MICHIGAN NINE WINS FIRST GAME gee P- ie 3 Y *zt A6 :43att FAIR, COOLER VOL. LVI, No. 119 ANN ARBOR, MIChIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1946 11mu1 rAY7 LU. PRICE FIVE CENTS R MAP A - - - - 1 0 , B ft - - - ff p - - - AV T 5 --" - - -- - i urf A xposes Black Market III Used Autos 5,000 DlJtfroit Cars unrnese feport tuains Capture of Changehiiini Cenerid Marshall Confers with Btht Sidc:; 2thungking 1Rusles Remiforcements to Seen e Flour Consumption Cut Ordered To Meet 'Mass Starvation' Threat Involved in Violation By The Associated Press DETROIT, April 19-Thirty-one persons were indicted by a Federal grand jury today as the Office of Price Administration claimed to have smashed a black market in used mo- torcars involving sales totaling $3,- 000.000 above ceiling prices. The U. S. District Attorney's office said most of the defendants, who live in Michigan, Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri and allegedly operated in five other states, were expected to surrender next week. All were charged with conspiring "feloniously" to violate price regula- tions in a scheme in which, the OPA said, 5,000 cars were funneled out of Detroit to buyers who paid an aver- age of $600 above ceiling prices. others Pending Joeph C. Murphy, Assistant U. S. Attorney, said no additional indict- ients would be returned in Detroit, but that others "probably will be handed down in other sections of the country," The OPA charged similar illegal operations had been carried on in Washington, D. C.; Indianapolis, and Cincinnati. These were not involved in today's indictment. Of the defendants named today only one was identified as an author- ized, or "warranty," dealer. Dealings Widespread Their dealings, U. S. Attorney John C. Lehr said, extended into Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee and Louisiana. Fraudulent certificates of transfer were given local ration boards, the indictment said. The OPA, terming today's' crack- down the largest of its kind in the agency's history, said 15 of its special investigators have been working on the case since Sept. 15, 1945. The agency credited Charles O. Bannon, Assistant Chief of the Di- vision of Special Investigation at the Cleveland, O., regional office, with breaking the ring that OPA alleges BY The Associated Press{ CHUNGKING, Saturday, April 20 - Giving the first confirma- tion of the safety of seven Americans caught at Changchun, General Marshall's headquarters has formally requested permission for five U. S. newsmen and two U. S. Army officers to leave that Communist-captured capital city of Manchuria. CHUNGKING, Saturday, April 20 -A Chinese government spokesman acknowledged today that the Man- churian capital city of Changchun has been wrested from the govern- nment troops by Chinese Communists --a fiery decision achieved as U. S. Busiess Study To Be Given in Grand Rapids Crowded Conditions Force New Extension Because of the lack of classroom space on campus and the crowded housing situation in Ann Arbor, the School of Business Administration will provide.courses in Grand Rapids starting with the Fall Semester. According to Dean Russell A. Ste- venson, these classes will enable the school to admit up to 100 qualified juniors who probably could not be accommodated on campus. Comple- tion of the work to be offered in Grand Rapids will qualify students for senior work on campus. Admission requirerents to the Grand Rapids Extension Center, 143 Bostwick St., will be the same as to the main division of the school. The{ center will be open to qualified stu- dents in Western Michigan living within a convenient commuting dis- tance. Two faculty members will handle instruction at the center. Lectures, "will also be given by other faculty members from the campus and by Grand Rapids businessmen. The Grand Rapids classes are plan- ned for only one year, Dean Steven-1 son said. However, they may be con- tinued- if classroom and housing con- ditions do.not improve as is anti-, cipated for the 1947-48 school year.1 The new Business Administration Building is scheduled for completion before the fall of 1947. Litch field Trial Head Is Fired 1 LONDON, April 19-P)-Col. Buhlt Moore was disqualified today as pres-I ident of the U. S. Court-martial of guards and officers charged with mistreating American prisoners im- prisoned at Litchfield. Stating that neither the defendantt nor the government could get full justice from the court as it was con-c stituted, the colonel had asked that1 his fitness be challenged. He said that his request had nothing to do with any evidence given or any ac- tion taken by the defense, but was the result of friction between him and Maj. Benito Gaguine, the law member of the court. Moore said that he questioned the1 "ability, adequacy and competency of the law member." Major Leland Smith, the trialr judge advocate, made the challenge and the six other members of the1 court voted to disqualify Moore aftert three minutes deliberation.i AMOUNTS TO 'REPEAL': General Marshall strove to halt Chi- na's renewed civil war. The spokesman's concession, made as two fresh government armies moved to the troubled Manchurian area, followed a semi-official dispatch from Mukden, government-held Manchurian city, which tended to confirm previous Communist claims of success at Changchun. The dispatch said the pilot of a scouting plane dispatched