FOUR THE MICHIGA N DAILY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1945 Fifty-Sixth Year I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Ickes Right Man for Germany WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Atom Scientist May Run for Congress w, D' w. :1 A-- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff 'TT T7! Ray Dixon . . . . . . . . Managing Editor Robert Goldman ... . . . . . . d City Editor Betty Roth............Editorial Director Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Arthur J. Kraft . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Bill Mullendore. . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Mary Lu Heath . . . . . Associate Sports Editor Ann Schutz . . . . . . . . . . Women's Editor Dona Guimares. . . . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Dorothy Flint . . . . . . . Business Manager Joy Altman . . . . . . . Associate Business Mgr. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. .nSubscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4.50, by mail, $5.25. REPRE98NTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANOKLES" SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1945-46 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY BRUSH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. OPA Decision THE OPA's decision in the matter of the status of league houses is a fortunate one from the standpoint of the nation's economy and is to be commended in that it provides machinery for granting price increases for individual league houses where previous base rates have imposed financial hardships. The University has been faced with a serious housing shortage. Every effort has been made to provide necessary housing. To accommodate the large number of women who have enrolled, the University provided additional league houses, but the OPA base rates proved a handi- cap of no small proportions. The University felt compelled to seek some way out of their dilemma. The case, just decided, was the re- sult. The administration had contended that league houses are regulated by the University and should therefore be exempt from OPA regula- tions. OPA attorney Hicks Griffiths in his state- ment yesterday informed The Daily that league houses are subject to OPA rulings, but that league house operators may appeal to the Detroit board. Had blanket increases been granted on this campus it would have paved the way nationally for blanket increases in other state universities. The issue is reminiscent of a major wage case in- volving railroads which arose in 1943. The Rail- way Labor Board argued that wages must be in- vestigated as to gross inequities, because to con- sider the possibility of sub-standard wages in such a nation-wide industry would have set a precedent for general increases. The problem here is somewhat similar. It is now not only the right but the duty of the individual league house operator to apply to OPA for reconsideration of her base rate. It is to be hoped that the OPA will see fit to correct any injustice. -Betty Roth - News Value A UNITED Nations conference is being held in London to promote the mutual understanding of the life and culture of all the peoples of the world-and the press has carried no news of this meeting. When monetary and political issues have been the subjects of other U.N.O. conferences, the people in the United States have been deeply interested and newspapers have pub- licized the meetings to the fullest extent. News of this convention on educational and cultural cooperation, comparable to the Dumbar- ton Oaks conference, has been carried in only a few of the nation'snewspapers. Such apathy toward the very basis of inter- national cooperation is inexcusable. By SAMUEL GRAFTON A NOMINATION: It seems to me a quite ob- vious suggestion that Mr. Harold L. Ickes ought to be named our High Commissioner for Germany, and placed in charge of occupation. If anyone can make the dismal enterprise of occu- pation succeed, Mr. Ickes is the man; and we ought to get him off to Frankfort by plane at seven o'clock tomorrow morning. The Army wants out; it has had enough of a job which is quite outside its training and tradi- tion, and which is inexorably turning distin- guished generals into undistinguished political figures. Some American flannel-mouths, who have been trying to make political heroes of our generals, and who apparently want the Army to run everything, "will be bitterly disappointed at the good sense shown by our military establish- ment, in deciding to return to its old role as the servant, and not the maker, of policy. One thinks of Ickes at once; for a mere plodder won't do, and neither will a startled fawn type; we need a crusted, goatish sort of democrat in Germany, a man who can be just as ornery on the right side, as so many others are on the wrong. Ickes has a kind of transcen- dant rightness for the job. To begin with his technical qualifications, he has been Secretary of the Interior since many of