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April 18, 1946 - Image 1

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Air port

Free Press Misquoted
Us, Students Contend;
VO Denies Alletions
Stormy protest at a Free Press front page story on the morals of
Michigan coeds continued yesterday with an expression of indignation
from the campus Veterans Organization and reports from students
whose comments figured in the story that they had been misquoted.
Veterans Organization members at a meeting last night agreed that
"the vast majority of the 6,300 veterans on campus are highly inflamed
at the' fase allegations on campus morals" which were made in the Free
Press article by Norman Kenyon.
The statement that "veterans, are shocked by the sexual promiscuity
and excessive drinking they are encountering on their dates," has no
basis in fact, VO members asserted.
In a letter to John S. Knight, Free Press publisher, VO President
Kenneth J. Fleishauer said his organization believes "the character of
the University of Michigan coeds is on a par with that of normal girls
everywhere, and your paper has no basis for stating otherwise."
University people quoted in the Free Press story, meanwhile, as-
serted that their words had been twisted out of context.
Dean of Women Alice C. Lloyd, claiming she was "misquoted and
misrepresented," said she was "personally proud" of the women on this
campus, "who have shown fine social responsibility in maintaining their
own rules and who have stood for a high standard of social conduct
and morality."
Willow Village veteran William Horowitz was quoted in the Free
Press as saying that "coeds are as easy conquests as the pickups around
Ypsilanti. Just get 'em out of Ann Arbor and they're yours!" Horowitz
revealed last night that he never had been with a University coed outside
Ann Arbor, and that he had said nothing derogatory about local coeds.
T. J. Phillips, another Willow Village veteran whose words were
used in the story, said he "objected very much to the general tone of the
article," and he didn't mean to call attention particularly to the coeds
at Michigan in his statements.
Martha Sanders denied she had said, "Necking is done in the open
a lot more nowadays."
Meredith Geer, whom the Free Press quoted as a veteran, is actually'
a coed from Dearborn.
The Willow Village American Veterans Committee rallied to the
defense of the coed with a resolution to be sent to the editor of the Free
Press. Charging that the article "unjustifiably tended to undermine the
reputation of a great university," AVC expressed its "strong indignation
at such irresponsible journalism."
Coed leaders of Panhellenic Association and Assembly, joined the
voices of protest. Barbara Ann Hazelton, representing Assembly, said
the story was t"a distortion and an exaggeration."
Marion Johnson, president of Panhellenic, amplified her remarks
by accusing the Free Press of trying to stir up fear of another "roaring
"The conditions attributed to this canus are so wholly in discord
with life on our post-war campus that the wrath of both veterans and
coeds is justified," she declared.
Newcomb Predicts Results of
Pastoral Policy inGermany

