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April 17, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-17

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W'EDNESD:AY. :APRIL1 17, 1946


The Franco Issue
POLAND wants the Security Council to take ac-
tion against Franco Spain; and in certain
American editorial circles of less than the high-
est grade the answer is made that Poland is a
Russian satelite, that the anti-Franco campaign
is a Russian idea, etc. etc. That is a bad answer.
It sets up a kind of doctrine of the tainted idea
among the friends and brothers of the Council;
i.e., the doctrine that proof of Russian origin
is a sufficient answer, in law and in morals, to
any proposal, and that to disprove a theorem it
is not necessary to show that it is wrong, but
merely that it flew in from the east. The level of
debate on the Council must decline if the level
of acceptance for any such unwritten by-law
There are large sections of the West in which
opposition to fascist Franco is extremely popu-
lar, as popular as fishing, even to those sections
of Western opinion to discover that they can-
not get a clear channel through Mr. Byrnes
and Mr. Bevin for expressing themselves, and
that Western anti-Fascism must be articulated
For there is a larger issue, like a nimbus, sur-
rounding the specific Franco issue, and that is
the issue and question of who shall speak for de-
mocracy on the Council. We have the votes with
which to prevent action on Franco; we can have
our way; but only at the cost of giving the world
the somewhat startling news bulletin that Po-
land has been placed in charge of the democracy
Our opposition to fascism, in Spain or any-
where, ought to run so deep that it can with-
stand support from any quarter.
We are waddling into the same kind of mud-
dle with regard to Argentina. We have un-
necessarily, and much too hastily, chosen to in-
terpret the Peron election victory as a custard
pie heaved into our face by the Argentinian
people; and we are, with little dignity, making
frantic gestures of friendship to Peron, while
picking bits of goo from our chin-whiskers.
But an anti-fascist policy must be a policy for
the years, not a special, temporary manifesta-
tion. It is pernicious doctrine to hold that an
anti-fascist policy is comprised by a passing
victory for fascism. The final vote was quite
close; 1,474,000 for Peron to 1,207,000 for his op-
ponent, Tamborini; and not all of Peron's votes
were fascist, by any means, since he dazed many
of his simple followers with demagogic and even
radical promises. Tamborini's supporters must
feel that our anti-fascism was a passing and ex-
pedient mood; that if only they had won a few
hundred thousand more votes, the United States
would have remained a reliable conduit for the
expresion of anti-fascist sentiment, but because
a number of the ignorant and the confused voted
the other way, the pipe is now closed.
(Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

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From An Old Friend
To The Editor:
"EDITOR'S NOTE: We print all letters to the
editor which are under 450 words and are in
good taste." (Quoted from editorial page, DAILY,
April 2, 1946.)
"Our Covert Correspondents-A lot of people
send us letters we would love to print, but they
don't. . ." Quoted from editorial page, DAILY,
April 16, 1946.
Concealed axiom: Any letter signed with what
is obviously a pseudonym is for that reason not
fit to be printed.
Dear Mr. Champion:
Somewhere, somehow, the DAILY is becoming
a cheerful and unblushing perverter-of-the-truth.
This is my own name.
-Norman Anning
* * * *
Editor's Note
(This misunderstanding seems to provide the
best opportunity to explain in full the policy
dictating choice of Letters To The Editor, and
to announce two changes in that policy.
To date we have endeavored to print every
letter under 450 words, written in good taste,
and signed in accordance with the regulations
of the Board In Control of Student Publica-
tions. This has been a consistent policy. But
we've been swamped with an unprecedented
number of printable letters this term, and for
reasons of space are compelled to announce
two changes.
First, letters over 300 words are to be subject
to cutting at the discretion of the Editorial
Second, not all letters taking approximately
the same stand -on the same subject will be
printed. We will be careful to represent all
viewpoints, but we cannot convert the editorial
page into a repetitious public forum.)
* * * *
On Student Election
To the Editor:
THE ELECTION for members of our new Stu-
dent Congress has been set by Men's Judi-
ciary Council for Tuesday, April 30 and Wednes-
day, May 1. Petitions of all candidates are due
by 5:00 p.m. Saturday, April 20 in the Student
Offices of the Union. A special petition form pub-
lished in yesterday's Michigan Daily will be sub-
mitted by each candidate, and these will be
printed in an election special to be distributed
throughout campus and off-campus residences.
Thus everyone will have access to the qualifi-
cations and platform as stated by each candi-
date. Also plans for a student rally are in pro-
gress. Monday, April 29, election-eve, would be
an appropriate time for each candidate to ap-
pear and speak for two minutes before the stu-
dent body in Rackham Amphitheatre.
In sumary, two methods--namely, the publi-
cation of petitions and the two-minute

