I'AQE FotlTHE IICHIuAN DAILY NEW RADIO STUDIO: 'U' Broadcasting Unit Will Be Housed in New Building "The University Broadcasting Serv- ice, a unit of the Extension Service, will be housed on the fifth floor of the Service Building, construction of which will be begun early in 1946," Prof. Waldo Abbot, director of broad- casting, announced yesterday. "Morris Hall is not sound proof nor is there good acoustic treatment, even the floors squeak, Prof. Abbot said. "In addition there is a dearth of space as Morris Hall lodges the Broadcast- ing Service plus the University Band and classes in the Speech Depart- ment. This preventsadequate re- hearsal time for programs and limits the number of programs which can be presented." To be Modernistic In comparison, the fifth floor of the Service Building will offer suffi- cient space and facilities. The large lobby, to be modernistically furnished, will provide a waiting room for speak- ers and musicians. At one end of the lobby will be a window looking di- rectly into the speakers' studio. From this studio, talks, round tables, and debates will be broadcast. Another studio will be used for dramas and small musical groups. Attached will be an audience room so that visitors can attend the broad- casts. A larger studio will provide ample space for small symphny or- chestras to broadcast. From an ad- joining studio, Joseph E. Maddy, Prof. of Radio Music Instruction, will broadcast instructions to students in the larger studio on the playing of musical instruments by radio. Each studio will have its own elevated con- trol room. New Recording Room A recording room will be con- Music, the Speech Department, and- other groups. The music library will contain all University recordings and the script library will have on file University scripts and talks. A sound equipment room, a work shop and a director's office will also be con- structed. All broadcasting equipment will be of the most advanced type. Broad- casting studios used by CBS, NBC, WOR, KYW, and WGY were studied and suggestions were taken from them in order that the Michigan Broadcasting Service might profit from the latest developments in radio equipment and studio architecture. Special attention has been given to acoustics and there will be indirect lighting throughout. Anyone inter- ested in seeing the plans is welcome to visit Morris Hall where Prof. Abbot has a detailed plan of the fifth floor, with photographs of studios, dis- played on the bulletin board. Sftagecraft Courses Are Discontinued Courses in stagecraft have been temporarily discontinued, Prof. G. E. Densmore of the speech department announced yesterday. Prof. Herbert Philippi, who former- ly taught the courses, has accepted a position as Assistant Professor in speech at the University of Missouri, Prof. Densmore said. No one has yet been appointed to take his place. Prof. Philippi, who designed and supervised the construction of scen- ery for Play Production, was an in- structor in stagecraft here for two years. He is a graduate of Cornell U' Enrollment Tops Estimates Registration for Fall Semester Is 11,319 Final enrollment figures for this se- mester exceed all pre-term estimates. The grand total of 11,319 students registered at the close of the ninth day of classes constitute an overall gain of 22 per cent over last year's to- tal, the Registrar's Office announced yesterday. Men account for 5,967 of this num- ber, as compared to the 4,549 male student enrollment of last fall. 2,000 Vets Veteran enrollment, which will re- main open until Nov. 15, now totals 2,033, including 37 women. This fig- ure represents an increase of 505 per cent over last year's enrollment total of 336 veterans. Approximately 700 ex-servicemen have enrolled in the College of Liter- ature, Science and the Arts, and 508 have registered for the School of En- gineering. Law school with 163 veter- ans enrolled, the School of Business Administration with 173, and the School of Graduate Studies with 202 reveal record veteran enrollments. Decrease in Military The only sizeable decrease in num- bers occurs in enrollment of members of the armed forces. Army personnel has decreased 45 per cent in com- parison with the total of 1,050 re- cotrded for Nov. 11, 1944. Navy and Marine enrollment reveals a 17 per cent drop. Final data on freshman enrollment show a total of 1,526, a jump of 21 per cent over the number enrolled in 1944. More than 1,000 freshman women and 465 men are enrolled. For Peace and Prosperity- Buy Victory Bonds HIGHLIGHTS ON CAMPUS Soph Cabaret** All sophomore women working on any committees of Soph Cabaret must present eligibility cards at the first meeting of their committee. The costumes committee will meet at 5 p.m. today (Tuesday) in the Garden Room of the League. There will be a rehearsal of the singing chorus at 3:30 p.m. today in the League. Those who have been chosen for parts in the floor show and specialty acts will rehearse at 5 p.m. today in the League. The dancing chorus will meet at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the