CONTRAVUZIAL REPERTER See Page 4 Y Sw41 A PARTLY CLOUDY, LIGHT SHOWERS VOL. LVI, No. 100 ANN ARIBOt, MICHiGAN, FRIDAV, MARChl 29, 194t PRICE FIVE CENTS E UNO Council To Continue Iranian Case (r;iomyko I Absent Second Straight Day NEW YORK, March 28--P1)-The United Nations Security Council was reported authoritatively today to be determined to go ahead with the Iranian case despite the boycott by the Russian delegate, who for the second straight day absented him- self from a Council meeting. At the close of the Council's first executive session in the United States the Council officially announced that the 10 delgates participating had found a "considerable area of agree- ment" for dealing with the Iranian case. Informed sources, who would not be otherwise identified, later said that the Council members inform- ally decided to continue with the case. Further, it was said they may ask for reports from both Moscow and Tehran on these three major, unanswered questions: 1. Why are Russian assurances that their troops are being removed from Iran, barring unforeseen devel- opments, not satisfactory to the Iran- ian government? 2. What negotiations are now go- ing on between Russia and Iran? 3. Is the removal of Red Army forces conditional upon these nego- tiations? The council decided to resume open sessions at 3 p.m. tomorrow at its interim headquarters at Hunter Col- lege, at which, it was said, the Iran- ian representative, Huhein Ala, will be asked questions submitted by the Polish delegate Oscar Lange, and any other questions from council members. Then, it was added, the Iranian would withdraw from the table and the 10 delegates would decide what to do next. The council met without the Rus- sian delegate, who first said he would attend the closed meeting then added to the confusion by re- maining away from it. Further, the Russian delegate, Am- bassador Andrei A. Gromyko, said at 7:40 p.m. E.S.T.-after the council session was over-that he did not know whether he would attend to- morrow's open meeting of the coun- cil at Hunter College. Senate Asked Not To Saddle BillWith Rider WASHINGTON, March 28 --()- Majority Leader Barkley urged the Senate today not to saddle the Min- imum Wage Bill with a rider de- signed to raise the price of farm crops. He delivered his plea while ad- ministration aides scurried around the chamber trying to determine whether there was a chance to de- feat the amendment, which has a strong farm state backing. It would raise crop prices by re- vising the farm parity formula to include the cost of agricultural la- bor. Barkley said that increased food costs might ease the benefits in- tended for low-bracket wage earners in the pending bill to raise the mini- mum wage above its current level of 40 cents an hour. The bill proposes increasing the wage floor to 65 cents immediately, and eventually to 75 cents. An alter- nate proposition, yet to be voted up- on, would hold the initial increase to 55 cents, which would be raised to 60 cents 18 months later. Barkley said the present parity price law was "really written" by major organized farm groups such as the American Farm Bureau Fed- eration, the Grange and the Farm- ers' Union. He declared they all op- posed the amendment. The majority leader declared he is "open minded" on the need for revising the parity formula. Religion To Be Chave's Topic Outlining ten functional factors of the complex experience of religion, Prof. Ernest J Chave, head of the department of religious education at the University of Chicago, will speak on "Factors in Religious Growth" at 8 p.m. today in Rackham Amphi- theatre. Prof. Chave's lecture will be based on material he has gathered for a forthcoming book. He is the author "ATOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTIIORITY': International Board Proposed WASHINGTON, March 28-()--A plan for an international "Atomic Development Authority" to be tlie sole producer of thew orld's fissionable materials and lease them to the nations for science and industry was released tonight by the State Department. It contemplates that over a period of years and as ADA is estab- lished, knowledge now the exclusive possession of the United States will be made international property and plants like those at Oak Ridge, Tenn., and Hanford, Wash., will be owned and oocrated by the interna- tional authority-and by none other. The plan, stating that U-235 and Plutonium "can be denatured" so as not to lend themselves "readily" to making atomic bombs, wsprese nted 1t0 the Senate AtomicEnergy Committee Monday by Undersecetary of State Dean Acheson, chairman of the official committee which drafted it. In releasing the full 78-page document tonight, Secretary of State Byrnes wrote in a foreword that it "is not intended as a final plan but ' a place to begin, a foundation on which to build," in the committee's words. The plan starts with the premise that "Uraniam is the only natural substance that can maintain a chain reaction" and "is the key to all fore- seeable applications of atomic energy." It adds that "it is not to be antici- pated" that the technical reasons for this "will be invalidated by further scientific discovery." Thus it finds "boundaries" to the problem of "building security against catastrophic