to Chang- chun yesterday returned and report- ed no further evidence of fighting, which had been bitter in the city's streets. Chinese Communists yesterday claimed Changchun's complete cap- ture in a broadcast from Yenan. There was no word directly from Changchun nor from the five Amer- ican correspondents and two U. S. military observers there. Another Yenan broadcast said the Communists still held the railway junction city of Szepingkai, 80 miles south of Changchun. The broadcast also charged that two planes bear- ing the American white star insignia had "strafed" Communist positions south of there. But this report was entirely without confirnmtion Szepingkai Captured The government on Monday an nounced capture of Szepingkai by its American-equipped Firs t Army, which is marching north to Chang- chun but which yesterday still was 75 route miles distant. In Nanking military sources which could not be named said the govern- ment was sending at least two fresh armies - the 72nd and 74th - into Manchuria. General Marshall, special American envoy to China who flew hastily back to Chungking from Washington to try to halt the fratricidal warfare, was engrossed in a series of confer- ences with both sides. Conference with Soong Marshall's headquarters had no new information on the military sit-~ uation, but his conferences were de- scribed as important. One, with T.' V. Soong, President of the Executive Yuan, presumably dealt with nego- tiations for a United Statestloan to China. Two other American moves re- mained to be fitted into the Chinese puzzle. It was disclosed that the 12-man American military liaison mission which had been in Yenan since 1944 ha withdrawn from that Commun-I ist stronghold on March 30, makingI the Communists a gift of its sevent automobiles, some buildings, clothingt and radio equipment valued at sev-1 eral hundred thousand dollars. e Experts To Train Communists c At the same time, Communist headquarters here announced that arrangements had been completed for American military experts toI train Communist officers in modern military practices pending unificationr of the Communist and governmentr armies.I Ignoring the fighting, an all-partyE committee working on a new consti-l tution for China announced it hadr reached oral agreement on a "bill of rights" pledging freedom of speech,c press, worship, assembly, and thes forming of associations. Perspectives' Sets r May 1 as Deadline The deadline for contributions to Perspectives, literary supplement to The Daily, has been extended to Mayr 1, Bob Huber, Perspectives editor, an-r nounced yesterday.t Manuscripts in the fields of prose,r poetry, essay and book review may bes turned in to the Perspectives deskz in the Student Publications Building. MARSHALL GREETED IN TOKYO-Gen. George C. Marshall, (left), special U.S. envoy to China, and Mrs. Marshall (center) are greeted on their arrival at Atsugi Airfield, Tokyo, by Maj. Gen. Lester Whitlock (second from left), denuty chief of staff, Maj. Gen. Wing, Chinese liason officer and Lt. Gen. Chu, China's represen- tative to the Allied Council. The Marshalls stopped over in Tokyo enroute to China. Poland Reported Ready To Back Australian Compromise Proposal did $3,000,000 worth of ness sinWe Nov. 1, 1944. illegal busi- Petitions Due Today aFt ive Ten Days' Cam1paigning Before Final Election The deadline for petitions for of- fice in the campus' new governing body, the Student Congress, is 5 p.m. today according to Harry Jackson, president of Men's Judiciary Council. Bearing a 100-word statement of the candidate's qualifications and 50 signatures, the petitions must be placed in the student congress peti- tion box in the Union, Jackson said. The petitions will be edited and printed for campus appraisal next week, according to present plans. / An all-campus election to select personnel for the Congress is sched- uled April 30. Eighteen representa- tives-one for each 800 students- will be chosen at that time. In suc- ceeding elections one representative will be elected for each 400 students under provisions of the Congress- Cabinet student government consti- tution. 'U' Takes Action On B ildingSite Condemnation proceedings to ac- quire the remaining four privately owned parcels of land on the site of the projected new Business Adminis- tration Building were instituted in Washtenaw Circuit Court yesterday, Vice-President Briggs announced. The University already has obtain- ed 11 of the 15 parcels in the area bounded by Tappan, Hill, Haven and Monroe. The proceedings were begun against Elroy 0. Jones, owner of property at 719 through 721 Tappan; Charles and Pauline Listman, owners at 731 Tap- pan; Jacob and Elizabeth Hansel- man, owners of 920 Monroe; and the Michigan B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda- tion, Inc., the non-profit corporation which sponsors the campus Jewish students' organization, for property at 730 Haven. Negotiation of Coal Strike Urged by Schwellenbachl WASHINGTON, April 19 - (U) - Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach to- t, asunmed nersonnaldiretinn of NEW YORK, April 1 9 -(A'1$-- Po- land was reported today ready to back Australia's compromise proposal on the controversial Spanish ques- tion, apparently clearing the way for the United Nations Security Council to order a four-week inves- tigation of the Franco regime. Ambassador Oscar