T-IE:- M42HXG.AN- DALLY FRPAY I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: We Could Still Use Him, By SAMUEL GRAFTON AS TO WHAT HE WOULD HAVE DONE had he lived during this year it is, of course, im- possible to say; and he was very tired toward the end. It is easier to speculate as to what might not have been done, what might not have happened, had he not died. Offhand, one thinks at once that Mr. Churchill would not have come to America to make so large a speech; no, not with him in the White House. And so the first point is that a kind of imbalance has followed the death, that all sorts and conditions of men have been able to play new roles because he is gone. It is because he is dead that Mr. Bevin has become the strategic leader of the West in the councils of the world, and. the unignited Mr. Vandenberg has become one of our chief founts of authority on foreign affairs, and the devoted Mr. Byrnes has had to try to change roles (and it must be hard) from that of tire- less servant to that of maker of policy. TO PUT IT ANOTHER WAY, it is because he is gone that the West, squealing legalisms, is now forlornly on the defensive, whereas if he had lived, blessed bad lawyer that he was, we might now be trying for a new level of interna- tionalunerstanding, rather than parsing sen- tences in a charter. For he, more than any other, was the coali- tion, he, who could deal with Mr. Churchill as a country squire, and with Mr. Stalin as a com- moner. Somehow, in him, the two currents had met, but not in a whirlpool; and the fact that these two contrary streams could produce a man so much at peace with himself and at ease - with his world, made hope feasible for others. TO GO TO HYDE PARK now, and to see the toys and gadgets with which he played, and a room in which he worked, is to become very conscious of him as the aristocrat, as a man whose lifetime was spent in fair suroundings, amid fine surfaces of wood and porcelain. Yet somehow the visitors, the people tramping through the buildings, gaping, trying to touch and trying not to touch, seem less out of place than they would be in almost any other fines house; the awkward varied crowd seems to be- long, as part of history's joke on historical de- terminism, which was Roosevelt. Many men can feel at home in the workroom of one who never altered his accent to please the poor, nor NIGHT EDITOR: CHARLOTTE BOBRECKER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Russians EFol1ow Western Exam pie THIS is going to be another article about the big, bad Russians. The misbehaving Mr. Sta- lin has designs on oil in Iran and port areas in Korea. The big bear has already absorbed several small states along the Baltic. Industrial machin- ery confiscated in Manchuria; war reparations draining the life-blood from the Balkans. In a recent statement to The Daily, Prof. Baker Brown, who spent 37 months in the Santo Tomas internment camp in Manila, said that the Japanese had some basis for their aggression "because in general they had never gotten a square deal from the western powers." Cannot the same be said about Russia? OUR RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA since the establishment of the Soviet government have been marked by consistent lack of understanding and opposition to Russian economic and poli- tical security. In 1918, 15,000 British and Ameri-. can troops controlled a fan-shaped section in northern Russia around Murmansk. American troops "guarded" the Trans-Siberian Railway, while the British actively aided Siberian force of the "All-Russian Government" which opposed the Soviet. Meanwhile, the French had occupied Odessa with a powerful fleet. All this cannot possibly have instilled into the hearts and minds of the Soviet leaders any love for the western powers. T IS PROBABLY hard for Russia to forget that the United States. helped Poland in her war against Russia in 1920 by making a 50 mil- lion dollar food loan. Nor will it be easy for Sta- lin to forget that after Great Britain's lead in 1924 all the great powers except the United States recognized the Soviet government. This is only a brief outline of the "square deal" the western powers gave Russia. And the United States stands out among the squarest dealers. Prof. Raker said: "It was just a case of Ja- pan trying to do something the western powers had done a generation before." He was un- doubtedly thinking of British imperialism in China and South Africa, of American dollar di- plomacy in the period of our great humani- tarian interests in Cuba and the Philippines, of Dutch contributions to the standards of liv- ing of natives in Java. The western powers set perfect precedents for a "greater East-Asia co- prosperity sphere." AND ARE THESE same precedents not appli- cable to Russian interests in a secure poli- tical and economic co-prosperity sphere in East Europe, the Middle East and North China? But, of course, this is another story. We have presented these insights into Russian attitudes for only one reason-to help show why Stalin may be acting as he is. The material pre- sented is not meant as an argument to justify possible Russian aggression. We can condone no aggression, be it Russian, British or American. shaped his words to win the rich. And so he could work with both sides, and implacably make them work together; and he could laugh, meanwhile, too, the laugh of the