THE MICHIGAN DAILY , uWfAY,MftT24lia IIL7cIICtj toheAC 6(t(OP Dominie Says DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Dorothy Flint....... .. Business Manager Joy Altman . . . Associate Business Manager Evelyn Mills . . . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945.46 .EPRESENTEO FOR NATION.L ADVERTdI.NG NV National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsON AvE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LO ARGELSE * SAM FRANCISCO NIGHT EDITOR: MARY BRUSH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Clear Policy THE United States government has effectively answered speculations about its future status in the world community. In a report on initial UNO accomplishments, President Truman strongly reaffirmed this nation's belief in collective security by asserting that the UNO charter "is vital to all Americans." Practical proof of this attitude was Secretary of State James F. Byrnes flat rejection of the Anglo-American military alliance proposed by Winston Churchill at Fulton, Mo. The clarification of U.S. policy has consider- ably eased the tension reflected in the Russian press. Pravda, in the first place, was not con- vinced that Churchill's speech was unofficial. They also noted that Truman had had two weeks in which to discuss the text with the former prime minister and concluded that the President sanctioned the proposals. T E gover.nment's declarations have cleared the air with Russia; they are commendable for that alone. But they are even more import- ant in their emphatic refusal to compromise world partnership, or to look the other way while an arbitrary Russia goes its solitary way. "The United States," Byrnes declared, "is committed to the support of the Charter of the United Nations. We propose to stand with the United Nations in our efforts to secure equal justice for all nations and special priv- ilege for no nation." The United States has become guardian of the world community in its infancy. The last few weeks have shown we will have to buck the giants of British imperialism and Russian in- capacity for collective solution of problems. Our unwavering support-even our military might- now are pledged to UNO. If vigorously and consistently asserted, they are great enough to make it work. -Ann Kutz Axis Sally T is interesting to note that American counter- intelligence agents in Berlin have finally cap- tured "Axis Sally", the honey-voiced, American- Lorn purveyor of Axis propaganda on Berlin radio. Sally, identified as Mildred E. Gillars, 36, formerly of Portland, Me., will be remembered by any American soldier from the Mediterran- ean Theater of Operations as the co-prodlger of a propaganda broadcast known as "Saly and George" which deserves recognition as probably the corniest and most entertaining of all the numerous Berlin-inspired programs beamed to American troops overseas. In attempts to foment unrest Sally and George interspersed their program of recordings of American music with such skits as one por- traying an American wife or girl friend being lured from the fold by an American civilian. They were, needless to remark, more entertain- ing than convincing. EVIDENTLY Sally was furnished with bits of, German intelligence information. When the Foggia airfields in Italy were first captured by the Allies Sally greeted her "old friends" of the umpty-umpth unit, citing their specific locations .--- ~ r# +,%Q . ._n'tra w Av- lim0 In On Party Influence . . . To the Editor: M1R. Freudenheim seems a trifle perturbed in that the leadership which is presently guid- ing the destinies of the two major political parties in this nation has degenerated. He fears that such leadership will eventually lead to their demises. I should like to ask, a bit naively, "Is that bad?" It has always seemed to me in my observations of political action, that party toy- tlay, partisan and sectional politicking has only resulted in the clouding of issues and the hinder- ing of actions designed to produce results. hand-in-hand wit party action go log-roll- ing and political favors that benefit no one but the politician. The stronger the party is, the more abuses it can perpetrate in securing benefits for its members, and the less it must worry about pleasing the voter. IT IS not only possible, but probably that men can be elected to office not on the basis of party affiliation, but on personal merits. Cer- tainly a better caliber of official would be ob- tained. Also it would tend to erase the evils of machines and the sectional feuds that have so long plagued this country's government. And if each office-seeker stood on his own feet instead of riding on the party bandwagon a lot of the voter a~pathy would disappear. - Ir'ry lb' t We Promiser. To the Editor: WISH to voice an objection to the dissections that appeared in the Michigan Daily of March 2, 1946. I have no time to run around looking for scissors, cutting out these pieces of anatomy and looking for paste (of which I found none, causing me extreme frustration), and es- pecially putting it all together. If this is a form of advertising, it is unfair to the busy, industri- ous students of the University of Michigan, for it arouses their curiosity so that they neglect their studies, in order to remedy the disjointed condition of these women. Leave us have no more of this merciless dis- secting. -Jeanne Tozer EDITOR'S NOTE: No more of this type of advertising is being accepted.) For Courteous Service .