PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1948 . . ... ................. _. .............. ...... ...... - _ I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Coalitions Work Two Ways By SAMUEL GRAFTON 0NE wonders how good the chances are that a Liberal Bloc may emerge on the national scene to challenge the existing Conservative Bloe of Republicans and dissident Southern De- mocrats; and one is forced to report that the chances do not seem half bad. Party government Js better than bloc government, but there is a possibility, at the present gaudy stage in the political affairs of the Republic, that we may return" to responsible party government by the bloc route; that we may develop two loose poli- tical clubs, or confederations, one liberal, one conservative, which may in the end, harden into and become political parties. For Mr. Henry Wallace made a, rather mys- terious statement during his speech at the Jackson Day Dinner in Washington. After de- scribing the Democratic Party as the "party of progress," and after preaching the virtues of party regularity, he said; "Into this party we must welcome all independent Republi- cans - all independent progressives every- where -who seek progress and cannot find it elsewhere." That is an odd footnote to a plea to Congress- men to be good party men, and it indicates that Mr. Wallace already has in his mind the concep- tion of a liberal coalition: he is proceeding to- ward it, while extolling the Democratic Party, in a dead-pan manner, just as the dissident Southerns talk of themselves, dead-pan style, as good Democrats, while voting almost invariably with the Republicans. T seems to me that efforts to purge the dissi- dents within the party are about over; purges don't work; and the major drive must and will take place along the line of building a coalition to oppose a coalition. The announcement of last NIGHT EDITOR: MAL ROEMER Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. week-end that a liberal House committee of 39 Democrats and 4 Republicans has been formed to fight for the new minimum wage bill fits into the picture. While this is a somewhat one-sided commmittee, a very dry martini, indeed, the fact remains that the formation of such committee is unusual: and it was the bold creation of a si- milar committee of Republicans and Southern Democrats three weeks ago to fight price control which started Wallace and Hannegan on their attacks against the dissident Southerners. It seems clear (one would not bet his life on this proposition, and yet the facts are sharp enough) that the great fight between liberal and conservative factions in the Democratic party has taken a new turn; that both wings will, with increasing frankness, look to outside support. Meanwhile, of course, each wing will unsmilingly refer to itself as consisting of the only true reg- ulars, and both will find protection in the adage that it is awkward for the pot to call the kettle black. Let us remember that the C.I.O. and the P.A.C. are not campaigning on a partisan bas- is; they have offered support to Wayne Morse and to Charles LaFollette (of the Indiana, not the Wisconsin, LaFollettes) and to other Re- publicans who vote the liberal way on major measures; and this is coalition thinking. The almost molecular process which has been producing new formations in American politics is being enormously speeded up. The key statistic is that Mr. Roosevelt would have won all four of his elections even if the entire South had voted against him each time, which, of course, it never did; and liberal strength of this scope cannot have dried up and blown away. Both the Repub- licans and the Southern Democrats are perhaps likely to find that they. have each lost some of their members in their wild leaping toward the other's bosom; and the long fight for clarifica- tion of American party lines is reaching up to a new, more complex, and it might be said de- murely, more mature level. (Copyright, 1946, N. Y. Post Syndicate) Three Good Solid Platitudes THERE is nothing more entertaining and re- laxing than a good solid platitude, unless it is several of them. Perhaps that is why the "forth- right" statements issued recently by Premier Stalin were "hailed generally with gratification and hope." It seems that the enterprising Associated Press decided to obtain the answers to three questions from Premier Stalin. Now it must be emphasized that the questions were harm- less; one might even go so far as to say that they were leading. Actually it would be diffi- cult to tell which had been thought up first, the questions or the answers. The first question was: "What importance do you attach to the United Nations Organization as a means of preserving world peace? Strangely enough Stalin said that he attached great impor- tance to the United Nations Organization as an instrument for the preservation of peace, which n.ay have something to do with the fact that Russia joined the organization some time ago. The second question was: "What in your Adion on Franco ONCE there was a time when it was popular to say when speaking of Mussolini, "He is a bad boy, but he is making the Italian trains run on time and the Ethopians are only a bunch of un- civilized heathens who need civilizing . . ." and we gave Mussolini a frown and a pat on the back. Once