PAGE TWO THE MICHIG~AN DAILY ,SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1945 .. L ram us _... Fifty-Sixth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Badgered Bowles Holds Line DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I r - rl - - p, ww, ai a..,e ....i . ,.,..e Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Ray, Dixon... . . . . . . . Managing Editor Robert Goldman .... ......City Editor Betty Roth . . . . . . . . . . Editorial Director Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Arthur J. Kraft . . . . . . ... . Associate Editor Bill Mullendore. ............Sports Editor Mary Lu Heath..... Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor Dona Guimares... . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 V - Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROL ZACK Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Veterans' Books TOCC many times since the beginning of the term disputes between the various professors on campus and returning veterans on the matter of school books and supplies have left a sour taste in the mouths of the veterans. From the time these men first heard of the GI Bill of Rights until the DAY they finally re- ceived their discharge certificates, they had doubts of the actual outcome of the bill as com- pared with it on paper. Would the Veteran's Administration give them the run around, would the situation be SNAFU as most situations were while still in khaki and blue, or would the bill be as good as it sounded on paper? The bill stated that a veteran was entitled to tuition up to $500 a year, all books and supplies and fifty dollars a month for living expenses. It sounded as though it might be one more run around. After donning civvies the vet started to get back in school. In general, the prospective stu- dent found that the Veterans Administration was the straight goods, doing all it possibly could. The doubts he had just about vanished when out of the blue came a jolt. Several Professors refused to sign the requisition blanks furnished for the purpose of ordering texts and supplies. Excuses were given. "You can use the books in the library." "You won't need the book every as- signment." Appeals to the -economy such as, "Taxes will be increased and you will pay for the books in the long run" were given. Refusals were by no means universal, but on the occa- sions when they arose it was enough to arouse doubts in the mind of the veteran. In many instances the professor was justified; many courses use several books for reference pur- poses and the purchase may have been a needless expense. In other cases a purchase would be more than justified. Trips to the library are in- convenient especially for married vets who live in Willow Run Village or some other appreciable distance from the campus. These men have given years of their lives in the service of their country. Now that they are back they find that some few instructors are being cagey. Let's give the veterans their just due, -Liz Knapp CuIture Promotion T IS common knowledge that language is one. of the prime barriers between ourselves and the Russians. In their program to further bet- ter understanding between the allies, the Rus- sians have made English a required subject, a requisite for a diploma. Correspondents have found the people avid readers and great admir- ers of our authors . . Whitman, Sandburg, Jack London and John Hersey. To support this trend and replenish the li- brary collection destroyed in Leningrad, Stalingrad and other cities, the National Com- mittee of Russian War Relief in the United States has launched a "Books for Russia" campaign- with a goal of 1,000,000 English classics. Mayor. Jeffries in Detroit has proclaimed the period of November 15 to November 22, "Books For Russia In Detroit." Michigan's quota is 50,000 classics. By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-OPA administrator Chester Bowles is one of the most abused men in Washington. Everyone is badgering him. Con- gressmen demand that their constitutents in- crease the price of this or that. Farm groups want to raise the price of milk or cattle. Business group want to abolish all ceiling prices. But when the final history of this era is written, Chester Bowles-like Leon Henderson before him-will be chalked up as a real friend of the common man. Probably the common man doesn't appreciate it, but here are some things which will happen if Chester Bowles loses his battle to stop the infla- tion flood: 1. Every person putting his money in life in- surance does so with the idea of getting his I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Avoid Showdown By SAMUEL GRAFTON JT IS highly important that the labor-manage- ment conference succeed, but it will not suc- ceed if a gun is held at the heads of the labor delegations. President Truman was scrupulously fair in apportioning praise and blame