WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1946. THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE -- _ moozzool Assembly Board Petitions Due Saturday; JG Play, Judiciary Council, League Positions Open JGP Dancing Students Needed C lasses Beg i n As Entertainers Petitioning is now open for Junior The deadline for Assembly Board League, and Judiciary Council posi- tions and for the the 1946-47 JGPlay central committee. Petitions for these offices must be turned in to the Judiciary petition box in the Undergraduate office of the League by noon Saturday, and coeds should sign for an interviewing time when they leave their petitions, according to Ruthann Bales, Judi- ciary chairman. Positions open include three jun- ior positions on the Judiciary Council, one assistant to the secretary of the League, five members of the orienta- tion central committee, four mem- bers of the merit-tutorial committee two aides to the personnel chairman. six social committee aides, five as- sistants to the drives chairman, an two members of the publicity com- mittee. Women may also petition for tw following offices on the JGPlay cen- tral committee: general chairman, assistant chairman, director, secre- tary-treasurer, stage manager, music composer, lyric writer, choral direc- tor, dance, tickets, costumes, scen- ery, properties, make-up, publicity, ushering, and programs. The only 'requirements for appli- cants for these offices are that the woman must be of junior standing next fall and must have an eligibility card. These cards must be brought to the interview. Miss Bales has asked all women who can qualify to petition for these junior posts. Coeds TO Attend Bridge Party Making its post-war debut, the Coed Annual Bridge Party will be held from 5 p.m. Saturday, April 13 in the League Ballroom. Tickets will be fifty cents each, in- cluding tax, and may be purchased from dormitory, league house or Pan- hellenic representatives or at the main desk of the League starting Monday. Of special interest with the arrival of spring will be a style show pre- sented by an Ann Arbor department store, featuring campus wear includ- ing sports dresses, bathing suits, date dresses, formals, raincoats, and other spring and summer fashions modeled by University coeds. There will be door prizes, table prizes, and refreshments will be served. The committee for the party is Dottle Wantz, general chairman; Ann Robinson, arrangements; Lucy Stone, publicity; Betty Lou Bidwell , refreshments; Estelle Klein, style show; Barbara Brady, prizes; and Grace Lathrop, tickets. It is preferred that women come in foursomes, but groups of any number will be welcomed and tables will be arranged upon arrival. Reviving an old tradition, the Bridge Party is sponsored by the So- cial Committee of the League. Be- fore the advent of war, bridge parties were presented each year for Univer- sity coeds. All women on campus are urged to attend the affair which will provide entertainment and an oppor- tunity for coeds to become better ac- quainted. petitioning has been set for noon Sat- urday when all petitions are due in the Assembly box in the Undergrad- uate Office of the League. Women who plan to petition must eign up for interviews which: will bc held during the week of April 3. The interviews will he heldc from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday and Wednesday. 3 p.m. to 5 p.n.; Tiu:-sday and from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday'in the As- sembly Office on the third floor of the League. The positions open and their re- cpective duties arc as follows: Assem- :ly president who presides at Assem- bly Board meetings, coordmates ac- .ivities of Assembly and represents ndcpendent women on the League :xecutive Council; Assembly vice- nresidcnt of dorms who conducts veCkly meetings of dormitory house presidents at which activities of the "residCnts are directed and coordi- iated; the second vice-president of lsscmbly who is in charge of league iouscs in the <,ame capacity ihat the Vher vice-president is in charge of dorms. The above positions are open only o coeds who will have senior stand- ng next fall and who have partici- ated in League activities for at least a year. The following two positions ire open to women of both junior and senior standing next year. Assembly :ecretary-treasurer who keeps rec- )rds of all Assembly Board meetings, candles all organization funds and maintains a file of newspaper clip- ings, records and programs: Person- iel administrator who directs a per- onnel committee which place's the ight independent women in the right ,ob or activity when the need arises. Candidates are urrged