WAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL S, 1946 PAOE FOUR FRIDAY, APRIL 5~ 1946 Fit-Sthiga Baeay Fifty-Sixth Year If i etteri to f/c Clito, Con tn4'eei4l tepovteta DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 4 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff. Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . .sCity Editor Emily E. Knapp. ..........Associate Editor Pat Cameron . . . . . . . Associate Editor Clark Baker . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Des Howarth.. . . . ... Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz ......... ...Women's Editor Dona Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 OEPRESENTED FOR NATiONL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pablishers Representative 420 lMADIsON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * OSTON * O LoANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: MILT FREUDENHEIM Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. A Third View To the Editor: There are students who do not believe there is a need for a student government. Would it not be fairer, and more democratic, if these students could vote for a third alterna- tive: "No student government". This would also be better for those who believe in either form of student government for if, as usual, only a minority of students vote, the ad- ministration might not believe that the govern- ment has strong support. If, on the other hand, only a minority of those who vote say "No stu- dent government", the student government cho- sen will seem to have much stronger support. And I repeat, there are those who do not want either student government, and they should be given the right to vote against it. Not voting at all is not a very good solution. The issue should be "Do you, or do you not, want a student government?", not "What stu- dent government do you want?". --Fay Ajzenberg * ,' ' ; A Different Key To the Editor: Don't let them scare you, Paula Brower. As a regular reader of your reviews I have found, though our opinions do not always coincide, that you endeavor in your column to help the artist who is making a sincere effort to play good music. An example was your review of the De- troit Symphony. Your review of the Templeton concert was quite in line with such a policy. It may be cul- tural progress to sell good music to the public by bringing it down to the level of Fantasia, Till the End of Time, and Minuet in G Reharmon- ized, but its tough on the music. Beethoven, be- ing dead, can take it alright, but what about the real artists who now have to please a public saturated with the pre-indigested music of Dis- ney and Templeton. The very fact that the audi- ence did enjoy the concert so avidly ( I had a fine time myself during the second half) is the more reason to point out that it was fun but not art. To the children who wrote those nasty letters and preferred Templeton to Heifitz I recommend Indonesia and Four Freedoms FIFTY MILLION PEOPLE are now asking for independence! The recently formed Indo- nesian republic, with the strong backing of the people of Java, is demanding freedom from the Dutch rule that has exploited the country for over 350 years. At the same time the Dutch are using every possible scheme to regain control of their one great colony. Since V-J Day they have been using the British forces, who were originally stationed there only to disarm the Japanese, to suppress a native revolt with the apparent hope that eventually they can weaken the indepen- dence movement sufficiently to effect some com- promise with the Indonesians in order to keep Java within the Netherlands empire. f Dr. Soekarno, President and spokesman of the Indonesian republic, has no respect for thy, Dutch or for Dutch promises. He claims that the, people of Java will come to terms with the Dutch only if the following are guaranteed: 1. That they are assured of independence at a specific future date with some program (sim- iliar to the American program in the Philip- pines) established for working into that inde- pendence. 2. That the fulfillment of such a policy is guaranteed either by the United States or by the United Nations Organization. T HE INDONESIANS have looked for, asked for, and expected American help and American support. Since America was the strongest ex- ponent of "self-determination for all peoples," they have expected America to back up her war - time promises with a genuine concern over the Indonesian problem. So far they have been com- pletely disappointed. American equipment in the hands of Dutch and British troops has been openly used against the Indonesians and our only objection has been to ask that American la- bels be removed before the equipment is used. So far, by our indifference, we have been sup- porting the Dutch attempt to restore imperial- ism. The case for Indonesian independence will probably come before the UNO in the near fu- ture. What then will be the American attitude? Will we demand that freedom for the Indone- sians be granted? Or was the Atlantic