in his open- ing remarks; but he has been followed by speak- ers, in Congress and the press, who have tried to reduce the issue to the very simple proposition that either labor will give up its right to strike during this conference, or Congress will take it away afterward. That is not the purpose for which the conference was called; the conference was called to achieve industrial peace, not to give one side a knock-out victory over the other. The purpose of the conference is to avoid a showdown, not to set the stage for one. But there is a kind of showdown-hunger go- ing around. Representative Price, of Illinois, performed a good public service when he warned that the wave of anti-union bills now being introduced wll only convince America's labor unions that Congress is taking a position in favor of one side to the controversy; these activities are.subtly transferring a quarrel over methods into a fight for self-preservation. Nothing could make labor more reluctant to agree to concessions at the conference than this hubbub in the anteroom, and those re- sponsible for it are not aiding the meeting. Some C.I.O. leaders are of the opinion that the next seven weeks constitute a kind of open sea- son for showdowns. They base this feeling on the fact that sharp corporate tax reductions take ef- fect January 1st, and that it is not greatly to the interest of a number of enterprises to push sales until that date. The horror story is being spread about that some firms may use the next seven weeks to provoke showdowns leading to punitive Con- gressional action against labor. This concep- tion sounds like a sociological antique, out of the pre-Teddy Roosevelt era; but tempers are high, and it is important that no color be given to this nightmare on the floors of the national legislature. * * * CRITICS of unions are making much of the ac- tion of Mr. Andrew J. Higgins, Sr., in closing down his three Louisiana boat-building plants after a bitter union fight. It is not suggested that the tax angle plays any part whatever in this case; but Mr. Arthur Krock, writing in the New York Times, reports a wide fear in Washington that Mr. Higgins' example may be taken up by other enterprises, with the result that reconver- sion will suffer severely, and that Congress will then pass drastic laws to regulate labor unions. What Mr. Krock fears as a national setback, may be regarded by others, who lack his impartiality and generosity of spirit, as an opportunity. That is not a trend to be encouraged; and certainly in Congress, at least, the reaction ought to be a demand for an impartial investi- gation of the Higgins case, and not pre-judge- ment and partisan rumbling on one side. Mr. Truman has won wide applause by his "hands off" attitude toward the management- labor conference, and by his announcement that government would refrain from exerting pres- sure on the conferees. It is hard to see why, if such an attitude be commendable on the part of the executive branch, it should not be equally commendable and desirable on the part of the legislative, or why one branch of the government should regard itself as having a special license to exert pressure during a momentous conference between theoretical and legal equals. Duress is duress, and if these threats are al- lowed to get out of hand, the voluntary char- acter of the conference may be affected, spoil- ing it as a bright particular hope and vindica- tion of the American way of doing things. (Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate) money back-100 cents on the dollar. But if there is inflation, the insurance dollar will be worth 75 cents, 50 cents, or even 30 cents. 2. Every person on a retired pension, whether a railroad employee, a college, a school or a big corporation employee, will see his income shrink if there is inflation. 3. Every widow living on money left by her husband will see that income shrivel. 4. Every school teacher will have great diffi- culty having her salary, move up when the value of the dollar moves down. 5. Every civil servant, whether working for city, state or federal government, will be in the same boat as the teachers. 6. Every college endowment, every charity or other enterprise with fixed invested capital stands ready to have its investment evaporate with inflation. These groups are letting one solitary man, Chester Bowles, fight their battle for them. If they were wise, they'd make their own con- gressmen do some fighting too. Dramatist MacA rhur cOL. JACK HARRIS, who was technician for General MacArthur's radio broadcasts during the war, is a genuine admirer of MacArthur's military ability. He does not, however, wax quite so enthusiastic over MacArthur as an actor. Colonel Harris confessed to theatrical friends in New York the other day that in almost every broadcast MacArthur overplayed his part. Re- sult usually was a "ham" performance. For instance, wherever