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March 29, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-03-29

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FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1946

Cmbt'oeiepial Iepcpter I

Deer John S. Knight:
I git no pleasur frum writin this lettur. Me n
You hez bin friends fur uh long time. I stuck by
yuh thru yur nobil fights fur a good 5 cint see-
gar and fur thuh puritee uv American muthur-
hud. I >*uz yr konstunt alley doorin yur recint
bluddy kempain tuh kaptur thuh Chicaggy Daly
Noos, and I didn desurt yuh whin yuh chased
away thuh best furrin staff in thuh kuntry n
genrally wreckt thuh paper. But this hyar ede-
toreal yuh hed in thuh Deetroyt Free Press on
March 26 is uh noo crisus in ahr friendship.
Thurs sum peeces uv writin thet uh man
reads thet make him think thet he'd bettur
ile up his wattur pistul and lay in uh bigg sup-
pl uv keps fur hiz kep pistul bekuz hes gonnuh
bee uzin em. Yur edetoreal hed thet resszult. It
med us yung and helthy guys wake up in thuh
nite sweatin and reachin fur ahr pistuls. Iz
this Rooshia rally ez dangrus ez yuh say?
Et seams tuhi mee thet yuh got purty fur off
base und thet sumone iz sartin tuh put uh
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
sold for the lectures on marriage rela-
tions-because twelve hundred people is all
that Rackham Amphitheatre will hold.
Even with admission to the course restrict-
ed to seniors, veterans and veterans' wives,
there are over 6000 students who want non-
existent seats. They want them because they
hope that the lecures will help to solve the
increasingly dangerous marriage-fatality
problem. They hope that the course will fill a
recognized need for correct and complete in-
formation. They want to go to the lectures, in
other words, because they want to make their
marriages more successful. But if existing ar-
rangements are not changed, they just won't
It would seem only reasonable that the
series be transferred to hill Auditorium. In
view of the apparent desire of so many stud-
ents to learn more about a great social prob-
lem, it is difficult to see what reason there
could be for thwarting that desire.
-Mary Ruth Levy
Why The Stall ?
With the UNO charter in one pocket and a rat-
tle in the other, Russia has staged a seemingly
peurile demonstration by stalking out of the
Security Council meeting last Wednesday.
"I attach great importance to the United Na-
tions Organization as it is a serious instrument
for the preservation of peace and international
security," Stalin says. Pour days later the Rus-
sian representative turns his back on the very or-
ganization his boss has endorsed. Why?
You may well ask of what Russia is afraid,
what possible difference a fourteen day delay in
bringing the issue before the UNO will produce.
The explanation is probably this.
In 1921 the Soviets renounced all oil conces-
sions in Iran on the promise that they should
never be given to another power. The presence of
numerous missions over a period of years-both
from the U.S. and Great Britain could have had
no implications for the Russions but that these
groups were seeking oil concessions. It is further
to be remembered that the only foreign power
boasting oil rights in Iran today is England-
the owner of a majority interest in the Anglo-
Iranian Company, largest single oil producer in
the world.
The second point of contention in Iran is the
reported efforts of the Russians to have Azer-
baijan declared an autonomous republic. Inten-
sifying the problem is the ever-present threat
of revolt on the part of suppressed peasants and
nomads. Iranian economy is feudal, the land be-
ing concentrated in the hands of about five per
cent of the population. In the reign of Riza Shah
many reforms were undertaken but under such
stringent conditions that when he was ousted by
the Allies in 1942 the country relaxed into chaos.
During the war, Anglo-Russo-American oc-

cupying forces did little to alleviate the situation.
In order to operate efficiently the Allies found it
expedient to retain reactionary leaders in power,
suppresing the liberal intellectuals. In addition,
the Allied system of preemptive buying to keep
products from German hands served to divert
necessary supplies from Iranian consumers. And
to add to the scarcity, the commandeering of all
conveyances for the transportation of military
supplies kept the people in the outlying districts
from obtaining sufficient food. Thus, today, with
the great masses of the population in a state of
poverty, it is natural that they should seek to
change conditions-with or without the influ-
ence of Soviet Russia.
And only intensifying the conflagration is
the disparity between Russian and Iranian re-
ports. Though Iranian ambasador virtually called
Stalin a liar, the statement is to be tempered by
the Iranian Premier's prediction that accord will
soon be reached. This in turn is followed by the
Moscow announcement that Soviet troops are
withdrawing in accord with 'a Russo-Iranian
Reason for these inconsistencies perhaps lies.
in the fact that Iranian ambassador to the U.S.
Hussein Ala is bitterly anti-Russian, but takes
his orders from pro-Russian Premier Quavam.
Thus, with the possibility of a.revolt ousting the

