~Vlv M1C1ICAN 1DAILV SUNDAY, MARII 24, 1946 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ...... ..... ... Evidence Reveals Wartime Atomic Energy Conspiracy Documents Show Russia Trailed Atom Secrets Five Months Before Hiroshima Special Prosecutor F. Philippe Rais submitted for the first time docu- ments purportedly stolen from the Soviet embassy in Ottawa, docu- ments which form the backbone of the government's case against its em- ployes and others accused of conspir- ing to give Russia scientific and cther wartime secrets to the detri- aient of the safety of their own coun- 'ry. According to these documents: 1. Soviet agents as early as March 28, 1945, knew of Canada's work on itomic endrgy and were instructing heir Canadian cooperators to report )n it. Payments Reported 2. Canadian members of the es- pionage network accepted money for their services. 3. The Canadians were given or- lers through the Soviet embassy in Jttawa to get specific information on ;ertain phases of Canada's secret re- earch as well as to supply generalt Information. Among the inventions sought was "a radar device for use n the Pacific," and a new explosive >ropellant algonite in which "the Americans are said to be very inter- ,sted." feret Meetings 4. Many of the meetings between he Soviet agents and the Canadians vere held at night on street corners n Ottawa, the Canadian capital, with he Russians paying taxicab fares or those who lived far away. The .anadians were instructed specifi- ally not to take the cabs all the way 'o the rendezvous. 5. "The directo'," heretofore iden- ified only in this way, the guiding 'and in Moscow of the spy operations Mere, was "the chief of the first in- elligence headquarters" in the Soviet :apital. ousing. . . (Continued from Page 1) attesting to this. There was a report that a railway station in Los Angeles was allowing a couple to sleep in the station. Asking them to leave would have been a ticklish situation; the couple had purchased tickets to a nearby town every night. In Grand Central a ticket agent was confronted with a barrage of complicated queries regarding train schedules and time tables. The would- be traveler insisted that he wanted to leave New York by a Pullman car, travel away from the city overnight and turn around in time to return to the city in time for an appointment the following morning. Further ex- planation revealed that the man was using this as a last resort to get some sleep...... the hotels were filled. Evicts The Landlord A tenant in' New Mexico went to almost drastic means to keep a roof over his head. His landlord evicted him with the intention of razing the building to make way for a shop, whereupon the former tenant pro- ceeded to purchase the landlord's home and to send an eviction notice right back. In reply to the theory of "home is what (and where) you make it," the tale of a Pullman porter might be considered. On one of his countless runs up New York State, he went down the car corridor to get bedding to make up a berth. At his return the passenger was nowhere to be seen, but a cheery voice assured him that said passenger was already in bed. Not a little persuasion got the man out and into his right bed-for he had prepared to go off to sleep in the net hammock where travelers usually put their clothes. lusiness Smtu ker Planned Second smoker of the term for all men in the School of Business Ad- ministration will be held at 8 p.m. Tuesday, in Rm. 316 of the Union. Prof. William Haber of the eco- nomics department will speak on the topic, "Bureaucrats At Work In War- time Washington." Poi-a r Properity Poiit Is ยง10 Jucre-)iaseiI raffic Deaiths Fe~ -t, ('. wA U '1can 11( ) 'ty t tNoilove r a three year period, points o,? 2 'ot iceae'in the naton' tiafic dath inthet roved, i tatthere i a definite rela- fe er, c'r o jo QfP. g itinleten :heag of victims and L. Marisonof ltehihwy 'Uticor- IKthUmanner in vhivh most of them ing dep artmnt . iaqr; ile.Ciigstatistics, lhe point- .Naticnapospriy nd inceaed(d(i t t hat, unwder five year's of age, traffic a?''Coidents tend ow [o hand in 1 prc;ticl (Ly laaiesweepedes- hand, he ai: . if;x'c aniliCdse by ti ria. i.The m iajority of those killed post trendsTh alht'ugeped i nthe 12 to 15 age ,group were riding pit-ably due to Orheifctltat people bicces hitchi ng on trucks, roller have more nmney ,tu spendv, not only zkating or coastin, From 17 to 30 on gaschine, but al o n) alohviolh' years of age, about 70 per cent of the beverages. I j it n were occupants of inotor ye- Prof. Morrison c,::erted 1thatime- hices, wileafter 30, the pedestrian tor vehicle deiths have ins cased 1ayard rapiidly increasI ed to over 90 si e:r;adily. ;. , .ecetu o t x 0 st' I'O prcent above age 5W9. in the depression yea...of 1992 and '"It %wouiild seeim tatthese rela- 1933 and cduring thle;"violent ela o)5 5could be ,u-sed to advantage tion" of 1938. '1 hy bilt tip to a in safety edutcat ion," Prof. Morrison peak in 1941. xhenabot 4,00wevre suggested, "since warnig could be killed and a mnillion iia,jueC-dected to diffeent age groups re- In 193,hoer, h cietrte nading the pRAMicularhazards t dropped to abotht tit ha. d been 20.whichAthe are expaosed," I a i I 4 t { I E I DOCTOR DUOS-Attending the University medical school this semester are the three sets of twins pic- tured above. Standing, letf to right, are: Marvin and Alvin Bonzelaar, 22-year-old sophomores, of Holland, Mich; and dward and George Riley,, 19-year-old freshmen, of Columbia, S. C. Seated are Robert and Ross years before. Nevertheless, ie Point- ed out that, because of the combina- tion of greater amounts of money in cirulation and the