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World Jewry
Begins Holiday
Jews throughout the world will in-
augurate the celebration of the Pass-
over with traditional "Seder" ser-
vices tomorrow evening.{
Hebrew Independence Day1
Passover is the Hebrew Indepen-
dence Day. Frequently called the Fes-
tival of Freedom, it is the commem-
orization of the exodus under the
leadership of Moses of the Hebrew
tribes from Egypt.
The "Seder"-which means "or-
der"-is a ceremonial service and
meal featuring special dishes which
symbolize the hardships which the
Israelites endured during their slav-
ery in Egypt. The "Haggadah Shel
Posah," which relates the history of
the exodussand the classical rabbin-
ical discussions about the holiday, is
read during the "Seder."
Unleavened Bread Eaten
During the eight days of the holi-
day, Jews who fully observe the tradi-
tional rituals will eat only unleavened
bread-"Matzos." This tradition arose
from the biblical story that in the
haste of the flight from Egypt the
dough which the Israelites baked had
not been given time to rise. The pro-
duct was a flat, cracker-like bread.
Passover is a joyous holiday. Cus-
toms of non-religious significance
have grown up in connection with
the celebration. One of the favorite
"Seder" customs is "stealing" the
"Affikomen"-the half-sheet of
"Matzos" which is saved for dessert,
and without which the service cannot
be completed.
Directors Oust
Ringling Head
Former Student Runs 'Red Teakettle
Harry S. Truman stands at attention behind speaker's rostrum on the
porch of the Roosevelt home at Hyde Park, N.Y., during ulaying of the
National Anthem opening ceremonies dedicating the home and grave
site, of the late president Franklin D. Roosevelt as a national shrine
on the anniversary of his death.
Marquette Shpping Season Waits
While Steel Mine Strike Continues
Zeta Barbour, a student at the Uni-
versity two years ago and active on
Play Production, is now with the
American Red Cross in Koriyama, Ja-
In a letter to Mrs. Ruth Buchan-
an, "Aunt Ruth," Miss Barbour de-
scribes the creation and opening of
the Red Cross snack room there
called the Red Teakettle.
"The Club has four rooms, a kit-
chen, two storerooms, and an office,"
Miss Barbour writes. "Our library
provides excellent space for reading
and writing, as well as a wide variety
of books," she continues.
Reuther Girds
For Show of
CIO Strength
DETROIT, April 13-(P-Walter
P. Reuther headed tonight toward a
test of strength as president of his
CIO United Auto Workers Union.
With other members of the big
UAW-CIO'S 22-man international
executive board, the union's newly
elected president prepared for the
board's post-convention session whicb
may have vital significance to th
UAW'S future. The board starts a
week-long meeting Monday in Chi-
The close vote in Reuther's election
victory over former president R. J
Thomas at the Atlantic City conven-
tion foreshadowed possibilities of la-
ter opposition in union affairs, and
when Thomas was elected a vice-
president some observers said sucĀ°
an eventuality was almost certain.
On the other hand the auto un-
ion's new president has pledged him-
self to strive for "unity" in the un-
ion's ranks, a point which he has em-
One question which may be an-
swered next week is whether Reuther
will retain his position as head of
UAW's General Motors department
in which capacity he led the 113-da)
national strike against the corpora-
tion. Reuther was G-M head as
union vice-president.
German Traveloguc
To Be Shown here
A travelogue of Geriany produce(
in 1934 will be presented by th
Deutscher Verein at 8 p.m. Tuesdal
in Rackham Amphitheatre.
Those interested in joining th
German Club as well as old member!
are urged to be present for the shor
business meeting before the showin
of the film, James A. Trautwin
president of the Verein, said.
Discussing the obstacles to open-
ing the club, Miss Barbour said:
"even on the afternoon of the open-
ing, the electricians were still wir-
ing the rooms and carpenters were
still nailing in the ceiling of the
game room, a room which only two
days before was still out-of-doors.
It was necessary at the last mo-
ment to repaint many tables be-
cause the Jap workers stood on
them while installing electric wires.
Plumbers were also in our midst,
and the electricians were not sure
Court Battle
Over Circus
whether the transformer would fit
whatever it was supposed to fit!"
The opening of the Red Teakettle
was Friday night, February 1. The
program, Miss Barbour says, included
a master of ceremonies, a speeclh,
drama, and a barber shop quartet.