use of atomic energy" which would not exist if the energy could be developed "from clay or iron or some other common material.", It also notes that Thorium, which "cannot maintain a chain re- action" by itself, may be mixed with uranium to establish a chain re- action "to manufacture material which is an atomic explosive and which can also be used for the maintenance of other chain reactions." Therefore it proposes to vest the ownership of all the uranium ore and thorium in the world in the international authority and to make it illegal for anyone other than the ADA to posses it or mine it. Similarly the ADA would own and operate all the production plants i the world, similar to the one the United States has at Oak Ridge, and it would be illegal for any individual nation to build or run one. The atomic energy source materials produced in these international plants, however,'would be made available to secondary plants in the various igh t- Week Term To Replace Third Complete Session Faculty Considered Overburdened; No Break i Vets' Subsistence Foreseen The much-debated full-length summer semester became a dead issue yesterday as Dr. Louis A. Hopkins announced an eight week summer sessioin to run from July 1 to Aug. 23. Dr. Hopkins, who will again serve as director of the summer session, said that ten schools and colleges will be in operation. A University spokesman said the University was unable to continue the three-semester schedule "this year" because the faculty is overbur- dened and "needs a rest." UNIVERSITY CYCLOTRON - Campus "atom-smasher," effective producer of grey hairs. world's most countries, which might be state-owned or privately owned as the govern- ments see fit. These plants could produce atomic energy for medicinal, re- search and other scientific purposes, and for power and other industrial uses. The committee said that the energy produced by these secondary plants would not make explosives. The plants themselves, morover, would be in- capable of being converted to bomb factories without extensive reconstruc- tion which would take "two or three years" and which would advertise the illegal activity. The ADA would closely supervise the planning, construction and opera- tion of these plants. The whole control system would be bolstered by an international force of inspectors. The inspectors would be more than policemen, however. They would be eminent scientists who also would give advice on research and op- eration. The international ADA, as contemplated, would be an organization of a type which would attract the greatest scientists of every country to its rolls. It would be the world's supreme authority on atomic energy, with the body of its knowledge far surpassing that held by the scientists of any indi- vidual country. He added that the University would be unable to find sufficient faculty to offer a refresher course for the fall semester if the three-semester sched- ule were continued. No Break In Subsistence However, there will be no break in veterans' subsistence between the end of the summer session and the start of the fall semester, the spokesman said. Courses will be offered in the fol- lowing schools and colleges: Literary college, College of Engi- neering, Medical School, College of Pharmacy, College of Architecture and Design, School of Education, School of Public Health, School of Business Administration, Law School and Graduate School, Large Treasury Staff Dr. Hopkins said that "the teach- ing staff will be comparable in size to the staff of the regular academic year. The 1946 summer session will be the 53rd in University history. The first session was held in 1890 when a group of chemistry students got behind in their work and asked per- mission to do special laboratory work during the summer. More than 7,500 students were en- rolled in summer courses last year. The Law School will open June 24 and will operate for three terms of five and one-half weeks. The last term will be a special intercession See EIGHT, Page 2 AVC Resolution Generals State Draft Extension Is Necessary Offer Alternative of 'Second Rate Army' Alec Templeton To Perform Here Today The artist's own improvisations will highlight the program of Alec Templeton, famed blind pianist, when he is presented in a special concert by the University Musical Society at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Templeton toured western Europe in concert and has been playing International Atomic Control Hailed by Michigan Scientists ALEC TEMPLETON . . . to play here today throughout the United States since 1936. He performed at Oak Ridge, Tenn., home of the Manhattan Proj- ect, and has recently returned from a two months overseas tour for the USO, during which he gave 49 shows in 23 days, and made countless ap- pearances before hospital patients. PROGRAM Chorale Prelude, "Jesus Christ, Son of God".......Bach-Rummel Pavanne to Earl of Salisbury and Galiard.....................Wm. Byrd "Coucou" (The Cuckoo)......... Dacquin Sonata in F minor, Op. 57.....Beethoven "Intermezzo in A major"......... Brahms "Dr. Gradus ad Parnussum," from "Children's Corner" Suite......Debussy Romance (written July 4, 1945) Minuet in Style of Ravel Fantasia on Themes from "Boris Godounoff............ all by Templeton INTERMISSION "Minuet in G," reharmonized "William de Tell" -Improvisations, Styles of composers "Siciliana" Improvisations, Four-in-one all by Templeton 'Perspective' Is Approved Publication of a trial issue of Per- spective, a literary supplment to The Daily, has been approved by the Board in Control of Student Publi- cations. Requests for contributions in the By MARY BRUSHI News of the plan for an interna- tional atomic development authority was hailed by University scientistst last night as "the most significantl contribution" yet proposed toward meeting the threat of uncontrolledt atomic energy.1 'Excellent Analysis'l In a tatement to The Daily, execu- tive committee members of the As- sociation of University of Michigan Scientists said: "This report gives an excellent an- alysis of the whole problem. Its plan for development of control seemsa most promising to us. It appears to be by far the most significant contri- bution towards sohition of this tragic problem ." Commenting on the propo sal, members remarked that "this is just the sort of thing we have been ask- ing for." Success Depends on Cooperation The one big question, they indi- cated, is whether or not the plan is feasable. Its success depends upon thorough cooperation on all sides, they pointed out, but a lack of this means disaster in any case. "Plenty of opposition" for the pro- gram was predicted. High praise for the plan was ex- pressed in a telegram received by the Association from William Higgin- botham, executive secretary of the County Officials Face Se-rutin,1fy Observers CO+nfllsed By Political Tangles Local political observers were par- taking freely of aspirin yesterday thinking over recent events in which two county officials, the prosecutor and the sheriff, are both under scrut- iny in the local courts. County prosecutor John Rae said yesterday that he would prosecute Sheriff John Osborn who plead not guilty to an assault and battery charge in Municipal Court. Osborn was arraigned on a warrant request- ed by Thomas Norweather who charged the sheriff with beating him up while he was being questioned by Circuit Judge James R. Breakey in the current gambling grand jury in- vestigation. Meanwhile, Osborn is the official complaining witness against Rae in the prosecutor's pending trial on a drunk and disorderly charge. Rae declined to issue Norweather's wvar- rant earlier, claiming that it might be interpreted as a political measure. War Hero 'Snuffy' Smith Owes Alimony Payments Federation of American Scientists in Washington D. C. The Association will discuss action to be taken on the proposal in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Prof. Pres- ton Slosson of the history depart- ment will deliver "A Report on the Rollins College Conference on Atomic Energy" at 8 p.m., to be followed by a general discussion, * * Kilg ore Plan Is Upheld in Quesionntaire Sweeping approval of the Kilgore- Magnuson proposal for a national research foundation was indicated yesterday through results of a ques- tionnaire circulated among Univer- sity scientific groups. President Alexander G. Ruthven is arranging to report majority opinion on the question to Michigan Senators in Washington. To date, 179 ballots, collected at a joint meeting this week, expressed support of the Kilgore Bill. Sixteen favored the Willis Bill, outlining a slightly different type of research foundation, while five approved some sort of research foundation but did not endorse any of the present pro- posals. Seven did not favor any kind of research foundation. A large number of the ballots sug- gested qualifications to the Kilgore Bill in its present form, according to Dr. Peter A. S. Smith of the chem- istry department, who tabulated the questionnaires. Most wide-spread comment, he said, was the fear that ,"the adminis- tration of a national research foun- dation would be come a political foot- ball." A quite general feeling, Dr. Smith indicated, was that freedom to choose a research project must be preserved at all costs. The quality of research, it was felt, depends more upon the ability of the man than the nature of the project, and scientists should be allowed to select the work in which they are interested. Officials administering the foun- dation, many questionnaires indicat- ed, should be appointed from aca- demic groups. This feature of the Willis Bill, they suggested, should be incorporated in the Magnuson Bill. Construction Plans To Be Deliberated The future of the University's con- struction program will be decided next week when Civilian Production Administration representatives will meet with administration officials to consider all building requests. A University spokesman indicated yesterday that the educational build- ing program announced before the CPA building restriction order was revealed Tuesday will probably be given go-ahead permission. Top H-H priority has already been granted for the men's, women's and married- couples' dormitories. "The University expects to be able to proceed with building plans re- Angel Hall Decays The urgency of the University's building program was made evi- dent yesterday when Angell Hall began to crumble. Chunks of masonry broke off the ledge at the top of the build- ing at the