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April 11, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-11

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* Try Next Column Over

W E'VE been reading Letters To The Editor for
a good many years now both as amateur and
semi-pro and the experience is beginning to pay
off. We mentally weigh our mail every day; the
estimates are better and better.
Several of us were standing around the com-
posing room as the matrices shaped up Paula
Brower's comments on Alec Templeton. Then
and there we knew. Some people like Templeton,
some don't; those who have an opinion about
things like that aren't given to tolerance or temp-
erance. Had Brower lost herself in ecstasy, half
the musicians on campus would have politely, but
frigidly informed us that "Mr. Templeton may
be all right in his way, but what he did to Beeth-
oven . . . well, really." Disapproving as she did,
Miss Brower was instead the victim of half the
West Quadrangle which forewent its usual Fri-
day night jam session with Sammy Kaye's re-
cords. We knew, and our mailbox was armor-
The student government was of another and
deadlier stripe. No mere obscure students or in-
structors these. lly God, no. Presidents, chair-
men, sachems, Lord High Potentates of Pres-
sure Groups. We hate to pretend omniscience
(anybody who voted for Council-Congress
doesn't dare), but we could scent the senti-
ments through the envelope.
With us these fine spring days we have another
perennial topic of the Vox Poppers, the War Be-
tween Men and Women. We expect only one ob-
jective statement, but so far; our dog has refused
to comment.
Stay with those Letters To The Editor. Des-

pite an occasional sadness that we must print
all letters meeting specifications of length and
taste, we couldn't live without them. Today's
special: The Inadequacy of the English Language
in which one of our readers wants to know just
how you inform people that you want an apart-
ment. He posted a sign saying he wanted to sub-
lease and his phone is still ringing with demands
that he produce this domicile that he wants to
sublease or shut up.
Missing Scarlet Letter
We don't know what they're drinking in De-
troit, but we suspect it's the same stuff that
resulted in many horrible deaths about the
middle of prohibition.
Our Motor City press service sent over the
following story-its rather odd circumstances
brought it to the attention of an up-and-com-
ing Daily peon:
"Harvey M. Hubert, 31, unemployed war vet-
eran, was held for questioning by police here.,
after a four-year-old girl living in Hubert's
home was found severely eaten tonight."
Lower your eyebrows, she had "severe urns
on the soles of both feet."
There's a Time for.. .
THERE'S an increasing tendency among un-
dergraduates to discuss marriage, especially
around 11 p.m.
We were trying to write a letter last night at
a friend's house. He was off in the clouds dis-
cussing some girl-a girl he was certain would
make a good wife.
"After all," he said, "she's attractive, neat, has
a wonderful personality, is extremely smart and
seems to know how to adjust to any situation."
"By God, I'd call her right now to ask her to
marry me, but she's washing her hair!!"

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
andre~e~ent he ievs of the vfrs ~c nlt

an TuplW s* nt ki. vAlM/J *v j t. ewJrt.

(All items in this column are contributed by the
editorial staff and edited by the Editorial Director.)

