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April 05, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-05

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U'Tuition Fees

ised, ffective

in Fall


University, City
To Cooperate for
C ommon Interest
.Hailing a recent resolution of the Board of Regents as marking the
end of a 75 year period in which the University and city were "separate
entities," Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., yesterday reported University ac-
tion providing for joint study of common University and city problems.
Presenting to the Common Council a resolution adopted by the Regents
at their last meeting, Mayor Brown said that University officials; including
President Ruthven, Provost Adams, and Vice-Presidents Niehuss and Briggs,

have considered development of a c
Europeans Told
To Stamp Out
Black Market
Attlee Says Britain Can
Send No More Food
LONDON, April 4-(P)-Food min-
isters of 17 European countries were
told by UNRRA Director Fiorello La
Guardia they "must stamp out" their
black markets.
Prime Minister Attlee opened a
food debate in Commons meanwhile
with the assertion that Britain had
reached the limit in sending food to
Private Profiteers
In a message to the food confer-
ence read by Dr. W. G. Welk, UNRRA
economic adviser, the newly-elected1
head of UNRRA warned that "the
supplying countries are not giving
generously of their food and other
goods to benefit private profiteers."
La Guardia was unable to attend.
R. A. Furness of Britain, chairman
of the combined food requirements
subcommittee, charged that the ur-
ban population of Europe was suffer-
ing "because. the farmers won't give
up their wheat." He urged that the
farmers be compelled to yield their
stored grains.
Resolutions Passed;
A series of resolutions presented to,
the conference called for "all possi-
ble means of economy before reduc-;
ing human consumption," although;
some food ministers cautioned that
further ration cuts would be neces-
sary before the fall harvest.
Attlee asserted that Britain had
"reduced our margin of safety (in
the food situation) to the limit to
help others. Further we cannot go.
We must maintain the strength of
our people as a vital factor in the
economic, political and social recov-
ery of the world."
R. S. Hudson, conservative, former
Minister of Agriculture, following
Attlee in the debate, asserted that
the world food picture would remain
clouded until people know what is
being planted "behind the iron cur-
tain which stretches from Trieste to
He said that area, now occupied by
Russia or countries sympathetic to
Russia, "was one of the greatest foodt
producing areas of the world before
the war."
Pontiff Seeks
Unity To Avert
Famine Threat
VATICAN CITY, April 4-(P)--
Pope Pius XII called uponnations to-
day to unite in feeding the famished
lest hunger threaten the "sorely
needed peace," and suggested limited
rationing "in the better stocked coun-
tries" as one means of battling star-
Declaring in a world broadcasty
that one-fourth of the world's popu-Y
lation faces "the sinister menace, ofI
hunger," the Pope urged the import-
ing of food to Europe until the next
harvest, distribution of existingt
stocks, avoidance of all waste, andt
use of all means of transportation
and food distribution.-
Estimating that the food situation
will be difficult for at least the nextt
16 months, he called especially upon
the rich granaries of Argentina, Bra-l
zil and other Latin American coun-
tries for aid.-
The Pontiff, who conferred re-1
cently with former President Herbertt

ity-controlled University fire depart-
^ment, a University Police School, and
the "inadequacy of the water and
sewer rates now being paid by the
Commenting on the Regents' reso-
lution, Vice-President Niehuss said
that "city and University officials
are working cooperatively and we
are confident that together we will
be able to meet the problems that
arise in such a way that the campus
and city community will each bene-
The resolution, adopted by the Re-
gents' March 29 meeting, stated that
"whereas . . . student population . .
has grown to an all-time peak of
14,400 and will probably grow to an
even higher total next fall and,
whereas the City of Ann Arbor has
not found it possible to expand the
city limits to produce additional rev-
enue to meet the increasing costs,"
the Regents resolve that University
water and sewer rates be studied
"with the intention of increasing
the payment."
The resolution also directed
University administrative officers
"to continue to work with the pro-
per City of Ann Arbor officials in
studying appropriate ways of solv-
ing common University and city
The mayor told The Daily yester-
day that."l want it clearly under-.
stood that there are not two enti-
ties - Ann Arbor and the University.
The city and the University are one,
and as such should work for their
common good. City problems are
equally the problems of the Univer-
sity." He said that this marks the
first time that the University has
indicated interest in helping the city
The mayor explained that as a
"seven-and-a-half mill city," Ann
Arbor must meet its operating ex-
penses on this basis. As expenses
go up, the only way open to raise
more is to increase the city's as-
sessed valuation. This would mean
higher taxes, ie.: increased living
costs for University employees as
well as everyone else in the city
owning land. Since county and
school taxes are based on the city
assessment, the increase would ef-
fect 30 mills of taxes.
At present, the University uses ap-
proximately 40 per cent of Ann Ar-
bor's water and sewer facilities while
paying only 25 per cent of city in-
come for these services.
Ident Cards Are Ready
Identification cards will be dis-
tributed from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
today from the cages outside Rm.
4, University Hall.