to consult the President's Report in the League So- vial Director's Office for past plans ind activities of Assembly. Original :deas and enthusiastic interest are the' main basis upon which a petition is judged, according to Helen Alpert, who urges all unaffiliated coeds to petition for Assembly positions. "We feel Assembly makes great1 strides each year, rapidly becoming a strong, well integrated organization, and we are especially anxious to have a new Board which will further strengthen and enlarge the indepen- dent women's association," said Miss Alpert. Positions will be announced at Installation Night next month. Intermediate, Beginner Groups To Register Today, Tomorrow Registration for the social dancing classes sponsored by Junior Girls Project will be at 7 p.m. today in the League for the intermediate group, and at 7 p.m. tomorrow for the be- ginning group. Veterans Invited "We hope that many veterans will sign up for the classes, as this project is especially intended to help them," Ann Lippincott, JGP chairman, an- nounced. A fee of three dollars will be charged for a series of eight lessons, and any excess profits will be used by the League for altruistic purposes. Classes Throughout Term Classes will be taught throughout the seniester at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays for the intermediate group, and a 7:30 p.m. Thursdays for the beginning group. Instruction will start today and tomorrow after registration. John B. Gwinn, a veteran of World War II and an Arthur Murray grad- uate, will teach the classes, while Margaret Holk, who has played the piano or many campus functions, will be the accompanist. All members of the WAA Swim- ming Club are urged to attend an important meeting at 10 a.m. Sat- urday at the Union pool. Women who belong to the club but who have not attended meetings this term must complete their time trials. Will Compete At Percy Jones RYOUTS for students who would like to entertain men at Percy Jones Hospital will be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. today in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. 'HE entertainment committee which is a part of the camp and hospital committee and which func- tions with the Red Cross urgently needs both men and women singers, either solo or group, instrumentalists, classical and popular pianists. magi- icans, tap dancers, whistlers, and any type of specialty acts. J,1RS. LEONA P. DIEKEMA. social director of Martha Cook dormi- tory and chairman of the committee and Miss Ethel A. McCormick, So- cial Director of the League will be in charge of auditions. The last engagement at the hospi- tal was March 21 and another group will go Friday. The Red Cross pro- vides transportation facilities and students are usually called on only, once to go to the hospital. They will be excused from their classes as the trips are usually in the morning. The Camp and Hospital Commit- tee, along with the Red Cross has helped to aid the wounded by donat- ing money for wheel chairs and read- ing projectors. Martha Cook building and Soph Cabaret have also donated to the project. MRS. DIEKEMA. in commenting on the work, said, "We hope there will be a large tournout of both men and women at the audition as the work is very worthwhile, and during past engagements we have felt that we were the gainers." GLIDE AT SLIDE: Engine School To Present Traditional Slide Rule Ball Featuring Ted Weems Ted Weems and his oichestri w ill w ill be a .oiid combination of sweet offer sweet, swing, and novelty nuisic and lot without too muhl sugar on at the annual Slide Rule Bail to be 'ne :ide or wildw on tlic other." held from 9 p.m. to midnight Friday. April 12 in the Union Ballroom. Committee Listed Feature Slide Rule T1h committee meeirs for the ature Slie Rule. w , horyears dance incluce Robert Royce, echair- huge slide rulewhichfor im: Rusell Sields in chrge of has been the center of decorations i Heny amink business; at the formal dance, will again grace Willa ire and laters, dee- the dance floor, serving as a symbol .rantions;MiltonDvid ad iRussell of the Engineering School. A model cutting. tikets; Betty HIansen, pa- Engineering Arch will be built over tront; MaryPat King. prograns; and the doorway, and caricatures of va- George pauliang, publicity, rious engineering professors will be Gg_______ it. displayed along the corridor leading to the ballroom. The walls will be decorated with the insignia of the engineering societies. Tickets for the dance, limited only to engineering students, are on sale from 10 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. every day but Saturday and Sunday at the Engine Arch. The cashier's