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April 18, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-18

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0 True Confessions

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In The Day's Work
nosphere all of its distinctive own, and we
find an occasional stroll through the premises
highly profitable.
Yesterday, we dropped into the Gargoyle of-
fice just long enough to overhear the General
Manager and one of his cohorts deciding on next
month's gags on the basis of seniority.
And as we lolled over the coke machine the
woman's page bulletin board caught our perpet-
ually roving eye. A tough assignment sheet hit
an errant reporter with this comment, "That
Vfeatch wasn't too hot." We don't want to seem
rdic, but ...
* * * *
From Haunts Of Coot
WE WERE CERTAIN that accusing our fair
coeds of all sorts of wrongdoing would bring
a hail of protest and denial, but we never con-
ceived that its rumblings would carry way
over to the Law School.
Last night,, a tired, unshaven former Daily
editor, well on his way to a career groped into
the Daily office and murmured, "What's all
this we hear about there being coeds on cam-
* * * *
Indirect Slander
Q VERHEARD in a class studying Voltaire:
"Voltaire was, in shor.t, a cad, a beast, a
speculator and a sneak."
Evidently language left over from between-
classes discussion of Free Press reporters.
* * * *
Wonderland of Publicity
again, this time from Washington where he
seems to have moved in on the Republican Na-
tional Committee.
A press service reporter, who apparently has
nothing to do except dream these things up, has
begun the task of humanizing the new Chairman
of the Republican National Committee-never
an easy job.
Reports this desperate man, "Chairman B.
Carroll Reese told me today they call him 'Stub'
for stubborn." The possibilities are endless, but
the one that appeals most to us is 'Fat' for
Unpleasant News Brief
WE NOTE with dismay an Associated Press re-
port that the Prohibition Party of Michigan
has qualified for a place on the 1946 election bal-
lot. It's not that the present handling of Michi-
gan's alcoholic supply doesn't approximate pro-
hibition; it's that outright illegality will bring
back what was known on the Rhine as buzz
bomb juice.
Semantic Merry-Go-Round
THIS may seem like a quibble, but there's a
new organization in Washington that has
us going in a semantic circle. It's called the Re-
publican Open Forum, but after briefly perus-
ing the literature involved, we can't make up our
minds whether it's strictly for GOPsters or as
open to diverse opinion as the Tower of Babel.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
At What Point
is It Aggresston?
SOONER OR LATER, the UN will have to de-
cide what constitutes aggression and what
will be done to prevent it from culminating in
World War III. Recent events are forcing this
In February the State Department issued its
sensational "'Blue Book," which charged that the

Nazis have in Argentina a base to rebuild their
aggressive power while the homeland is occupied.
Last week, Poland charged that Spain is har-
boring German atomic scientists and Nazi war
It is not clear yet what the UN will do about
the Polish charges, but the State Department's
"Blue Book" has been all but forgotten since
the Argentine people voted the alleged fascist
Colonel Peron back into office.
THE searing indictments which the State De-
partment and Poland have seen fit to deliver
should not be ignored. One is strongly reminded,
on hearing of them, of the accusations which
were hurled at Germany, Italy and Japan in the
1930's-accusations which proved to be justified.
In the past, no action has been taken against
an aggressor nation until its armies were over
the borders of its neighbor. We have learned that
to delay retaliation can be suicidal.
What the UN needs is a test of "aggressive
intent" and-what is more important-the
determination to deal with such "intent" be-
fore the peace has been violated.
HE alleged aid which Argentina and Spain
gave Nazi Germany during the war and are
continuing to give now provides such a test. The