speech-have been devised for voters to ac-
quaint themselves with candidates and for
candidates to state their ability and desire to
Considering the limitations on our campus in
regard to the placing of posters and the distri-
bution of handbills, etc., we feel that the above
named methods plus campaigning by word of
mouth should be the limits of campaigning in
this election. If posters, handbills, etc. were used
in this election, it would not only be ineffective
due to existing limitations, but that also it would
just be a waste of paint, cardboard, effort and
time. Instead of distributing handbills (which are
quickly stuffed into pockets or left for the jani-
tor) and having posters piled one on top of ano-
ther because of insufficient room, the candidates
should do their campaigning by talking. Let them
talk at campus and off-campus residences, at
organizational meetings, etc. Surely we would get
to know them better and thus be able to vote
more intelligently than if we find thirty hand-
bills in our mailbox each morning for ten days.
This opinion has been brought to the attention
of Men's Judiciary Council and they are to make
their decision regarding this suggestion at 4:00
p.m. today. We suggest Men's Judiciary Council
pass the following regulation: That any written
campaign material in this election be forbidden
and that only campaigning by word of mouth be
allowed. If you who are reading this agree, please
telephone Harry Jackson, Chuck Helmick, Dick
Roeder, Fred Matthaei, or Bob Goldman today by
4:00 p.m. and urge them to pass this regulation.
-Patricia J. Barrett
Bob Taylor
Joyce Siegan
* * * *
Words And Corruption
To The Editor:
comment "New Germany" in last Saturday's
Daily, one is aware of a faint note of anguish
lying behind the words. It is this note that the
present writer wishes to have repeated and re-
emphasized in the hdpe that more people will be-
come sensitized to it.
Like most editorial writers, Miss Larsen was
attempting to communicate to her readers one
of the vital problems confronting humanity at
this time. Her success in reaching her reader's
consciousness is, in part, relative to the signi-
ficance the individual reader attaches to the
word "humanity." In her final paragraph she
"There can never be mutual confidence be-
tween Germany and the United States until the
Germans and the Americans are considered
as individual men and not a part of a huge
grim object of hatred called the Nazi state or a
glorified, freedom-loving institution called
democracy. There can never be mutual confi-
dence between us until we realize that we must
actively participate in the development of a
new Germany-yes, a new Germany, which
is not embittered on the sour milk of ineffi-
ciency and thoughtlessness, but a 'Germany
which will grow straight and strong on the un-
derstanding, interest, and human kindness of
people who are concerned with the perpetua-
tion of humanity.
To what does "humanity" refer? Any diction-
ary will supply some information on the general
significance of the word, but that is no assurance
that the word will have any meaningful refer-
ence to the individual unless he determines it
himself on the basis of past experience.
Along this same line, the question may be asked
what is the meaning of the word "democracy" to
the Germans? As Miss Larsen intimated, it is
the object of contempt and bitterness resulting
from the inefficiency and thoughtlessness of
those with whom the Germans have had experi-
ence. Also, their conception of the word has been
influenced by the teachings of the Hitler regime.
How readily will a people accept democracy if in
their experience it refers to inefficiency, thought-
lessness and starvation?
Are those in authority bettering the situation
by throwing up words like "democracy" and
"Nazism" for men to stumble over? The human
mind has corrupted, and is corrupted by, words,
but what of the human heart? Will restrictions
on the exchange of mail between Germany and