well-integrated man, observing the hysteria of all partial and special characters. He could lead them all, and, in spite of their screaming, make them follow, because he led them only on ad- ventures among realities. He could make both sides stick more or less together, in a difficult passage, not because he tried to please both, but because he never presented a check to be cashed that wasn't drawn on the bank of ne- cessity, and against a good account. He was su- perficial, often, on the surface of events, often, but above the surface, in the thin air, almost never. One remembers him as a kind of smiling bus driver, with that cigarette holder pointed up- ward, listening to the uproar from behind as he took the sharp turns. They used to tell him he had not loaded his vehicle right for all eternity. But he knew he had stacked it well enough to round the next corner, and he knew when the yells were false, and when they were real, and he loved the passengers. He is dead now, and the bus is stalled, far from the gates of heaven, while the riders hold each other in deadlock over how to make the next curve. (Copyright, 1946, N. Y. Post Syndicate) Unionist Visit To Dreamland IT IS BEGINNING to appear that some of our left-wing union leaders are more satisfied with labor conditions in the Soviet Union than the Russian workers are. This faintly amusing paradox came to light in a report written by James B. Carey, secretary-treasurer of the CIO and chairman of a group of eleven CIO trade union leaders who recently made a tour of Rus- sian factories. The left-wing crusaders, in their eagerness to demonstrate affection for all things smack- ing of Communism, addressed groups of Russian workers praising their system of production and economy. The response was decidedly cool. Emil Rieve, president of the Textile Workers Union, on the other hand, explained to the workers the system of production used in the United States, emphasizing the voting rights, close employer- employee relations, and the availability of con- sumer goods. A chilly response was expected; in- stead Rieve received a long and enthusiastic ova- tion. In a country where government policies presumedly are shaped to fit the needs of the workers, indications of some dissatisfaction with existing conditions on the part of the workers are significant. The CIO report in- cluded two important observations: (1) Union members in Russia have fewer rights than un- ion members in the United States, (2) Russian workers are very much interested in the U.S. living standard. Discipline is strict in Russian factories and heavy fines are exacted from the workers for violations of contracts. Permanent courts are set up to handle cases against both workers and management, and these courts have the power to levy fines. Grievances are referred to a special committee and are discussed in the presence of the worker-and appeal machinery is provided. RUSSIAN WORKERS are paid on a piecework basis. At the present time an eight hour day and six day week are standard although a shorter work week prevailed before the outbreak of war. Workers receive time-and-a-half for the first hour overtime and double-time for each addi- tional hour of overtime work. Although the mini- mum wage (at the current rate of exchange) is $54 a month, the ordinary worker generally gets about $100 a month and the skilled worker about $300 a month. Extremely highly-skilled workers and plant managers may get as much as $600 a month. These wages do not mean the same thing as they would mean in the United States. It is true that Russian workers receive certain medical benefits free of charge. Despite all that had been said about Communism existing for the com- mon man, however, there is ample evidence that in Russia it does not quite work out that way. The Russian government operates a sort of legal black market in which military men and party officials are allowed a 50% discount, skilled workers get a 15% discount, but the unskilled workers receive no discount at all. Probably the main reason for the apparently growing dissatisfaction of Russian workers is the fact that they have little choice of goods to buy. The decision as to whether Russian fac- tories will produce guns or butter is in the hands of a special government planning board-and for many years the result has been more guns. During the war the Russian people were thrown into contact with people of Western countries and, in this way, slowly came to realize certain inadequacies of their present economic policies. The question now is: Will the Russian people be satisfied to labor through several more Five Year Plans, apparently necessary for re- construction, or will they demand unrestricted production consumer goods in an attempt to end the self-imposed privation which dates back to the Revolution? -John Campbell £?lttJ to i 6ilor Out On His Ear To the Editor: This is not the first letter that has been writ- ten in protest to the existing University automo- bile regulations. Nor will it be the last. Indeed, this letter is written with the hope that it may stir up sufficient interest on the part of red- blooded students in this institution (and surely ther must be SOME!) to the point of expressing their convictions on this subject through The Daily, the VO, or through whatever medium they may choose. To illustrate the question at hand, let us ex- amine