receipt for the spring term must be shown when purchasing a ticket. To Play New Tune A little known fact about Ted Weems is that he was the originator of the term "swing it." He was playing his new piece "Jig Time" for the first time, and not knowing how to tell his men to play the last chorus faster, he instructed them to "swing it." Two other songs Weems has written are "The Martins and the Coys," a favor- ite comic song, and "Egykptianella." Weems, who was recently dis- charged rom the United States Mari- time Service, claims that the quality of the average band from now on will far surpass anything in the past. He has previewed the type of music he will play by stating that "Bands Women Are Invited To Act as Hostesses For Ruthven Teas All women who are interested in helping on the League Social Com- mittee and who haven't worked on the committee before should leave their name, address, and phone num- ber in Dottie Wantz's box in the Un- dergraduate Office in the League. Those interested should either leave their eligibility cards in the box and pick them up later or bring them to the first Ruthven Tea Wednesday to be signed. They are expected to act as hostesses at the rest of the teas this semester, the dates of which will be announced in The Daily. Committee To Meet There will be a meeting of the Central Committee of the Panhel- Assembly Ball at 5 p.m. today in Room D of the League. All coeds must bring their eligibility cards. SPRING GOWN-Singer Jane Pickens poses in a new spring gown of green iIk wth hand-made pointe venise lace. The off-shoul- der neckline contrasts with demure long sleeves. In A Coe~d Resnid,, % r HE WAA softball tou. begin Monday, acror Daniels, barhebll manag Postal cards hve beci various house aihle im questing them to state for playing time. Any s mitory, or zone that has such a preference card first and second pecrr put it in the WAA prei the Undergraduate Of League. r T~ t-'C . 1,ii 1..1.. fi.v i ences I Somtball Tournament rnament will allowed to play with less than seven ding to Pat members. er. In case of rain, games will be re- 1 sent to the scheduled. If teams are indoubt as to the possible cancelling of games. «ana§ers, re- they may call the WAB after 3 p.m. preferances to learn of any cancellations. orority, dor- not received PLEDGES may play with either so- should list a , rority or their present resi- ed time and dence's team, but no woman may dent's box in play on more than one team during fice of the the season under any circumstances. Coeds wishing to officiate at the games may do so and will also have lay are 5:10 the opportunity to qualify for a na- on Monday, tional rating. There will be a meeting d Thursday. at 4 p.m. Friday at Barbour Gym ired to have, for all those interested. Information n extra coed concerning officiating br the tour- eam consists nament may be had by calling Miss team will be Daniels at 2-5618. IM VEb aa i]lable r1 - - -- - ----~ .ni. and 7: li pm. - Tuesday, Wie> deay. an Sa yw iIGiv Ecli team ill be requ in adtition to players, a to act as scorer. A full t of ten women, and nof The "Foesle Fling" presented by the NROTC and V-12 unit for all Naval personnel will be held from 9 p.m. to midnight, Friday, in the League Ballroom. Klass Kuiper and his orchestra will furnish the music for the dance. The members of the orchestra are all students on campus. Tickets for the affair are priced at $1.75. There will be door prizes and dur- ing the half hour intermission enter- tainment will be provided by the unit members. ... ... ... .. ....... SSNE ...................M . iPEBIALE RlSS~ Every drop of this precious fragrance is a memory priceless jewels .. exalted romance . . exciing intrigue ..and the fabulous Russian Empress 1who inspired it taundireds of years ago !lltnoucled by time, it is yours today. oz.1.50-5o.Z,.2.111-6 oz.~5.75 r Ta ......Othr ..ea .t . trx).: ::: 1 : 0her beauty accessories in the same royal tragraure : brief ;m id 1) '(:0in iigwithi J)lc~aty Of ligUre lit. [oIl tiem, roll t1emI, thcy magic. ally replcat. S!cs I12-18,. Grey, Red, c, Navy $500- i1-, 1'k f - : ., - .r.. < .z ., , a ' 'Z 3 .c'-rcd . :' K...i , r , . r # ' f{ :z . } 1 : i} , ° ' R ,v > ,"n ,. ,x; J I risque indoorbles.. brand-new and pretty super talk about glamour . . . no wonder they call them risque's . . . 'cause they're different and sort of daring . . . advertised in 'seventcen' -4.45 t You are invited to open a Jacobson's charge account. . ards of swirl Vibrant with grace . . swing- ing with rhythm. Pleated all the way around! You'll love the way it snuggles your waist and flares into such a graceful swirl. In Black, Brown; and WVhite. II I !