Coss-eyed Uncle Sam

THE UNITED STATES views its foreign policy
with crossed eyes; through the left eye it sees
Argentina as the arch foe of its basic ideals, and
through the right one it looks upon Argentina
as merely a truant lacuna in its own chain of
personal defense.
Beyond a doubt the United States has never
affixed its signature to two more inconsistent
documents than the Act of Chapultapec and the
State Department Blue Book on Argentina.
Through the left eye the U.S. sees the Blue
Book, issued Feb. 12, 1946, stating that:
"The Germans possess today in Argentina the
economic organizations-industrial, commer-
cial and agricultural-which they need to
provide a base for the reconstruction of Ger-
man aggressive power during the period when
the homeland is still occupied."
"Following Nazi-Fascist-Falange methods they
(the Pevon government) suppressed individual
liberties, liquidated democratic institutions, per-
secuted their opponents by terroristic methods,
created a state propaganda machine for dissem-
Bettr Advising
ONE RESULT of the skyrocketing enrollment
of the University is the emphasis placed on
the grave defects of the advising system. Among
the students, the system has long been the object
of standing jokes as well as bitter complaints.
To freshmen it may be a shock to find that their
advisors are not especially interested in advising
them, but upper classmen know that the chief
value of the academic counselor is his signature.
The once-a-semester trek to the counselor's of-
fice to obtain a brief okay on elections has be-
come routine. But has it never occurred to Uni-
versity officials that advisors should serve more
useful functions?
A knowledge of the minimum credits needed
to pass, or the basic requirements for major-
ing, would seem to be the very least informa-
tion held by a counselor. But if most advisors
have these facts, they fail to display their
knowledge to the student. Certainly advisors
should keep the students informed on their
exact status in the University, yet many stu-
dents are uncertain of their positions.
F URTHERMORE, most counselors fail to show
any interest in the program which the student
has chosen. From experience, the advisors should
be able to suggest interesting courses, should
be able to help the student avoid courses which
are too difficult for him. However, the good coun-
selor, the one who performs these functions, is
the exception. Advisors seem to run to two types.
The don't-let-it-get-you-down species comfort-
ingly tells you not to worry even when you're
flunking out of school, while the high-standards,
or don't-enter-activities, species, greets you with
a scowl if he has discovered, after quick glance
at your record, that you are rating anything low-
er than a four point average.
AS THE UNIVERSITY becomes more crowded,
it becames evident that overburdened teacher-
advisors are unable to cope with this problem.
Forced to teach and advise increasing numbers
of students, the advisors, perhaps, should not be
treated so severely for their inability to serve
well. And yet there must be some solution other
than turning every employe of the University, no
matter how equipped, into an academic counse-

ination of Nazi-Fascist ideals, established. a 'cor-
porate' labor organization subservient to the gov-
ernment and adopted a program of military and
naval expansion obviously out of all proportion
with the requisites of the country's security."
AND through the right eye the U.S. sees the
Act of Chapultapec, issued March 3, 1945 in
Mexico City, stating that:
"In case that acts of aggression occur or
there may be reasons to believe that an aggres-
sion is being prepared by any state against the
integrity or political independence of an Ameri-
can state, the states signatory to the declara-
tion will consult amongst themselves in order
to agree upon measures they think that it may
be advisable to take."
And if the U.S. would remove the mote from
the right eye it might take cognizance of the
fact that in its own blue book it accused Ar-
gentina of throwing a spy ring around South
America, in a plot to overthrow democratic gov-
erments of the other South American nations;
would see its own former ambassador Spruille
Braden denouncing the Peron government as a
threat to western solidarity and security; would
gaze upon student uprisings as indication that
all are not with Peron in Argentina.
THE UNITED STATES has agreed to admit Ar-
gentina as a participant in the Chapulta-
pec agreement if Argentina meets the require-
ments, the requirements being nothing more than
a signature and a promise. In' other words, the
United States is willing to admit the very nation
that was in the back of all minds as the docu-
ment was signed, thus negating the document
in effect. Seldom have we managed our diplo-
macy in such an Alice In Wonderland manner.
-Anita Franz