Price Control
Shattered by
House Action
Bill ID imt- Is. end
Of OPA Stbsi(Iyes
rebellious House overthrew impor-
tant phases of President Truman's
stabilization program tonight, pass-
ing the price control act with restric-
tions and directing that subsidy pay-
ments shall stop.
"You have murdered the OPA,"
Rep. Sabath (Dem., I.) shouted to
his colleagues at the stormy night
"Repeal of price control," was the
judgment of Price Administrator Paul
The restrictions were plastered on
a bill to continue the OPA beyond its
present June 30 expiration date-for
nine months, instead of a year as the
Administration asked.
After voting the amendments on
a series of record votes however, the
House put off until tomorow the
final roll-call which will send the
bill to the Senate.
Its future there is highly uncertain.
Senator Thomas (Dem., Okla.) an-
nounced tonight that he will intro-
duce an amendment tomorrow to
remove OPA controls on "everything
but rents and alcoholic beverages."
It would come up for action when the
Senate considers the OPA measure.
The hitch on final passage oc-
curred when Rep. Bradley (Dem.,
Pa.) demanded that the official
final draft of the hill be read. This
was not ready and the House quit
for the night shortly before 10 p.m.
As one restrictive amendment after
another went into the measure, ru-
mors swept the Capitol that Porter
and Stabilization Director Chester
Bowles would quit, but an aide of Por-
ter and Bowles himself denied them.
Only rent controls escaped the
House's sledge-hammer. Every
amendment to alter these controls
was defeated while those dealing
with other phases of the. control
program went through by heavy
Republican votes, assisted by some
One amendment, whooped through
on a roll-call vote of 259 to 137,
would require the OPA to make a
drastic overhaul of its price ceilings.
It provides that they must reflect
cost plus a "reasonable profit" to
producers and distributors.
An amendment to drop all price
controls on meat, however, was de-
feated, 172 to 223, on a roll-call after
the House earlier had approved it on
a tentative ballot, 139 to 122.
Britain Plans
To Nationalize
Steel. Industry
LONDON, April 17-MP)-Britain's
Labor government said today it plans
to nationalize a large part of the na-
tion's iron and steel industry, and a
conservative spokesman c h a r g e d
Prime Minister Attlee was "acting
like Hitler."
The tumult touched off in the
house of Commons indicated the pro-
posal would be one of the most con-
troversial of all the government's
public ownership projects.
Winston Churchill, leader of the
Conservative opposition, snapped
that the announcement "Wears the
aspect of a singularly questionable

and indeed thoroughly disreputable
performance." .Amid an uproar from
the Labor benches, he was cut off by
the speaker, on grounds that the
question was not debatable.
Prime Minister Attlee had declined
to assure Churchill that the govern-
ment would avoid taking any impor-
tant administrative step before the
nationalization proposal was debated
in the House.

Dawson To Speak
"onor Students
Prof. John P. Dawson of the Law
School will address the 23rdAnnual
honor's Convocation Friday, April
26, in place of Vdiscount Halifax,
British ambassador to the United'
States, who was originally schedul-
ed to speak.
Prof. Dawson came to Michigan
as an assistant professor in 1927.
Recently he held a war position as
Acting Regional Economic Coun-
selor in the State Department.
Viscount Halifax spoke at Honor's
Convocation in 1944.
.Saturday Work
Is Approved by
Un ion Off icials
Local Membership
Still Resents Overtime
Bernard Johnson, vice-president of
the International Bricklayers Union,
announced yesterday that the un-
ion s executive committee had ap-
proved continuation of the six-day
work week on the University's con-
struction projects, but reactions of
local union and construction officials
indicated that the bitter controversy
is far from being closed.
48-Hours Week Issue
Louis Hackbart, secretary of the
Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers
Union Local 14, said there will be
"considerable resentment on the part
of local contractors and union mem-
The bricklayers will meet today to
discuss the 4-hour week issue.
Henry de Koning, of the Ann Arbor
General Contractors Association, said
the contractors would also meet to-
day to plan their next move in the
Defense by Johnson
Johnson defended the 48-hour week
with the statement:-
"The situation here is such that
bricklayers must be brought from
outside if the University program is
to be completed. It is unfair to ask
these men to furnish their own trans-
portation and pay for room and board
on a five-day week. There is little
doublt of the importance of the Uni-
versity program. The job will be done
on a six-day basis."
Hackbarth said the local union
will continue the 40-hour week on
jobs for local contractors but that
no member of the union will be pre-
vented from working for the George
A. Fuller Co., University contractor,
on a six-day basis.
Predict Stoppage
Local contractors have predicted
that home construction here will be
shut off if the 48-hour week is con-
tinued on the University's projects.
The contractors raised the current
dispute last week by contending that
they could not compete with the Uni-
versity for labor if the double-pay-
for-Saturday policy were continued.
Meanwhile, the Ann Arbor Veterans
and Citizens Housing Committee pre-
pared to consider the problems of
local contractors at a meeting Satur-
day in City Hall. The contractors
have been asked to attend the meet-
Nunn Discusses
A VC Activities
A meeting of the Willow Run chap-
ter of AVC was held yesterday at
which guest speaker Guy Nunn dis-
cussed the national and state activ-
ities of the AVC and Suzanne Ladei-
are, described the activities of the

Ann Arbor and Wilow Run chapters.
Announcement that Dean of Stu-
dents Joseph A. Bursley is to speak on
the housing situation at the next
meeting, to be held Wednesday, was
made by Allen C. Weaver, secretary
of the Willow Run chapter. Following
his discussion, Dean Bursley will wel-
come questions from the floor con-
cerning housing problems.

