PAGE FOUR T iE MICHIGAN DAILY I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: UNO Must Bend, Not Break By SAMUEL GRAFTON MOST'of the full-dress editorial articles on the UNO crisis are depressing. We are not at the stage at which any commentator, however gifted, can do a full-fledged, formal treatment of UNO, complete with collar, tie and sock-suspenders. At best we can hope for small glints and glimmers of light, little flashes and indications, and to find these is enough; this is not yet an issue which can be wrapped into a package by any editor, and he who tries it will very likely say words he will regret. It will be tried, of course; the New York Times tries it; it attempts to polish off the Grom- yko walk-out crisis by saying that the Council would have "stultified" itself and "abdicated its authority" if it had refused to hear Iran; it considers that if a small nation's request for a hearing is turned down "all confidence" in the Security Council disappears, and the UNO "dies in its infancy." But the choice presented by the Times is re- markably like one between dying and dying; and one wonders how much "confidence" can be developed by an institution which deadlocks and blows up on its first big issue. HE TIMES goes on to hope that the situation is "not beyond the skill of diplomats;" but there is nothing in Holy Writ nor in the Charter which prevents diplomats from being skillful before a crisis as well as after, or which ordains that they must be clumsy first so that they can be skillful later. The Security Council is not as yet a well- enough established institution for any mem- ber power to dare to place all its bets on its by-laws, and to be willing to go blindly where- ever they lead; for each member has an obliga- tion to keep the Council alive as well as the ob- ligation to show that the moves it has made, however stubborn, were fully in accord with the technicalities. THE FACT that the Times calls now for skilled diplomacy is an admission that mechanical constitutionalism is not enough to save the world. Only a few days ago the Times (whose opinions are discussed here only because they are representative of a particular view) was boasting that the "firm stand" of the West had made Russia back down; why does it find it ad- visable to change now, and ask for "skill" instead of for more "firm stand"? Neither the "firm stand" nor barren legalism can save the peace; these are not approaches to the problem of pre- serving the UNO, but approaches to the problem of making the UNO a vehicle for a particular point of view. For a strange and sullen war is now going on within the Council, between the West's ma- NIGHT EDITOR: LOIS IVERSON Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. LaGuardia, UNRRA FIORELLO H. LA GUARDIA is the new direc- tor of UNRRA. New York City's ex-major is one of t e most news-worthy men in the coun- try; for that reason alone, the appointment could not be more auspicious. The job UNRRA faces is of a kind that thrives on publicity. Feeding starv- ing Europeans can be accomplished only through enlisting the public's humanitarian sympathies. Only when it is no longer a private matter will the people with the goods sacrifice profits, to save a few million lives. The irony of the world situation is appalling. It is a situation in which UNRRA states as an objective yet to be accomplished the "drastic curtailment of the use of grains for the manu- facture of beverages!". Another point on the UNRRA program is to "divert all possible grains from livestock feed- ing to human consumption." Cattle and hogs are actually being held off the market, fed millions of bushels of grain: It seems there's a price rise in the offing. ADMITTEDLY it's difficult to concentrate on starving Europeans when there are down-to- earth dollars-and-cents decisions to be made in Kansas City. That's why La Guardia is such a fine choice for his new job. When the ex-mayor of a city makes the statement, "My city alone wastes enough food every day to feed a city of 350,000 people. I know, I picked up that garbage for twelve years," it's news. Newspapers all over the country print La Guardia's statements. It's one of the sadder truisms that large-scale appeals to human unselfishness rarely succeed without the assistance of showmanship and cir- cus tactics. La Guardia's combination of person- al sincerity and personal eloquence will provide the three ring carnival needed to lure American eyes from their corporate balance sheet. Milt Freudenheim Double Talk THE U.S. Senate is currently chasing its tail, somewhat in the manner of a dog that has just discovered he's been "clipped." In one gesture the Senate moves to increase mass purchasing power by raising the mini- mum wage to 65 cents an hour, and then, like taking the potatoes away from the peelings, it adds an amendment that would increase food prices. It has been estimated that in adding the cost of agricultural labor to the farm product parity formula, the consumer's annual food bill will be upped four billion dollars or 20 per cent. This measure would serve then, to affect adversely not only those sub-standard workers it purports to jority, and