WOMEN'S SECTION Y Lw 43rn1n 471a44*hrti WOMEN'S SECTION ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1945 Orientation Week Continues as Fresh men Enter UL 1 i A. League Council Will Formulate Plans Emphasizing Traditions' Drive To Increase Total of Active Coeds "Our main job will be to bring back traditions of Michigan, Soph Cabaret, Junior Girls Play, Frosh Project, Theatre Arts, Michelbdeon, as well as the class dances," Nora MacLaughlin,president of the League Council (formerly the Women's War Council) announced recently. "Since the war is over, the League and the Union should now have a better chance to work together more closely. The two groups have a com- mon goal in working up Michigan spirit through the rebirth of her tra- ditions and projects," Miss Mac- Laughlin continued. Back to Tradition Women's activities will once again begin to center about the traditional League projects, rather than the ac- tivities of a more emergency type. These "War" projects will be cut down as the demand for them is lessened. However, the drive to get as many women as possible to come out for activities will continue, as the inter- est in activities has not decreased with the cessation of the war. Re- cruiting of women interested in ac- tivities will take place at mass meet- ings at the beginning of every se- mester, as well as in the individual meetings of each project. Two Goals With the changeover in title, the Panhel Board Regulates All Sorority Activity Members of Panhellenic Associa- tion, central organization of all affil- iated women comprising the 18 sor- orities on campus, will find their main task this year in reconverting. from their wartime function as spon- sor of war projects to their former office of regulating inter-sorority ac- tivities. Panhel, in conjunction with As- sembly, holds weekly meetings of all house presidents at which time the individual problems of the various houses are considered jointly. These discussions include scholarship and activities participation of members. New Contact Rules Although the formal rushing period is scheduled for the first of the sec- ond semester, the organization will e busy all year working to improve the system. During the coming year, a new set of contact rules governing rushing will be in effect. Formerly, prospect- ive rushees and affiliated women were restricted in their contacts until the rushing period was concluded. This year, the sole restraining feature is that women who intend to rush are asked not to visit sorority houses be- fore rushing begins. Informal Rushing Sororities whose membership is be- low the quota of 60 members set by the University, will rush informally during the fall semester. The date and houses which will participate will be announced in The Daily. Women who plan to rush during the formal period will have opportu- nity to register at the League in the latter part of February.- Panhellenic Board, executive com- mittee of the Association, includes the following officers: Marian John- son of Kappa Kappa Gamma, presi- dent; Doris Heidgen of Gamma Phi Beta, vice-president; Carol Evans of Sorosis, secretary, Betty Hendel of Alpha Epsilon Phi, treasurer; and Nancy Jefford of Delta Gamma, rush- ing chairman. _ War Activities Panhel was in full support of war activities during the past years. Not- able among their projects were the surgical dressing unit, the USO, Rus- Sian War Relief, the drive for books to send prisoners of war, and the paper drive. On the more social side, Panhel and Assembly joined forces to pre- sent "Your Lucky Strike," a formal dance featuring Gene Krupa and his orchestra. Panhel Ball plans are not yet formulated for the coming year, but it is indicated that the custom will be continued. A meeting to explain the methods and purposes of the rushing system to new students is scheduled for early in the fall semester. Another mnc~naruril hphp + atth annnn League Council takes for its goal two jobs: first, to finish up the war activities such as the War Bond Sales handled by the junior women, the USO, and the hospital volunteers, which is the sophomore project; and secondly, the work on Michigan spirit NORA . president MacLAUGHLIN of the League Council through the revival of traditions and projects. Members of the League Executive Board are Miss MacLaughlin, Alpha Chi Omega, president; Ruthann Bales, Delta Gamma, Judiciary presi- dent; Betty Vaughn, Kappa Alpha Theta, head of orientation; Jane Strauss, Sigma Delta Tau, secretary, and' Jean Gaffney, Delta Gamma, treasurer. Other members of - the League Council are Dorothy Wantz, Delta Gamma, head of social com- mittee: Barbara Osborne of Martha Cook, WAA pesident; Marian John- son, Kappa Kappa Gamma, president of Panhellenic; Helen Alpert of Tap- pan House, president of Assembly; Dona Guimaraes of Pi Beta Phi, mer- itstutorial, and the Women's Editor of The Daily. Project Chairman These women have been chosen for 'their jobs by petitioning and inter- viewing, and all of them have been active in extra-curricular activities. The functions of these committees are all different, and each commit- tee is staffed with juniors and soph- omore volunteers. Class project chairmen are also contributory members of the League Council. Cynthia