us were boys, and his duties in that job match closely the duties which will face the next chief of occupation in our zones of Germany. His war- time preoccupation has been fuel, which is pre- cisely Europe's chief physical problem. It should not be forgotten that the two big eastern pipe- lines, the famous Inches, were Ickes' conception; and these constitute almost the only war-time emergency measure which not only solved a seri- ous national crisis, but also made a net profit in dollars while doing so. Mr. Ickes has also been in charge of the Japan- ese-Americans who were excluded from the West Coast during the war, the nearest thing we've had to displaced persons in America; and here too he has set a record for creative administra- tion, salvaging many constitutional rights for the members of an almost hopelessly oppressed mi- nority group. Mr. Ickes is a democrat in the simple, di- rect almost animal fashion in which a beaver is a beaver; no fancy processes go on in his mind about it; he doesn't blush for it, nor, contrariwise does he give the impression that he is riding no-handed, and doing something Hush-Hush PRESIDENT TRUMAN, the anti-Russian and isolationist press and a mass of citizenry en- tering its second childhood all have had a tre- mendous joke played upon them. "Hush hush," they cry, "let us keep our marvelous secret. Let us not tell the Russians or the Tahitians how we make our atomic bombs." And under their very noses a group of former (?) Nazi scientists work with the U. S. brains in atomic study. According to a United Press dispatch of a few weeks ago, some of Germany's best schol- ars were spirited out of the Reich's research centers last spring and brought here "on a. voluntary basis." On Oct. 1 the War Depart- ment announced that German scientists and technicians were being brought here "to en- sure that we take full advantage of those sig- nificant developments which are deemed vital to our national security," the dispatch also re- lates. We might laugh at the tremendous "joke" if it were not for the fact that the "joke" might blow up not only before the eyes of he who is fooled, but in the face of the prankster too. Perhaps we are being hasty in our indignation at this news. After all, we do not know upon how many Bibles these scientists have sworn away any allegiance to the Nazi party. But we know we are not being hasty in recognizing an anomaly in this scientific hand-clasping. The War Department says we must know the latest on atomic development. Is the Department or President Truman or anyone else so naive as to think that other countries aren't working on the same thing and haven't been for some time? If they are so naive, then they evidently have been neglecting their daily newspaper. And if they aren't so naive then why are they against an in- ternational pooling of scientific experiment. After all, some day, somewhere, somebody might find out something we don't know. Then, where would our "national security" be? President Truman says we should keep our se- cret and protect the world. In our hands it is safe-in someone' else's not so safe. We're begin- ning to act like a couple of children playing in the back-yard - - - two groups of kids, one knowing the facts of life, the other, not knowiing, feeling self-conscious in its ignorance, but just itching to get home and ask mom. That's what world diplomacy is now, and that's why we have a fiasco for a foreign min- isters meeting. Perhaps those who can't under stand Molotov's stubborness should try fath- oming his humor. It is reported that here- marked at the meeting in London that "Byrnes doesn't have to concede 'anything. He's got an atomic bomb in his pocket." -Anita Franz extraordinary. He was against fascism before Pearl Harbor; he made a diplomatic scandal in 1938 by assailing the German program of that year; he bleakly refused to sell Hitler any of our helium for his Zeppelins; he has been a scourge of fascism. We may be sure that if Ickes is placed in charge of our zone in Germany, no party, of whatever stripe, will have a monopoly of press or radio or free speech; while there will be such a flinging of fascists out of doors and windows as will make a legend in the annals of Europe, like medieval accounts of the rains of frogs and fishes. (Copyright, 1945, N. Y. Post Syndicate) NAZI P. 0. W.'s : Re-Education HOPE-almost proof--that a formerly dicta- torial country can be democratized has been the result of a training program for German prisoners of ware here in the United States. The program is designed to prepare picked Germans for civil administration and police duty in the American zone of occupation in Ger- many. The men are being re-educated along democratic lines to the extent that they feel "rather silly about the 'superman' myth," ac- cording to Dr. Henry W. Ehrmann, head of the German history department at Fort Getty, R. I., Administrative School. Each subject taught during the two-month study course is approached from the prisoner's