IT SO HAPPENS See Page 2 i:j r 4Lw 743Ar x1 PARTLY CLOUDY, COOLER VOL. LVI, No. 115 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS UN Security Council Ends Meeting Minus Vote on Iranian Issue Majority Oppose Russian Bid to Drop Case as Gromyko Accuses U.S., Britain By The Associated Press NEW YORK, April 15 - The United Nations Security Council ad- journed without a vote tonight after a bitter three-hour debate in which seven of the 11 members opposed Russia's move to have the Council ex- punge the Iranian case from its agenda. With Russia apparently facing defeat, Dr. Quo Tai-Chi, chairman of the Council, suddenly announced that the meeting was ended and that the question would be taken up again at 11 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, tomorrow. The closing minutes of the debate were marked by a grim statement by Soviet Delegate Andrei A. Gromyko that he believed the United States I - ----- - I GI Wages Boosted in House Bill Five Month Draft 'Holiday' Planned By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, April 15 - The House voted a five-month draft "hol- iday" today and a 50 per cent pay in- crease for buck privates. The actions contrasted with ap- peals of the administration and the services for continuation of induc- tions for one year and a 20 per cent pay boost for all servicemen. Separate bills the House sent to the Senate are designed, taken to- gether, to meet the manpower needs of the armed forces by voluntary en- listments during a trial period be- tween May 15 and October 15 in I r e _ Some Progress' Toward Solving Building Problem Announced As Officials Meet Union, Industry i and the United Kingdom did not w Cab Ordinance Revisions E~ts~5 Local Situationt Taxi Code Referred To Council Committee Local cab owners breathed easie yesterday when Alderman A. D. Moore listed a dozen revisions that would eliminate features of the proposed taxicab ordinance that city compan- ies and drivers had found most ob- jectionable. The revised ordinance was sent back to the Common Council's Spec- ial Taxicab Committee, headed by Moore, where it will be worked into shape with the cooperation of cab owners and "interested persons". Time Extended Major changes proposed by Moore include an extension of the time be- fore which cab owners must buy new licenses from May 1 to June 1, in order that the committee have time to amend the proposal. The ex- tension will take place through an amendment whereby the certificates issued May 1 will expire immediately. The new revisions would require cab meters by a given date (to be set when meters are more readily available), but would leave rate set- ting to further amendments. Moore also recommended that the uphol- stery requirements be eliminated. Sections Eliminated Sections of the ordinance requiring shatterproof glass, special sanitary measures, and prohibiting radios would be eliminated by Moore's amendments. The section prohibiting non-paying passengers would be changed, and the prohibition on passengers sit- ting with the driver would be amend- ed to allow the practice when the cab is filled. The requirement leaving the taking on of additional passengers to the discretion of passengers al- ready in the cab would be changed. The license fee for drivers (in addi- tion to the owners' fee) would be raised from two dollars a year to four dollars. The insurance requirement of $5,000 and $10,000 would be raised to $10,000 and $20,000, if Alderman Moore's proposed amendments are adopted by the committee. MonLtana 1iots Threaten City Women and Children Evaciated by Police BUTTE, Mont., April 15-Q/)-As peace officers hurriedly evacuated women and children from threatened homes in mob-ridden Butte and its suburbs, Silver Bow County Sheriff Al McLeod said tonight he hoped to have 100 additional deputies on the .iob "to head off any more of this wanton destruction." The vandalism, which has terroriz- ed Butte residents since last Friday and caused the wounding by stray bullets of two Butte youths, was dir- ected mainly against non-union mine maintenance workers' homes, where damage runs into the thousands of dollars, police said. The CIO Butte miners union re- iterated its c arlier denial that any of its 3,500 members who went on strike at Anaconda Copper Mining Company properties here April 9, had taken a part in the mob violence. The Union has appealed for order and a peaceful settlement of the strike. Police said the mobsters were teen- agers and women, and the sheriff said he didn't think any of the min- -3< AXPIO -ir-rt r ant to see a peaceful solution of the -Iranian case. He also accused U. S. Delegate Ed- ward R. Stettinius, Jr., of violating the United Nations Charter by in- sisting that the case stay on the agenda despite Iran's withdrawal of her complaint against Russia. He re- peated a gibe he had made in earlier council sessions that the American and British delegates seemed to be more Iranian than the Iranians themselves. Both Stettinius and Sir Alexander