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March 26, 1946 - Image 1

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VOL. LVI, No. 97

ANN ARtBOR~, MICIIIAN, TUI.1iWiiV, M, Iktr4it2,14




'lJ' Proposes
Unurdeni g





Inflation Menace
Need of Maximum Production Stressed;
Control of Wages and Prices Advocated
By The'Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 25-Bernard M, Baruch today lambasted the
administration's new wage-price policy as "inflationary," called for a year's
moratorium on strikes and lockouts-by law if necessary-and declared that
production must be the overriding aim of the American economy..
Asserting that the "race of selfishness" was on, the white haired elder
statesman urged the government to take a firm grip on wages as well as
prices, but at the same time not to be afraid to raise prices or wages if nec-
essary to reach the primary objective of production.
Appearing before the House Banking Committee in hearings on ex-
tension of price controls, Baruch recommended creation of a "high court of
---__--commerce-a sort of supreme eco-



UNO Prepares




Russian Spies
Lax in Cracking
~Dina' Secret
Chemist on Campus
Points Out Slip-Ups
The secret of "Dina," new explosive
for which the Russians purportedly
organized an espionage ring in Ca-
na da, could have been discovered by
an efficient spy system during the
experimental stages, Kenneth Her-
ring, '47 BAd, said yesterday.
Herring, who worked on the ex-
plosive as a research chemist with
the University of Toronto, said that
the secret could have been "cracked,"
although extensive secrecy measures
were invoked.
Gained Secret Later
Herring said that the Russians
probably did not learn about the new
explosive until it reached the produc-
tion stag'e.
The Associated Press reported
from Montreal last week that the
Canadian government had docu-
ments proving that the Russians
were interested in securing informa-
tion on certain inventions, including
a new explosive propellant algonite
in which "the Americans are said to
be very interested."
Herring said the new explosive was
not referred to as a "propellant al-
gonite" until it was put into produc-
tion and therefore the Russians pro-
bably did not know of its existence
until then.
Designed to Replace TNT
"Dina" was designed to replace
nitro-glycerine in propellant pow-
ders, Herring said, and the U.S. Navy
was interested in the project because
air conditioning systems on warships
were unable to prevent nitro-glycer-
ine vapors from building up to dang-.
erous concentrations.
According to Herring, "Dina" did
not get into full production because
of the sudden cessation of hostilities.
Publicity Drive
Plans .revealed
Student Government
Campaign Is Slated
A pre-election campaign to publi-
cize the drive for a campus-wide stu-
dent government will be the topic of
a planning session for all interested
students at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the
Among the publicity measures on
which students may elect to work are
making banners, posters and sand-
wich boards, acting in skits or giv-
ing short talks on the proposed con-
stitutions in residence houses all
over campus.
Climaxing the publicity drive on
the eve of the all-campus election
April 9 and 10 will be a rally Monday,
April 8. A discussion of the relative
merits of the proposed Congress-
Cabinet and Council-Fbrum consti-
tutions, music by Bill Layton's band
and several skits will highlight the
Panhellenic and Assembly have re-
quested that each house have a rep-
resentative at tomorrow's organiza-
tional meeting.
Petitions Due
Students who expect to petition for
scholarships in the literary college
should file their petitions in Rm. 1220
Angell Hall no later than Saturday,
Associate Dean Erich A. Walter an-
nounced yesterday.
Students who have delayed filing

