PAGE FOUR THtE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1946 ?AGIL FOVR THURSDAY, A~flUL 4 1046 IT SO HAPPENS 0. Woodwork Revisited THE EDITOR of the humor magazine down- stairs came into our office for the 17th time today, this time with a gangling, bespectacled lad alongside. "Glad to be abroad," he said, "This is a friend of mine, wants to go out for your staff." "Fine," we said. "Sit down, Mr........?" "Cavendish, John Erudite Cavendish." "Well, Mr. Cavendish," we asked him, "What do you do?" "I take the serious view of things, I thought the Daily as an organ of representative stu- dent ... "That so?" we cut in-not without difficulty. "What did you take in school?" "Abstruse courses." "Isn't that difficult-getting a program full of abstruse courses?" "Oh, no," he answered, his brows knitting. "There's something to every course, even if it does seem superficial. I ask questions, you see. Lots of questions." "Doesn't that slow the class down?" "It's important to get things threshed out. That's the only way to get an exhaustive edu- cation. Why, in England . .. "We need a copy boy and you're available. Run this down to the composing room." It was fully fifteen minutes before he came back. "Get that all set up?" we asked him. "Nt right now," he answered." I've got the shopmen going on a referendum panel on 'Nu- clear Fission and the Curzon Line.' Tomorrow, we start on 'The Conscience of Individual Vot- ing, or 'Why the Student?' Part of a feature I'm doing for 'Uplift' the new maga ...'' "Now, hold on here," we said, when the roar- ing in our ears subsided, "Just wottinell do our shopmen know about Nuclear Fission?" "Nothing. But I've got them setting up a small pamphlet.. "That's fine, but we've got a paper to put out. Thanks a lot, E. C., but this is just not your mi- lieu." We found everybody in the shop sitting around, smoking, talking about Lazzeri and the '32 Series. "Forget it, gang," we said. "Don't pay any at- tention to that beleagured intellectual." "Oh, one of them, eh?" the foreman said." We thought he was from the Government. Have those proofs for you in twenty minutes." We took the stairs two at a time on our way up. Emphatic Answer WE KNOW and sympathize with a guy who worked at the atomic bomb plantation down at Oak Ridge, but he seems to have found the answer to silly season questions about his confidential activities. At a party the other night he was talking to a girl who had reached the stage where she felt it necessary to hold up the refrigerator, and she put the usual question, "What can you tell us about the atom bomb?" "Boom!" he thundered. Together they clean- ed up the glass she dropped. (Al items appearing in this column are written by members of The Daily staff and edited by the Editorial DIrector.) NIGHT EDITOR: CLAYTON DICKEY Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. HIeajth Subsidy rUST HOW ADEQUATE is our present public health and welfare program? Shockingly in- adequate, according to statistics which came to light recently during debate upon the proposed Maternal and Child Welfare Act introduced by Senator Claude Pepper and now pending in Con- gress. It may be true that "no country takes bet- ter care of its children than America," but fig- ures show that health conditions for our mo- thers and children are amazingly unsatisfac- tory. Nearly four million children are in need of glasses, 500,000 of them have rheumatic fever or heart disease, and 20 million need dental care. Statistics from the U.S. Children's Bureau in Washington reveal that nearly a million childre;'i have impaired hearing; 17,000 are deaf and many need hearing aids, 250,000 young people have asthma, 200,000 are afflicted with epilepsy, 175,- 000 have tuberculosis,tand 35,000 are diabetics. According to a report by George J. Hecht, pub- lisher of Parents' Magazine, "four million Ameri- can children have lost one or both parents; 100,- 000 children are living in institutions for the dependent and neglected; 250,000 come yearly before juvenile courts; over 20,000 crippled chil- dren, now on state registers, cannot get help be- cause services or money are not available." DESPITE THESE CONDITIONTS, Mr. Hecht points out, "our country is woefully inade- quate in furnishing medical, dental, and nursing care." Again statistics show that 1200 counties have no services for a full-time public health unit; 553 counties have only one doctor to 3,000 or more people; 81 counties have no practicing physician at all; and 956 counties have no pub- lic health nurses. Many of these same problems exist to an even greater extent in other countries, It is in- teresting to note that the Labor governmem re- cently introduced in Parliament a bill which will guarantee every British man, woman and child complete medical care at a natiomial ex- pense of $608,000,000 a year. The bill, iihich would make available without charge anything s- --r""- inrir tnv t a. e anirin. is i ceterJ to i 6ed lor DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Ot Ten plelon To the Editor: While reading Paula Browers review of Alec Templeton's concert in Saturday's Daily, I found myself wondering if the young lady had attended the same concert I had. Assuming that we both were