Char- ter merely an idealistic goal toward which we should someday strive? To the Asiatic peoples of the world we have represented ourselves as the bulwark of democracy and the upholders of freedom. In a very real sense, American pres- tige is on trial in Java. THE POSITION that America takes regarding Indonesian independence will not only affect America's standing in the eyes of the world, but anything less than full support may jeopardize the success of the United Nations Organization. We are supposedly committed to the policy of autonomy for subject peoples. Every day of our silence is a partial denial of that policy. Unless we come out strongly for independence in Java soon, we will be admitting to the world that our word is unreliable and our promises are unde- pendable. This problem may appear small or insignificant in relation to the larger crises in world affairs today, but if we fail to keep our word, our failure will loom large in the eyes of millions of Asiatics. As Americans who believe that the "tour freedoms" should be a way of life instead of a convenient, military tool, we, as in- dividuals and as a nation, must support the move for Indonesian independence now. -Tom Walsh Freddy Martin's transcriptions as better than either. And for those who think the Daily should "do something" about Miss Brower for disagree- ing with the majority there are the well known ideologies which do not sanction such obnoxious things as freedom of expression. Anyway, more power to Miss B. and to the Daily for supporting her. -David Gale Doble-Edged Axe To the Editor: We are writing in thorough disgust at your having labeled Miss Allyce Wishnevsky's vile de- nunciation of our Miss Brower as the "Majority Report." (April 3 Daily.) How could she? (We mean how could Miss Wishnevsky?) We who worship our Miss Paula think her reviews brilliant, and oh, so chic. If Miss Brower says, "The note was flat," or the "technique was unimpeachalle, but the perform- ance lacked the fire that Shostakovich intended," we watch in expectancy for the next performer, wondering if the B flat will be natural, or wheth- er the fire will have as many faggots as origin- ally scheduled. Let's say Miss Paula is the custodian of our enjoyment of music. If it cannot please her, why how could it possibly please us. (Yes, how could it?) If she doesn't enjoy it, or feels that the per- former is really just "putting on a show," it is only to our greater glory in music that she de- nounce the vile person. A rose by another name would save nine, Miss Wishnevsky. Just remember that. We do, and we're perfectly happy here in Queen Elizabeth's court, Paula and I. Very authentically, Robert Lone * * r * * On Obituaries To the Editor: I have just read, with pleasure Charles Orwick's comment on Paula Brower's music column and would like to offer my hearty congratulations. We at the West Quad have been discussing her articles for some time now, but not in the same language that Mr. Orwick has used-his com- ments were printable. If there is any excuse for Miss Brower's col- umn other than to fill up space, I fail to see it. The only consolation in reading such tripe, or even allowing it to be printed, is in knowing that the people assailed by the "critic" will never suffer from her comments and will undoubtedly go on to greater popularity. Also there is one more thing of which we can be sure: Miss Brow- er's point of view will always be the same-say nothing good about anyone unless his abilities are so profound that even an Ann Arbor audi- ence will lift one hand in applause and you will go places as a critic. Perhaps compliments are beyond her realm of writing abilities; perhaps she is just bitter at the world in general. - Frankly, I believe she would do better to head her column "Obituaries"; for, if her subjects are not dead when she begins, they will be when she finishes. Sincerely, Edward K. Blair CINEMA At the Rackham Amphitheatre .. . "VOLGA VOLGA," in Russian with English sub-titles. Released by Artkino, this is one of the few Russian musical comedies that has found its way to this country. The plot, what there is of it, is loose enough to allow much of the broad humor and frequent musical numbers that the Russians seem to appreciate. The story has something to do with two rival groups who seek to win the musical Olympiad held in Mos- cow. Their respective ups and downs while trav- eling down the Volga to Moscow are traced in detail. The happy ending sees the two factions unite to win first prize. Perhaps accidentally, a rather striking contrast between competition and cooperation is thus presented with cooper- ation naturally the victor., No matter what the language, a musical com- edy traditionally contains liberal portions of singing, dancing, humor, and love interest. "Vol- ga Volga" is no exception. In fact, the portions were a little too liberal. The picture would have been greatly improved if the experienced hand of a film cutter had been utilized to reduce its two hours running time to one. While overlong and repetitive, the