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April 03, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-04-03

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The Innocent Swiss!

o~eEterj to t4 &/itor



MUCH given to popular crazes, the American
public has, on occasion, been caught fall-
ing all over itself in its haste to idealize one coun-
try or another. Sometimes we murmur, with
gentle reverence, of "this England"; sometimes
we work up a kind of fascination for the Moscow
subway. Back at the beginning of the century we
had conceived a certain patronizing fondness
for the Japanese. All this is when it does not
serve as innoculation against common sense;
but too often it happens that we allow really
dangerous situations to develop while a nation
is "running on its reputation."
For a long time now, Switzerland has been
an ideal nation. Switzerland stands for world
peace, the Red Cross, democracy exemplified.
Switzerland has become a symbol of all the
things we believe.
Then last week, the Swiss government an-
nounced its refusal of the American request that
they turn over buried German assets in the coun-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by wembers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
try to the United Nations Reparations Commis-
sion. The Society for the Prevention of World
War III promptly protested, calling upon the Al-
lied delegation to break off negotiations with the
THE SWISS have argued that by turning over
the German assets they would "damage the
concept of private property," and that they them-
selves have claims to a portion of the funds which
can pnly be settled by negotiations when a Ger-
man government has been set up. The U.S. nego-
tiating committee has tried to persuade the Swiss
that they can accept the Allied Control Council
as a de facto government in Germany. Neverthe-
less, American public opinion, conditioned by
years of pro-Swiss-ism, is probably inclined to
accept Switzerland's position as well-intentioned,
if bending slightly over backwards.
In the light of the Nazi underground move-
ment revealed Sunday, the danger that Ger-
many's $500,000,000 assets in Switzerland
might be used as a foundation for a new pol-
icy of aggression begins to seem a little more
ominous. Related to other dubious events in
the past, which we shrugged off at the time, it
looks as if a rather more' qualified opinion of
Switzerland might be in order.
1AST NOVEMBER Senator Kilgore's commit-
tee released documents from German official
files which showed that the Swiss had been help-
ing the Nazis by making available to them
desperately needed foreign exchange. Letters
written by Emil Puhl, vice president of the
Reichsbank, to Walter Funk, German minister
of economy, indicated that the Swiss had agreed
to purchase about three tons of looted German
gold. This was in the face of the Currie agree-
ment, made between the Allies and Switzerland
in March, 1945, by which the Swiss promised not
to allow financial transactions with Germany
that might assist the Nazis.
The Swiss discounted these letters, explaining
that Puhl was trying to pretend that he was ac-
complishing something in Switzerland, so that
he would be allowed to stay there and escape
the coming disaster of the Reich.
This may or may not have been the real ex-
planation; the incident only adds to the num-
ber of "coincidences," which begin to look more
like a general policy than anything else.
It is known that the Swiss continued to send
munitions to the Nazis until after the Battle of
the Bulge. Of course, little Switzerland had been
hemed in by Axis powers: but with Mussolini
defeated and the Allies winning on bothfronts,
Switzerland was certainly playing it awfully safe.
and making a comfortable profit for her muni-
tions manufacturers into the bargain.
IT IS COMMON PRACTICE in Switzerland for
wealthy businessmen to rotate among the top
governmental posts. Albert Norden, in an article
in the "Protestant" claims that the country is
"ruled by a small group of trust magnates, who
own nine-tenths of the press."

Maybe this is an explanation of the fact that
Swiss members of the International Brigade
Diplomacy Dead?
A reliable dictionary gives us this meaning
for diplomacy: " the art of securing advantages
without arousing hostility.".Such an art no long-
er exists.
It 'is the fashion nowadays to try to arouse
hostility when aiming for an objective. Countries
are paid no attention unless they do something
to make other nations mad.
This is Russia's policy today-to arouse hos-
tility and thus achieve objectives. She realizes
that to make demands and fail to back those up
with a show of power will be futile. It is a policy
certain to achieve at least partial success.
Such a policy will be successful because the
world has sunk to a pitifully low state where
each soverign state respects only force; each
state claims it disrespects force and respects
only peaceful means; and each state realizes
that each other state respects force.
THEWORLD, then, is at a low moral point.
Riff lrih n