the United States prevent it from expressing
itself? How else can the understanding and hu-,
man kindness necessary for "the perpetuation
of humanity" be re-established if as individuals
we have no means of sharing our feelings with
--Barbara Ann Hazelton
(EDITORS NOTE: Since the writing of this letter
mail service to Germany has been re-opened.)
Test Tube (onitionws
To The Editor:
IJESTS conducted in the boiler room of the
chemistry lab after hours by Whiffelsnaffer
and Snerd have definitely disproven Dr. Brace's
statement concerning thte transmission of con-
tagious diseases by kissing.
In these tests, it was discovered that the tem-
perature reaches 2500° Farenheit at which no
known bacteria can exist.
-Bob Dodson

(n'utc rm y P 2 certo No. 5 in E-flat Major, "Em-
peror. for piano and orchestra. The
(nm? in or telephone, please write to program will cpen with Gluck's Over-
signify your interest. ture. Iphigenia in Aulis, and will close
with Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, Op.

THE GIANT Win The Peace con-
ference in Washington ten days
ago represents probably the broadest
effort ever made in this country to
synchronize liberal activity on a na-
tion-wide scale.
This conference saw strange sights
.. representatives from the Ameri-
can Bar Assn., the National Lawyers
Guild, the NAACP and the National
Negro Congress, the Congregational
Christian Church and the Methodist
Church all checked their fire-arms at
the door and came in to talk about
PEACE. That's a big word these days
and men will give up a lot for it . .
even a chance to take a swipe at
their oldest rival.
When all of these organizations,
and also the Independent Citizens
Committee of the Arts, Sciences.
and Professions; the Southern Con-
ference for Human Welfare; all of
the CIO and several AF of L un-
ions; the American Slav Congress,
the NC-PAC and a dozen Congress-
men from both major parties all
crowd into one hall to talk, the
cynics are surprised when they
notice no cut lips among the emerg-
ing throng.
T HIS conference might well be re-
membered later as the day when
sectarianism died in the progressive
movement in America. There will
continue to be splits and clashes and
bitter names, but at this conference
delegates representing millions of
Americans forgot their petty rivalries
to attack a common enemy. Nothing
but fear . . . fear of another war and
another depression . . . could have
laid the common ground for so much
unity in one hall.
The enemies were named . . . the
battle lines were drawn against those
who advocate laissez-faire at home
and imperialism abroad. The speak-
ers sank their knives deep into Her-
bert Hoover, into Senator Vanden-
berg as "The newest advocate of
atom-bomb imperialism," into Win-
stonmChurchill for advocating an
Anglo-American military alliance.
This conference knew what it want-
ed, and it knew who was standing in
the way.
When men have learned to recog-
nize the main issues and to agree
on a common program, they are
becoming politically wise. But when
they have also learned, as the dele-
gates to this conference have
learned, to submerge their differ-
ences in order to strengthen their
agreements, they have come out of
- the wilderness and are on the door-
step of political victory.
AS IF TO emphasize their new-
found solidarity, the delegates es-
tablished a National Committee to
Win the Peace andelected as its per-
manent co-chairmen Col. Evans Carl-
son and Paul Robeson. The choice
was perfect ... a Negro and a white,
a singer and a soldier. It was this
conference saying to the country ...
"regardless of your race or your pro-
fession, if you want peace and full
employment then our organization
wants you."
Another example of this new unity
on a national scale was revealed in
the New York Times for April 12. The
Times. disclosed that Congressmen
had received 70,972 letters favoring
the McMahon Bill for civilian control
of atomic energy, and only twelve
letters opposing it. When Senator
Vandenberg introduced an amend-
ment which would have given the
Army important veto powers over the
decisions of the civilian control com-
mission, Congressmen received 24,-
851 letters opposing it. Vandenberg
withdrew the amendment.
But hand in hand with this na-
tional efficiency is the local flounid-
ering. The second to a large extent
nullifies the first. The Win the
Peace Movement will be effective
only if it is implemented in local
communities. Alongside the nation-
al campaigns must go local cam-
paigns, and all groups in the com-
munity must cooperate in these lo-
cal campaigns.

