SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY - - --------- - - Engineering College Reports Lack of Aeronautics Students v There is a shortage of aeroiautical engineering graduates, according to officials of the University's Depart-y ment of Engineering.- Not nearly enough aeronautical1 engineers, they reported, are gradu-i ating to fulfill the demands of indus-1 try and of government laboratoriesi for young engineers familiar with supersonic aerodynamics, jet andI rocket propulsion, guidance and al- lied sciences. While commerciali companies can see no excess of aero- nautical engineers in the next four years, there are only 34 aeronautical engineering students on campus who' will be seniors next year. Veterans Enrolling Although the aeronautical engineer- ing department plans to take in up to 40 veterans or transfer students with three years of advanced credit, they still fall far short of meeting- the demands for these graduates. There are only 93 juniors in this de- partment. However there is a marked in-l crease in the number of graduate stu-i dents taking aeronautical engineer-i ing. Forty-one graduates have re- turned to do additional work in the fields of high speed aviation. Increased DemandI Technological advancement in aeronautics in the last two years of the war have caused the government; and the airlines to greatly increasei their demand for performance of new aircraft, including pilotless aircraft< and guided missles. They want more speed and range than ever before.1 Talk on Religion Will Be Given Professor of Indiai Philosophy To Speak Sir Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, pro- fessor of Indian philosophy, will de- liver a lecture on "The Meaning ofi Religion" at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday in the Rackham Amphitheatre, under the sponsorship of the department of philosophy. Sir Radhakrishnan lectures under the auspices of the Watumull Foun- dation which provides scholarships to send Indian students to the United States for graduate study. Educated entirely in India, Sir Radhakrishnan studied first in Chris- tian Mission schools, then at the1 Madras Christia College. He took his B.A. and M.A. from the Univer- sity of Madras. He has lectured at Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Chicago and other American Universities, and his works are used in most universi- ties as authoritative sources on In- dian philosophy. England knighted him in 1931 for his work in education. The Hindustan Association and the Student Religious Association will hold a reception at Lane Hall for Sir Radhakrishnan following the lec- ture. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) Events Today Discussion Series-Current Prob- lems in Tropical Disease Control. First Meeting: Public Health Auditorium, 11 a.m. Saturday, April 6. Dr. R. L. Laird will outline pres- ent information on the use of DDT for insect sanitation, There will be opportunity for discussion. All inter- ested are invited. Unitarian Student Group: Hay- ride scheduled for Saturday evening, April 6th, has been postponed to Saturday, April 13th. Coming Events I The English Journal Club will meet Thursday, April 11, at 7:45 p.m. in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Professors Wil- liam Frankena and Paul Henle will speak on "Truth in Literature." There will be a general discussion and re- freshments. Graduate History Club will have an organizational meeting for all gradu- ate students registered in the His- tory Department on Wednesday, April 10, at 8:00 p.m. in the West Conference Room, Rackham Build- ing. Psychology Club will meet on Mon- day, April 8, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rack- ham Amphitheater. Professor How-. ard McClusky, of the School of Edu- cation, will speak on the topic, "Men- tal Hygiene and The Curriculum." All members are urged to be present as well as others who are interested. IZFA, student Zionist organization, will present a panel discussion on "Europe and Palestine: Rescue and Redemption," with eye-witness re- ports by Stuart Goldfarb and Sam Rosen, at the Hillel Foundation on Sunday, April 7, at 8:00 p.m. A so- cial hour and refreshments will fol- All manufacturers are engaged in extensive long range research and de- velopment programs to meet the de- mands of their customers. Therefore the aeronautical industry is asking for a large number of young aeronau- tical engineers. Since the engineer- ing college new has such a large en- rollment, the Department of Aero- nautical Engineering anticipates a great increase in its number of grad- uates two years from now. SKELETONS: Antlironolo gisti Studies Indian Burial Mound. Dr. Emerson F. Greenman, curator of the Great Lakes Division of the Museum of Anthropology, is conduct- ing an investi;ation of some 20 skele- tons and other specimens taken from an indian burial mound located at Fort Wayne, Detroit. According to Dr. Greenman, the mound could have been constructed. 