ptdr! rotii 'n vii i WAN I )A LY ... y;.,; ... .. i1LXA s L 1 Fifty.Sixh 1Year IT OIIAPI'FNS. A First Class Firk in of Gherkins DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 41, Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Margaret Farmer Robert Goldman d~ale Champion Emily E. Knapp Pat Cameron . Editorial Staff Business Staff Managfing ditor City Editor Editorial Arector Associate Editor Associate $'Editor Dorothy Flint . . . . . . -.". Business sanager Joy Altman. .. ......Associate Business 'Mnager Evelyn Mills...... AssociateBusiness Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herei also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michign, as second-class mail matter.- Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25, Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 194546 NIGHT EDITOR: MILT FREUDENHIM ---- ______-- - Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Churchill ... FEARFULLY, a modifier used by the Associated Press in describing Winston Churchill's mili- tary alliance speech yesterday, so aptly applies to the Tory's remarks that even politically con- servative AP couldn't avoid it. A "peril to Christian civilization," Chur- chill pictured the Russians, calling for a mili- tary Anglo-American alliance as a bulwark behind which the English speaking peoples can cower in readiness to hurl their atomic bomb (which, he said, it would be "wrong and imprudent" to entrust to the UNO) against "Communist . . . fifth columns." There's no doubt about it, the hero of Brit- ain's battle for survival isn't sounding too heroic these days. He's scared, and he doesn't mind using every scare-word he can remem- ber from thirty years of history in which fear was the keynote and failure was the end-product. Specifically, Churchill brought out the old demand for 1) Joint use of the world naval and air bases of Britain and the United States, and 2) Sharing of military secrets of the two nations with interchange of military officers and train-, ing. This means dividing the world into two military blocs (Russians and anti-Russians). Mr. Churchill's denunciation of "quavering bal- ances of power" applies in the strongest manner to his own proposals. As a spokesman of the fast-dying British IEmpire, Churchill is obviously turning to the United States as the big-business imperialist's last chance. If only he can lure brother interests in this country into a tight Anglo-American alliance, he may have the political power to oppose Russian infringement on the Mediter- ranean, Far Eastern and Middle Eastern states which have so long been dominated by Europe's businessmen. In the chaos that followed the war, Britain, the United States, and Russia enjoyed compara- tively similar prestige positions in the eyes of the world. All three had successfully saved us from fascist slavery. Incident to this triumph, there was a great deal of hope among the con- qjuered peoples-piped in principally via Allied propaganda facilities; undoubtedly this hope played an important part in our victories. At least it can be said that the conquered peoples considered themselves on the Allied side. This hope was based on fundamental promises and impliedpromises of freedom and security for the World. After victory, Britain (and to some extent the United States) played down their promises, while Russia continued to emphasize them. Today, Russia is the nation to which the peo- ples of the world are turning for their hopes. rt is typical of the more short-sighted British solutions for salvaging their prestige and mar- kets, that Churchill is ready even now to aban- don promises for threats, exchanging fear for hope as the motive he'll offer the world for stick- ing with the old system (capitalism and democ- racy). Perhaps "blind" should replace the term "short-sighted" above. The great leader Churchill would be re- membered today with shame had he emulat- ed Petain's policy of fearful aquiesence in Britain's dark hour. Today, the dark hour is that of the world and fear is not the an- swer. American-British cooperation is laud- able of course, but it should be only a par- ticipating unit of world cooperation. -Milt Freudenheim Well Done .*. UNITED STATES justice has at length settled its claims against the Anaconda Wire and Cable Company, charged early in the war with irregularities in the manufacture of war goods. Anaconda has paid to the government $1,626,000 after a three-year legal contest. The Anaconda case has dragged through the THE business of explaining how it happens that a newspaper has a new column without which said newspaper has gotten along very well to date; well, it's not pleasant. We know you won't hold it against us if we just don't bother, if we just tell you what's it all about. Too long the Daily has suffered from the extro- version of one or two columnists whose range and variety were insufficient, to provide even one semester's reader interest. This column is an attempt to bring together the talents of the entire Daily staff. This is the place for every- thing that doesn't quite seem to belong any other place. We deal in fantasy, anecdote, par- tial