Y, APrIIL 14, l94 T-H--E Mltflli AN b-NILY PAGEl . . . ............ ............ . .. E l tAL i 1 Prison Camp Life Described + DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN + (Continued from page 1) Red Cross," he continued. "At first, we had enough for a fairly adequate -filling, let's say-breakfast and supper, but during the last six months, we were given the total of 697 calories a day in contrast with the 2,500 we had started out with. These some 600 calories were in the form of rice and corn." Needless to say, most of those who didn't succumb to the meagre diet, slept 14 hours daily, and did as little physical work as possible." Although all four of the students were initially interned at the Santo Tomas camps, Fernandez and Rob- ert Schoendube were transferred to the southern camp of Los Banos- "L.B."-in May, 1943. "I lost six pounds in perspiration alone from riding with 49 other in- ternees in a small railway car," Fer- nandez commented. "Eight-hundred men were jammed into those cars for transfer to L.B., and although Jap propaganda said 'the internees were transported in luxurious coaches,' believe me, it wasn't true." "The intention of the Japs in moving some of us south, was to -build a camp on the site of the rLos Banos Forestry School in order to transfer all the internees from Santo Tomas, and we were sent there as a 'first shipment.'" "Even though we had been moved from the camp, we wanted to con- tinue the school system that had been set up at Santo Tomas," he said, "so with the help of a former Michi- gan student and professor, Lawrence Hebbard, 20 of us organized a school, which was called the 'Class of '47,' for that's when we would have grad- uated." "In fact, it was Mr. Ilebbard, who convinced us that we should come to the University," he went on, "and we decided that we would -ifvwe ever got out of the camp alive." In remembrance of the class, their professor gave each stu- dent a small, gold key with "'47" on it. "That is something we can never forget," he added. Schoendube was vice-president and Fernandez, secretary of the class. "Besides our school system, we organized basketball and soccer ACID INDIGESTION CLOUDING YOUR DISPOSITION? B6E As a teams, and generally were better off at L.B., because the camp was located in the country where food was easier to get," Fernandez explained, "and we fared much better than those who remained at Santo Tomas, for in addition to the growing lack of 1od there, the Army had taken over control of the camp, and made things a lot harder for the internees." "Of course, even things at L.B. got bad in September, 1944," he continued. "Our food rations were cut in half, and blackouts-com- plete ones-were held every night." "The thing is," he went on, "that we didn't know that the reason why she Japs were intensifying their dis- :ipline was due to the fact that our troops were defeating them on all ;ides. We expected the opposite be- havior in that event, because we felt they might want mercy later on." "Undoubtedly the biggest thrill of the whole time," Fernandez claimed, "was our liberation from L.B. on Feb. 23, 1945. Shortly be- fore 7 a.m. roll call, we heard the roar of plane engines, and jumped up to see about 25 planes over- lvad. Not only were there 25 planes, but streams of paratroopers were bailing out of them." "After that we were not permitted ,o look out of the windows on penalty of death, so we had to peek out paral- lel with the sill to see what was going on. Paiatroopers, plus Filipino guer- ilas, were closing in on the camp, and fortunately, many Jap guards were taking their morning exercises, which meant that their guns would be in racks, and not in their hands. They were virtually mowed down, and our 300 liberators made possible ur return to Manila through nests )f 40,000 Japs who were scattered between us and the capitol." "No word had gotten to me about the Santo Tomas liberation 20 days before," he continued, "and that knowledge, plus my first chocolate bsar in three years was about the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me." Shortly before the liberation of both camps, Robert Schoendube had been transferred back to Santo Tomas, and he described the earlier liberation of that camp: "Immediately before we were lib- crated conditions had become so de- plorable that five or six people were dying daily of starvation, and the little corn and rice we had was hardly capable of giving us strength to even walk "aiound for more than a few minutes. "Ironically enough, there was a '100-Pound Club', and about 20 of us were members. We were down to virtual skin and bones, and it wasn't a pretty sight. "There were blackouts every night, and during that time: no one could even smoke a cigarette-that is, if there were a cigarette to smoke. "On Feb. 3, 1945, everything was dark and quiet, as usual, until we heard the rumble of something against the high stone wall that sur- rounded the camp. We thought it was probably some Jap tank that had gotten out of control, and we even continued to think so after it had -crashed through the wall. "Because it was so dark, no one could make out just what kind of a tank it was-and who's it was. About 500 of us gathered around the large ceiling-high door of the main building in which we were quartered, and watched the tank that had swung around in front of us. "I tore up to the second floor to see whether I could get a better view of it, but the campus looked as black as the first floor. "Then a squad of soldiers advanced on us from behind the tank, and from their helmets, we thought they were Germans-no one had told us about the-new G-I head gear, so someone yelled, 'Who are you, Germans-or Japs or what?' "The reply came quickly and1 clearly, 'Hell, no.' We're Ameri- cans!" "They were Americans all right, and we were never so glad and grateful to see anyone as we were to see those boys. "The thought of inflation-born bananas as $5.00 a piece, and Spam for $100 a can, and the stench of newly buried bodies and newly wounded soldiers was still with us, but we had been liberated, and the way we felt about that liberation blotted out-for a while, anyway- the three years of internment we had known." Navy Designs Planes To Race with Sound WASHINGTON, April 13 - .