THE MICHIGAN DAILY ul SMit4Sxgatt aty Fi fty-S xth Year 4 Editei and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor ,ale Champion. . ,. . . . Editorial Director Robert Goldman. . . . . . . . . .. City Editor Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Clark Baker . . . . . . . . . .Sports Editor Des Howarth . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Stafff Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 IT SO HAPPENS... * Everybody's Tired On Monday Sociology On The Loose They write masterly dissections of the editorial SOCIOLOGY has come to the rescue of that page, sling snide slurs at their fellow writers of ferocious top sergeant of ours whose splen- letters to the editor, turn out opy worthy of etic cussing at the war's outset caused innocent Gargoyle. But letters signed Bonus Publicus, ears considerable distress. The sergeant's exqui- we can leave 'em. site profanity was in no way prompted by his own vinegarish personality according to an ar- ll items aTera in this colhmn are written by members off The Daily staff and edited by the ticle in the March issue of the American Journal Editorial Director.) of Sociology. On the contrary when old soldiers turn the air blue "they are merely speaking the language of their social group." M v C r* * * rent We're Not Interested I III THERE'S a dangerous tendency reappear- ing in the newspaper business. Richard Harding Davis did this kind of thing about At the Michigan . . . the turn of the century, and just as the professor settles back into .is swivel chair,OEL COWARD'S production of "Blithe Spir- up pops an enterprising youth in that haven it," featuring Rex Harrison and Constance for crackpots, sun-spotted California. He Cummings. An English comedy of manners, the proposes that reporters parachute into crises picture has to do with an unusual combination with walkie-talkies and a couple of sand- of seances, ghosts, and marital troubles. In re- wiches. Calling his organization Paranews, turning to plague her husband, the ghost of a this big, two-hearted joe tells prospective man's first wife creates numerous difficulties for clients that they will not be liable for in- his second. The plot revolves around this triangle jury to Paranews personnel, of man, wife, and ectoplasm. Thanks, buddy, but we got thin ankles This is the type of film the British do so well. and scruples. It has the brisk action, sparkling dialogue, and * * * * overall sophistication that our own pictures often From The Patent Office lack. With skillfully written lines of subtle humor, HrS TERA PofinstializaionCoward has constructed a clever comedy that is TIS ERA of industrialization is marvelous, far above average. Harrison and Cummings turn First they hit us with a door lock which i dpformances while an interesting musi- doesn't require a key. Then comes a juke box in gooperfrascoie an interestinsemui whih rise it voumein iret popotio ~ cal score was provided by Richard Addinsell, which raises its volume in direct proportion to composer of the "Warsaw Concerto," and is play- the people yelling around it. ed by the London Symphony. Not without its Now at the World Invention Exhibition, a love faults, the picture tends to drag a bit at times seat which unfolds into a bed is being shown. and some of the lines are indistinguishable due Well, at least this last one sounds like a time- to the rapid rate at which they are spoken. But saver, these slight flaws do not detract appreciably from an American filmgoer's opinion of "Blithe Spirit" Program For Progress as a thoroughly delightful movie. WE HOPE the new student government * * * will start functioning before those "Vote for Congress-Cabinet" signs which were the State . painted on campus sidewalks on election day "LITTLE GIANT" is another Abbot and Costello are rubbed out by pedestrian traffic. picture that is not very funny. Playing the Removal of said signs is a project to which part of an unhappy vacuum cleaner salesman, any student government could point with Costello manages to waddle through a few scenes pride. of acceptable slapstick, but these are not suffi- cient to save the film from its trite sentimental- Our Covert Correspondents ity. "Little Giant" can be ignored without ever A lot of people send us letters we would love being missed. to print, but they don't sign the things. -Hap Eaton ,Lietter6 to the &tto- Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication ofall news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. bember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 nEP'RE TEO FOR NATkON..L AOVERTIING @Y National Advertising Service, Inc. college Publishers Represenative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. iHNICAGOBO BSTON, -LOS AGELES - SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: MARY BRUSH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Towards