Cadogan, British delegate, apparent- ly angered by Gromyko's charges, said there would have been no dis- cussion on the case today if Russia had no: reopened the questiob. The withdrawal of the Iranian complaint, which originally was filed in London January 19, was requested in a letter Iranian Ambassador Hus- sein Ala handed to Dr. Quo Tai-Chi, chairman of the Council, one hour be- fore today's meeting. Ala informed the Councilrthat'he had received a telegram from *his government this morning saying: "It is necessary that you immed- iately inform the Security Council that the Iranian government has complete confidence in the government and, for this withdraws its complaint from curzty Council." Soviet reason, the Se- World News At A, Glance Franco Investigation . . . MADRID, April 15 - (') - The Spanish foreign ministry today issued a formal invitation to friendly coun- tries which are members of the Unit- ed Nations Security Council to send a commission of technicians to Spain to investigate Poland's charge that Generalissimo Franco's government is a threat to world peace. Planes on t h Roof . GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., April 15- (A)-This city may be the first in the nation to inaugurate downtown-to- airport helicopter service. C. W. Hall, president of Northern Air Service, told the Kent County air- port committee the downtown term- inal of the helicopter service would be on the roof of a department store having an area of 27,886 square feet. Light Ter'ins for Jags .*. SHANGHAI, April 15--IP)-Japan- ese defense counsel wept with joy to- day when an American military com- mission assessed unexpectedly light prison sentences of five years for three Japanese officers, and nine years for a fourth, for participation in the trial and execution of three Doolittle fliers in 1942. The death penalty could have been imposed, but the five American com- missioners held as "unusually strong mitigating consideration" that the Japanese were simply obeying orders from higher up. Crime Gang Fight ... NEW YORK, April 15-P-.Mayor William O'Dwyer, the ex-cop who as district attorney of Brooklyn led the liquidation of the terroristic Murder, Inc., gang, tonight declared a person- al war against what he termed the threatened revival of the slaughter syndicate. Line-up on Draf t Bill WASHINGTON, April 15-QP)-- Michigan legislators voted as fol- lows in the House today on legis- lation extending the dra~ft law nine months but prohibiting induc- tions between May 15 and October 15. Democrats for: Dingell, Lesinski, O'Brien, Rabaut, and Sadowski Republicans for: Blackney, Craw- ford, Dondero, Jonkman, Michener, Shafer, Wolcott, Woodruff. Democrats against: Hook. Republicans against: Bradley and Hoffman. which actual inductions would be pro- hibited. One extends the draft law from May 15 of this year to February 15, 1947, with these restrictions: 1. No inductions of anyone between May 15 and October 15. 2. No inductions of teen-agers at any time (the present law permits the drafting of 18 and 19-year-olds). 3. No inductions of fathers. 4. A limit of 18 months on the ser- vice of any inductee, regardless of when he was drafted. 5. Restoration of the draft after October 15 and until February 15 by presidential order if the President finds that voluntary enlistments are inadequate to meet these strengths as of July 1, 1947: Army, 1,070,000; Navy, 558,000; Marine Corps, 108,000. Slosson Urges U.S. Initiative In World State The United States' long pre-war record as an isolationist nation, said Prof. Preston Slosson of the history department last night at a meeting of the Committee for Liberal Action, would prove an effective contrast if this country should now take the initiative in the establishment of a world state. A federated wold government, he asserted, is needed to implement in- ternational control of the means of mass destruction and to prevent ag- gression. World Control Recommendations of the confer- ence on atomic energy, held at Rol- lins College in March, he reiterated as reliable methods for world con- trol of these destructive forces. The recommendations were: L That the jurisdiction of the Uni- ted Nations be widened to include legislation concerning all matters of mass destruction. 2. That control of the means of such destruction be placed in the hands of the UN General Assembly. Reorganized Council 3. That the Security Council be reorganized to constitute an execu- tive body responsible to the assembly. 