in Hill Auditorium on Friday evening, I could only conclude that either a large meal of dill pickles or a seat behind a post had soured her attitude toward life in general, and toward Mr. Templeton in particular." It seems to be a popular belief on your newspa- per that-a critic has to say something unpleasant about each event he or she reports. While Web- ster.defines a critic as "one skilled in judging the merits of literary or artistic works, he says nothing at all about it being compulsory to "pan" such works. Furthermore, Im curious about just how skilled Miss Brower's judgment of merit really is, and whether she's qualified at all to use words like "noisy", "dull", and "disagreeable" when describing the performance of a great and nationally recognized artist like Alec Templeton. I am not a qualified critic at all, but besides en- joying Mr. Templeton's informal program, which Paula grudgingly admitted was good, I also en- joyed his rendition of the classics. Paula is sure many of his classic numbers could have been bet- ter performed by numerous members of the audi- ence. She's got some funny ideas. While Temple- ton may not compare to Rubenstein or Iturbi, I gathered that there were about four thousand people in Hill Auditorium who thought he ranked very well. In short, Madam Editor, I'm all for good music and literary criticism. I think it has an important place on a newspaper. However I'm against this criticism being attempted by one who doesn't seem to have a grasp on the situation. Your re- viewer's opinions as expressed on Saturday were, I feel, definitely contradictory to those of most of the people who heard Mr Templeton play. I think that you, as editors of the Daily, should take this as a good indication that Miss Brower is away off base and do something about it. Have I a suggestion? Just one. For the next concert buy Miss Brower my old seat in the third balcony well away from posts. Tell her to consider not only the artist's effect upon her personally, but his effect on the people around her which is equally important in a good criti- cism. Oh yes, one thing more. Before the concert starts, buy her a good square meal. It will do wonders for her disposition. -Harold Jackson, Jr. * * * * More On Templeton To the Editor: It never ceases to amaze me how a paper of such noted repute can afford to support a mu- sic critic, who, aside from knowing absolutely nothing about music, has no discretion in her manner of comment. Now most people have nothing against legitimate criticism; but when that criticism comes into being for its own right alone, and with no consideration for the subject which was responsible for it, then it begins to appear suspiciously like a product of sheer nar- row-mindedness. The signatories of this letter have followed the music column throughout the entire season, hoping to observe some slight im- provement; however, after reading the article on Alec Templeton, we are positive the situation is hopeless. Anyone who takes it upon himself to condemn a group of artists (Alexander Unin- sky, Arthur Schnabel, and both 'the Chicago and Detroit Symphonies, for example) must either know a wonderful lot about music, or must have some serious aberration in the head-I am in- clined to believe the latter; but since I do not wish to cast aspersions at the worthy critic, I shall only suggest that she is a misguided, po- tential genius (who, of course, has never taken music lessons). As is evidenced by the statement regarding the "wild cheers" which greeted the "informal part of the program" last night, Miss Brower consi- ders herself a member of some sort of musical aristocracy, and will probably ignore this let- ter, thinking it is mere plebeian babble, so I re- mind her of the other fair(no one could be real- ly good, when compared with our critic) review- ers, who recognize Templeton's abilities, not only as an entertainer, but also as a musician. Then too, there are some "just plain people" who, des- pite Miss Brower's gently sagacious column, ap- preciated most of the music presented during the season. David Stewart Fred L. Dupree Jimmy C. Tumblin Charles S. Leach Judge Litsey Bernard BoLooteus Art Levy, Jr. I('IIgjfle(fl 1 gGI To the Editor: It is extremely unfortunate that somue people are unable to find the exits at Hill Auditorium. I am speaking particularly of one Paula Brower who was responsible for the disgusting article on the Alec Templeton concert appearing in Satur- day's Daily. At least I. understand that it must have been her inability to get out of the audi- torium that compelled her to stay and listen to a program which proved to be so revolting to her. Miss Brower must be given credit for being honest enough to admit that she was so gullible as to be swindled out of her time and money twice under the same circumstances. It takes some of us longer than others to discover what we like and what we don't like, what concerts we should attend and those we should stay away from. There is no doubt in my mind that Miss Brow- er has an ear for musical construction, but it seems almost unbelievable to me that anyone with that ability cannot also distinguish between "wild cheers" and enthusiastic applause. For my own part, I