ball on yuh. Fur instunts, yun say thet thuh
Coomunistz in Rooshia ar uh wun party diktat-
urship, and thet they niver hev no free n on-
fettured elekshuns. Then yuh say thet in thuh
lest free and onfettured elekshun in Frence thuh
Communistz got more votz then ennyboddy else.
Do yuh mean by this thet in Frence thuh Com-
munistz kin win in free n onfettured elekshuns
bekuz they got thuh support of thuh peepul, but
in Rooshia they kudnt win un elekshun bekuz
thar they aint got thuh support uv thuh peepul.
I dint think this wuz kwite clear.
Yur peece uv writin also sez thet Rooshia is
wavin thuh Bluddy Shurt uv furrin conspeeracy
aginst hur in order tuh keep itz peepul setisfied;
but thet nobody aint niver bin interustid in in-
vadin Rooshia. Et seemz tuh mee thet enny
kuntry whut wuz invadid twict en twintyfive
yars hez uh rite tuh think thet SUMBODDY iz
interustid in invadin it. I dont reckin thet speech-
uz like thuh wun thet Winston Churchill just
giv out in Mizzoury an edetoreal like thet wun
in yur papuh make Rooshia sleep much bettur
at nite.
Whin yuh tawk about thez Communists all
turnip tuh Moscow fur gidunts, et seemz ez if
yuh dint know thet thuh furst Marxist wuz
uh man named Marx thet wuz born in Ger-
many and writ all hiz bookz while he wuz liv-
ing in England. Ef yuh dint know aboot this,
the fekts iz mostly in thuh Incyclopedia Brtin-
nikka. Und whin yuh tawk about thuh Mos-
lems turnin tuh Mekka fur gidunce et sounds
tuh nice like yuh wuz beein anti-reeligus yur-
self. I niver hurd uv these Communistz criti-
cizin ennyboody jest bekuz he wuz a Moslem
ur uh mimbur uv enny uther reeligion. Aint
yuh got enny respek fur thuh rights uv those
groops thet aint big advertisurs in yur paper?
Yuh got sum refrunts to Rooshia ez "thuh
self-appinted champeen uv thuh colonyun pee-
puls." Maybe yuh ahr furgittin thet wun uv thuh
proudest days in ahr histry wuz whin we wur thuh
self-appinted champeens uv thuh Negro pee-
pul. Rite now we're kinda self-appinted cham-
peens agin, atho I kunfess thet I kint tell if we
are champeenin democracee er Standurd Ile.
Ez un old frend uv yrs, I wisht thet yuh wud
reed sum histry und sum ekkonomikz und then
write yr story agin. Befour yuh print it, I wisht
thet yuh wud counsel with sum more expery-
enced nosspaper man, who kud doutluss giv
yuh sum vurry valyublil tips.
Thurz plinty uv ithers whut think thet sum-
thin iz rong in uh world -whar thuh moths kin
eat up uh guy's tuxedo, but whar they niver git
at hiz army yuneefrom bekuz hez alwaze wearin
Yrs. trulee,
-Ray Ginger
At the Lydia Mendelssohn ...
of the Crown if you prefer, is a vehicle for
brilliant Sascha Guitry. The talented French
star, who is somewhat of a continental Orson
Welles, wrote, co-edited and played four different
roles in this cinematic saga. Guitry's wife, Ja-.
queline Delubac, also shared in the production,
participating in three parts herself.
Generally witty, occasionally very dramatic,
the picture remains fascinating throughout. Its
time span is four centuries, and during the course
of action the camera covers most of the terri-
tory between England and China. "The Pearls
of the Crown" is the story of seven pearls given
to Catherine De Medici by her uncle, Pope Clem-
ent VII. The history of these pearls is traced
through time and space and many of the more
important and colorful events of the past are
portrayed on the Mendelssohn screen. Slightly
reminiscent of the Cecil B. DeMille epics of the
1920's, the scope of the picture is greater than
has been seen in many years. Henry VIII, Car-
dinal Woolsey, Anne Bollyne, Francis I, Mary
Stuart, Queen Elizabeth. Madame DuBarry, Na-
poleon I and III are only a few of the major
The narration of the broad )lot is candled

