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April 03, 1946 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-03

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Funds Needed for Purchase,
Shipment of Artificial Limbs

Funds for the purchase and trans-
iission of artificial limbs to Russian
war amputees are being sought in a
special drive conducted by the Ann
Arbor chapter of the American So-
ciety for Russian Relief, Prof. John
L. Brumm, chairman of the local
chapter, announced yesterday.
This effort i part of a national
'ountaiIst To
Have Six Issues
This Semester
Six issues of the "Michigan Journ-
alist," laboratory paper of the De-
partment of Journalism, will be pub-
lished this semester, Prof. J. Brumm,
chairman of the department, an-
In pre-war days, 10 to 12 issues
of the paper were published at no
cost to the University, Prof. Brumm
said, since various newspapers
throughout the state published the
newspaper for the department. The
number of issues per semester had
to be cut during the war to the num-
ber of issues paid for by contribu-
tions of persons outside of the Uni-
Published by members of the news-
writing, editing, editorial writing and
editorial direction classes under the
supervision of Prof. Wesley Mourer,
the "Journalist", is concerned with
news of a constructive social value,
mainly in the fields of education and
The "Journalist's" circulation of
2,500 is limited to members of the
state legislature, state high schools,
libraries, senators, congressmen, na-
tional newspapers, and faculty mem-
Seder*s Planned
For Passover
Jewish Holiday To Be
Observed April 15-23
Passover, the celebration of the
exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt,
will be observed April 15 to 23 this
The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
has arranged to conduct the tradi-
tional "Seder" services and to have
Passover meals served to students
who wish to fully observe the holiday.
"Seders" will be held simultane-
ously at Hillel Foundation and a
second place, which will be an-
nounced when arrangements are
complete, Monday and Tuesday eve-
nings, April 15 and 16. Lunches and
suppers will be served all eight days
of the holiday.
Reservations for the "Seders" and
meals can be made at the foundation.
Since a limited number can be ac-
cepted, those for which complete
payments are made first will be con-
sidered final.
Although reservations can be made
for attending one or both "Seders,"
those for both "Seders" and meals
will be given first preference.

drive to procure these instruments,
the need for which is emphasized
by Russia's own inability to pro-
duce artificial limbs because of the
highly specialized machinery and
materials required.
"The urgency of this drive," Prof
Brumm pointed out, "cannot be over-
emphasized. The need is real and
acute, and we are almost the only
nation which is in a position to help
Wishes for a successful campaign
in the state of Missouri were re-
ceived from Winston Churchill in a
telegram sent to the state chair-
man Judge Floyd L. Sperry. His wire
pointed out the great need of the
Russian war victims who had sac-
rificed so much "for the common
cause." Great Britain's fund has
reached $30 million dollars, Mr.
Churchill announced.
One contribution of $200 has al-
ready been received. All donations
should be made payable to the Amer-
ican Society for Russian Relief, 2005
Vinewood, Ann Arbor.
The local Russian Relief Society,
meanwhile, is keeping up its ship-
ments of donated clothing and books
to the U.S.S.R. the group recently
sent 110 books to the Soviet Union.
White To Give
Coi cert TOday
Professor Has Made
Radio Appearances
Andrew B. White, assistant pro-
fessor of voice, will appear in recital
at 8:30 p.m. today at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater.
Prior to joining the School of Mu-
sic faculty, Prof. White, baritone, ap-
peared on numerous radio programs,
including Fred Waring's show, the
Ford Program and Alfred Wallen-
stein's Sunday evening series of Bach
He was recently discharged from
the army as. a faculty member of the
Shrivenham American University in
England. His teaching there con-
cluded five years of service in the
Army intelligence corps.
Prof. White has studied at the Uni-
versity of Arizona, with Sidney Dietch
of New York City and at leading dra-
matic schools.
Students To Play
In Organ Recital
Kathryn Karch and Francis Hop-
per, organists, will present the fourth
in a series of organ recitals at 8:30
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
The first half of the program, play-
ed by Miss Karch, includes "Fugue
a la Gigue" by Bach and seldom-
heard, compositions by Karg-Elert
and Vierne, late organist of the
Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris.
Mr. Hopper, a graduate student
in the School of Music, will be heard
in a group of original modern com-