their petitions should act immedi-
ately. Dean Walter said, since it is

nomic council" to repair inflationary
damage which he said already had re-
sulted from boosting pay and prices
and at the same time cutting taxes.
He wanted price controls continued
for another year after the present
June 30 expiration date, and said it
might not be a bad idea to put taxes
back where they had been before this
year's $6,000,000,000 cut.
Foreign Loans Unwise
Until American production comes
nearer to demand, Baruch said, for-
eign loans to Great Britain or any
other nation are unwise "except for
direct needs."
Then he told the Banking Commit-
tee members:
"If you tell the American people
what to do and why, they will do it.
They don't like to play footy-footy
under the table in the dark. We ought
to make up our minds what to do and
do it quickly."
Confidence In Truman
He voiced confidence in "the Com-
mander in Chief," while lashing out
at the government's new wage-price
policy, pegged to the recent 18 cent
an hour steel workers pay boost. He
"This will be followed by increases
all along the line. Call it a bulge
but it is really a leak-and a grave
one. This was inflationary"
CivilianR Control
Over Scientific
Research Urged
Formal approval of a National Re-
search Foundation which could place
government support of scientific re-
search in the hands of a board of ci-
vilian scientists was expressed yester-
day by University scientific groups
meeting jointly.
Presiding at a joint meeting of
Sigma Xi, the Association of Univer-
sity Scientists, other scientific re-
search groups and social science fac-
ulty members, President Alexander
G. Ruthven declared that "Michi-
gan scientists have been urged to
make some expression of opinion" in
regard to legislation pending on gov-
ernment support of scientific re-
Need For Foundation
In stating the arguments for a na-
ational scientific foundation Prof.
Robley Williams of the physics de-
partment pointed out the recent
trend away from basic research to-
ward technology and developmental
research, the present dearth of young
scientists willing to devote them-
selves to basic research, due in part
to a rather unwise Selective Service
policy, and the fact that in past years
we have depended greatly on other
countries, especially Germany, for
the basic research which is "the life
blood of all later developments."
Merits Discussed
Prof. Williams described the earlier
Magnuson and Kilgore Bills for a
National Research Foundation, and
the two bills now before Congress, the
Compromise Bill (S1850) and the
more recent Willis Bill (S. 1777).
Prof. Lawrence Brockway, of the
chemistry department, Prof. Thomas
Francis, Public Health, and Prof.
Robert Hall of the Geography de-
partment discussed the merits of the
proposed legislation.

A state-wide effort to solve the
problem of Michigan's over-crowded
colleges and universities loomed as a
possibility yesterday with the an-
nouncement by Dr. George E. Car-
rothers, director of the University's
Bureau of Cooperation with Educa-
tional Institutions, that he hadre-
quested the Michigan College Associ-
ation to set up machinery for direct-
ing new students to less-crowded
Dr. Carrothers' request followed his
survey of Michigan's colleges and
universities which revealed that some
schools can accommodate 100 to 1,000
extra students.
State Schools Jammed
The surveyalso disclosed that the
University, Michigan State College
and Wayne University are filled to
the limit and cannot handle more stu-
dents without a drop in academic
Plans for taking the burden off the
large schools will be considered by the
MCA at its meeting May 7 in Ypsi-
lanti, Dean Hayward Keniston, of
thee literary college, said,
Must Accommodate All
Dr. Carrothers' request for action
followed the warning last week by
Dean Keniston that "all colleges of
the state must formulate a program
that will take care of everybody."
At that time, Dean Keniston also
said that the literary college would
not under any circumstances relax
its academic standards.
Dr. Carrothers reported that on a
nationwide basis, 41 per cent of all
student veterans are enrolled in 38
educational institutions.
In terest-Free
LoainsC ranted
To NVesby T'
The University has granted hun-
dreds of short-term loans to veter-
ans who have been caught short by
slow processing of allotment checks,
Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley
revealed yesterday.
Interest-free loans "to tide veter-
ans over the emergency" have been
granted every applicant thus far in
spite of the exhaustion of state funds
allocated for that purpose, according
to Dean Bursley.
The University has dipped into
other resources for payment of in-
terest on the loans and incidentally
slit red tape required by government
grants, he said.
These short-term loans for veter-
ans require no interest payment by
the borrowers, Dean Bursley said, al-
though the University will loan any
student funds on the longer-term
plan which requires a payment of
three percent interest by the borrow-
Few Lecture
Tickets Reman
Only 200 tickets remain for the
marriage lecture series for seniors,
graduates, veterans and veterans'
wives, Union and League officials re-
ported yesterday.
Remaining tickets will be on sale
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. today in the
Union and League.
Students were waned that identi-
fication cards or University cashier's
receipts must be presented at the
time of purchase. No single lecture
tickets will be issued, and tickets
will not be on sale at the door. Tickets
are not transferable, and no visitors'


world have three of the eleven seats at the Uunited Nations Security Council sessions which opened yester-
day in New York. Pictured here are Andrei A. Groinyko (left) of Russia, Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., (center)
of the united States, and Sir Alexander Cadogan (right) of the United Kingdom.