there was a time when it was popular to say when speaking of Hitlerian Nazism "Hitler is a bad boy, but he is keeping those horrible Bol- sheviks from encroaching on 'Western Christian Civilization' " . . . and we said, "The spread of Nazism must be stopped," and handed Hitler Czechoslovokia. Once there was a time when it was popular to say when speaking of the Japanese revival of the long dead emperor-worship and all the implications which this carried, "It is only that the Western mind doesn't understand the work- ings of the Oriental mind" . . . and we gave Japan a mildly worded note and all the scrap iron and oil which Japan wanted. ODAY WE HAVE FRANCO; a man whose frank goal (voiced in the pledge of allegiance of Franco's Falangist Party) is the reconquest of the Spanish Empire as of Philip II (which in- cludes most of South America, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Flotida, California, and Texas). This is the man who has put to death thous- ands of persons whose only crime was opposi- tion to fascism. This is the man whom Congressman Coffee . has charged with allowing, in fact encourag- ing, Nazi scientists to continue their research work on the atomic bomb in Spain. ND AGAIN our State Department and the British Foreign Office are saying," Franco is a bad boy. We would like to see the Spanish people, in a slow orderly manner, remove him".,.. And we continue selling oil and surplus war ma- terials such as bombers (bombers plus atomic bombs equal disaster in my math book) to the very man whom we have asked the Spanish people to remove. But public opinion has made the United States and Britain go as far as they have gone on Spain. French demonstrations closed the Spanish border two weeks before the French government did this officially. Norwegian, opinion is responsible for the current fear of war felt by many people in many lands?" Now obviously this question offered a fine oppor- tunity for evasion, but Stalin jumped direct- ly into the fray by asserting that "the present fear of war is being brought about by the ac- tions of certain political groups engaged in the propaganda of a new war." Which leaves us all in a more enlightened position. THE THIRD QUESTION WAS: "What should the governments of the freedom loving countries do at the present time to preserve the peace and tranquility of the world?" Stalin sug- gests that all the states organize counter-propa- ganda against the warmongers and expose them. As simple as that. Statements such as these cannot possibly hurt anyone. As a matter of fact they seem to clear the air and to promote good will among nations in troubled times. The Associated Press asked the stock questions, Stalin gave the stock answers, and Washington gave the stock reaction, even. down to Truman's classic com- ment, as reported by the AP, that he always knew Stalin felt that way. BUT voices have been raised to suggest that possibly Stalin could have offered a more specific statement of views, including perhaps an explanation of Soviet aims in Iran. These same voices, who will quickly be labelled "red-baiters," also suggest that Stalin might have explained Russia's attempt to delay the meeting of the Se- curity Council. It is hard to see, moreover, how anything constructive can be accomplished by attribut- ing the "fear of war" to propaganda issued by evil politicians. We are living in a world of dif- . ferent races, languages, customs, tempera- ments, economic policies, and forms of govern- ment. Not even Stalin's eloquently expressed confidence in the United Nations Organization can alter the fact that when these differences clash, war frequently results. It is becoming more and more evident that peace under a United Nations Organization will not be workable until national and internation- al leaders stop relying upon vague generalities about peace and brotherhood and reveal their policies and aims in open, frank discussion. That is one answer that was not in the script. --John Campbell Civc Responsibility ISILLUSIONED VETERANS of Political Sci- ence I may salvage some of their broken faith in American politics by noting the city em- ployee pension plan currently being considered by the Ann Arbor City Council. The evolution of the plan has produced three fine examples of civic responsibilities properly assumed: 1)eIt. is based onrthe theory that municipal government is more efficient as well as hu- mane when its clerks have an alternative to spending their next to last day in office. 2) The plan was prepared by Professor Har- ry C. Carver as a service to the community. 