who fought Franco in Spain were given consi-
derable prison terms when they returned to
their country.
Though the Swiss have been justly praised for
their humanity toward the refugees of Europe,
President Eduard Von Steiger publicly declared
that it was the policy of the government to get
rid of "undesirable refugees," and, this policy
sometimes meant turning them over to Nazi con-
centration camps.
All this may be profitably jotted down as a
memo on the dangers of emotional politics. It is
high time for us to trade in our rose-colored
glasses and take a good look at what Switzerland
is really up to.
-Mary Brush
Our Dilemma
W E AMERICANS have picked Germany as the
rostrum from which to tell the world that
we don't know what we want. We couldn't be
more eloquent. Mr. C. L. Sulzberger of the Times
quotes an AMG officer as complaining that we
allow no history to be taught in the first eight
grades of the German schools; Nazi instructors
and texts have been withdrawn, but nothing new
has been moved in to fill the vacuum. So far as
German youth is concerned, their country has
had no history, a situation which must be quite
confusing to the little stinkers. In the high schools
only a few "dried up spinsters" remain as history
instructors, to tell the great rolling story of the
world's recent passion. Since most of these crea-
tures are colorless enough to have been found un-
objectionable both by the Nazis and ourselves,
one doubts that they are qualified to grasp the
overtones and fine points of the global narra-
Ours is the zone in which nothing happens.
It is true we have weeded Nazis out rather effi-
ciently, in spite of lapses in some areas; at least
than has any other occupying force; but that
was an operation which could be carried out
almost mechanically, on the basis of routine
tests and questionnaires; an operation not un-
congenial to the Army heart, that of compar-
ing a man with a rule book, and seeing which
comes out ahead.
SINCE THEN life in our zone seems to have
taken on the unpolitical quality of life in a
Hollywood movie; a boy walks down a street with
a girl, somewhere a child cries, sometimes there
are raids against political suspects, as over the
last week-end; but it is plotty, and unreal, and
there is no life in the sense in which life goes on
in, say Camden, New Jersey, or in Rome.
Our basic difficulty is that it is quite impos-
sible to tell people about democracy; you have
to let them do it; it is as hard to teach democ-
racy from a platform as it is to teach swimming.
But to "let them do it" means political parties,
meetings, parades, newspapers, handbills, strikes,
debates and other forms of hoorah. Here we pull
back. We want to keep the script clean of these
political elements, we would like it to be just a
good, wholesome story of love, hate and adven-
Someday, we hope, German men and women
will read our definitions of democracy in books
(when we get around to agreeing on them, our-
selves, and printing them) and yill accept what
they read, and will grow up to be a credit to us,
and a bulwark of our way of life, without the
nervousness, agitation, sound-effects, mass-
meetings, picket-lines, and good-and-bad
feelings which are characteristic of the free
inventiveness and variety of the democratic
way of life. Fearful of the right, and fearful of
the left, too, we have perhaps, unconsciously,
exported our own dilemma to our zone of Ger-
many, and tried to base a way of life on it. We
have shipped all our political fears abroad, and
we have institutionalized them in visible form.
BUT it is of the essence of democracy that it
takes chances on peoples. The Russians at

least trust those who are on their side; we don't
even do that; we are in the strange position of
trusting nobody, even though we know that poli-
tical liberty in Germany must for a long time
be the very qualified democracy of the board-
ing schools, or the jail. But we draw back, even
so; we prefer having a year of postponement be-
hind us, to a year of process; in our fear of what
the right might do, and, perhaps even more, of
what the left might do, we have made ourselves
doctors of a strange philosophy of inertia.
And in speaking for a greater degree of free
political action in our zone, it is not the Germans
I am concerned about, but ourselves. For we are
making a kind of confession in Germany of the
doubts which trouble us, and which assail our
faith in ourselves. It is not a German issue, but
an American issue, when we Yankees deal in
doodles and delay, pull back, and refuse the
plunge. The moral crisis, the crisis of faith, is
ours, not the Germans' when a supreme moment
in history catches us with our mouths open, ut-
tering a pear-shaped nothing.
(Copyright, 1946, N. Y. Post Syndicate)

