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April 04, 1946 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-04

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Liberal Democrats
May 'Walk' in 1948

Rossiter Says New
Party May Emerge
The possible appearance of a third
party on the American political
scene in the next Presidential election
was heralded yesterday by Dr. Clin-
ton L. Rossiter, of the political sci-
ence department.
"There is a distinct possibility that
a third party may appear in 1948,"
Dr. Rossiter asserted. "If that hap-
pens it would do to the Democratic
party what Teddy Roosevelt's Bull
Moose party did to the Republicans
in the 1912 election-only worse. It
would undoubtedly guarantee a Re-
publican victory in 1948."
Hypothetical Picture
Drawing a hypothetical picture of
the 1948 political scene, Dr. Rossiter
predicted that the Democrats, if they
were unable to nominate a compro-
mise candidate, "such as Truman,"
would deadlock over a liberal candi-
Library Books,
Rice Requests
"When reading a library book
please do not carry on a running dia-
logue with the author."
That's the request of Warner G.
Rice director of the General Library,
who says that such student notations
as "Eh, you think so, do you?" fre-
quently deface books beyond repair.
According to Rice, there are "box-
es and boxes" of mutilated books in
the University libraries that cannot
be replaced becai.se of the paper
shortage and the consequent refusal
of publishers to reissue them.
Although apologizing for the li-
brary's inoperative mechanical ink-
wells, which cannot be repaired, Rice
asks that students not bring bottles
of ink into the library. He promises
that regular ink wells will soon be
placed at strategic locations.
He urgently requests that students
return books promptly because the
large enrollment has doubled the li-
brarians' work and has resulted in
more frequent demands for particu-
lar books now in maximum use.
Hillel To Aid
In Passover
Lunches and suppers for the eight
days of Passover will be served at the
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation for
students who wish to observe the
special dietary rules of the holiday.
"Seder" services will be held the
first two night of the holiday, April
15 and 16, at the foundation and at
Congregation- Beth Israel, 538 N. Di-
vision. The first. 85 registrants will
be given preference on attending the
"Seder" at the foundation.
Reservations, which can be made at
the foundation, will be considered
final when complete payment is
made. Although reservations can be
made for attending one or both "Se-
ders", those for both "Seders" and
meals will be given first preference.

late, perhaps Wallace, and a South-
.rn Democrat, Senator Byrd.
"If this happens," he declared, "my
uess it that the liberal Democrats
Nill walk out of the convention and
leave the Democratic nomination to
"Since the Republicans will have
:ominated a man such as Dewey or
Stassen, who is not a strict conserva-
tive but could not be backed by 'la-
bor elements,' the erstwhile Demo-
;ratic liberal bloc and the PAC would
join hands to form a third party, thus
splitting the Democratic vote and
leaving the field open to the Repub-
licans," Dr. Rossiter said.
Two New Parties
He added: "By 1952 we would have
two new parties, one forming around
this 1948 third party, the other an
enforced coalition of Southern Demo-
crats and conservative Republicans.
Thus the Civil War would no longer
be a factor in politics.
"That would be the best thing that
could possibly happen to this coun-
"Then we would again have a re-
sponsible national government -
something which does not exist today.
We would avoid the amazing sight,
so common at present, of a President
and Congress whose party affiliations
are alike, but whose views differ so
completely that it is almost impos-
sible to push any administration leg-
islation through Congress.
'Embarrassing Situation'
"This embarrassing situtaion is not
not the fault of the American system
but rather of the present American
parties. There was a time when po-
litical parties did stand for some-7
thing, when the average voter was
reasonably safe in assuming thats
the Democratic party stood for one
set of standards, the Republican par-
ty for another.
"This is no longer true. Accord-
ing to past standards, the Southern
Democrats have no more right to
call themselves Democrats than a
Michigan man has a right to be on
the second floor of Stockwell Hall."'
Basic Reform Needed
Responsible party government, he
commented, is the "driving force" in
the American government as in every
truly democratic nation.
A "basic reform," he continued, is
necessary and is likely to come about
in the appearance of two new politi-
cal parties. "One might be called, as
in England, the Liberal Party, the
other, perhaps, the National Party,"
he said.
"But certainly not the Conserva-1
tive Party." he remarked, "for no'
American will ever admit that he is a'
Plan Convention
"Education for One World" will
be the theme of the Michigan School-
masters Club, which will meet at the
University April 25-27.
The Schoolmasters Club, joining
with 13 other Michigan educational
organizations, will bring grade school,
high school and college teachers here
from all over the state.
Among those attending the confer-
ence will be John Dale Russell, who
organized the Biarritz American Uni-
versity in France and now has re-
turned to his position as Dean of
Students at the University of Chi-
Philip C. Nash, President of Toledo
University, will be the principal
Veterans Appointed

Opportuni ties
For Teachers
Cited by Dean
Unusual opportunities now exist
for advancement and recognition in1
the teaching profession, in the opin-1
ion of Dean James B. Edmonson, of!
the School of Education.,
Dean Edmonson has pointed out
that the war created a shortage of
100,000 teachers, and that it will bel
at least ten years before the supply
of well-qualified teachers will ,tp-1
proach the demand. During the past
three years, he said, 20,000 class-;
rooms have been closed because of1
the lack of teachers, while many'
temporary teachers, with sub-stan-
dard qualifications, have been press-
ed into service.
Predicting that more attractive
salaries for teachers are a certainty,
Dean Edmonson said tha; he is con-
fident the shortage of teachers will
not be permanent.
"Anyope contemplating enterin"
the teaching profession may be as-
sured that teaching is one of the
most responsible undertakings of our
national life," Dean Edmonson said.
"The service rendered by teacher. is
indispensable to the well-being of
our communities and to the state, forj
education is the foundation on which
a democratic society is built.