*. To the Editor: "ATTENDANCE at the .University of Michigan is a privilege and not a right." This is quoted from the University of Mich- igan Official Publication of July 3, 1945. It would be difficult to find more fitting words for the general attitude of certain University offices, long noted for their inefficiency as well as for their inadequacy in student and faculty rela- tions. For years, students on this campus have found it a hardship to deal with particular offices most intimately connected with student affairs-because members of the staff do not consider themselves obligated to make the student feel comfortable, wanted, or important in the University scheme of things. A few offices, as a result of this attitude, seem to occupy the position of being an end in them- KICKS & CONTROVERSY about the worth of Art Tat- um's highly specialized piano playing has been to jazz Aficionados what Hamlet's madness is to Shakespeareans: opinions, to phrase it gen- tly, vary. If there is one pertinent fact about it all, it is that no one yet has learned to leave him strictly alone. You either like him or you don't. The point is raised here as a preface to some remarks about his new album, a four record re- lease by ARA. The same deftness, brilliance and flash that make him liked are here, along with the somewhat pyrotechnic style and Wilson-like phrasing the others deride. There is, however, one new thing this time, and it is fine. The new touch referred to is his left-hand work, a series of chords and modulations he used sparingly before. Ile apparently has it under control now, and when he turns it loose on sides like "Runnin' Wild" and "Poor Butterfly," they sound as if they've never been played better. My guess is that, hot or cold, you'll find it hard to get along without him, and you shouldn't even try. JUST IN PASSING: Another piano album, the Decca "Boogie-Woogie," is in circulation again for anyone who missed it the first time around; the passing of time hasn't hurt the Pete Johnson sides, or Crosby's "Gin Mill Blues," at all. Overlooked for reviewing in the St. Patrick's Day column were a pair of Irish ballad albums by Victor and Decca. I liked the former, with Dennis Day, the best, but that's probably be- cause he sings "The Rose of Tralee" in it. -Lex Walker selves, with the student merely a fly in the ointment of their regular daily office routine, rather than being a means to the end of edu- cation for the student, which, supposedly, is the purpose of the University-even though it considers that education a privilege. T'S a particularly unhappy situation when a student must feel ill-at-ease when entering an office created for his business -ill-at-ease in the presence of staff employees with too much power and responibility for the position they occupy, or too little social sense for the part they have in student relations. Such matters as living accommodations should not be vested solely in the hands of one individual, for this important part of student life requires careful, capable, and polite consideration. In these crowded, rushed times students should not leave the University offices either vaguely dissatis- fied with the reults of transactions there or actually antagonized by curtness or rudeness on the part of office staff members. Such offices should be staffed by people capable of dealing pleasantly with prospective students, capable of creating and maintaining an impression de;erving of a University of high standing. SIDE BY SIDE in this institution exist offices whose student relations differ radically in tone and level of pleasantness merely because of differences in the attitude toward student srovice on I icpart of high ranking staff mem- What is Lhe Univursit y's stand --is it here for ucs, or are we here for it? A few thousand st"I- dent; woild like to k now -Janws Land B--&OOKS BRIDES HEAD REVISITED by Evelyn Waugh. Little, brown and Company, 1946. 