On Campus
German Club Officers .
Newly appointed officers of the
Deutscher Verein for the coming se-
mester were announced yesterday by
the club's new faculty advisor, Al-
fred W. Beerbaum of the German de-
James L. Trautwein, president, and
Evelyn A. Hufnagel, secretary, were
re-elected. Others of the present cab-
inet include: Helen R. House, vice-
president; Lois Allison, treasure ;
and the following committee chair-
men: Irma E. Eichhorn, program;
Beverly A. Adams, social; William
Sinnigan, music; and Shirley Loe-
blish, publicity.
The Verein is now planning its first
meeting, to be highlighted by 7 cam-
pus veterans as guest speakers, for
blich, publicity.
Board of Cooperation
The Board of Cooperation of
"Insight" will meet at 5 p.m. to-
morrow in Lane Hall.
Composed of representatives of
all the religious guilds on campus,
the newly formed Board of Cooper-
ation will meet each week to sug-
est and discuss matters of student
interest and concern to be pub-
lished in "Insight," the new can-
pus magazine.
Guild Tea .
Prof. Robert S. Ingols of the de-
partment of Public Health Engineer-
ing and Mrs. Ingols will be guests of
the Roger Williams Guild at a tea
from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. todxiy in the
Guild House.
SRA Seminar .. .
The Student Religious Associa-
tion seminar on the student Chris-
tian movement will be continued at
4:15 p.m. today in Lane Hall.
Franklin I. Littell will act as the
discussion leader.
Fellowship Lecture .. .
The Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship will begin a study of the "Pas-
sion of Our Lord" at 8 p.m. today in
Lane Hall.
Play Rehearsal . .
All members of the cast of the
Russian play are urged to attend a
rehearsal at 7 p.m. today in Rm.
2219 Angell Hall.
Russian Movie . .
"Volga Volga," Russian movie, will
be shown at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow and
Friday in Rackham Lecture Hall.
The Russian musical film and
shorts, with English sub-titles, is to
be presented under the auspices of
Russky Kruzhok, Russian Circle.
Tickets are currently on sale at the
Michigan Union and League.
Spanish Club Lecture .. .
Dr. Jose Saralegui will speak on
"Uruguay-Country of the Tour-
ist" at 8:30 p.m. today in Kellogg
The lecture, one of the series of
lectures sponscred at La Sociedad
Hispanica will be illustrated with
pictures and photographs.




Hed I, mit (leff), U. S. ambassador to Russia, talks with Sen.
1,h4;dirc F. Giet:n (center), Rhode Island, and Sen. Tom Con-
nAa.1, Tes dJcirmn of the senate foreign relations committee.

P R OT E C T ION P L U S -- Judy, female English bull-
dog, makes herself responsible for the safety of these kittens and
their mother. The mother, too, cocks a warning eye at strangers,
They are owned by Mrs. Frances Gray of Pittsburgh.

D I R E C T O R. --Walter'F.
Straub, Chicago, directs the
emergency food program for re-
Oief shipment abroad.,

H 0 S P i T A L S H I P I N C H I N A - Convalescents view the skyline of'-Shanghai, China,
and the Whangpoo river from the deck of the hospital ship USS Repose. They are: Marine J. H. Enoch
(seated),_Pittsburgh; and (1. and r.) Sailors C, H. Langdon, Long Island, N. Y.; A. J. Sztore, Pitts.,
\burgh; W. J. Harrison, Galveston, Tex., and R._G,._'Neill,Arlington, N.yf'


When you're not quite sure about
a telephone number and you
wonder whether to call "Informa-
tion"-please remember: the
odds are that the number you
want is right there in the book.
In Michigan, 3 out of 5 calls to
"Information" are for numbers
listed in the Telephone Directory.
There are so many of these un-
necessary calls that answering
them adds up to more than 1,000
wasted hours of operator and
switchboard time every day.
You can help us to save that
) time and give better service on
the necessary calls if you'll co-
operate in these two simple ways:
Please look in the Directory be.
fore you call "Information."
2\If the number isn't listed and


A W A I T_ D E S T R U C T I O N - Surplus, worn-out
bombers, part of 5,000 to be destroyed by the U. S. Army, are,.
lined up on a field at Landsburg, Germany. It was found the'
most economical way to, turn them into scrap is blow them up.

T H R E E O F A K I N D-Doris Emma Ratz, 10, cuddles
goat triplets while their mother pokes in an inquisitive nose. The
kids were born on the place of Doris' mother, Mrs. Carl Ratz, at'
Cheektowaca. N. Y.. and were two days old when photographed.

$ U I T - Actress Marguerite)
Chapman wears a long Jacket
suit with square 'neckline rep-

T R A N S P O R T I N K 0R E A.- A bullock cart is used by Red Cross supply men in Korea.
In a huddle at Seoul are (I. to r.): L. B. Nash, Stone Mountain, Ga.; John MacConnell, Washington,



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