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VOL. LVI, No. 101

ANIN AR1P.OeK, YiC1Ii&CAN, ~VI~~i~< ~tt ;) !4


Colleges May
Be Relieved
Discussion To Be
Held Here in April
A 14-member committee will meet
here April 25 to discuss plans for di-
recting high school seniors to Michi-
gan's less-crowded colleges, Dr.
George E. Carrothers, director of the
University's Bureau of Cooperation
with Educational Institutions, an-
nounced yesterday.
The committee, of which Dr. Car-
rothers is chairman, will be com-
posed of seven members each of the
Michigan High School Association
and the Michigan College Associa-
The committee will consider what
high schools can do to persuade grad-
uating seniors not to enter the state's
over-crowded institutions, particu-
larly the University, Michigan State
College and Wayne University, Dr.
Carrothers said.
According to Dr. Carrothers, any
policies formulated by the commit-
tee in its meeting here and by the
MCA meeting in Ypsilanti May 7 will
be compulsory only to the extent that
the over-crowded schools limit new-
student admissions.
Contractors To
Construct 247
New Houses
Building on 247 new single-family
houses in AnnArbor and viciity will
begin during the next year, accord-
ing to estimates of four local con-
tractors representing 20 per cent of
those contacted in the Mayor's Hous-
ing Survey, Mayor William E. Brown
Jr. said yesterday.
The estimates apply only to these
firms, and were given with the under-
standing that they are not to be con-
sidered committments. Forty-seven
of the new houses will be just outside
the city limits.
Results of the survey will be inte-
grated with results of 813 interviews
with veterans conducted through the
local draft boards to determine hous-
ing needs. Sixteen veterans reported
"poor" housing, the mayor said.
Housing facilities were rated satis-
factory, fair, semi-satisfactory, and
Emphasizing the value of the sur-
vey in preparing a systematic study
of city housing needs, the mayor
urged those contractors who have not
yet replied to do so.
Senio . Petitions
A rde Due Monday
Two Schools To Have
Equal Representation
Application for Senior Ball com-
mittee chairmanships are due at 5
p.m. Monday.
Members of the senior class in the
literary and engineering schools may
submit applications, which should in-
clude applicants' qualifications and
plans for the dance.
Chairmen will be chosen equally
from the two schools. Besides the
two co-chairmen who will be respon-
sible for coordinating the commit-
tees, chairmen for the patrons, dec-
orations, publicity, music, programs,
tickets, refreshments and building
committees will be selected. Appli-
cants will be interviewed by the Sen-
ior Councils of the schools after all

applications have been received.
Applications may be turned in to
Pat Barrett, president of the literary
school senior class; Don Snider, pres-
ident of the engineering school sen-
ior class; Jean Athay, Betty Vaughn,
Frank Ruzicka, Arthur Renner or
Paul John. They may also be placed
in the Judiciary Council petition box
in the League Undergraduate Office.
There will be a meeting of all
actual and potential members of
the Gargoyle literary staff at 3.:15
p.m. Monday in the Coke Bar of
the League. Bring your own


of Gifts

$93,000 Accepted at Monthly Meeting;
Ten Faculty Appointments Announced'

