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March 07, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-03-07

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,43 a t t




Congress Accused
Of'Deserting Vet'
By A VC eader
Committee to Publicize Representatives
From Michigan Voting Down Subsidies
Charging Congress with "deserting the veteran" and "yielding to spe-
cial interest lobbies" in the House of Representatives vote against the sub-
sidy and price control provisions of the Patman housing bill, AVC Chairman
Vic Baum yesterday announced a campaign to publicize Michigan repre-
sentatives who voted against the program.
The provisions embodying Housing Administrator Wyatt's plan to pro-
vide veterans with 2,7000,000 houses in the next two years were eliminated
from the bill this week. Baum said '

that telegrams and letters will be
sent to Senators Vandenberg and
Ferguson when the measure comes
before the Senate in a few days. They
will be asked to support the reinstate-
ment of the Wyatt measures.
Michigan Representatives Bradley,
Crawford, Dondero, Engel, Hoffman,
Wolcott, and Woodruff voted against
the provisions.
Ann Arbor's Rep. Earl C. Michener
is not on record as having voted
either way, but a Washington Post
news item (Tuesday) reported news-
men in the galleries as saying that
"not a single Republican was ob-
served voting for the subsidy." It
was an unrecorded teller vote. Mich-
ener is reported in the Congressional
Directory as saying (Feb. 26, 1946)
"I'm not yet convinced that subsidies
are wise in this instance."
House Gives
Wyatt Power
Over Prices
WASHINGTON, March 6 - P) -
The House took the final say-so on
building material prices away from
the OPA today and gave it to Hous-
ing Administrator Wilson Wyatt.
The step completed action on all
major amendments. A technicality
raised by Rep. Keefe (Rep., Wis.)
however, delayed a vote on final pas-
sage until tomorrow. He' demanded
a reading of the engrossed bill, the of-
ficial printed copy, which could not
be made ready in time.
Earlier the House shouted down a
proposal to give each veteran $200 for
the purchase of a home, and it turned
back another attempt to put price
ceilings on the 29,000,000 existing
A coalition of Republicans and
Southern Democrats rejected Presi-
dential proposals for $600,000,000 in
subsidies to bring out larger produc-
tion of building materials, and price
ceilings on existing dwellings.
Vets To Hear
AVC Leader
Today in Union
Lewis C. Frank, Jr., Public Rela-
tions Director of the National Citizens
Political Action Committee and mem-
ber of the American Veterans Com-
mittee Planning Committee will
speak on the national and local AVC
membership drive at 7:30 p. m. today
at the Union.
Frank, a graduate of, American
University (Washington, D. C.) was
public-relations counsel and sales
manager for Franks Paper Products
of Detroit before the war. He was
discharged from the Army in 1942
having, served as a sergeant.
At the AVC national membership
campaign in New York, Frank spoke
with AVC members, ex-governor Har-
old Stassen, Franklin Delano Roose-
velt, Jr., film actors Ronald Reagan,
and Melvin Douglas, and cartoonist
Bill Mauldin.
Victor Baum, president of the Ann
Arbor chapter of AVC, said, "During
the three days of registration we more
than doubled our membership and we
expect 500 veterans to be on hand for
our Thursday night meeting. We are
very pleased with the results of our
membership drive thus far. At the
meeting tonight we will answer all
questlons asked by veterans on cam-
pus problems, and on AVC aims, ob-
jectices and records in the past."
Karl Karsian from Ann Arbor vet-
erans Counseling Center will give a
See VETERANS, Page 2

