THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, _. _ _ --- - -- -- ---- - Fifty-Sixth Year IT SO HAPPENS... * Current History, Natural and Lnia ural .lr ~ eCl~ri I ) 274 6J i0 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Margaret Farmer . . . . Managing Editor Hale Champion . . . . . . Editorial Director Robert Goldman. . . . . . . . .. City Editor Emily E. Knapp .,. .. . . . . Associate Editor Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Clark Baker . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Des Howarth . . . . . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz .. ...........Women's Editor Don Guimaraes . . . . Associate Women's Editor Bus ness Staff Dorothy Flint . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 RWPR9ENTED FOR NATION.{. ADVERTIJING OY National A4vertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsON AVE. -NEW YORK. N.Y. C$ICAOO * SoTO * Los AGELus * SAN FRANCISCo NIGHT EDITORS: BRUSH & KUT Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Veterans' Loans ATTORNEY GENERAL TOM CLARK'S warn- ing of "frauds on veterans" by loan sharks directs our attention to the often-misunderstood loan provisions of the GI Bill of Rights. The GI Bill, with its remarkably generous provisions for veterans who want to go to school, -pays scant hed to those who want to borrow money but lack a sound risk basis for doing so. Unable to secure loans through legitimate channels, many veterans have turned to usurious money lenders, if we judge correctly the Attorney General's statement. While a justice department invesigation of high-interest loans is certainly to be com- mended, the root of the trouble is more diffi- cult to dig out. The real difficulty may stem from a general misconception on the part of veterans that a provision of the GI Bill en- titles them to a loan. This is not the case. Yet a great many veterans plan on a loan in map- ping out their future. When, in- applying for a loan, veterans find banks and the Veterans Administratiqn very tough-cInded about ex- tending aid, loans at high interest seem the only alternative to completely forgetting their ambitions. A clarification of the government's function in GI loans seems to be in order. Veterans should realize that the matter of borrowing mo- ney is entirely one of private negotiations be- tween veteran and lender. The government's chief concern in the transaction is to make sure the veteran has enough honorable service to qualify for a loan. If the veteran can convince the bank- er he is a deserving case, the government will become a co-maker on the loan to the maxinum extent of $4,000 and will pay the first year's in- terest on the guaranteed portion of the loan. Perhaps a general realization of the govern- ment's limited role in loan-making will temper the ambition of veterans who lack the financial background to obtain a loan through dependable banks. This seems to be a better plan than taking on a load of debt which may be a permanent handicap. -Paul iarsha Atom E jwation WILL YOU HAVE A FUTURE? Ah, yes, the lecturers in the marriage relations series will say, you have a future-if you build it on a firm foundation. Will we have a FUTU R4? In answering this same question, Leland Stowe, noted author and war correspondent, showed us that unless we become aware of the consequences of the atomic bomb and act to outlaw its use immediately, ex- termination of the human race within five to ,'5 years is certain. What good then will courses in marriage re- lations, -in the propagation of future genera- tions as atom-bomb fodder, be, if we are not educated to the importance of 'the atom? Early this fall, suggestions, rcquests, finally pleas, were made to the University adnminis- tration, for a series of instructional lectures on atomic energy and the bomb. What has hap- pened to these nimerous requests is no matter of conjecture. What will happen to this urgent geed for education about the bomb, should not hr a - bf44 or.dh.1x YOU learn a lot in a newspaper job. For instance: "All striped bass in the Pacific coastal waters of this country trace their ancestry to a total of 435 Atlantic coast fish released in San Francisco Bay in 1879 and 1882." Marimnony I2?consider'ed ... C HEAP KITCHEN CYNICS had better re- vise their cool insolence anent marriage in general. Sitting in a history lecture the other day wve noted the absence of a veteran friend of ours-but in his seat was the faithful spouse. Outside the sun was shining, the air was warm, and in our mind's eye was the tee of the 17th hole. Think it over. ** , ~ , point ,your Own Mtrat... 11WO "itinerant" women seemingly found the Law School attractive last week-so attrac- tive that they decided to rest along their jour- ney in the basement corridor between the Li- brary and Hutchins Hall. At 9 a.m. one morning a building attorney tug- ged at one of the law professor's coat sleeves in- forming him that there "are a couple of women asleep out there." The law professor went down and looked. The two women, their traveling packs on the floor, were peacefully asleep on a couple of benches. What could he do? (Equity classes will hear of this, he thought.) They weren't causing any trouble. There's no rule anyone sleeping in the Law School. It's a time-honored practice. At noon, the law professor braced himself. This sort of thing ought not to continue in Law School. He awakened one of the women who assured him in very genteel terms that they would be on their way in a short time. At 4 p.m., the women were still sleeping in the Law School. At 4:15 they were gone. We don't think it means anything. Re Compounded Indignity . .. WE are in complete agreement with James Land, who wrote a Letter to the Editor re- cently complaining of lack of courtesy in cer- tain University offices. Add to his remarks the following: men and women students, whether they be 18-year old freshmen or 25-year old veterans, are invariably denoted as "boys and girls." The secretary of a University administra- tor particularly needles us. You have to get by her before you can see him. She picks up the phone and announces you as follows: "Dr. there's a BOY here to see you." Come, come, Mis s. You may have a couple of years on us, but we do wear long pants. M onlight O tThe Whwigpoo .., WE don't know this guy, but we wish we did. A former student here, he now spends his substance in various parts of the Pacific aboard an LST. Not altogether overwhelmed by work, he finds time to run off a little personal