PAGE TWO 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY, SATURDAY, MAICH 30, 1946 .............. - ------ .... . ...... . ......... . ... . ..... -------------- IT SO HAPPENS... * Living Indigenous Literature Dept. WE ARE so filled with the happiness of being able to write about this thing that we burble as we hunch over the typewriter. The thing is a little pamphlet called De- troit Is My Own Home Town (Bobbs-Merrill, $3.75). It is written by that old friend and ad- visor-from-a-distance of Daily editors: that peerless Editorial Director (present company excepted) of the Detroit Free Press; that hil- arious purveyor of the nonsense of Pipeline Pete; that aimable old freak, Iffy the Dopes-, ter; that crusading columnist; Malcolm Bin- gay, none other. First in a long series of remarks which we wish to make in connection with above volume- well, 360 pages and a dedication to his boss, good old Johnny Knight-is a captious criticism con- cerning the method of publication and the kind of marketing philosophy which is behind it. (If anybody here thinks that we're out to expose this book, he's right.) Last Monday Bingay (as morn- ing columnist) informed us that three days of his vacation had been stolen by the ridiculous request of his publishers that he sign some 10,- NIGHT EDITOR: RAY SHINN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Students have asked a question. "Why", they inquire, "can't arrangements be made so that more people can attend the marriage relations lectures?" And the question has been answered. It would be "impractical and probably impossible." We disagree. Inconvenient, yes, but because of the large numbers of students (even ex- cluding juniors and underclassmen now bar- red) who are eager to attend the course in the hope that it will help to solve an impor- tant and complex problem, it could hardly be impractical. If the lecturers are serious in their belief that Hill Auditorium is "too large and formal a place" in which to give such a course, and if the difficulties of making arrangements at this late date are too great to be surmounted, then there should be a second series. Surely there are other speakers competent to discuss the problem, even if the schedules of the pre- sent speaker are already filled. There is a list of the members of the com- mittee in cha rge of the lectures on page one. Students wh feel that admittance should be enlarged may contact them. -Mary Ruth Levy A Plea For Sanity .., T IS TIME to stop kidding ourselves. Every year about this time The Daily begins and ends a one-editorial campaign to keep stu- dents from walking on campus grass. This is about the noblest thing The Daily does all year, and it makes the Building and Grounds depart- inent mighty happy. But we're getting rather tired of fighting a losing battle. Either nobody ever gets The Daily anymore, or else college students cannot read, because the paths get deeper and broader each year. The most discouraging spot is, of course, that potential tennis court in front of haven Hall. That path has been trod for centuries, and it looks certain that we'll never see grass growing there again. UT instead of chiding the students for non- cooperation, let's rather ask the Building and Grounds department to come out of hiding and face stern reality. That particular pathway is one of the most popular on campus. Why, then, don't we get smart and have a gleaming new ce- ment sidewalk put in there. We have no love for the mud that accumulates there during Ann Arbor rains. Nor do we think that hardened ground is especially beautiful. For those who disagree with us, however, such a loss of glamour might go unnoticed if a new walk were put in and the ground around it were re- sown with good rich grass seed. Protests of scarcity of cement or lack of labor- ,ers will be to no avail. Even now there are busy men putting in cement in front of the Econom- ics Building, a project not nearly so vital as the social rejuvenation we propose. Let's face it, B and G. It wil do you no good just to sit around and act as if there were real- ly no dirt path there at all. Nor will it get you anywhere to put your faith blindly in the hands of providence. Come, come, lads. Fill up the mixing trough, heft the trowel. There's work to be done. -Ray Shinn Going Up, Up, Up... SEVEN MONTHS from now the University will be forced to further restrict student admit- tance to "millionaires only" if the United States Chamber of Commerce directors are to have their way about OPA price control. Ann Arbor and Pullman, Wash. are said to be the two cities in the United States with the high- est cost of living. We don't know about Pullman but the reasons offered for the prices in Ann Ar- bor involve inadequate railway freight connec- tions, proximity to Detroit, and the demands of a large University and students upon the city. Disregarding technical pros and cons of OPA price regulations, think of prices in Ann Arbor soni'inn i if nnd when control were abandoned. 