IN the past the University and local
organizations have worked inde-
pendently of one another, often not
even knowing what other groups in
the city were doing. As a result, their
efforts have over-lapped; one organ-
ization has duplicated the work of
another; and the major part of the
community has not been touched
at all.
today probably 90o of the peopi
of America are in favor of extendiu
the OPA without crippling amend-
ments. But the one way that th
amendments can be stopped is by
community campaigns to inform the
voters of the importance of prompt
action. No single group can hope to
do this job alone, but if all of the
organizations launched a joint cam-
paign they could reach hitherto un-
touched forces for democracy in thi:
city. -Ray Ginger

Stud rt at m fi Village: To ii- 36, by Tsehaikowski. It will be open
:ure prompt deliv'rvY of emergency to the gcneral public without charge.
calls and telegrams. each student at- -
Willow Village should advise cor- Exhibitions
respondents of his exact address. In
the case of single persons residing in "AncientMain the Great Lakes
Willow Run dor-mitories, this should Region." Rotunda, University Muse-
include dormitory and room number. um Building. through April 30.
Miss Jane Ilutehinson, Vogue rep- Evnt 1
resertative, will be at the Michigan
League on April 18 from 10:30 a.m. to Radio Program: The University
2:30 p.m. to speak to interested mem- Broadcasting service and the School
hers of the junior and senior classes of Music present today from 2:00 to
about Vogue's Prix de Paris contest. 2:30 over Station WKAR (870 kc.) its
The contest is open to students whc weekly program "EPOCHS IN MU-
are interested in fashion, merchan- SIC" under the direction and super-
dising, feature or copy writing, art vision of Prof. Hanns Pick. A Trio-
layout, ete, and oilers an opportunity movement "Prelude and Fugue" by
to join the ,tafi of Vogue Magazine. Joaquin Turina, a Trio-movement
Appointments to see Miss Hutchinson "'Rhapsody of September" by Ilde-
may be made through the Office of brando Pizzetti, and "Five short
the Dean of Women. studies in Jitteroptera" for Piano
--- ind Violin by Robert Russell Bennet
'willow Village Program for the -will be played by Helen Titus (Piano),
week April 14-21 for veterans and Milton Weber (Violin) and Hanns
their wives. Pick (Cello). The program repre-
Wednesday, April 17: Bridge..2:00c ents the music of three contem-
p.m., Club Room, West.Lodge; 8:OC porary composers and will be com-
p.m., Conference Room, West Lodge :nentated by Theodore Heger.
Thursday, April 18: "Home Plan-
ning" Adelia M. Beeuwkes, Instructoi The Psychology Journal Review
in Public Health Nutrition, will dis- tiommittee of the Psychology Club
cuss "What's New in Nutrition," thc will meet tonight at 7:30 at
first of a series of three lectures. he Psychological Clinic, 1027
2 p.m. Office, West Lodge. 1. Huron Street, for a demonstra-
Friday, April 19: "Leadership: ,ion of the clinic's Electroencephalo-
How to be a Club Leader" Dr. Fred raphy equipment and a review of
G. Stevenson, Extension Staff. 2 p.m ,hree journal articles related to EEG.
Office, West Lodge. 8:00 p.m. Lead- Viss I. E. Hollingsworth will discuss
ership Class canceled this week only .ersonality Types and EEG, Miss
Friday, April 19: Dancing Class: Innette Lambie will review a paper
Beginners-Couples 7 p.m. Auditor- in EEG and Conditioning, and Physi-
ium, West Lodge; Advanced Couple, >logical Correlates of EEG will be
8 p.m. Auditorium, West Lodge. liscussed by Allan Katcher. This
Saturday, April 20: Record Dance neeting is for members only.
8 p.m., Club Room, West Lodge. --
Sunday, April 21: Classical Music The Research Club will meet
on Records, 3-5 p.m., Office, West tonight at 8:00 in the Amphi-
Lodge. Theatre of the Rackham' Build-
Sunday, April 21: Vespers: Rev ng. This will be the annual memo-
H. L. Pickerill, Protestant Director -ial meeting. Members of the science
Association, 4:00-5:00 p.m. Confer- Research Club and the Women's Re-
ence Room, West Lodge. . search Club are cordially invited to
Sunday, April 21. Football movie, attend. The following -papers will be
"University of Michigan vs. North- uresented: "Edward Pickering," by
western," commentary by Mr. Rob- Professor W. Carl Rufus, and "Mar-
ert Morgan of the Alumni Associ- tin Luther," by Professor Albert
ation. Hyma.
Lectures Varcity Glee Club: Important. Full
ctt, nd nc,'A r u id ii fo tmaingaof


