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March 28, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-03-28

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GromykoQuits SecurityCouncil Se













R euther Elected

UA WPresident


R. J. Thomas
Is Edged Out
In Close Vote
Election Marked
By Fights, Melees
By The Associated Press
Walter P. Reuther was elected presi-
dent of the United Auto Workers
(CIO) by a majority of 125 votes
over n. J. Thomas, the incumbent,
at a boisterous climax of the Union's
convention today.
The 38-year-old labor leader,
whose role in the national labor
scene may be a vital one, defeated R.
J. Thomas, incumbent UAW presi-
dent, in a rollcall ballot marked by
fights and melees among delegates.
Results Announced
The election of two vice-presidents
was put off until tomorrow.
The official vote, announced by
Reuther, was:
Reuther 4,445; Thomas 4,320.
Reuther assumed the presidency of
the gigantic union immediately after
being elected over the man Who had
been' its head for more than seven
Fights and melees among the dele-
gates occurred during the balloting.
Reuther's election was announced
formally by secretary - treasurer
George F. Addes, who presided over
the roll call, but the official figures
were not available until tonight.
Rivals Shake Hands
As Addes made it known that a
new president had been elected the
delegates set up a bedlam. A moment
later Reuther and Thomas shook
Reuther had rushed across the
stage to his rival, offering his hand.
"It was a good race," said Thomas,
tears in his eyes,
"We'll work together, Tommy,"
replied Reuther, nodding his red
head vigorously.
Wellwishers crowded around Reu-
ther, pumping his hand and slapping
his back.
Served Six Years
In losing, Thomas relinquished his
seat at the head of the union which
he had held for six years from the
time the auto workers had reorgan-
ized under the CIO and had set out
to become a foremost influence in
American labor.
Reuther, in a speech acknowledg-
ing his victory, said:
"Let the capitalists an anti-labor
forces realize that we may disagree
in convention but when we leave
here we leave as a united organiza-
tion to fight the common fight."
Reuther, in a brief outline of his
policies as president, told a news
conference that UAW would start a
drive to organize the white collar
workers of the automobile industry.
Maximum Wages
He also said the Union would work
for maximum wage increases without
price increases and for industry-wide
bargaining with "equal pay for equal
work" a principal objective.
Throughout the long General Mo-
tors strike Reuther demanded that
the corporation pay a wage increase
See REUTHER, Page 2
End to Price
Control Sought
U. S. Chamber Hits
At Vinson's Measures
WASHINGTON, March 27-()-
The United States Chamber of Com-
merce directors called today for final
elimination of all price controls, ex-
cept rent ceilings, by October 31-
just seven months hence.

The chamber issued its statement
even as treasury secretary Fred M.
Vinson was telling the House bank-
ing committee "we are well on the
way to a balanced budget" and that
unless OPA is extended for a year be-
yond June 30 inflation might spoil
the bright economic outlook.
Vinson disclosed that treasury re-
ceipts from taxes "are larger than
the estimates," government expendi-
tures are smaller than expected, and

REUTHER DEMONSTRATORS - Champions of Walter Reuther cheer his election to the CIO-UAW presi-
dency after he defeated R. J. Thomas in a close battle for the oice.

Clark To Give
Next Lectures
In Cook Series
Prof. John Maurice Clark, of the
Columbia University economics de-
partment, will deliver the 1946-47
William W. Cook lectures on Ameri-
can institutions, Dean E. Blythe Sta-
son, of the Law School, announced
Prof. Clark's lectures. will be the
third series sponsored by the Univer-
sity under the Cook Foundation, es-
tablished by the late William W.
Cook, donor of the Law Quadrangle
and of the Martha Cook Building.
Prof. Clark's series of lectures will
deal with American economic insti-
tutions and will supplement the lec-
tures delivered in 1944 by the late
Carl Beckei' and the recent series by
Prof. Edward S. Corwin.
Commenting on the Corwin lec-
tures, Dean Stason said the Prince-
ton professor's "scholarly discussion
of the constitutional developments
of recent years was not only timely,
but in view of the vital importance
of recent trends, served to stimulate
careful thinking in regard to the
present status and the future of many
of our constitutional institutions."
The Corwin lectures will be avail-
able in published form in three or
four months, Dean Stason said.
Lewis Intsists
On Fund for
Mine Workers
WASHINGTON, March 27-(R)-
John L. Lewis doggedly insisted on
creation of a health and welfare fund
for miners today, with only four days
left to negotiate a new bituminous
wage contract and avoid a work stop-
The United Mine Workers leader
declined to discuss anything but his
proposal to set up a fund-which
the coal operators say might give
the union more than $50,000,000 a
year-as another day went by with-
out apparent progress in negotiating
a contract.
At a three-hour session today the
miners and, operatorsagreed on a
resolution to keep the nation's soft
coal mines manned next week by
maintenance workers.
Lewis has served notice that with-
out a new contract the 400,000 bi-
tuminous coal miners will not work
after Sunday.
Apprehensive government officials
watched the negotiations for a ray
of hope, but found none. Neither side
has shown any inclination to appeal
to the government.
-- - u- N- - - - -

