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April 17, 1946 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-17

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To The Readers of The Detroit Free Press:
This is a slack news season,
The Detroit Free Press is desperate for sensational copy.
A City Editor lets his thoughts turn lightly to a good sex
What better subject than the largest co-ed campus in the
State of Michigan, and what better angle than the veteran's
So one Norman Kenyon is given a fifty-cent, all-out ex-
pense account, and dispatched to Ann Arbor for an afternoon
or two.
Immediate result: A foolish, lurid-in-the-worst-tradition,
series of half-researched, totally misguided articles that Pub-
lisher John Knight as President of the American Society of
Newspaper Editors can hardly be proud of.
End result: Irreparable damage to the reputation of one
of America's finest educational institutions.
We suggest the Free Press apologize in all possible haste.
-Hale Champion
Daily Editorial Director
Angry Ve8ts Say Article
Misrepresents Campus
Angry veterans in a series of protest phone calls to The Daily last night
denied that views on Michigan coeds printed in today's Free Press city
edition were typical of the campus veteran population.
Calls from campus independent and fraternity veterans resented a Free
Press page one article by Norman Kenyon which said "vets claim that they
are shocked bY the sexual promiscuity and excessive drinking they are en-
countering on their dates." They took to task the statements of other Uni-
versity veterans printed in the Free Press which said Michigan coeds were
wild and morally loose.
"I seriously doubt that any one of those veterans had his virtue
assailed by a Michigan coed," Joseph Walker, a veteran of three years
in the Navy, declared.


Bill Barnes, who served five years
in the Army, said the Free Press
story was "in extreme bad taste" and
hoped that "parents of Michigan
coeds won't be disturbed by these un-
fair charges."
John Erlewine, a former infantry
lieutenant, wondered where the Free
Press writer saw the coeds he de-
scribed. "But it wasn't on the Michi-
gan cainpus," Erlewine said.
The article quoted Dean of
Women Alice C. Lloyd as saying
"there might be some moral break-
down due to the war." Last night
Miss Lloyd declared she was "very
definitely misquoted."
University administrators refused
to comment, but informed sources
said the Free Press article was con-
sidered -by' them to indicate a lack
of good taste and superficial report-
One veteran newspaperman said
"this looks like the sort of opportun-
istic story a newspaper would find
very desirable. It's appeal to the
least common denominator probably
far outweighs consideration of jour-
nalistic taste and ethics."
U' Orchestra
Will Present
Spring Concert
The University Symphony Orches-
tra, directed by Prof. William D.
Revelli, with Jeannette Helen as
soloist, will present its spring con-
cert at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
Miss Haien, a resident of Ann Ar-
bor, is a graduate student in the
School of Music and is majoring in
piano under Prof. John Kollen. Re-
cently she was made a member of the
Michigan Composer's Club and her
sonata for piano will be given its
first performance April 23 at the
State Convention of the American
Federation of Music Clubs.
This is Revelli's first year as act-
ing conductor of the orchestra. The
group operated as a string orchestra
during the war and was revived as a
symphony orchestra last year under
the direction of Prof. Gilbert Ross.
Revelli said that the personnel of
the orchestra is increasing and that
it is gradually regaining its pre-war
status. There are about 85 active
members now.
Miss Haien will play Beethoven's
Fifth Concerto for piano and orches-
tra, known as "The Emperor." This
concerto marks the change from the
orchestra serving merely as accom-
paniment for the soloist to a posi-
tion of almost equal prominence.
Other numbers on the program will
be the Overture to Iphigenia in Aulis
by Gluck and Symphony No. 4 in F
minor by Tschaikowski.
Counseling Center
Advises 1,555 Vets
The city Veterans' Counseling Cen-
ter advised 1,555 persons during the
first quarter of 1946, it was announc-
ed yesterday.
Veterans were aided in finding new
jobs, housing, in getting insurance,
resuming their education, and in ar-
ranging for vocational training. A