Nations Asked
To Renounce
Ri*vht to War
MacArthur Wards
Of Danger to Peace
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 4-General
Douglas MacArthur called toni gh t for
all nations to renounce their sover-
eign right to wage war.
Unless they do, he asserted, the
United Nations must fail in its aim
for peace and its international po-
lice force will be "at best but a tem-
porary expedient."
This appeal from one of history's
most renowned professional soldie-s
was delivered before the Allied Coun-
cil for Japan at its initial session in
Tokyo. The War Department re
leased MacArthur's address heire.
Council Established hn Moscow
The Council, with representatives
of Russia, Britain, China and the
United States, was established as the
result of an agreement made by Sec-
retary of State Byrnes with the other
foreign ministers at Moscow last De-
cember. Some concern was voiced in
congressional and other quarters at
the time lest it hamper MacArthur's
authority as Supreme Allied Com-
While pledging full cooperation
with the Council, MacArthur made it
clear at the outset of his speech that
its functions "will be advisory and
"It will not," he declared, "divide
the heavy administrative responsi-
bility of the Supreme Commander as
the sole executive authority for the
Allied powers in Japan."
Sessions Open To Press
MacArthur also held it "advisable"
that all the Council sessions be open
to the press and public, as the first
one was. It is to meet bi-weekly.
"Through such a practice of pure
democracy in the discharge of its re-
sponsibilities," he said, "the world
will know that the Council delibera-
tions led to no secret devices, under-
takings or commitments. The sus-
picion, the distrust, the hatred so
often engendered by the veil of se-
crecy will thus be avoided."
MacArthur's proposal for universal
renunciation of the right to make
war was delivered as he referred to
the proposed new constitution for
Japan, which would make such a re-
Koreans May
Gain, Self-Rule
SEOUL, April 5-(A)--The Associ-
ated Press learned today that Ameri-
can occupational officials have initi-
ated a move to set up a virtual Ko-
rean government in the United States
Zone because of the slow progress of
the U. S.-Soviet Commission in es-
tablishing self-rule throughout the
The U. S. Zone, primarily agricul-
tural, is south of the 38th parallel;
the Russian zone, primarily indus-
trial, is north of it.
Under the rapidly developing pro-
gram started in the U. S. Zone, the
American Military Government
would not relinquish overall direc-
tion, but affairs would be turned
over to Korean officials with the
American serving in an advisory ca-


Residents to Pay $70, Non-Residents
$150 Per Term; All Schools Affected
To meet increased University operating costs, semester fees for both
residents and non-residents of Michigan will be raised effective with the
fall semester, 1946, Herbert G. Watkins, secretary of the Board of Regents,
announced yesterday.
Under the new fee schedule, Michigan residents will pay $70 a semes-
ter and non-residents will pay $150 in the following schools and colleges:
Literary College, College of Engineering, College of Architecture and
Design, School of Dentistry and Conservation, School of Business Admini-
stration, School of Education, Insti- '

Operating Costs


LITCHFIELD TRIALS-Capt. Earl J. Carroll (left), protesting "flagrant
mishandling" of cases against ten men accused of mistreating army
pisoners at Litchfield Detention Camp, England, has resigned as assis-
tant prosecutor. Col. James A. Killian, commander of the camp, is one of
j -ten ors trial.
-. t . .
LitchfieId Court Ma rtial
Juisdc ionuCha llenge
e o 4)

LONDON, April 4--(A)-Complain-
ing that bias and prejudice existed
among high army authorities, de-
fense counsel today challenged the
jurisdiction of the London-appointed
seven-man court martial to try the
second of the defendants in the
Litchfield detention camp case.
The defense also announced plans
to call Lt. Gen. John C. H. Lee and
other high American officers, as well
as Capt. Earl J. Carroll, assistant pro-
secutor who resigned with charges
New Housing
Plan Approved
By Committee
WASHINGTON, April 4--(P)-The
Senate Banking Committee unani-
mously approved today a long-range
housing program intended to get 12,-
500,000 new dwelling units construct-
ed during the next 10 years.
It is tailored to the theory that
private enterprise will build most of
them if given easier government loans
and mortgage guarantees. To that
end, the Federal Housing Adminis-
tration's (FHA) financing would be
extended in present fields and broad-
ened to reach new ones.
One provision would open the way
for purchase of an FHA-financed
low-cost home with a 5 per cent
down payment and 32 years to pay
off the mortgage.
The omnibus measure provides, too,
for continued federal aid for pub-
lic low-rent housing developments,
a farm home construction program
and federal aid to cities desiring to
redevelop run-down areas.
Chairman Wagner (D-NY) said he
hopes to get the bill before the Sen-
ate immediately after action on the
Administration's emergency housing
legislation which is due to come up
next week.
City Housing
Pl its Revealed
With 50% of the current city hous-
ing survey reported, Mayor William
E. Brown, Jr. said yesterday that
local contractors plan to build more
houses during the next year than
in any year in city history.
31b new low-cost houses are plan-
ned by the 10 contractors who have
reported to the mayor. The houses
are all under $10,000 in price; 50 of
them will cost less than $5,000 each.
The mayor set the average cost at
from eight to eight-and-a-half
thousand dollars. In 1928, the pre-
vious high year, average price was
approximately $7,000. Ann Arbor's
low year came in 1944 when only three
houses were built.
Loans Said To
Aid Dictatorship
CHUNGKING, April 4 - (') -
China's second ranking communist
charrd todav tht Chiann TKni-