Coates, Pi Beta Phi, is chairman of Soph project, and Ann Lippencott of Kappa Alpha Theta is chairman of the Junior Girls Project. Other contributing members are Olive Chernow, USO representa- tive, and Bunny Hall, president of Women's Glee Club.. Alumnae Open New, Residence Begun in 1937, by nationwide con- tributions from alumnae clubs, the Mary Bartron Henderson House will open its door to 15 coeds this fall. Conducted in the same manner as Alumnae house, Henderson house, located at 1330 Hill, will be a co-oper- ative residence, aimed at improving the standards of cooperative living. Huber Residence Purchased The alumnae clubs had first de-1 cided to erect a building foithe coeds, but since wartime restrictions halted plans for this, the purchase of the Huber residence was accepted as an alternative. Surrounded by extensive grounds, and well constructed, the alumnae feel sure that there will be enough space to accommodate the necessary extension. Because of the housing shortage, the Board of Governors has agreed to open the house this fall, although plans were originally indicated that the Henderson House would open in the fall of 1947, after the planned expansion and improvements had been made. Repair Work Done The plans also called for the build- ing to accommodate 25 women, but because of the building material shortage this year the house will only hold 15. Some repair work is being done this year such as the en- largement of the kitchen and parti- tions for fire escape purposes. Women for these dormitories have Deans Locate Enough Housing For All Women In spite of an expecea enrollment of an estimated four hundred more women than last year (according to University News Service Predictions) and a housing shortage, all women students who have been admitted to the University who had made appli- cations for rooms have been provided with housing accommodations. Additional space was provided by taking over Victor Vaughan, former men's house, putting more women in Stockwell Hall, Martha Cook Build- ing and other dormitories, finding 3'3 new League houses and a few ad- ditional rooms in private homes, and granting an increased number of women special permission to live in private homes. The University stopped admit- ting out-state students August 18 because no more accommodations were available. Dean Alice C. Lloyd points out that no Michigan girl was deried admission at any time because of lack of housing space, and that at all times women veter- ans, public health nurses, and scholarship holders were given spe- cial consideration. Women are now living in dormi- tories, converted fraternities, sorori- ties, League houses, cooperatives, pri- vate homes, and the Michigan League. Victor Vaughan, formerly a dor - mitory. for male medical students, has been taken over and will house 186 women. Stockwell Hall, built to accommodate 388 women, will house 414 women, 38 more than last year. Additional accommodations were se- cured by making some of the larger single rooms into doubles, and mov- ing in extra beds, desks, chairs and lamps. Mosher-Jordan Hall will ac- commodate a combined total of 437 students, approximately the same as last year.' The Martha Cook Building Board of Governors agreed to accept 18 more women than last year, bring- ing the house total to 152. Martha Cook was planned to house 112 stu- dents, and has three times accept- ed increases in the number of resi- dents. Francis C. Shiel, acting director and business manager of residence halls, announced that the room rent for single rooms which have been converted into doubles and for dou- bles which are now triples will be reduced to $35 a term. The cost of board in University houses will be $1.30 a day, a ten-cent a day in- crease over last year's rates and a twenty-cent increase a day over 1943 rates. Betsy Barbour and Helen Newberry will have slight increases over last year's figures, and Adelia Cheever, Mary Markley, and University house will house no additional women. Hen- derson house will house fifteen women and will open for the first time this year. (See story on this page). A total of 323 women will live in ten converted fraternity houses operated under University manage- ment. Seven of the seventeen fra- ternity houses occupied by women last year have returned to the fraternities, and three new houses, Adams, Baldwin and State Street houses, have been added. The Michigan League has convert- ed more of its guest rooms into rooms for students employed in the build- ing, and will house 20 students instead of last year's 14. A total of 89 League houses have been opened, 33 more than last year. Altogether, over 12 hundred women will be living in "supple- mentary housing" which includes League houses, cooperatives, pri- vate homes, the Michigan League, Hillel Foundation. An estimated four to five hundred women have special permission to live in private homes. It is impossible to predict the num- ber of cancellations which will be received, but some women who plan- ned to enroll in the fall term are now planning to marry returning veter- ans, or "take off" a sem, Ater from an accelerated program now that war time pressure for speed is off. Temporary housing for approxi- mately thirty women is