P~AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WVEDN.ESDAY, AP1fUL 10 ,1946 r itSitga Bail .cl Fifty-Sixth Year £etteri to the 6dctoN .1 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Margaret Farmer Hale Champion Robert Goldman Emily E. Knapp Pat Cameron Clark Baker Des Howarth Ann Schutz.. Dona Guimaraes . . . . . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . . . . . . . . Associate Editor .. . . . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor . . . . . . Women's Editor Associate Women's Editor Business Stafff Dorothy Flint . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- ier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONL ADVERTI3ING 1Y National Advertising Service, Inc. R College Publishers Representative 420 MADisON Ave. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO " BOSTON - LOS ANGESLES " SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: ANN KUTZ ve. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Broken Record LET'S get a few things straight for the record. The Council-Forum plan for student govern- ment was not designed "to perpetuate and fur- ther entrench the rule of campus power politi- cians", as a leader of the campaign for Congress- Cabinet declared in the DAILY the other day. Anyone who will review the situation carefully must realize: 1) Any present organization stands only to lose in power and not to gain in power by the formation of a student government. The repre- sentatives from various organizations who ini- tiated the discussions at the beginning of last semester recognized this, and yet they felt that the need for student government was so obvious that the student body should be awakened to it. They were very anxious that many of their func- tions which they are called upon to perform at present be transferred to an elected governing body. Such projects as marriage lectures, relief for foreign students, elections, scholarship funds, etc. are most properly handled by an all campus organization rather than by committees of exe- cutive heads. 2) The "qualification" clause was inserted to screen our "big name people" who have had no organizational responsibility and to insure that Council members would not be completely inex- perienced in the realm of student activity. Ex- perience in any campus group, large or small, in- cluding student government, on this campus or any other, would be taken into consideration. This does not mean that the individuals who are presidents of large campus organizations will hold the offices in the student government. On the contrary, these people wish to give up func- tions, not take over new responsibilities. They have all gone on record in favor of a by-law which makes it impossible for the presidents of such organizations as Pan-hellenic, League Coun- cil, IFC, SRA, Assembly, Men's and Women's Judiciary Committees, Union Council to be mem- bers of the student council. When the "qualifi- cation" clause is interpreted it should screen out those who are doing too much as well as those who have not doneenough. We hope this will clear up some of the confusion and misunder- standing. -Joyce Siegan Nora MacLaughlin A ntiquated Education CHANGING the University curriculum, the biggest issue of the fall semester, is deader than the front door of the Romance Languages Building. After months of study by a faculty committee, after innumerable closed faculty meetings, revision of the subject matter and teaching methods of the University has been .forgotten. Yet, there is no more important is- sue on this or any other campus. Controversy last semester centered around the so-called Harvard plan which introduced compulsory freshman-sophomore "survey" cours- es designed to provide a common cultural back- ground for all students. The Harvard plan is not the issue. The ob- vious, unmistakable point is this: the Univer- sity curriculum sags under the dead weight of antiquated courses and methods of teaching. No one is scandalized when told of one course or another in which the professor blandly teaches from his unrevised notes of decades ago. It is common knowledge that there are courses on campus today which still retail the material of 1935, 1930, 1920. SWEEPING CURRICULUM CHANGE is not the answer. It is far too easy for such a change simply to mask a continuation of the old deadwood, half hidden behind new titles and course numbers. The reform can and should, I believe, come through the media of the existing Democracy and Starva own 'THERE ARE TIMES at which the individual rights guaranteed to everyone in a democ- racy must be suspended. Many of them were temporarily revoked because of the necessities of war. Pathetic a situation as it is, I believe the world food. crisis and our moral obligation to alleviate this situation support severe action, in- cluding, if necessary, suspension of the right of farmers to decide when, where, and what prices to sell their grain. During the first quarter of this year the United States' exports of grain to famine-rid- den areas abroad fell considerably below our -romised shipments of 300,000,000 bushels. Meanwhile, more than 365,000,000 bushels of wheat remain stored in the bins of farmers throughout the nation. They are holding on to this supply until the time when they can sell at the highest probable market prices. And this at a time when former President Herbert Hoover has reported more than 2,600,000 chil- dren terribly undernourished in Poland alone. Cracow and Lodz have been without bread for three weeks at a time. ONE RECENT SUGGESTION to draw grain from farmers' bins is to allow themn to set any date in advance for market prices at which they will be paid for grain received now. They do