Barker Gites Possible
Atom Energy Safeguard'

A possible safeguard against abuse
of atomic energy intended for indus-
trial purposes was suggested yester-
day by Prof. Ernest Barker, chair-
man of the physics department.
Speculating on the newly-devel-
oped "denatured" plutonium, Prof.
Barker said that "if we can treat the
element in such a way that distinc-
tive equipment will be necessary to
Cumrmins Calls
U.S. TBerayer'14
Of Spaniards .
Charging that the British, with the
help of Secretary of State Byrnes
and President Truman, are fostering
a reactionary Spanish government so
that their own imperialism will go
unhampered, veteran Bob Cummins
declared last night that U. S. failure
to bring the Spanish question before
the UNO renders her the "champion
of betrayers" in the eyes of the Span-
ish people.
Speaking at the MYDA meeting,
Cummins traced the history of Span-
ish Republicanism beginning with the
1936 election which he described as
the transition from a semi-feudal ex-
istence to a life of productive bene-
Continuing with a description of
the civil wvar, he asserted that the
Anti-Intervention Committee was
nothing but a means by which France
and England could appease Germany
and Italy, thereby sacrificing the
Spanish people to their own safety.
The fact that the Loyalists could
hold out so long against such over-
whelming force, Cummins attributed
to the populace's approval of Repub-
lican promises to redistribute the
land and to abolish church domina-
tion in the state.
The Spanish people will accept
nothing but a duly elected govern-
ment, he said,

recover its explosive properties," pre-
parations for illegal bomb production
could be recognized and checked at
"If a plutonium of different atomic
weight, which will not disintegrate,
has been produced," he said, "this
could be used to dilute the explosive
plutonium." Only an elaborate and
tedious process of diffusion could re-
lease the pure element used in atomic
bombs, he indicated.
"Certainly nothing can be done to
plutonium itself that can prevent it
from being used explosively," he said.
Another possible explanation of de-
natured plutonium, Prof. Barker sug-
gested, is that it may have been di-
luted with an entirely different ele-
ment. In this case, he indicated, the
mixture "could be purified fairly
easily, and would not be prohibitive
at all."
"There would be no guarantee that
someone wasn't making a bomb of it
when we weren't looking," he said.
Main obstacles to industrial use of
atomic energy at present, Prof.
Barker pointed out, are the poison-
ous and radioactive products which
result from disintegration, and the
large scale production methods that
are necessary. One possible use may
be in driving projectiles toward the
moon, he said, indicating that appli-
cation of this energy in ordinary fac-
tories will not be especially profitable
since fuel charges play only a small
part in the cost of operations.
AVC Of ficers 'Will
Be Elected Today
All veterans are invited to the elec-
tion of officers of the Ann Arbor
American Veterans Committee at
7:30 p.m. today in the Union.
AVC will discuss the continuation
of the OPA after the business meet-
ing and a committee will introduce
an investigation of the National Sci-
ence Foundation bill now pending be-
fore Congress.