the case of one individual whose position on this campus was typical of a good many others. This student was 25 years of age, a Canadian veteran with five years of service be- hind him, four of these overseas, who had re- turned to the university with the intention of completing his education. The government had seen fit to assist him in this endeavor. In other words, he was considered a responsible adult by federal authorities. Having attended this university in 1939 he of course knew about the autohobile regula- tions, but he figured that the powers-that-be might conceivably have modified the regula- tions in the light of the changed situation brought about by the war. (Six years will do wonders with one's imagination!!) This student managed to obtain a permit to drive to and from a job he secured in Plymouth. Any other use of his chariot, he was warned, would constitute an infraction of the University automobile regulations, and, as such, would be viewed most seriously. After considerable deliberation this student de- cided that to comply with such absurd regimen- tation would be incompatible with the mainte- nance of his self-respect. He proceeded to drive his car if, as and when he considered it necessary. Two days ago this ex-serviceman became an ex-student. For this new, exalted station in life he owes undying gratitude to the liberal-minded Board of What-Nots that rule this institution. Had the individual in question decided to finish school before joining up, he would have graduated in 1943. So he leaves in 1940, so he returns five years later, and so he is still treat- ed as an adolescent youth. What about this? Space does not permit inclusion of further arguments, but there are plenty to substantiate the claim that the age limit laid down in the automobile regulations should be reduced from 26 to either 23 or 24 years. It is submitted that such a modification would not defeat the purpose for which the regulations were originally designed, i.e., to prevent large numbers of young undergraduate students from getting themselves into different sorts of trouble through the driving of automobiles. (The vet- eran whose example has been used in this letter, although naturally slightly adverse to this same regulation when he was here before, did not fight it at that time because there was obviously some common sense behind it.) From what has been crowded into the fore- going paragraphs it is perhaps possible to deduce that something is pretty wrong somewhere. When something is wrong, it should be put right. -John K. Macbeth. M11YDA Protests To the Editor: This letter, representing the unanimous opin- ion of the executive committee of MYDA, is in protest to what we feel is an unwarranted raise of tuition. It is our considered opinion that the reasons presented for the raise in tuition are insufficient. We point out that this is the second tuition raise to be foisted on the students in eight months, for the second time we are being told that the raise in tuition is necessary to meet rising costs of running the university, and of this we remain unconvinced. But even ignoring the question of rising costs, we can see only this-any raise in tuition means that a certain number of students must end their fight for an education. This fact cannot be refuted. We believe that if this tuition raise is designed to limit the enrollment in the University, that is as unfair as any other price raise, and can only be looked upon as a legal black market in edu- cation.- The national organization to which we are af- filiated, American Youth For Democracy has taken a. stand opposing tuition raises for the specific reason which we give. We now reaffirm that stand. We believe that the solution "to the educationi problem as a whole is not isolated tuition raises, such as those at NYU which brought the tuition there to 13:50 per credit hour, or those now tak- ing place here, but an immediate drive for fed- eral and state aid to education so that there will be no need to force anyone to terminate his edu- cation. Why haven't the Regents who voted this tui- tion raise called for such a campaign instead? -Mert Chernotsky, President, MYDA Gem &'oeniaI A SPOKESMAN for the National Grange last week dropped a major issue squarely in the lap of the Amer- ican people. He stated before the House Military Affairs Committee during hearings dn the extension of the Selective Service Act that "this nation must now decide whether it intends to feed the world or police the world." The indications are that we do not intend to feed the world ..a. for the first two months of this year we sent to UNRRA less than 10% of the grain which we had promised to that agen- cy. Secretary of Agriculture Anderson has drafted an order which would re- quire all bakers to reduce the amount of wheat flour that they are using; but he still has not decided whether he should issue it. There is a great shortage of men on America's farms, but we are considering putting more farmers in the army. However, the hesitation that we are showing about sending our food abroad is more than over-balanced by the eagerness with which we are sending our armies trotting around the equator ... at the present time American armies are in the Carib- bean, China, Korea, the Philip- pines, Italy. This decision by the American government would seem to say to the peoples of the world: "No other