PAGE SI THE MICHIGAN DAILY Veterans Housimg Bill Is Approved by Senate REPORT FROM ITALY: Polish Veterans Reluctant To Go Home Subsidies Included; No Ceiling on Prices By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, April 10-A vete- rans housing bill designed to speed the construction of 2,700,000 new dwellings by the end of nex, year passed the Senate today and went back to the house for consideration of numerous amendments. The Senate provided for $600,000,- 000 in subsidies on scarce building materials-an item denied by the House-but neither body gave its approval for the establishment of price ceilings on existing homes and building lands. Housing expediter Wilson Wyatt had laid great stress on the necessity for both these provi- sions. Vote 63 to 14 Final approval came on a roll call vote of 3 to 14. Twelve Republicans and two Democrats voted against it. While the veterans housing mea- State Science Academy Will Convene Here Two-Day Conferencee To Feature UN Talks Marking its 50th annivarsary, the Michigan Academy of Arts and Sci- ences, composed of both amateur and professional scientists, will meet here tomorow and Saturday. Papers and lectures by scientists in 17 different fields, from anthro- pology through fine arts and land- scaping to zoology, will make up the programs of the individual sections meeting tomorrow morning and af- ternoon and Saturday morning. Swiss To Speak Dr. Willian E. Rappard, director of the University of Geneva, Swil - zerland, will deliver the general lec- ture of the Academy at 4:15 p.m. to- morrow in Rackham Lecture hall. His subject will be "The Mandate Sys- tem and the United Nations Organi- zation." The lecture is sponsored jointly by the Michigan Academy and the University's department of poli- tical science. President Alexander G. Ruthven will speak on "The Progress of 50 Years with a Glance at the Future" at the anniversary dinner at 6 P m. tomorrow in the League. Presidential Address "Concerning Tools" will be the sub- ject of the presidential address, o be delivered at the dinner by Alfred L. Nelson, president of the Academy and professor of mathematics at Wayne University. Officers for the coming year will be elected at a business meeting Sat- urday afternoon. Tl' Michigan Academy of Arts and Sciences is affiliated with the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. MYDA To Send Aid To Spanish in Exile MYDA will send aid for Spanish republicans in exile to the Committee for Spanish Freedom and to a fund sponsored by the Hindustanic League for the relief of famine in India, pres- ident Mat Chernotsky announced yesterday. 3 00 0 ':' \ "NIX .4 sure headd oad a conference with the House for adust ment of differ- ences, the Sena e made a long-range housing measure its unfinished busi- ness and will get, down to work on that tomorrow. Although the Administration lost, 33 to 41, in its at tempt to apply price ceilings on existing houses, it tri- umphed 50 to 25 in beating down an amendment by Senator Buck (Rep., Del.) which would have reduced the subsidy fund to $400,000,000. By an even heavier ma oiity- 54 to 19-it crushed an effort by Sena- [or Wherry (Rep., Neb.) to give vet- erans direct subsidies of 5 per cert on the purchase of old or new homes, with no veteran to get more than $500. Defeat oft he w rovisioi 1for r1i ceilings on existin ghouses ceel as a surprise, siim only a small amount of opposition to it had been heard ince the bill leared the ankig committee. TIhe housing expeitr will have power to set ceilings on new houses under the Senate bill, but the Administration apparently will have to give up its desire for authority to make the first resale prie of exist- ing houses and building lots the ceil- ing price during the emergency. Wilson W. Wyatt has been serv- ing in this role undceiapresidential order and is expected to be reappoint- ed to the $12,000 job set up by the legislation. The expediter would have ithor- ity to allocate scarce materials, fix ceilings on rents and any new homes constructed, and direct oher gov- ernment agencies to aid the vast home building effort. All emergency provisions would ex- pire at the end of 1947. At CLA1Meting With Northawestern The need for a Federal World Government will be presented by Prof. Preston Slosson of the history department at a meeting sponsored by the Committee for Liberal Action at 8 p.m. Monday in the Union. In conjunction with an appeal made by Anchor and Eagle, a veter- ans' organization at Northwestern University, the ClA will announce plans for a rally advocating Federal World Government shortly. The Northwestern University growp is sending out two teams of four stu- dents each to speak on a World Gov- ernment at campuses throughout the coun'try. Prof. Slosson recently attended a conference on international control of the atomic bomb at Rollins Col- lege. A system of international in- spection and control and a strong in- ternational government were advo- cated as the only defense against the bomb by representatives of labor and radio, Congressmen and Sena- tors. This informative meeting, open to the public, will prelude a World Gov- ernment rally later this term. A short business meeting of the CLA will pre- cede the program. ANCONA. April 10-t/P)-Veterans, of the Polish Second Army are mul- ling over the Polish government's offer of repariation recently an- nounced by British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin, but they are not hurry- ing to hit the trail for home. Most of them, judging by six hours of interviews with members of three battalions stationed near Ancona, are eying the offer suspiciously. Settle Elsewhere They suggest that if Gen. Wladis- law Ander's army is to be demobil- ized, its members should be settled elsewhere than in Poland, at least for the time being. Some of them who have met Cana- dian troops and learned to like them, say: "Why not Canada?" Others gladly would go to Chicago where, they have heard, there are a million of their countrymen. Nearly all say "anywhere but Po- land." They would like to