not seem willing to accept such a plan because f +th urnnredictahility of the arain market. departments, stimulated by administrative pres- sure. For just as there are flagrant examples of educational malpractice, there are many in- stances of departments which are constantly re- vising, serving the true.interests of the students. As every minute in a classroom is one min- ute nearer to the time when that building will have to be repaired, rebuilt, or replaced, so with every class hour, the material taught be- comes that much dated. Brilliant students (in the broad sense of the term) at Chicago and Columbia and Princeton and in some parts of this university are constantly developing new methods, reorganizing the old material, adding new information. The clock ticks, the course ages, the student gets less for his time, effort (and money). This is the increasing cost. -Milt Freudenheim I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Taling Softly By SAMUEL GRAFTON )RESIDENT TRUMAN said in his Army Day speech that we are a strong nation; he added thoughtfully that there is none stronger. Yet the effect produced by Mr. Truman is pointing to our strength, and dwelling on it, was not one of strength, but of weakness. It would have been stronger to leave it out. The man who flexes his muscles in public may be a strong man; but he is also perhaps a nervous one, or he would be doing something else. It is true that conver- sation at the very top levels of life and affairs often, in an odd way, resembles street-corner argument; but it does not have to be so; we can reach for something better. And it is late in the day to try to impress the world with the kind of strength that rests on armed battalions, and on training programs. The world has been through a decade and more -of gazing up at underslung jaws, and having its ears rubbed by military statistics, and it has not been cowed. These were real bullies, in comparison with whom our modest and hum- ble President makes an unconvincing figure as a proponent of military life. Something went wrong in the President's speech; it did not tap the real sources of American strength, and in dwelling on a few superficial and physi- cal aspects of our power, it gave an impression of agitation and weakness. For it is the commonest of ethical principles that the strong man does not say he is strong; he shows it in every action; a truly strong man shows his strength better in lifting a child across a puddle, than a weak one does in heaving a rock through a window. (Copyright, 1946, N. Y. Post Syndicate) Same Record - Over To the Editor: At the Hill Aud. rally Monday evening, Siegan said that the League, Union, SRA, Fraternity Council, and such groups stc lose in power, not to gain, by the format an active student govt. The power that groups will lose if Congress-Cabinet wins is mostly power that they ought not to hol League, for example, speaks apparently f women of the campus; yet the vast m of us have no direct contact with the I and are not really represented. A democra elected Congress would be a far more ef: channel for the expression of all student o than the present long-standing struct semi-appointed positions. Naturally, sinc prestige of the above-mentioned organi2 will be challenged by student government leaders prefer to maintain the status q setting up the ineffectual Council-Forum while leaders of such groups as VO, AVC, mittee for Liberal Action, which are interes active reform and re-organization, suppor gress-Cabinet. My objection to the self-per ting feature of the Council-Forum plan a the "executive experience" clause is not di at any individual leaders. I object to the id in the future, student government will 1 entirely within the hands of a rather sma ment of the campus, which cannot truly sent the student body. In any given year, there should be mor 29 students capable of participating in s government. Congress-Cabinet draws upc direct support of large numbers of stude stead of depending exclusively on the jud of last year's 9-man Council. -Gwen Willia Here It Comes To the Editor: No better view of the campus girl is ob than by sitting in the Women's League room in the late afternoon. Here one can c the facts that make up the basis of recen icisms of University of Michigan girls. : course of one single hour I had the experie seeing no less than eighty-seven girls who posture, lack of poise, loud and decisive chewing, over-application of cosmetics - ially lipstick, sloppy manner of dress, an bitual chain smoking of cigarettes left mor a little to be desired to create a pleasinge Their attempt to create any type of soph tion sadly missed the mark. The natural of these girls was all but competely hidde To see if these observations were onlya cident I strolled slowly across the campus, again I saw a great many girls whose l care for, or ignorance of, the impression create left me slightly bewildered andl incensed at a style or fashion so lack culture. In discussing this with my fellow vets, them unanimous in the same opinion. -Leo N. S *' * *; * Suggests Indian Play To the Editor: SINCE coming to the University of Mic: have tried to see all the plays presen the Department of Play Production. The: been very entertaining and educations have given we foreign students, from the especially, a better conception.and underst of real American life than we could p get from reading hundreds of books. "What A Life" was particularly appea me and the other Indians for it mader just as human-full of the same faults, < hopes and frustrations of Americans. TI of Byron Mitchell-as Henry Aldrich, th School boy-was superb. We would like Byron's talents used in other plays of An life. Could not the