League. Soph Project . Soph Project will hold an orien- tation meeting for all those inter- ested in doing volunteer work at University Hospital at 4 p.m. to- day and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in room 2432 of the hospital. Alpha Phi Omega .. Alpha Phi Omega will hold an open meeting for men who wish to join the campus service fraternity at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. The fraternity, which has been ac- tive in War Bond Drives, War Chest Drives and Ann Arbor Boy Scout troops, is open to any man, 18 years or older, who has had former Boy Scout Training. All members and former members of Alpha Phi Omega in other colleges are requested to at- tend. Hillel Library . Persons interested in working on the Hillel library staff are asked to meet at 4 p.m. today at Hillel Foundation. Helen Greenberg and Reva Send- ler are co-chairmen of the commit- tee. *~ * * Lane Hall Seminar . . Rev. E. H. Redman, pastor of the Unitarian Church, will address a Seminar on Comparative Religions at 7:15 p.m. today at Lane Hall. "Oriental Religions" will be the first topic in the series covering re- ligions around the world. *% * * - Michigan Dames The first general meeting of the Michigan Dames will be held at 8 p.m. today in Rackham Audito- rium, according to Mrs. H. R. Eddy, publicity chairman. All wives of students, married women students, and wives of in- ternes are cordially in'ited to at- tend. * * * Russian Circle . At a meeting last night of the Russ- ky Kruzhok, the Russian Circle, Mar- tha Bradshaw, president; Deszo Sek- eli, vice-president; Kathie Stasewick, secretary; Lolly Metropolski, treas- urer; Otto Reischer, historian and Lynne Sperber, publicity chairman, were elected for the fall semester. TYPE WRITERS Bought, Rented Repaired STUDENT and OFFICE SUPPLIES O ,D. MORRILL 314 S. State St. Phone 6615 By PERRY LOGAN I recall reading in the Daily re- cently about how a couple reporters interviewed a lot of freshmen to see what they thought of the U of M campus. Unfortunately, the reporters got away before I could catch them, and so to save them the trouble of writing another story just for me, I've decided to do the job myself. Strictly speaking, I'm not exactly new here. I mean I enrolled last fall and I've put in two semesters already, but due to the lack of fore- sight on the part of those who give grades in freshman English and the D- I got from Prof. Slosson in History 12, I'm still a freshman. This malady I daresay will be cor- rected before many weeks, because I'm getting mighty tired of sitting in the end zone at football games. I'm told sophomores get seats near the All Campus Elections Will BeHeld Dec. 5 (Continued from Page 1) be selected by the engineering college, two by the combined schools and five by the literary college. The chair- man of the committee will be from the engineering college and will be selected by the Men's Judiciary Coun- cil. For all of these elections, the candi- date must remain on campus for two terms or he cannot be eligible. This will reduce the necessity for mid-se- mester special elections. Candidates for posts must obtain eligibility cards. Voting for the senior officers of the engineering college and of the literary college will be by preferential ballot. Members of the Men's Judiciary Council, the campus organization in charge of elections, are Charles Wal- ton, president; Richard Mixer, secre- tary; Sanford Perlis, president of the Union; Dogan Arthur, president of the Interfraternity Council and Ray Dixon, managing editor of The Daily. It May Be So, We Do Not Know-Bu . ESTEVAN, Sask., Nov. 12 -(/P)- Two hunters, P. C. Brown and Ar- chie Holley, sighted some ducks from the edge of McDonald lake near here. Brown fired. The wadding from the shell fell into a hole in the ice. A big jack fish jumped for the wad- ding, landed on the ice. Holley's dog retrieved the fish. The ducks got away. 10 yard line, and that's my ambitionr for the Ohio State game. Also I'vel been carrying that brown envelope around so much, that two sophomores1 have already tried to sell me reserva-1 tions under the fifth bush on the left as you go into the Arboretum. Personally, I don't feel that Ann Arbor is quite the gay place it was last year. I'll never forget Novem- ber, 1944. How proud my family was of me. "Son," my mother said, wiping a tear from her pince-nez, "you done well in high school. Now, . . " Here her voice broke and she silently handed me the address of a cheap tutor for Zoology 1. And Dad, dear old Dad, sighed heavily (he's troubled with asthma and bronchial catarrh) and spat. "Harumph," he said, chucking me under the chin. "when I was a cor- poral in France. . . " But there was the taxi waiting to take me to the depot, and I climbed in hastily, lest they should see that I too might still be a baby. I was lonely when I reached Ann Arbor, but as I stepped from the train, I tilted my hat at a more collegiate angle, smiled conde- scendingly at the quaint little sta- tion, took new courage from the