351 pages. AILTHBOUGIT Mr. Waugh obviously intends that it should, the story of a charming, sensitive dipsomaniac, one Lord Sebastian Marchmain, and his beautiful self-centered sister Julia cannot realize intensely a conflict between re- ligion and materialism. The only excuse for the otherwise disjointed narrative in Brideshead Re- visited is, however, the to-be-or-not-to-be Cath- olicism of the various members of the elegant English Marchmain family. The story is told in a series of flashbacks by a middle-aged major, Charles Ryder, whose personal satisfaction in life has come from intimacy with two Marchmains. He arrives with his men at a new training center, and discovers it is Brideshead, country home of the Marchmain family. His* memories on that first day of his return provide the stuff of the book. He is the friend of Sebastian's happiest years, those in college. Later, he is the lover and proposed husband of Julia. In these roles, he sees the two Catholics sin, repent, and finally affirm their faith. While there is some at- tempt on Mr. Waugh's part t blend the two stories, it is my opinion that he might better have concentrated on one to make his point more forcefully. There is, further, too little isolation of the problem to achieve intensity. Life for Mr. Waugh has far too much beauty in it to concentrate solely on the religious exper- ience, and he does not resist the temptation to put it in his story. JUDGING the book solely on the basis of its success with the religious theme is, however, failing to find the chief source of pleasure. It is this very enjoyment of life filling the pages that arouses delight in the reading. He skill- fully satirizes the "society" of England. He shows nuances of personality in conversation, and the characters are at times marvellously alive. A leisurely reading of the book reveals his rich enjoyment of friendship, books, pictures and fine wine. You will not go to Brideshead Revisited for an exciting book or for an exceptionally good novel, notwithstanding the fine reputation of the author. You will find, however, a fine, full- bodied flavor and a slow-moving charm which is worthy of his talents. -Martha Bradshaw General Library List Clapper, Olive Ewing Washington Tapestry. New York, Whittlesey House, 194. Ewen, David Men and Women Who Make Music. New York, The Readers Press, 1945 T HE relation of atomic energy to the life of man on this earth is problem one and the spiritual future of civilization depends upon its solu- tion. A bill in committee of the Sen- ate, as amended by our senior Sen- ator from Michigan, empowers the military to halt scientists at any time and, under the fear, guess or guise of defending any remote polit- ical sector of the nation or its de- pendencies, to take control of re- search. As the climax to several months of American uncertainty, it has almost paralyzed the United Na- tions Security Council. Granted that power to direct the use of atomic energy in bombs con- stitutes a major discovery in the history of science, the very fact that top physical scientists with our leading social scientists are now socially alert is a far greater achievement. Natural scientists are no longer neutral. They are dynamic. They care. They have accepted responsibility. For the first time since 'the eleventh cen- tury the three elements essential to speedy social transformation are present in one group in these top scientists,-(1) Techniques pe- culiar to our epoch, (2) Inter- national cooperation and loyalty, and (3) Ethical sensitivity and in- sight is fused into immediate re- sponsibility to act. EVEN THOUGH we grant that Britain and Russia have human- ity confused in a war of nerves, and that our Congressmen are impressed with the need of cajoling citizens into willingness to create an ade- quate police force for the United Nations Organization, for us as cit- izens to let this new potential bles- sing get into the control of the mil- itary in a time of peace is to turn traitor and shoot in the back those brave meen who have .lust brought the combat phase of this transform- ation era to a successful conclusion. If you will reread the Atlantic Char- ter or the initial articles of the U.N.O. you will stand anew in the presence of the objectives for which we were willing to send our men and women into war. Two new results for peace are ours: (1) Ability to direct the atomic energy released, and (2) Moral alertness of our sci- entists. The impotence which a mere re- ligious educator feels in the pres- ence of these potentialities is at once one of the paradoxes and major blessings of our era. We of the formal phases of religion, somehow have been so busy patch- ing old wine skins called ecclesiast- ical structure that we have on hand no new wineskins to contain or make use of the new creative life which physical scientists now give to society. Present day proph- ets appear in white laboratory smocks, not in long black robes of the middle ages. Jesus may be chiding us with "Oh ye of little faith." If you students would have a part in the reconstruction being announced, cut across Colleges and Departments. Young philosophers should also get into biology, phys- ics and chemistry, and every young science major should learn a theory of values, social philosophy, social psychology and political sys- tems. Cancel those thought pat- terns which wall religion off from science or separate the divine from the human. Seek the inten- tion of God in the outlook of the U.N.O. in 1946 as well as in the Church of 50 A.D. Now that will not be total religion, for religion always must involve both the will of God absorbing the total interest of man as well as the sacri- ficial love of man reaching up to at- tain, if possible, God's grace. But here is