Department of Speech be ested, also in putting on a good Indian i view of the fact they have so much versat ent available? You may be sure the nu Indian boys and girls in school herev more than willing to contribute anythil2 possibly can to make such a project a suc For the information of the Departmn Speech, I should like to state; that anF translation of the Indian play "SHAKUNI available in the U. of M. Library. Shakun been staged in both England and Germany it was unusually well received. This play prove to be very educational and enter to the University audience. Sincerely, -D. S. Sax Comment on China In the long run, it will be better both and for the Chinese if we don't expect to of our good ally. We must realize that C not a great power and is not likely to beco in the predictable futre. Her prospects o oping an efficient industry are, at best, N mote. Her people are no more noble and ish than many other peoples, and the shortcomings which gravely menace their for accomplishing, for no one can gue long, anything that we would recognize2 ernization. -C. Lester Walker, in Harper's Maga DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN _ .._.. I Pubilcation in the Daily Official bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1946 VOL. VLI, No. 110 Notices The Superintendent of Schools in New Buffalo, Michigan will be in the office of the Bureeu of Appointments this afternoon. He is interested in in- terviewing candidates for early ele- mentary school positions, and for physics and chemistry in high school. Men are preferred for this latter po- sition. Call Miss Briggs for appoint- ment, Miss Katherine M. Snyder, repre- sentative of the Katharine Gibbs School for secretarial training and Director of the Chicago school, will be at the Michigan League Building on Friday, April 12, after 4:00 p.m.,, and all day on Saturday, April 13, to hold individual conferences with young women who are interested in going to Katharine Gibbs School for preparation. Appointment may be made through the Office of the Dean of Women. I C onh tpr's epeia l 'Ior~ Student Tea: Ruthven will be today from 4 to President and Mrs. at home to students 6 o'clock. "------- Group Hospitalization and Surgical Service During the period from April 1 through April 10, the University Business Office (Room 9, University Hall) will accept new applications, as well as requests for changes in contracts now in effect. from all -- .__~ 1 3 l UC} LI~tbl, iuw it tviiiG,+ University employees. These new ap- WILLOW VILLAGE PROGRAM, plications and changes will become week April 8-14, for veterans and effective May 5, with the first pay- their wives: roll deduction on April 30. Wednesday, April 10. Bridge. 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Club Room, West Notice to Faculty Members regard- Lodge, ing Termination of Veterans' Book Thursday, April 11, "Home Plan- and Supply Order for the Spring ning." Miss Catherine B. Heller, As- Term, 1946:insistant Professor of Design in the Term, 1946: College of Architecture. 2:00 p.m. Faculty members must specify all uol RofmcW et ude. books and supplies required in their Club Room, West Lodge. courses not later than May 10 in or- Friday, April 12. Leadership: How dertha th Uivesit my met heto be a Club Leader. Dr. Fred G. der that the University may meet the Stevenson, Extension Service staff. deadline for filing invoices with the 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Conference Veterans Administration by the end 0 Room, West Lodge. of the term.RomWetLd. Friday, April 12. Dancing Class for All women students attending the beginners (couples). 7:00-8:00 p.m Slide Rule Ball will have latedpermis- Advanced (couples), 8:00-9:00 p.m., sion until 1:30 a.m. Friday, April 12. Audito.ium, West Lodge. Saturday, April 13. Open House Graduate Students expecting de- (dancing). 8:00-12:00 p.m., Auditor- grees at the June Commencement ium, West Lodge. mustatheir diploma applications unday, April 14, Classical Music must have terdpoaapiain Mr. Weldon Wilson will present a in the Graduate School office no later well-balanced record concert, includ- than April 15. ing =requests. 3:00-5:00 p.m., Office, Doctoral Students expecting de- West Lodge. grees this term are requested to file Sunday, April 14. Vespers. Rev. C. the titles of their dissertations with H. Loucks of the Protestant Directors the Recorder. Association will conduct a non-de- T'S BEGINNING to seem that none of the political parties really wants r win an election any more. The hole game of politics is turning in- >a game of give-away, like the boys ay on a checker-board down in the meral store. It's obvious that the Democrats n't want to win . . . their stand on elective Service is alienating the trmers; their advocacy of fact-find- ig boards has driven labor away; Aterans are embittered because the hole housing issue is being made ito a political football; the filibuster ainst FEPC and the Administra- on's inaction on the Freeport and olumbia cases have removed all oubts from the minds of many egroes. You'd think that any hool-boy could tell that he couldn't -in an election if the farmers, labor, he veterans and the Negroes all oted against him. The Republicans don't want to win, either. Millions of veterans will remember that not one Repub- lican in the House of Represent- atives voted favorably on the sub- sidy provision in the Patman hous- ing bill. Labor is not likely to forget that it was mainly the Republicans in the House who passed the Case Bill, which would renew the labor injunction and anti-political ac- tion laws. UT that wasn't considered enough to throw the election . . . the ther day the Republicans appoint- d a Representative from a POLL 