viewpoint. German history debunks Prussianism and deals with democratic trends. Dr. Ehrmann points out to the prisoners that the "evistence of liberal trends in Germany is shown in the self-government of German cities and the Weimar Republic." The American history course is built upon the idea that the United States has developed through constructive conflicts; history is not a succession of social, military or political events. English is taught as a "foreign," spoken lan- guage. The prisoners are also given an under- standing of military government and of their functions as German civil servants. The group is picked by the office of the Pro- vost Marshal General from prisoner of war camps throughout the United States. Anti- Nazis are carefully chosen and given the courses described above. At the end of the first two weeks of instruction any student may leave the program. So far, no resignations have been re- corded. The rebirth of a country might well be pat- terned on this re-education program, which con- centrates first on strengthening the liberally-in- clined elements. A cheerful postscript is the fact that Will- kie's "One World" is the most popular English book among German prisoners at Fort Getty. -Patricia Cameron Bleak Picture INDICATIONS of what lies ahead in a world to be governed by an alliance of "Big" powers, whose preferential position reduces much of the international machinery set up at San Fran- cisco to puppetry, are far from encouraging. The proposition that the victors in a world war are thereby authorized to rule the world is a shaky one even when the victor nations have made their good intentions well known. Con- flicts and mistakes are inevitable. Responsibility for these is clearly on the hands of the rulers who soon lose the confidence of their former allies. The chaos which follows this loss of confidence seriously impairs the success of even the best in- tentioned efforts to establish peace and order. The solution lies in democracy, and in world order based on that precept. In action, this means using our power to guarantee free elec- tions all over the world, in Asia as well as in Eu- rope. The power ,of Russia, Britain, and the United States must be used not to maintain in office those who we have judged to be the logical leaders. It must be used rather to ensure that this choice be made in free elections by the peo- ple affected. Then, having helped the men of the various nations to choose their representatives, it becomes us to take part in world organization as leaders rather than rulers. Our military force can only have consistent democratic meaning when used internationally on the authority of all nations. The present spectacle of the victors in the war for democracy-the Big Three, Four, Five, etc.-fighting skirmishes for such widely undemocratic causes as European imperialism in Asia and the suppression of anti-fascists in southern Europe provides warning of the kind of bungling we may expect if we are to maintain our peace by power. -Milt Freudenheim ugged T HE tax bill shaping up in a conference com- mittee will bring more relief to corporations than to private citizens. Evidently many con- gressmen feel that our rugged individuals can stand up to adversity better than our rugged individualists. -Howard Brubaker, New Yorker, Nov. 3, 1945 By DREW PEARSONf WASHINGTON-Friends of atom-1 ic-bomb inventor J. Robert Op-f penheimer are trying to persuade him to run for Congress from California. Oppenheimer made a big impres- sion on the Senate Kilgore commit- tee when he dramatically urged the only defense against atom bombs was world peace, and that atomic energy should become the means of raising living standards the world over. Fellow scientists say there is need in Congress for an experienced scien- tist, now that we are entering into the atomic age. All the experts agree no one knows atomic power better than Oppenheimer. Friends also point out that 30 learned men were elected to the French Chamber of Deputies in the recent election; that 70 scientists are being voted members of the Su- preme Soviet; that A. N. Back, one of the world's greatest biochemists, is vice president of the Supreme Soviet; and that Juan Negrin, for- mer premier of Spain, was a pro- fessor of physiology. G. I.'s Keep Out AMERICAN soldiers taking a few days off to see the sights of Japan recently, drove toward Mount Fuji, one of the most historic and beautiful spots in Japan. But when they en- tered the area around the base of the mountain, they found it "off limits" for all U. S. Army personnel. Meanwhile, in nearby Miyano- shita is one of the most beautiful hotels in Japan. There live the for- mer German ambassador, mem- bers of his staff, the cabinet of the puppet Filipino government which collaborated with Japan, and a col- lection of other axis diplomats. They are interned-but in one of the most luxurious and beautiful resort spots of Japan. However, American G.I.'s who fought from New Guinea to Oki- nawa may not enter