Sen. Ferguson
Opposes AVC
Atomic Stand
Letter States Views
On Military Control
Atomic energy is "primarily a mili-
tary weapon" at the present time and
the Army and Navy must have "some-
thing to say" about its use, Sen. Ho-
mer Ferguson (Rep., Mich.) told the
Ann Arbor chapter of the American
Veterans Committee yesterday.
In a letter replying to the AVC's
request that he support the original
McMahon Bill, which would give con-
trol of atomic energy to a civilian
commission, Sen. Ferguson said:
Doesn't Concur
"While I appreciate your opinion
on this important matter, I must tell
you that I am not in full agreement
with your view-point. I have been
studying the whole subject and have
discussed it with scientists as well as
military men and particularly with
Dr. Edward V. Condon, of the Na-
tional Bureau of Standards, who has
had much to do in connection with
this program.
"I can understand the feeling of
the scientists that they must have the
right to experiment on this impor-
tant matter as it relates to civilian
use, but I also feel, as on the pres-
ent moment, it is primarily a mili-
tary weapon.
"What the future will bring forth,
of course, is another question. But so
long as it is primarily a military wea-
pon, the military and those charged
with the defense of our country must
have something to say in relation to
this military weapon."
Text of AVC Telegram
The AVC sent Sen. Ferguson the
following telegram last week:
"Inasmuch as the control of atom-
ic energy underlies the problem of
the maintenance of peace, the Ann
Arbor Chapter of the American Vet-
erans Committee views with. great
concern S. 1717, the McMahon Bill.
"We are especially concerned about
the Vandenberg amendment to set up
a military board within the atomic
control commission, a civilian body,
which will in some respects have a
veto power and contol over the civil-
ian commission.
Part of Foreign Policy
"It seems to us imperative that fin-
al control over the atomic bomb be
geared directly into our over-all for-
eign policy under the guidance of the
State Department and the UNO re-
"The danger of an independent
policy on the part of the military,
leading to an atomic armaments
race, is a danger which we think
must be avoided.
"We therefore urge the adoption
of the McMahon Bil without amend-
ments prejudicial to civilian control."
Publicity Drive for
Campus Vote Starts
A spirited publicity campaign aimed
at drawing campus-wide interest to
the student government elections in
April began yesterdaywith a meeting
in the League.
Leading campus organizations
hoped to have "thousands of stu-
dents" at the rally on April 8 at Hill
Auditorium which will precede elec-
tions April 9 and 10. Student voters
at the election will select either the
Congress-Cabinet or Council-Forum
type of student government as out-
lined last semester in alternate con-