,J-Hop To Be
Broadcast on
Station WJR
Students, Celebrities
Will Be Interviewed
Broadcast directly from the Intra-
mural Building, the 1946 J-Hop will
take the air from 12:30 to 1 a. m.
over radio station WJR in Detroit.
Emceed by Bud Mitchell, WJR an-
nouncer, and Prof. Waldo Abbot of
the University Broadcasting Service,
the program will reach every state
in the nation over the 50,000 watt,
clear channel station. Final permis-
sion for the broadcast was received
yesterday from the Detroit Local of
the American Federation of Mu-
Students and celebrities attend-
ing the Hop will be interviewed,
and a general resume of the fes-
tivities will reach parents in all
48 states. The broadcast will mark
the resumption of a pre-war prac-
tice of broadcasting the Hop an-
Remaining unclaimed tickets for
the Hop, featuring Tommy Dorsey
and his orchestra from 10 p. m. to
2 a. m. tomorrow at the I. M. Build-
ing, will be placed on sale between
2:30 and 4:30 p. m. today at the
Travel Desk of the Union.
Sharing the spotlight and the
baton with Dorsey at the huge Hop
will be Ziggy Elman, hot trumpeter,
formerly with Benny Goodman.
The Hop will mark his first re-
appearance with Dorsey since being
discharged from three years in the
Army. The Sentimentalists, known
in private life as the Clark sisters,
will be on hand with their sweet
and swing harmonies, as well as
Stuart Foster to carry the baritone
Decorated in the theme of a spring
garden, the I. M. Building will be
transformed with white Grecian pil-
lars, enormous glistening flowers and
vivid swags suspended from the raft-
ers. Booths, providing a place to
meet friends and listen to Dorsey's
sensational music, will surround the
dance floor. There will be no charge
All fraternities, men's residence
halls, and independent men must
turn in date lists for J-Hop by
noon tomorrow at the business desk
of the Daily. All names which
will appear in the second edition
of the J-Hop Extra, to be distrib-
uted Saturday, must be turned in
by this time. Men not connected
with an organized house should
turn in individual guests names.
Guests' year if they are in school,
and their home towns if they are
from out of town, should be in-
cluded in the list.
for booths and any organized group
which has not yet contracted for a
booth should contact Collee Ide at
2-2569 today. Furniture for booths
must be furnished by the sponsor-
ing group and should be in the I. M.
Building by noon tomorrow and re-
moved by noon Saturday.
Col. Juan Peron Keeps
Lead in Argentine Vote
Col. Juan Peron held a commanding
lead tonight as the counting of Argen-'
tina's presidential ballots entered the
second week.
The tabulation has been completed
in seven of Argentina's 15 provinces.
Peron, "strong-man" Laborite candi-
date, won five of them for a sure elec-
toral vote of 50.

Reports from
Polish Visit
To Be Given
Delegates To Relate
Condition of Country
Four Detroiters who were sent to
Poland by the Detroit Polish Demo-
,ratic League to observe at first-hand
the wide-spread wartime destruction
in that country will report on their
findings at 8 p. m. today in the Rack-
ham Amphitheater, under the spon-
sorship of the American Friends of
Poland of Ann Arbor and Detroit.
The members of the delegation Fre
State Senator Stanley Novak, repre-
senting the American Democratic
Council and the Wayne County CIO;
State Representative Vincent Klein,
a delegate for the UAW-CIO executive
board; Anthony Kar of the Ham-
tramck schools, president of the
Koscioszko League; and editor Henry
Podolski of the Voice of the People,
Detroit. The Detroit Polish Demo-
cratic League embraces 33 Polish so-
cieties, social, civic and fraternal or-
Economic Change Underway
Poland's emergence from a feudal
type of pre-war state, the land large-
ly in the hands of a few, with an
agricultural economy, toward an in-
dustrial society with large concerns
owned by the state, will be described
by the lecturers. The introduction
of public schools modeled along Amer-
ican lines is another recent innova-
tion. These and other attempts at
reconstruction were observed by the
Detroiters in their tour.
Destruction Observed
The delegation also viewed the vast
extent of destruction caused by the
war, and movies of this devastation
will be shown today by Kar. The
razed buildings, fields, ruined by
mines, and devastated factories will
be described.
The delegation was provided with
a car for their tour by the Polish
government. They were granted
audiences with top government of-
ficials and given access in many cases
to government files. They were al-
lowed to attend special and regular
sessions of the Polish parliament and
local councils. They spoke with party
leaders and leading churchmen as
well as the common villagers and
The Polish consul in Detroit, Olgren
Langer, will accompany the group
to Ann Arbor.
Tryouts Need ed
For The Dail y,
Garg, 'Ens ian
The first try-out meeting for the
Daily business staff will be held at
4 p.m. today.
Try-outs should bring eligibility
cards with them, Evelyn Mills, as-
sociate business manager, stated.
All past and prospective members
of the Gargoyle business, literary and
art staffs are urged to attend a meet-
ing to be held at 3:30 p. m. today in
the Garg office of the Student Pub-
lications Building.
A meeting for all eligible students
interested in working on the '46 Mich-
iganensian will be held at 4:15 p. m.
today in the Student Publications
Try-outs will have the opportunity
to work on any phase of the Univer-
sity yearbook and may gain valuable
experience on the copy-writing, make-
up, book-design, art or photography
staffs, according to Florence Kings-
bury, 'Ensian editor.