this beautiful resort area. $1-a-Year Men "ONE of the finest and most re- spected men we had in Wash- ington throughout the war period," Durham argued, "is Dr. Frank Gra- ham, president of the University of North Carolina. Dr. Graham would not have come here for a full-time job on the War Labor Board or any- where else, and we would have lost his extremely valuable services." When Sparkman pointed out that the University had called Graham back to North Carolina, Durham stuck to his guns. "For the length of time he was able to serve here, the government bene- fitted," he replied. "If it had not been for the part-time arrangement, we would not have had him here at all." Davis of Tennessee insisted during the secret debate that better men would be available on the $1-a-year basis. "You set this up as a full-time commission with a $15,000 salary and CURRENT MOVIES BARRIE WATERS At The State .. . Boris Karloff and Ellen Drew in "Isle of the Dead"; an RKO pro- duction. "ISLE OF THE DEAD" is something of a "sleeper," a thriller that is genuinely thrilling. All about a group of people fighting the plague on a small island, the first half of the film is devoted to "atmosphere," dominated by some fine photography and Boris Karloff's fascinating voice. But the last half of the film is pure shock, featuring a nerve-shattering scene in which the islanders bury a fellow inmate alive. Unless you're absolutely immune to this sort of thing, the taut, terrifying last half of "Isle of the Dead" should leave you limp. At The Michigan .. . Publication in the Daily Official Bul- letin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Notices for thev Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Assistant to the President, 1021 Angell Hal, by 3:30 p. m of the dayr preceding publication (11:00 a. m. Sat-t urdays). FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1945 t VOL. LVI, No. 8l Noticesf Special Book Sale to Faculty--Forr one week only, Nov. 3 to Nov. 10, thec University of Michigan Press is offer-r ing to the Faculty an opportunity toc buy, at very low prices, certain bookse which have been declared excessr stock. A list of titles included in this group will be placed in the hands of all department heads and may ber consulted in the departmental office,f or copies of the lists may be obtained at the InformationsDesk in the Uni- versity Business Office. The booksY themselves may be examined and pur- chased at the University Press Sales Office, 311 Maynard Street, or mayt be ordered by phone, University Ex- tension 616. The offer will be with- drawn at the expiration of. the desig- nated time.1 To Deans, Directors, Department Heads and Other Responsible for Pay- rolls: Payrolls for the Fall Term are ready for your approval. Please callt at Room 9, University Hall not latert than Nov. 13. Sunday Library Service:l On all Sundays during the Fall ands Spring Terms, except during the holi- day periods, and beginning with Nov. 11, the Main Reading Room and thet Periodical Room of the Generalf Library will be kept open 2:00-9:00E p. M. Books from other parts of the build-t ing which are needed for Sunday useE will be made available in the Maint Reading Room if requests are madet on Saturday to an assistant in the reading room where the books are usually shelved. Change in Hours -in the Graduatel Reading Room in the General Library: Beginning with Monday,1 Nov. 12, the hours in the four grad-t uate reading rooms will be 9-12 a.m., 1-5 and 7-10 p.m., Monday through Thursday; 9-12 a. m. and 1-5 p. m. on Friday; and 9-12 a. m. on Satur- day. To all male students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: By action of the Board of Regents, all male students in residence in this College must elect Physical Educa- tion for Men., Veterans are permanently excused from ' fulfilling the P.E.M. require- ment, provided they have completed' their basic training or have served at least six months in one of the branches of the armed forces. Students may be excused from tak- ing the course by (1) The University Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representative, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by students in this College should be addressed by freshmen and sophomores to Profes- sor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counselors (108 Mason Hall); by all other students to Asso- ciate Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall.) Except under very extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the sec- ond week of the Fall Term. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Courses may not be elected for credit after the end of the second week of the term. Wed- nesday, Nov. 14, is therefore the last day on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an in- structor to admit a student later will not affect the operation of this rule. All students registered with the Student Employment Bureau, are re- quested to bring their 'records up to date by adding their Fall Term sched- ules, and also any changes of ad- dress. This is important. Student Employment Bureau, Room 2, Univ. Hall. L. S & A. .uniors now eligihle for Eligibility cards must be secured from Miss Scanlon in Room 2, Uni- versity Hall, before participation in any League activity. These cards must be presented to the chairman of the activity. Every Dormitory, Auxiliary Dormi- tory, League House, and Sorority House must have elected a house president and selected quiet hours for the individual house by Tuesday, Nov. 13. A statement containing the name of the house, the house presi- dent, and the quiet hours of the house must be placed in the Judiciary Coun- cil box in the Undergraduate Office of the League by 5:00 p. m. Tuesday, Nov. 13. Every undergraduate house must be represented at all House Presidents' Meetings. Assembly House Presi- dents' meetings are held every Tues- day at 5:00 p. m. in the League. Pan- hellenic House Presidents meetings are held every Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. also in the League. Attendance at these meetings is required by the Judiciary Committee. Choral Union Ushers: Please re- port at Hill Auditorium by 6:15 p.m. for the concert Sunday, Nov. 11, 1945. Choral Union Members. Members in good standing will please call for their courtesy passes for admission to the Cleveland Orchestra concert, Fri- day, Nov. 9, between the hours of 9:30 to 11:30 and 1:00 to 4:00. After 4:00 p. m. no courtesy passes will be is- sued. Student Football Admissions: Stu- dents who have not yet received their football admission tickets must pres- ent their physical education coupons at theAdministration Building, Fer- ry Field, before 5 :00 p. in., Wednes- day, Nov. 14. No student admission tickets will be available after that tine. H. O. Crisler, Director of Athletics. University Lecture: The lecture by Dr. Maximo M. Kalaw, scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 15, has been cancelled. Dr. Kalaw has been ordered by his Government to proceed to London to attend the Education Conference of the United Nations. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet today at 4:00 p. mn. in Room 319 West Medical Building. "Epinephrine -Historical and Chemical Aspects" will be discussed. All interested are invited. The following seminars have been arranged in the Department of Mathematics: Topology, Steenrod, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 4:30 p. m. 3201 Angell Hall. Theory of Games and Economic Be- havior, Kaplan, today at 4:30 p. m., 3201 Angell Hall, Applied Mathematics and Special Functions, Churchill, Tuesday, Nov. 13, 3:00 p. in., 317 West Engineering, . Valuation Theory, Ambrose, Tues- day, Nov. 13, 4:30 p. m. 3201 Angell Hall. Statistics, Craig, Monday, Nov. 12, 2:00-4:00 p. m., 3010 Angell Hall. History of Mathematics, Jones, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 4:30 p. m. 3010 Angell Hall. Graduate Students: Preliminary examinations in French and German for the doctorate will be held today, 4-6 p. in., in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Dictionaries may be used. Required Field Trip in Geology 12, Saturday morning, Nov. 10, leaves Natural Science Building promptly at 8:00 a. in., returning at 1:00 p. m. Fee to be paid at Geology Office, 2051 N.S. Bldg. Junior and Seniors in Aeronauti- cal Engineering: There are available in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering two student assistant- ships for the present term and the Spring Term. Students wishing to make application should address let- ters to Professor E. W. Conlon, B-47 East Engineering Building. Letters should include statement of courses DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN every lame-duck in Washington will be coming around trying to get an appointment. This commission is too important for political appointees," he said. But Alabama's Sparkman stood pat. "What you will get," he warned, "is a commission of members who fly in from New York or Chicago once or twice a month to sign a pile of papers the administrator has drawn up for them. You're really handing atomic authority back to an Army adminisrator if you defeat this amendment." Sparkman also spoke at length of the importance of having commis- sioners with no loyalties to private companies-men dependent on no one and determined to guard the interest of the American people. Leader of GOP opposition was Charles Elston of Ohio, who objected most strenuously to letting Truman get a chance at filling another group of high-paid jobs. (Copyright, 1945, Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Lee and Lyn Wilde in "TwiceG Blessed"; an MGM production. "TWICE BLESSED" is one of those trifles the Michigan is occasion- ally given to. It's another case of mistaken identity, involving two gen- erously endowed blonde twins. High- point of the humor occurs when one of the young ladies is hit in the head with a catsup bottle, so judge for yourself. BARNABY By Crockett Johnson r m Ml 'm - -, r