he got to the word "Fili- pino" when facing the microphone, MacAr- thur's voice choked up. He could turn the chokes off and on, according to the setting. However, when it came to the Japanese surren- der, Colonel Harris is full of genuine admiration. It almost seemed that MacArthur had picked his own aides because of their height. They towered above the small Japanese generals who came aboard the U.S.S. Missouri. Also, MacArthur was most informal, put on no folderol, handled himself with easy dignity, giving the impression of white supremacy. "It was the most impressive thing I've ever seen," Colonel Harris told friends. "Every other time MacArthur had overplayed his part. But this time he seemed to realize that the scene was big enough to carry itself." Shipments Delay2d ERNIE PYLE and Heywood Brown were two great reporters who championed the cause of the under-dog. After they died two ships were named for them. But those ships have not been permitted to live up to the tradition of their sponsors. Last month, troop-carrier Ernie Pyle lay in San Francisco harbor absolutely idle for three weeks before sailing out for a new load of re- turning G.I.'s. The lay-over was not made nec- essary by repairs or any other unavoidable fac- tor. The case of the S.S. Heywood Broun was worse. Arriving in Naples in September, Army representatives came aboard to ask how many men the ship could carry home. The steward, who is the chief man to decide because he has to feed them, estimated that he could carry 200 men by using only his present dining-room facili- ties. But by putting field kitchens in the hold and letting men sleep anywhere, he estimated, he could carry between 700 and 800. After receiving this report, however, the army gave the S.S. Heywood Brown exactly 38 soldiers to carry home. NOTE-During the war, troops were necessar- ily crammed and jammed aboard vessels. They were even loaded aboard above live ammunition. In at least two cases, ships carrying live ammuni- tion exploded, with about 2,000 killed. Now, with no ammunition, the War Department suddenly has become solicitous about crowding men, even into empty ships. (Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) P ittter to thecErlor Union Suits or Does It? To the Editor: REFERRING to 'On Second Thought' for Thursday's paper, I might say: There are also a good many of us who were glad that the Detroit election turned outwasit did. It seems to be a case of Union suits or Union doesn't. -C .Iota Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University.Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-j urdays). SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1945 VOL. LVI, No. 9 Notices To the Members of the Faculty- College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: There will be a special meeting of the Faculty of the College of Lit- erature, Science, and the Arts on Monday, Nov. 12, at 4:10 p. m., to, discuss proposed changes in the cur-' riculum. (See Faculty Minutes, pp. 1186-1193.) Hayward Keniston, Dean To Deans, Directors, Department Heads and Other Responsible for Pay-. rolls: Payrolls for the Fall Term are ready for your approval. Please call at Room 9, University Hall not later than Nov. 13. Special Book Sale to Faculty-For one week only, Nov. 3 to Nov. 10, the University of Michigan Press is offer- ing to the Faculty an opportunity to buy, at very low prices, certain books which have been declared excess stock. A list of titles included in this group will be placed in the hands of all department heads and may be consulted in the departmental office, or copies of thetlists may be obtained at the Information Desk in the Uni- versity Business Office. The books themselves may be examined and pur- chased at the University Press Sales Office, 311 Maynard Street, or may be ordered by phone, University Ex- tension 616. The offer will be with- drawn at the expiration of the desig- nated time. All students registered with the Student Employment Bureau, are re- quested to bring their records up to date by adding their Fall Term sched- ules, and also any changes of ad dress. This is important. Student Employment Bureau, Room 2, Univ. Hall. Women Students on campus wish- ing to be put on the waiting list for dormitories for the spring semester of 1946: These students may be placed on the list only if they have previously filed dormitory applications. Due to the limited number of openings ex- pected for the spring semester only those women who are now enrolled and who have previously applied for dormitories will be considered for placement for the spring. Such stu- dents may call at the Office of the Dean of Women on and after Nov. 15, 1945, for a limited period of time to request reinstatement of their appli- cations. A $10.00 deposit should be placed on file. Students are cautioned that only those who have already filed the dormitory application