£6elert to he 6ilor
We Love This Girl
To the Editor:
Having once read a book on the deciphering
of the Rosetta stone, and having done a few
cross-word puzzles here and there, I feel feebly
competent to take up the gauntlet flung by the
editors and forthwith shall attempt to translate
the "Gibberish" vented upon the Daily by Mr.
Edward Tumin in Saturday's edition.
Let's do this systematically-if possible. In the
first paragraphs he leaps upon his snow-white
scapegoat in knightly fashion to defend Paula
from the ravening jaws of an intolerant society.
This is done by substituting a number of possible
targets for the campus' poisoned darts . . . he
considers the Daily fair game. (I'm going to keep
this impartial and make no cracks one way or
the other.)
Follows a bright little satire on the Daily Ed
staff and systems. All this proves is that Mr.
Tumin has a certain literary facility and might
do well to donate his talents to the Gargoyle.
Then he recommends the League, the Union,
and the Student Board of Control for attack,
sparing only the atomic bomb and his brother,
who is an instructor, not professor, of sociology,
not anthropology, at Wayne, not Western Re-
He winds up with a twenty-one gun blast at
the Daily's policies on features, reducing himself
to absurdity in the muddled process. The Barna-
by deal is his way of being cute. I wouldn't wor-
ry if I were the editors.
Frankly, Mr. Tumin, if one craves attention
so badly one needs must clast every icon in the
book, how about doing it in a comparatively
dignified manner?
To the student body at large, a note of hope.
I am sure that Mr. Tumin's outburst is not a
subversive attempt to make neurotics out of those
who read, but may not have understood, his let-
To misquote Professor White of the Anthro-
pology, not Geology, Department: "Does the
good student (sic) of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts perhaps approve of the
solar system?
-Sonya L. Drews
* 4 : .
Cab Driver's Statement
To the Editor:
Recently an editorial in the Ann Arbor News
severely criticized Ann Arbor cab drivers. Monday
evening City Attorney Laird read a proposed
amendment to the City Ordinance that, if en-
acted, will effectively wipe existent cab owners
out of business. Now,.is the time to examine this
rumbling antagonism between city officials and
the cabbies. The cauldron boils and, presum-
ably, the truth will out.
Cab driving has been the principal means of
support for my education here at the Univer-
sity. I have observed the following to be true:
a. Cab drivers are not lecherous beasts. They
are, for the most part, family men with wives
and kiddies to feed.
b. Cab drivers do not make exorbitant sums
of money. At present city rates a full-time
driver does not average a dollar an hour the
year round. Lax periods of business prevent
ephemeral gains. If it were not for gratuities
on the public's part cab drivers would not
thrive; tips provide the margin and stimulus
that keep them going.
c. Cab drivers are the nation's best drivers.
They've got to be. Their lives are literally in
their own hands every minute. But they are
not infallible. They must hustle to make a liv-
ing. Ann Arbor policemen harass them con-
stantly. When fined for an inevitable mistake
they are usually punished more severely than
a civilian driver making the same mistake. Re-
cently I did not quite come to a complete stop
at an intersection; on all sides of me civilian
drivers were making the same mistake. An
officer picayunishly gave me a ticket and I was
fined $8.35.

And now cab owners are faced with this anni-
hilating amendment. The city closes in on these
shabby, surreptitious denizens of the road. By
inventing a ridiculous standard of mechanical
perfection cab owners are forced to buy new
cabs by May 1. Even if they had the capital to
immediately buy equipment conformable to the
proposed ruling, they would run into another
joker by August 1. Then, it is proposed, meters
must be bought and installed. The proposed rate
would bring about the coup de grace. It is ridi-
culously low. Every owner in town, with the pos-
sible exception of one, would be pushed out of
What motivates this proposed ruling is not
clear as yet. But this is clear: a single company
with a tremendous capital investment might
conceivably partially conform to the proposed
amendment by procuring a franchise from the,
city. And a large group of veterans and strugg-
ling, small-fry business men would be looking
for "new opportunities" in this monopoly-ridden
A whimsical vote by a misguided or a positively
conniving city council could effect this injustice.
Implausible? I refer you to the proposed city or-
dinance amendment which is up for vote next
Monday evening.
-John William Brunell