tute of Social Work, College of Phar-
macy, School of Public Health (un-
dergraduate) and the G r a d u a t e
School (except students specializing
in public health and the clinical de-
partments of dentistry).
Fees in the Medical School and the
School of Dentistry will be $140- for
residents and $225 for non-residents.
School. of Music
The School of Music will charge
$140 for residents and $200 for non-
residents. The fees include instruc-
tion in applied music and practice
Fees in the Law School and the
School of Public Health (graduate)
will be $100 and $175 for residents
and non-residents respectively.
An entirely new fee schedule was
adopted in the School of Nursing
with a charge of $50 for each of the
first two semesters for residents and
$100 for non-residents.
Privileges Continued
Semester fees will continue to en-
title all students to privileges of the
Union or the League, the Health Ser-
vice and physical education.
Fees for the summer session will
be one-half of the semester fees.
The complete schedule follows:

that a deliberate attempt was being
made to whitewash higher officers
in the case.
Gen. Eisenhower has ordered an
investigation of Carroll's charges. In
Frankfurt, Gen. Joseph T. McNarney,
U.S. Commander in the European
Theater, said he had ordered an im-
mediate investigation of the charges
made by Carroll.
The defendant who went on trial
today was Staff. Sgt. James M. Jones,
Muscogee, Okla. He is charged with
assault and battery on American Ar-
my Personnel imprisoned at the
Tenth Reinforcement Depot. He is
one of 10 men and eight officers
charged with mistreatment of per-
sonnel. The first defendant, Sgt.
Judson H. Smith, of Cumberland,
Ky., a guard at the camp, was sen-
tenced to three years imprisonment.
' Ga' Editors
Receive Shock

School or College Residents
Architecture and Design-$ 70
Business Administration 70
Dentistry 140
Education 70
Engineering 70
Forestry and Conservation 70
Graduate School 70
institute of Social Work 70
Law 100
L S&A 70
Medical 140
Music 140
a. First two semesters 50
b. Succeeding semesters 15
Pharmacy 70
Public Health, undergraduate 70
Public Health, graduate 100



Staff Must Sell 500
Copies Today, Or. .


In the words of America's leading
hair specialist, there was turmoil
in the Garg office last hight--oh,
there was turmoil in the Garg office
last night.
Bouyant yesterday morning with
the prospects of selling 4,000 copies
of the April issue-1,000 more than
were printed for the two previous is-
sues-Joe Walker, general manager,
last night relapsed into insensate
coma when final returns showed that
sales were still some 500 short of the
early morning goal.
"We'll sell those Gargoyles yet!"
Walker gasped before the Health
Service got him. "We'll show a pro-
fit even if we have to lower the junior
board salaries," an impossible feat.
Specially-selected flying squadrons
wil zoom onto campus at irregular
intervals today, Gargoyles in hand.
They are determined. Walker put it
this way: "Don't mourn for me-
Organize!" A special rate of two bits
will prevail for each copy.

White Woods
Plan Withdrawn
The University proposal to trade
part of Eber White Woods for air-
port property at the City airport was
withdrawn yesterday.
A University spokesman said the
woods would eventually be made
available for public use. The woods
were offered to the city in January,
but local demands, led by Dean S. T.
Dana of the School of Forestry, that
a park be made of them conceled
their possible value to the city as a
housing site.
All those students who helped
with advertising for the April issue
of Garg and other students inter-
ested in working on advertising
for the May issue are urgently
asked by a frantic ad manager to
meet him in the Garg office be-
tween 2 and 5 p.m. today.