000 copies to meet local Detroit demands for ad- vance subscriptions. Well, we're one non-advance subscriber that reached into a pile of 50 in an Ann Arbor book store and came up with a gen- uine, autographed, Home Town Edition. Being the kind of people who can take it or leave it alone, we plunged in again. Result, exactly the same. We hope the other 9,999 are as deliriously happy and proud as we are. We arrive now at the blurb, and if you can take it, let us consider this masterpiece of the publisher's art. Back cover, written by the end- less Mr. Bingay, opens: "At the Pitcher Gram- mar School, I was dared to write the class pro- phecy and predicted that I was going to be a good editor. I still have hopes." We hate to be the ones Malcolm, my boy, but we feel that somebody should. We move, at last to consider the main body of the memoirs, but the blurb rings still in our ears as we seek the words of this Doestoevsky of the green eyeshade. "Here, in factual reporting are all the elements of a great novel: stark drama, tragedy, pathos, comedy-and triumph." But, whoa! Intercedes an introduction which concludes, "We hope for better days." Amen, Mr. Bingay. (We must note here that this is an uncut edi- tion and any seeming omissions result from the fact that we hope to return the book with- out paying for it.) In the first chapter we find the sentence, "They met the annual deficits and dreamed of a day to come." Move over, you're hogging the whole bed, Mr. Bingay. In a story about the Dodge brothers, John and Horace, John wins a yacht with the flip of a coin, but big-heartedly suggests, "We'll go to the Thousand Islands." Wait a minute, John, we're coming too. Then there's the chapter in which the modest Mr. Bingay tells of his difficulties in persuading Detroiters that he's really Iffy the Dopester. No trouble here, Male, There's no reason to drag this thing out. Bin- gay remarks, "Cadillac's children had tough go- ing." Well, what goes for Cadillac's children goes for us too. *i * * * Lanrw c Iii liAction IT is amazing what some people will do to get an education. It is also amazing what getting an education does to some people. A guy in a Speech 31 class was doing a pan- tomime on a baseball player last week. He wound up for an imaginary heave to home plate, executed the throw, followed through land-finished up with his arm out of joint. The Health Service begged the question, they examined his arm. Uf-1tIDeparttent A HOLLYWOOD (Calif.) columnist writes: "Often while patroling I see little incidents that are reminders that Hollywood 'is like any other town, and that the stuff heroes and her- oines are made of is ordinary, even as you and I." Sure. Betty Grable is no different from any sweet young thing you see on the Diagonal, and Errol Flynn is just a guy who likes to sail a yacht. (All items appearing in this column are written by members of The Daily staff and edited by the Editorial Director.) music 1AST NIGHT'S CONCERT merely bore out my previous opinion that Alec Templeton is primarily an entertainer, and a good entertain- er, if you haven't heard him before, which un- forunately I had. By the second performance his exploitation of the rules of harmony and the basic patterns of variation appear somewhat less astounding than they might have at first, al- though it is interesting to see what ingenuity can do in an attempt at integrating four unrelated popular themes. Not nearly as interesting, how- ever, as listening to a well-performed, carefully- constructed piece of intended music. Furthermore I fail to see what is so clever about working the theme from the Overture to William Tell into a piece of elementary boo- gie or twisting the harmony of Beethoven's Minuet in G into a characterless travesty. This informal part of the program, which fol- lowed the intermission, was greeted with wild cheers, whether of anticipation or relief was questionable, but the dullness of the first half of the program certainly justified the latter, The "Appassionata" Sonata, "typically Bee- thoven," as Mr. Templeton reminded his audi- ence four times in his program notes, and "one of the finest examples of Beethoven's orchestral sense, transferred to the piano," also according to the program notes, seemed to resemble an or- chestral work principally in noise, an excess of which was responsible for a rather disagreeable interpretation of Debussy. In "Dr. Gradus ad Parnassum" Mr. Templeton and the composer seemed to be working at cross purposes through- out, as was the case in the Chopin Preludes No., 20 n C minor and No. 17 in A flat, both of which. I am sure have been better performed by numer- ous members of the audience. -Paula Brower tetterito te 6eitor Pernicious Hypocrites To the Editor: I'M MAD. I have a gripe against what's going on. I don't like crooked deals and I especially don't like the people who engineer them. I hate those individuals who thrive on political in- trigue, and must always have secret machina- tions going on to be happy. I bitterly despise the Communists who pose under the banner of liber- alism and then go about subverting the establish- ed order of things in their own inimical way for their own nefarious ends. I particularly detest the snide individuals who consider themselves liberals, but do nothing more than follow a set policy down the line, all the way. To them anybody who isn't violent- ly pro-Labor is a dirty reactionary no matter how damned wrong Labor happens to be. And then there are those ruthless radicals, some- times euphemistically called "idealists", who excogitate a pet plot and then unscrupulously try to override any opposition to it. Why is it, unfortunately, that these are the people who always do things? Can't a genuine, rational, liberal group ever get around to doing some- thing with a vengeance? Must they always flounder or be sabotaged? THEN there are those pernicious hypocrites, the