by three speakers using three different lan-
guages - English, Italian, and French. The
dialogue is also linguistically differentiated
with the addition of a scene spoken in Abys-
sinian. M. Guitry undoubtedly figured that no
matter where the picture played someone
would understand some of it.
While there is a certain amounti' Ofconfusion
at times (lue to the complexity o the picture,
the audience is nevertheless entertained more
than satisfactorily. It is true of French pro-
ductions and foreign pictures in general that the
techluncal aspects of movie-making, the sound
recording and photography, do not always mea-
sure up to the Hollywood standards, but their
sophistication and honesty make for good theatre
that our own products have a hard time dupli-
cating. Racily dramatic, rather risque, building
to an exciting climax, in "The Pearls of the
Crown", the Guitrys have joined to produce a
good evening's entertainment.
-hap Eaton

An Open Secret
IT seems to me that somewhere in the backs of
our minds we still reserve the hope that the
secret of the atomic bomb can be kept forever,
and that this private, unarticulated hope drives
us into attitudes and postures we would not
otherwise assume. For if our Congressmen really
believed, as our scientists do, that other nations
are going to have the bomb in a matter of years,
three, four, five, or six, a great calm would de-
scend over the debate on control of atomic ener-
gy. We would then want a civilian control com-
mission, hoping to translate our military head-
way into an advantage of another kind, develop-
ment of peacetime use of the great new principle.
Thus when other powers did catch up with us on
the military applications, they would find us still
out in front on another front, so to speak.
But, without admitting it (for it is a possibility
so slight that no one cares to avow it, or to be its
public sponsor) we are still letting ourselves be
entranced by the perky little hope that maybe
we can keep the thing forever; led into swapping
five years of potential industrial progress for five
years of sterile military control.
Nothing else will explain the unanimity with
which Senator Brien McMahon's entire com-
mittee on atomic energy voted against him,
and in favor of setting un a military commit-
tee to breathe down the necks of the proposed
civilian commission, and jog its elbow, and
question its decisions, and to exercise the im-
memorial military privilege of delaying action.
The clamor with which this idea is beig de-
fended, with attendant sound effects and up-
roar from the isolationist press and other
friends of military control, shows that we still
hope we can keep the thing our own for good;
for men do not perspire so, and make such
noises, over a matter of a four or five year
AND BIKINI ATOLL-would 120 Congressman
plan to leave their desks, and all domestic
business for 42 days, to see the bomb tested, un-
less they were concentrating with a terrible
fierce intentness on this weapon, and believed
that by some miracle it would remain ours? The
junket had actually been scheduled (until the
President set the date back) to leave Washing-
ton during the price control debate; and this
choice between objects of attention is in itself
revelatory; one learns much about what men
think by seeing what they put first when they
set out to put first things first.
Yet the evidence is all against the sly and
slender hope. Two good scientists, Seitz of Car-
negie Institute of Technology, and Bethe of
Cornell, have just calculated, in a detailed
study which forms part of the remarkable new
book on atomic energy, "One World or None"
(Whittlesey House, McGraw-Hill, $1, and a
bargain) that other nations may be expected
to have the bomb within six years, a calculation
which even throws in an extra year just to al-
low for the presumed lesser efficiency of for-
eign industry as compared with ours.
SEITZ AND BETHE say that even small coun-
tries like Sweden, as well as large ones like
Russia, can reasonably hope to produce the bomb;
that you don't need geniuses, any more, for the
genius stage has been passed; that good, com-
petent effort can turn the trick on the basis of
information now available; and that much of
our own time-eating initial work, designed only
to find out whether the project was practical
before investing in it, can now be by-passed.
It is not a question of giving the secret away,
but of acting as if we believed, in our hearts, that
others are going to have it. That belief would
necessarily produce changes of attitude, deep,
subtle and far-reaching; perhaps leading to a
search for a foreign policy to make the bomb
safe, rather than projects for bigger and better
bombs to make any kind of foreign policy safe.
I cannot rid myself of the feeling that if Con-
gress really believed that other nations would
ultimately have the bomb, it would send a dele-
gation of 120 men to watch the experiment at
the Security Council in the Bronx, rather than
the one at Bikini Atoll in the Pacific.
(Copyright, 1946, N. Y. Post Syndicatc)