Free Press AMERICAN NEWSPAPER READERS can now be sure that they are receiving news from a great part of the world without censorship, ac- cording to a recent Associated Press release. In Europe, American reporters find complete news freedom in France, Italy, the Nether- lands, Belgium, Portugal, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, 'Albania and Bulgaria. In Spain, while foreign correspondents are not subject to censorship, they find some difficulty in obtain- ing information. The American press finds no restrictions in the American occupation zones of Austria and Germany. The only areas within which United States correspondents are still operating under a com- plete or partial blackout condition are Soviet Russia and its satellites. In Russia itself all outgoing dispatches are strictly censored. Sov- let censorship of all news in Romania was pro- vided for in the armistice, but the Russians have released some major Allied correspon- dents from these limitations. The Polish for- eign ministry has promised that all censorship of Allied correspondents in that country will soon end. IN SPITE OF these exceptional areas, however (and conditions there are slowly improving), the American press is able to provide the people with news coverage in keeping with the time- honored Anglo-American tradition of freedom of the press. But when we turn to the domestic press of these same countries we find a very different picture. "There are", the AP release said, "still only a handful which enjoy anything like what is known to Americans and British as freedom of the press." In Austria, the US Army news service ceased delivering spot news Monday, and the charter for a proposed cooperative Austrian agency has not yet been approved because the proposed organization would be dominated by political parties. Restoration of freedom of the domestic pess is one of the demands being made upon the Bulgarian government by opposition parties. 'JlHE FINNISH domestic press receives official "guidance" in order to avoid complications with the control commission. Censors listen to telephone conversations and sometimes inter- rupt. In Poland also the domestic press is strictly censored, which officials say is necessary because of the presence of "subversive elements." A law enforced by the Russians in Hungary forbids statements detrimental to the government, whe- ther true or untrue. The Portuguese press is per- mitted to publish only "unpleasant reports" about Generalissimo Stalin. These are only a few of the instances which show clearly that the domestic newspapers of most European countries are in a brown-out- or even a total blackout-which is very far in- H'ERRY-(;O-ROlJN1: ti p e Suit CaeWr By DREW PEARSON W/ASH'IiNGONi--- ft isno secrt tawhtoristwwrprkdiisions of i.lie Army and Navy is the fact that fuuresttoic1 bombs can be smu Bled into the United Stages in suitcases. This is a known possibily that the Amican public should i~l wk keep in mind. In fact, the probabe warfare of the future w illcon itof smugling 20 suitcases with 20 atomic bombs into 20 key cities otUhe USA. Then the enemy would notify Washington that unl ss it yielded on certaine pcins by such and eth a deadline, q these 20 is u ouhi e blown to bite. t Both the Army and Navy neces- sarily have studied this possibil-c ity most carefully. That is theirt job, and higher-ups who are frankt privately agree tat tuture intel- ligence regard ing foreign nations is all-impor tant - also that the day is looming when big land arm- is and battlkships may become as old-fashioned as horse cavalry. IN the last few days, however, Con- gress has made two moves en- tirely out of keeping with the trend ofmodern warfare. First, the House Appropriations Committee wiped out the State D- pa tment's appropria tion for "intel- ligence," in other words the unit which studies what other nations are doing. Second, the House Mili- tary Affairs Committee has voted to continue peacetime military eonsciip- tion for .the first time in history. Continuation of the draft is, of course, a very debatable subject However, few people-cx cpt certain congressional moss-backs- would de- ny the State Department money to carry on "intelligence', abroad. The amount it requested was only $4,150 36, com red with hundreds of millions spent for "in- telligence" in wartime. What some key congressmen don't seem to realize is that money spent for in- telligence after a war starts is like building a hospital after a small- pox epidemic is in ful swing. Like modern vaccination, it is intelli- gence before a war starts which really counts. Note-A lot of people are wonder- ing what's happened to Democratic representative Louis Rabaut of Grosse Point Park, Michigan, hither- to considered an able congressman. He is the subcommittee chairman who insisted on cutting the