country may kill you, but you must starve." SLIGHTLY CLOSER examination will reveal that it doesn't mean even that. In spite of President Tru- man's assertion last Saturday that the United States intended to pre- serve the peace and protect the weak from "coercion and penetration," there is a terrifying amount of pene- tration and coercion in the world. For instance, Ecuador has asked us a dozen times to withdraw our armies from the Galapagos, but our armies haven't even packed their toilet kits. What about this, Mr. President? I don't believe that Mr. Truman is exactly certain what he did intend to say. For instance, in another part of the speech he stated: "We cannot one day proclaim our intention to pre- vent unjust aggression and oppres- sion in the world and the next day call for immediate scrapping of our military might." This statement falls apart when you touch it . . . we have accused Argentina of unjust oppres- sion, ard our armies have never been sent to Argentina. The entire world recognizes that the Franco govern- ment in Spain is based on unjust oppression, but the United States re- fuses to break diplomatic relations with Spain. Is it to be expected that we 'will send our armies against a country with which we insist on maintaining diplomatic relations? The American government an- nounces its intentions to stamp out aggression, but it is unable to point its finger at the aggressor. It wages holy war against the Chinese Com- munists while half of the New York Times foreign staff screams: "They're not aggressors . . . the Chinese Communists are good peo- ple. The impression that is created by such action is that the Americans don't actually mind ag- gression ... they only mind aggres- sion by the people when it is in- tended to set up a more democra- tic government. Then we get wor- ried. THIS PRESENT PROPOSAL to ex- tend the draft must be viewed in a much different context from that which existed during the war. A year ago the entire American people re- cognized that Germany and Japan were aggressors, and that, so long as the German and Japanese armies re- mained intact, there could be no hope for peace. Today there is no such gen- eral agreement on the identity of the possible aggressors, and when we ask: the American government for in- formation, Byrnes strikes a mute pose. We should be wary of such men as Senator Vandenberg, who found it advantageous a short five years ago to adopt a head-in-the-sand isolationism. Today, they have found a new stance ... instead of crouching with their tails in the air, they now stand erect and haughty with their chins pointed toward the North Star. They have a new battle-cry, "National Security", in the name of which they can justify any deceits. They have decided that we as a nation cannot be respected in the community unless we wear a gun on each hip and walk with a swagger. We as a nation must decide for our- selves whether we agree with Presi- dent Truman and Senator Vanden- berg. The bill to extend the draft act will be one of our decisions. Ray Ginger DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mnem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.rn. Sat- urdays). FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 112 Notices Notice to Faculty Members regard- ing Termination of Veterans' Book and Supply Order for the Spring Term, 1946: Faculty members must specify all books and supplies required in their courses not later than May 10 in or- der that the University may meet the deadline for filing invoices with the Veterans Administration by the end of the term. Senior and Graduate Students, who have received invitations to the Honors Convocation on April 26, are requested to order caps and gowns at the Moe Sport Shop immediately. They must be ordered no later than April 16 to be delivered in time for the Convocation. Graduate Students expecting de- grees at the June Commencement must have their diploma applications in the Graduate School office no later than April 15. Doctoral . Students expecting de- grees this term are requested to file the titles of their dissertations with the Recorder. L.S.&A. Freshman Five-week Pro- gress Reports will be given out in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108" Mason Hall, in the following order:. Wednesday 1:30-4:00 S through Z. Thursday, 9:00-12:00, 1:30-4:00 L through R.. Friday, 9:00-12:00, 1:30-4:00 F through K. Saturday, 9:00-12:00 A through E. Mentor Reports, College of Engi- neering. Five-week grades for all Engineering Freshmen are due in Dean Crawford's Office tomorrow, April 13. Report blanks will be fur- nished by campus mail. Physical Education-Women Stu-1 dents: Registration for the outdoor sea- son will take place in Barbour Gym- nasium as follows: Friday, April 12-8:00-12:15 and 1:30-4:15 Saturday, April 13-8:00-12:30 Business Administration: Students who plan to transfer to the School of Business Administration for the Summer Session or Fall Semester should file their applications imme- diately in Room 108 Tappan Hall. Elizabeth Sargent ,Lee Medical His- tory Prize Established in 1939 by bequest of Professor Alfred O. Lee, a member of the faculty of the University from 1908 until his death in 1938. The in- come from the bequest is to be awarded annually to a junior or sen- ior premedical student in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for writing