diggers from within-the ones who get into a decent organization and eviscerate it from the inside out. And the glory seekers, yes, those boys who put self above right, who give a damn about nothing except seeing their own repulsive names in the limelight. What a helluva shame that all these nondescript rascals burgeon forth in all their fuliginous spendor at a time like this when the campus is trying to find itself, and ac- tually become something which isn't either dead or sterile. Yet somehow these are the people who run rampant and ruin the show. These are the ones who make an honest guy say "the hell with it", and lose his faith in some endeavor which by all rights should command energetic action. These nebulous, protean, scheming groups are the ones who are fluffing off right now, not in the sense that they aren't doing something (they're doing their damage all right), but in the sense that they've lost all feeling of moral res- ponsibility in trying to accomplish something which is crying out to be done, and God knows, should be done right. It's a vile, repugnant business which causes disillusionment and leads like a superhighway to student apathy and lethargy. -Robert Carneiro * *i *~ * Fight Whom? "FIGHT FRANCO"-this is the rousing and challenging call to duty issued by Max Cher- notsky, President of the M.Y.D.A., in a recent letter to the baily. Before donning any battle dress, however, it would seem but appropriate that we gird ourselves with the weapons of logic and clear thinking as necessary adjuncts to our' emotions in reaching any decision on such an important matter. "Free governments and fascist governments cannot exist together in the world." In this state- ment, Mr. Chernotsky offers us a very clear di- chotomy in our choice, and naturally we agree with the implied question, that fascism must be replaced. Is the question quite this simple though, are there only two elements involved? Just exact- ly what type of government is going to assume power if Franco is forced to resign? If we are to intervene in Spain on ideological grounds, are we prepared to embark on crusades against other countries whose ideas of government are at variance with our own? There are two groups outside of Spain bid- ding for world, and especially, American sup- port. These are both agreed on one fact, Fran- co must go, but a very important difference exists in the two. One, the representatives of the Supreme Junta, an organization formed in Paris at the close of the Spanish revolution, is headed by Juan Negrin, an avowed Com- nunist, while the other led by Indalecio Prieto, is the Spanish Socialist party and has definite- ly refused to submit to Russian domination. Ob- viously, neither of these groups is democratic in the American sense, but obvious also, is the fact that they are the two most likely succes- sors to the Franco regime. RUSSIA would like nothing better than to make a communist tool of Spain, situated strageti- cally as it is, controlling the entrance to the Mediterranean, and a constant threat to North Africa and Gibraltar. Coupled with its present puppets in Jugoslavia and Turkey, Russia would then dominate the entire southern European sphere of influence, just as she now does in the Baltic states, Poland, Roumania et al. During the war in Europe, Spain not only re- mained neutral, but occupied a position closely approximating that of a non-belligerent, by al- lowing 1200 U.S. airmen, escaped from France through to Portugal in the period from Nov.1942 to June 1944. In this same period 25,000 French- men were allowed through to join French forces in North Africa, while German submarine crews were being interned. These are certainly not the acts of a country inimical to the aims of the Al- lied Powers. Instead of crying "Fight Franco", I say fight for the rights of the individual man as opposed to state supremacy wherever it may appear. Fas- cism, Nazism and Communism are all facets of the same "jewel", let not the brilliance of one blind us to the presence of the others. --Robet J. Kieber, 'Grad Anthropology And Atom. . (sDITOR'S NOE:Excerpts from apa- per read before the American Anthro- pological Association, at University of Peunsyvania Museum, Philadelphat, Pa., December 2, 195). 1. 1* *, A consideration of atomic power' must distinguish between instantane- ous and gradual release of energy, i.e.. in the form of bombs for mili- tary purposes or in power plants for industrial use Military explosives are not culture builders. Culture advances as the a- mount of energy harnessed per capita and put to work in the service of hu- man life increases. Military explo- sives are destroyers, not builders, and therefore do not contribute to cultural advance. The atom bomb cannot, therefore, be expected to car-{ ry civilization forward. On the con- trary, there is a possibility that it may cripple civilization. How will the atomic bomb affect the course of international relations? The answer is that it will introduce no new kind of factor into the situa- tion at all. Despite the revolutionary technique in manufacture, the atom bomb differs militarily and political- ly from other kinds of bombs only in degree. Nations fight each other and the stronger nation wins. The suc- cessive invention of fire arms, bomb- ing planes, and submarines has not changed this pattern, and there is no reason to believe that the use of atom bombs will. In warfare of the future as in