heart out of the State Department appro- priation bill. Two (ood Congress men T HE Collier's awards for disting- uished service in Congress to GOP Senator Arthur Vandenburg of Mich- igan and Democratic Representative Mike Monroney of Oklahoma met with wide approval in the capital. Vandenburg was recognized for his efforts in United Nation's affairs and Monroney for outstanding serv- ice as a legislator. Several chuckles were sandwiched between the kudos as President Tru- man made the presentations at the White House, especially when he handed Vandenberg his silver plaque. Thanking the President for "getting out of my way," Vandenberg added: "Lucky for me you aren't still in Congress, Harry. I wouldn't have made it if you hadn't moved to the White House." (Copyright, 1946, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) (old Shell amue Spring Term Exam Schedule June 13 to June 19, 1946 College of Literature, Science, and the Arts College of Pharmacy School of Business Administration School of Education School of Forestry and Conservation School of Music School of Public Health NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, .the time of ex- ercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having rluizzes only, the time of exercise is the time of the first quiz period. Cer- tain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. To avoid misunderstandings and errors, each student should re- ceive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his examina- tion. In the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, no date of examina- tion may be changed without the consent of the Examination Committee, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Time of Exercise Monday at 8 .... " 4 9 . . . " 10 . . . Monday at .1 " } " 2 . .. ..,3 Tuesday at 8 .,. ,, 9 ... 's 10 "t "r 11 Tuesday at 1 ... " "T 2 . . . "7 " 3 . . . Time of Examination ................... Thu.. June ................ Sat., June .................... Fri., June 1 ................ Tues., JuneI ....................W ed., June ...................Mon., June 7 ...................Thu., June I ................... Fri., June 1 ................. Thu., June ] ................... Tues., June ....................Mon., June ............. ....... Sat., June 1 ....................W ed., June .................... Tues., June SPECIAL PERIODS 13 15, 14, 18, 19, 17, 13, 14, 13, 18, 17, 15, 19, 18, 15, 17, 2:00-4:00 2:00-4:00 10:30-12:30 10:30-12:30 8:00-10:00 10:30-12:30 10:30-12:30 2:00- 4:00 8:00-10:00 2:00- 4:00 8:00-10:00 8:00-10:00 2:00- 4:00 8:00-10:00 10:30-12:30 2:00- 4:00 College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Political Science 1, 2, 52 .......... Speech 31, 32 .................... French 1, 2, 12, 31, 32, 61, 62, 91, 93, 153 .................... English 1, 2 ........................ Economics 51, 52, 53, 54 ............ Botany 1 ........................... Zoology 1 .......................... Sociology 51, 54 .................... Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32 .................. German 1, 2, 31, 32, 348 .............. School of Business Administration Sat., June Mon., June Mon., Tues., Tues., Wed., Wed., Thu., Fri.,J Fri.,J June June June June June June June June 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 13, 14, 14, 2:00- 4:00 8:00-10:00 8:00-10:00 10:30-12:30 10:30-12:30 10:30-12:30 10:30-12:30 10:30-12:30 Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. School of Forestry and Conservation Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. School of Music: Individual Instruction in Applied Music Individual examinations of appointment will be given for all applied music courses (individual instruction) elected for credit in any unit of the University. For time and place of examinations, see bulletin board at the School of Music. School of Public Health Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. Over The Fence To the Editor: I wish to correct a misrepresentation of my' stand made in your paper Sunday, April 14th. The error was made through no fault of yours; rather, was the result of a not too clear telephone conversation with the local telegraph office. My comment should have read: "What a magnificent victory for the thinking students of Michigan. Over 9,000 strong rejected puppet government." I believe this puts me on exactly the opposite side of the fence-in greener pastures. -Ralph H. Neely What We Missed To the Editor: BEFORE being "tempted to mutter about ju- venility under (his) senile breath" perhaps the writer of the It So Happens column should familiarize himself with the facts about the miss- ing slide rule. His odious condemnation of the Engineers bears out a fact that I have long believed about The Daily. This writer has put his neck on the chopping block and I now intend to swing the axe. In the first