hills about me (this was before I realized that all the hills in Ann Arbor go up, none of them go down) and surged forth to hail a passing motor-lorry. And what a gay round of parties during orientation week! My orienta- tion guide, she a senior in psychology who refused to nibble Cheezits with me on the library steps, took us all over campus, even letting us ride the elevator in the Rackham building. And then, when I had my first coke NO MORE TOJJOURS L'AMOUR: Logan Denied Right to Happiness date with Marjorie, it was heaven. Marjorie and I broke up later when she got nasty about paying her coke bill in the League, but little did I know in November what kind of girl she'd turn out to be. Ann Arbor was idyllic then,.but not so this semester-and all because of a woman. I met this designing woman, Shirley by name, at the Grid Shuffle last week, Such a sweet girl, she looked. My roommate and I were standing by the dark room waiting for things to develop when suddenly I looked up and there she was. A vision. Blonde and beautiful. I rasped to my roommate, an anemic boy from Belding, "Come on, Wilbur, let's operate." (I pick up this college terminology fast.) I sidled over and in my best collegi- ate. manner I whispered, "How ya fixed for tonight, babe?" It worked like magic, and after a little pre- liminary sparring, we set a date for the Purdue game this weekend, with other recreation to follow. I was in. I wrote a poem in her honor. I asked my father to send me $10. I even wrote to Hollywood and Briggs Stadium for autographs of all the big celebrities so I could make her a present of them. Then last night she called me on the telephone. "Peter," she giggled. "Perry," I cor- rected sternly. "What is it you wish?" I asked, thinking to put her at ease. "Uh-Jerry," she said, "uh-you know our date for next Saturday?" "Oh, my dear, my darling, my only love," I cried, giving my eavesdropping landlady a certain uneasiness about my purity, "how could I forget?" "Well," she said, "you'd beter, because I forgot to tell you that I'm going steady with an NOR I met Sunday, and so I guess our date is 'Off." "It's NRO," I gulped mo- rosely, feeling that nothing mat- tered anymore. For all I cared, it could have been a third-term law studeft, but I masked my broken heart. "Well, no more toujours l'amour," I coraled gaily. "That's a song, you know," I added to let her know there were no hard feel- ings. The birds aren't singing in Ann Arbor anymore. The squirrels; no longer frisk gaily through the trees. And the Union date bureau hasn't opened yet. I'm said and I'm lonely. But all is not lost. I find that a brochure has just been distributed by the Ann Arbor High School to the ef- fect that they're holding open house with free cocoa and cookies for all the high school freshmen Friday night. If you see a spaniel-eyed guy with pressed trousers and pink toothbrush hanging around out- side the party Friday waiting for the ninth-grade girls to come out, that'll be me. I was murder in" high school. structed for the use of the School of University and MacMurrey College. service wants DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by students in this College should be addressed by freshmen and sophomores to Profes- sor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counselors (108 Mason Hall); by all other students to Asso- ciate Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall.) Except under very extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the sec- ond week of the Fall Term. Math. 347: Seminar in Applied Mathematics and Special Functions meets today at 3:00 p. m. in Room 312 West Engineering. Professor Rainville will speak on "Symbolic Relations among Classical Polynomials." Seminar in History of Mathematics will meet Wednesday, Nov. 14, 7:00- 8:00 p. m. in Room 3001 Angell Hall. Events Today Faculty Women's Club:. The Play Reading Section will meet on Tues- day afternoon, Nov. 13, at the Michi- gan League. Dutch treat dessert at 1:15 in the Russian Tea Room. Read- ing at 2:15 in the Mary B. Henderson Room. M.Y.A.: There will be a meeting today at 4:15 p. m. in the Union. Everybody welcome. Lutheran Student Association will conduct a study of the Denominations of The Christian Church at its Luth- eran Student Center, 1304 Hill Street, on Tuesday evenings at 7:15. The Rev. Henry O. Yoder, pastor for Luth- eran Students, will direct the study. All students are welcome. Seminar on Comparative Religion: ,Students interested in the study of religions around the world are invited to hear Rev. Redman, Pastor of the Unitarian Church, discuss Oriental Religion tonight at 7:15 in Lane Hall. The Polonia Club invites all stu- dents of Polish descent to attend its weekly meetings held every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the International Cen- ter. The Club's program consists of cultural and social activities as well as the study of the Polish language. Officers are to be elected at the first meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 12. New as well