Lange, who or- Pauley To Try ToCrack Strict Soviet Secrecy WASHINGTON, April 19 - (A') - President Truman is sending Edwin W. Pauley, his reparations expert, back to the Far East about May 1 to try again to crack the iron secrecy hiding Soviet removals of industrial equipment and property from Man- churia and Korea. This was announced today by Sec- retary of State Byrnes in his last scheduled news conference before he leaves for Paris Tuesday morning. There he is to begin on Thursday a momentous conference with foreign ministers Molotov of Russia, Bevin of Britain and Bidault of France in an effort to break the big power dead- lock over European peace settle- ments. The industrial equipment issue is one which has been a source of con- siderable irritation in Russian-Amer- ican relations and it might come up informally at least at Paris. Byrnes left no doubt that he con- siders it, certainly in Manchuria, a question of utmost economic impor- tance, Byrnes also said: 1. American land and air forces now being moved into Germany are not designed to cope with any par- ticular expected emergency but are merely to bring up to planned strength units depleted by demobili- zation. 2. He has sent to Russia a new note designed to promote arrangements for negotiating a $1,000,000,000 American loan but that he will not disclose details because he wants to keep the American position fluid enough to change if necessary. 3. He has not received any direct, official reports of censorship in Iran and he hopes the unofficial reports are not true. Olin Downes Will Discuss 'Criticsim' "The Function of Criticism" will be discussed by Olin Downes, music critic of the New York Times, at a University lecture at 8:30 p.m. Mon- day in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The lecture, sponsored jointly by the School of Music and Pi Kappa Lambda. national muic honors ocie- iginally presented the demand for a worldwide rupture of diplomatic re- lations with Franco Spain, was said to have indicated to the Australians that he would support the call for a full inquiry by a committee of five members of the council. Informed quarters expressed the view that Russia, France and Mex- ico, supporters of Lange's resolution, would fall in line. Air the Facts The United States and Great Brit- ain have maintained from the first that they were interested in having all the facts aired and it was con- sidered they might approve the Aus- tralian plan when the Council re- convenes at 3 p.m., EST, Tuesday. Both already have expressed "inter- est" in the inquiry plan. There was some speculation as to whether observers might visit Spain to gather material for the report, which would be due May 17. The res- olution by Col. W. R. Hodgson, Aus- tralian delegate, asked the commit- tee "to examine the statements made before the Security Council concern- ing Spain, to call for further written statements and documentary evi- dence from members of the United Nations and from the Franco regime and to make such other inquiries as it may deem fit." Franco's Invitation It was recalled that Generalissimo Franco already has invited members of the United Nations who have dip- lomatic relations with his govern- ment to make an investigation in Spain. Hodgson asked the committee to report on three questions: "Is the Spanish situation one es- sentially within the jurisdiction of Spain? Is the situation in Spain one which might lead to inter.national friction and give rise to a dispute? If the answer to the second question is yes, is the continuance of the situa- tion likely to endanger the mainten- ance of international peace and se- curity?" UAW Leaders Repudiate Chief" In Policy Stand Company Profits Out In Wage Demands CHICAGO, April 19 -(p)- The CIO United Auto Workers executive board, overriding Union President Walter P. Reuther,.today adopted "by a substantial majority" a new policy declaring company profits must not be a deciding factor in union wage demands. The policy statement, a virtual re- pudiation of Reuther's stand during the recent General Motors strike, was drawn up by Vice-Presidents R. J. Thomas and Richard T. Leonard, and Secretary-Treasurer George F. Addes. Reuther told reporters he voted against the new policy, saying the portions with which he disagreed were "a carryover from the heat of the convention." Recommendation Adopted He said the recommendations were adopted by "a substantial majority" of the 22-man executive board, al- though adoption "would not reflect the political grouping of the board." He did not elaborate, but added he would "accept and carry out the will of the majority." During the General Motors strike, Reuther, then UAW vice-president and head of the union's GM division, partly based demands for increases in wages on what he called the cor- poration's ability to meet wage in- creases. Statement of Policy The UAW president said he would submit at tomorrow's board meet- ing "for the record" a statement of policy he said he believed should have been adopted. The Thomas-Addes-Leonard pro- posal passed with no changes of any importance, Reuther said, except with the addition of a clause declar- ing that if price controls were re- moved the union would force re- opening of wage issueowhere it now was bound by contract. iJ.S. Asked To .Further Cu rta il D iet By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, April 