AVC Resolution
Endorses U. S.
Loan to Britain
Watkins Points to U.S.
Long Range Advantage
Voting that unrestricted interna-
tional trade is essential to secure
world peace, the Ann Arbor chapter
of the American Veterans Commit-
tee last night passed a resolution en-
dorsing Congressional approval of
the loan to Great Britain.
Passage of the proposed loan is
necessary, the local AVC maintained
to prevent the erection of trade bar-
riers, restrictive trade regulations and
other devises "which lead to the ar-
tificial development of national self-
sufficiency." Copies of the resolu-
tion were immediately sent to Mich-
igan congressmen.
Follows Watkins Speech
The resolution followed a speech by
Prof. Leonard Watkins of the eco-
nomics department urging the loan
as a temporary expedient to tide
Great Britain over until her economic
exports and imports are in balance.
The loan, according to Prof. Wat-
kins would build against a return of
an economic wall around the Com-
monwealth and possible discrimina-
tion against United States trade in
the future.
In the long range self-interest of
the United States, he indicated, the
loan is but a modest risk to take in
order to stave off some of the chaotic
conditions that led to this war.
AVC Comment
The AVC commented on this risk
by saying, "In recommending ap-
proval of the loan, we recognize that
more than an ordinary commercial
risk is involved. But we believe that
the risk of not granting the loan is
greater still, in exposing the world
to a resumption of the pre-war in-
ternational race to erect trade bar-
riers, restrictive trade regulations,
and the numerous devices which led
in many countries to the artificial de-
velopment of national self-suffi-
ciency and in others to loud cries of
economic encirclement.
"Both developments are dangerous
to peace. Both must be headed off
now, before nations have committed
themselves to such progress.
"We believe that the loan to Great
Britain , should be granted, and
granted soon."
Greek Premier
Heads Coalition
Former Premiers To
Serve in Government
ATHENS, April 4-(P)-Panayo-
tis Poulitsas, 60-year-old career jur-
ist, was sworn in tonight as new Pre-
mier of Greece, heading a coalition
cabinet of Populist and National Bloc
leaders who dominated Sunday's elec-
The government is the seventh in
18 months.
Constantine Tsaldaris, new For-
eign Minister, declared that "after a
very long spell, Greece is returning
to normal political life."
The new government includes three
former premiers as ministers without
Poulitsas, chief of the Supreme
State Council, which corresponds to
the U. S. Supreme Court, said he ac-
cepted the premiership reluctantly,
and agreed only because he felt he
could render a service to Greece.
Parliament. it was announced will

Historic Morris Hall Razed
For General Service Building

Michigan Technic Out Today;,
Engineering Arch Rioting Ends

By next week the only earthly re-
mains of Morris Hall will be a base-
ment and a few scattered pieces of
lumber at the corner of State and
The hall has succumbed to the
University building program. It has
been razed to make way for the new
General Service Building on which
construction will begin as soon as
priority ratings are granted by the
Civilian Production Administration.
For the past 18 years, Morris Hall
has been the home of the University
Broadcasting Service and the Uni-
versity Band. It is believed to have
been built during the 1880's and was
the home of the late Prof. George

or business administration building.
When the University purchased the
property in 1922, plans wei ade to
use it for a museum building.At
about that time the University ac-
quired Newberry Hall, which was bet-
ter adapted to house the archaeologi-
cal collections.
Now named Morris Hall, the build-
ing was rennovated in 1928 to serve
as a studio for broadcasting and for
band rehearsals. The walls of the
hall were accoustically treated and
the gray stucco structure was ready
for its new occupants.
In the hall's "modern" studio, Prof.
William Revelli taught many bands
how to "make music" a la Michigan,
annd Prof. Waldo Abbt ot tman stu1-

Royce, editor of the Michigan
Technic, put away Dick Tracy and
reached for a Double Crostics as I
entered. "What's this I hear about
you postponing the publication of the
Technic until today because of that
humor magazine?" Royce reached
for his slide rule but I had him cov-
ered with my T-square.
"If you are referring to Perry Lo-
gan's frequent insinuations," said
Royce, carefully measuring his words
with a vernier scale, "I reiterate: we
are not afraid of the-that humor
magazine nor of anyone else." He
climbed down off the chair which
promptly rolled away to sulk in the

time the Technic and that humor
magazine came out L..- same day.
Why the Arch looked more like Nick-
els Arcade-a regular hawkers' para-
dise. "Royce pushed away from his
desk. Away promised to meet him at
eight that night, nodded to me, and
crawled out through the window.
"Why they even found one of their
salesmen next morning wandering
along South U.," said Royce, sweep-
ing up the broken glass. "He was
swatting gremlins with a copy of the
Just then some character ran
screaming into the room-not an un-
usual sight in East Engineering. "I've
been robbed. I tried to buy a ticket to
the Slide Rule Ball yesterday in the

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