Poles Charge
Nazis Pursue
Atom Studies
1{eseareh Goes- on
In Spain, UN Told
NEW YORK, April 17-(P)-Po-
land told the United Nations Secur-
ity Council today there were some
indications of Nazi scientific efforts
to carry on atomic research in Spain
and suggested that weapons even
more terrible than the atomic bomb
might be under experimentation
The statement was made by Pol-
ish delegate Oscar Lange with his
demand that the United Nations
collectively break off diplomtie
relations with the regime of Gen-
eralissimo Francisco Franco.
France and Mexico joined in Po-
land's effort to isolate Franco Spain
from all the fifty-one members of the
United Nations.
Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., the
United States delegate, ended the
day's debate with a brief restate-
ment of American objectives: (1)
that the Franco government should
be removed by the Spanish people
and (2) that the overthrow should
be peaceful. He did not say defi-
nitely how the U. S. would vote on
the Polish resolution.
The French delegate, Henri Bon-
net, asserted that "continuation of
the existing situation in Spain con-
stitutes a danger for international
peace and security."
Lange, in an hour-long arraign-
ment of the Franco government,
told the council and observers that
six uranium mines existed in Spain,
and suggested that their output
could be the basis of atomic re-
search there. He then chided the
Allied governments on the score of
secrecy surrounding any mention
of the newest known weapons of
the atomic age.
"The question has been raised,"
Lange said, "whether atomic energy
projects are actually in operation in
Spain. There seems to be some indi-
cation that at least an effort is be-
ing made in this direction, though
some of the governments represented
at this table may have more informa-
tion about it than up to now they
have been willing to disclose to the
world public. This question, how-
ever, is a secondary one."
Lange pointed to the frictions
which closed the French frontier as
a more immediate threat to peace.
Ratification of
VO Constitution
Is Unanimous
The State Association constitution
was ratified unanimously by veterans
at the Veterans' Organization meet-
ing held last night in the Union.
This move automatically makes the
VO a member of the State Student
Veterans' Association and thereby
gives them a voice in the distribut-
tion of the State Veterans' Trust
Fund, now in Gov. Harry Kelly'sscon
Each student veterans' group of the
various local vocational and aca-
demic institutions are entitled to one
vote in the Student Veterans' Associ-
ation meetings. A conference of the
SVA is scheduled for May 3 and 4, at

Five members from the VO will be
appointed by Ken Fleischauer, presi-
dent of VO, to represent the Univer-
sity of Michigan veterans at the con-
Kalamazoo College, with the coop-
eration of Western Michigan College,
will act as host during the confer-