The Batle
Is Joined~
Reply Churlish
To The Editor:
On reply to your damning indict-
ment of Michigan women, some of us
would like to present our side of the
After three years on the Michigan
campus, we can say that on the whole.
the Michigan girls are clean, well
dressed, and wear a minimum of
make-up. There may be a few who
exceed the proper limit in the use of
cosmetics, but this tendency will be
found much more marked off the
campus than on.
With living conditions what they
are, it is amazing that we dress as
well as we do. Would you have us
dress for class each day as though
we were attending the opera? The
style of dress adopted by the co-eds
is one forced upon them by practi-
cality, a need for comfort in crowded
and often dirty classrooms and lab-
oratories, and a necessity to wear
clothes which can be kept clean with
a minimum of time and effort.
"First cast out the beam out of
thine own eye." We have been
nauseated time and again by hav-
ing to gaze upon dirty necks, un-
clean shirts, torn sweaters, un-
pressed pants, and dirty hands
and nails, all of which can be seen
on too many male students, veter-
ans included. Soap and water are
still cheap, irons are still available,
and beards are not yet the accepted
mode. Would you be judged by
this Minority, Mr. Scull?
To quote Philip R. Snyder in
Life magazine of last June:
"Michigan girls are beautiful, love-
ly and well-dressed. Only a few ex-
troverts dress as farmettes. The large
majority are lovely. r . . God, sir,
They're gorgeous."
Walda M. Stahmer, Par-
nel Gillilan, Alyce Ridin-
ger, Bonnie Brandstetter,
Polly Walker, Betty Lou
Reply Redundant
To The Editor:
We would like to point out to Leo
M. Scull that although Michigan
women do not claim to be the most
beautiful in the world, we do not feel
that the majority of the veterans
have the right to voice such an opin-
We, too, have sat in the League
Cafeteria, have had our eyes
opened in the diagonal, and shud-
dered in the classroom. While we
realize that clothes are hard to get,
laundries still operate and razor
blades are still available at the cor-
ner drug store. We may have missed
the mark as far as sophistication is
- concerned, but, unfortunately, we
aren't color blind.
V-necked sweaters without shirts,
hats that the cat won't drag in, shoes
that need shining, faces that perpetu-
ally need shaving, and misshapen
T-shirts do not make the man. Per-
haps we girls could strive a little
harder if we had something to strive
We are tired of excusing bad man-
ners, slovenliness, and complaints
just because a nian is a veteran.
Carol Harper.
Betty Renwoldt
Punch Line
To The Editor:
I read with dismay and saddened
heart Mr. L. N. Scull's attack upon
the flower of Michigan womenhood
in yesterday's Michigan Daily.
I, too, have observed the coeds
at beer outings, dances, plays and
cocktail parties, and to me they
were the epitome of charm, poise
and sophistication.

The women of this campus may
well throw back their shoulders
and be proud of themselves.
Harvey Frank
Seems Familiar
In view of the complex problems
confronting the world today, the re-
cent comment concerning the habits
of dress and make up of University
women seems rather trivial.
The writer must have a concep-
tion of society of the 1890's when
he says that Michigan women who
smoke and wear lipstick lack cul-
ture. Smoking and lipstick wearing
are very much a part of modern
culture, and this criticism shows
only a confusion regarding the
meaning of the term.
While we are on the subject of cre-
ating poor impressions, we do not
feel that most men on this campus
represent Esquire's latest fashions or
are paragons of poise. But most wom-
en feel that there are much more im-
portant bases of judgement of people
than those presented by Leo N. Scull.
M. J. Tuttle
Pat Gordon
Carol Swanson