Campus Voters
Will Elect 18
Congress To Hold
First Meeting May 9
Only 18 representatives to the Stu-
dent Congress will be elected this
semester, Robert Taylor, one of the
authors of the Congress-Cabinet
Constitution, said last night.
Taylor explained, "This first group
of Congressmen will represent the
student body in a ratio, of one Con-
gressman to 800 students. However,
subsequent elections will raise the
number of representatives to one for
each 400 students. Since the Con-
gressmen will serve a two-semester
term of office, there will be a carry-
over group each semester of approxi-
mately half the Congress."
The first meeting of the Congress
will be convened May 9 by the Men's
Judiciary Council. After that, it will
be up to the Congress to dtermine
the time and place of meeting. The
Constitution requires that the Con-
gress meet at least once a month,
Taylor said.
The seven-man executive Cabinet
will be elected by the Congress at the
first meeting, Taylor stated. The
Cabinet is required to meet at least
Office-seekers in Student Con-
gress, the campus' new governing
body, were warned last night by
Men's Judiciary president Harry
Jackson that the deadline for peti-
tions is 5 p.m. Saturday.
Bearing a 100-word statement of
the candidates' qualifications and
50 signatures, the petitions must be
placed in the student congress pe-
tition box in the Union, Jackson
Ile asked candidates to include
the following information on their
1. Full name. 2. Ann Arbor ad-
dress. 3. Ann Arbor telephone. 4.
School year and semester. 5. Col-
lege and department in the Uni-
versity. 6. How long the petitioner
expects to stay in school. 7. Expe-
rience in organizations here and
elsewhere high school experience
and transfer experience for fresh-.
men and transfers respectively.) 8.
Organizational membership at the
University. 9. Activities partici-
pated in at the University. 10.
Qualifications in addition to the
above. 11. Platform. What you as
an individual will work to do.
once a week and will act as a steering
committee for the Congress. Other
committees, to be set up to deal with
specific problems, will consist of Con-
gressmen and interested students not
in the Congress.
Outlining the Hare proportional-
representation plan, which will be
used in the elections, Taylor said,
"First the quota is determined by di-
viding the number of ballots cast by
19 (the number of positions plus
one), and taking the next largest
whole number. Then the ballots are

U.N. Council
Will Discuss
Block Attempt Tho
Close Iran's Case
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 16-The United
Nations Security Council decided to-
day to tackle the controversial Span-
ish questiontomorrow after a sr-
prise move by Secretary-General
Trygve Lie temporarily blocked ac -
tion on Russia's attempt to close the
Iranian case.
After a two-hour debate in which
U. S. delegate Edward R. Stettinius,
Jr., intimated he believed Russia had
exerted pressure to get Iran to with-
draw her complaint, the Council de-
cided it could not take a vote on the
Russian motion for at least two days.
Poland's Charge
It then adjourned until 3 p.m,
Eastern Standard Time, tomorrow
when it will take up Poland's charge
that Franco Spain is threatening
world peace-the only other matter
on the agenda.
Lie unexpectedly entered the Iran-
ian case by submitting a legal opin-
ion, which in effect agreed with Rus-
sia's contention that the Council had
no right to keep the case on the
His opinion came as Russia appar-
ently faced defeat, with eight of the
council's 11 votes lined up against
her advocating that the question be
kept on the agenda until May 6, the
date on which Russia has promised to
have all Red Army troops out of
No Dispute Exists'
Chairman Quo Tai-Chi immedi-
ately referred his opinion to the
Council's committee of experts on;
rules and procedure with instructions
that the committee report back to
the council by Thursday.
Truman Signs
Anti- Petrillo
Musc Measure~
WASHINGTON, April 16--(')-A
bill aimed at James C. Petrillo, Presi-
dent of the AFL Musicians Union, be-
came law today.
President Truman signed the
measure putting heavy penalties on
the use of coercion against radio
broadcasters. Opponents attacked it
during House consideration as "anti-
labor," "unconstitutional," and an
abridgement of the right to strike.
The bill provides penalties of up
to one year's imprisonment and $1-
000 fine for the use of force, threats
or "other means" to compel radio
stations to hire more employees than
they want; pay money for services
not performed; pay unions for the
use of phonograph records; pay for
broadcasting the record of a previous
The legislation originally devel-
oped from a ban byPetrillo on the
broadcast of a students' music fes-
tival at Interlochen, Mich. Petrillo
contended the event deprived profes-
sional musicians of jobs.
Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, director of
Interlochen, was unable to be reached
last night for comment on the anti-
Petrillo bill as he is touring cities in
Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas as a
guest conductor and judge of high
school orchestras.