The Hoover Mansion
To The Editor:
Last summer, at New port, Rhode Island, one of
the large estates was given over to the manage-
ment of a young service man's wife. This woman
rented the rooms to Navy couples, preferably
those with children, who were stationed at the
base. The living room, dining room, and kitchen
were cooperative rooms and shared by all. Each
couple had one bedroom and shared a bath with
not more than two other couples. There was a
general air of cooperation and everyone was very
happy with the arrangement.
A short while ago I was in Ann Arbor and not-
iced a large home, formerly a fraternity house,
located on Washtenaw Avenue near the edge of
town. Since I was one of the Navy wives in the
above situation, I immediately thought how suit-
able this house was for such a project as de-
scribed above.
The first step was to contact the University,
and there I found that they had contemplated
buying the house but they thought it would en-
tail too much expense in the remodeling to be
satisfactory to them. I, meanwhile, had found a
friend who would shoulder the financial aid
necessary for the major repairs, and I was sure
that there were many veterans who would coop-
erate in the painting and other minor repairs for
the privilege of having a place to live with their
The city of Ann Arbor was then contacted by
me and this is where the plan has failed. It
seems that the city government does not wish
to cooperate in making the place available for rent
or sale to anyone who wishes to alleviate the
housing shortage. I met with evasions and cold-
ness when I simply inquired concerning the possi-
bility of acquiring the house for the purpose men-
tioned. One commissioner said he thought the
zoning law would prohibit the use of the house
for veterans' families, another commissioner re-
marked that he did not believe it would pay-
something I had not even mentioned and still
another said that the deed did not allow the city
to do anything .but hold the property for another
few years.
I am voicing my protest for the citizens and
veterans who may not know that such is the
case of a vacant home in Ann Arbor,
Thank you for reading this case.
-Mrs. Wimburn L. Wallace
EDITOR'S NOTE: Mayor w. E. Brown, Jr., told The
Daily yesterday that when the city took over the Hoo-
ver property under provision of the State tax law,
the city had no legal right to rent the house. In order
to make the property available, by resolution of Com-
mon Council, the city has deeded it back to the State
Land Board which will make it available for sale im-
mediately to be sold at auction open to anyone in the
Sinister State St.
To The Editor:
"Jack be nimble, Jack be quick" seems to be a
popular phrase these days when speaking about
the State Street crossing in front of the Union.
And if Jack isn't athletically inclined-he will
lose "his beloved behind."
Every self-respecting boy scout has deserted
this crossing. Then again, it is not a case of try-
ing to help someone else to cross State Street, it
popular phrase these days when speaking about
is all one can do to rhumba HIMSELF across
to the other side. Ann Arbor drivers, on the other
hand, are not TOO much to blame. They do
slow down to aboUt 40 or 50 when the pass the
Union!! It seems that everyone is trying to get
his mother-in-law to the depot on time. To add
to this, some of the town's lovely old ladies seem
to think that they are female counterparts of
Barney Oldfield. I have seen every type of char-
acter in God's world push a car down that street.
That is, everything but a poodle or a student un-
der 26. And they all seem heavy in the feet and
light in the head. I myself am a confirmed jay-
walker, but the idea of trying to beat out those
murderous cars is beyond me. Most of the fellows
I know feel as though they should be served
bracer-shots before they attempt the crossing.
So far, we have been pretty lucky and everyone
seems to be in one piece. But some morning
someone is going to be dashing for an eight
o'clock class, and before lie knows it, he is going
to be giving the pavement a blood transfusion.
Now certainly, no one wants to have a person
injured or killed, so what's the remedy? The rem-
edy can be any number of things; a stop light,

a policeman, or what have you, would serve the
purpose admirably.
Forgive me if my attitude seems that of a jok-
er. I don't intend it to be such, for this is a seri-
ous matter-so serious that it must not be over-
looked. I believe that it is the job of the Ann Ar-
bor safety council to alleviate the situation at
once or be held amenable for any accident occur-
ring on State Street in front of the Union.
--Freddie Laskow
* * * *
Plus ca+Ciuge
To The Editor:
As a matter of fact, anyone is just as free to
establish a League of the Militant Godless (for
all its Russian sound) in the United States as in
the Soviet Union. He is protected by the free
speech and free press clauses of the federal and'
state constitutions. But I hope our Militant
friend will pardon a smile. He reminds me so
irresistibly of a character invented by H. G.
Wells in 1915:
"Dodd is a leading Imember of the Rational-