comment, and the whole complex variety of subjects foisted upon us by the mild maelstrom MERRY-GO-ROUND: Byvr} neOut? By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-White House reports that President Truman plans to fire his old friend Jimmy Byrnes as Secretary of State and replace him with Gen. George Marshall have sent shivers of apprehension up and down the spinal columns of Latin American diplomats. They recall that it was General Marshall who during the early days of the war wrote the most high-handed directives regarding Latin Amer- ican sovereignty since Frank B. Kellogg sent the Marines to Nicaragua. Ignoring the fact that Brazil and Ecuador both were anxious to cooperate in the war and be- came our Allies, Marshall demanded that certain bases be seized by the United States immedi- ately. The fact that these were sovereign na- tions and had something to say about their own territory apparently made no difference to the general. Only the restraining hand of Sumner Welles, then Under Secretary of State, prevented trouble. Toward the end of the war, also, General Mar- shall was held responsible for drafting a direc- tive, later issued under Roosevelt's name, order- ing the State Department to keep permanent peacetime military bases in Brazil and Ecuador. The directive gave the State Department no alternative in the matter. It was commanded to secure these bases-regardless of the wishes of the Latin American countries whose soil was involved. This brusque attitude regarding peacetime bases is one reason for the serious cooling off of Pan-American goodwill. Various Latin Amer- ican countries were glad to give us bases during the war as an emergency measure, but they do not want American troops permanently on their soil. (Note-The proposed appointment of Gen- eral Marshall as Secretary of State appears to be part of the growing trend toward mili- tarizing the United States Diplomatic Serv- ice. Truman has now appointed Gen. Bedell Smith as Ambassador to Russia, Adm. Alan Kirk as Ambassador to Belgium, Gen. John Hilldring as Assistant Secretary of State, Gen. Frank Hines as Ambassador to Panama, with General Marshall already serving as Ambassador to China.) Atomic Dictators It's hard to believe, but Army brass hats are blocking the return to the USA of Dr. Nils Bohr, Danish Nobel prize winner and the father of modern atomic science. They don't want it known, but the Army has also turned thumbs down on a visit by Jolliot Curie, Madame Curie's son, another atomic scientist, on the grounds that they don't want American scientists talking to foreign scientists. Amazing thing is that the Army takes this view despite the fact that the atomic bomb discovery was made possible only by the contributions of Italian, American, Ger- man, Polish and Czech scientists. Without their collaboration, its discovery would have been impossible. However, the Army is now waging an intensive campaign to pass the fascist May-Johnson bill, which would permit the Army to go into any University and remove any professor, would even set up military courts in peacetime with precedence over civilian courts to put civilians in jail. Hence, the present Army scare propa- Ganda regarding consultation between scientists. What Price Navy Awards ? Here is one reason why Naval Reserves aren't jumping with alacrity to sign up again in Secre- tary Forrestal's Navy. It escaped unnoticed, but one officer charged with negligence in the sinking of the USS In- dianapolis actually was awarded the Legion of, Merit. Furthermore, he got this honor, one of the highest in the Navy, after the sinking of the Indianapolis and at a time when the Navy should have kjnown he had been negligent. The officer in question is Capt. A. N. Granum, who has the dubious distinction of holding the Legion of Merit and also an official reprimand, both cover- ing dut yat the same time and place. Perhaps the secret of his Legion of Merit is that Granum is an Annapolis graduate. Anyway, when the Indianapolis was overdue at Leyte, Captain Granum had its route, speed and estimated time of arrival. A magnetized that is a college campls. If any of you find a two- headed milk bottle on your doorstep this fine morning this is the place to inform the world of your discovery. Editorial Wisdom . "There's nothing like a good, invigorating editorial," said our little four-year-old friend John as he picked up The Other Local Paper. "Shall I read the one entitled 'Stockings Appear Hard to Get for Ann Arbor Working Girls,' or 'No Rest for the Weary When the Walkie-Talkie Arrives?'" "Read the one about the walkie-talkie," we told John. (No four-year-old friend of ours is going to read about stockings or work- ing girls.). John read, "It requires patience and forti- tude in order to stock up on stockings." "By God, they've a point," John offered. Patient Philanthropist Out of the maze of crowded classrooms and record enrollment at The Great American Univer- sity, Spring-Semester-1946-style, comes this tale .. . Virginia G. Baker, Spec., is a student in Music Appreciation. To get into her class she had to agree to stand up or carry her own chair. The