A total of $93,050.34 in gifts was
accepted by the University Board of
Regents at its regular monthly meet-
ing yesterday.
Largest of the gifts was $15,000
from an anonymous donor to estab-
lish the Ernestine Kahn fund for
loans, without interest, to five stu-
dents a year. The United States Pub-
lic Health Service made another of
the larger gifts in presenting $10,625
to the Department of Bacteriology.
The board announced ten appoint-
ments to provide additional faculty
Barker Lauds
Atomic Control
Optimism Is Voiced
In Research Program
Praise for the newly-proposed in-
ternational atomic authority was ex-
pressed yesterday by Prof. Ernest
Barker, chairman of the physics de-
partment and president of the Re-
search Club, who termed the plan
"very satisfactory in almost every
Coupled with the development of
denatured plutonium, Prof. Barker
remarked that "this makes the whole
situation look much more promising."
He predicted a boost for unrestrict-
ed researcl if the control arrange-
ments prove satisfactory. There will
be a demand for the materials from
all sides, he said.
Cornering the world's supply of
uranium and thorium will be a dif-
ficult problem, Prof. Barker said,
"but if the nations will cooperate, it
can be done."
Prospects of
Avoiding Coal
Strike Wane
WASHINGTON, March 29-(G)-
Prospects for averting a nationwide
soft coal strike Monday dimmed to
the vanishing point today, amid indi-
cations of increasing bitterness be-
tween John L. Lewis and industry re-
The UMW chief has ordered his
400,000 bituminous miners to stay out
of the pits after 12:01 a.m. Monday,
and the national coal association, in
a statement, declared today that
"there is no present prospect of any
agreement" which might avert the
coal stoppage.
The trade organization's statement,
issued by John D. Battles, executive
secretary, accused Lewis of stalling
and "collective bargaining in name
only." It was reported that Lewis had
made a bitterly-worded reply at to-
day's negotiating conference.
After the meeting, which recessed
until tomorrow, Lewis refused to dis-
cuss the nature of his remarks, but
told newsmen the operators might
furnish the information. However,
the industry negotiators likewise re-
fused to discuss any details of today's
Better Train
Service Sought
Aiming at better train service for
the city, Mayor W. E. Brown, Jr.,
has asked the New York Central
Railroad to make Ann Arbor a stop
on the Motor -City Special, it was
learned today.
The Motor City Special runs be-
tween Detroit and Chicago, passing
through Ann Arbor at 1:30 a.m. go-
ing west, and at 7 a.m. coming from
Chicago. The mayor's request was
made in a letter to the railroad's vice-

president in charge of traffic. The
city Chamber of Commerce also has
written the railroad on this matter.

members for the increased enrollment
and authorized a readjustment in
salaries for the Summer Session fac-
ulty, restoring pay schedules to the
pre-1932 level. The return of Prof.
Hayden C. Nicholson and Joseph T.
Gregory, respectively of the physiol-
ogy and geology departments, from
military service and the resignation
of Prof. Stanley E. Wimberly from
the psychology department were also
Prof. Robert, B. Hall of the geog-
raphy department was granted a
leave of absence for three months,
starting Monday, to make a survey
of area programs in American uni-
versities under the auspices of the
Social Science Research Council.
Three scholarships have been made
available from funds left to the Uni-
versity by the late Bryant Walker
of Detroit. Each scholarship will con-
sist of the income from a principal
sum of $2,500.
Two architects were chosen by the
board for University work. Lewis J.
Sarvis, of Battle Creek, will be archi-
tect for the projected new Maternity
Hospital and F. Houston Colvin, of
Ann Arbor, for the remodeling of
the Mary Bartron Henderson Memo-
rial House. The latter work will be
done during the summer of 1947.
Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law
School was named chairman of the
executive committee of the Institute
of Public Administration and Prof.
Robert S. Ford, director of the Bu-
reau of Government, was appointed
to the executive committee of the In-
stitute of Social Work.
The new faculty appointments
Dr. Charles Leslie as associate pro-
fessor of philosophy, effective in the
fall. Since 1938 he has been on the
faculty at Yale and presently holds a
Guggenheim fellowship.
Dr. Myron Hairm Nichols as associ-
ate professor of aeronautical engi-.
neering for the 1946-47 academic
year. He is now teaiing at Prince
ton University.
Donald C. Douglas and Ross 1. Bit-
Linger as assistant professors oif
mechanism and engineering drawing
for this term.
Dr. Charles F. Wilkinson, Jr., as
assistant professor of internal rnedi-
cine. Dr. Wilkinson served as a re-
search fellow in internal medicine
at the University before he was called
into military service in October, 1940.
Lt. (ig) Jackson E. O'Connell as
assistant professor of naval science
and tactics.
Chief Petty Officers Albert C. Kin-
der and Edward J. Kmet as assistants
in naval science and tactics.
Dr. Jack Matthews Farris as as-
sistant professor of surgery. Dr.
Farris served as instructor in the
School of Medicine before his induc-
tion into the Army in 1943.
Prof. Slosson To
review Report
"A Report on the Rollins College
Conference on Atomic Energy" will
be discussed by Prof. Preston Slos-
son of the history department before
a meeting of the Association of Uni-
versity of Michigan Scientists at 8
p.m. Monday in the Rackham Am-
The proposal for. an international
atomic development authority will be
discussed following the lecture, and
plans have been made to distribute
mimeographed reports of the pro-
posal at the meeting. A business
meeting at 7:30 p.m. will precede the