1 1

ist Press Association, a militant agnostic, and
a dear, compact man, one of those Middle Vic-
torians who go about with a preoccupied,
caulking air, as tho, after having been at great
cost and pains to banish God from the universe
not to permit Him back on any terms what-
soever , . . Boon used to declare that every
night Dodd looked under his bed for the Deity,
and slept with a large revolver under his pil-
low for fear of a Revelation."
-Preston Slosson
* * * *
Haven For Magillem
To The Editor:
DICK MAGILLEM, '46 Lit, spokesman for all
campus freethinkers, atheists and agnostics,
certainly has much to learn before graduating
this June. In my opoinion, Dick, the social-con-
scious freethinkers and atheists are well repre-
sented in the Student Religious Association. As
an imparital observer, and agnostic myself, I
have found many atheists and agnostics to be
very active supporters of SRA. I have heard very
heated but friendly arguments between "believ-
ers" and "non-believers" over their respective
views on religion take place right in Lane Hall.
I know of at least three agnostics who are mem-
bers of the Executive Committee of SRA. No,
Dick, the social conscious atheists are represent-
ed on campus-and I might say contribute much
to the intellectual attitude of SRA.
I agree that certain religious groups don't
want freethinkers, but that's not true of SRA.
Lane Hall stands for one thing, in my opin-
ion-fellowship. If the many freethinkers, ag-
nostics, and atheists whom you represent want
an organization, you have one at SRA. In
fact, I'll bet the Association will even give you
an office and help you get started.
Let me say, however, that if your type of ag-
nostic represents a selfish, anti-social brand of
atheism, not only SRA will say to hell with you
but any socially responsible group will. But if you
are a sincere, democratic group and don't think
you know all there is to know, SRA and you
will get along fine. Let me know when you get
organized, Dick, and I'll be your first subscriber.
-Homer Underwood, '46
* * * *
Meaningless Phrases
To the Editor:
TGTHE LETTER written by the Rev. David
Blake, Jr., published in The Daily April 13
may I add a loud and hearty Amen. It is a
strange and confusing fact that Americans are
so adept at talking about freedom, justice and
equality for all when attempting to paint Amer-
ica to the world, and yet are so inept'at prac-
ticing their sermons and living up to their glow-
ing adjectives when it comes down to common
everyday experience.
The fact that Negroes are prevented from
volunteering for the Michigan State Troops is
just one of many forms of unjust racial discrim-
ination practiced widely all over this "land of
the 'free' ' I had thought before coming to
Michigan that here I would find, within the
walls of a university, an atmosphere of fair-
mindedness superior to that prevailing in the
average American community. In general this
has been true. College students in general are
more interested in world- affairs and more open-
minded in their discussions of controversial sub-
jects than the average American. And yet, even
on the campus of so large a university as this,
racial discrimination in personal relations is
practiced. Restaurants refuse to serve Negroes,
employment of Negroes is subject to personal
prejudice on every hand.
It is easy to talk of large world-significant
problems. The very size of the subjects make
much loud talking' easy and reduce criticism to
a minimum if nothing tangible is accomplished.
But when it comes down to unprejudiced rela-
tions between people of different races, it is an-
other matter. Let the MYDA, SRA, the sororities
and fraternities, and the student populace as a
whole sponsor a campaign to promote non-preju-
diced relations, and then let us as individuals
practice them. Then perhaps we can honestly
lay claim to being citizens of a democracy.
-George R. Crossman

St. Lawrence Project
The mystery about the St. Lawrence project is
not why it ought to be built, but why it was not
built long ago. Who is against it, and why?
This idea was recommended before the First
World War. The basic survey was made in 1921
by Colonel Hugh L. Cooper, America's greatest
authority on river development, who designed
the Dnieperstroy Dam in Russia, The plan was
backed in succession by Presidents Coolidge, Hoo-
ver, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Truman. It was
advocated by Secretaries of State Hughes, Kel-
logg, Stimson, Hull and Byrnes, by New York
Governors Smith, Roosevelt, Lehman and Dewey,
Secretaries of the Navy Edison and Knox. It is
recommended by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and
the War Department. It has had wide support
by business, agriculture and labor, by conserva-
tives and progressives, by the Midwest, New York
and the New England States. It is favored by Ca-
nada. It awaits only action by the Congress of
the United States.
-George Soule, in the New Republic

Coeds OK
Pure Fantasy
To The Edito:
This letter may be regarded as a
bitter protest submitted with refer-
ence to a certain article which ap-
peared in the April 17, 1946 issue of
the Detroit Free Press. This article,
appearing under the title "Co-eds
Atsailed by U. of M. Vets," is far
more shocking to the undersigned
veterans than is the alleged condi-
tion which is so luridly depicted by
Mr. Kenyon in his article. We vigor-
ously criticize such derogatory mis-
informaicn as being totally un-
founded and decidedly unjust. We'
consider this article to be a flagrant
insult to the University of Michigan.
co-eds as well as to student veterans
enrolled here at the University. No
community can be socially pure, but
the situation depicted by Mr. Ken-
yon is pure fantasy. On the basis of
such meager information, the slan-
derous nature of this article cannot
be denied.
Forty-four signatures
-Thomas A. Wright
EDITOR'S NOTE: These comments and
those appearing in the rest of the column
are only selections and excerpts from the
steady stream of protest which has fol-
lowed the Detroit Free Press's publica-
tion of various charges concerning the
average Michigan coed and the average'
veteran's opinion of her. Unless further
letters add point or sharpness to the al-
most unanimous reaction, no more will
be published.)
di e
Vets Like 'U'
The impression has been given'
that, collectively the vets are sup-
porting the views of a few prudes.
Naturally the veterans do not con-
done promiscuity and other turpi-
tudes. They do not condemn, for
evidence of loose morals at the Uni-
versity is nearly non-existent. The
few instances that there may be are
not confined to Michigan; every col-
lege in the country has its prob-
The veterans refute Norman Ken-
yn's column and all others which
attempt to represent them as dissat-
isfied, maladjusted people. We are
normal, just like everybody else. We
enjoy the same things the majority
of other people do. We are students,
not problems, and resent being made
to appear as such. We came here be-
cause we wanted to. We are here be-
cause we like it.
These are the sentiments on the
subject reflected by the inhabitants
of 2nd floor, Tyler House-and no
doubt, the whole E Quad.
-Marvin A. Cassell
Post-War Coed
I was agreeably surprised to find
upon my return after three years
service that Michigan coeds had
improved both physically and in-
tellectually from their predeces-
sors. They arerbetter-groomed,
more tastefully dressed, and have
acquired from the recent exper-
ience of war a more acute under-
standing of the social and econom-
ic problemns that arise in the com-
plicated world we live in. Aside
from the natural exhuberance of
people just released from four years
of war, I have noticed no traces of
moral disintegration on the part of
our coeds.
To get down to the fundamental
issue would bare the contributors of
the Free Press article as the ultimate
in hypocrisy. Should their statements
be true in even the most limited
sense; that is, that they have en-
countered some coed with moral
standards as low as theirs, they still