think Mr. Templeton does quite well for a "dull" pianist. If any of the "num- erous members of the audience," who Miss Brow- er thinks to possess skills superior to those of Mr. Templeton, are equally capable of captivating their listeners and producing such a thoroughly enjoyable program, I shall be more than anxious to attend their first concert. I believe, however, that I woould be so cautious to reserve a seat in the back row near the aisle. -Robert Lenski (EDITOR'S NOTE: We hope this concludes the storm of protest concerning Miss Brower's review of Mr. Templeton's concert. Miss Brower is a com- petent music critic who apparently has exercised her privilege to disagree with a good many other persons variously qualified. She will continue to review music for The Daily, taking exception to its performance when and how she will, but stay- ing always within the limits of good taste, some- thing a few of her critics forgot.) Economic Theory To the Editor: As students, we are an unusual group of con- sumers, and because of our status we are in a disadvantageous position compared to the wage or salary earner. The lion that is inflation is upon us. Why? The answer is surprisingly simple-our eco- nomy is not producing the goods, and again for a good reason. If you or I had $5000 to invest in productive activity, would you do so if the chances of.-making a profit were nil? I am not a manu- fecturer or the son of a manufacturer. In fact I don't know any personally; yet I can see why he is not eager to work for nothing. Neither am I. Neither are you. Why are corporate profits down relative to our national income? Let's look at the United States Department of Commerce figures, which appear in the Survey of Current Business for February, 1946, page 32. Using the index of 1940 equals 100, we see that salaries and wages are 222, raw ma- terials prices are 160, yet manufactured-finished product prices are only 124. Thus the manufac- turer must cover higher costs of labor and 'raw materials with a price which has not been per- mitted to rise. Why should he produce under these circumstances. I wouldn't. The marginal producer can't. Would you? During wartime all of us favored the strictest type of price control for one reason--competi- tive demand in the form of rising prices could not stimulate production of scarce goods because, we had to ignore these goods in favor of arma- ment production, no matter how great the de- mand. But now the situation is completely different. We have our ceiling prices and we have no pro- duction. Butter and white shirts have a ceiling price, but do you have any? Neither does my fa- mily. I am not criticizing any personalities in this attack upon price control. Mr. Bowles is sincere, and a man whom I respect very much. He did a good job during wartime. Today, right now, he is missing the boat. Unless we get production, and get it soon, you and I will know this lion of inflation even more intimately. Let's have a little faith in our supply and demand system as ex- pressed in a competitive price. In short, let's have enough faith in the people to exercise good buy- ing judgment. If th price of butter goes too high, don't buy it. At least you will be no worse off than now. And the wheels of production will be- gin to turn. When they really are humming, our economic ills will be cured. This fundamental cure just might be less painful than the hit and miss-price concession policy now popular in Washington. Remember, the cure for inflation is production, not price control, which only kills off production. You can't plan an economy, we know now. Sincerely yours -Jack Adams * * * * Pertinent Qnestion To the Editor: One question-What possible good can student government, in any form, do on the Michigan campus? -Allen Grossman Ot Indian Freedom Prime Minister Clement Atlee displayed rare statesmanship when he pledged immediate ac- tion to free India. For the first time, the Labour government has broken sharply with the die- hard imperial policy laid down by Winston Churchill. At a time when Foreign Minister Be- vin and Mr. Churchill seemed bent primarily on uniting the rest of the world against the Soviet Union, it remained for Mr. Atlee to announce a constructive policy-one which may help to al- lay the bitterness of the Asiatic peoples and rally them to Western Democratic standards. -New Republic Pubiication in the Daily Official Bul. letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. i. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. M. Sat- urdays). THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 105 Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The civilian freshman five-week progress reports will be due April 6 in the office of the Academic Coun- selors. 108 Mason Hall. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The five-weeks' grades or Navy and Marine trainees (other than En- gineers and Supply Corps) will be due April 6. Department offices will be provided with special cards and the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive these reports and transmit them to the proper offices. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, For- estry, Music and Public Health. Stu- dents who received marks I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by today. Students wishing an ex- tension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with Room 4, University Hall, where it will be transmitted Group Hospitalization and Surgical Service: During the period from April 1 through April 10, the University Business Office (Room 9, University Hall) will accept new applications, as well as requests for changes in contracts now in effect, from all University employes. These new ap- ~ARTj T HE ONE MAN exhibit by Karl Kasten on the ground floor cor- ridor of the architecture school is a highly interesting and revealing study of what an artist can do when he employs more than one medium coupled with a variety in technique. In this showing there are four media represented-gouache, tempera, pas- tel and oil, the paintings in gouache dominating the entire exhibition. Oils are the least used-"City Streets" which possesses a mood-conveying color plan, is largely two-dimension- al in concept and lacks depth in space whereas "Carnival", an ab- stract geometric oil, is enticingly communicative despite its cold pre- ciseness. Mr. Kasten's subjects lie chiefly in the category of landscapes, particu- larly of his native city, San Francis- co, and of ghost towns in the west. A good many, as well as three por- traits, appear in both pastel and ten- pera. On the whole these paintins leave two impressions: some of the work on one hand is characterized by light spontaneity while on the other hand one is left with a feeling of profundity and richness-this latter brought out by gouache. In the gouaches, Mr. Kasten is at his very best; he is sure of his medium. In these he adapts well rangements. Here we are tempted %sith great certainty to ask if he is not working with his favorite medium. In these he adoirs well his brush strokes-ranging from the wide, blunt ones of the skies to the frequent, staccato ones seen in the foliage and buildings. An excellent example of this variation in tech- nique is the "Virginia City". In practically all the paintings in which gouache was employed the artist has taken special and sensi- tive care to produce a finished work t.s he results are completely sat- isf-ying. Among the features which caugh our attention. is the artist's treat- ment of skies. When not appearin_ to an almost negligible degee, they strongly and yet subtly in !heir in disturbed expanse draw tile critic' eye down to the perfection of the mi nute details of the buildings anc trees. And yet they are interestin in their own right in the moods the: ccnenv. Not a few do this: the-ei one that is quite successful . . .! will undoubtedly draw large interes because of this (and no doubt a s; because of its immediate familiarity: -."Court House, Ann Arbor". -Joan d Carvajal plications and changes will become' effective May 5, with the first pay- roll deduction on April 30. School of Music Assembly: 11 a.m today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Speaker will be Blanche Witherspoon of Metropolitan Opera Guild, New York. Attendance required. Classes and lessons dismissed 11-12. Forestry Assembly: There will be an assembly of the School of Forestry and Conservation in the Amphithea- tre of the Rackham Building at 9 a.m. today. Dr. Edward H. Graham, of Washington, D. C., Chief of the Biological Division, U. S. Soil Con- servation Service, will speak. All stu- dents in the School of Forestry and Conse rvation who do not have con- flicts in nonforestry-subject are .re- quired to attend, and all others in- terested are invited. The Museum of Art and Acheol- ogy on South State Street reopened Sunday, March 31. Visiting hours are Sunday, 3-5; Tuesday through Fri- day, 9-12; 2-5; Saturday, 9-12. Wanted at Once: Men students who are willing and able to-do inside and outside work, such as houseclean- 'ing, painting, yard and garden work. There are several requests for stu- dent help listed with the Employ- ment Bureau, Room 2, University Hall, apply to Miss Smith. Ext. 2121. Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Students All men students registered with the Student Employment Bureau Room 2 University Hall, are request- ed to bring their records up to date by adding their Spring Term sched- ules, and also any changes o address. THIS IS IMPORTANT. Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Students The Graduate School is holding mail for the following persons: Mr. Edwin Crosby Mr. Miguel Kawwass Mr. J. P. Kapur Mr. Manghir Malani Mr. Robert Dick Pierce Mr. John B. Wall If letters are not called for by April 10, they will be returned to sender. Immediate Job Opportunities in Secial Work: An announcement has come from the Welfare Federation of Cleveland that there are a few pre- professional jobs which may lead tc professional training in social work available there. These jobs are not intended for college graduates wh are ready to enter a graduate school of social work. Applicants are se- lected on the basis of their potentiali- ties to become social workers. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma- son Hall. Dr. John Fox of the Punahou School, Honolula, Hawaii, will be in the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments today and Friday, April 5. Teaching positions are open in all fields in the secondary schools, and in all grades in the elementary schools. Call Miss Seitz-Extension 489 for appointments. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Harry George Drickamer, Chemical Engi- neering; thesis: "Vapor-Liquid Elui- libria in Phenol-Hydrocarbon Sys- tems and Their Application to a Com- mercial Toluene Unit," today, 3201 East Engineering, at 2:00 p.m. Chair- man, G. G. Brown. Preliminary examinations for the Ph.D. in Economics will be held about the middle of May. Students plan- ning to take these examinations should leave their names and the fields in which they are to be exam- ined with the Secretary of the De- partment as promptly as possible. Mathematics Orientation Seminar and History Seminar today at 3 p.m in 3201 A.H. P. S. Jones concludes "Pre-history of ProjectivecGeome- tmy." Veterans' Tutorial Program The following changes have been t made in the schedule: -English Composition - Tuesday g Thursday 4:00-5:00 p.m. 2235 Angel y Hall. (Beginning) - English Composition -_. Tuesday Thursday 4:00-5:00 p.m. 3216 Angell Hall; Friday 5:00-6:00 p.m. 3216 An- nell Hall. (Advanced) Spanish: 31) (32)-Monday, Tues- Lang.; Thursday, Friday 4:00-5:00 p.m. 408 Romance Lang. Concerts Organ Recital: Kathryn Karch and Francis Hopper, students of organ under Palmer Christian, will appear in the fourth program of the current series of organ recitals at 8:30 tonight in Hill Auditorium. Miss Karch will ,pen the program with compositions by Bach, Karg-Elert, and Vierne, followed by Mr. Hopper in a group if his own compositions. The program is open to the public. Claire Coci, guest organist, will make her third recital appearance in Ann Arbor on Sunday afternoon, April 7, in Hill Auditorium. Her program will include works by Bach, TAndrieu, Franck, Hindemith, Peet- 'rs, Dupre, and Liszt. Scheduled to begin at 4:15, the re- vital will be open to the public, with the exception of small children. Exhibitions College of Architecture and De- :.ign: Water colors and oils by Mr. Karl Kasten, Instructor in Drawing mnd Painting in this College. Ground tloor corridor. Open daily except Sunday, 9 to 5, through April 20. The public is invited. Events Today Forestry Club-An important busi- aess meeting will be held at 7:30 this =vening in Room 2039, Natural Sci- mce Building. Following the business session, Professor Lagler of the Zo- ilogy department will give a talk on Fish and Conservation. Le Cercle Francais will meet to- iight at 8:00 at the Michigan League, professor Edward Adams, of the Ro- nance Language Department,- will recite a French monologue. Group tinging. Games. Social Hour. Every- body welcome. Tea at the International Center: The weekly informal teas at the In- ternational Center on Thursdays, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. are open to Illforeign students and their Ameri- :an friends. Students interested in Chess will ucet in Room 302 Michigan Union at 7:15 tonight. Coming Events The Ann Arbor Library Club will aeet in the Clements Library Friday, April 5, at 7:45 p.m. Robert B. Brown will speak on "Collecting under arms." Rrefresh- ments. Discussion Series-Current Prob- lems in Tropical Disease Control. First Meeting: Auditorium, 11 a.m., Saturday, April 6. Dr. R. L. Laird will outline present information on the use of DDT for insect sanitation. There will be oppotunity for discus- sion. All interested are invited. The Geological Journal Club will meet in Rm. 4065, Nat. Sci. Bldg. at 12:15 p.m. on Friday, April 5. Mr. E. Walker, of Harvard Univ., will speak. All interested are invited to attend. A Russian musical film, "Volga Volga," presented by Russky Kru- Zhok, Russian Circle, will be shown today and Friday, April 5, in Rack- ham Lecture Hall. The Modern Poetry Club will meet in Room 408 Main Library tonight at 7:30. Dr. F. L. Huntley and Dr. F. Stocking will lead a discussion on Wally Stevens. The Graduate Outing Club is hold- ing an afternoon of outdoor sports on r Sunday, April 7. Alternate activi- ties are planned in case of rain. sThose interested should pay the sup- er fee at the checkroom desk in the Rackham Building before noon Sat- urday and should meet in the Outing Club rooms in the Rackham Building at 2:30 Sunday. Use the northwest entrance. l .C.C. The Educational Committee of the Inter-Co-operative Council will , (Continued on Page 6) ~ 1V i igpn uI1ai4 Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Stafff BARNABY lt'slamentable that your parents missed my first lecture, m'boy. But your Fairy (,rlffawll ,;1make clans f a aendel By Crockett Johnson' i- Margaret Farmer Hale Champion Robert Goldman Zamily E. Knapp Pat Cameron. Clark Baker Des Howarth. Ann Schutz - Dona Guima raes . ... . . . . ... .Managing Editor .. .. . . . . . . . .Editorial Director . . . . . . . . . . City Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor . .Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor Associate Women's Editor Sleep well, little boy... We certainly had a tasty feast, didn't we? Now, what about washina the dishes, O'Mallev... ? I John! Look! The kitchen door's open. And the dishes! Someone has been here.. . BARNABY ... i