4. That a Bill of Rights be created to protect member nations against inequitable exercise of the atomic control function. CLA President Ted Morris appoint- ed at last night's meeting a commit- tee to investigate the voting records of candidates whose names will am pear on the ballot in the approaching state primary election. MARCH ON PREMIER'S RESIDENCE-Ten thousand Communist led Japanese march toward the official residence of Premier Baron Kijuro Shidehara in Tokyo during a demonstration, in which speakers demanded resignation of the Shidehara cabinet. di2plomatuc representatives of all the American Republics. The "good neighbor policy" which former President Franklin D. Roose- velt and former Secretary of State Cordell Hull helped draft, the Presi- dent asserted, laid the "solid founda- tions for a good neighbor policy for the whole world." Mr. Roosevelt, he continued, was thwarted by the madness and desire for world c'onquest on the part of the Axis dictators and in his efforts to prevent the last war. Now, however, he said, the United Nations is embarked on a career based on those foundations, and he added: "It must succeed. I know it will succeed." He solemnly warned that the atom- ic era confronts the people of the world with " a great and dangerous adventure." "That age will either be one of complete devastation, or one in which new sources of power will lighten the labors of mankind and increase the standards of living all over the world." Spanish Plays To Open oda The first performance of "Rosina es Fragil" and "Las Codornices" star- ring Anne Sugar '48, Ann Lewin, '48, Dick Defendini, teaching fellow in the :Romance language department, and Carlos Soares '47, will be pre- sented at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lyd- ia Mendelssohn Theater. Tickets for this performance and for the performance tomorrow may be purchased at the box office of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Reser- vations may be made by calling the box office 6300.I FBI-To, Enter Fight on Meat Black Market WASHINGTON, April 15-(IP)- Agents of the Federal Bureau of In- vestigation moved in on the meat 'black market today as the govern- ment aimed a double blow at it. 1. Attorney General Clark directed the FBI to investigate reports that some packers are defrauding the government by paying black market prices for cattle and then collecting federal subsidies. 2. The OPA and the Agriculture Department announced a slaughter quota system, in effect during the war but subsequently abandoned, will be restored soon to provide "better distribution" of available supplies. The action was taken as the Sen- ate Agriculture Committeeheard one packer term the meat situation "a national scandal which makes prohi- bition look like petty crime" and another predict that his company will limit New York retail customers next week to two per cent of their pur- chases five years ago. An OPA and Agriculture Depart- ment statement said the new slaught- er control program will reduce opera- tions "of certain slaughterers who have increased their slaughter great- ly during recent months" but will provide "legitimate slaughterers" op- portunity to slaughter the same pro- portion of the supply as in 1944. Price Administrator Paul A. Porter declared: "We are not going to ask the American people to pay tribute to a legalized black market." T ruman Asks Pan-Amnerican Cooperation Against Poverty Praises Roosevelt's 'Good Neighbor' Policy As Basis for Future Work of United Nations WASHINGTON, April 15-(J')-President Truman called on the 21 American Republics today to unite in a world peace system and wipe out the "poverty and despair" from which war springs. Speaking at a Pan-American Day observance, the President said that the "danger of war" will never be completely eliminated until economic ills are eliminated. "To do that," lie said, "we must achieve the kind of life-material, cul- tural and spiritual--to which the peoples of this world are entitled. To that objective we must all dedicate our energies and resources." Mr. Truman received a warm welcome in his first appearance befor- members of the governing board of the Pan-American union, made up of rlt~nanfn ~n~sncn fzrr f 11+Vn'> Petition Forms Announced By Men's Judiciary Qualifications Lists Are Due On Saturday The petition form for office-seekers in the new campus student congress was announced last night by the Men's Judiciary Council. Signed by at least fifty names, the petitions must be placed in the stu- dent congress petition box in the student offices of the Union by 5 p.m. Saturday, according to Harry Jack- son, Men's Judiciary president. To Be Published The petitions will be prefaced by short statements on the candidate's qualifications which will be published in a special bulletin for campus ap- praisal. Here is the information required of petitioners. It must be stated in a maximum of 100 words. Required Information 1. Full name. 2 Ann Arbor address. 3. Ann Arboi telephone. 4. School year and semester. 5. College and depart- ment in the University, 6. How long the petitioner expects to stay in school. 7. Experience in organizations here and elsewhere (high school ex- perience and transfer experience for freshmen and transfers respectively. 8. Organizational membership at the University. 9. Activities participated in at the University. 10 Qualifica- tions in addition to the above. 