Russia's veto. As the West comes more and more to rely on its majority, in an endless series of 9-2 votes, Russia comes more and more to rely on her veto, including the physical veto of taking a walk. Both weapons are being swung like axes; and the contestants have finally traded a pair of unjustifiable blows; the West, in refusing to grant Russia a slight delay on the Iranian matter, and Russia in leaving th'e Council Chamber. THIS STRUGGLE is the story; and it is idle to try to say a final and formal word on it, to try to do it up in a parcel, as the New York Times does in completely accepting the majority position, or, say, as the New York Daily Worker does in completely accepting the Russian view. It is not a question of which view is right, but of what accord can be worked out between them; the clash is inevitable, given the world as it is today; and to become too hotly partisan on one side or the other is to deal in empty finalities, included among which may be the end of hope. It must become part of the ethics of United Nations life to try to tame down this inevitabil- iy; to bend, and encourage the art of bending in others; to reduce the weapons of Western major- ity and Russian veto to the level of historical interest only, by resolute disuse; to withhold fin- al judgements and self-satisfied summings-up. Ours is a generation of transition, not fated to deal in last words on any subject. (Copyright, 1946, N. Y. Post Syndicate) SBOOKS THE CASTLE by Franz Kafka. Knopf, 1945 reprint. 340 pages. A DISCUSSION of how the common man can get to heaven evokes immediate, universal in- terest. When the problem is treated in an allegory of the ordinary man, the interest swells. Franz Kafka has done in THE CASTLE, first printed in 1930, what John Bunyan did in the seventeenth century world classic, THE PILGRIM'S PRO- GRESS. Bunyan successfully represents the reli- gious experience of the common man in his own times . . . Kafka successfully represents the mo- dern man's religious experience, a task a good deal more difficult than Bunyan's. As Edwin Mu- ir points in the preface to the first American edi- tion of THE CASTLE, the modern hero of the re- ligious allegory has a harder problem, for "Bun- yan's hero has a clear goal before his eyes- while the hero of THE CASTLE has literally al- most nothing." The simple faith of the seven- teenth century tinker, Bunyan, has given way to the religious scepticism of the twentieth century German intellectual, Kafka. Both believe that grace can be obtained. Bun- yan knows the way to attain it, and knows the way is hard. Kafka does not know the nature of grace, the way to attain it, nor the difficul- ty of coning by it. Somewhere along the cen- turies, man has gotten out of touch with God, and Kafka shows the gulf of misunderstanding which separates them today. His realization of the impossibility of understanding between "the officials" and man shakes poignant, brilliant prose. A.little of the story should be sketched. K., the hero (supposed by the editors to be Kafka himself), comes in middle life to a small village as Land-Surveyor. He is a stranger, and does not become an accepted member of the community because of his failure to understand the accepted attitude toward the Castle. This Castle is the scene of vast business activity, which cannot pay great attention to detail. K.'s insistence that he interview Klamm, the director of village affairs for the Castle is regarded as sinful and unintell- igible by the vilagers. The village and its people are this world with its attendant evils. The Cas- tle is Heavenly Grace. K. is the seeker after grace, a "stranger" because he feels himself dif- ferent from men who live in a state of grace though no effort of their own. The style is simple and natural to the point of beauty. The conception and mood of the book are poetic. A subtle understanding of an intense religious scepticism is made startlingly strong by a humor which pervades the whole work, a humor which arises from an idea of man's es- sentially ridiculous position in the universe. The book is not complete, but this does not de- tract from its perfection. Read it once and you will read it again. -Martha Bradshaw General Library List The case against the Nazi war criminals New York, Knopf, 1946. Gervasi, Frank. To whom Palestine? New York, Appleton-Cen- tury, 1946. Keyes, Frances Parkington The river road. New York, Messner, 1946. Lewis, Clive Staples The great divorce. New York, MacMillan, 1946. Schmitt, Gladys David, the king. New York, The Dial Press, 1946. Thirkell, Angela Miss Bunting, New York, Knopf, 1946. Dominie Says EASTER CELEBRATIONS in the Churches, in addition to the renewal of loyalty to Jesus Christ, will offer opportunity to seek for the cen- tral characteristics of religious growth. Many theories abound. All are familiar with St. Paul's poem on charity in the thirteenth chapter of his first letter to the Corinthians, "Faith, hope and charity; these three, but the greatest-of-these is charity." In Second Peter a series is enumerated thus: "Adding all diligence, in your faith supply virtue, and in your virtue knowledge; and in your knowledge self--control: and in self-control patience; and in your patience Godliness; and in your Godliness brotherly kindness; agd in your brotherly kindness love." Professor Ernest J. Chave of the University of Chicago, whose teaching, writings, and lectures have won w ide consideration, has been making a study to discover what factors are persistently present in the experience of Chicago school chil- dren moving toward Christian character. To be sure he assumes, as many Christian peple do not assume, that one can become religious by learning. He has listed the following ten fac- tors: Sense of worth, Social sensitivity, Appreciation of the universe, Discrimination in values, Responsibility and accountability, Cooperative fellowship, Quest for truth and realization of values, Integration of experiences into working phil- osophy of life, Appreciation of historical continuity, and Participation in group celebration. PROFESSOR ERNEST M. LIGON of Union College, Schenectady, in a similar series of experiments over several years, but carried on in Churches rather than in public schools, began with eight attitudes derived from a study of the Beatitudes of Jesus--vision; love of righteous- ness and truth; faith in the friendliness of the universe: dominating purpose; being sensitive to the needs of others; forgiveness; magnanimity; and Christian courage. However, through further application of his theory to groups of children and parents he broke down those "attitudes" in- to many factors, such as dependability or pur- posiveness. Technically there are many who question the entire procedure asking first, when do we know that the list of ten by Chave and eight by Li- gon is an exhaustivc list? Secondly, where is that trait named purposiveness, it cannot be isolated and can never be trapped, for it is always with other attitudes and always ap- pears in a person. Thirdly, say the questioners, does not parent, pastor or teacher break up the unity of the personality, or at least hinder the freedom when he tries to focus attention on any attitude to make it the object of endeavor or the subject of measurement? In any case these men are taking seriously their effort to improve our teaching of religion. We admire this research. If we could get even one tenth of the 500,000,- 000 Christians, Orthodox, Catholics, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Presbyterian, Congregationalists, Baptists, Methodists and the rest, reaching quite around the world, to teach thoroughly any one or a combination of these value systems we would specifically serve both enduring peace and the Kingdom of Heaven. Counselor in Religious Education -Edward W. Blakeman KICKS & COMMENTS r'HE FORM of hot music variously referred to as the "real blues" is probably the most mal- igned idiom we have today. Perhaps it's only to be expected that so expressive and loosely de- fined a style would have a great variety of inter- preters, but the sins now committed in its name are a shame and a scandal. Dinah Shore, Woody Herman, Judy Garland, and a host of others too depressing to name, are all billed as "blues" artists, even though their tal- ents in that field are as valid, just about, as the "swing"'in "Swing and Sway with Sammy Kaye."' Accordingly, when a record company collects a small group of good musicians and turns them loose on the blues, as the Blue Note people have done, it is a matter of more than casual note (no play on words is intended). The groups reviewed today are called, to name only three, the Port of- Harlem Jazzmen, the Sydney Bechet Quintet and Edmond Hall's Jazzmen. The titles, with the exception of "Summertime", "Basin Street Blues" and "Roy- al Garden Blues" are indicative of almost noth- ing at all, simply names for a group of solos and some very nice ensemble work. THERE is, of course, other merit in these re- cords beyond their presentation of sensitive blues music. The solo work of Edmond Hall, Frank Newton, Albert Ammons and the none- such J. C. Higginbotham, Catlett's rhythm, and Bechet's "Summertime" with Teddy Bunn's back- ing are the bits that stood out for me, but there are long and worthwhile choruses by lots of others. -Lex Walker Pubucation in the Daily Official Bul- A etin is constructive notice to all mem- C bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, $ 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day g preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- a urdays). C SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 1916 E VOL. LVI, No. 102 Notices To the Members of the Faculty-- College of Literature, Science, and I the Arts:n The April meeting of the Facultyt of the College of Literature, Science. C and the Arts for the academic year 1945-46 will be held Monday, April 1, at 4:10 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell Hall. The reports of the various com-I mittees have been prepared in ad- E vance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be retained in your files as part of the minutes of the April meeting. Hayward Keniston j AGENDA: 1. Consideration of the minutes of! the meeting of March 4, 1946 (pp. 1252-1253). 2. New staff members. 