Russian-Irania tSituation


Court [eeisioni
Exempts Labor
Union Officils
WASHINGTON, March 25 -(P-
The Supreme Court ruled today that
union labor leaders accused of pock-
eting funds collected from workmen,
could not be prosecuted under the
federal kick-back act.
It gave its decision in a cast in
which four union officials were in-
dicted in Massachusetts on charges
of conspiring to violate the act.
The court ruled in a 5-3 decision
written by Justice Murphy that the
act was designed to protect construe-
tion workmen from unscrupulous
contractor employers and that there
was "nothing in the legislative his-
tory to support the thesis that the
statute was intended to affect legiti-
mate union activities."
The Justice Department had con-
tended that the four collected five
dollars weekly from construction em-
ployees at Ft. Stevens, Mass., to ap-
ply on union initiation dues of the
workers, but that they concealed
from the union the money collected
from workers who quit and did not
become union members.
The court, by its ruling, upheld
the District Court which had dis-
missed the indictment against the
defendants, Joseph L. Carbone, Vin-
cent Dinunno, John Stropparo and
Wan Tee Huhtaniemi.
Justice Frankfurter, in a dissent-
ing opinion in which Chief Justice
Stone and Justice Burton joined, de-
clared that the kick-back act "should
not be interpreted so as to protect
those described in the indictments
as collecting funds by coercion,
through their control over jobs, for
their own personal advantage."
Honor Group
Elects Officers
Duncan Noble was elected presi-
dent and Hank Keiser secretary of
Sphinx junior men's honorary so-

Pro-feuither Delegates Fail.
To Foree Debate with Thomas
ATLANT 'C CiTY, N. J., March 25-(P)--Supporters of Walter P. Reuth-
er, candidate for the presidency of the United Auto Workers Union, CIO,
failed tonight in an effort to force a floor debate with President R. J.
Thomas, who seks r'elcton.
A motion to put 'Tlimumas against Reuther, currently vice-president of
the uniun, in debate before a special session of the convention with press
and public excluded wa defeated for lack of a two-thirds majority.
-- Demonstrations Staged
Pro-Reuther delegates demonstrat-
P ro o ra r 11 ed for 14 minutes to climax a day in
which Phil Murray, president of the
i * CIO, told the 2,000 UAW-CI0 repre-
i n To Be. (sentatives he had a "distinct fond-
ness" for Thomas, who currently is
Held by MYDA AW president,
As the convention neared adjourn-
A movie, portraying the xodus of mient for the day, Mrs. Emma Mur-
refugees from Spain and their life in phy, a delegate from Detroit Dodge
the French concentration camps will Local 3, moved a Reuther-Thomas
be shown at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in debate tonight with "press and public
the Union under the spon;orship of excluded."
Scores of Reuther backers leaped
MYDA. up and shouted acclaim. A parade
The movie is being presehted to ac- formed and debate over the notion
quaint students with te people of followed amid boo-ing and catcalls.
Spain. Also on the program will be a Murray Praises Thomas
talk by Bob Cummins, former Uni- Murray precipitated a warm dis-
versity student and editor of The pute between Reuther and Thomas
Daily, who will tell the reasons why adherents this morning when he
he and other young Americans risked praised Thomas.
their lives in the anti-Fascist Spanish 'the words had hardly left Murray's
War. Cummins is a veteran of the lips in a convention speech before
Lincoln Brigade, which fought in supporters of Thomas and Walter P.
Spain, and of World War II. Records Reuther in the hot UAW-CIO politi-
of the songs of the now famous In- cal fight were claiming and dis-
ternational Brigade will be played. claiming it as an endorsement.
Petitions urging that the U. S.
break economic and diplomatic re- IToCallW
lations with Franco Spain will be cir- 0 workers
culated on (camnpus tomor-ow and
Thursday. DETROIT, March 25-(P)-Gener-
al Motors Corp. announced tonight
that it will begin immediately to re-
call production employes in "a great
majority" of its nearly 100 plants
closed since the strike of CIO United
Strikge Asked Auto Workers began last Nov. 21.
The corporation telegraphed Wal-
ISHPEMING, Mich., March 25-P) ter P. Reuther that " we demand thai
-The Ishpeming-Negaunee ministe- the international union take such
rial Association this afternoon tele- steps as may be necessary to have al
graphed an appeal to Governor employes return to work under the
Harry F. Kelly asking for immediate terms of the (national settlement)
action in mediating the prolonged agreement without delay."
iron mine strike in Marquette County.
At the same time, the United Steel-H
workers of America submitted mo-
tions for disqualifying Judges FrankS
A. Bell and Herbert W. Runnels frome
acting as judges in the injunction
proceedings brought by the iron min-
ing companies of the district against A conference on religious journal-
the union. ism sponsored by the Student Re.