State IMeat
Stocks Cut
Below Par
IocatlDealer Notes
High Cattle Prices
Michigan appeared on the verge of
a meatless diet yesterday as meat
supplies in many parts of the State
dwindled to less tuan during the
war, accoding to an Associated Press
Meatdist riututls a riblit edt fe
shorta "(e o a (leeease in stock avail-
able to slaughterinV houses, the black
market and a vit~ual cutting off of
supplies coming; into the State
through Chicago Wholesalers.
Rteturning lrt'u nearby Adrian
last night, Ralth Foldenauer, local
wholesale meat tealer, said that he
was unable to turchase any cattle
because of jrotibitive prices. He
said that pric ranged from one to
two cents. highler per pound than
his firm coui pay and keep within
OPA regulation.,
"We've lieen doing all right this
week due to shulnments of hogs and
cattle from Iowa?' he commented.
No drastic rsuilts from the
meat short ge ;dere expected by
V. Goetz, own'er of a downtown
inmeat outlet which does much of
its own t iaghtering. "Supplies
from Chicago have practically
stepped, however" he noted.
In' Washington, AP reports, the
OPA ind the Department of Agri-
cultuie announcl the reestablish-
nient'of wartimnen'ieat slaughtering
Quotas in an effort to divert the sup-
fly of available i'jestock into estab-
lished packing plapts.
Chicago spokes#pen for the meat
producing .and .acking industries
said this aionlowever, "will not
provide argemed for the black
market in meat."
The FBI as prdered into a na-
tonwide inVestigation of the short-
age of supplies. Agents were direct-
ed by Attorney tneral Tom Clark
to probe reports ,hat many meat
packers have atte ipted to defraud
the government b,' falsifying claims
for federal meat .. sidy payments.
" Mfily '}iol " holesale and re-
tail dealers expect to close by early
June unless they can secure more
meat at OPA prices.
Detroit, apparently, fared better
than many cities in the state.
Meanwhile reports from Washing-
ton indicated that nfine per cent less
meat will be available for Americans
this quarter than during the past
three months.
The reduction reflects a declining
volume of livestock marketings and
continued large exports to needy
areas abroad. The Agriculture De-
partment said farm sales of livestock,
particularly hogs, drop off during the
spring and summer months.
'I ofile' Tests
All students who have been no-
tified to take "profile" tests must
make application between 8:00
a.m. and 5:00 p.m. today and to-
morrow in Rm. 306, Mason Hall.
Part of a nationwide examining
project, these tests are designed to
measure general educational devel-
opment and will be given to all
second semester seniors and sec-
and semester sophomores in the
literary college.
Seniors will take the tests, May
20, 21 and 23, while sophomores
will receive exaninations May 23
and 24.