WASIITNGTON.---Not long before he died,
Franklin Roosevelt was talking to his friend
Morris Ernst, author of "The First Freedom,"
about the problem of penetrating the iron cur-
tain around Russia.
Ernst had told Roosevelt how an OWT illus-
trated magazine, "America," finally had been
permitted to enter Russia in limited quantities.
Although given away by the U.S. Government,
the magazines were in such demand that the
Russians later resold them for large sums of mo-
One article in the magazine described the life
of George Washington Carver, famous Negro
scientist, and the high recognition he was given
in the United States. Ernst told FIR that this
article was the first evidence the Russians had
to disprove t.he communist propaganda. that all
Negroes were beaten or lynched in the United
States. Ernst also urged the importance of get-
ting more books and radio broadcasts inside
Russia in order to ensure permanent American-
Soviet friendship.
Roosevelt agreed and added:
"When the right time comes, there is just one
book which will win over the Russian people."
"What is that?" asked Ernst.
"The Sears Roebuck catalogue."
(Copyright, 1946, by the Bell Synd'cAte, inc.)



Pubiucatlon in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hal, by 3:30 p. m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-
FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1946
VOL. LVI, No. 100
To the Members of the Faculty-
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts:
The April meeting of the Faculty
of the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts for the academic year
1945-46 will be held Monday. April 1,
at 4:10 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell
The reports of the various com-
mittees have been prepared in ad-
vance and are included with this
call to the meeting. They should be
retained in your files as part of the
minutes of the April meeting.
Hayward Keniston
1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of March 4, 1946 (pp.
2. New staff members.
3. Consideration of reports sub-
mitted with the call to this meeting.
a. Executive Committec-Profes-
sor Clark Hopkins.
b. University Council--Professor'
S. B. Myers. No report.
c. Executive Board of the Grad-
Off AA News Edit
To The Editor:
I'm writing this letter to you in
hopes that it will receive more at-
tention than did a similar one sent
to the Ann Arbor News. Anyone who
read their editorial "Unionism Needs
Purge of Radical Elements" of March
23, 1946, probably ignored it but this
loose journalism should not go un-
answered. The Editorial could easily
have been written in 1830 and was
written, I'm sure, with an 1830 know-
ledge of economics.
It says "that the present strike fer-
vor in this country is inimical to na-
tional progress." What is the New's
definition of the word progress? The
word itself precludes the possibility
of things remaining static. If we de-
sire progress we cannot also maintain
the status quo. If conditions could be
changed without a strike there
would be none, but every social ad-
vancement we have ever achieved has
been achieved only by a fight-a
fight against those who are prosper-
ing under the present system of in-
This editorial says the strikes "cor-
rode the foundation of private enter-
prise." The News' theory of private
enterprise has been corroding ever
since the first protective tariff, the
first manufacturers'iassociation, the
first merchants' price-fixing organ-
ization and the first workman's con-
The News' editorial says that this
"fervor of strikes . . . forces govern-
ment intervention." Government In-
tervention has been too long malign-
ed by distribution of goods and ser-
vices government intervention would
surely bring. Opponents of Govern-
ment Intervention do not base their
opposition on any consistent theoriz-
ing but only on a short range policy
of protecting the Haves from the
The News plaintively complains
that this "fervor of strikes" causes
"all sorts of trouble, economically b-
cause it advocates democracy. It
causes trouble socially because it
causes trouble to those people who
give only lip service to the Demo-
cratic Idea and have tried to substi-