reveal themselves as adherents to the
"double standard"--a left-over from
the "superior male intellect" theory.
-Philip HL. McLean
Coeds Slandered
What can college men and wo-
men do in retaliation against these
attacks? Every Michigan woman
stands slandered . . . her morals
rudely discredited in headlines. If
we ignore this attack, we endanger
the campuses of the nation which
will also be used by the local slan-
der sheets for similar news sensa-
-Nan'ey Helm ick
O- Quaified
.THE girls today, in the maiority,
,are trying to 'beat each others time'!
They pile up dates as fast as they
possibly can-enjoyment and sincere,
simple thoughts and words are not
part of their talk during a date.
All we ask is a fair deal, we admit
there are men of the wolf caliber but
you must remember there are women
in the same category.
-D. Leber
By Crockett Johnson


Continued fromr 1'.ge'2

fsin, will spea<k on Forest Service em-
ployment policies and opportunities,
and various other matters relating to
employment of foresters will be dis-
All students in the School of For-
estry and Conservation, except those
having conflicts in non-forestry
courses, are expected to attend andt
any others interested are cordially
Applications for Combined Curric-
ula: Application for admission to a
combined curriculum must be made
before April 20 of the final preprofes-
sional year. Application forms may
be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and
should be filed with the Secretary of
the Committee at that office.
The Announcement of the Sum-
mer School at the National Univer-
sity of Mexico has arrived. Copies
may be had in the Office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213, Angell
Willow Village Program for veter-
ans and their wives.
Thursday, April 18: "Home Plan-
ning" Adelia M. Beeuwkes, Instructor
in Public Health Nutrition, will dis-
cuss "What's New in Nutrition," the
first of a series of three lectures.
2 p.m. Office, West Lodge.
Friday, April 19: "Leadership:
How to be a Club Leader" Dr. Fred
G. Stevenson, Extension Staff. 2:00
p.m. Office, West Lodge. 8:00 p.m.
Leadership Class canceled this week
Friday, April 19: Dancing Class:
Beginners-Couples 7:00 p.m. Audi-
torium, West Lodge; Advanced Cou-
ples 8:00 p.m. Auditorium, West
Saturday, April 20: Record Dance.
8:00 p.m., Club Room, West Lodge.
Sunday, April 21: Classical Music
on Records, 3-5:00 p.m., Office, West
Sunday, April 21: Vespers: Rev.
H. L. Pickerill, Protestant Directors
Association, 4:00-5:00 p.m. Confer-
ence Room, West Lodge.
Sunday, April 21. Football movie,
"University of Michigan vs. Great
Lakes," commentary by Mr. Robert
Morgan 'of the Alumni Association,
7:30 p.m.
"University of Michigan vs. Great
Lakes," commentary by Mr. Robert
Morgan of the Alumni Association.
7:30 p.m.
French Lecture: Dr. Francis W.
Gravit, of the Romance Language
Department, will offer the last French
lecture on the series sponsored by the
Cercle Francais, on Tuesday, April 23,
at 4:10 p.m., in Room D, Alumni Me-
morial Hall. The title of his lecture
is: "Frenesie dans la rue Quincam-
pois." This lecture is open to the gen-
eral public and free of charge.
Professor Malcolm R. Irwin, De-
partment of Zoology, University of
Wisconsin, will lecture on "Genetic
Analyses of Differences Between
Species" at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, April
18, in the Rackharn Amphitheater
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Zoology. This lecture is open
to the public.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building on Friday, April 19, at A:00
"The Metabolism of the Estrogenic
Hormones." All interested are in-
Orientation and Ilistory Seminar,
today at :;:00 p.m., Room 3001 Angell
-all. Frank Arena will discuss "Boo-
lean Algebra.
Seminar in physical chemistry will
meet today in Room 410 Chemistry