latter seemed the less obnoxious, so each day she comes to Music Appreciation with a canvas camp- ing stool, one with yellow and blue stripes for the Alma Mater touch. After completion of the course, Mrs. Baker says she is going to donate the camping stool to the University. It is going to have an engraved bronze plate on it. It will be called, oddly enough, the Virginia G. Baker Chair of Music Appreciation. Sunday Buses .. . Lest it seem that we ignore the burning issues of the time; lest we give you the im- pression that we interest ourselves not in contemporary political phenomena; lest, in short, you discover prematurely what dunder- heads we are, we wish to speak seriously for the length of a sentence. Why don't busses run in Ann Arbor Sunday-it is certainly not because of lack of potential business. Support Gleeber eek' . . This may be the wrong time of the year for it, but we're in favor of Mike Church's recent sug- gestion "that there ought to be a National Book Return Week." Church, on the Extension Service Staff, a very literate bunch themselves), suggested Book Re- turn Week a couple of nights ago after discover- ing that unreturned books threatened the unity of the American Home. He would have returnees drop borrowed books into a mailbox and returned to their rightful owner. The postoffice department would co- operate, shipping all books free. Postmaster Robert Hannigan has been informed of the plan. (A reply from the Federal Official is awaited.) We think that the postoffice could handle the matter in much the same way as it does hotel keys or pocket sized license plates. After the plan has been operative, the post- office department might well make some pro- vision for doing away with those annoying water and whiskey glass rings usually appearing on books that have been returned. That is, the few that are returned. Only question arising in our minds is why stop with National Book Return Week? Why not have a "National Gleeber Week," a "National Caedmion Week," or a "National Zeit- langer Week"-all of these have been neglected and could be worked into first-class Causes. Don't get us wrong-we're all for National Book Return Week-National Gleeber Week, and, oh well. (Eds. Note: Contributions for this column come from all members of The Daily Staff. The Editorial Director is responsible for editing and publication of all items.) board, showing the location of all vessels and corrected every eight hours, showed that the In- dianapolis was long overdue. A written report covering a 24-hour period from midnight to midnight, showing the Indianapolis was overdue, was shown Captain Granum. It was then his duty to organize a search, using all available ships and planes. This was not done. Two months later, in October 1945, the Navy awarded Captain Granum the Legion of Merit with a glowing citation which read: "For exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service . . . for the protection of all shipping . . . the successful accomplishment of these tasks required skillful employment of ships and planes and exact know- ledge of the locations of all shipping . . . by his devition to duty and through professional know- ledge, he achieved outstanding success. His con- duct was at all times in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States naval service." The Navy now states that in view of the official reprimand given Granum, his Legion of Merit will be withdrawn. However, a lot of reserve officers and men who won their decorations the hard way are now wondering whether all An- napolis grads get Legions of Merit so easily. (Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Publication is the Daily Official Bai- letn is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Bal, by 330 p. m.. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 81 Notices The University Automobile Regula- tion will be lifted for the following groups during the periods indicated: Sophomore Medical students-from 12:00 noon on March 9, to 8:00 a.m. on April 8, 1946. Freshman Medical students-from 12:00 noon on March 9, to 8:00 a.m. on March 18, 1946. Student, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: Applications for scholarships should be made before April 1. Ap- plication forms niay be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and should be filed at that office. Women students wishing League House accommodations for summer or fall of 1946 may now file applica- tion in the Office of the Dean of Women. Women students who were not on campus during the fall semester and who wish to apply for dormitory housing for summer or fall should call immediately at the Office of the Dean of Women for further particu- lars. Michigan Union Student Book Ex- change: Will the book collectors for the Michigan Union Student Book Exchange please turn in all the out- standing white cards to the Exchange offices on the third floor of the Un- ion before 5:00 p.m. on Friday. These cards may be left any time from 10:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 5:00 today, Thursday, and Friday. Women students interested in paid employment as baby sitters (taking care