go home, but "not," as many of 50 men inter- viewed repeated over and over, "while the Russians are there." Many of them had been in Russian jails. Some said they did not know why they were sentenced. Others said they were sentenced because they were members of the regular Polish army. Some served two years of sentences ranging up to 15 years, frequently commuted from original death sentences. Tough campaigners of Monte Cas- sino, captors of Bologna, these mem- bers of the 7th, 8th and 9th battal- ions of the 3rd brigade of the Car- pathian Division said they had been discussing little else than the chance to go home. But of those interviewed, only six professed willingness to go. All were driven by the desire to see families they had not heard from for two or three years, and all expressed "a hope for the best." Decision Uncertain The number that may decide vol- untarily to go home is not expected to be large, but could change in either direction depending upon de- velopments at the United Nations meeting in progress in New York. No deadline has been set by British au- thorities for the men to decide. Many especially those who were forced to fight in the German Army, wonder how the treason clause in the Warsaw government statement of repatriation will be interpreted. Oth- ers have no confidence in the state- ment because "nobody signed it." Some described Poland's support of Russia in Iran's case as "the best proof that Poland is not free." Another expressed fear that "Po- land would be forced to become a Soviet republic like Lithuania." A stocky sergeant major, three times wounded and a veteran of Monte Cassino, said simply: "Yes you can use my name. It is Rudolf Dem- bicki. I am from Tarnopol in south- east Poland. I will not go back." New Plastic Resists Strong Heat, Acids ATLANTIC CITY, N.J., April 10- (W--A new industrial plastic, describ- ed as resisitant to corrosion by strong acids and capable of withstanding temperatures up to 575 degrees, was announced to the American Chemical Society today. Chemists were also told of the ex- perimental development of a new synthetic rubber which "bounces higher than present synthetic rubber (and) can be stretched more." GEN. MARSHALL AT PEARL HARBOR HEARING-Gen. George C. Marshall (left) Army Chief of Staff, talks with Sen. Alben W. Barkley (Dem., Ky.) of the Senate-house Pearl harbor investigating committee, as he appeared as a witness at reopening of hearing on the 1941 disas- ter. Marshall insisted that he knew nothing of any attempt to reach him on the night of Dec. 6, 1941. Lewis Scuttles Coal Negotiations; Leaves With Blast at Operators , , '' BE AT THE SUMM ER RUSH . * WASHINGTON, April 10-IP)- The government intervened in an at- tempt to revive collapsed coal strike negotiations tonight after John L. Lewis had jammed his hat on his head and walked out of the parley with a blast at the mine owners. Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach announced that he had arranged to meet with Lewis and the operators tomorrow and try to get the nego- tiations resumed. Growls to Operators As Lewis took his walk, he growled to the operators that he trusts "time" will "modify your niggardly and anti- social propensities." The operators in turn challenged "The, right of any labor organiza- tion to stall and play politics when a basic American industry is shut down." Their statement expressed hopedthat Lewis "will change his attitude and resume meetings." It was generally recognized that the 10-day-old coal strike, if pro- longed, will confront the nation with perhaps its greatest postwar econom- ic crisis. There was some expecta- tion that Dr. John R. Steelman, spe- cial labor assistant to President Tru- man, might take an active hand. Long Huddle Paul W. Fuller, special conciliator, went into a long huddle with Schwel- lenbach and conciliation director Ed- gar L. Warren. None of them would comment on the conference. Fuller said, however, that he understands the President does not want to seize the struck mines and that the union and the operators do not want a fact- finding board. Cho~se SPRN tM DUily 4 ., , ;'.- ° -, '' ' ,Cti ' P" CJ , L° :: - . + { ' I1 nior ~hoppiiigdays lefit to O,uler your coly of time 1946 MICIIIGANENSIAN 1 ' q ..., TH E EARLY BIRD q( 5 ilMe Rom! Suddenly, it's Spring . . the best vacation time! Many hotels and resorts r port finest facilities are still available for vaca- tionists who plan to come in April or May. How- ever, be sure to get ad- vance reservations. GO IN COMFORT on Mid-Week Days By GREYHOUND There's a big rush coming this summer - and it's al- ready started on many weekend schedules ... so take your vacation trip in the Springtime, and )cave between Monday and Fri- day. Phone now for infor- rnation on Greyhound's convenient schedules and low fares. GREYHOUND TERMINAL 116 W. Huron Phone 2-5511 THE ODDS ARE ALL IN YOUR FAVOR Sample Springtime Vacti on ideas SNIC X(ITEMENT-1N DOING TMllTOWN-INi HISTORY StiL tWtES-!T GOING AIROAD-10 FISHING'S FINE-IN SIGITSUEING-IH _\\ XP OING*T GET- l IDING-IN TUUiP TIME-IN ALWNATS VACATION TIMI--IN GOLFING- jifT LOAFING- ENJOYING NATURE-- GAY DAYS AND NIGHTS- SII'?4 irn A 'OWS (AMAL-IN SECOND HON YMOO-AT DUD E IAI~otSIH"' NI iNG-I DlDtM& ll=tI lli!-! When you're not quite sure about a telephone tnumber and you wonder whether to call 'iuforna- tion -pleasc reiemer: dhe odds are that the number you want is right there, in the book, In Michigan, 3 out of 5 calls to "Information" are for nundbers listed in the Telephne Directory. There are so many of these un- necessary calls that answering them adds up to more than 1,000 wasted hours of operator and switchboard time every day. You can help us to save that time and give better service on - ;.the necessary calls if you'll co- operate in these two simple ways: 1 Please look in the Directory be. fore you call "'Information." ' 2 If the number isn't listed and I . ::c t ' y. "She'd better get a new Jonathan Logan dress if she ever expects to make him I2 say 'Yes.' (00 I V am :_: R -may-:. ' Fl wqk" R ' w U