It uiiiidai it
Charged in
CIO Elections
Thiotas Accuses
Outside Interests
By The Associated Press
29--A charge that "gangsters and
hoodlums" were trying to influence
CIO United Auto Workers' elections
was made today by former president
R. J. Thomas.
An investigation was authorized
after Thomas told the UAW-CIO
convention that lives were "jeopard-
ized" in an effort of outside interests
to "pressure" certain delegates.
Thomas' statement marked a day
in which the UAW-CIO finally com-
pleted the organization of its new
high command, in which Reuther is
outnumbered politically, and reject-
ed a proposal to increase officers' sal-
Richard T. Leonard, Detroit re-
gional director and head of the UAW
Ford department, was elected to the
second of the Vice Presidencies, giv-
ing the Thomas forces a 3 to 1 edge
in the top offices.
" * *
Reuther Affirms
Faith in 'Ablity
To'Pay' Rude
Walter Reuther has no intention of
dropping the "ability to pay" argu-
ment in future wage negotiations.
The new president of the CIO
United Auto Workers made this clear
in an interview today.
During his campaign for the UAW
leadership this week, Reuther aroused
nationwide interest when he said his
demand to "look at the books" of
General Motors had been "injected
merely as a part of our maneuvers."
Nevertheless he showed in replying
to questions today that he still is
convinced it is a sound economic
argument to seek higher wages from
some companies on the ground that
the companies can afford to pay
Reuther also reiterated his deter-
mination to work for wage increases
without price increases wherever pos-
sible but said the union had no in-
tention of trying to participate dir-
ectly in the setting of automobile
Rider Added
ToWage Bill
Farm Pries Ra ised
Veto Threat ignored
WASHINGTON, March 29-(P)-~~
Disregarding a presidential veto
threat, the Senate wrote into the
Minimum Wage Bill today an Amend-
ment designed to raise farm prices
by revising the crop parity price for-
The amendment, pushed through
by a group of Southern Democrats
with Republican aid, carried 43 to 41.
The roll was called shortly after
Majority Leader Barkley told the
Senators President Truman had ad-
vised him he would be "compelled" to
veto the bill if it came to him bear-
ing the farm price rider.
Senator Russell (D-Ga) attacked
the White House move as an attempt
at "coercion and intimidation." He
declared the President had "no" right
to come into Congress with a threat
to veto."

The amendment, sponsored by
Senator Russell would revise the farm
crop parity formula by including the
cost of farm labor in the computa-