Attempt To Defer
Iran Debate Fails
Russians Will Attend Meeting Today;
Iranian Says Homeland Is 'Explosive'
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, March 27 - The Russian delegate to the United Nations
Security Council strode grimly from the Council chamber today after losing
his fight to defer consideration of the Iranian question.
The world peace agency soon afterward heard Iran's ambassador term
the situation in his homeland "explosive."
The Council adjourned at 6:46 p.m. (EST) until tomorrow when mem-
bers will sit as a committee in an executive session scheduled for 4 p.m.
Will Attend Session Today
A spokesman for the Soviet delegation said tonight, however, that the
Russians would attend Thursday's session - from which the press and the
public will be barred - thus indicating strongly that Russia intended to
continue participation, even if limited, in the Council's discussions.
*e <9 The spokesman said this decision
was due to the fact they understood
tomorrow's meeting would be pro-
cedural and not touch on the Iran-
ian situation.
No open meeting of the Council as
such is expected until Friday, a mem-
ber said.
Defeat Russian Proposal
The peace-enforcement body de-
feated Russia's proposal to postpone
the Russian-Iranian case until after
April 10 and then, when the Soviet
delegation picked up its papers and
departed, continued business as us-
There was no hint from the Rus-
sians as to how long they would-ab-
sent themselves, but it was recalled
that the Soviet delegate, Andrei A.
Gromyko, had warned that he could
not participate in any discussion of
the substance of the Iranian case be-
fore April 10.
The Polish delegate said later at
a press conference that Russia had
not withdrawn from the Council.
HUSSEIN ALA - Iranian Ams- There were some indications that
sador takes his seat at the Securi- U. S. Secretary of State James F.
ty Council proceedings. Arguments Byrnes, who had insisted on action
he advanced for action on the today on the Iranian case, might call
Soviet-Iran problem were termed for further consideration of the ques-
"ill founded" by Soviet delegate tion of postponement after hearing
Andrei Gromyko, who later walked the Iranian delegate.
out in anger. Knows "No Agreement"
Ala, in his talk to the Council, said
he knew of no agreement between
Soviet Officer Iran and Russia, that Russia had
told Iranian Premier Ahmed Qavam
Awaits First that some Russian troops would re-
main in Iran indefinitely, and that
Russia had demanded favorable con-
Court N earingsideration in forming an oil com-
PORTLAND, Ore., March 27-(A)- The Iranian told the Council that
A young Soviet naval officer charged his premier, Ahmed Qavam, on his
with espionage was back in his jail mission to Moscow in February, had
cell tonight awaiting a preliminary requested the Russians to withdraw
hearing tomorow on accusations he their troops "without delay".
called a "build up for political pur- The Russians, he continued, re-
poses." fused "to withdraw their troops from
Soviet Consul General Michael S. Iran or to refrain from interfering
Vavilov, who flew here from San in the internal affairs of Iran."
Francisco, said bail would be posted Debate Is Heated
tomrrounls 29earwould Lpt.edi- It was after two hours of heated
tomorrow unless 29-year old Lt. Ni- discussion that the Russian proposal
lai Gregorovich Redin is released to postpone the case until April 10
on his own recognizance. came to a vote. Only Russia and
Earlier plans for holding the pre- Poland voted for the motion and no
liminary hearing today were changed negative vote was taken.
when the Consul General asked for Andrei Gromyko, Soviet delegate
legal counsel for the Soviet officer who had announced -yesterday that
charged with seeking information he was not prepared to enter any
about the destroyer tender U.S.S. discussion of the substance of the
Yellowstone, for the benefit of a for- Iranian case before April 10, sat
eign power. calmly in his seat at the end of the
Redin was arrested here last night table as the Council turned to an
on a warrant from Seattle as he pre- Egyptian proposal to have the Iran-
pared to board the floating cannery, ian delegate make his statement.
S.S. Alma Ata. Hussein Ala told the Council his
A preliminary hearing was sched- government considers it necessary to
uled to follow the conference. It had press its case "at the earliest pos-
been postponed last night at Redin's sible moment" and that he knew
insistence that he have benefit of of no agreement "secret or otherwise"
counsel. between his country and Russia.
F~a~ripr f~au ha hha~nnfnr

m.a erLJ oUdt y e ue-unnormeda
Soviet officer deserted his non-com-
mital demeanor long enough to deny
that he was preparing to flee when
The U.S. Marshal said the itemized
list of articles Redin caried, turned
over by the FBI, contained no plans
or information-only personal effects.

Industry, Senators Pan Government Program

Russian Troops
Leaving Kasvin
Iranian Official Plans
On Swift Evacuation
TEHRAN, March 27-(JP)-Evacu-
ation of Kazvin, key rail point 80
miles northwest of Tehran, should be
completed by the Russians "within
three or four days," an Iranian gov-
ernment official said today, while
travelers reported columns of Soviet
troops and equipment heading north-
west from Kazvin toward the Cas-
pian Sea.
Drivers of the Levant motorized
express who have just returned from
the Kazvin area said the Russians
had set up principal evacuation points
at Resht and Pahlevi on the Caspian

WASHINGTON, March 27-(P)-
Industry spokesmen and Republican
Senators made new attacks today on
the administration's planning for
veterans' houses.
At the same time the Civilian Pro-
duction Administration said its new

for priorities for housing construc-
tion at a rate exceeding Wyatt's
"own goal of 1,200,000 houses this
year." Home building industries can
go ahead with full capacity produc-
tion of building materials "if they are
allowed to do so," he said, adding:
0 1'La trilr v~tO~Lr i by 170(70 r

ways remain the same. Everybody who
ever took arithmetic in school knows
that this just isn't so."
Senator Taft (R-Ohio), Capehart
(R-Ind) and Buck (R-NJ) criticized
a plan by Wyatt to have the govern-
ment guarantee a market for 850,000
prefabricated houses over the next
4-,,,'.. r

A University spokesman said that
construction of the East Quadrangle
extension, the women's dormitory on
Observatory St. and the married vet-
erans dormitory will probably con-
tinue, since these projects have an
A-1 priority.
Work on the General Service

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