place neither the Engineers or the Lawyers knew that the slide rule was miss- ing until early Friday morning, some two days short of apprehending the thieves. For the En- gineers it was a good publicity stunt to relate the feud between themselves and the Lawyers but in doing this they ;dangled a tempting prize before the eyes of every organization on campus. The result personified itself at the dance Friday, night when, much to the embarrassment of the Engineers, the slide rule was brought in by a number of Theta Delts. Up until that time no one seemed to know that it was missing and even when it was brought into the ball room the En- gineers tried to make out that it had been saved for them by a few anonymous friends. But did the news of this incident come to the attention of the reporters on the staff of The Daily? After the rule had been returned with some distrubance, were the eagle-eyed members of The Daily aroused from their impenetrable slumber concerning the activities that take place on campus? Instead of finding out the facts of the story and admitting that they had missed the boat on getting the news, they passed the whole thing off to the Engineers as a cheap publicity stunt. From what I have been reading in The Daily lately I am inclined to think that these wide-eyed reporters were poring over the latest international developments and planning a pana- cea for the disturbed post-war world. I suggest that they keep their own inexperience confined to campus activities and try to find out just what is going on in their own back yard. To my belief this incident has at long last put The Daily staff in their proper position- that of adolescent hypocrites. What the stu- dents want is a little more campus interest and spirit that is not degraded by any alleged "sen- ile" personality that sets himself up as copious interpreter of human behavior. I suggest that he occupy himself with getting the facts first- hand rather than sitting behind a desk and warping everything that comes under his eye. And in closing may I comment that this It So Happens column appears to be continually effer- vescing with some sort of "senile" odor whose derivations seem to rooted in a decadent "so What" attitude. -Roy Bradstrum The English Language To the Editor: FOR THE PAST several days I have been con- fronted with a rather perplexing phenomen- on. As one out of many veterans I am looking for an apartment. Possibly mine is a less critical case than are others because the object of my search is an apartment for the summer only. According to custom I proceeded, among other steps, to put up a card here and there about the campus (one or two must still be up since the phone continues to ring). The legend is a simple one: "Veteran etc. etc. (stressing the "no-dog, no children" angle) wishes to sublease etc. etc." And here's where the rub lies. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (Thin Paper, Fifth Edition- The Largest Abridgment, Second Edition) (even the reference sounds a bit con- fusing) Springfield, Mass., 1940, on page 992 states as follows: "Sublease: A lease by a tenant or lessee to another person of part or all of the leased premises.-v.t. & i. To make sublease of.-" All that is rather clear. And dropping two. lines (loc. cit.) I read "Sublet: v.t. & i.; see LET. (but!!) To Sublease." Be it said in all frankness: the laxity of usage denoted by this apparent synonymity would be of but small concern to me, were it not for the im- possibility of concise expression which results. Is there anyone to help me to get out of that dilemma? Suggestion was made to use "rent" in- stead of "sublease". But that term again, accord- ing to Webster, may be used to denote action of both dominant and recessive party. -0. R. Reischer THE great thing about the bi- partisan, or conservative bloc, of Republicans and dissident Southern Democrats, is the way it disappears when its leaders want it to disappear, and reappears when they want it to reappear. Now you see it, now you don't, For example, the bloc disappear- ed completely for about twenty- four hours last week, during the visit of Mr. B. Carroll Reece, Re- publican National Chairman, to New York. For Mr. Reece gave out with a speech denouncing the Southern "Bourbons", who, he said, keep themselves in power only by means of the poll tax. Mr. Reece, speaking in the great Northern metropolis, was quite cross with the Southern "Bourbons"; listeners felt that if there was anybody he would not have anything to do with, it was one of those. Yet, ordinarily, about five-sixths of the Republican contingent in Con- gress is on the friendliest possible terms with the Southern right-wing- ers, greeting them with cordial "Hi ya, Bourbon" each morning in the most amiable way, and spending long sweet afternoons collaboratively strangling bits of Truman legislation. It is