2,000 years ago. Clay vessels, beads made of shell, flints, knives and spears are among specimens taken from the mound, which was about four and one-half feet high and 60 feet in di- ameter. It is thought, Dr. Greenman said, that the mound once was a dwelling site and then became a burial mound. He said it might have been built by the ancestors of the present Algon- quin-speaking Indians in Michigan known as the Chippewas, Potawa- 'tomies and Ottowas. The Detroit Aboriginal Research Club did the excavation of the mound and sent findings to Dr. Greenman. First investigations of the mound took place in 1875 when Henry Gill- man of Detroit dug two trenches into the site, but missed many specimens, Dr. Greenman said. Martha Wells Wins Scholarship Award Martha Wells, Ann Arbor High School senior and daughter of Prof. Carlton F. Wells of the English de- partment, has been awarded a four- year college scholarship which may be used at any school she chooses to attend. The award was won in a competi- tion involving more than 27,000 high school seniors throughout the nation. The scholarship pays tuition and re- quired fees, $25 a month to help cover living expenses, and a travel allow- ance. State's First Printing Press Still a Mystery Iden ity of Michigan's First Printer Elusive The identity of John McCall and what became of the press on which he printed the first publication known to have been issued in this state is one of the mysteries of Michigan his- tory, Dr. F. Clever Bald, University war historian, said yesterday, point- ing out that many myths and inac- curacies exist in Michigan history. Press Arrived In 1809 According to Dr. Bald, the first printing press arrived in the state in 1785, not in many historians maintain. The first evidence of any printing being done in the state is a pamphlet entitled "An Act Passed at the First Session of the Fourth Con- gress of the United States of America at Philadelphia," which was issued by McCall in 1796. Popular belief, according to Dr. Bald, has been that The Rev. Fr. Gabriel Richard brought the first press into Detroit in 1809. But Dr. Bald points out that historians have proved that his press was not the first. Possibly Destroyed By Fire Besides the fact that he printed the pamphlet in 1796, nothing posi- tive is known about McCall or his press. Speculation on what happened to the press includes a theory that it was ruined when Detroit was de- stroyed by fire in 1805. However, Dr. Bald says he has found a record that James May, a De- troit merchant, shipped a press to Niagara, Ont., in 1800. He believes that this was the press on which Mc- Call published his historic pamphlet. Proudhon Will Be Discussed "Peace and Justice: The Political Thought of Proudhon" will be the subject of a lecture by Dr. Frederick M. Watkins, formerly of Cornell University, to be given at 4:15 p.m. Monday in Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. Watkins received his B.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard and was an in- structor there for a time. He. then taught at Cornell University for five years. During the war he served as a lecturer at the Harvard School for Overseas Administration. This last summer he was with the govern- ment's Research and Analysis Branch of the Office for Strategic Services. For the past year, Dr. Watkins has been writing a general history of the political theory of liberalism. He is the author of several books and magazine articles. ASSOCIATED PRESS IICTURE NEWS TRUMAN INSPECTS BLOOMS-resident Truman inspects blooms on a starry magnolia tree' HOLLYWOOD SKI FAN S-AClark Gable (center), and Gary Cooper, (right) accompanied by a~ski instructor, start out for some outdoor exercise at Sun Valley, Idaho. NEWCOMER-Recently a' photographer who took pictures of Hollywood stars, Leza Hol- land, (above) a Kansas City girl, has signed a contract to appear in films herself. ' C A P 1 T A L B L0 S S O M S - Along the margin of the tidal basin; with the Washington ( monument in the background. the capital's cherry blossoms stage their 1946 show. NIGHT and Di4Y , ear- I _._ >, J HAVE YOU DISCOVERED ... The Tavern Cafeteria. -it's the perfect place for meals when you're on or near campus. And the cooking is just what you're look- ing for. * A DELICIOUS DISH For a little variety in your dat eating habits try Metzger's Chich en-in-the-Rough. You'll get thi added flavor at a moderate pric - - ' 4.r n rye \ il lilll/ _ ; =. Q.. B V B B L E C U M C H A M P-Robert Moses, 14, demon- stratcs the form that won him first prize in a bubble gum contest sponuored by a Chicago candy store owner. C C L E A N - U P S E A S O N-Three-year-ald Nancy Stevens of Mobile, Ala~, does her best to give Frisky, her three-year.old collie, a spring bath. Frisky, with the usual dog viewpoInt o9 such things, doesn't appear overjoyed.,' FOR GOOD EATING We mean Leo Ping's of course. It's the answer to where to eat lunch and the perfect place to stop for those afternoon snacks. Give it a try? -- ___ A SURE HIT :''