Citizens Protest
Housing Units.
GRAND RAPIDS, March 6--(")-
Striking back at local residents who
signed petitions objecting to the loca-
tion of emergency housing units near
their homes on grounds it will lessen
property, Grand Rapids citizens today
expressed regret that war veterans
should be regarded "as social undesir-
ables whose mere presence in a com-
munity will depreciate the value of
real estate."
A petition protesting location of
the veterans' housing units has been
presented city officials. Similar com-
plaints have been heard from vari-
ous sections of the city where emer-
gency housing units have been pro-

WillowLodge Cafeteria
Promises Fair Prices


Charges of high food costs at the
all-veteran University community at
Willow Village were blamed last night
on "organizational difficulties" by
cafeteria director Noel Burns.
Burns conceded a failure to post
prices during the first few days of
the new semester may have jacked up
the general cost of meals, but now
that the initial hurdles have been
overcome he promised his cafeteria
will give the best service possible to
veterans at Willow Lodge Community
House near Ypsilanti.
"Our prices compare favorably with
other campus eating places and are
under OPA ceilings," Burns said. All
food prices at the cafeteria have been
accepted by the University.
One thousand meals a day now are
served at the cafeteria, and Burns

predicts that number may be doubled
within the next few weeks. "We'll do
our best to serve every Willow Village
student who wants a meal, at the low-
est price possible," he said.
Student patrons of the University-
sponsored cafeteria agreed that prices
now approximate those in Ann Arbor
generally. But veterans still seemed
to feel their government allotments
were insufficient to tide them
through the semester.
"I can only afford two meals a day
under the 65 dollars a month subsis-
tence I'm getting now," a former Pa-
cific infantryman said. "Now that
prices at Willow Village are about
the same as on campus, I'm beginning
to wonder how veterans on campus
get along."

Strike Settlement
Local Com1pany Promises Service,
Railroad Refuses Prediction on Tie-Up,
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 7-Officials of the National Federation of Tele-
phone Workers were reported authoritatively today to have agreed on terms
for settlement of the threatened nationwide telephone strike.
A Labor Department official said announcement of the basis of the
agreement between the federation and the American Telephone and Tele-
graph Company was being delayed pending agreement by member unions

Sextet Cones from Behind
I 9-h Win Over Auto Club


Unofficial Source


Associate Sports Editor
WINDSORa Ont., March 6-Com-
ing from behind, Michigan's hockey
squad completely outplayed the De-
troit Auto Club in the final two
periods to win 9-6 at the arena here
The Wolverines, playing hockey in
mid-season form despite the absence
of four regulars, spotted the Auto
Club a 5-3 lead in thefirst period, out
rallied with two goals in the second
Rally Explains
N1eed of Studen t

stanza and four more in the
period to win going away.



P rof.
f lare

orton Outlines
Sy[4ei1 of' PR

Paced by high scoring Bill Jacob-
son, who turned in the hat trick and
two assists, the Maize and Blue puck-
men came through with their 15th
victory of the season and their second
straight over the Detroit sextet.
Jack MacDonald was given the job
of tending the Michigan nets in the
absence of the regular goal tender,
Jack MacGinniswho has been de-
clared ineligible due to scholastic dif-
The game was one of the cleanest
played by the Wolverines all season.
No penalties were called in the fast
first period which saw eight goals
pushed into the nets.
Rick Adams drew two minutes for
high sticking in the second frame for
the only penalty in that frame. Three
penalties, one of ten minutes for mis-
conduct, were called against the home
The first period saw the Auto Club
jump into the lead after three min-
utes of play, when Don Bandino took
a pass from Danny Devine and shoved
the puck past MacDonald. Al Ren-
frew broke into the scoring for the
Wolverines 54 seconds later when he
scored on passes from Gordon Mac-
Millan and Jacobson.
Ivan Johnson took the puck from
Herb Jones a minute later to put the
Detroit sextet in the lead again.
Michigan's next score came on a beau-
tiful solo dash by the team captain,
Connie Hill, who split the defense
and sent the puck home from five
feet out.
Jacobson's first goal of the evening
put the Wolverines ahead at 10:18,
but George Adams' unassisted goal