.- I

Accord Gained
In Controversy,
Stalin Asserts
Soviet Leader Denies
Need for UNO Action
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 26 (Tuesday)
--Prime Minister Stalin said today
the question of the withdrawal of
Russian troops from. Iran "has
already been solved in a positive
sense by agreement between the
Soviet Government and the Gov-
ernment of Iran."
In answer to a recent statement
by Winston Churchill calling for
rapid action by the United Nations
Security Council on the Iranian
situation, Stalin answered:
"I should not find Churchill's
arguments convincing. Inasmuch
as the question of the withdrawal
of Soviet troops from Iran is con-
cerned, as is known, the question
has already been slved in a pos-
itive means by agreement between
the Soviet Government and the
Government of Iran."
* * *
NEW YORk, March 25- The Un-
ited Nations Security Council today
heard U. S. Secretary of State James
F. Byrnes assert that "no nation has
the right to take the law into its
own hands," and then paved the way
to consider tomorrow the problem
of Russian troops in Iran.
Byrnes, speaking at the first meet-
ing of the important Security Coun-
cil in the United States, warned that
the Council must carry out the man-
date of the people of the world to
travel the road to peace.
The agenda for tomorrow's session,
set for 11 a.m., provides for the
Council to take up the most critical
issue facing it - the Russian-Iran-
ian question.
Tension Eased
However, the question has been re.
relieved of much of its tenseness by
the Russian-made and Iran-con-
firmed announcement that the So-
viet troops are in the process of leav-
"Upon all the members of the
United Nations rests the duty to co-
operate with the Council to enable
it to meet its responsibility," Byrnes
"They must be willing freely and
frankly to discuss their grievances
before the Council."
Message from Truman
Byrnes spoke after he read a mes-
sage from President Truman who
"We are greatly honored that the
United Nations has chosen a site in
our country for its home. We will do
our best to make you feel at home.
"But there can be no home any-
where for the United Nations unless
the United Nations remain united
and continue to work together, for
peace and for freedom."
Met* Explains
Political Theory
of Confucius
Confucius, the Chinese "Super-
philosopher" advocated a Christ-like
ideal of brotherhood and love as solu-
tion to the chaos of fifth century B.C.
China, according to Dr. Y. P. Mei in a
University lecture yesterday.
The Sage was the greatest propon-
ent, not the founder, of his philoso-
phy which antedated him by seven
centuries, Dr. Mei said. According
to tradition, Confucius' success in po-
litical reform as chief minister of his
statedi was so successful that rivals
sabotaged him by sending him a gift

of 80 beautiful dancing girls. The
philosopher's reforms disappeared
while he took a brief holiday, and he'
never returned to public life.
Confucius' system, as explained by
Dr. Mei, consists of a set of recipro-
cal obligations, such as ruler and
minister, or father and son. Each of
these will act according to his duties,
striving to be a "princely man," living
a life of moral order. The ideal con-
sists of a great harmony of princely
The political aim of the rulers will
be to educate their citizens in their

tickets will be available. ciety at the first meeting of the se-
The first lecture will be delivered by mester yesterday. Dick Roeder was
Dr. Ernest G. Osborne of Columbia re-elected treasurer.
University on the subject of "The Noble, a member of Alpha Delta Phi
Historical Background of Marriage" fraternity, is a letter man in golf.
at 8:15 p.m. April 2 in Rackham Au- Keiser is president of Sigma Alpha
ditorium. Mu fraternity.

Scientists Harness Atom for Industrial Use

WASHINGTON, March 25-(P)-Scientists disclosed today that
they knew how to "denature" plutonium so that its atomic energy could
be used only for industrial purposes and not for bombs.
The disclosure was made to the Senate Atomic Energy Committee
in a scientific report presented by Undersecretary of State Dean Ache-
son. The report proposed an international licensing system under the
United Nations Commission for control of fissionable raw materials and
of the manufacture of atomic power.
Dr. Edward U. Condon, director of the Bureau of Standards and
scientific advisor to the senators, commented that the "implication"

man civilian commission to evaluate the results of the proposed bomb
tests at Bikini Atoll. This appeared to indicate strongly that the tests
would be held this summer despite contrary reports which followed last
Friday's order for a six-week delay
Acheson's talk of "denaturing" plutonium, the element now used
in producing atomic energy, apparently exploded like a bomb in the Sen-
ate committee's closed session.
Some members, who said that they had never heard of it before,
pressed for an explanation which Acheson reportedly did not complete
ftnig. - ,c.- lo }- .ti - -r .vA nf nl v1, - f-#-nX~~- .- 114% l_ hr

ligious Association, will be held Sat-
urday at Lane Hall for students in-
terested in this field and for student
directors, of campus religious groups.
The leader of the conference will
be Harold A. Ehrensperger, editor of
"motive," a Methodist student maga-
zine which recently won the "Time"
award as the outstanding journalistic
achievement of the year.
Mr. Ehrensperger will give three
lectures, with Prof. Ernest Chave of
the University of Chicago acting as
interlocutor for the talk on "How
'Motive' Faces Social Issues." Dis-
cussions will be led by Joyce Siegan,
editor of "Insight," Robert Carneiro,
editorial assistant of "Insight." and

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