of children) are instructed to sign up at the Office of the ean of Women in order to list free hours. Those who signed up for the fall term should do so again for the spring term because of possible change in schedules. Lectures Maurice Hindus, noted author and authority on Russia, will be present- ed tonight at 8:30 in Hill Auditorium by the Oratorical Association Lecture Course. Subject: "How Can We Get Along With Russia." Mr. Hindus is replacing Edmund Stevens, originally scheduled to speak here March 5. Tickets are on sale today from 10-1, 2-8:30 at the Auditorium box office, Professor J. Kampe de Feriet, of the Universite de Lille, France, will speak on the subject, "Turbulence Theory and Experiment," at 4:15 p.m., today, in the East Lecture Room, Rackham Building; auspices of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering. All those interested are invited. University Lecture: Mr. John Coolidge will lecture on "Architecture in the First American Industrial Towns" in the Rackham Amphitheater on Thursday, March 7, at 4:15 p.m. The public is cordially invited. The lecture will be presented under the Auspices of the Depart- ment of Fine Arts. Academic Notices Graduate Students: Preliminary examinations in French and German for the doctorate will be held on Fri- day, March 8, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing. Dictionaries may be used. Graduate Students planning to take the Graduate Record Examina- tion are notified that this examina- tion will be given in two sessions, March 13 and 14, at 6:45 p.m. Students taking the examination who have not paid the $3.00 examina- tion fee should pay at the Cashier's Office and bring the fee stub to the Graduate School Office. Veterans' purchase of the examination has been authorized by the Veterans' Admin- istration and veterans can receive approval for the remission of the fee at the Graduate School. The. examination is required of all new students and of former students so notified. Anthropology 32 will meet in Room 348, West Engineering instead of An- gell Hall. Leslie A. White Students in Chemical and Metal- lurgical Engineering 207, Metals at High Temperatures, will meet Prof. By Crockett Johnson' J. W. Freeman at 3:00 p.m. on Thurs- day, March 7. in the Seminar Room. No. 3201 East Engineering Building. e . English 298: My section will meet tonight at 7:30 in Room 3227 Angell Hall. R. W. Cowden Freshmen Health Lectures For Men: It is a University requirement that all entering freshmen are required tc take, without credit, a series of lec- tures in personal and communit health and to pass an examinatior on the content of these lectures Transfer students with freshman standing are also required to take th course unless they have had a similai course elsewhere. Upper classmen who were here a freshmen and who did not fulfill the requirements are requested to do sc this term. These lectures are not required o veterans. The lectures will be given in Roon: 25, Angell Hall at 5:00 p.m. and re- peated at 7:30 p.m. as per the follow- ing schedule. Thursday, March 7 Monday, March 11 Tuesday, March 12 Wednesday, March 13 Thursday, March 14 Please note that attendance is re- quired and roll will be taken. Required Hygiene Lectures For Wom- en-1946: All first and second semester fresh- man women are required to take a series of hygiene lectures, which are to be given the second semester. Up- per class students who were in the University as freshmen and who di not fulfill the requirements are re- quested to do so this term. Enroll foi these lectures by turning in a cla: card at the Health Service, if this wa not done at the time of regular classi- fication at Waterman Gymnasium. Please note that, due to conflict with other courses, a third section (III, meeting Wednesdays) has beer added. Students now enrolled in Sec- tions I or II may change to Sectior III by reporting to Mrs. Bagley at the Health Service. Satisfactory completion of thif course (or of P.H.P. 100; elective: 3 hrs. credit) is a graduation require- ment. Lecture Schedule I-First Lecture, Mon., March 11, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Subsequent Lectures, Successive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Examination (Final) Mon., April 22, 4:15-5:15, (To be announced) II-First Lecture, Tues., March 12, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Subsequent Lectures, Successive Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, N.S-. Aud. Examination (Final), Tues,, April 23, 4:15-5:15, (To be announced) III-First Lecture, Wed., March 13, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Subsequent Lectures, Successive Wednesdays, 4:15-5:15, N.S. Aud. Examination (Final), Wed., April 24, 4:15-5:15, (To be announced) History 1, Section 5a, TuTh, 3:00 p.m., will meet in Room 216, Haven Hall, instead of in Room E, Haven Hall. History 11, Lecture Group IV, TuTh, 11:00, will meet in Room 348, Engineering Building, instead of in Room C, Haven Hall. History 12. New sections. Note room changes. Section 3a, TuTh, 11:00, 1018 A H. changed from 231 A H. Section 4a, MF, 1:00, 229 A H. Section 10a, TuTh, 1:00, 