3) If the plan is approved, it will fulfill one of the campaign promises of Mayor William E. Brown, Jr. -Milt Freudenheim C'n tn epiaI Repoter THE ARMY will not be content with extending its power over a major portion of civilian life by controlling the field of atomic energy. It is also attempting to bring a large portion of civil- ian life-about one and a half million men-into the Army on a permanent basis. The Army has requested a program of univer- sal military training, but Congress will certain- ly not pass so controversial a subject in an elec- tion year. For that reason, we may expect the strategy to develop into a more modest proposal for a six-months extension of the Selective Ser- vice Act. Opposition to this extension of the draft will doubtless stem from three major sources. There will be those pacifist groups who do not believe in any military strength at any time, who op- posed the draft throughout the war, and who will surely oppose it in peace-time. To these groups the conditions are completely unimportant . . . they refuse to acknowledge the necessity of dis- arming a maniac before you try to reason with him. We may, I think, logically center our atten- tion on the other sources of opposition, since they find their basis in an analysis of the current situation and in well-founded misgivings about the wisdom of a draft act at this time. There will be many who will question THE PURPOSES FOR WHICH THE TROOPS WILL BE USED. There will be general agree- ment among all opponents of conscrip- tion except the pacifists that the United States must maintain enough troops in Germany and in Japan to protect us against any revival of a military threat to the peace in those countries. But the latest estimate of troop requirements for occupation duties in those countries is only 400,000 men, and this number with adequate supply troops will be more than provided by the current enlistment rates. WHEN we ask about the proposed uses for an additional million men, the War Depart- ment tends to become very patriotic . . . and equally vague. In one week last autumn Secre- tary Byrnes advanced three conflicting explana- tions of the continued need for American troops in China. All three were in some way connected with dis-arming and re-patriating the Japanese, but last week there were still Japanese troops in Tientsin who were retaining their rifles for ac- tion against the Chinese Communists. Such vi- sions are scarcely reassuring . . . the Japanese allied with Americans to protect the feudal re- gime of Chiang Kai-Shek. Our record in the Philippines is even worse. There we have jailed the men who led the Philippine guerillas against the Japanese, and are now supporting for President, Manuel Rox- as, a conspicuous member of the Japanese pup- pet government in the Philippines. We have steadfastly opposed all agrarian reforms, des- pite the fact that the vast majority of large land-owners were collaborationists during the Japanese occupation. In Indonesia we asked the British to remove American markings from all Lend-Lease equip- ment that they were using against the natives, but we didn't object to its use for that purpose. W HILE American imperialism encircles the world, we are presented by the State De- partment with a romantic vision of the United States on a white charger galloping from coun- try to country to preserve the peace. But a truly gallant knight always has the decency to wait for an invitation, which the UNO has not yet tendered to us. I also doubt that the Army brass- hats are true Sir Galahads. The second reason for opposition to the draft is a realization of THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE SOLDIERS WILL SERVE. Strict censorship of all Army publications has been instituted, and two editors of the Pacific edi- tion of "Stars and Stripes" were removed be- cause they had exposed a Japanese fascist. Our generals in Japan had adopted this fascist as one of their personal favorites. In his announcement that all letters to "Stars and Stripes" in the Mediterranean would be cen- sored, Lt. Gen. John C. H. Lee added: "Our fu- ture Army will be a career army rather than the democratic army we had during the war." ALSO relevant to the new investigating com- mittee is the report recently issued of another board to make recommendations about Negro- white relations in the Army. This board sub- stitutes segregated platoons for segregated bat- talions, but retains a condition in which no Ne- gro can be the superior officer of any white man. Roy Wilkins, associate secretary of the NAACP declared: "The policy is a little foggy and falls far short of the advance advertising that it would abolish segregation in the Army." In an article on the same Army report, "the Chicago Defender," a major Negro newspaper, stated that the War Department's failure to "grapple with the entire question of race re- lations meant bowing to the Dixie pattern of life" and was an additional reason "to oppose the plan to shackle the youth of the nation with compulsory military training." The Army and State Department have been devious and deceitful in their arguments for a large peace-time army. An Army is only neces- sary against an enemy, and our sole enemies today are Germany and Japan. If the Govern- ment is considering adding some additional ene- mies, the American people have a right to be told about it. --Ray Ginger Publication in the Daily Official bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a. u. Sat- urdays). WEDNESDAY, March 27, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 98 Notices College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Education, For- estry, Music and Public Health. Stu- dents who received marks I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by April 4. Students wishing an ex- tension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the appropri- ate official in their school with Room 4, University Hall, where it will be transmitted. Certificates of Eligibility for the Spring Term should be secured from the Office of the