the past the nation, or coalition of nations, that is able to wield the greater power of destruction will win. ' The belief that the appalling des- tructiveness of atom bombs will shock nations into "a renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy" can only be called a delu- sion. Human slaughter is human slaughter whether it be effected by bows and arrows, machine guns or atom bombs. Atomic bombs ae simply more effective means of slaughter in our day, as block buster bombs and gunpowder have been in former times. Equally unrealistic is the belief that the devastating power of the atom bomb will produce a world state simply because the only al- ternative is the collapse of civili- zation or possibly the extermina- tion of the human species. As for the extermination of the hu- man race as a consequence of hurling atomic thunderbolts, this too may be admitted as a possibility, and all we can say is that if it is to come it will come. In other words, if the outcome of present social and tech- nological forces is the end of man's existence, then the end it must be just as surely as effect follows cause. Extravagent expressions of horror will not alter the course of events. If man does exterminate himself it will not, of course, be the first time that a species has become extinct through over-specialization. How much energy will eventually be obtainable from atomic sources is, of course, difficult to predict. Many physicists, however, definite- ly give one the impression that the amount is virtually unlimited. If this is to be so, the anthropologist may be sure of one thing: a pro- found change in social organization is bound to take place. If nuclear energy in bombs is a destroyer, in industrial power plants it will be a mighty culture builder. If atomic bombs are not likely to alter the course of history or of social evolu- tion, atomic power plants would revolutionize our whole life and transform it almost beyond recog- nition. WHETHER social evolution ever' reaches the goal of a single world organization or not depends upon the amount of energy harnessed per capita per year. In my judgment, our present resources in coal, oil and water power are sufficient to cary us for'ward to this goal. But an unli- mited amount of energy from nuclear sources would certainly achieve this result and that, quickly. In an atom- ic era, national boundaries and na- tional sovereignty could no longer withstand the advance of technologi- cal forces that havebeen moving towar'd world unity ever since man discovered fire. The present world is an arena in which the havenots struggle with the haves for the good things of life. This struggle takes place between nations on the one hand and between social classes on the other, Today, international war- fare and class struggle provoke and perpetuate each other. An abundance of energy from the atom would term- inate this strife in both its aspects by removing the cause: private advan- tage at another's expense in a sys- tem that does not provide enough for all. Thus, if man's most recent con- quest of the forces of nature threat- ens civilization with destruction and man with extinction, it also holds out to him the prospect of enduring world peace and plenty for all man- kind. -Prof. Leslie A. White By Crockett Johnson Pubnicaton in the Daily Official bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices fornthe Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President,1 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day i preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- r urdays).D SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 1011 Notices; To the Members of the Faculty- College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The April meeting of the FacultyI of the College of Literature, Science,. and the Arts for the academic year1 1945-46 will be held Monday, April 1,. at 4:10 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell7 Hall. The reports of the various com- mittees have been prepared in ad- vance, and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be retained in your files as part of the minutes of the April meeting. Hayward Keniston AGENDA: 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of March 4, 1946 (pp. 1252-1253). 2. New staff members. 3. Consideration of reports sub- mitted with the call to this meeting. a. Executive Committee-Profes- sor Clark Hopkins. b. University CouncilProfessor S. B. Myers. No report. c. Executive Boad of the Grad- uate School-Professor N. E Nelson. d. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs -Professor' R. V. Churchill. No report. e. Deans' Conference-Dean Hay- ward Keniston. 4. Report on budget procedure. 5. Committee on Curriculum. 6. New business and announce- ments. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The five-weeks' grades for Navy and Marine trainees (other than En- gineers and Supply Corps) will be due April 6. Department offices will be provided with special cards and the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive these reports and transmit them to the proper officers. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: The civilian freshman five-week progress reports will be due April 6 in the Office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall. Group Hospitalization and Surgical Service: During the period from April 1 through April 10, the University Business Office (Room 9, University Hall) will accept new applications, as well as requests for changes in contracts now in effect, from all University employees. These new ap- plications and changes will become effective May 5, with the first pay- roll deduction on April 30. Students, Colloge of Literature, Sei- ence, and the Arts: Applications for scholarships should be made before April 1. Appli- cation forms may be obtained at 1220 Angell Hall and should be filed at that office. Hopwood Contests: No petition will be received by the Hopwood com- mittee after April 1. See page 9, para- graph 18, of the Hopwood bulletin. The Museum of Art and Archaeol- ogy on South State Street will re- open Sunday, March 31. Visiting hours are Sunday, 3-5; Tuesday through Friday, 9-12; 2-5; Satur- day, 9-12. Lectures University Lect'ures: Mr, Michl Lindsay, formerly professor of Eco- nomics, Yenching University, will lec- ture on the subject, "The Chinese Communist Areas," at 4:15' p.m., Monday, April 1, in the Rackham Amphitheater. Mr. Lindsay will also lecture on the subject, "The Problems of Chinese Unity," at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, April 2, in the Rackham Amphitheater. The public is invited. Concerts Student Recital: Lorna Storgaard, mezzo-soprano, will present a recital n partial fulfillment of the require- nents for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 Monday evening, April , in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, Her p rogram will include compositions by Bach, Rossini, Schubert, Brahms, Mahler, Franck, Moussorgsky, and Griffes. Miss Storgaard is a pupil of Hardin Van Deursen. The public is cordially invited. Organ Recital: Adrienne Moran Reisner will appear as guest organist in the second of a series of five organ recitals, at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, March 31, in Hill Auditorium. Mrs. Reisner, a former pupil of Palmer Christian at the University of Michi- gan, is head of the organ department at the Sherwood Music School, Chi- cago. Her program for Sunday will represent organ literature from Bach to contemporary composers. It will be open to the public. Events Today Art Cinema League presents "Pearls of the Crown" with Sasha Guitry, internationally famous French historical production. French dialogue, English sub-titles. Lydia Mendelssohn Theater tonight at 8:30. Guild party at the First Presbyte- rian Church in the Social Hall to- night at 8:30. Square Dance Pary to be held at the Congregational Church Saturday night at 8:30. Refreshments will be served at a small cost. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, is having a Scavenger Hunt for Lutheran students and their friends, meeting at the Student Center, 1511 Washtenaw, tonight at 8:00. Coming Events Association of University of MichI- gan Scientists will meet on Monday, April 1, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. There will be short business meeting followed by a talk by Professor Preston Slosson at 8:00 p.m. on "A Report on the Rollins Col- lege Conference on Atomic Energy," to which the public is invited. A.I.E.E.: A joint meeting of the Michigan Section Electronics Group and the Student local Chapter of the AIEE will be held at Kellogg Audi- 'torium on Tuesday, April 2. The discussion leader will be Mr. Myron Zucker, Mackworth G. Rees Inc., Detroit. Topic: "Methods of Teaching Elec- tronics in Industry." Sphinx Meeting at 7:15 p.m. Sun- day, March 31, in the lobby of the Union. All members on campus, both active and inactive, are urgently re- quested to attend to discuss reor- ganizational matters. The Women's Research Club will meet Monday, April 1, at 8:00 p.m. in the West Lecture Room of the Rack- ham Building. Dr. Lila Miller will talk on "Soybean Proteins in Nutri- tion." The annual presentation of dances, choral singing, and vocal and piano solos offered by the girls of Martha Cook Residence Hall for foreign stu- dents and their friends will be held on Sunday, March 31, at 7:30 p.m. in Rooms 316 to 320 of the Michigan Union. The program is under the aus- pices of the International Center. Re- freshments and a social hour will be held in the Center following the pro- gram. University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw, has its Sunday service at 11:00 a.m. The Rev. Alfred Scheips will preach on the subject, "Sick, and Ye Visited Me." I ~ "~ Gamima Delta, Lutheran Student Club, will have its regular supper meeting at the Center Sunday at 5:15, following which there'll be a showing of colored pictures of the Obirammer'gau Passion Play. hTillel Social Committee will meet at hillel Foundation on Monday, April 1, at 7:30 p.m. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN F fty..Sixth Year Edited and nar authority of te Margaret Far Hale Champion Robert Goldma Emily E. Knapp Pat Cameron Clark Baker Des Howarth Ann Schutz hoard i mer 1 Managing Editor BARNABY students of the University of Michligan under the Eontrol of Student Publia tions. Editorial Staff . . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director .in . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Editor P . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . . . .. Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor What about the lectures your imnacinarv Fairy He wanted you to meet Gridley, And McSnovd. the Invisible Of course ghosts are a proud clan, Rut if I can introduce you to the W1Iyou insist, O'Molev ...\ I