WAA Authorizes
'Interim Permit'
Aero Research To Start Immediately;
Clarification on Airline Leases Awaited
Temporary permission to occupy and operate Willow Run Airport was
granted the University yesterday by the War Asset Administration, and
Prof. Emerson W. Conlon, of the aeronautical engineering department, said
that research and experimentation at the famed air base will 'begin immed-
'Interim Permit' Authorized
The WAA's announcement said the Reconstruction Finance Corp. had
been authorized to grant an "interim permit" to the University "to maintain
and operate the landing area and air-
port facilities" at Willow Run.
Pending the issuance of the formal IranClamps
temporary permit, the RFC has been
authorized to grant an immediate
"right of entry," the WAA said. Censorship on
Officials Await Word
University officials, awaiting offi- News Reports
cial notification of the WAA's deci-
sion, assumed yesterday that the per-
mit will authorize the University to U.S. State Department
lease landing rights to the airlines Weighs Formal Action
serving Detroit.
Seven major airlines are seeking WASHINGTON, April 17-(AP)-An
three-year contracts for landing Iron censorship, which some Ame-
rights, including options for a three- can officials suspect originated in
year extension. Moscow, was clamped by. Iran today
Robert M. Averill, spokesman for upon all news dispatches by foreign
the airlines, said operations could correspondents in that country.
begin at Willow Run within 30 days The United States State Depart-
after the government relinquishes
possession. The port already has a ment, announcing the development
terminal building. as soon as word of it was received-
termnal uildnghere from the embassy at Tehran,
Operate Cost-free was considering tonight what action
Revenue from the leases would it should take in protest. A strong
enable the University to operate the formal objection may be registered
giant airfield cost-free. with the government of Premier
University officials were unable to Ahmed Oavam.
affirm that the University will accept 'Blind' Type
use of Willow Run on a temporary The censorship is on the "bind"
basis. A spokesman said that the type which denies to the authors of
University's "attitude" will be deter- dispatches any information asto
mined by the Board of Regents. how their stories are being changed.
Provided the Regents approve the Newsmen regard this as a most dan-
interim permit, the WAA's decision gerous form of news control since it
will pave the way for a number of allows governments to distort the
University and state projects, includ- meaning of stories without any re-
ing pilotless aircraft research, wind course permitted the writer.
tunnel experiments, an NROTC air In response to questions about cen-
trainingdprogram and experiments sorship conditions in Russia itself,
with radar in air navigation, the State Department said that Mos-
Others To Use Field
In addition to the Department of cow had exercised a blind censorship
Aeronautical Engineering, five other 1or a period beginning about March
schools and departments of the Uni- 1and ending March 2.
versity plan to use Willow Run Air- Russian Censorship
port's facilities, including the civil, The present censorship in Russia
mechanical and electrical engineer- permits the writer of a news dispatch
ing departments, the School of Busi- to see a copy of the censored story
ness Administration and the School before it is telegraphed-but it makes
of Forestry and Conservation, no provision, so far as is known here,
of .oesty and Cos erkvhat he for the writer to seek changes in the
Gov. Kelly said last week that the censored portions of the story.
state was seeking facilitiesaWillow The censorship development came
Run for air units of the statee militi a few hours after President Truman
The program will not interfere with had announced the appointment of
the University's plans for the airport, George V. Allen of Durham, N. C., to
.Gv s.'be Ambassador to Tehran, succeeding
The Umversity Flying Club will Wallace Murray who leaves that post
probably move its program from Ann tomorrow because of illness. Allen is.
A r Airport to Willow Run. the State Department's expert on
Primarily Educational Iranian affairs.
The University's negotiations for As one of the youngest men ever
the air base opened Jan. 28. Although to be named ambassador, he was
the University has sought the port hand-picked for the post in order to
primarily for educational purposes, it reduce to a minimum the number of
has indicated that the airlines would days it would be vacant at this criti-
be accomodated as "a service to the cal time. He is expected to leave for
people of Michigan." the new assignment in about 10 days.
The airlines have been basing their
future plans on Willow Run. Detroit
City Airport has already been declar- Coal W al -Out
ed inadequate and Wayne County
Airport is not considered convenient
for commercial airline purposes. n
The airlines are particularly inter-
ested in routing four-engine flights Small Many
through Willow Run.Sm l Reports M n
t rnen.r . ,