picture does contain several pleasing musical offerings and a few scenes of good slapstick. The Russians apparently have lessened their emphasis on seriousness and ed- ucation in their motion pictures and now seem able to laugh out loud. It is to be hoped that their next attempt in this direction will prove more noteworthy. Featured on the same bill with "Volga Volga" are two short subjects, one a musical and the other in the nature of a newsreel. The latter paints a very impressive picture of Russian mili- tary might assembled in Red Square for a re- view by Marshall Stalin. For one who is inter- ested in Russia or Russian, or for one who has no place else to go, the Rackham is recommend- ed. -Hap Eaton CURRENT speculation on the pos- sibilities for a third party tends to center on the expected role of labor, especially the CIO-PAC. There are, however, many other dissatisfied groups in America which are despair- ing of getting satisfaction from eith- er of the major parties. The support given by farmers to the recent strikes by the United Packinghouse Workers, CIO and the Farm Equipment Workers, CIO, rep- resents a new level in farmer-labor cooperation. These two progressive unions, realizing the importance of the farmers' attitude toward their strikes, made an unprecedented ef- fort to present their case to the farm- ers. The FEW pointed out that in the case of a 153 tractor direct labor cost to the manufacturer was only $11, and placed this information in the hands of the farmers. The value of these tactics was clearly demonstrated at the recent convention of the National Farmers Union, which overwhelmingly voted its support to the Packinghouse Workers, denounced the Packing. Trust as "the enemy of the farmers and the factory workers, and then took up a collection for the strikers. The delegates threw in over $3,000 out of their own pockets. The successful filibuster against the FEPC by a coalition of Republi- cans and Southern Democrats also acted to swing many Negroes away from dependence on the two parties which now exist. The cynical politi- cal maneuvers which have served to deceive and betray one-tenth of our people for the last seventy-five years are beginning to seem tactically thread-bare and morally baggy at the knees. Veterans are also becoming aware that our national and $tate governments are considering \the veterans' interests only when great pressure is brought to bear upon the legislatures. The emasculation of the Patman Bill in Congress, the absence of any intelligent or effective housing program in Mich- igan, the rising prices and the fall- ing wage rates, the scarcity of jobs .... all of these facts are becoming apparent to veterans as represen- tative of fields where the govern- ment should take action but re- fuses to do anything. ALSO visible is a growing unity be- tween labor and the middle class workers. The Committee to Aid GM Strikers was essentially a group of professional and middle class people. The National Citizens Political Ac- tion Committee did a very effective job in 1944 by pointing out the true interests of the majority of Ameri- cans, and organizing communities to vote for those interests. The Inde- pendent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions in- cludes many of the most famous per- sons in the United States. and is re- vealing an increasing dissatisfaction with government policy on atomic energy, foreign affairs, and a full em- ployment program. The launching of a third party on a national scale depends upon developments and upon the poli- cies adopted by the old parties. The threat of another war or a se- vere depression would be the signal for the immediate appearance of a new progressive party. In spite of the great reduction in farm mort- gages during the war, a farm de- pression is a definite pospect after the few years necessary for foreign production of wheat and cotton to reach its pre-war level. Those peo- ple who remember the milk strikes and the over-turned milk trucks, the foreclosures and the unity against auctions in the depression of 1932, know how quickly the farmers can change from the most conservative to the most radical group in America. The students of history who have studied the Popu- list movement recognize the same fact. In the absence of one of these enormous disruptions of society, the immediate perspective is the forma- tion of progressive parties on a state and local scale. The American La- bor Party in New York has demon- strated the ability of such a party to climb into the balance of power, so that neither the Republicans or the Democrats dare to move without considering the ALP. Nor is this party exclusively made up of organ- ized labor . . . the majority of ALP voters are Negroes and white-collar workers . . . . although the labor movement is the central and inte- Pubilcation in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers or the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- urdays). FRIDAY. APRIL 5, 1946 VOL. LVIL No. 106 Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The