11. Platform: What you as an individual will work to do. The petitions will be distributed on campus in their printed form April 22, according to present plans. Lo banov Cites Cossack Saga Colonizing Warriors Expanded Eastward Prof. Andrev A. Lobanov-Rostov- sky of the history department cited the Cossacks as "colonizing and war- rior elements and the vanguard of Russian expansion to the east", at a meeting of the Russian Circle yes- terday. Prof. Lobanov, who was once a member of the regular Russian army, described the growth of the Cossacks and their function in Russian history. "The Cossacks were individualis- tic, adventurous and freedom-loving bands that grew up with the same sort of pioneer spirit as existed here in America. Their conquest of Siber-. ia may be compared to the actions of the Spanish conquistadores in the new world," he declared. For a great many years, he said, the Cossacks had their own villages and organization. However, after they began to incorporate with the r_.r~1,-. il- 1.-f -f- Labor Supply Insufficient for Vet Programs Ann Arbor's complex building con- struction problem continued unabat- ed yesterday, but unofficial reports said that "some progress" toward a solution was made after day-long informal conferences of University, construction industry and labor un- ion officials. Bernard Johnson, vice-president of the International Bricklayers Union, sent here t investigate the impact of the University's emergency pro- gram on home building for local vet- erans, met twice in closed session with representatives of the various parties involved in the problem. Solution Sought The conferences, it was reported, were marked by an earnest effort of all participants to secure a solution that would be mutually satisfactory. The problem, apparently, is one over which none of the parties has any control. The analysis of local ob- servers is that two-Federally sponsor- ed programs-education and homes- for veterans have come into conflict because of a scarcity of construction workers. Imported Labor With both sides conceding the mer- its of the others program, the prob- lem has resolved itself into a neces- sity for importing outside labor. But the George A. Fuller Co., Uni- versity contractor, has had to offer a six-day week with double pay for the sixth day as an incentive for workers to come here from other parts of ,the country. Ceiling Limits Cost At this point the two programs come in conflict, since local contrac- tors maintain that they cannot get construction workers on this basis without forcing the price of homes above that which prospective'veteran home-buyers can afford and above the $10,000 ceiling. Although Johnson has been the only international union officer to take part in efforts toward a settle- ment of the problem, it is generally conceded that all other construction crafts are equally affected by the six- day week, double pay issue. 0 0 Senate Amends Bill for Housing WASHINGTON, April 15.-(P)-A bill designed to spur construction of 15,000,000 dwellings in the next de- cade was passed by the Senate today bearing a wage clause which a gov- ernment official warned might wreck FHA insurance of small homes. The bill was sent to the House after the Senate wrote into it, 51 to 20, an amendment providing that the "pre- vailing wage or fees" of each locality must be paid on any homes financed under the Federal Housing Adminis- tration. Under the amendment, which was demanded by the CIO and 4FL, the Secretary of Labor would deter- mine the prevailing wages. In a sharp debate before the vote, Senator Taft (Rep., o.) declared that "everyone knows the purpose of this amendment is to force payment of union scales." he said it should not apply in small communities where many residents with other jobs work- ed part time at building trades and did not expect to receive union wages. Chinese Reds Launch Assault CHANGCHUN, Manchuria, April 15 -(P)-Chinese Communists launched a three-way assault upon this Man- churian capital today after overrun- ning three nearby airfields upon which the small isolated government garrison had counted for airborne supply and reinforcement. The attacks coincided with Sun- day night's withdrawal on schedule of the last Russian occupation forces, who several times had delayed their retirement because the Chinese gov- ernment had feared just such a Communist move. Alt WJrm e- -- 3.1_ ATCHESON REFPORhT ENDORSED:i ScienistsFavo Strngthen ig Mca ho Bl Generally approving the McMahon Bill plan for atomic energy control, the Association of University of Michigan Scientists last night voted In response to a request from the Federation of American Scientists to# express their opinion on atomic ener- gy control, the Association voted that their sugestions for streniathnina of atomic weapons. Protesting the heavy penalties imposed for revealing "'estricted data", they suggested that punishment be confined to that nowa mision. They suggested that this re- quirement be written into the bill's provision setting up a commission of five full-time members to act un- m ~ l i fr n in a ty,.nt-f- r7;- m ~~ -I-