A pastoral policy will necessitate
a severe decline in the German birth
rate over a short period of years,
Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the so-
ciology department predicted in a
Camputs Voters
To Receive Data
On Candidates
An election bulletin, listing the pe-
titions of the candidates for the Stu-
dent Congress, will be distributed to
students Wednesday, Harry Jackson,
president of the Men's Judiciary
Council, announced yesterday.
The qualifications and platform
of each candidate, stated in less than
100 words, will be reported in the
bulletin. If particular groups of can-
didates wish to run on the same plat-
form, they will be able to pool their
space. This will enable students to
pick candidates with similar aims
for the several choices necessary un-
der the proportional-representation
system of balloting.
Handbills Banned
The Men's Judiciary Council has
banned the placing of election posters
and handbills on University bulletin'
Th petitions for Student Congress,
not to exceed 100 words and bearing
50 signatures, must be placed in the
Student Congress petition box in the
Union student offices before 5 p.m.
Information for Petitions
Candidates should include the fol-
lowing information on their petitions:
1. Full name. 2. Ann Arbor address.
3. Ann Arbor telephone. 4. School
year and semester. 5. College and de-

panel discussion on the De-indus-
trialization of Germany, held by
Econcentrics, student economics club,
The recently announced plan for
reestablishment of the German eco-
nomy provides for a standard of liv-
ing approximating that of 1932, Prof.
Edgar Hoover of the economics de-
partment said. German exports of
steel, chemicals, and machinery, are
to be reduced, and Germany will de-
pend mainly on her exports of coal,
textiles, glass, and ceramics to fi-
nance her imports, he said.
German Industry
Emphasizing the relatively late
growth of German industry, Prof.
Benjamin Wheeler of the history de-
partment pointed to the factthat de-
industrializing Germany would in-
volve turning the clock back to 1880,
not as far as would be necessary for
another country.
Speaking from the political point
of view, Prof. Arthur Bromage of the
political science department said that
the policy of de-industrialization
must be carried out even if it makes
it impossible for Germany to pay for
her imports, reparations, or her own
civil administration.
Before extensive re-industrializa-
tion is allowed to take place, Ger-
many must prove that she is denazi-
fled, decentralized, and democratized,
Prof. Bromage said.
Production of Chemicals
Production of coal, chemicals, and
steel elsewhere in Europe beside Ger-
many, probably at higher cost; in-
creased competition in world mar-
kets by Germany as In exporter of
textiles, coal, glass and ceramics; and
curtailment of the German market
for wood, iron ore, and food were
mentioned by Prof. Hoover as prob-
lems arising out of German de-indus-

PCA To Use
Willow .Run
NEW YORK, April 15-(P)-Penn-
sylvania Central Airlines will begin
using the Willow Run Airport, near
Detroit, within "two weeks or a
month," Robert Wilson, PCA vice-
president, said tonight.
"Just as quickly as we possibly can,
we want to begin operations," Wilson
said. "It will take from two weeks
to a month to install ticket counters
and other facilities."
Wilson said some PCA planes would
continue to use the Detroit City Air-
port but the Willow Run field was
needed chiefly for four-engine air-
"None of the airports in Wayne
County have hangar facilities for
the larger planes and the runways
are too short in case of unfavorable
wind conditions for landing," he

.r lam uiosig v w
WASHINGTON, April 17-(IP)-
Reconversion is suffering "a setback
which will steadily grow worse day
by day if the coal strike continues,"
Civilian Production Administrator
John D. Small reported tonight.
"Scores of plants are down because
of lack of fuel," Small stated after a
telephone survey of key factories and
industries, made at the request of
Secretary of Labor Swellenbach.
The 17-day work stoppage by John
L. Lewis' soft coal United Mine Work-
ers is increasing the injury done by
the recent steel strike, "insofar as
its overall effect on production is
concerned," the production chief said.
"In addition to consumers goods
and the production of materials for
the housing program, essential rail-
road and utility services will be hit
severely if the work stoppage is pro-
The checkup, he said, revealed that

Pro f. Reveli7To Conduct Orchestra


The University Symphony Orches-
tra, under the direction of Prof. Wil-
inn, n Rntr mii vm t.-cnt to n- - c

status. There are about 85 active
members at present.

the Michigan Composer's Club and
her sonata for ninna will he ner-




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