Focusing attention on the need for
a forceful and representative body,
the Rally for Student Governmentu
attracted more than 100 persons last0
The meeting was sponsored by the
Committee for Student Representa-
tion which supports the Congress-
Cabinet Constitution.
Robert Taylor, '46, after brieflyF
sketching the present movementI
for student government and out-n
lining the two proposed constitu-
tions, introduced the guest speaker,t
Prof. Clark Norton of the political
science department who discussed
"Proportional Representation: How f
It Works." Under the Congress-
Cabinet plan, the Congress would1
be chosen by the Hare system of
Stressing the fact that under PR
every voter is assured that at least
one of his votes will be cast for a
winning candidate, Dr. Norton said
that this system would be the most
effective barometer of student opin-
ion. He suggested, however, that the'
Congress be chosen from the various
colleges rather than from the campus
as a whole. The merits of the smaller
unit, he said, would be manifest in a
less cumbersome procedure and in a
greater familiarity with candidate1
qualifications on the part of voters. 1
In accordance with this sugges-
tion, Vivian Sessions, grad., pro-1
posed the division of the Univer-
sity into four elective units; the lit-1
erary college, the engineering col-
lege, undergraduate professional4
and graduate professional schools.
The operation of the Hare
system was demionstrated by a mock
election of five permanent delegates
to the UNO Security Council. Ballots
containing ten names, of which five
were to be marked in order of pref-
erence, were distributed and col-
lected at the beginning of the Rally.
Marked by 51 persons, the ballots
were checked by two people in less
than ten minutes.
TU' Scienttsts
Elect CounctIl
lc tm a tvc-menmwber executive
council, the Association of University
of Michigan Scientists last night
voted to request affiliation with the
Federation of American Scientists.
The national organization, com-
posed of groups similar to the Asso-
ciation set up here last semester, has
been active in fi ghting for legislation
in Washington.
Memnbers elected to the execu tive
council are,

;author Maurice
Hindus To Give
Lecture Today
Our Relations with
Russia Will Be Topic
Russian born Maurice Hindus,
noted author of Soviet folk-lore, fact
and fancy, will speak on "How We
Can Get Along With Russia" at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Seventh to speak in the Oratorical
Association series, Hindus replaces
Edmund Stevens who is now in Rus-
sia. He will be introduced by Dr.
Louis A. Hopkins of the mathematics
Self -Education
Migrating to America at 14 and
forced to work as errand boy to sup-
port his widowed mother, Hindus un-

*of the federation to the terms.
Joseph A. Beirne, telephone union
leader, was polling union locals over
the country tonight on some settle-
ment proposition which might avert a
threatened nationwide telephone tie-
up tomorrow morning.
A high government official said
Beirne was polling the locals but did
not say on what proposition. A union
official in Detroit confirmed that the
poll was on a proposed compromise
but declined to discuss details.
In Springfield, Ill., Richard Skin-
ner, local chairman of the National
Federation of Telephone Workers,
told a meeting of telephone workers
that union and management spokes-
men in Washington expected to an-
nounce before 1 a. m. (Eastern Stan-
dard Time) that the strike had been
However, a union leader emerged
from the conference of union, man-
agement and United States concili-
ators in the Labor Department offices
and told reporters it was "slow going."
Meanwhile, the strike already was
underway at Baltimore and two other
Maryland towns. Baltimore operators
held a mass meeting and voted to
strike at once, and start picketing im-