form and who do not have assignments in dormitories may apply for the spring semester. The Office of the Dean of Women assumes that students now at the University will keep their present housing assignments in dormitories and converted fraternities for the spring semester unless this office is otherwise notified no later than one month before the end of the fall semester. Women students wishing to secure living accommodations in league houses for the spring semester of 1946: These students are instructed to communicate first with the Office of the Dean of Women so that they may be referred to vacancies. Those who wish to keep their present assign- ments in League Houses should notify Policy in China It is time Americans spoke a very audible "Whoa" to their gov- ernment on its course in China. It is time the government took the American people into its confidence as to what it isdoing by military intervention in China.It is far past time to stop pretending there is no military intervention. -The Christian Science Monitor the Office of the Dean of Women to this effect as soon as possible (no later than one month before the end of the fall semester, to assure them- selves of the reservation. After this] preliminary step, students will be in- structed how to complete the reserva- tion by direct contact with the Leaguea House mother. No assignments in League Houses will be considered final' until they have been recorded in the Office of the Dean of Women. Stu- dents not now on campus for whom space in the dormitories or converted fraternities is not available will be1 sent upon request a League House ap- plication blank with specific instruc- tions on how to proceed. Only stu- dents tentatively admitted or already enrolled in the University may reserve housing space of any kind. Women students wishing dormitory accommodations for the summer ses- sion or fall semester, 1946: These stu-I dents may apply at the Office of the Dean of Women. Application blanks are available at the Office of the Dean of Women. Completed applica- tions for the summer and fall of 1946 must be returned by mail, and in no case will the receipt of the completed form be listed until Nov. 15. This ap- plies to students now on campus as well as those not now at the Univer- sity. Only students tentatively admit- ted or already enrolled in the Univer- sity may reserve housing space of any kind. Rhodes Scholarships: The Rhodes Scholarship Trust announces the re- sumption of elections of Rhodes Scholars, including a certain number of War Service Scholars, in December, 1946. Prospective candidates from this University may obtain informa- tion about methods of application, eligibility, etc., from Dr. Frank E. Robbins, 1021 Angell Hall. Every Domitory, Auxiliary Dormi- tory, League House, and Sorority House must have elected a house president and selected quiet hours for the individual house by Tuesday, Nov. 13. A 'statement containing the name of the house, the house presi- dent, and the quiet hours of the house must be placed in the Judiciary Coun- cil box in the Undergraduate Office of the League by 5:00 p. m. Tuesday, Nov. 13. 'Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for February: Please call at the office of the School of Education, 1437 University Elementary School, on Monday or Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 12 or 13, between 1:30 and 4:30 p. m. to take the Teacher's Oath. This is a requirement for the teacher's certificate. Student Football Admissions: Stu- dents who have not yet received their football admission tickets must pres- ent their physical education coupons at the Administration Building, Fer- ry Field, before 5:00 p. in., Wednes- day, Nov. 14. No student admission tickets will be available after that H. O. Crisler, Director of Athletics. College of Literature, Science and the Arts Changes in Election: After the first week, changes may be made by freshmen and sophomores only by permission of the Academic Counsel- ors and upon the payment of a fee of $1.00. After the first ,week, juniors and seniors must receive Associate Dean Walter's permission, and must pay a fee of $1.00. Students, College of Literature, Science, And the Arts: Courses may not be elected for credit after the end of the second week of the term. Wed- nesday, Nov. 14, is therefore the last day on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an in- structor to admit a student later will not affect the operation of this rule. Eligibility cards must be secured from Miss Scanlon in Room 2, Uni- versity Hall, before participation in any League activity. These cards must be presented to the chairman of the activity. Sunday Library Service : On all Sundays during the Fall and Spring Terms, except during the holi- day periods, and beginning with Nov. 11, the Main Reading Room and the Periodical Room of the General Library will be kept open 2:00-9:00 