19-The gov- ernment tonight ordered American consumption of flour cut one-fourth below the level of this time last year, to meet what President Truman call- ed history's "greatest threat of mass starvation." The President, appealing to the "warm heart of America," urged the people anew to go on a European diet two days a week-a diet that is less than half that of the average in this country. The government order, effective at 12:01 a.m. Monday, was announced by Secretary of Agriculture Anderson in a nationwide-all-network radio broadcast in which the President al- so participated, along with former president Herbert Hoover, speaking from Cairo, and UNRRA Director F'iorello LaGuardia. The 25 per cent cut in flour consumption was part of a six-point program to get food for export. Hoover Asks for Help Hoover, apparently uninformed in advance of the mandatory steps an- nounced simultaneously with his ver- bal report on famine in Europe, urged measures to approximately the same end. He suggested that the govern- ment get the food it needs as it did in wartime, when there were manda- tory set-asides. Hoover called on Bri- tain, Russia and Latin America to help out too. LaGuardia appealed "desperately" to farmers to furnish the needed wheat. The next 90 days, he said, "will mean eternity for a great many who are now on the brink of death." Mr. Truman, in a brief address in- troducing the other speakers, asking every American to eat less and to share his food, declared: "America cannot remain heathy and happy in the same world where millions of human beings are starving. A sound world order can never be built upon a foundation of human misery." Anderson's Program Anderson's program for meeting the need outlined by the chief execu- tive was this: (1) Millers will be required to limit domestic distribution of flour to 75 per cent of the amount they delivered in the corresponding months -last year. This order becomes effective at 12:01 a.m. Monday. (2) The government will offer far- mers a bonus of 30 cents a bushel of wheat delivered to the government by May 25. The bonus is designed to en- tice upwards of 160,000,000 bushels of wheat off farms during the cur- rent world famine crisis. (3) The government will offer to buy 50,000,000 bushels of corn from farmers at a bonus of 30 cents a bush- el over current ceiling prices. Corn obtained under the bonus would be resold to feeders and processors in urgent needy Limit Asked (4) Food manufacturers will be reA quired to limit their use of wheat in the manufacture of products for do- mestic human consumption to 75 per cent of the quantity used in the cor- responding months of 1943. This ac- tion also becomes effective Monday, April 22. (5) Millers and food manufactur- ers wil be limited effective May 1 to 21 days' inventory of wheat. This action is designed toreduceidomestic wheat to make more available for export. (6) The Government will offer to buy an unlimited amount of oatmeal from millers for export to hungr, areas. Anderson said the program was adopted after consultation with the governments of Canada and the United Kingdom. It was indicated in the talks, he said, that those coun- tries would work with the United States toward the "two common ob- See HUNGER, P. 2 French Assembly Adopts Constitution PARIS, April 19- )-The French Constituent Assembly adopted a new constitution for the Fourth Republic by a vote of 309nto 249. OPA Chief Porter Acts To Hold Staff Intact Despite Legislation WASHIN3TON, April 19 - W) .- OPA Chief Paul Porter acted today to hold his price control staff to- gether in the face of the House deci- sion to shear the agency's pcwers. 'Porter arranged to make a personal "stay-at-the-job" appeal Monday to 3,200 OPA employees here, and for similar meetings next week at re- gional and district offices. At the same time two farm state senators announced they would fight to keep the restrictions tacked on by the House in voting to extend OPA's life quit rate" among OPA employees. He reported that the theme of Por- ter's talk will be that "the House bill is not the final decision of Congress." enate Favor Predicted Administration leaders have ex- pressed confidence that the agency will fare better in the Senate and that a milder measure will emerge eventually from compromises be- tween the two chambyrs. The Senate Banking Committee is considering a bill which now pro- vides for the extension of OPA for a c f c k E c a a J k c c t UAW POLICY: Gains Made in Uniting Labor On Basis of Equality -- Crockett '4 By HELEN ZORN The UAW has made greater gains in solidifying labor on the basis of racial equality than any other or- ganization, said George W. Crockett, UAW educational director, at an In- ter-Co-operative meeting at Muriel Lester House yesterday. The initial hurdle lies in FEPC's ability to persuade management to place a Negro beside a white man in the shop, according to Crockett, graduate of the University law schnnl because whites refused to work with, six new Negro employees, the commit- tee acted to remind the white strikers that the UAW constitution guaran- tees complete economic and social equality, Crockett revealed. The committee at a second of the only two hearings involving racial in- tolerance, he continued, ordered the removal of a sign reading "For White Members Only" in a building for which Negroes had helped to pay. rmn,, ' . - --