What So cial



To the Editor:
Just what is this "prewar social life" so often
lauded in your letters-to-the-editor column? So
far I have been inclined to think that it meant
only a rah-rah, three-dance week-end sort of
college life, If that were all, it would seem hard-
ly worthy of all this commotion about it; we can
really always have dances-anywhere. It is a dif-
ferent sort of "social affair" that seems more
typically collegiate-as your announcement that
the students were cooperating to form a Econo-
mics Club on campus.
The growth of this sort of organization seems
to me a sign of the return of the real college
social-life. Why doesn't the Daily sponsor this
sort of thing, rather than all of the adolescent
wails about the number of orchestras at a dance?
-Alice Doumaman
Majority Report
To the Editor:
For two and a half years I have read the re-
views of the music critics of The Daily, and I
can take it no longer. The criticism of the Alec
Templeton concert was the last straw. Sure,
Templeton is an entertainer, but aren't the Bos-
ton Symphony, Paul Robeson and Jascha Heifetz
entertainers also? The audience seemed to like
Templeton, and to me that is the main thing.
Must criticism be malicious, as it was, in my
opinion? Mr. Templeon is a fine musician he
knows theory better than anyone I have seen.
And the fact that he is blind is further reason
that he should be commended.
How can Miss Brower say that the Detroit
Symphony was good when (1) many people could-
n't wait to walk out at the intermission; (2) the
intonation in the woodwinds was so bad that I
don't see how she missed it; (3) it was obvious
to many that the orchestra was just playing
notes? And now she says Templeton just exploits
harmony. I wish I could exploit harmony like he
does. I'm sure the audience enjoyed themselves
more listening to Templeton than to the Detroit
Symphony or Heifetz (although he is technically
perfect.) I'm sure Mr. Templeton enjoyed him-
self, too.
-Allyce Wishnevsky
Dichotomy of Choice
To the Editor:
The Executive Board of MYDA wishes to ex-
press its appreciation for yesterday's "Daily" let-
ter by Robert Kieber on the Spanish situation.
The recent MYDA petition stirred up an amaz-
ing variety of responses, but unfortunately very
few people have had enough energy and con-
viction to make their positions public.
While we are delighted that Mr. Kieber has
demonstrated an awareness of the seriousness
of the Spanish situation, we feel, however, that
a few points of correction are in order.
The statement that "free governments and
fascist governments cannot exist together in the
world" is not meant to imply a dichotomy of
choice regarding the question of what govern-
ments shall replace Fascism in Spain. The state-
ment means just what it says. Free governments,
including that of our United States, cannot re-
main in peaceful coexistence with fascist govern-
ments because fascist governments have as an in-
trinsic and motivating characteristic the desire
for forceful conquest and domination of all peace-
loving nations. It is this characteristic which
eventually forced us to fight the last war against
Nazism in Germany, a war of survival. It is be-
cause of this characteristic that the Franco gov-
ernment is daily expanding its war industries
and forces and importing from us and others
large quantities of surplus war properties and
deploying its evergrowing army against the
French border, and expanding militaristic devel-
opments in South America through direct con-
trol. (State Department White Paper on Argen-
tina). MYDA is not advocating direct interven-
tion in Spain. But if we were, we would not jus-
tify such action on "idealistic" grounds. Such
actions as we are advocating, viz. the breaking
of diplomatic relations and the establishment
of an international economic embargo against
Spanish fascism are fully justified on the grounds
of self-defense, even if we entirely neglect ideo-
logical considerations, (something we are not at
all willing to do.)
As for fears of Communism replacing Fascism
in Spain, Mr. Kieber seems to have a rather con-