'To Chinese


GOP Opens Fire on OPA

Plsh Amendments
'o Limit Powers
By The Assoeiated Press
WASHINGTON, April 16-Repub-
licans launched a battle on the House
floor today to hold OPA's new lease
on life to nine months, instead of a
year, and to write into the price con-
trol law far-reaching revisions of
pricing rules and regulations.
Rep. Patman (D-Tex) immediately
shouted to the House:
"If these amendments pass, OPA
will be scuttled."
Bowles Makes Plea
Chester Bowles, Economic Sta-
bilizer, appearing simultaneously be-
fore the Senate Banking Committee
to plead for OPA's life, declared that
if subsidies are removed-as pro-
posed in one amendment-living
costs will increase and labor will de-
mand a second round of wage in-
creases. Subsidies are government
payments to farmers, processors and
others in order to hold down prices
to consumers.
The OPA confronts its crucial leg-
islative tests as the House begins vot-
ing on amendments tomorrow.
Wolcott's Amendments
Rep. Wolcott (R-Mich) told the
House "it is our duty to rewrite the
standards, the rules of OPA, so as to
get production and at the same time
have effective price control." He out-
lined his proposed amendments as
1. Limit OPA's continuation to
next March, instead of one year be-
yond June 30 as requested by Presi-
dent Truman.
2. Require OPA to fix price ceilings
so as to guarantee each manufacturer
his costs plus a reasonable profit on
every item he makes.
3. Put "teeth" into the OPA "de-
control" requirements, stipulating
that price ceilings must be lifted as
supply in a line of production comes
into balance with demand.
4. Require the government to get
out of the $2,000,000,000 annual sub-
sidy business by January 1, with a
25 per cent reduction in subsidy pay-
ments each 45 days.
Prof. Palmer
To Teach Here
Negro Will Be Visiting
Sociology Lecturer
Prof. Edward Nelson Palmer, of
Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn., will
be a visiting lecturer in sociology for
the 1946 summer sesion, Dr. Louis A.
Hopkins, director of the summer ses-
sion, announced yesterday.
Prof. Palmer will be the first Ne-
gro scholar to hold this position on
the University faculty.
He received his master's degree
here in 1937 and his Ph.D. last year.
The 29-year-old sociologist is noted
for his assistance in two important
studies: "The Negro in America,"
sponsored by the Carnegie Founda-
tion and directed by Gunnar Myrdal,
noted'Swedish sociologist; and "Negro
Workers and Organized Labor,"
which was published in the 1945
yearbook of American labor.


Hostilities Flare Up as Communists
Hit Government Forces in Changchun

pones trip to Shanghai to. fly to
Chinese truce talks.
Three GI's Tell
Of Beatings at
Camp Lichfield
LONDON, April 16-(AP)-Thre6 GI
prisoners testified today that they
had seen American inmates at the
Lichfield detention camp beaten by
guards, while a fourth said he him-
self was beaten as part of the pri-
son routine.
The four soldiers took the witness
stand in the detention camp trial af-
ter being assured by Brig. Gen. Ed-
ward C. Betts, U.S. Judge Advocate
of the European theater, that they
would not be "persecuted" for giving
The four had interrupted court
martial proceeding against Lich-
field guard Sgt. James M. Jones of
Muskogee, Okla., last Thursday, stat-
ing they were "afraid" to testify un-
less they were assured by Secretary
of War Patterson or some high Ar-
my official that they would not suffer
discrimination for participating in
the case.
One of the four, Robert Cox, of
Omaha, Neb., husky 19-year-old sol-
dier serving a 20-year term for for-
gery, larcenysand being absent with-
out leave, testified he had seen Sgt.
Jones beat prisoners, but that he did
not report what he had seen to pri-
son inspection officers because others
who had done so had been "pun-
ished." Jones is charged with assault
on American prisoners.
The four had contended Thursday
that officers in the theater "don't ap-
prove of our testifying" and that
Lichfield witnesses were being "per-
secuted" at the London area guard-
house where they were being held.
As a result of the protest, the four
men were transferred to the U.S. Ar-
my detention camp at Southampten.