p. m. Books from other parts of the build- ing which are needed for Sunday use will be made available in the Main Reading Roomaifrequests are made on Saturday to an assistant in the reading room where the books are usually shelved. Identification Pictures will be taken in Room 7, Angell Hall in the follow- ing order for students who registered Monday, Oct. 29 (the first day of registration). Please bring your reg- istration receipt. The photographic room will be open from 8:00 a. m. to officers must present certificates of eligibility before holding office. Change in Hours in the Graduate Reading Room in the General Library: Beginning with Monday, Nov. 12, the hours in the four grad- uate reading rooms will be 9-12 a.m., 1-5 and 7-10 p.m., Monday through Thursday; 9-12 a. m. and 1-5 p. m. on Friday; and 9-12 a. m. on Satur- day. Choral Union Ushers: Please re- port at Hill Auditorium by 6:15 p.m. for the concert Sunday, Nov. 11, 1945. Academic Notices Junior and Seniors in Aeronauti- cal Engineering: There are available in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering two student assistant- ships for the present term and the Spring Term. Students wishing to make application should address let- ters to Professor E. W. Conlon, B-47 East Engineering Building. Letters should include statement of courses taken in Aeronautical Engineering. Applications will be received up to Friday, Nov. 16. The following seminars have been arranged in the Department of Mathematics: Topology, Steenrod, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 4:30 p. in. 3201 Angell Hall. Applied Mathematics and Special Functions, Churchill, Tuesday, Nov. 13, 3:00 p. in., 317 West Engineering. Valuation Theory, Ambrose, Tues- day, Nov. 13, 4:30 p. m. 3201 Angell Hall. Statistics, Craig, Monday, Nov. 12, 2:00-4:00 p. in., 3010 Angell Hall. History of Mathematics, Jones, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 4:30 p. m. 3010 Angell Hall. To all male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students in residence in this College must elect Physical Educa- tion for Men. Veterans are permanently excused from fulfilling the P.E.M. require- ment, provided they have completed their basic training or have served at least six months in one of the branches of the armed forces. Students may be excused from tak- ing the course by (1) The University Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representative, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by students in this College should be addressed by freshmen and sophomores to Profes- sor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counselors (108 Mason Hall) ; by all other students to Asso- ciate Dean K. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall.) Except under very extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the sec- ond week of the Fall Term. Students, School of Education: No course may be elected for credit after Thursday, Nov. 15. Students must report all changes of elections at the Registrar's Office, Room 4 University Hall. Membership in a class does not cease nor begin until all changes are thus officially registered. Ar- rangements made with the instructor are not official changes. All women students interested in taking a Nurse's Aid course, the of- ficial Red Cross course with two hours of academic credit, please call Mrs. Pattendat 21597, or Red Cross25546. Exhibitions Rackham Building Galleries: Ex- hibit of Architecture in the U.S.S.R., Events Today Luncheon-Discussion: Any interest- ed students are invited to attend a cost luncheon and discussion in Lane Hall at 12:15 this noon. The discus- sion will be based on "A Thesis on the Jehovah Witnesses." Tryouts for the Soph Cabaret floor show will be heldtoday, 10-12 in the Michigan League. All sopho- more women interested in choral work and specialty acts, exclusive of danc- ing, are urged to attend. Coming Events La Sociedad Hispanica will meet on Thursday, Nov. 15, at 8:00 p. m. in Room 316 of the Michigan Union. Two movies, "Michigan on the March" and the "Minnesota-Michi- gan Game," will be shown. A spe- cial invitation is extended to all Latin-American students. The Congregational-Disciples Guild will meet at 4:30 p. m. on Sunday, Nov. 11, at the First Congregational Church. Following a cost supper, Roy Long from India will speak on "Our World Ambassadors." The clos- ing worship service will be led by Marjorie Hetler. BARNABY Ah! The stag at bay! Just as I had oN OHNSO pictured it! Our dog rigidly pointed for the kill!. . . Draw a bead, Howard! It looks like an iron deer. A deer? '1 0 ~ 7 --, - - c O ~ s AFTJaVE 8e8 8 Where? Y Copyright, 7945, The Newspaper FM, ia<. By Crockett Johnson The modern dog! His senses dulled by soft living!.... Luckily, his quarry seems too contemptuous of him to be scared off-Howard! Why don't you shoot? ... Goffum arrow Backwards- V/ I rt (a _ IIr