MIO, Mich., April 3-(M)-Rain
late today supplied the finishing
punch to end the worst series of for-
est fires to sweep Michigan's lower
peninsula in years.
The downpour, which promised to
increase in intensity, together with a
lack of wind, lessened the possib-lity
of f urther outbreaks.
All lires were brought under con-
trol by late afternoon.
C ,.servation D'partment officials
said a "conservative" estimate of to-
tal damage would be in excess of
$500,000. More than 50,000 acres of
timberland burned over.
John Winton, conservation supervi-
sor at Mio, said approximately 500
men fought the various blazes yes-
terday and today before they were
brought under control. Volunteers
fir(m Ludington and Cadillrc were
r -leised eali i today'
lIlaze Checked
The last blaze, which raged un-
ch(ked fov hours through the ver-
dant lack .ne of the Huron Nation-
al Forest, vw's brought under control
shortly after noon.
Hundreds of fire fighters, summon-
ed from throughout the ravaged
northern section of the Lower Pen-
insula, continued their weary alert

Heavy Rains Bring Michigan's
Wovs-t Fire in Years to Close

lest rising winds again whip the
smouldering area into flames.
The latest Conservation Depart-
ment estimate set at 50,000 the
scorched acreage in the eastern fire
belt. An additional 500 acres. were
destroyed in the central part of the
state, and 60 acres were burned o'er
ir western Michigan.
Cottages Destroyed
At least 14 cottages on Mack Lake,
eight miles east of here, were destroy-
ed as were buildings at a nearby for-
est ranger station and two units of a
Saginaw campfire girls' camp. A farm
house in Montmorency County and a
cottage in Gladwin County also burn-
Damage in the Mack Lake area
alono was assessed by property own-
er3 and state police at from $20,000
to $30,000.
There were no human deaths nor
injuries reported.
Scores of small animals, scurrying
frantically ahead of the flame., weic
trapped and the hurned carcasses of
game lie pathetically in the wake of
the wind-fanned fo-est scourge.
In all nearly a scor; of fires .a-
vaged the state in what th- Ccnser-
vat n Department termed the worst
conflagration of its kind since the
Presque Isle blaze of 1939.

HOOVER TALKS WITH KING GUSTAV-Herbert Hoover (left), spe-
cial envoy of President Truman, surveying the food situation throughout
Europe, talks with King Gustav in Stockholm, Sweden. Hoover, who ar-
rived in Sweden on tour, plans to attend the European foor conference
in London.

Rice Describes
Micro-Film Use
The further use of micro-film and
lithograph printing will greatly aid
the libraries and the public, Warner
G. Rice told the Ann Arbor chapter
of the American Association of Uni-
versity Women in a lecture at the
Congregational Church last night.
During the London blitz and the
siege of Paris valuable manuscripts
were microfilmed and sent to the
United States, he said. The Uni-
versity library will soon receive sev-
eral of these filmed manuscripts
which will be at the students' dis-
(Continued from Page 4)
present a talk: "Wartime Bureau-
crats in Washington," by Prof. Haber
of the Dept. of Economics, on Fri-
day, April 5th, 8:00. at Stevens Co-op,
816 Forest Ave. A discussion will fol-
low and refreshments will be served.
Everyone is invited.
The Westminster Guild of the First
Presbyterian Church will hold an
Open House on Friday evening, fol-
lowing Dr. Lemon's Bible Class which
meets from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. The
class topic is "The Life and Teachings
of Jesus." The Guild invites all stu-
dents to join with them. Refresh-
ments will be served.
India Night at the International
Center: The Hindustan Association
will give a program in the regular
Sunday evening series of the Inter-
national Center on Sunday, April 7,
in Rooms 316-20 of the Michigan
Union. Dances, songs, and Indian re-
freshments will be featured. The
public is invited.
Bnai B'rith Hillel Foundation will
hold Sabbath Eve Services Friday eve-
ning at 7:45 p.m. Following Services
Dr. Paul Henle will discuss "Bertrand
Russell-the Man and His Method."
A social hour will follow.


Indian To Deliver
Lecture Wednesday
Sir Sarvpalli Radhaknshnan of
Benares Hindu University, India, will
deliver a University lecture at 4:15
p.m. Wednesday in Rackham Amphi-
The Hindustan Association and
the Student Religious Association
will hold a reception for Sir Radha-
knshnan following the lecture in
Lane Hall.
Landy, Crafton To Head
Student Economics Club
"Econcentrics," student economics
club, elected the following officers at
a meeting last night: president,
Leona Landy, '47; vice-president,
Joseph Crafton '47; vice-president,
Helen J. Perry, '47; and publicity
chairman, Robert Watson.
Revived after several years of in-
activity, the club is open to all stu-
dents interested in economics.


Aides to Prosecutor~




)ine in the Charming
Early American Atmosphere
Specializing U
R/ ba- (' rI,;,on.- Sea Fond 1)




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