fused picture of the forces at play. First, Juan
Negrin, who was president of the Spanish Gov-
ernment, is not an avowed Communist; in fact,
he has frequently been in extreme conflict with
the Communist Party. Secondly, the president of
the Spanish Government in Exile is not Negrin
but Jose Giral, also not a Communist. While
Communists are represented in this government,
they are in the minority in proportion to 'the -re-
sults of the free elections of 1937.
We congratulate the Spanish Socialist Party
for its refusal to submit to "Russian domination,"
but we wouldn't vote for Norman Thomas simply
because he denounced the "Bolshevik" New Deal.
If the only answer that can be given in'defense
of Fascism in Spain is that it is a bulwark against
the rise of world Communism, we are highly un-
impressed. It seems we've "heard that song be-
fore," and it sounds no better in Castillian Span-
ish than it did in the original guttural German.
-Cornelius J. Loeser,
Vice-president, MYDA

(Continued from Page 3)
H. Graham, of Washingaon, D.C.,
Chief of the Biological Division, U. S.!
Soil Conservation Service, will speak.
All students in the School of Forestry
and Conservation who do not have
conflicts in nonforestry subjects are
required to attend, and all others in-
terested are invited.
School of Music Assembly: 11 a.m.
Thursday, April 4, Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater. Speaker will be
Blanche Witherspoon of Metropolitan
Opera Guild, New York. Attendance
required. Classes and lessons dis-
missed 11-12.
Notice to Veterans. All veterans who
have not as yet received subsistence
and who turned in evidence of eligi-
bility to the Certification Office of
the University prior to March 3rd and
who were registered in the Univer-
sity by that date are to report to
Room 100, Rackham Building on
Wednesday, April 3, between 8:30
a.m. and 3:30 p.m. in order that the
Veterans Administration may inves-
tigate the delay in the payment of
their subsistence.
The Museum of Art and Acheol-
ogy on South State Street reopened
Sunday, March 31. Visiting hours are
Sunday, 3-5; Tuesday through Fri-
day, 9-12; 2-5; Saturday, 9-12.
Con tfloeP4 ia'I
" don't know anybody here," the
lady said to me as I bent over the
water cooler in the Daily Building.
I thought that was a lousy shame, so
I asked her what we could do for her.
She told me the following story,
which we reproduce here after hav-
ing been assured that the early his-.
tory of Ann Arbor is so vague that
we can't possibly be sued for libel.
It developed that the lady was
Miss Olive Parshall, and that she
was the great-granddaughter of
Col. Orin and Ann Thayer
White. Col. White was a member
of the state legislature In 1837,
and it was he who did the major
lobbying in the enactment of the
statute which established the uni-
versity in Ann Arbor as a state uni-
versity. It had previously existed in
Detroit, but had become exclusively
a paper organization about 1825.
In accordance with the bill which
was passed through the efforts of
Col. White, the Ann Arbor Land
Company bought forty acres from
Mrs. Ann Rumsey, and these forty
acres were the original site of the
University of Michigan.