Change of Site for Marriage Relation
Ser ies Termed Impractical, Impossible

Leclares Can't Be


In answer to demands that the
marriage relation lecture series be
moved from Rackham Lecture Hall
to Hill Auditorium so that more stu-
dents could attend, W. Lloyd Ber-
ridge, chairman of the faculty-
student committee in charge of ar-
rangements, said that it would be
"impractical and probably impos
sible" to make the change.
Speakers Prefer Small Groups
Berridge explained that Hill Audi-
torium was "too large and formal a
place" for this type of lecture, and
that speakers in previous marriage
series had preferred to talk to smal-
ler groups.
He also pointed to the difficulties
of making arrangements to hold the
series at Hill Auditorium "at this late
date" and questioned whether more
than 500 or 600 more tickets could be
sold even if the change were made.
Hill Auditorium seats approxi-
mately 4,700, while Rackham Lee-
ture Hall seats approximately 1,200
Seond series Impossile
A second series this term, or lec-
tures on two nights instead of one,
would be impossible to arrange, he
said, because the speakers' schedules
are already filled.
The next series will probably be
given next November.
Berridge emphasized that he was
speaking for himself only, and not
for other members of the committee,
The committee, which has not met
since the ticket sale, has the power
to vote the change.
Student members of the committee
Stasse n Will
Head New GOP
Poo icy.Group
WASHINGTON, March 29-(IP)-
Harold E. Stassen, one of those often
mentioned as a 1948 Republican
presidential aspirant, announced to-
night a new national organization
to develop suggestions from young
Republicans for Party policy.
The announcement from the for-
mer governor of Minnesota, came as
GOP leaders began arriving here for
Monday's meeting to pick a new Na-
tional Committee Chairman.
Stassen will be Chairman of the
Advisory Committee of the Policy-
Suggesting Organization, to be known
as "the Republican Open Forums."
Several governors, senators, and re-
presentatives will be members of the
Stassen said, the organization will
send out booklets to Republican
groups on how to conduct neighbor-
hood forums. With these booklets will
go each month a printed ballot with
popular questions to be answered by
forum participants.
Stassen told reporters he does not
have a choice for Republican Nation-
al Chairman to succeed the retiring
Herbert Brownell, Jr. But he gave a
strong hint that he would be among
the candidates for the presidential
nomination two years hence.
Business School's
Oicers Are Named
Newly elected officers of the senior
class of the School of Business Ad-
ministration are Geraldine Mos-
berg, president, Stuart Kent, vice-
president, Jane Hanson, Secretary-
treasurer, Lois Fytelson, swing-out
chairman, and Robert Cojeen, an-
nouncements chairman.


are William Akers, Helen Alpert,
Margaret Farmer, Jean Gaffney, Pris-
cilla Hodges, Marian Johnson, Betty
Korash, Nora McLaughlin, Fred
Matthaai, Richard Roeder and Joyce
Faculty members of the committee
are Franklin -H. Littell, Dean Alice
Lloyd, Prof. Howard McClusky, Miss'
Ethel McCormick, Rev. H. L. Picker-
ill, Dean Walter B. Rea and Dean
Erich A. Walter.
"Miotive' Editor
Will Discuss
Church. Writing
Ebrensperger To Lead
Lane Iall Conference
Harold A. Ehrensperger, editor of
"motive," will lead the conference on
religious' journalism which will be
held under the sponsorship of the
Student Religious Association today
in Lane Hall.
Using as background material his
experiences with "motive," a Metho-
dist student magazine which has won
the "Time" award as the outstanding
journalistic achievement of the year,
Ehrensperger will discuss "How
'motive' Came into Being," "How 'mo-
tive' Faces Social Issues," "Putting
out a Religious Magazine" and "Pre-
paring for the Profession."
Prof. Ernest J. Chave of the Uni-
versity of Chicago, religious educator
who spoke on "Factors in Religious
Growth" last night in Rackham Am-
phitheatre, will assist Ehrensperger
in his discussion of "motive's" social
action program.
Joyce Siegan, editor of "Insight,"
Keith Harmon, business manager of
"Insight," Robert Carneiro, editorial
assistant of "Insight," and Franklin
H. Littel, director of the SRA, will
lead discussions after Ehrensperger's
The conference, which is being held
for students especially interested in
the field of religious journalism either
professionally or through their rela-
tion with the student religious groups,
is open to the directors of the relig-
ious groups without fee.
* *
Ehrensperger will be the guest
speaker at the Lane Hall Saturday
luncheon at 12:15 p.m. Reservations
for the luncheon must be made be-
fore 10 a.m. today.
Second 'Insight'
Due T o Appear
New Staff Members
Appointed to Magazine
The second issue of "Insight," Stu-
dent Religious Association maga-
zine, will appear the second week in
New appointments to the staff in-
clude: Beverly Ketcick, publicity
chairman, and Arthur Lloyd, art edi-
tor, who have been added to the Pol-
icy Board; Robert Carneiro, assis-
tant to the managing editor; Lyman
Legters, circulation chairman; Geor-
giana Benesh, chairman of campus
sales; Mary Buckmaster, subscription
chairman; and Virginia Beabes,
chairman of The Daily publicity.
Joyce Siegan, editor, said that for
students interested in trying out for
work on "Insight," a Reading Group
held at 7:30 p.m. every Monday at
Lane Hall is a beginning for positions
on the staff. The Reading Group,
which was formed last semester so
that students might read and discuss
stories, poetry and essays they had
written, now analyzes and edits ma-
terial used in "Insight."
French Film Will