Dean of Students before April 1. All Women Orientation Advisors for Spring 1946 orientation week can receive meal reimbursement money at Miss McCormick's office in the League. The State of Michigan has sent our civil service announcements of ex- aminations for school principals, and girls' training school assistant super- intendent. Applications will be ac- cepted up until April 10. Full de- tails on these announcements are available at the Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion. State of Michigan Civil Service an- nouncement has been received in this office for: industrial Health ary $300-$360 Chemist III Sal- Airport $290 Airport $360 Airport $440 Airport $565 Closing DAILY Engineer II Salary $250- Engineer III Salary $300- Engineer IV Salary $380- Engineer V Salary $465- date is April 17. The Hydromechanics Division of the David Taylor Model Basin in Washington, D. C. is attempting to expand its personnel with the expec- tation of broadening its activity. Ma- rine Engineers and Naval Architects are needed. Salaries for forty-hour, five-day week are excellent. For full information, inquire at the Bureau of Appintments and Occupational In- formation, 201 Mason Hall Roberts College in Istanbul, Turkey has positions for Engineers: civil, me- chanical, and electrical; for men with training in insurance, statistics and mathematics for commercial posi- tions; general science. English and physical education. Appointments are for three years usually. Trans- portation is provided by the College. Full information may be had from the Bureau of Appointments and Oc- cupational Information. The Institute of Living 'in Hart- ford, Connecticut, is interested in having applications from persons de- siring training a psychiatric aides. These positions are available for sum- mer months only jr on a permanent basis. Full information may be had from the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Girls interested in Camp Fire work may interview Miss Helen McRae, Field Secretary, on Thursday, March 28, between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m at the Michigan League, or by ar - rangement with the Bureau of Ap- pointments on Friday, March 29. Detroit Armenian Women's Club Award: The Detroit Armenian Wom- en's Club is making available, for 1946-47, two $100 scholarships fo young men and women of Armenian parentage from the metropolitan dis- trict of Detroit. For further detai, consult Dr. Frank E. Robbins at 1021 Angell Hall. LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Pres- ent holders of these scholarships whc wish to be considered for the yea 1946-47 should. present application for renewal to F. E. Robbins, Assis- tant to the President, 1021 Angel Hall, before the end of the term. Emma M. and Florence L. Abboti Scholarships, Eugene G. Fasseti Scholarships: For terms of eligi ility. see the Bulletin on Scholarships, Fel- lowships. Prizes, and Loan Funds Applications for the year 1946-4 should be made to the dean or direc- tor of the college or school in whict the applicant is enrolled. Final datt for accepting applications is April 1 Academic Notices Language Examination for candi- date for the degree of Master of Art' in History will be given Friday March 29, at 4:00 p.m., in Room B Haven Hall. Students desiring tc take this examination must sign u- for it at the History Department of- fice, 119 Haven Hall. Economics 51, 52, 53 and 54: Make- up final examination for student: with excused absences from the fal term examination will be given Thursday, March 28 at 3:15 p.m., i Room 207, Economics Bldg. Aistory Make-up Examinations: Any student who missed his final ex- amination in any history course wil' be given an opportunity to take th( examination Friday, March 29, al 4:00 p.m., in Room C, Haven Hall When the student appears to mak( up the examination, he-must have s note from his instructor which gives him permission to take this make- up examination. Students who have such examinations to make-up must contact their instructors sufficiently early so that the instructor may have time to draw up the examination. Physics 25 make-up final examina- tion will be given Thursday, March 28, beginning at 3:00 p.m. in Room 202, West Physics. Final Examination for Political Science I will be given Saturday, March 30 from 10 until 12 in Room 2037 Angell Hall. L. H. Phillips Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet in Room 319 West Medical Building on Friday, March 27, at 4 p.m. "Some New *Factors Associated with Protein-Avidin (Antibiotin) and Strepogenin." OFFICIAL BULLETIN Concerts Organ Recital: The first in a series of five organ recitals will be pre- sented at 8:30 Thursday evening, March 28, by Marilyn Mason, a stu- dent of Palmer Christian. Given in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music, Miss Mason's program will include compositions by Bach, Reger, DeLa marter. James and Sowerby. The public is invited. Exhibitions "Ancient Man in the Great Lakes Region." Rotunda, University Muse- tim Building, through April 30. Events Today Radio Program: The University Broadcasting Service and the School of Music present from 2:00 to 2:30 o.m. over Station WKAR (870) an- ther of its weekly programs under he direction and supervision of Prof. =ianns Pick. This will be the fourth final) all Mozart program