M. Gomberg Scholarship and Paul'
F. Bagley Scholarship in Chemistry:
These scholarships are open to jun-
iors and seniors majoring in chemis-
try. Preference will be given to those'
needing financial assistance: Ap-
plication blanks may be obtained in
Room 212 Chemistry Building and'
must be returned not later than April]
Elizabeth Sargent Lee Medical His-a
tory Prize1
Established in 1939 by bequest of1
Professor Alfred O. Lee, a member of
the faculty of the University from
1908 until his death in 1938. The in-
come from the bequest is to be
awarded annually to a junior or sen-1
for premedical student in the CollegeI
of Literature, Science, and the Arts1
for writing the best essay on some
topic concerning the history of medi-
cine. Freshmen in the Medical
School who are on the Combined
Curriculum in Letters and Medicine
are eligible to compete in the contest.
The following committee has been
appointed to judge the contest: As-
sistant Professor John Arthos, Chair-
man, Professor Adam A. Christman,
and Assistant Professor Frederick H.
The Committee has anonunced the
following topics for the contest:
1. History of a Medical Unit
2. Medical-Aid Man
3. Medicine in Industry
4. Tropical Medicine
Prospective contestants may con-
sult committee members, by appoint-
1) A first prize of $50 and a second
prize of $25 are being offered, (2)
manuscripts should be 3,000 to 5,OOC
words in length, (3) the manuscript
should be typed, double spaced, or'
one side of the paper only, (4) con-
testants must submit two copies o
their manuscripts, and (5) all manu-
scripts should be handed in at Roon
1220 Angell Hall by May 31, 1946.
The Superintendents from Mount
Morris, Michigan, and Oscoda, Mich-
igan, will be in our office today, in-
terviewing candidates for Septembe
vacancies. Openings exist in the fol-
lowing fields; English and Latin, In.
dustrial Arts, English and Librar3
Science, Mathematics and Science,
Elementary, Social Science, Commer-
cial, Latin and French. Anyone in-
terested in talking with these me.
please call ext. 489 for an appoint-
La Sociedad Hispanica. The last
lecture of the Spanish Club serie
will be tonight at 8:00 in Kellogg Au-
ditorium. Dr. Jose Saralegui wil
speak on "Uruguay-pais del Turis-
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Harry
George Drickamer, Chemical Engi-
neering; thesis: "Vapor-Liquid Equi-
libria in Phenol-Hydrocarbon Sys-
tems and Their Application to a Com-
mercial Toluene Unit," Thursday,
April 4, 3201 East Engineering, at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, G. G. Brown.
Preliminary examinations for the
Ph.D. in English will be given on the
following schedule in Room 3223 An-
gell Hall at 9:00-12:00 m.
Wednesday, May 8, American Lit-
Saturday, May 11, English Litera-
ture, 1700-1900.
Wednesday, May 15, English Liter-
ature 1500-1700.
Saturday, May 18, English Litera-
ture Beginnings to 1500.
Will those intending to take the
examinations please notify Professor
Nelson by April 22.
MA. Students in English. Make-up
for tho qualifying examination will be
offered on' Friday, April 5, at 4:00-
6:00 p.m. in 3223 Angell Hall. No
work taken before the qualifying ex-
amination is counted toward an M.A.
in English.

Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building on Friday, April 5, at 4 p.m.

Veterans' Tutorial Program
The following changes have been
made in the schedule:
English Composition - Tuesday,
Thursday 4:00-5:00 p.m. 2235 Angell
Hall. (Beginning)
English Composition - Tuesday,
Thursday 4:00-5:00 p.m. 3216 Angell
Hall: Friday 5:00-6:00 p.m. 3216 An-
gell Hall. (Advanced)
Spanish (31) (32) -Monday, Tues-
day 4:00-5:00 p.m. 408 Romance
Lang.; Thursday, Friday 4:00-5:00
p.m. 408 Romance Lang.
Andrew B. White, baritone, will
present a program of Italian, Ger-
man, French and American songs at
8:30 tonight in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Prior to joining the staff of
'he School of Music, Mr. White ap-
neared on numerous radio programs
and was a member of the faculty of
:he American University at Shriven-
'am, England. The recital is open to
;he general public without charge.
Paintings by Eduardo Salgado of
,urrent American Life. Daily from
2-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. in the mezza-
aine galleries of Rackham until April
Michigan Historical Collections:
'Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackham.
'pen daily 8-12, 1:30-4:30, Saturdays
Events Today
Radio Program: The University
3roadcasting service and the School
>f Music present today over Station
)VKAR (870) another of its weekly
>rograms entitled "EPOCHS IN
MUSIC" under the direction and su-
ervision o Prof. Hanns Pick. Pianist
?rof. Mabel Rhead and Mr. Theodore
eger, Instructor in the History of
viusic will give the first of two lec-
ure-recitals on MUZIO CLEMENTI,
lemonstrating the importance of this
?ianist-Composer as a link in the
lifferent styles between Mozart and
3eethoven. Mr. George Cox will act
as announcer.
Varsity Glee Club: Important re-
zearsal for concerts and serenades,
1:15 sharp. Quartet rehearsal for
Saturday, April 6, appearance.
Flying Club: There will be a ground
chool meeting tonight in Room 1042
'ast Engineering Building at 7:00.
in important business meeting will
ollow at 8:00 p.m. All members are
sked to attend.
Alpha Phi Omega will hold its reg-
Plar meeting tonight at 7:30 at the
M'ichigan Union. All members are
irged to attend and anyone who is
nterested in the organizhtion is also
Camp Counselors Club cook out
i:30 Wednesday, April 3. Meet at the
W.A.B. and bring your own food.
Coming Events
The Ann Arbor Library Club will
;neet in the Clements Library Friday,
April 5, at 7:45 p.m.
Robert B. Brown will speak on
"Collecting under arms." Rrefresh-
A Russian musical film, "Volga
Volga," presented by Russky Kru-
?hok, Russian Circle, will be shown
April 4th and 5th in Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
Forestry CluL-There will be a
meeting Thursday evening at which
Professor Karl Lager of the Zoology
Department will speak on Fish and
Conservation. Prior to the talk, there
will be an important business meeting
at 7:30 in Room 2039, Natural Sci-
ence building.
Armenian Students Association:

There will be an important meeting
on Friday, April 5, at 616 Church, at
7:30 p.m. The main business will be
the discussion of a drafted constitu-
tion. Following the business meeting
a social period will follow. All stu-
dents of Armenian descent are urged
to come and participate in this meet-
The Inter-Faith Committee of the
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation will
meet on Thursday, April 4 at 4:15 at
the Foundation. Plans will be made
for future suppernar discussions.

MRS. ANN RUMSEY was one of
the four women for whom Ann
Arbor was named.. . the others be-
ing Ann Allen, Mary Ann Smith, and
Miss Parshall's antecedent Ann
Thayer. Miss Parshall mentioned
that Ann Allen's husband John had
received a great deal of credit for
establishing the University, but that
he was something of a family black
sheep. He had written to Col. White
from his home in Virginia, asking
Col. White to write him about any
choice piece of land which might
turn up. One day John Allen took a
fat load of stock to market, and chose
to come to Michigan rather than go
home to his wife. His wife and chil-
dren later joined him in Ann Arbor,
but were deserted again when Allen
left for the gold strikes in California.
Col. White was the builder of a
large stone house on the North Ri-
'ver which is now occupied by Prof.
Carl. LaRue. It is directly across the
road from the house where President
Ruthven now keeps his horses.
Miss Parshall was inclined to
think that it was a shame that a
lady whose grand-father had built
this house should not now be able
to find a house to live in. She and
her 86 year old mother were dis-
possessed recently when the house
in which they were living was sold,
and they are now living at the
County Infirmary until somebody
finds them a house. Won't some
body find them a house? Somebody
like the Michigan Daily . . .the cru-
sading newspaper? Miss Parsall ex-
plained that "Even a garage would
be good."
She observed before she left that
the March winds were still with us,
and that she had to take her hat off
and carry it because she didn't "want
to be chasing it all over Hell's Half-
Acre." Anybody as wonderful as Miss
Parshall should get a house by the
courtesy of the University.
-Ray Ginger


"Some Recent Chemical Studies of
Amino Acids and Special Proteins."
All interested are invited.
Analytic Functions Seminar today
at 3, 3201 Angell Hall.
Professor Kaplan will speak on
"Conformal Mapping and the Linde-
lof Plan."


Fifty-Sixth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Thus ends the first lecture ... Next week
.wewill discuss the idiosyncrasies of the
, . , .

By Crockett Johnson
Nonsense! We all have skeletons
in our closet, Gus. Mmm ...Cold
rhAo dcnir Y: iir .... nrl

Margaret Farmer
Hale Champion
Robert Goldman
Emily E. Knapp
Pat Cameron . . . . .
Clark Baker . . . . . .
Des Howarth . . . . . .
Ann Schutz . . . . . .
Dona Guimaras . . . .

.. . . Managing Editor
. . . . . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . . . . . City Editor
. . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . Associate Editor
. .. Sports- Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . . . . . . Women's Editor
. . . Associant Womenas Editnr

They'll be sorry they went to another]
lecture by mistake, Mr. O'Malley...


I t


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