Buin Planning

EPUBLICANS and other sundry critics who
have made it a practice to shudder at the
sound of the word "planning" might well inves-
tigate Ann Arbor's rosy building situation. Faced
with an immediate need for 3,000 new houses
and an equally pressing need for some 15 million
dollars worth of public buildings, the city and
University building programs have little chance
of completing either, except at the price of an
uncomfortably long wait for labor and materials
and "just a little inflation."
According to an experienced local architect's
For Or Against?
HAT MAN in the White House is at it again.
Depending on which day you read your pa-
per last week, you would be convinced either
(1) Mr. Truman believes elimination of the
poll tax is a matter for the states to decide,
or (2) he is strongly in favor of federal action
on anti-poll tax legislation.
Evidently in an attempt to appease both sides
in a controversial issue, the President has come
up with a masterpiece of contradiction. Follow-
ing his Army Day speech in Chicago last week,
he expressed the view that the poll tax question
is one for the states to settle.
However, when questioned on the matter at a
press conference Thursday, the President "clari-
tied" his stand by declaring "I am strongly in
favor of federal anti-poll tax legislation."
E DEMOCRATIC party platform of
1944, under which Truman was elected, is as
vague as the President's recent statements are
confusing. It states: "We believe that racial
ninorities have the right to live, develop, and
vote equally with all citizens and share the
rights that we guaranteed by our Constitution."
If you are a Southerner, this is interpreted
to mean that the states may determine voting
qualifications as they see fit, as is assured in
the Constitution. If you are a Northerner, this
means that the manner of elections shall be
regulated by national law, as also is guaranteed
by the Constitution.
THE PRESIDENT'S policy of offering political
sugar to all factions of the party is accom-
plishing nothing. His position is unique, and any
:ffetive action in either direction is stalled.

statement made last winter when one could be
cool about the whole business, it takes 200 skilled
and semi-skilled building mechanics a year of
work for every million dollars of building. Ob-
viously enough, there aren't enough masons and
carpenters in the area to solve this one city's
needs. Nor can workers be expected to come here
from all over the country as they did for the
Willow Run bomber plant. Contractors in Wayne
and Dearborn, which have no program compar-
able to the University's, are complaining because
their local labor has migrated to Detroit. Every
city wants to build.
The short run answer to Ann Arbor's prob-
lem is inflation, "just a little." A necessarily
anonymous member of the local carpenter's
union is reported to have stated that there are
only 35 hours of effective labor per week in any
carpenter. "Work" the sixth day will aniount to
boondoggling. Paying men for a six day week
is simply a clever way of paying more for less,
0 F COURSE, city contractors would like to
spread the building over a period of years,
working entirely with local men, but the back-
log of city construction needs, pyramided by the
University's years of making obsolete buildings
do, can't wait. If contractors can get away with
it, they will lure workers to Ann Arbor with fat-
ter pay envelopes, and the race up the Spiral
Staircase will be on.
The alternative to inflation is "planning."
This means rigid control, cooperation, the
long-range view-point; all red flags to those
who bullishly stick to American Free Enter-
prise--whatever that is. The further we let the
"free" situation go without controls, the more
drastic the controls will have to be when it
comes time to pick up the debris..
Ann Arbor's problems and the University's
problem are relatively small bits of the national
housing mess, the logical aftermath of the won-
derful planless builders' prosperity of the 1920's
and the building famine of the thirties. We can
not afford to enjoy prosperity at the expense of
the future again.
-Milt Freudenheim