() )- Navy test airplanes designed to race the 760-mile an hour speed to sound are being developed at a California plant. The Navy said today several air- planes, with instruments for record- ings aerodynamic forces at "previ- ously unattained horizontal-flight speeds" are being built in the Doug- las Aircraft Company's plant at El Segundo, Calif. (continued from page 4) Freshmen, sophomore, and junior women are urged to attend a lecture given by Dr. Lee Vincent, who will speak on Courtship and Marriage at 4:15, Tuesday, April 16, in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Students will not be required to present tickets or iden- tification cards for this lecture. Academic Notices The Chemistry Colloquium will meet Wednesday, April 17, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303, Chemistry Bldg. Mr. John R. Dice will speak on "De- ivatives of 4-methyl-tetra-hydro- -phenanthrene." State of Michigan Civil Service Ex- amination announcements have been received in this office: Industrial Health Chemist II Sal- ary $250-$290 Closing date is May 1. Petroleum Hazard Reduction In- spector I Salary $200-$240 Pianist B Salary $145-$165 Closing date is May 8. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. History 50, mid-semester, April 16, 10:00 a.m., ADAMS to KATZ, Room B, Haven Hall; KAY to ZEEB, Room 1025 Angell Hall. Students, Spring Term, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Courses dropped after Saturday, April 20, by students other than freshmen will be recorded with the grade of "E". Exceptions to these regulations may be made only be- cause of extraordinary circumstances, such as serious illness. Concerts The University. of Michigan Sym- phony Orchestra, William D. Revelli, Conductor, will present a program at 8:30 Thursday evening, April 18, in Hill Auditorium. Jeannette Haien, a graduate student in the School of Music, will appear with ti:e orches- tra in Beethoven's Concerto No. 5 in E-fiat Major, "The Emperor." for piano and orchestra. The public is invited. Exhibitions "Ancient Man in the Great Lakes Region." Rotunda, University Muse- um Building, through April 30. Events Today The International Center: The In- ternational Center in conjunctionj with the Latin American Society andt American Legion will present a pro- ,ram on Pan American Day, tonight at 7:30 in the ballroom of the Union. Highlighting the program will be a group of Pan American songs and dances offered as a preview of the Pan American Ball. Included in the program will be a brief talk by Prof. Edgar G. Johnston, a movie, "Wings' Over Latin America," followed by re- freshments and a Community Sing in the Center. Foreign Students and Friends of the International Center are invited to attend. Jazz Record Concert, today from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., North Lounge of the Union. Coming Events The Research Club will meet Wed- nesday, April 17, at 8:00 in the Am- phitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing. This will be the annual memo- rial meeting. Members of the science Research Club and the Women's Re- search Club are cordially invited to attend. The following papers will be presented: "Edward Pickering," by Professor W. Carl Rufus, and "Mar- tin Luther," by Professor Albert Hyma. Spanish play: La Sociedad His- panica will present two one act plays: Rosina es Fragil and Las Codornices (Continued on Page 8) __ _.. _. I 4 R AAM . tale of (lie cola r r bits at the Spring fashion show in the Wedgewood Room of the XW/ ALDORF AST'ORIIA. YOU'LL BE SO PROUD. to invite your whole family to Easter breakfast - if you use our gay place .mats. Made of plastic, cork, texon, or plywood, these charming mats will enhance any table. We have them with many patterns, including florals and 'children's designs. 4 l Diorris Varnutm cdesigmwilc t in a if tbrjic withi i the look and feel of linen.Tl'lige deep neckline and Betha collar emnphasize the broad shoulders aid fragile waist. The boutonniere belt gives it a touch of color. In illusion blue, magic pink, creamed coffee, foam green, sand beige. Sizes 9 to 15. $1095 HUTZAL'S ANN ARBOR Al ways Reasonably Priced, GAGE LINEN SHOP 11 NICKELS ARCADE 4i Ir , d.. _ .,._.,...._..... ... _..._,._... .. ...,..,...,. . . . . -. . eKotok Confers c With.Dean Dana Edward I. Kotok, assistant chief forester of the United States Forest - as featured on the RexaJI Drug Service in charge of research divi- Radio Show starring Jimmy Durant, sions, is in Ann Arbor to confer with and Garry Moore. CBS - coast-to Dean Samuel T. Dana and members coast -Friday nights, of the faculty of the School of For- For Sale at estry and Conservation. They will discuss plans for ~WIF ' strengthening the programs of vari-! ous forestry schools in the field of DRU STO E fire prevention and control on forest lands and in special preparation of 340 South State Street graduate students for a growing field of research in all phases of forest ad- ministration. Mr. Kotok, formerly director of the SU Gs o n California Forest and Range Expe- rimental Station, is a graduate of the 011 theiclepa (pliUniversity School of Forestry and Conservation. ii k ! , 1 Ct OCCdt it L isfen to tjze iw]isper .. of the Goddess'A fLi *% %y z 1 :e ' TILE GREEKS HAD A WORD FOR IT.., 4- Tb the Muses ... Goddcsscs of the arts . . man has always turned for inspiration. With their aid he has transformed dreams into works of art. To make your own dreams a reality, Coty has created 'Muse',... Here is all the wit, the e charm, the loveliness of the Goddesses--cap- tured in one great perfume for you. Born in the heart of Paris, 'Muse' is the climax of eight years of sensitive composing and subtle, masterful blending of more than thirty ingredients to create a new masterpiece in perfume. Compounded and copyrighted by Coty, Inc. in the U.S.A. C