General Marshall Flies


By The Associated Press
CHUNGKING, April 16-With the
flare-up of hostilities between the
Chinese Communist and Government
forces at Changchun, General Mar-
shall, in a dramatic bid to halt the
battle, has cancelled plans to go to
Shanghai and instead is flying direct
from Tokyo to the Chinese truce com-
mittee's headquarters at Peiping, ac-
cording to a Tokyo dispatch.
Chinese Communist troops cracked
the Government's outer defenses of
Changchun, swept into the Manchur-
ian capital and raked the center of
the city with heavy artillery fire,
Government ,dispatches declared.
Capture Main Airfield
The Government's central news
agency reported from Mukden that
Communist assault troops, armed
with seized Japanese weapons, had
smashed their way into Changchun
after capturing the main airfield in
"heavy fighting" against out-num-
bered defenders.
In' their sweep into the city, the
dispatch added, the Communists de-
stroyed the Fourteenth Area Air
Command headquarters with heavy
artillery fire and their shells were ex-
ploding deep inside the city.
Telephone communication between
Mukden and Changchun was broken,
however,-and it was not clear whether
the slim and lightly-armed garrison
still held out in the slit trench and
sandbag defenses in the heart of the
Relief Column 60 Miles Away
The Government's Northeast China
Command announced the U.S.-armed
Chinese First Army had captured the
Communist stronghold of Szeping-
kai, but that a relief column pushing
up from the south still was 60 miles
or more from the hard-pressed capi-
Faced with the prospect of the first
major defeat in the Manchurian civil
war fightingnow virtually civil
war-the Government was reported
preparing to fly battle-seasoned
troops to the side of the Changchun
garrison, outnumbered 10 to one.
A government military spokesman
said dispatches from Changchun up
to midniglt Monday indicated that
"at least a portion of the city still is
in government hands."
Small Forces
But that report wa hours old, and
the attackers had to deal only with
a small force of lightly-armed Gov-
ernment regulars who had been flown
to Changchun last January.
(Associated Press correspondent.
Spencer Davis at Mukden said an at-
tempt was being made to send a neu-
tral plane to Changchun to bring out
five U.S. correspondents.)
Labor Decision
To Come Today
48 Hour Work Week
Approval Is Sought
A decision on whether the 48-hour"
work week for'bricklayers on Univer-
sity construction projects will be
allowed to continue is forthcoming
today, Bernard Johnson, vice-presi-
dent of the International Bricklayers
Union, said last night after meeting
with local union members.
Johnson said the decision would
come from the union's executive
committee in Washington.
A local union official predicted
that the executive committee would
approve the 48-hour week but said
the local union would continue to
work a 40-hour week pn other jobs.
Henry deKoning, member of the
Ann Arbor General Contractors As-
sociation, said yesterday that he did
not know what the next move would
be in efforts to solve the building
Local contractors fear that con-

tinuation of the 48-hour work week
wil bring home construction here to a
dead halt.
Campus Vets Will

Jap Conservative Victory Due to Occupation

"Because the present military occupation in
Japan, by definition, must have stability, the
Japanese election could have gone only in a con-
servative direction," Dr. Frank L. Huntley de-
clared, yesterday.
A member of the political science and English
departments, Dr. Huntley taught in Japan for
a number of years.
"We have been taking the attitude," he
claimed,."that the Japanese are inherently
warlike. 'A more sensible approach to the prob-
lem would be to remove the economic and poli-
tical cause of war. We should allow the laborers
of Japan to organize and demand higher wages.
We should allow the factories and resources
of the country to produce consumer goods for
the Japanese people. Everyone should be able
to buy a Datsun car and other such items with
their higher' wares. These goods formerly went

more to do with short-term accomplishments
rather than long-term objectives. Military oc-
cupation government is interested in stability
to protect itself and doesn't seem to care what
happens after it leaves a country."
It looks as if "the old gang" is back in power,
with the militarists purged, he said. "Some of us
have been looking for a revolution coming from
the bottom up. However, revolution brings with it
a certain measure of instability and we have
tried to avoid this in our attempt to keep order
in a formerly hostile nation."
Dr. Huntley believes that once the revolution
is over, Japan would actually be more peace-
ful and the short-run instability would be
worthwhile in our attempt to make sure "that
Japan will never again wage war and also
that she will not compete with us economi-.

tarists, for purely profit reasons," Dr. Huntley;
added. .
Other advantages possessed by this group
are: they understand English, they have been
trained to do business our way and they have
wide knowledge of the world. It has been easy
for them to get in the good graces of our occu-
pation forces by turning in Japanese militar-
ists, he said,
"To those men the emperor has been a symbol
of big business as well as of politics and religion.
Japan's recent history shows how they, along
with the militarists, built Japan as a military,
political and commercial world power. The Ja-
panese are too realistic to believe they can ever
stage a military comeback," Huntley contended,
"but war might indirectly come about through
economic development."
However, he said, we do not want to suppress

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