University Lecture: Dr. Solon J.r
Buck, Archivist of the United States,s
will lecture on "The National Ar-
chives," at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday.
April 24, in the Rackham Amphi-
theater under the auspices of the De-1
partment of Library Science and the1
Division of the Social Sciences. The
public is cordially invited.
The Henry Russel Lecture. Dr.
Elizabeth C. Crosby, Professor of
Anatomy, will deliver the Henry Rus-1
-el Lecture for 1945-46. "The Neuro-
anatomical Patterns Involved in Cer-
tain Eye Movements," at 4:15 p.m.,I
Thursday, May 9, in the Rackham
Amphitheater. Announcement of the,
Henry Russel Award for this year
will also be made at this time.
Academic Notices
Analytic Functions Seminar will
meet today at 3:00 p.m., in 3201 An-
gell Hall. Mr. Lee Thompson will
speak on "Lindelof's Principle and
the Picard Theorem."
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building on Friday, April 19, at 4:00
"The Metabolism of the Estrogenic
llonnmc5n;s." All interested are in-
The Chemistry Colloquium will
meet today at 4:15 p.m., in Room 303,
Chemistry Bldg. Mr. John R. Dice
will speak on 'Deviatives of 4-
metliyl- tetra--hydro-phenan threne."
Symphony Concert: The Univer-
sity of Michigan Symphony Orches-
i tra, William D. Revelli, Conductor,
will be heard in a program of com-
positions by Gluck, Beethoven, and
Tschaikowski, at 8:30 Thursday eve-
ping, April 18, -in Hill Auditorium.
Jeannette Haien, pupil of John
Kollen, will appear as soloist with
, the orchestra in Beethoven's Con-

a bellalu 1e qultu1V ai11
recordings at Hill Auditorium in-
stead of Harris Hall, tonight at 7:15.
Flying Club: There will be a ground
school meeting tonight in Room 1042
East Engineering Building at 7:00. A
business meeting will follow at 8:00.
All students and members of the fac-
ulty are invited.
Econcentrics: Student Economics
club will meet at 7:30 tonight in
Room 302, Union. Professors Brom-
age, Hoover, Wheeler, and Newcomb
will speak on "The De-Industrializa-
tion of Germany." A panel discus-
sion will follow. All interested are in-
Alpha Phi Omega will meet to-
night at 7:30 at the Union. All mem-
bers and pledges are urged to attend.
Also, any Tpan on campus who has
had some scouting experience and
who is interested in an excellent ex-
tra-curricular activity is invited.
Camp Counselors Club meeting at
7:30 tonight in the W.A.B. Dr. Colby
of the Psychology department will
Ilillel Foundation: A meeting of
the news staff of the Hillel News will
be held today at 4:10 p.m. All assign-
ments for the May issue will be made
at this time.
The Art Cinema League presents
Josiane in "MARIE LOUISE," a fine
Swiss film. Dialogue in French and
Swiss-German; English titles. Thurs.,
Fri., Sat., 8:30 p.m. Reservations
phone 6300. Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Box office opens 2:00 p.m.
Tea at the International Center:
The weekly informal teas at the In-
ternational Center ' on Thursdays,
from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. are open to
all foreign- students and their Ameri-
can friends.

Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff


By Crockett Johnson
I may on occasion, m'boy. But note the
hpedline. ACOMMUNITY in terror-Er

Margaret Farmer
Hale Champion
Robert Goldman
Emily E. Knapp
Pat -Cameron . . .
Clark Baker . . . .
Des Howarth . . . .
Ann Schutz

. . . . . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . . . . . City Editor
.. . . . . . . Associate Editor
Associate Editor
.. . . . . . . . Sports 'Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . . . . . . Women's Editor

It's exaggerated.

But Mr. O'Malley, you do raid
Mor'sibo ..And lat





. .

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