the best essay on some topic concerning the history of medi- cine. Freshmen in the Medical School who are on the Combined Curriculum in Letters and Medicine are eligible to compete in the contest. The following committee has been appointed to judge the contest: As- sistant Professor John Arthos, Chair- man, Professor Adam A. Christman, and Assistant Professor Frederick H. Test. The Committee has announced the following topics for the contest: 1. History of a Medical Unit 2. Medical-Aid Man 3. Medicine in Industry 4. Tropical Medicine Prospective contestants may con- sult committee members, by appoint- ment. (1) A first prize of $50 and a second prize of $25 are being offered, (2) manuscripts should be 3,000 to 5,000 words in length, (3) the manuscripts should be typed, double spaced, on one, side of the paper only, (4) con- testants must submit two copies of their manuscripts, and (5) all manu- scripts should be handed in at Room 1220 Angell Hall by May 31. San Diego County Civil Service announcement has been received in this office for a "Librarian in Charge of Schools." Salary range is from $244 to $296 per month. Ap- plicants must have had education equivalent to that represented by graduation from a college or univer- sity and must possess certificate showing successful completion of one year of graduate work. Appli- cants must have had at least three years' professional library experi- ence. Closing date is April 18. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma- son Hall. Miss Katherine M. Snyder, repre- sentative of the Katharlne Gibbs School for secretarial training and Director of the Chicago school, will be at the Michigan League Building today after 4:00 p.m., and all day to- morrow to hold individual confer- ences with young women who are in- terested in going to Katharine Gibbs School for preparation. Appoint- ment may be made through the Of- fice of the Dean of Women. All women students attending the Slide Rule Ball tonight will have late permission until 1:30. WILLOW VILLAGE PROGRAM, for veterans and their wives: Friday, April 12. Leadership: How .to be a Club Leader. Dr. Fred G. Stevenson, Extension Service staff. 2:00 pm. and 8:00 p.m., Conference Room, West Lodge. Friday, April 12. Dancing Class for beginners (couples). 7:00-8:00 p.m Advanced (couples), 8:00-9:00 p.m., Auditorium, West Lodge. Saturday, April 13. Open House (dancing). 8:00-12:00 p.m., Auditor- ium, West Lodge. Sunday, April 14, Classical Music Mr. Weldon Wilson will present a well-balanced record concert, includ- ing requests. 3:00-5:00 p.m., Office, West Lodge. Sunday, April 14. Vespers. Rev. C. H. Loucks of the Protestant Directors Association will conduct a non-de- nominational service. 4:00-5:00 p.m., Conference Room, West Lodge. Sunday, April 14. Football Movie: University of Michigan. vs. Great Lakes; commentary by Robert . Morgan, AssistantGeneral Secretary of the Alumni Association. 7:30-8:30 p.m., Auditorium, West Lodge. Lectures The Henry Russel Lecture. Dr. Elizabeth C. Crosby, Professor of Anatomy, will deliver the Henry Rus- sel Lecture for 1945-46, "The Neuro- anatomical Patterns Involved in Cer- tain Eye Movements," at 4:15 P.m., Thursday, May 9, in the Rackham Amphitheater. Announcement of the Henry Russel Award for this year will also be made at this time. Academic Notices Geology 40. Will not meet this morning (April 12) due to use of room by Michigan Academy. History 50, mid-semester, April 16, 10:00 a.m., ADAMS to KATZ, Room B, Haven Hall; KAY to ZEEB, Room 1025 Angell Hall. Exhibitions "Ancient Man in the Great Lakes Region." Rotunda, University Muse- um Building, through April 30. Events Today The Regular Friday Night Program of the English Language Institute will be held in the Assembly Hall, third floor of Rackham Building at 8:00 this evening. Coffee Hour at Lane Hall today from 4:30-6:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Newcomb will be guests of honor. Everyone is invited. The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to visitors tonight from 7:30 to 9:30, to observe the Moon and Sa- turn, if the sky is clear. Children must be accompanied by adults. If the sky is cloudy or nearly cloudy, the Observatory will not be open. Westminster Guild Bible Class at 7:30 p.m., in Russel Parlor. Dr. Lem- on's topic will be "The Life and Teachings of Jesus." Wesleyan Guild will hold a Treas- ure Hunt tonight from 8:30 to 12:00. Groups will leave the church about (Continued on Page 6) Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Cc Margaret Farmer . . Hale Champion . . . Robert Goldman Emily E. Knapp Pat Cameron Clark Baker . Des Howarth . . . . Anna chutz . . . Dlona Guimaraes 4: BARNABY ontrol of Student Publications. Editorial Staff By Crockett Johnson """""""""""" I . . . . . .F . . . Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . . . . . . City Editor .. . . .Associate Editor . . . . . Associate Editor .. .. . . . . ..Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor . Women's Editor Associate Women's Editor You mean it, Mr. Shultz? Somebody broke into your house. . While you were Yes...Nothingwas taken. But-you should see the. condition of the kitchen. Did you tell himthat OUR kitchen was broken into only last week? We should have left a note for Mrs. Shultz. Complimenting her on the excellence of her chocolate cake: Still, she failed to attend i II| I i