See SEXTET, Page 3
Chinese Coast
Batteries Fire
On French Ship
Former Daily Editor
Aboard the French cruiser Emile
Bertin off Haiphong, Indochina,
March 6-()-Coastal batteries fired
on this flagship cruiser today when
French warships carrying more than
20,000 French troops cruised off Hai-
phong harbor awaiting Chinese per-
mission to land the forces in North-
ern Indochina.
(A later dispatch from Chung-
king said the Chinese Central News
Agency reported five French war-
ships had bombarded Chinese
troops at Haiphong in a landing
attempt, and that both sides had
suffered casualties in a brief but
hot exchange lasting until noon,
when the warships withdrew. An
ammunition dump ashore was set
(The agency said today's incident
arose over last-minute "technical
difficulties" connected with the
transfer until Thursday. An investi-
gation is under way, it added.)
Shells from one coastal battery
missed the flagship by more than
.+ mnile, but reports reaching the
Emile Berth said a landing craft
also was fired upon and a French
sailor was seriously wounded.
The warships brought troops in-
tended to relieve the Chinese who
have been garrisoning Northern In-
dochina for months.

.. .To speak today
dertook a program of self-education,
learning the English language at 20
words a day. Later he attended night
Ambitions for a farming career
were diverted to writing when he was
refused admission to an agricultural
college for lack of a few credits and
entered Colgate University instead.
Author On Russia
After graduating with honors he
became a free-lance writer, devoting
his work to the struggles of the Rus-
sian people. A series of articles on
the Russian Doukhobars of Western
Canada won him a job from Century
Magazine editor Glenn Frank, who
sent him to Russia for an investi-
gation of collective farming. This
study grew into his first acclaimed
books-"Red Bread" and "Human-
ity Uprooted."
An affinity for his native land led
him to become a student of Russian
society and one of the world's fore-
most informers on the subject.
Through a course of years he has
been the author of several prophecies
concerning Soviet internal and for-
eign policy which have since become
accomplished fact.
Japs Given New
TOKYO, March 6- (p) -- A new
constitution which shears all sover-
eign powers from the emperor in fa-
vor of the people, renounces war, bans
all armed forces, and sounds the
death knell of the nobility, was an-
nounced for Japan today.
Drawn after five months of consul-
tation with supreme headquarters, it
was launched with the blessings of
General MacArthur, Premier Kijuro
Shidehara, and Emperor Hirohito

The Ann Arbor Michigan Bell Tele-
phone Co. office gave assurances yes-
terday that regular dial and emer-
gency long distance services will con-
tinue throughout the threatened Na-
tional Federation of Telephone Work-
ers strike, but no predictions on the
possible breakdown of railway trans-
portation were forthcoming from of-
ficials of the New York Central Rail-
Nicholas J. Prakken, local Michigan
Bell business manager, said that dial
telephone service could continue "for
a long time" without the aid of strik-
ing workers.
Operations supervisors, not affect-
ed by the strike, will be able to main-
tain emergency long distance calls, he
Russel Tabor, Detroit passenger
traffic manager for the New York
Central Railroad, said he knew noth-
ing about the strike of the Brother-
hood of Locomotive Engineers be-
yond what he had read in the news-
He said he had received no instruc-
tions concerning the proposed strike
from the railroad's central office.
Tabor declared he did not believe
the strike would "come off," because
"they've threatened to strike a thous-
and times in the past 30 years but
have never gone out yet."
CLEVELAND, March 6-OP)-Two
railroad brotherhoods today set 6 a.m.
(EST) next Monday as the deadline
for a progressive strike which could
tie up the nation's rail system, but
labor experts observed there were at
least two ways of delaying or pre-
venting suspension of transportation.
The strike date announcement
came from A. F. Whitney, president
of the brotherhood of railroad train-
men, and Alvanley Johnston, head of
the brotherhood of locomotive engi-
neers, after the deadline leaked from
brotherhood officials in other cities.
Affected were 215,000 trainmen,
78,000 engineers and 348 railroad
lines and terminals-all the trunk
lines and most feeders.
Under the strike plan, the list of
roads and terminals was divided into
four groups, with service to halt on
112 next Monday; on 85 at 6 a.m.
Tuesday; 91 at 6 a.m. Wednesday,
and 96 at the same hour next Thurs-
Whitney and Johnston said in in-
structions sent to brotherhood mem-
bers that only "troop trains,-hospital
trains and milk trains" would move
in event of a walkout, and asserted
mail train employes had "the same
right to refuse to perform service"
as those on other trains.

Spaulding Elected 'Engine'Council President

MYDA Asks Truman To Break With Spain



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