left of the front porti- co. Several pieces of the ledge have been gathered up by future alum- ni to add to their University sou- venir collections. cently announced, since all build- ings are vitally needed to take care of the large *enrollment of veterans," Briggs said. "The high priority already given the dormitories and apartments for married students would seem to as- sure that construction on these will be permitted to proceed without de- lay," he said. "Consequently, we are moving ahead in these in the same manner as before. Tuesday's build- ing order was. announced." French Film WillBShown "Pearls of the Crown," a French film starring Sasha Guitry, will be shown at 8:30 p.m. today and tomor- row in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre. The film, presented under the aus- pices of the Art Cinema League, tells the story of the four pearls of the English crown and the fate of their owners. Asks Unfettered OPA Extension Following a discussion of the cur- rent reconversion situation, last night Ann Arbor Chapter of Ameri- can Veterans Committee passed a resolution to be sent to Michigan Con- gressmen stating that OPA should be continued without crippling amend- ments. Points Out Inflationary Effects Speaking for the committee on leg- islative action, Rex Wilder pointed out the disastrous effects of infla- tion on labor groups with low in- comes. "Three out of five wage earners earned less than $33.70 per week in 1945," Wilder said. "The cost of liv- ing has already risen thirty per cent, two-thirds of which happened be- fore Roosevelt's "hold-the-line or- der," he added. Retain Price Control Maintaining that price controbs should be retained for at least an- other year, Wilder pointed out the fact that prices doubled following the removal of the ceiling on citrus fruits. Comparing the post-war periods following World War I and World War II, Wilder said that by 1920 prices had risen one hundred per cent over 1914, while in a.compara- ble period of time following World War II, they have only risen thirty per cent due to OPA price control, Refutes Arguments In refutation of the argument that removal of price controls will permit increased production, Fred Sunquist pointed out that since present pro- duction is already above peacetime' levels and cannot be increased im- mediately, controls must be obtained until the existing backlog of demand is absorbed. WASHINGTON, March 28-(P)-A pair of Major Generals testified to- day that unless the draft act is ex- tended the Congress and the country face these alternatives: 1. Retention, for indefinite serv- ice, of thousands of men already drafted; 2. Serious manpower shortages in the army, and possibly the navy and marines, at a time when Ger- many and Japan must be policed and international peace is not de- termined; 3. Turning the "best army in the world into a second rate outfit." Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, war- time Director of Selective Service, and Maj. Gen. 'Willard S. Paul, Army Chief of Personnel, offered this tes- timony to the Senate Military Af- fairs Committee. Both insisted, despite sharp questions and comments from "os- posing senators, that tlte only way the United States can hope to ful- fill its immediate international ob- ligations is to extend the draft act which expired May 15. Chairman Elbert Thomas (D- Utah), publicly opposed to extension of the wartime draft, contended that voluntary enlistments recently had "broken all records" and would pro- vide all men needed by the armed services. General Hershey replied: "When you get 200,000 or 300,000 men who enlist a day or two before inductions you can call them vol- unteers if you want to." The General said the army needs 50,000 men monthly for the next year and will get only one-fifth of that number or 10,000 monthly if the draft act expires. U' Ranks Fifth In Enrollment California, Columbia, Minnesota, NYU Bigger The University now is the fifth largest institution of its kind in the United States, fall term enrollment figures reveal. This was indicated in a survey made by the University of Cincinnati, announced here today. Michigan's total of full-time stu- dents for the 1945 fall term was 11,- 431. This was exceeded only by the University of California with 19,- 692, Columbia with 13,937 Minnesota with 12,662, and New York Univer- sity with 12,031. Michigan officials said it was pos- sible the University may rank even higher at present, since enrollment in the last few months has increased to 14,387. Michigan State College was 20th in the nation with 5,164 students, the survey showed. Wayne University of Detroit, 12th in 1944, dropped out of the top 25. SCIENTIFIC STUDY STULTIFIED: Lampe Decries Military Control of Atomic Research By ANITA FRANZ Continued military control of atomic research will result in a stul- tification of all scientific study to a scientifically up-to-date country in the world, the Army will gradually render her lower and lower in scien- tific achievement. of his life as background material for a novel. In undertaking further research, those who had a part in the creation of the bomb would be science are so intertwined that the blocking of one branch means the blocking of all. Further Experiment Necessary