hard to understand how the leader of the Republicans can de- nounce a group of friends with whom they have so often broken bills to- gether. -by Samuel Grafton (Copyright, 1946, N.Y. Post Syndicate) Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 115 ? Notices Senior and Graduate Students, who have received invitations to the Honors Convocation on April 26, are requested to order caps and gowns at the Moe Sport Shop immediately. They must be ordered today to be delivered in time for the Convo- cation. Applications for Combined Curric- ula: Application for admission to a combined curriculum must be made before April 20 of the final preprofes- sional year. Application forms may be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and should be filed with the Secretary of the Committee at that office. Men's Residence Halls: Reappli- cations for the SUMMER SESSION for men now living in the Residence Halls are ready for distribution. Blanks may be secured from the Of- fice of the Dean of Students. All ap- plications for reassignment must be in the hands of the Dean of Students ON OR BEFORE APRIL 30. Due to the critical housing situa- tion and to the fact that a number of the buildings of the West Quadrangle will be closed during the summer for decorating and repairs, it may not be possible to accept all students who apply for reassignment. Reapplications for the Fall Term will be available at a later date, which will be announced as soon as posible. Choral Union Ushers: Please ex- change your old Usher Cards for a May Festival Ushier Card at Hill Auditorium Box Office today, 4:30- 5:30 P.M. After Tuesday, all places will be filled with new ushers. Alumnae of the past ten years, who would be interested in acting as hostesses at the Victory Reunion on June 20, 21 or 22, please get in touch with Mrs. Gwendolyn Dunn Allen any afternoon this week in the Alumnae Council Office of the Michigan League. Phone 23251. If you cannot come in or telephone, please write to signify your interest. The Announcement of the Slim- mer School at the National Univer- sity of Mexico has arrived. Copies may be had in the Office of the Summer Session, Room 1213, Angell of Literature, Science, and the Arts for writing the best essay on some topic concerning the history of medi- cine. Freshmen in the Medical School who are on the' Combined Curriculum in Letters and Medicine are eligible to compete in the contest. The following committee has been appointed to judge the contest: As- sistant Professor John Arthos, Chair- man, Professor Adam A. Christman, and Assistant Professor Frederick H. Test. The Committee has announced the following topics for the contest: 1. History of a Medical Unit 2. Medical-Aid Man 3. Medicine in Industry 4. Tropical Medicine Prospective contestants may con- sult committee members, by appoint- ment. (1) A first prize of $50 and a second prize. of $25 are being offered, (2) manuscripts should be 3,000 to 5,000 words in length, (3) the manuscripts should be typed, double spaced, on one side of the paper only, (4) con- testants must submit two copies of their manuscripts, and (5) all manu- scripts should be handed in at Room 1220 Angell Hall by May 31. Willow Village Program for the week April 14-21 for veterans and their wives. Tuesday, April 16: Lecture Series Mr. Wesley Maurer, Dept. of Journal- ism, will discuss Nathaniel Peffer's "America's Place in the World." 2 p.m. Office, West Lodge. Wednesday, April 17: Bridge. 2:00 p.m., Club Room, West Lodge; 8:00 p.m., Conference Room, West Lodge. Thursday, April. 18: "Home Plan- ning" Adelia M. Beeuwkes, Instructor in Public Health Nutrition, will dis- cuss "What's New in Nutrition," the first of a series of three lectures. 2 p.m. Office, West Lodge. Friday, April 19: "Leadership: How to be a Club Leader" Dr. Fred G. Stevenson, Extension Staff. 2 p.m. Office, West Lodge; 8 p.m. Confer- ence Room, West Lodge. Friday, April 19: Dancing Class: Beginners--Couples 7 p.m. Auditor- ium, West Lodge; Advanced Couples 8 p.m. Auditorium, West Lodge. Saturday, April 20: Record Dance. 8 p.m., Club Room, West Lodge. Sunday, April 21: Classical Music on Records, 3-5 p.m. Office, West Lodge. Sunday, April 21: Vespers: Rev. H. L. Pickerill, Protestant Directors Association, 4-5 Conference Room, West Lodge. Sunday, April 21. Football movie, "University of Michigan vs. North- western,"commentary by Mr. Rob- ert Morgan of the Alumni Associ- ation. Lectures BARNABY It's a routine check-up, Mr. Baxter. The Shultzes say your kitchen was broken into just as theirs was. Is that true? But Pop ... Mr. O'Malley, my 1 Fairy Godfather, and Gus, th Ghost, didn't steal anything. They just got very hungry- He's imaginative, officer. Er ... Why don't you play in your room, Barnaby? By Crockett Johnson' A smart little fellow, Mr. Baxter. And as you say ... Full of notions. Ha! Ha!