liting of war re- strictions, traffie accidents have been increasing rapidly since the end of the Nvar. Prof. Morrison, through an analy- sis of almost 1,000 fatal accidents in TYPEWRiTERS Bought, Rented R pired STUiDENT and 01 'I(E SUPPLlES 314 S. St te St. Phone 7177 i Hume, sonhomicres, of Cannonsburg, Pa., well-known track stars. FIGHT WORLD HUNGER: -Photo courtesy Ann Arbor Newsj Health Advisers i State Garden Specialist Urges For Students More Private Food Production Ae Annioiunced Continuous Doily from I P.M. RS.. f4.'5 T//A!A' Weekdays 300 to 5 P.M. EAST LANSING, March 23-(P) In South America, on the other hand. Michigan gardeners who during the a few countries may show food sur- war years participated i victory gar-a den campaigns should increase their pluses. food-growing efforts in 1946. Jack In Europe. the skimpy diets, mainly Rose, Michigan State College exten- bread and potatoes, that kept people .ion specialist in home gardening, lean but alive through the winter are frged today,. being cut still farther, largely be- "There is plenty of food in the cause of a world shortage. country--even some to spare," Rose Disrupted distribution channels said, "but countless millions are lit- contribute to hunger in many sec- erally starving to death in war-torn tions. European countries. The more food Seed-for potatoes, grain and vege- Michigan residents can raise in their tables--are scarce. The United back yards or in community gar- States has shipped seed to many dens. the more food we will be able countries, ihcluding a large consign- to share with the people who will ment to Germany. Russian-occupied really need it next winter." Saxony has went seed into the west- Medical advisers for students for the spring term have been announced by the Health Service. Male students have been divided alphabetically; those whose names run from A to G have been assigned to Dr. Napier S. Aldrich; from H to 0 to Dr. Thomas Fitzgerald; and from P to Z to Dr. Joseph Juliar. It is not mandatory that a stu- dent specially visit the doctor to whom he has been assigned, although in this way students, perhaps other- wise at a loss for personal medical at- tention, have some one person to whom they can bring their medical problems. Women students have been as- signed to women doctors, although they have not been alphatically di- vided. They may consult Dr. Mar- garet Bell, Dr. Evelyn Rude, or Dr. Helen Price. Offices of the medical advisers are located at the north end of the first floor corridor of the Health Service. Meanwhile, reports from London indicated that Europe, emerging from5 a miserably hungry winter without dis-aster, now faces the possibility of mass starvation before harvest time. In Asia it is largely the same story. ern zones of Germany. Denmark and the low countries are sharing vege- table and potato seed surpluses with their neighbors. Much land produces poorly, and fertilizer is scarce. CLASYSIVIt,'n Atwil"Avil-I'SING, ROD IN AND GU[ CANADA ---Extra Added - N CARTOON "HARE REMOVER" NEWS OF THE DAY P CLASSIFIED RATES $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional five words.) Non-Contract $1.00 per 15-word insertion for three or more days. (In- crease of 25c for each additional five words.) Contract Rates on Request FOR SALE TWO MEN'S SUITS size 40 excellent condition. Call 5789 before noon or after 6. MICROSCOPE, new Zeiss complete with carrying case. $200. Call 4447. ROOM AND BOARD MEALS: For girls. Splendid home' cooked meals at League House, 604 E. Madison. Phone 4489. HELP WANTED COOK WANTED. Prikate boys comp, northern Michigan, Juno 23-Aug.j 24. Phone 7265. DRUG CLERK--Part time--experi- ence preferred. Male or female. Marshal Drug Co. WANTED: Waiter and kitchen man to work for board in fraternity near Rackham. Call 4379 at noon or night. WANTED MIDWAY Bicycle Shop, 322 E. Lib- erty. We have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your bike can be expertly repaired also. LOST AND FOUND $5.00 REWARD-Sheaffer Lifetime maroon striped. Lost about 3 weeks. Probably in W. Quad. LOST: Silver identification bracelet with Michigan crest, Wednesday between 1025 A. H. and Mosher. Finder call 438 Mosher. LOST: Shaeffer lifetime pen, black with gold top. Lost Wednesday. Leave pen at Daily office and col- lect reward. LOST: Scarab bracelet in Michigan Theatre Satuiday. Great sentimen- tal value -reward offered. Contact: Virginia Nicklas, 1824 Gcdds. Phone 2-3494. 11 /7 I . .. i ,_ WANTED: Students for staff of pri-' MISCELLANEOUS vate Club in Northern Michigan for about ten weeks during summer. CAMPUS dance orchestra has open Girls for dining room and boys as dates. Student-veterans. Campus bell hops. Excellent working con- references. Phone Ypsilanti ditions, comfortable living quarters, 1220-W. good salary with maintenance, uni- GET A DATE, Don't be late, for the forms, and transportation equiva- Feather Merchant's Ball. lent to that from Detroit or Chi- cago. Ample time for recreation. TYPEWRITERS bought, sold, rented. References required, Please address repaired. Vork guaranteed. Two Manager, 2541 Ewing Ave., Evans- days service. Office Equipment Co. ton, Illinois. 111 S. 4th St.. Phone 2-1213. Try our Classifieds REASONABLE RATES SAVE BY MONTHLY CONTRACTS 1-15 WORDS per month for-only $7.80 per month or 1-15 WORDS every day for only $4.30 per month 1JAJ M'Cf-TR Ar.T. 'I !. _- 4 f _ ..___ _-- iE i E ! f r I j r ,, k ' ', , 8' ' r ; A (1ONVEIFI RNT S-l"Orf - --- , , .J("fc I~b husua\ l schoo/Nl sull)lH's, it'cd ('d vrli' ),d s/a//umicr'y, somiw iililcd a !lTih Mib8auzor Irrra- ler'nil '; 5ral, Sororilfl 111dbes, h f ceJ 'I/e'dBooks, (1/1(1 11 }