available, and students who arrive in Ann Arbor without pre-arranged housing ac- commodations are to report imme- diately to the Office of the Dean of Women. Last year, 4,800 women were en- rolled, approximately 1,000 more than in 1942, according to the Uni- Today, Tomorrow President, Dean Lloyd To Hold Receptions; Athletic Association Provides Style Show As Over 100 Upperclass Advisors Help COED DILEMMA-This is one of the first difficult decisions women must make on their own at the University. Phi Betes to the right, party gals, left. CAMPUS LEADERS: Top Scholars, BWOC's Win Membership in Honoraries All entering freshmen and trans- fers as well as over 100 upperclass- men advisors are participating in the Orientation Week which began Wed- nesday and extends until noon Wed- nesday. The advisors are headed by Betty Vaughn and Charles Helmick, under the faculty direction of Miss Ethel MacCormick of the Michigan League, and Dean Philip Bursley, Director of Orientation. Fresman Rally "The highlight of our program this year will be the Freshman Rally, and its counterpart for the transfers," said Miss Vaughn. In preceeding years they have had a skit night at Assembly Group Includes 3,000 Independents Every independent, non-affiliated woman is automatically a member of Assembly Association, a business and social organization, headed this year by Helen Alpert of Tappan House. Dormitory, league house, auxiliary dorm and cooperative house residents' meet weekly with the Assembly Board during the year to coordinate activ- ities and interests. Approximately 3,000 women are members of the or- ganization. Mass Meeting Will Be Held A mass meeting of all independent women will be sponsored by Assem- bly, November 12, as the opening event of Independent Fortnight. Dur- ing the subsequent week, members of Assembly Board will visit every resi- dence, explaining the functions, ac- tivities, and plans of the group. Membership cards will be distribu- ted at this time, which will be needed later in the semester for various As- sembly functions. "Independent Fort- night is an old tradition revived this year in order to better acquaint new women on campus with their organ- ization, Assembly," according to Hel- en Alpert, president. The program for the coming year includes league house dances, ex- change teas, and bridge nights, all of which are designed to help the small house resident meet more wom- en and expand her interests. Recognition Night, November 28, will climax the Independent Fort- night. At this time, honors v'ill be meted out to outstanding unaffiliated women. Board Recently Reorganized Assembly Board central committee was recently reorganized to meet the large demands of increased numbers of independent women and more widespread participation in student activities. Five members, in addition to the president, comprise the Board: two vice-presidents, two activities chairmen, and a secretary-treasurer. The two vice-presidents are in charge of stimulating activity par- ticipation in dormitories and league houses. Elaine Baily, of Stockwell, will supervise the dorms, and May Ellen Wood, of Martha Cook, heads the league houses. Minutes of Assembly Council meet- ings and of house presidents' meet- ings will be taken by Mary Alice Dunivan, of Stockwell, secretary- treasurer. Other tasks include keep- ing the Assembly scrapbook andman- aging the finances of the independent group. Grace Hansen, of Mosher, will han- dle activities sheets for the dormi- tories, and June Gummerson, of Mar- tha Cook, will head league houses in the same capacity. Each residence is scored on its participation, and the winning house is ultimately rewarded at Recognition Night the following year. Contributing activities include work in the laundry, serving in dor- mitories, acting on League commit- tees, ushering, participation in Play Production, buying stamps and bonds and similar activities. Social Activities Last year, Assembly, in conjunction with Panhel nresented "Your Lucky To Freshman Rally Be Presented which the freshmen performed in original five minute skits, but 'this year we have decided to let the fresh- men sit back and enjoy themselves while the upperclassmen perform," she continued. "We have been working hard on this idea all summer, and are pre- senting a skit highlighting soph cab- aret, one from last year's Junior Girls' 'Take It From There,' and a League Council skit. After the skits there will be two short movies, 'Michigan on the March,' and the movies taken at last year's Memorial Day parade," Miss Vaughn concluded. Freshman Rallies The freshman rallies are scheduled to take place from 7 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. today and tomorrow in theLeague. The sophomore skit will be directed by Ruth McMorris, the juniors' un- der Jayne Gourley, and the League Council skit was written by Dona Guimaraes. President an d Mrs. Alexander Ruthven will entertain all new stu- dents and their advisors at two af- ternoon receptions and the entering women will also have coffee hours with Dean Alice C. Lloyd. Style Show At the request of many of the up- p-rclass students and freshmen,plans for a Date Bureau are being made. This organization will help the fresh- men and transfers