a good place to get ready for such Gethsemane as may emerge from this present world wide effort to find security by means of an im- mature, uncertain, , but promising International Organization. -Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education Pubilcation in the Daily Official Bul- Jetin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for the5 Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President,T 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. on the day R preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat- t urdays).F SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 1946 VOL. LVI, No. 96 Notices All students possessing driving per-u mits, who have not reported theirI 1946 license number to the Office of the Dean of Students, Room 2, Uni- versity Hall, are requested to do so at their earliest opportunity. The registration of the new license num- ber is necessary to the continuance of such driving privileges during the remainder of the current term. Stu- dents who are entitled to exemptione privileges on the basis of age or part- time enrollment are likewise re- quested to register their 1946 license1 numbers.t Certificates of Eligibility for thet Spring Term should be secured from the Office of the Dean of Studentsc before April 1. House Directors and Social Chair- men are reminded that requests for1 social events must be filed in the Of-c fice of the Dean of Students not later than the Monday before the event for which approval is requested. It should be accompanied by written acceptance from two sets of AP-, PROVED CHAPERONS and, in the case of fraternities and sororities, by approval from the financial adviser. APPROVED CHAPERONS may b 1) parents of active members 01 pledges, 2) professors, associate pro. Lessors or assistant professors, or 3) ouples already approved by th Committee on Student Affairs. A list of the third group is avaiable at the OFFICE OF THE DEAN 0F STUDENTS. Men interested in oudoor wol with the Department of Agricultur in California during the summe nonths may obtain further informa ion at the Bureau of Appointment lnd Occupational Information, 20 Mason Hall. The work is primaril zoncerned with plant disease con- Announcements from Washingtor State Personnel Board have been re. -eived in this office for: 1) Field Auditor Salary $265 tc $325 plus a $20 bonus 2) Statistical Clerk Salary $170 tc $210 plus a $20 bonus 3) Also various clerical positions Salary $200 to $240 plus a $20 bon 5) Claims Taker Salary $160 tc $200 plus a $20 bonus 6) Appeal Examiner Salary $29 to $360 plus a $20 bonus 7) Various Social Service positions including Children's workers, super- visors, visitors, and psychiatric work- ers. 8) Various Department of Health positions, including graduate nurses. Public Health Nurses, Bacteriologists Health Officers, Psychologists, Medi- cal Social Work Consultants, Roent- genographer, Medical Social Work- ers, and InstitutionalWorkers. Closing date for all of these i April 4. Announcement for Milwaukee County Service Commission for posi- tion of Personnel Technician II, Sal- ary beginning at $264.44 has also been received. For further information, call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Lectures University Lecture: Professor Abraham White, Yale University, will lecture on the subject, "Pituitary- adrenal Cortical Control of the Role of Lymphocytes in Normal and Im- mune Globulin Production," at 4:15 p.m., Monday, March 25, in the Rackham Amphitheater; auspices of the Department of Biological Chem- istry. The public is invited. University Lecture: Dr. Y. P. Mei (Mei Yi-pao), President of Yench- ing University (Peiping) will lecture on "Confucius and Confucianism" at 4:15 p.m., Monday, March 25, in the Auditorium of the Kellogg Building under the auspices of the Depart- ment of Philosophy and the Interna- tional Center. University Lecture: Professor Abraham White, Yale University, will lecture on the subject, "Relationship of the Endocrine Glands to Natural Resistance," at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, March 26, in the Rackham Amphi- theater; auspices of the Department of Biological Chemistry.. The public is invited. University Lecture: Dr. Gregor Wentzel, Professor of Physics at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, will lecture on "The Theory of the Meson" at 8:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 26, in the Kellogg Auditorium, under the auspices of the Department of Physics. The public is cordially in- vited. M-n..ra a . fn ,an kr 1'W-a . Department, will offer the fourth French lecture on the series spon- ored by the Cercle Francais, on ruesday, March 26, at 4:10 p.m. in room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The itle of his lecture is: "Les vins de France." -Charles E. Koella Academic Notices Economics 51, 52, 53 and 54: Make- up final examination for students with excused absences from the fall erm examination will be given Thursday, March 28 at 3:15 p.m., in Room 207, Economics Bldg. History Make-up