229 A H Section lla, MF, 1:00 Rm. E, H H. Section 12a, TuTh, 10:00, 2003 N S. Section 17, MF, 1:00, 2003 N S. History 12, Section 13, MF, 9:00 changed from Room 101, Econ. Bldg., to Room 4082 N S. History 50, Lecture, TuTh, 10:00 will meet in Room 1025 A H. instead of in Room B, Haven Hall. History 50, Section 8, Th, 2:00, Room 229 A H. Political Science 108 will meet in Room 205, Mason Hall, hereafter. . . Harold M. Dorr Political Science 272, Administra- Management, will meet Friday after- noon in 215 Haven Hall from 3-5. John A. Perkins Psychology 31, Lecture Group C, M F, 1 will meet in Room 231 A H. Psychology 42, will meet in the West Lecture Room, West Physics Exhibitions. "Ancient Man in the Great Lakes Region." Rotunaa, University Muse- im Building. March 5 through April 30. Events Today Tea at the International Center: 'he weekly informal teas at the In- ernational Center on Thursdays, rom. 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. are open to Ill foreign students and their Ameri- ,an friends. Publicity chairmen for the religious Troups who desire publicity notices in She Michigan Daily this week-end 'hould bring complete information to Lane Hall by 4:00 p.m. today and :eave it in the box at the main desk narked "Daily." ..The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation inter Faith Committee will meet at 1:15 p.m. today at the Foundation. 411 those who are interested in Inter- - aith activities are welcome. Tau Beta Pi. There will be a dinner meeting this evening. Members will neet in the South Lounge of the Un- on at 6:00. Old members who have 'eturned to Campus are invited to at- end. The English Journal Club will meet tonight at 8:00 in the West Confer- mce Room of the Rackham Build- ng. Mr. Robert Hayden will discuss .he poetry of Garcia Lorca. Refresh- nents will be followed by a general iscussion. Le Cercle Francais will meet today it 8:00 p.m. at the Michigan League. ?rofessor Charles E. Koella of the komance Language Department will ;peak on "Les semences de la troi- deme guerre mondiale." This will be followed by a general discussion. Troup Singing and social hour. New .nembers will be taken in. All those nterested in improving their oral French and wishing to make new friends are urged to attend. Present condition in Poland, a pub- lic meeting sponsored by the Ameri- ,an friends of Poland: Motion pic- tures and addresses by four recent visitors to Poland, Honorable Stan- ey Novak, member of the Michigan 3tate Senate, Honorable Vincent Kline, member of the Michigan State House of Representatives, Henry Po- iolski, Editor of the Voice of the Peo- le, Detroit, and Anthony Kar, of :he Hamtramck School System; Pro- fessor Arthur E. Wood, chairman. the public is cordially invited tonight it 8:00, Rackham Amphitheater. Coming Events "Mutiny on the Bounty," revival with Clark Gable, Charles Laughton, Pranchot Tone. Prize-winning pro- duction. Thurs., Fri., Sat., 8:30 p.m. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Reser- vations phone 6300. Box office opens 2:00 p.m. daily. The Geological Journal Club will meet in Rm. 4065, Nat. Sci. Bldg. on Friday, March 8, at 12:15 p.m. Program: G. V. Cohee, Preparation of maps in the U. S. Geological Sur- vey. All interested are cordially invited to attend. The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation library committee will meet Friday afternoon, March 8, at 4:00. All mem- bers and others interested are invited to attend. The Acolytes of the Philosophy De- partment will meet in the West Con- ference Room of the Rackham Build- ing at 7:30 p.m. March 8. Professors Werner Landecker and Amos Haw- ley will discuss "The Relation of Cul- ture to Philosophy." All those inter- ester are cordially invited to attend. The Women's Glee Club will hold tryouts on Friday, March 8, at 4:00 p.m. in the Women's League. Girls must be eligible to participate in ex- tra-curricular activities. The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to visitors on Friday evening, March 8, from 7:30 to 9:30, if the sky is clear to observe the Moon and Saturn. Children must be accompan- ied by adults. Wesleyan Guild invites all Meth- odist students and their friends to a March Wind party in the: Guild Lounge Friday night from 8:30 to 12:00. All new students are especially urged to come and get acquainted in an evening of games, dancing, and re- freshments. French Play: All students who have been chosen for parts in "Les Femmes Savantes" please contact Prof. Charles E. Koella at once, Room A Bldg. Psychology 63, West Engineering Psychology 94, A H. Psychology 128, 25 A H. Psychology 174, 3056 N.S. will meet in 348 Bldg. will meet in 1025 will meet in Room will meet in Room BARNABY Scandinavian 52 will meet in 2042 Natural Science Building, hereafter. Concerts The Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Karl Krueger, Conductor, will give the tenth program in the Choral Un- Hire a dozen writers. From New York, of course. 'Set up a budget. Call in a director. And get a What a title! The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. It's sensational! Familiar. S Sensational.J I' I I