become acquaint- ed. WAA also presented a style show for the incoming freshmen women at 3 p. m. yesterday at the Rackham Building. The women's orientation .commit- tee is composed of Natalie McGuire, head of transfer orientation, Mau- reen Ryan, assistant freshman chair- man; Lois Iverson, secretary and publicity; Jean Kerr, information booth; Joan Wilk, assistant transfer head; and Nancy March, transfer in- formation booth. Transfer Advisors Transfer advisors include Sue Cur- tis, Naomi Greenberger, Betty Rosen- blum, Carol Watt, Virginia Mast, Ruth Kronberg, Betty Pritchard, Al- ene Loeser, Olive Chernow, Rene Kaire and Patricia Planck. Freshman advisers are Nora Alt- man, Elaine Bailey, Irma Bluestein, Mary Bronson, Patricia Daniels, Pa- tricia DuPont, Carol Giordano, Pris- cilla Hodges, Margaret Kohr, Fern McAllister, Claire Macaulay, Jean Morgan, Harriet Pierce, Ann Schue- macher, Christine Smith and Bev- erly Wittan. List Continues The listncontinues with Dorothy Watson, Margaret Gage, Judith Rado, Janet Morgan, Jean Kerr, Florence Kingsbury, Josephine Simpson, Ruth McMorris, Carolyn Daley, Nina Goeh- ring, Jean Louise Hole, Betty Lou Bidwell, Dorothea Mountz, Margaret Jean Nichol, Barbara Dewey, Norma Crawford, Ann Robinson, Mary Coch- ran, Ruth Eberhardt, Charlotte Bo- brecker, Alice Miller, Katherine Truesdell, Dorothy Gray, Lois Bassett, Doris Krueger, Ann Lippencott, Ar- line Ely, Joy Altman, Nancy Hub- bard, Joan Stevens and Ellen Hill. Also included are Barbara Everett, Naomi Ann Buehler, Phyllis Delber, Dorothy Congo, Marilyn Holtom, Catherine Schneider, Dorothy Philip- po, Jane Etters, Ann Hanselman, Betty Kamens, Estelle Klein, Ann- ette Frieden, Audrey Burnard, Helen See ORIENTATION, Page 2 Cards Needed For Living Out Special permission cards must be issued to all women undergraduate students living outside University- approved accommodations: that is, all undergraduates living in private homes or houses not officially inspec- ted and approved. This includes un- dergraduates, no matter what age, married or single, veterans, girls liv- ing with relatives including girls liv- ing at home. Special permissions may be issued by the Office of the Dean of Women Greek letters galore are bestowed on those who aspire to a high scho- lastic career of the active life of a Michigan BWOC. While the reward for effort goes chiefly to juniors and seniors, fresh- man women are eligible for member- ship in Alpha Lambda Delta. A half A half B average for the first seme- ster's work is the basis for member- ship in this the only freshman Women's Staff Needs Workers Fun, newspaper experience, and in- teresting work are among the attrac- tions of working on The Daily wom- en's staff. Shortly after the opening of the term, a mass meeting will be held for all women interested in working on the women's staff. First-semester women are not permitted to do pub- lication work, but second-semester freshmen and upperclass transfers are eligible for participation. Practical Training The Daily women's staff offers an opportunity for coeds to combine get- ting practical training for a newspa- per career with their interest in keep- ing abreast of world and campus happenings. In addition, there is the thrill of getting the news first hand and of hearing the bells on the tele- type when a big story breaks. The women's staff is now the chief source of news of the many women's campus projects. Experience Not Necessary Previous experience is not a pre- requisite for the staff. Members of the tryout staff are given instruc- tion in all types of writing from straight news copy to weddings and engagements to fashion articles. A women's honor society. Three years of such scholastic effort will be acknowledged by membership in Phi Beta Kappa or Phi Kappa Phi, the former including in its membership only students in the Literary and Education schools. Mortarboard Demands High Average While service in a variety of campus activities, The Daily, the League, etc., will put one in line for consideration for Mortarboard, national women's honorary society for senior women a scholastic average of at least .3 of a point above the campus average is a standard requirement. Members wear a miniature mortar board of black and gold as their pin. Scroll and Senior society are de- signed for senior affiliated and un- affiliated women respectively. Ser- vice to the campus as a whole is the main function of these three senior honorary societies. As one of their functions last year Mortarboard members undertook the tutoring of returning veterans in difficult sub- jects. Senior society selected as its project that of being big sisters to independent women living in League houses. Wyvern Taps to a Chant The chant "Damm, Damm, Damm" has catised many a University offi- cial to wonder what was to come next, yet this is the tapping song for Wyvern, the organization for junior women. Yellow and brown was adopt- ed by this third year group as their colors. Limited to twenty members, Wyvern taps twice a year in spring and fall. Jean Gaffney is president of Mortarboard, Jean Pines, president of Scroll, Clare MacCaulay, president of Senior Society, and Ellen Hill, presi- dent of Wyvern. Skii, Sleds, Skates, Pnri iln e in \Ainfpr