(Continued from Page 2)
Mr. Weldon Wilson will present a
well-balanced record concert, includ-
ing requests. 3:00-5:00 p.m., Office,
West Lodge.
Sunday, April 14. Vespers. Rev. C.
H. Loucks of the Protestant Directors
Association will conduct a non-de-
nominational service. 4:00-5:00 p.m.,
Conference Room, West Lodge.
Sunday, April 14. Football Movie:
University of Michigan vs. Great
Lakes: commentary by Robert O.
Morgan, Assistant General Secretary
of the Alumni Association. 7:30-8:30
p.m., Auditorium, West Lodge.
French Lecture: Miss Helen Hall,
Curator of the Institute of Fine Arts,
will offer the fifth French lecture on
the series sponsored by the Cercle
Francais, today at 4:10 p.m., in Room
D, Alumni Memorial Hall. This lec-
ture, "Artistes Francais en Amri-
que," will be illustrated with slides.
Academic Notices
Mathematics Orientation Seminar
and History Seminar today at 3 p.m.,
in 3201 Angell Hall. Mr. Frank Arena
will speak on Boolean Algebra.
College of Architecture and De
sign: Water colors and oils by Mr.
Karl Kasten, Instructor in Drawing
and Painting in this College. Ground
floor corridor. Open daily except Sun-
day, 9 to 5, through April 20. The
public is invited.
Michigan Historical Collections:
"Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackham.
Open daily 8-12, 1:30-4:30, Saturdays
Events Today
Romance Language Journal Club.
There will be a special meeting of
the Romance Language Journal Club
today at 4:15 p.m., in the East Lec-
ture Room, on mezzanine floor of the
Rackham Building. Professor Paul
Merrill Spurlin of the University of
Alabama will speak on "Rousseau in
America, 1760-1809."
School of Business Administration:
The Faculty of the School cordially
invites the students enrolled in the
School of Business Administration to
a coffee hour to be held in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall today from 3:00
to 5:00 p.m.
Sigma Xi, April meeting tonight in
Natural Science Auditorium, begin-
ning at 8:00. Program: "A Symposi-
um on the Natural Resources of
Michigan." Topics and speakers:
Limestone, Prof. K. K. Landes,
(Geology); Oil and Coal, Dr. George
V. Cohee, (U.S. Geological Survey);
Brine and Salt, Prof. Chester B. Slaw-
son, (Mineralogy); Forests and Tim-
ber, Prof. Leigh J. Young, (Forestry);
Gravel and Water, Prof. George M.
Stanley, (Geology).
The ,public is invited.
Professor Lawrence R. Blinks, Direc-
tor of the Hopkins Marine Station,
Pacific Grove, California, will show
two reels of color films illustrating
the marine invertebrates, chiefly tide-
pool forms, of the Pacific Coast, 4:15
today in the Natural Science Audito-
rium. Faculty and students are in-
vited. Admission is free.
Tea at the International Center:
Today's informal tea at the Interna-
tional Center from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.
will be given in honor of Miss Nejla
Izzeddin, Lebanese Educator. All
Foreign Students and American
friends of the Center are invited.

Pharmacy Students:
The Ann Arbor Chapter of the
American Society of Hospital Phar-
macists is meeting tonight at 8:00 in
Rcom 2046 Univ. Hospital. Speaker
is Dr. Rosalie Neligh of Univ. Hosp.
Staff. Topic: Recent developments
in the therapeutic application of te-
tra ethyl ammonium bromide. Any-
one interested may attend.
Graduate Record Concerts are held
every Thursday evening 8:00 to 10:00
in the Men's Lounge of the Graduate
Rackham School Building. These
concerts are run for graduate stu-