tute a more convenient term, Ameri-
canism. A word of vague meaning
whose chief value lies in that a per-
son's vision is blinded by the tears
that well up into his eyes at its men-
tioning, Webster's definition of demo-
cracy, unfortunately, includes "a be-
lief in or practice of social equality."
It is all too easy to attach labels.
Name calling as News admitted means
little. However, if the News and what
it represents hopes to quell the ris-
ing of a powerful social conscil('e
by tirelessly applying the worn out.
epithets of "Red," "Communiost,"
"Reuther-type Socialist," "Subver-
sive elements', "un-American',
"Chronic trouble makers", "Extreme
Leftists", they may succeed and pro-
fit. I would like to remind their edi-
torial writers who "Urges the Purge
of Radical Elements", that Webster
has a word for people opposed to
Radicalism--its Fascist.
-Max Dean

uate School--Professor N. E.t
Nelson. -
d. Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs - Prof essor
R. V. Churchill. No report.
e. Deans' Conference-Dean Hay-
ward Keniston.
4. Report on budget procedure.
5. Committee on Curriculum.
6. New business and announce-
Certificates of Eligibility for the
Spring Term should be secured from
the Office of the Dean of Students
before April 1.
All women students attending the
Feather Merchants Ball at the In-
tramural Building tonight will be
granted late permission until 1:30
Office of the Dean of Women
llopwond Contests: No petition will
be received by the Hopwood com-
mittee after April 1. See page 9, para-
graph 18, of the Hopwood bulletin.
Choral Union Ushers: Please re-
port at Hill Auditorium for the Alex
Templeton Concert. Use regular
Usher Card.
Each sorority, dormitory, and
league house must turn into the Ju-
diciary Box in the Undergraduate
Office of the League by today the
name of their house president for
the spring semester.
The Museum of Art and Archaeol-
ogy on South State Street will re-
open Sunday, March 31. Visiting
hours are Sunday, 3-5; Tuesday
through Friday, 9-12; 2-5; Satur
day, 9-12.
Girl Scouts: Miss Mouna Heath,
representative of the Girl Scouts
from Chicago, will be in our office
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 2 and
3, to interview senior girls who are
interested in permanent positions in
Scout work all over the United States.
All those who wish to talk with her'
should call the Bureau of Appoint -
ments, 201 Mason Hall, ext. 371, and
make an appointment.
University Lectures: Mr. Michael
Lindsay, formerly professor of Eco-
nomics, Yenching University, will lec-
ture on the subject, "The Chinese
Communist Areas," at 4:15 p.m.,
Monday, April 1, in the Rackham
Amphitheater. Mr. Lindsay will also
lecture on the subject, "The Problemsi
of Chinese Unity," at 4:15 p.m.,
Tuesday, April 2, in the Rackham
Amphitheater. The public is invited.
Unitarian Billings Fund Lecture,
Rackham Amphitheatre, Friday,
March 29, Professor Ernest J. Chave,
The Divinity School, The University
of Chicago, will speak on the sub-
ject, "Basic Elements of the Religious
Experience," the subject of his forth-
coming book. The public is invited.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Applied Mathematics
and Special Functions: Tuesday,
April 2, at 3:00 p.m., in 312 West
Professor R. C. F. Bartels will pre-
sent some results on "Modes of Vi-
brations of Flat Helical Springs."
All interested are welcome.
Riological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building today at 4:00 p.m.
"Some New Factors Associated
with Protein--Avidin (Antibiotin)
and Strepogenin."
Language Examination for candi-
date for the degree of Master of Arts
in History will e given today at 4:00
p.m., in Room B, Haven Hall. Stu-

dents desiring to take this examina-
tion must sign up for it at the His-
tory Department office, 119 Haven
history Make-up Examinations:
Any student who missed his final ex-
aminlation in any history course will
be g>iveil an opportunity to take thme
examination today at 4:00 p.m., in
Room C, Haven Hall. When the stu-
dent appeals to make up the exami-
nation, he must have a note from his
instructor which gives him permis-
sion to take this make-up examina-
tion. Students who have such ex-
amint tions to wake-up must contact