'AX STATE, Tennessee, to be their rational Chairman! Just let that one settle awhile . . . the Republicans, he party that freed the slaves, the >arty that has always received a arge bloc of Negro votes, appointed , poll-taxer to be National Chair- ian! This particular poll-taxer, Rep. Leese, might be said to be. "the hadow of Herbert Hoover" in mat- ers relating to foreign affairs. In iatters relating to domestic affairs, e doesn't have enough weight to ast a shadow, and not nearly enough veight to fill Hoover's shadow. It oks like the Republicans don't want t either . . . nobody wants to be 'resident. Ah-ha, you scream... what a time or a third party! And a third party here might be, if the morning papers how their usual reliability. It seems hat there was a meeting of 75 labor nd farm leadersnin Chicago last veek to discuss the matter, and that ne of the questions discussed at his meeting was: "the role of the 'AC and whether it had become the ail of a Communist kite." That's the erfect way to build a third party .. . ttack the PAC, the only organiz- tion which could conceivably serve s the nucleus of a third party. Any smart politician knows that the way to win elections is to build an organization, and that the best way to build an organization is to incorporate within it several ex- isting organizations. But this new third party group thinks different- ly . . . they think that the perfect way to build a progressive organiz- ation is to attack the only progres- sive organization in the country. YOU GET some clue when you dis- cover that the Chicago meeting was called by A. Philip Randolph, president of the AFL Sleeping Car Porters union. Randolph has fol- lowed these sectarian tactics in the past. For instance, Randolph refused to llow any white men to participate in his proposed March on Washing- ton in 1943. It is certainly rank folly for any Negro leader to refuse the ictive assistance of white progres- sives; because if it ever becomes a case of fight between the Negroes on ne side and the white men on the ther, the Negroes are certain to lose y sheer weight of numbers. But in this particular case Randolph's hyper-militant tactics paid dividends. - + 'the threat of the March on Wash- ington undoubtedly motivated Roose- velt to sign Executive Order 9346, which re-established the war-time FEPC. But these same tactics also split the progressive front for a permanent FEPC wide open, and gave added grounds for the lies of those who claim that the Negroes are trying to take over the country. When Randolph's Committee for a Permanent FEPC held a rally in Madison Square Garden a month ago, it refused the support and coopera- tion of the labor unions, of the Na- tional Urban League, of every group but its own. This was only four months after labor'Negro unity had scored a smashing success in the New York City election. The FEPC can only be passed by a strengthening and an extension of this same Negro- labor unity, but Randolph preferred to go it alone. There are these good reasons to believe that he is more interested in personal fame than in abiding victory with a third party. Won't somebody run for President ..somebody like Dick Tracy who wouldn't throw away the very sup- port which could elect him? -Ray Ginger i - nominatilonal service. 4:00-5:00 p.m., Mentor Reports, College of ItKia-~ Conif:rc-:Room,0West Lodge. eering. Five-week grades for all Ei- Sunday April 14. Football Movie: gineering Freshmen are due in Dean Uni'Versity of Michigan vs. Great Crawford's Office on April 13. Re- Lakes: commentary by Robert 0. port blanks will be furnished ay Morgan, Assistant General Secretary campus mail, of the Alumni Association. 7:30-8:30 __-p.m., Auditorium, West Lodge. Business Administration: Students in the University who plan to trans- I fer to the School of Business Admin-!L ctures istration for the Summer Session or The third lecture in the series on Fall Semester should file their appli- Marriage Relations will be given in cations immediately in Room 108 the Rackham Lecture Hall, 8:15 to- Tappan Hall. night Tickts and identification are i 1 1 } Kena Applications for Combined Curric-! ula: Application for admission to aI combined curriculum must be made before April 20 of the final preprofes- sional year. Application forms may )foi us be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and is should be filed with the Secretary of hina is the Committee at that office. me one f devel- L.S.&A. Freshman Five-week Pro- very re- gress Reports will be given out in unself- the Academic Counselors' Office, 108j °y have Mason Hall, in the following order: cyhavceWednesday 1:30-4:00 S through Z. chances Thursday, 9:00-12:00, 1:30-4:00 L ess how through R. as mod- Friday, 9:00-12:00, 1:30-4:00 F through K. azine Saturday, 9:00-12:00 A through E. By Crockett Johnson I don't think anyone's home, Mr. O'Malley ... necessary for admission. French Lecture: Miss Helen Hall, Curator of the Institute of Fine Arts, will offer the fifth French lecture on the series sponsored by the Cercle Francais, on Thursday, April 11, att 4:10 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memo-t rial Hall. This lecture, "Artistes Francais on Am6rique," will be illus-r trated with slides.- A cademic Notices English 1, section 24 (Wolfson) will meet in 2016 Angell Hall starting1 Friday, April 12. English 2, section 47 fRayment) will meet in 1009 Angell Hall starting Friday, April 12. English1, section > (Stimson) will meet in 2054 Natural Science Bldg. starting Saturday, April 13. English 2, section 49 (Hayden) will -- . ,, - 4 A ,,- 1 T-"11 c-omi f BARNABY You do n't) Yes indeed. Barnaby really told mel ir Too bad we got our dates mixed ----. 1 II I k! I __