Opening night, Miss Barbour says,
was the only night donuts were
served. "This," she writes, "is some-
what different from the other Red
Cross clubs."
The Red Teakettle has been a
great success, Miss Barbour says,
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, April 13-The Ring-
ling Circus empire-started 64 years
ago by seven sons of an immigrant
German carrier, maker-today was
headed for a court battle over its
Counsel for Robert Ringling, 48,
deposed as president of the corpora-
tion at a stockholders' meeting this
week, said today he was preparing
a petition in which the courts will be
asked to declare invalid the meeting
which placed in the presidency James
A. Haley, 47.
Haley is the first head of Ringling
Brothers and Barnum & Bailey com-
bined shows not descended directly
from the founding Ringlings.
Ringling's attorney contended the
election was invalid because he said
Haley had agreed to a 60-day post-
ponement of the stockholders' meet-
ing, but Haley emphatically denied
he was willing to accept a delay and
I'm sitting in the President's chair.-
The directors put me there."
Ringling's attorney countered with
an assertion Friday that "we are in
control of the cooperation" and said
"Bob will certainly continue his direc-
tion of the show."
But last night Haley's lawyer told
the former president, "Bob, you're
not to give any more orders," and
Ringling thereupon left the big Madi-
son Square Garden arena where the
circus started its 1946 season April 4.
Wedding RIG
7 N t n RINGS
-717 North University Ave.
By The Associated Press
MARQUETTE, Mich., April 13 -
It's almost the middle of April and
no one hereabouts has sighted an
iron ore vessel this spring. Further,
there has been no report, official or
otherwise, of the date when the first
carrier can be expected.
It's all a result of the prolonged
iron mine strike on the Marquette
range, which not only has made
3,000 men idle for more than two
months but has prevented any ore
being dumped into the hundreds of
bins of the two giant ore-loading
docks in this port.
Usually, ice conditions at the Soo
Locks determine the opening date of
Marquette's navigation season, but
apparently there will be no large
steamers entering the harbor until
the mine strike is settled. The first
boat arrived here on April 6 last
The usual towering ore stockpiles
near the mines in Marquette coun-
ty are missing, another result of
the strike called Feb. 8 by the
United Steelworkers of America
(CIO). Little ore was hauled to
the surface in the short-lived back
to work movement initiated by op-
erators last month.
At that time the operators offered
a pay boost of 10 cents an hour. The
strikers have demanded 1812 cents.
County mine inspector Clifford J.
Ayotte's annual report, covering 1945,
throws interesting figures on the
The report showed 2,879 men were
employed in surface and under-
ground operations at 13 underground
and three open pit mines on the Mar-
quette range-a total of 820,366 man-
shifts of eight hours.
Idleness of the mines for more
than one-sixth of the present
Services To Be
Held at Village
Vesper Services, sponsored by the
Protestant student directors, will be
held for Willow Village at 4 p.m.
every Sunday in WesthLodge.
The speakers for the next three
weeks have been announced by the
Rev. C. H. Loucks. Franklin H. Lit-
tel, director of Lane Hall, will speak
on "Jesus-Success or Failure?" to-
day. The Rev. H. L. Pickerill, stu-
dent director at the First Congrega-
tional Church, will be the speaker for
the Easter Vesper Service, discussing
"Quality of Life Called Eternal."
"What Is Right with the Church" is
the subject chosen by Rev. James P.
Van Pernis for April 28.
working year thus means that
more than a million hours of la-
bor has been lost. The wage loss
probably exceeds $1,000,000.
The competitive position of Mar-
quette county's undeground mines
as against Minnesota's open pits
has been emphasized by operators,
but the strikers insist their wage
demand is not excessive.
Kinkead Will
Discuss Labor
Personnel Manager Is
University Graduate
Thomas Kinkead, personnel mana-
ger of a local automotive parts man-
ufacturing plant, will speak on "Man-
agement-Labor Relations" at a meet-
ing of the Phi chapter of the Alpha
Kappa Psi fraternity at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday at the fraternity house.
Mr. Kinkead is a graduate of the
University and has been associated
with several firms in the automotive
Prof. J. W. Riegel, director of the
Bureau of Industrial Relations of the
School of Business Administration,
will be guest of honor at the meet-
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