as old students are invited to this meeting. Refreshments. The Stump Speakers' Society of Sigma Rho Tau, Engineering Speech Society, will hold its first regular meeting of 1945-1946 tonight, at 7:30 in the Michigan Ution. The meet- ing will be devoted to the formulation of policies and programs for this semester, and plans will be made for Newcomers' Night, Tuesday, Nov. 20. All returned members of new or old standing are urged to participate in this session. Coming Events Botanical Journal Club will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 14, in Room 4023, Natural Science Bldg. The first meeting will be a social hour. All undergraduates majoring in botany, graduate students and faculty members are urged to attend. Wives of students and faculty are in- vited. Mortar Board will meet Wednesday, Nov. 14, at 7:15 p. m., in the Under- graduate Office at the League. Sphinx: All members, old and new, are urged to attend a meeting on Thursday, Nov. 15, at 7:30 p. m., in the Student Offices of the Union. Art. Students Students are still being sought for courses in Italian Renaissance Paint- ing, Sculpture and Body Conditioning being given in Ann Arbor by the Uni- versity Extension Service. The painting course is being given at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall, and the Body Conditioning courses at 7:30 p.m. Monday evenings in Barbour Gym- nasium. Prof. Avard Fairbanks is conducting the Sculpture class at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays. Other courses being given by the Extension Service include Painting and Composition, beginning Spanish and a course in Spanish American life, designed to give both oral prac- tice and general information about the Spanish speaking countries. P 11 RIGHT NOW! -WRITE NOW! MICHIGAN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP ESSAY CONTEST I 1 I RULES y tj infinite!y more flatter ring by Lii CI EN 1.E.1N 6 Created for those who appreciate a face powder milled to almost invisible fineness, and...scented with a famous Lucien Lelong perfume. A powder that stays smooth and serenely beautiful through the day... In a box of frosty crys-. 1. Choice of one of the following subjects (sep- arate prizes will be awarded the winners in each subject). a. Why I am a Christian b. Why I am Not' a Christian ( See note 1 ) 2. Definition of Christian:-- For the purposes of this contest, a Christian shall be defined as being a person who be- lieves that: 1) God is a supermundane, personal Being. 2) Man possesses an immortal soul. 3) Man is by nature and choice separated from God by a state of sin which prevents him from doing that which is acceptable to God. 4) God has, in the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ, provided the only means of reconciliation between man and Himself.-t 5) This reconciliation may be met only by faith in the provision God has made through Christ. 3. The length of the essay shall be from 2000 to 5000 words. 4. Eligibility: a. Any regularly enrolled undergraduate stu- dent who is taking at least 12 hours of course work (student nurses are included) is eligible. The contest entrant must be eligible for ex- tra-curricular activities. b. No officer or contest committee member of the Michigan Christian Fellowship shall be eligible. 5. Dates:-Start November 13, 1945. End March 1, 1946. 6. The essay shall represent independent work; all sources to be noted. 7. Form: Typewritten, double-spaced, one side only of 8%" x 11" paper. 8. Entry Blanks: a. One entry blank available in this paper (see below) b. Blanks also available at the Michigan Union and all campus bookstores. c. Deadline for entering shall be midnight, December 1, 1945. 9. There will be three judges; one each a pro- fessor of History, Philosophy, and English. 10. All papers are to become the property of the Michigan Christian Fellowship. 11. Manuscripts must be sent to the Michigan Christian Fellowship Essay Contest, Lane Hall, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 12. Five Prizes under each contest subject head- ing, as follows: First....................$100.00 Second....................25.00 Third.....................15.00 Fourth....................10.00 Fifth......................5.00 NOTES 1. Contest Subject b) is meant to attract those students who are intellectually unable to classify themselves as Christians by the above definition, but who would consider .themselves as Christians in the broader sense of the term as a result of environment, home train- ing, etc. 2. There is a library of religious books available in Lane Hall. 3. Any questions relative to this contest should be addressed to the Michigan Christian Fel- lowship Essay Contest, Lane Hall, Ann Arbor, Michigan. r " MEETING Sat 4 P.M. Come On and Try Out! :: yr SPONSORED BY THE MICHIGAN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP LANE HALL Choi out this entry blank and mail it TODAY. ENTRY BLANK N ' =ym -, ' tU ENEL,' t"+ you, too, con be a part of the TMIIRSiIT 25 ENTRY Name ..................Phone No.......... I I mi _ I