dents only. Special request numbers
may be left with the House Director
in the Graduate School office. The
following program will be given to-
Handel-Faithful Shepherd Suite
Mozart-Viola Quintet K 515
Beethoven-Fourth Piano Concerto
The Undergraduate Education Club
will meet today at 4:00 p.m. in the
Elementary School Library. This
week the club is sponsoring a dem-
onstration on the use of a moving-
picture projector.
All students interested in educa-
tion are invited to this demonstra-
tion. Refreshments will be served.
The Inter-Guild Nucleus Group will
meet in the Fireplace Room of Lane
Hall at 4:15 today.
Underwriters (women students
earning their room and board in pri-
vate homes): meeting in the Russian
Tearoom, Michigan League Building,
today, 12:15 p.m. Bring your own
The Inter Faith Committee of the
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation will
meet today at 4:15 at the Foundation.
All interested in working on this com-
mittee are welcome to attend.
Coming Events
Varsity Glee Club:
The concert appearance scheduled
for Thursday, April 11, has been
postponed until April 25. Watch
The Daily for place of rehearsal next
The Psychology Journal Review
Committee of the Psychology Club
will meet on Wednesday, April 17, at
7:30 at the Psychological Clinic, 1027
E. Huron Street, for a demonstra-
tion of the clinic's Electroencephalo-
graphy equipment and a review of
three journal articles related to EEG.
Miss I. E. Hollingsworth will discuss
Personality Types and EEG, Miss
Annette Lambie will review a paper
on EEG and Conditioning, and Physi-
ological Correlates ofKEGwill be
discussed by Allan Katcher. This
meeting is for members only.
The Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to visitors Friday evening,
April 12, from 7:30 to 9:30, to ob-
serve the Moon and Saturn, if the
sky is clear. Children must be ac-
companied by adults. If the sky is
cloudy or nearly cloudy, the Observa-
tory will not be open.
The International Center: The In-
ternational Center in conjunction
with the Latin American Society and
American Legion will present a pro-
gram on Pan American Day, Sunday,
April 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the ballroom
of the Union. Highlighting the pro-
gram will be a group of Pan Ameri-
can songs and dances offered as a
preview of the Pan American Ball.
Included in the program will be a
brief talk by Prof. Edgar G. John-
ston, a movie, "Wings Over Latin
America," followed by refreshments
and a Community Sing in the Cen-
ter. Foreign Students and Friends of
the International Center are invited
to attend.
The Graduate Outing Club is plan-
ning a bicycle hike on Sunday, April
14. Those interested should pay the
supper fee at the checkroom desk in
the Rackham Building before noon
Saturday. Bikers will meet at 2:30
Sunday at the northwest entrance of
the Rackham Building.
Kappa Sigma fraternity will hold a
dinner and organizational meeting at
6:45 p.m. Saturday, April 13, in the
Henry C. Anderson Room in the Un-
ion. All Kappa Sigmas on campus,
regardless of chapter affiliation, are
invited to attend. The Detroit Alum-

ni Association will be present to ex-
plain plans for reopening the house
and active chapter.
The Social committee of SRA will
meet on Friday, April 12, at 3:30 at
Lane Hall. All interested in serving
on this committee are welcome to at-
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet at the Center, 1304 Hill
Street, Saturday evening at 8:00 for
a Hay Ride. Reservations may be
made by calling 7622.


At the Lydia Mendelssohn...
PLAY PRODUCTION'S current offering is Ed-
ward Chodorov's comedy-melodrama, "Kind
Lady." The plot revolves around an aging wo-
men who believes in the goodness of her fellow
men. Her deception by a group of unsavory char-
acters constitutes the story of the play. Mr.
Chodorov could have done a lot better by "Kind
Lady" had he tried. The play was often confused,
and the actions unconnected. The majority of
the characters were drawn without sufficient
depth and the change which took place in the
half-wit Ada in the third act was extremely puz-
The cast didn't warm up to their parts until
the second act, and from time to time the action
dragged. More vitality was clearly needed. Doro-
thy Murzek, in the lead role, does a fine job of
interpretation and holds the play together. Ann
Chaikin and Naomi Vincent add to the melodra-
ma while Connie Essig and Jim Stephenson con-
tribute bright bits of comedy. Considering the
material they had to work with, the members of
play production don't come off at all badly.
--Hap Eaton

Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff


Gracious! Isn't this called
house-breaking, O'Malley?

But O'Malley. . . If Mr. and s,
Mrs. Shultz aren't here- j-

By Crockett Johnson
Very tasty, indeed. I love chocolate.
(2. _, y M r2 m rvrv.. ..Jmj e ) ~Ar

Margaret Farmer
Hale Champion
Robert Goldman
Emily E. Knapp
Pat Cameron
Clark Baker . . . .
Des Howarth . . . .
Ann Schutz . . . .
Dona Guimaraes

. . . . . . . . . Managing ,Editor
. ... . . . Editorial Director
.- .- . . -. -. -. -. -. -. . '. City Editor
. . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor

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