their instructors sufficiently early so
that the instructor may have time to
draw up the examination.
Alec Templeton, distinguished
pianist, will be heard in a special
concert under the auspices of the
University Musical Society, this eve-
ning at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. The
program will consist of classical and
satirical numbers.
A very limited number of tickets
are available at the offices of the
Society in Burton Memorial Tower.
Michigan IHistorical Collections:
"Early Ann Arbor." 160 Rackham.
Open daily 8-12, 1:30-4:30, Saturdays
"Ancient Man in the Great Lakes
Region." Rotunda, University Muse-
um Building, through April 30.
Paintings by Eduardo Salgado of
current, American Life. Daily from
2-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. in the mezza-
nine galleries of Rackham until April
Events Today
Graduate Students in Speech: The
March meeting of the Graduate
Study Club will be held at 4:00 p.m.
today in the West Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. The pro-
gi'am will be devoted to a discussion
of research problems in radio.
The Geological Journal Club will
meet in Rmn. 4065 at 12:15 p.m. today.
Dr. V. E. Monnett, Dean of the Grad-
uate School of the University of Ok-
lahoma, will speak. All interested are
Lane hfall's weekly Coffee h-our
will be held today from 4:30-6:00
p.m. Dean Alice Lloyd and Dean
Josept Bursley will be guests of hon-
or. Everyone is invited to come and
meet faculty members and fellow stu-
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation will
hold Sabbath Eve Services tonight at
7:15. The early hour has been ar-
ranged for the convenience of those
who are planning to attend the Tem-
pleton concert.
Westminster Guild: Dr. Lemon will
conduct the Lenten Bible Class in the
Russel Parlor for Guild students on
"The Life and Teachings of Jesus"
tonight at 7:30.
Coming Events
Association of University of Michi-
gan Scientists will meet on Monday,
April 1, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. There will be short
business meeting followed by a talk
by Professor Preston Slosson at 8:00
p.m. on "A Report on the Rollins Col-
lege Conference on Atomic Energy,"
to which the public is invited.
The Graduate Education Club will
meet on Tuesday, April 2, at 7:30 p.
m. in the West Conference Room of
the Rackham Building. A panel dis-
cussion will be held with Drs. Clif-
ford Woody and Max Wingo as par-
ticipants. All graduate students in
Education and faculty members are
The Graduate Outing Club is
planning a bicycle hike on Sunday,
Mar. 31. Those interested should pay
the supper fee at the checkroom
desk in the Rackham Building before
noon Saturday and should meet
(with bicycles) at the north-west en-
trance of Rackham at 2:30 p.m. Sun-
The Antn Arbor library club will
?neet in the Clements library Friday,
April 5, at 7:45 p.m.

Robert B. Brown wilJ speak on
'Collecting under arms." Refresh-
A.I.E.E.: A joint meeting of the
Michigan Section Electronics Group
and the Student local Chapter of the
AIEE will be held at Kellogg Audi-
torium on Tuesday, April 2.
The discussion leader will be Mr.
Myron Zucker, Mackworth G. Rees
Inc., Detroit.
Topic: "Methods of Teaching Elec-
toronies in Industry."
Wesleya.i Guild will go roller skat-
;g Saturday night. March 30, eav-
(Co.miinued on Page 6)

('TtIr t473at1y

autihority of th'
Mvirgaret 1Wr '
li le Clhampion
Robert ,oldua
Emily E. Knapp
Pat Cameron
Clark Baker
Des Howarth
Ann Schutz
Dona Gmimaro'a

rI otf


Fifty-Sixth Year
by students of the Uiversity of Michigan under the
in Control of Student Puiblicatlions,
Editorial Staff

Doesn't Atlas, the Mental
Giant, want to come to

He's interested, of course, in my proposed
lectures on sylphs, nymphs and the rest-

By Crockett Johnson
His services are at a premium in
Washington. Hmm. I'm afraid

aaer..... . . . . . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Editor
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor
. . . . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
.s .A .. .. .. ..Women's Editor
Ies--------------- N.;;c'iate Women's Editor.


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