Examinations: Any student who missed his final ex- amination in any history course will be given an opportunity to take the examination Friday, March 29, at 4:00 p.m., in Room C, Haven Hall. When the student appears to make up the examination, he must have a iote from his instructor which gives him permission to take this make- up examination. Students who have such examinations to make-up must contact their instructors sufficiently early so that the instructor may have time to draw up the examination, History 50, Section 6, will meet in Room 315 Haven Hall,' Monday at 9:00 a.m, Remedial Reading: A non-credit :ourse in the improvement of reading s again being offered this semester. rhe first meeting of the class will be in Thursday, March 28, at 4:00 p.m., in Room 4009 University High School. Interested students are invited to this first meeting. Concerts Alec Templeton, distinguished pianist, will be heard in a special concert under the auspices of the University Musical Society, Friday evening, March 29, at 8:30, in lill Auditorium. The program will con- sist of classical and satirical num- bers. A very limited number of tickets are available at the offices of the Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Student Recital: Mary Katherine Harris, violinist, will present a recital in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m., Sunday, March 24, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Her program will include composi- Jons by Tartini, Mozart, Debussy, and Beethoven, and will be open to the general public. Miss Harris is a stu- dent under Gilbert Ross. Student Recital: Virginia Long Lowry, a student of piano Under Ava Comin Case, will present a recital in' partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 Monday evening, March 25, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Miss Lowry will play compositions by Bach, Schumann, Franck, Mingone, Fer- nandez and Khatchaturian. The public is cordially invited. Faculty Recital: Robert Maas, dis- tinguished Belgian cellist, will pre- sent two programs of compositions for cello alone, by J. S. Bach, at 4:15 Monday and Tuesday afternoons, March 25 and 26, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham building. Mr. Maas appears through the courtesy of the Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation in the Library of Con- gress, Washington, D. C. Monday's program will include Suite No. 1 in G major, Suite No. 5 in C minor, and .Suite No. 4 in E-fiat major, Exhibitions "Ancient Man in the Great Lakes Region." Rotunda, University Muse- im Building, through April 30. Events Today The Chinese Students' Club will have as their guest Dr. Y. P. Mei, President of Yenching University, tonight at 7:30 at the International Center. Colored slides of Chungking and. West China will be shown in Room 316-320,MichiganUnion, fol- lowed by a social hour in the Inter- national Center. All members and friends of China are welcome. Avukah, student Zionist organiza- tion, will have a business organiza- tion meeting tonight at 7:30 at Hil- lel Foundation. All students are in- vited. Coming Events Senior Class, School of Education: An organizational meeting is planned for Tuesday, March 26, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 2436 University Elementary School. Michigan Chapter A.A.U.P.: In place of the regular March meeting there will be a joint session with Sig- ma Xi and other campus organiza- tions Monday, March 25, at 8:00 p.m. in the \Rackham Auditorium for a symposium on pending legislation re- lating to governmental support for research. Sigma Xi, Special Meeting, jointly Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON - Most effective lobby on Capitol Hill in many months has been the real-estate and building lobby which succeeded in making the Veterans' Housing Bill about as effective as a bowl of skim- med milk. It is known that this lobby deluged Congressmen with telegrams, some of them phony. But it was not known that the lobby had a very effectiye friend right inside the House Bank- ing and Currency Committee. That friend is Congressman John Jacob Riley of Sumter, S.C., where the first shot of the Civil War was fired. For, when the Housing Bill was be- fore the BankinguandiCurrency Com- mittee, the vital question of a ceiling price on existing homes was defeat- ed by one vote. Riley, the real estate post of the Amerigan Legion. -Drew Pearson (Copyright, 1946, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Itoward, Elizabeth Metzger Before the' Sun Goes Downi. York, Doubleday, 1946. Leacock, Stephen The Boy I Left Behind Me. York, Doubleday, 1946. Garden City, New Garden City, New White, Charles William In the Blazing Light, a novel about Goya. New York, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1946. I BARNABY I'm planning a series of lectures, Gridley, nknr f ..r franr. A ewh n rA nth ir. By Crockett Johnson So, if o magic lantern can be secured, I'll : t *Slk. h-IvLwn av- c jI,-. You're unwilling to assist in the dissemination of scientific truth? I