newsheet which has laboriously worked its way into our hands. From the "Haba-Haba Herald and Observer" we have gleaned the following information: "There are at least six Grade A night clubs on the banks of the Whangpoo." "You can escape from a Chinese parade with only minor contusions." (All items appearing in this column are written by members of The Daily staff and edited by the Editorial Director.) I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: TheFacts. of Price Conto By SAMUEL GRAFTON WE have had earnest warnings that if Congress fails to renew price control (or if it renews it with crippling amendments) we shall all suf- fer because we shall have to pay more for food, clothes, rent. That is true enough; yet the fact that we might have to pay 35 cents for an ice- cream soda, or $20 for a hat, is only one aspect of inflation. The truth is that Congress is playing with more than one fire; let us look at some of the other potential blazes. One effect of Congressional dawdling on price control, already observable, is that we cannot fulfill our commitments for foreign re- lief. It has just been reported that our major meat packers have been able to buy fewer ani- mals than at any time in a generation, since the strike ended. We cannot set aside lard for export if hogs don't come to market; and we cannot set aside grain for famine relief if far- mers keep it to feed animals which they are holding off the market in the expectation that price control will go bust. a The administration is reported to have set May 1st as the deadline for Congressional re- newal of the price control act; but even that means we shall be unable to fill our quotas for wheat exports during the next six weeks (the most critical period, tag end of winter); primary producers will wait until it is certain that price control will be renewed before they will sell free- ly; and it is as true as true can be that each day of delay on renewing price control means an avoidable additional day of starvation some- where in the world. "ECOND, we are in sonic danger of losing the export markets to which we look forward, in part, for our postwar prosperity. Mr. Bernard Baruch warned us solemnly, in his recent re- issue of his famous First . World War report, "American Industry in the War," that a postwar price rise, sufficient to make it hard for other countries to buy our goods, constitutes a major postwar economic dan'ger, and could cost us markets forever. But our Congressmen, who so often flop on their faces before mention of the great name of Baruch in other connections, af- fect not to hear him at all in this field. It should be noted that there Is no price control issue in other countries, such as Cana- da and Britain, which look forward seriously to export trade; and in Canada, at least, offi- cials have the engaging habit of boarding up a shop or store which violates price ceilings, ani ordering the sheriff to sell it out. THIRD, Congressional bungling of the price is- sue may provoke a domestic crisis of confi- dence, such as that of 1932, which put the Repub- lican party out of power. One would not recom- mend that the Republicans depend too heavily on a "swing of the pendulum," such as might cause the pullic, agitated by inflation, to turn toward them and against the Democrats; a third- party movement would be much more likely, or, at the least, a vast increase in strikes and in in- dependent political activity. The left has had no very demanding domestic program these last few years; inflation would give it one; and the effect / would be, not to reverse the trend which began in, 1932, but to renew it. Conservative opinion would have about as much chance for success in an inflation-ridden America as it has today in in- flation-ridden Paris and Bucharest. Inflation here means an end to conciliation, and the sharp- est possible tightening of the right-left cleavage. These are sober facts of life, worth the consid- eration of the boys who are playing with fire; and worth the consideration, also of some well- meaning commentators who are warning. us in- adequately that eggs might go up ten or twenty cents if price control is botched. But a price rise is only one of the effects of inflation; the trouble is not only that eggs cost more, but that the very nature of the world in which men try to buy and sell eggs undergoes a sudden and irresistible malformation. (Copyright, 1946, N. Y. Post Syndicate) Famine Is Now THE fact that British occupation officials are preparing to use military force to halt hung- er riots in their zone shows the necessity of. im- mediate aid for the starving people of Europe. Military force may succeed in temporarily quelling the disturbances, but the underlying cause is one which cannot be ignored: it is the desire of human beings for survival. According to Chester C. Davis, chairman of President Truman's Famine Emergency Com- mittee, in some countries of Europe, the aver- age amount of food available per person is down to one thousand calories a day. That means a total daily ration of all kinds of food equal to ten slices of bread. It is less than one third the average food consumption in this country today. (About 1,550 calories per day is regarded as the minimum for the maintenance of health.) BRITISH AUTHORITIES in Germany are con- sidering cutting rations to the starvation le- vel of 750 calories-about the amount provided by the Germans to the inmates of Belsen concen- tration camp. Herbert H. Lehman, retiring director of UNRRA has said that the next harvest will not end the emergency and has advocated a return to food rationing in this country. A great deal has been said about education of the conquered peoples and the fostering of democratic ideals. Hut democracy does not flourish on empty stomachs. The future peace of the world depends just as surely on feeding the hungry people of the world, as it does on the functioning of the UNO, the control of the atomic bomb, or any proposed disarmament plan. Elementary human feeling should make us want to act immediately. If voluntary conser- vation of food will not provide enough food quickly, rationing should be restored. Every day which passes without action allows starvation and disease to gain a stronger foothold. -Shirley Frank Double Trouible . .. To The Editor: I regret that this letter must be written concerning two unpleasant subjects, but necessity seems to war- rant it. The first matter is this. An article appeared on your editorial page of today's Daily