Building at 4:15 p.m. Professor E. F.
Barker will speak on "Resonance Ef-
feet in Ammonia and Carbon Diox-
ide." All interested are invited.
Symphony Concert: The Univer-
sity of Michigan Symphony Orches-
tra, William 1). Revelli, Conductor,
will be heard in a program of com-
pcsitions by Gluck, Beethoven, and

Tschaikowski at 8:30 tonight in Hill
Jeannette Haien lPupil of John
Kollen, will appear as soloist with
the orchestra in Beethoven's Con-
certo No. 5 in E-flat Major, "Em-
peror." for piano and orchestra. The
program will open with Gluck's Over-
ture. Iphigenia in Aulis, and will close
with Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, Op.
36, by Tschaikowski, It will be open
to the general public without charge.
College of Architecture and De-
sign: Water colors and oils by Mr.
Karl Kasten, Instructor in Drawing
and Painting in this College. Ground
floor corridor. Open daily except Sun-
day, 9 to 5, through April 20. The
public is invited.
Michigan Iistorical Collections:
"Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackham.
Open daily 8-12, 1:30-4:30, Saturdays
Events Today
The Art Cinema League presents
Josiane in "MARIE LOUISE," a fine
Swiss film. Dialogue in French and
Swiss-German; English titles. Today,
Fri., and Sat., 8:30 p.m. Reservations
phone 6300. Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Box office opens 2:00 p.m.
Tea at the International Center:
The weekly informal teas at the In-
ternational Center on Thursdays,
from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. are open to
all foreign students and their Ameri-
can friends.
Trinity Lutheran Church will have
Holy Communion Service tonight at
7:30. Good Friday services will start
at noon and continue until 3:00, and
worshippers may attend at any time
during this time.
The Modern Poetry Club will meet
tonight at 7:30 in Room 3231 Angell
Hall. Professor Abel will lead the
discussion on "The Imagists."
Coming Events
The regular Graduate Record
Concert which is held every Thurs-
day evening, 8:00 to 10:00 in the
Men's Lounge of the Graduate Rack-
ham School Building will not be giv-
en this evening.
These concerts are run for gradu-
ate students only. Special request
numbers may be left with the House
Director in the Graduate School of-
fice. Would those graduates who may
be interested in playing an occa-
sional record program please attend
a short meeting with Mrs. Fletcher,
the House Director, in the south al-
cove of the Men's Lounge Friday,
April 19, at 4:00.
The Annual French Play: Le Cercle
Francais will present "Les Femmes
Savantes," a comedy in five acts and
in verse by Moliere, Wednesday, May
1, at 8:30 p.m. in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater.
The International Center: The In-
ternational Center announces a Buf-
fet Supper sponsored by the All Na-
tions Club of the University of Michi-
gan on Easter Sunday evening, April
21, at 6:30 in the Center. Tickets are
available in the Center's office. En-
tertainment in the form of a Truth or
Consequences program, a Scavenger
Hunt, and Community Singing is be-
ing offered in addition to the Sup-
per. Foreign Students, their guests,
and all interested American Students
are cordially invited to attend.
The I.C.C. Education committee
presents: George Crockett of the
United Automobile Workers, CIO,
who will speak on discrimination in
unions Friday, April 19, at 8:00 at
Muriel Lester Co-oOp House, 1102
Oakland. Discussion and refresh-
ments will follow. Everyone is cor-

dially invited.
Zion Lutheran Church will have a
Community Service on Good Friday
at 1:30 p.m. The Holy Communion
Service will be held at 7:30 on Good
Friday evening.
The Lutheran Student Association
will have an Easter Morning break-
fast at the Center, 1304 Hill Street, at
7:30. Call 7622 for reservations not
later than Saturday noon.

Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff


Margaret Farmer
Hale Champion
Robert Goldman
Emily E. Knapp
Pat Cameron . . .
Clark Baker .
Des Howarth . . . .
Ann S'chuitz

. . . . . .T ... . Managing Editor
. . . . . . . Editorial Director
.. . . . . City Editor
. . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
..... . . . . . Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . . .. . . .Women's Editor


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In his salad days, Barnaby, crime detection

I must request, O'Malley, that




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Nonsense, Gus . . I'll track down the







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