3. Consideration of reports sub- mitted with the call to this meeting. a. Executive Comm ittee-Profes-' sor Clark Hopkins. b. University Council--Professor S. B. Myers. No report. c. Executive Board of the Grad- uate School-Professor N. E. Nelson. d. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs -Professor R. V. Churchill. No report. e. Deans' Conference--Dean Hay- ward Keniston. 4. Report on budget procedure. 5. Committee on Curriculum. 6. New business and announce- ments. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The five-weeks' grades for Navy and Marine trainees (other than En- gineers and Supply Corps) will be due April 6. Department offices will be provided with special cards and the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive these reports and transmit them to the proper officers. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The civilian freshman five-week progress reports will be due April 6 in the Office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, For- estry, Music and Public Health. Stu- dents who received marks I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by April 4. Students wishing an ex- tension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with Room 4, University Hall, where it will be transmitted. Group Hospitalization and Surgical Service: During the period from April 1 through April 10, the University Business Office (Room 9, University Hall) will accept newrapplications, as well as requests for changes in contracts now in effect, from all University employees. These new ap- plications and changes will become effective May 5, with the first pay- roll deduction on April 30. The Museum of Art and Archaeol- ogy on South State Street will re- open Sunday, March 31. Visiting hours are Sunday, 3-5; Tuesday through Friday, 9-12; 2-5; Satur- day, 9-12. Girl Scouts: Miss Monna Heath, representative of the Girl Scouts from Chicago, will be in oui' office Tuesday and Wednesday, April 2 and 3, to interview senior girls who are interested in permanent positions in Scout work all over. the United States. 11 those who wish to talk with her should call the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, ext. 371, and make an appointment. State of Michigan Civil Service Announcements have been received in this office for: Biochemist III, salary $300-$360; Biochemist IV, salary $380-$440; Highway Traffic Engineer II, salary $250-$290; Highway Traffic Engin- eer III, salary $300-$360; Highway Traffic Engineer IV, salary $380- $440; Industrial Health Physician, salary $465-$565. Closing date is April 24. State of New York Civil Service DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN nnouncements have also been re- eived for: Director of Social Service, salary 2700-$3240; Assistant Village En- incer, salary $3300-$3900; Recre- tion Assistant, salary $1300-$1560. losing date is April 5, For further information, call at the 3ureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Lectures University Lectures: Mr. Michael Lindsay, formerly professor of Eco- nomics, Yenching University, will lec- ture on the subject, "The Chinese Communist Areas," at 4:15 p.m., Monday, April 1, in the Rakham Amphitheater. Mr. Lindsay will also ecture on the subject, "The Problems of Chinese Unity," at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, April 2, in the Rackham Amphitheater. The public is invited. La Scciedad Hispanica. The last lecture of the Spanish Club series will be Wednesday, April 3, at 8 p.m., in Kellogg Auditorium. Dr. Jose Saralegui will speak on "Uru- guay - pais del Turismo." Academic Notices Bacteriology Seminar will meet Tuesday mcrning, April 2, at 8:30 o'clock in Room 1564 East Medical Building. Concerts Faculty Recital: Andrew B. White, baritone, will be heard at 8:30 Wed- nesday, April 3, in his first program since becoming a member of the fac- ulty of the School of Music. It will consist of Italian, German, French and American compositions, and wil be open to the general public. Organ Recital: Adrienne Morar Reisner will appear as guest organist in the second of a series of five orgar recitals, at 4:15 this afternoon in Hil Auditorium. Mrs. Reisner, a forme pupil of Palmer Christian at the Uni versity of Michigan, is head of the organ department at the Sherwood Music School, Chicago. Her pro- grain for 'Sunday will represent orga literature from Bach to contempor- ary composers. It will be open to th public. Organ Recital: Frieda Op't Hol Vogan and Mary McCall Stubbins crganists, will be heard in an all Sowerby program in the current ser ies of organ recitals at 8:30 Tuesday April 2, in Hill Auditorium. The com poser, head of the Department o Composition at the American Con servatory of Music at Chicago, wil comment on the works presente Mrs. Vogan and Mrs. Stubbins ar former pupils of Palmer Christian and the former is on the faculty o the School of Music. The public i invited. Student Recital: Lorna Storgaard mezzo-soprano, will present a recita in partial fulfillment of the require ments for the degree of Bachelor o Music at 8:30 Monday evening, Apr 1, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. He program will include compositions b Bach, Rossini, Schubert, Brahms Mahler, Franck, Moussorgsky, an Griffes. Miss Storgaard is a pupilo Hardin -Van Deursen. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions College of Architecture and De sign: Water colors and oils by M Karl Kasten, Instructor in Drawin and Painting in this College. Groun floor corridor. Open daily excep Sunday, 9 to 5, through April 20. Th public is invited. "Ancient Man in the Great Lake Region." Rotunda, University Muse um Building, through April 30. Events Today A Russian play rehearsal will b held tonight. All members of the cas will meet in front of the GenerE Library at 7 p.m. Members must hav eligibility cards to be signed at tha time. Coming Events Association of University of Michi gan Scientists will meet on Monda April 1, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackhar Amphitheatre. There will be shoe business meeting followed by a talk by Professor Preston Slosson at 8:00 p.m. on "A Report on the Rollins Col- lege Conference on Atomic Energy," to which the public is invited. The Ann Arbor Library Club will meet in the Clements Library Friday, April 5, at 7:45 p.m. Robert B. Brown will speak on "Collecting under arms." Refresh- ments. Economics Club: All interested students are invited to the organiz- ational meeting of the Students' Ec- onomics Club, Wednesday, 8 p.m., Room 302 in the Michigdn Union. Graduate students invited. Veterans' Wives' Club will meet Monday, April 1. at 7:30 p.m. in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. All wives of student veterans are in- vited. A Russian musical film, "Volga Volga," presented by Russky Kru- zhok, Russian Circle, will be shown at 8:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday, April 4th and 5th in Rackham Lec- ture Hall. The Women's Research Club will meet Monday, April 1, at 8:00 p.m. in the West Lecture Room of the Rack- ham Building. Dr. Lila Miller will talk on "Soybean Proteins in Nutri- tion." Hillel Social Committee .will meet at Hillel Foundation on Monday, April 1, at 7:30 p.m. Churches First Presbyterian Church: 10:45-Morning Worship service. Sermon by Dr. Lemon, "Priests of the Invisible." 5:00 p.m. - Westminster Guild peaker will be Prof. Preston Slosson who will speak on "Christianity in Twentieth Century Politics." Supper is served following the meeting. First Congregational Church: 10:45-Dr. Parr will speak on "The Paradox of Happiness." Memorial Christian Church (Dis- e iples of Christ): Morning worship 10:50 a.m. Rev. F. E. Zendt will preach on "The Hid- den Years." ? The Congregational-Disciples Guild - will meet Sunday evening at 6:00 at the Congregational Church, State t nd Williams. The program will be - z panel discussion led by students on f 'What we as Guilders and as Christ- - ions can do in the Community, Na- 1 tion, and World." 1. . Unity: Sunday services at the 1 League Chapel at 11 o'clock. Subject: j "Turning the Energy of Our Old Goods to New." In the future the services will be held in the Unity Reading Rooms, 310 S. State St. Noonday Prayer services will con- ' :inue to be held through Lent from - 12 until 12:30 daily except Thurs- Jay. i~ Grace Bible Church, 701 E. Huron 3 St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Harold De y vries, Pastor: , 10:00 a.m.-Bible School. Univers- o ity Class. Sermon: "A Little Lower than God." 7:30 p.m.-"The Head of the Cor- ner. 9:15 p.m. - Singspiration for all young people. First Unitarian Church, Lane Hall, tate and Washington Streets, Ed- ward H. Redman, Minister: 10:00 a.m. - Unitarian Friends' 'hurch School. Nursery through Second Grade at 110 N. State Street. Third Grade through High School at Lane Hall Basement. 10:00 a.m.'Adult Study Group Upper Room, Lane Hall. 11:00 a.m.-Service of Worship, Lane Hall Auditorium, Rev. Edward 3. Redman preaching a second ser- mon in the series on Old Testament prophets: "Behold! All Souls are Mine." 6:30 p.m. - Unitarian Student Group, at parsonage, 110 N. State Street. Buffet Supper with bull ses- sion on "What's Cooking in Con- gress" led by Mr. Neil Staebler. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 109 S. Division St.: Wednesday evening service at 8 i p.m. Sunday morning service at (Continued on Page 6) 10:30 I '('Pr If1IA1A!I!3ZD+lg Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff BARNABY By Crockett Johnson Margaret Farmer Hale Champion Robert Goldman Emily E. Knapp Pat Cameron Clark Baker . . . , Des Howarth Ann Schutz . . . Dona Guimaraes ... ... . . Managing Editor .. . . . . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . . . . . City Editor . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor .. . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor . . . . .. . Women's Editor . . . . . . Associate Women's Editor. Business Staff ~'&. * U - Believe me, Gus, the boy's parents are looking forward to an instructive evening. Naturally ... I'll keep the lecture very simple ... Referring to the annotations of Paracelsus on the spirit world only when necessary. 1j Professor Liteyear is lecturing on radar at Town Hall? Tonight? I've a hunch it would be morel interesting if we stayed home. it ought to be very I I i