student Center, The Rev. Walter Brandt will speak on "The First Easter Greeting" at the 6 a.m. service in the TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH. The ROGER WILLIAMS GUILD will leave the Guild House at 6:30 a.m. for a Sunrise Service at Cedar Bend Drive and a breakfast at the Island. ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH will have a holy commun- ion service at 7 a.m. Recreation Land To Be Available For Vacationers~ LANSING, April 19-MP)-Plenty of state recreation lands will be avail- able to accomodate the expected re- cord crowds of Michigan city dwel- lers who will be swarming to the beaches and woods when warm wea- ther comes, A. C. Elmer, chief of the State Conservation Department's Parks Division, reported today. Within easy reach of residents in the heavily populated industrial area below the Muskegon-Bay City line are 37 state parks embracing 10,000 acres in addition to the 12,000 acre Waterloo Recreation Area near Jack- son and the 1,500 acre Yankee Springs Area near Battle Creek, Elmer said, He said there would also be a total of 35,000 acres of recreation larid open in southeastern Michigan all lo- cated 25 to 50 miles from the Detroit Metropolitan Area. The parks and recreation lands have bathing beaches, and picnicking and camping facilities and are easily accessible from state highways. Besides the park and recreation lands, there are 48,581 acres of state game lands in southern Michigan which are open to the public. Buy Easter Seals! Continuous from 1 P.M. - Last Times Today - ~Ji~~z I Starts Sunday - i Continuous Daily WHITNEY Continuous Daily 1:30 to 11:30 P.M. STARTS TODAY 25c till 5 P.M., NIGHT and SUNDAYS 30c S* WUETH THEATRE* Continuous Shows Daily Starting 1:30 P.M. GALA EASTER SHOW! TWO EXCELLENT FEATURES. DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM EDDIE DEAN in - SUNDAY & MONDAY DERTIE'S \} . tILLIAN JOAN I Aw-,-wIYIAZOXAM E Ii I WIAA I I I