civilian freshman five-week' progress reports will be due April 6 in the office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The five-weeks' grades or Navy and Marine trainees (other than En- gineers and Supply Corps) will be due April 6. Department offices will be provided with special cards and the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive these reports and transmit them to the proper offices. Notice to Faculty Members regard- ing Termination of Veterans' Book and Supply Orders for the Spring Term, 1946: Faculty members must specify all books and supplies required in their courses not later than May 10 in or- der that the University may meet the deadline for filing invoices with the Veterans Administration by the end of the term. Group Hospitalization and Surgical Service : During the period from April 1 through April 10, the University Business Office (Room 9, University Hall) will accept new applications, as well as requests for changes in contracts now in effect, from all University employees. These new ap- plications and changes will become effective May 5, with the first pay- roll deduction on April 30.. The Museum of Art and Arche- ology on South State Street reopened Sunday, March 31. Visiting hours are Sunday, 3-5; Tuesday through Fri- day, 9-12; 2-5; Saturday, 9-12. Identification Pictures are now available in the booth outside of Room 2, University Hall, for stu- dents who had pictures taken during fpring Term registration or since. The Graduate School is holding mail for the following persons: Mr. Edwin Crosby Ann Arbor today. He will, however, be glad to see people who are inter- ested in teaching positions in Puna- ihou at the Book Cadillac Hotel in Detroit on Friday morning, Room 1439. Lectures Dr. Frederick M. Watkins, formerly Associate Professor of Political Sci- ence at Cornell University, will lec- ture on the subject. "Peace and Jus- tice: The Political Thought of Proud- hon," at 4:15 p.m., Monday, April 8, in the Rackham Amphitheater. The public is invited. French Lecture: Miss Helen Hall, Curator of the Institute of Fine Arts, will offer the fifth French lecture on the series sponsored by the Cercle Francais, on Thursday. April 11, at 4:10 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memo- rial Hall. Her lecture, which will be illustrated witl slides, is entitled: "Artistes Francais en Amerique!" Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet in Room 319 West Medical Building today at 4 p.m. "Some Recent Chemical Studies of Amino Acids and Special Proteins." All interested are invited. Veterans' Tutorial Program The following changes have been made in the schedule: English Composition - Tuesday, Thursday 4:00-5:00 p.m. 2235 Angell Hall. (Beginning) English Composition - Tuesday, Thursday 4:00-5:00 p.m. 3216 Angell .Hall; Friday 5:00-6:00 p.m. 3216 An- gell Hall. (Advanced) Spanish (31) (32)-Monday, Tues- day 4:00-5:00 p.m. 408 Romance Lang.; Thursday, Friday 4:00-5:00 p.m. 408 Romance Lang. Preliminary examinations for the Ph.D. in Economics will be held about the middle of May. Students plan- nling to take these examinations should leave their names and the fields in which they are to be exam- ined with the Secretary of the De- partment as promptly as possible. Concerts Claire Coci, guest organist, will make her third recital appearance in Ann Arbor on Sunday afternoon, April 7, in Hill. Auditorium. Her program will include works by Bach1, d'Andrieu, Franck, Hindemith, Peet- ers, Dupre, and Liszt. Scheduled to begin at 4:15, the re- cital will be open to the public, with the exception of small children. Exhibitions Paintings by Eduardo Salgado of current American Life. Daily from 2-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. in the mezza- nine galleries of Rackham until April 10. Mr. Miguel Kawwass Mr. J. P. Kapur Mr. Manghir Malani Mr. Robert Dick Pierce Mr. John B. Wall If letters are not called for April 10, they will be returned sender. by to Immediate Job Opportunities in Social Work: An announcement has come from the Welfare Federation of Cleveland that there are a few pre- professional jobs which may lead to professional training in social work available there. These jobs are not intended for college graduates who are ready to enter a graduate school of social work. Applicants are se- lected on the basis of their potentili- ties to become social workers. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma- son Hall. Elizabeth Sargent Lee Medical Ilis- tory Prize Established in 1939 by bequest of Professor Alfred 0. Lee, a member of the faculty of the University from 1908 until his death in 1938. The in- com from the bequest is to be awarded annually to a junior or sen- ior premedical student in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for writing the best essay on some topic concerning the history of medi- cine. Freshmen in the Medical School who are on the Combined Curriculum in Letters and Medicine are eligible to compete in the contest. The following committee has been appointed to judge the contest: As- sistant Professor John Arthos, Chair- man, Professor Adam A. Christman, and Assistant Professor Frederick H. _ Test. The Committee has announced the following topics for the contest: 1. History of a Medical Unit 2. Medical-Aid Man 3. Medicine in Industry 4. Tropical Medicine Prospective contestants may con- Events Today The Ann Arbor Library Club will meet in the Clements Library tonight at 7:45. Robert B. Brown will, speak on "Collecting under arms." Refresh- ments. The Geological Journal Club will meet in Rm. 4065, Nat. Sci. Bldg. at 12:15 p.m. today. Mr. E. Walker, of Harvard Univ., will speak. All interested are invited to attend. A Russian musical film, "Volga Volga," presented by Russky Kru- Zhok, Russian Circle, will be shown today in Rackham Lecture Hall. Veterans' Night Club Troubles Coffee our: Lane Hall extends a ,pecial invitation to all Chinese stu- dents on campus to atend today's Coffee Hour from 4:30-6:00 p.m. There will be an exhibition of Chi- nese antiques. Dr. and Mrs. James M. Plummer will be guests of honor. Every one is invited. Wesleyan Guild and Congrega- tional-Disciples Guild will meet to- night for a Square Dance in the So- cial Hall of the Methodist church. The party will begin at 8:30 and last till 12:15. Refreshments will be served. WANTED: ONE DANCE FLOOR! A dance floor is needed by the "Camptis Casbah" Night Club that was to open this week- end . . . but "due to circumstances beyond our control", namely the lack of a floor for the danc- ing and entertainment, the League-Veter'ans Organization committee had to postpone the opening date. Now it appears that the postpone- ment will be definite and that the Night Club will never open! "Campus Casbah" was to be another place to dance and to go on the week-ends aside' from the ever-crowded Union dances and the mov- ies. Couples and stags would both be admitted' to this Night Club that would have dancing to an orchestra, an emcee, and a floor show. It was organized because of the requests of stu- dents for "someplace else to go on week.-ends". Veterans criticized the number of "closed" dances that are held and wanted a place to go that is open to everyone aside from the Union dances. EVERY Friday and Saturday nights the "Cam- pus Casbah" was to be open. It was to be held in the League ballroom and the committee made arrangements for small tables to be used around the dance floor, auditioned bands and {.} used? The committee could satisfactorily plan the Night Club here. Certainly excuses of "pre- vious contracts" couldn't be used as with the case of the ballroom. Business for the League Grill would be improved rather than hamper- ed by the weekend "Campus Casbah". HOWEVER, if the League Grill could not be used for this all-student weekend dance the only other ballroom on campus that would meet the demands would be the Rackham ballroom. But the Rackham building and its facilities are restricted to "graduate students only" and any organization wishing to sponsor a dance in the ballroom must have at least 2/3 graduate mem- bership. There is this pressing need for an additional week-end dance that is open to all students on campus and the Campus Casbah seemed to be the answer to the need. Now the Night Club is "all dressed up with no place to go." -Lois Iverson sult committee members, by appoint- ment. (1) A first prize of $50 and a second prize of $25 are being offered, (2) manuscripts should be 3,000 to 5,000 words in length, (3) the manuscripts The Westminster Guild of the First Pr esbyterian Church will hold an Open House this evening, fol- lowing Dr. Lemon's Bible Class which meets from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. The class topic is "'The Life and Teachings of Jesus." The Guild invites all stu- dents to join with them. Refresh- ments will be served. , Armenian Students Association: There will be an important meeting tonight at 7:30 at 616 Church. The main business will be the discussion of a drafted constitution. Following the business meeting a social period will follow. All students of Armenian descent are urged to come and par- ticipate in this meeting. Bnai B'rith Hillel Foundation will hold Sabbath Eve Services tonight at 7:45. Following Services Dr. Paul Henle will di rncĀ° s"Bertraord e vc..o11 i grating force in the ALP, as it must be in any progressive movement. -Ray Ginger i BARNABY But the kitchen door was OPEN. And someone has eaten our food ... You I - J;,J -, . - r-... 4 o c By Crockett Johnson should be typed, double spaced, on one side of the paper only, (4) con- testants must submit two copies of their manuscripts, and (5) all manu- scripts should be handed in at Room 1220 Angell Hall by May 31. The Superintendent of Schools in Pontiac, Michigan, will be in the of- fice of the Bureau of Appointments . nr .a .. tn,..o .. - a s a c f . Except Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, and Gus, the Ghost. They came to give a lecture. Ah finries. Then theatvefr hunarv . . . You've had a bad dream. Suppose I tuck you in. I