Have Final Showing
The final showing of the French
film "Pearls of the Crown" will be at
8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Presented by the Art Cinema
League, the picture starts Sasha
Guitry in the leading role. The story
concerns the history of the seven
peaerls in the English crown and the
fate of the monarchs who wore it.
Down Inna Meddie

Group Will
Meet Today
New Constitution
To Be Discussed
The third Michigan Student Vet-
erans Conference will be held 10:15
a.m. today in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre when representatives from
veteran organizations of many Michi-
gan colleges will meet to discuss the
proposed constitution for the Con-
40 Colleges Represented
Bill Akers, general chairman of
the Conference, stated that telegrams
had been sent to veteran groups at 40
Michigan colleges requesting dele-
gates to meet at the conference to-
Copies of the proposed constitu-
tion drawn up by a special commit-
tee of the Conference when it met
here two weeks ago were sent to all
Michigan colleges for approval or
criticism by the local veteran organi-
zations. Delegates will come to dis-
cuss and vote upon the adoption of a
constitution for the Student Veteran
Unity The Purpose
The organizational meeting of the
Conference was held in January at
Wayne University, Detroit and an-
other held in Ann Arbor this month.
The Conference is to be a federation
of delegates representing veteran or-
ganizations in Michigan colleges in
order to present a united veteran
Veteran problems and solutions will
also be of major interest at the Con-
ference. Each college, regardless of
the number of veterans enrolled, will
be entitled to one vote on all matters.
Man of Action
Converted to
Mr. Anthony
Every sailor needs a "salty ad-
visor," and each of the 3,000 sailors,
who have gone through the Univer-
sity's Naval Training Program has
found that advisor in Frank Joly
(pronounced jolly).
If "salty" is a title received for sev-
eral years of active duty, Joly quali-
fies in that his first contact with the
Navy came in 1911 when he was 17.
Enlisting at New York near his
Rhode Island home, Joly trained at
Great Lakes before going on duty
in the China area-specifically the
Yangtze River patrol.
Oriental Adventure
It was during his tour of duty in
China that his ship encountered
rather serious difficulty when fed-
eral and rebel troops were en-
trenched at either side of the river in
which his ship was anchored. Be-
cause fire was overshooting respec-
tive targets, one of the belligerents
sent a message to the American cap-
tain saying, "Please move your ship.
We'd like to lower our fire." They
After China he cane back to the
States as a Chief Quartermaster. It
is here that he put three mine sweep-
ers into commission-one was the
U.S.S. Bittern, which was sunk be-
hind Corregidor to prevent the enemy
from using it.
As chief quartermaster on Guam,
his duties included the surveying of
the harbor's caring for the governor's
charts-and establishing such serv-

ice departments as harbor shops
and the island baseball team. Joly
was shortstop.
Weather Man
Before he participated in the es-
tablishment of the University
NROTC Unit in 1940, Joly served as
hydrographer at Sault Ste. Marie,
where his duties included contacting
all lake captains concerning weather
and river reports.
Before Capt. R. E. Cassidy left the
Unit here he rated July 4.0 in pro-
ficiency, ability as a leader and con-
Currently he is working with Prof.
Arthur Aiton on plans for th Ann
Arbor Army Day celebration which
will be held Thursday.
German 'Contest
Winners Named
Winners of the annual Kothe-Hild-
ner and Bronson-Thomas contest
were announced yesterday by Prof.
Henry W. Nordmever .hainmano f

onl ut eptfm a

Kasten One-Man Art Exhibit
Features irgnia tSy Scene
Virginia City, home of the famous University of California and also

NEW YORK, March 29-(IP)-The
United Nations Security Council de-
cided today to ask Russia and Iran
for top level reports by next Wednes-
day on the "existing status of nego-
tiations between the two countries."
The action was taken in the face of
the Soviet delegate's continued ab-
sence from the council sessions.
Then, in an atmosphere of obvious
good humor, the council adjourned
until Wednesday. The request was
dispatched to the two governments
within half an hour after adjourn-

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