in the series of "Epochs In Music" and >rings the following works: Quartet or Oboe, Violin, Viola and Cello (Theodore Heger, Wassily Besekirsky, gdward Ormond, and Hanns Pick); 'wo Sopran-Arias from the Opera 'Figaro's Marriage" and "Don Gio- ,anni" (Dorothy Smith); and the irst movement from the Concerto or Harp, Flute and Piano (Lynne Palmer, Marie Mountain Clark, and Roberta Booth). Commentations to )e announced by George Cox. Russian play rehearsal tonight at 3:00 p.m. in 2215 A.H. All members >f the cast must be present and must >ring eligibility cards. Alpha Phi Omega will meet to- iight at 7:30 at the Michigan Union. kny man on campus who has had ;ome Scouting experience and who is nterested in learning a little about Ilpha Phi Omega is invited to at- end. Former members who have eturned to the campus are especial- y invited. Michigan Youth for Democratic lction will hold a meeting on Span- sh culture tonight at 7:30 in the Un- on. Bob Cummins will speak. A novie, "The Heart of Spain," will be >resented. Everyone is cordially in- vited. I.C.C. The Board of Directors Veeting of the Inter-Co-operative 3ouncil will be held tonight at 7:30 n the Union. All Co-op houses are equired to send at least two dele- rates. Jordan Hall, in cooperation with he Women's League Social Commit- ee, is giving an International Tea to- lay for foreign students on campus. A.S.M.E. The Junior group of the X.S.M.E. will meet in the Union. Mr. -ouis M. Benhert of the Progressive Alelder Company of Detroit will peak on resistance welding. Anyone nterested is invited to attend. Kappa Sigma fraternity men will neet in the Union tonight at 7:00 to )rganize for the opening of the house or the fall semester. All members on :ampus, regardless of chapter, are irged to attend. Coming Events Tea at the International Center: Che weekly informal teas at the In- ernational Center on Thursdays, .rom 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. are open to il foreign students and their Ameri- ,an friends. !assembly Speakers' Bureau: i All those interested in participat- :ng in A.S.B. activities are invited to attend a very important meeting Thursday, March 28, at 5:00 in the Assembly Office, Room D, third floor of the League. The American Veterans' Commit- tee will meet Thursday, March 28, at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. In addition to election of officers there will be an open discussion on the topic, "Retention of OPA." All veter- ans are invited. Hillel Foundation: mass meeting at 7-:30 p.m. Thursday at the Foun- dation for all those interested in par- icipating in the production of "Hil- lelzapoppin." Committees will be set up, and plans explained. All are in- vited to attend. State of Connecticut Personnel Department announcement has also been received for: nouncement has also been received for: Senior Case Worker (Child Wel- fare) Salary $1860-$2340 There is no closing date. For further inforcation, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Z1 ci7h e 6k0l Io March 22, 1946 To the Editor: S an ex-Air Force pilot I'd like to add a word or two in connec- tion with the recent blows hurled back and forth in your column be- tween the Army pilot and infantry- man. Certainly we all agree that boastful exaggerations by men of the Air Force are childish and inappropriate and above all a mark of very bad taste, but such remarks do not war- rant the bitter insinuations expressed by Mr. Handelman in this morning's Daily. I haven't talked to anyone, who really knows from first hand ex- perience what modern war is- all about, who didn't return home with a healthy admiration for all branch- es of the armed service. Imagine a man going through hell for 4 years and then coming home and com- plaining he didn't get enough med- als! There must be thousands of men who would trade everything they own including their medals to regain their health. I wonder what Ann Arbor mothers who lost sons fighting in the Air Force thought when they saw Mr. Handelman's stupid and thought- less remark "the infantry fights and Air Corps gets the medals." Our victory was produced by co- ordination of all the branches plus the people at home, plus of course our great allies. The infantry was no more important than the work- ers at home, and they were no more important than the Air Force, etc. Any individual who returns home and begins screaming how his partic- ular branch of service was responsible for winning the war in my estima- tion hasn't learned a thing from the past four years, and if there are a lot of such people all I can say is Lord help us! - -Douglas W. Hillman Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Margaret Farmer. ....... . . . . Managing Editor Hale Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . . . . . City Editor Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Pat Cameron.. . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Clark Baker . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . Sports Editor Des Howarth . . . . . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor A ~ Gn yf. ..-.,,.,.r. T93:... BARNABY iy Crockett Johnson Th e r twoicM ~rv r NMI '431- lu 1# e M .Cnnvr-l #f ss lnviei !f /y r / I I SY PYY4tY! Ni IA*) f'i'h Y1Y YMYtM I - f ITm .Jinoya, Me ni stme, ~II~j ~I I I Ir ne o s p renrs m uya, are I a I I